Brent Meets Don

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 20, 2021


It's over a year since the time Brent was Don's captive. He's sitting at his desk, recalling it because...he just got a call from Don. And everything that happened after that first time he was fucked, came flowing back. "HEY BIG STUD!" Don called to brent, as he was lying on the bed. "Time to shake it. Gotta pick something sweet for you to wear tonight. " He sat down on the bed, and played with brent's hair. "What's a matter, big guy? Upset at me?" brent tried to curl up and Don wasn't having that. "Now, now... You want an extra tickling session, stud? Cause I gotta tell you: tickling a handsome dude, especially a dad bod type, always gets me superhard, superfast. "

"Ok, ok. I'm getting up. Just gimme a chance." Don was smiling. "Ya know something daddy brent? That might have been the SWEETEST ass fuck I have had in a long time." He laughed. "If I trusted ya enough, I bet you'd give an AWESOME blow job, but since I don't... let that just be a sample of what's to come. Now, let's see what a daddy man wears to a gay bar.. I know, I know.. you don't wanna, but... life sucks for you right now. We're going to shits and giggles" "Shilly Shally's" brent corrected him "Ok, Shilly Shally's. My name is better though. Now, let's see. OOOHHH. THIS looks like a REAL dad body shirt." Don pulled out a polo. Gray and blue striped. "NO. Not that one. Louise shoulda thrown it out. It's too tight." "Ho ho. You shouldn't have told me THAT brent. Now you're gonna HAVE to try it on, and if it IS tight, you're gonna be wearing it. "C'MON ! You already fucked me, what else are you gonna do?" Don smiled. "Well, I'm gonna fuck ya at least a few more times, and I'm gonna fuck with ya constantly. Now..." He began walking closer toward brent, shirt in hand. "you want me to tickle the shit outta you until you agree to try it on?" brent sighed. "Ok, ok. Give it to me." Don smiled as brent pulled on the shirt. It WAS tight. "OH MY! Look at that daddy belly. LOOK at those daddy arms. DAYUM. There's no doubt. That's your shirt.." Don began rubbing his chin. "On the one hand, I'd LOVE to make ya go out commando, but... NAH, not the right tone. Let's get ya something like a jock and.... OH, Daddy pants: pleated blue chinos. PERFECT. Make sure you tuck in the shirt, stud." brent felt like a sausage after he got the outfit on, but he saw the bright smile on Don's face. "DAMN. I wanna just cancel the bar, and tie you up right now. Ropes above those titties, ropes below them so they stick out. Get a paddle and work on that belly, and then... MMMMM. My sweet boy gets his second sausage up his ass. " "Can we just get this over with?" "Ha ha. Oh yeah. I can't WAIT to have my arms around you in public. " "SHIT," brent thought. "Was there a possibility of anyone he or Louise knew being there? He had no idea. Don still had brent's car keys, and he drove. "Ya having a good time, brent baby?" "NO. I want you to leave." "And I will. REAL soon. But I'll give you plenty to remember. Trust me stud. And you should feel complimented. LOTSA dad bods in this neck of the woods, but you're the cutest and the hottest." brent sighed. "I don't quite know what to say." "No need to say nada , stud. Just know... " He patted brent on the thight. "I picked ya. I wasn't leaving this neck of the woods without having some fun with ya. OH, there it is right up ahead. GEEZ. You're gonna be the butchest guy in the place. C'mon, let's get out of the car and go have an adult beverage." brent was clearly uncomfortable in this environment. He saw the rest of the guys who were there (it wasn't that crowded yet), checking him out, one of them pursed his lips at him. Don saw it and chuckled. "HEY. Why you coming on to my cousin, bud?" The guy laughed. "Your cousin?" "Pardon the pun, but Damn straight. My good sport cousin here.. his gay cousin was visiting, and he agreed to put up with going to a gay bar with him." The guy looked them over. "I see. " He looked directly at brent. "You look familiar. Did I meet you at... YEAH. My cousin Charlie's place. I'm Bill. Remember?" brent breathed a sigh of relief. Charlie! That's right. Sergeant Charlie Miller. Louise and Charlie's wife were good friends. Maybe.. maybe. "I remember..." said brent. "Great party." "Yeah, Charlie talks about you and Louise all the times. Talks about how he means to get together with you." brent felt Don's hand on his shoulder. "Looks like you didn't have to worry, brent. Folks here you know. HEY - I gotta whiz. Lemme get to the bathroom. I'll come back and join you in a bit." brent smiled. "Ok, I'll be right here." "I bet ya will, stud.. " Don dangled the car key and brent blushed. After he walked off, Bill looked at brent. "Hey, I may be wrong but... you look awfully nervous brent. You ok? These places ain't so bad and... it looks like Don is keeping enough of the guys away from you. " He smiled. "By the way, he available? He's cute." brent laughed. "I think he is but... you should really check with him. I don't know how long he's staying or what he has planned tell ya the truth. " He paused. "Hey can you maybe ask Charlie if he can drop by tomorrow? Gotta give him some fishing gear he asked about." The bathroom was behind where brent and Bill were talking, so brent didn't see Don coming up to them. Nor could he know that he had heard the part about asking Charlie to come by. "Hey Don... Bill wants to know if he can see you while you're in town." Don smiled. "Well, that's really sweet of you Bill and I'm flattered. Truth is... I'm here to see someone I'm kinda smitten with, and...I wanna see how far I can take it." "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that. brent didn't tell me..." "Yeah, I don't think brent knew, did you cuz?" "Not really. " "Ha ha. But thanks." He picked up his beer and finished it off. "So, I think cuz, you've fulfilled family duty, so... let me take ya out of this den of iniquity. Maybe we'll catch some dinner?" Don laughed. "Unless you'd care to stay. I'll come by later." "Yeah Brent. I know Louise is away. Hang out with the boys a bit." brent smiled. "I appreciate it but... I know Don wants to spend more time with me so... say hello to Charlie for me. " "I will. I'll tell him to stop by." "OH SHIT" brent thought. He took a quick look at Don's face and didn't see any change. He heard it though. That was for sure.

"So... you got a friend who's a police officer, brentman, huh? " "It's... it's not a close friendship." "You know, I have ALWAYS wanted to have sex with a cop. On top of course. Get his gun belt, strip him down, lick his ass till he screamed... AH. What a nice thought. Sorta like doing you without the gun belt." At a red light he patted brent's crotch. "You horny brent boy? You gotta shoot?" "I have for at least a day. " "Well, let's see what we can do about that when we get home. Remember what I told you about tying you up so your tits pointed out." brent gulped. "How could I forget?" "And the night's still early." Twenty minutes later, brent was back in the chair, ropes around the top and bottom of his pecs like Don described. "How's about you suck in that gut studmuffin? So we can determine how long I'm gonna work those tits. OH, let's go back to calling me Sir too, got it, stud?" Another sigh from brent. "yes sir. " He sucked in his gut as Don stepped behind him and started twisting his nipples. "So... you arranged for Charlie to come over tomorrow, didn't ya?" He squeezed brent's nips tight. "SHIT! yes sir. I did." "Not a good life choice handsome. But that's ok. I can prepare for this. And YOU sir.... YOU are going to have to pay for trying to get away behind my back. " He pulled brent out of the chair. "Let's go have some bedroom fun... I bet your ass is ready for some good old school fucking. And that belly. DAMN. I've been wanting to tickle it for hours." He had brent naked and tied down like he did the first time, his balls tied securely to the bed. "Now, brentstud... we gotta come to an agreement you and I. When I'm here, I make the rules. And I determine who visits.... " He began running his fingers up and down brent's sides. Squirming pulled on brent's balls and he was laughing and feeling the pain at the same time.

"I... I understand Sir... " brent was laughing as he tried to explain. "I. I'll call Charlie. I'll tell him not to come tomorrow. " "Nope. No need. Who knows? Maybe I'll bring him in, and have the two of you at the same time. Now THAT's hot, brent baby. You ain't gonna bite Charlie's cock off, so maybe.. I can make him fuck your face, while I fuck your ass. " "NO. NO. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "Well, then, my sexy daddy, you're just gonna have to get ready to take one for the team: the team of str8 boy daddies with sexy bellies." Don reached down and kissed brent on his lips. "Sexy nipples. Sexy giggles. But mostly..." He grabbed brent's ankles and lifted them up in the air. " sexy asses." He held brent's legs up with one hand while he dropped his pants, and then.... "OH DAMN. Fresh straight ass feels so good!" brent felt Don's cock going up inside of him for the second time. It wasn't easier. When the hell was this going to end?" Not that night: Don seemed especially horny, and he muttered about a threesome with Charlie, as he pounded brent's ass. "OH FUCK YOU STRAIGHT BOYS. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MEAN YOU ARE BY NOT GIVING UP THESE SWEET CHEEKS." brent winced as Don pushed hard, one time, and he felt the cum gushing into his ass again. " "Now understand something stud.. if things go well tomorrow, and no one gets in trouble, you MAY very well get a chance to dump your load. But you gotta make sure you behave."

"mmmmmmmmmmmmph." brent was moaning softly. He was back in work out pants, and no shirt, with a pair of clothes pins on his nipples. He was locked away in a side room. He could hear Don speaking to Charlie. "Well hello officer. It's nice to meet you. Billy talked about you last night. Yeah, I know brent asked if you'd stop by, but... well, he said he had to go and help a bud this morning so.. I don't know when he'll be back. "Hmmm. Odd for brent. You know who the guy was? " Don laughed. "You know, Charlie, traveling always makes me forgetful, and I KNOW he told me, but I can't for the life of me remember. I am so sorry. I can buzz him if you want. OR... HEY, I know... Lemme give you my phone. You can call brent. " Charlie shook his head. "Nah, can't be that important. So just do me a favor Don.. tell him I came by. We wont' sit to dinner until about 5, so if he calls me, maybe we can figure out when to meet." I will do that Sir. And thank you so much for coming by." Don stood by the door until he saw Charlie's car disappear. Then he walked, slowly, back to the room where he had brent tied up. He opened the door, smiled, and toggled the clothes pins on brent's nipples. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!" "Such a nice man. Such a loyal friend you have. " He began twisting the clothes pins. "So, studmuffin. Tell ya what... I'll take these off, and... then I'll get ya off, but... You gotta agree to some foot tickling. You up for that? " Then Don laughed. "Who am I kidding? You don't have any choice about this. I'm gonna tie you down to the bed, jerk ya off nice and slowly and then.. your wife's brush is coming back out again." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." brent NEEDED to shoot. Desperately. Until this guy disappeared, he was at his mercy. He'd go peacefully and just hope... he didn't want butt sex again.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH.. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OH FUCK. OH GOD YES..." Whatever else he hated about this week, brent LOVED the way Don was jerking him off. He didn't think anyone other than Louise had ever done that, and Don was MUCH better than his wife, he had to say. brent was beginning to like the way the little stubble on the tip of Don's chin, and his moustache teased brent's ear, as he whispered about his beautiful tits, his soft sweet belly... and even his great, fuckable ass. "You want me to tickle your feet studmuffin? That sound good?" When Don squeezed brent's cock, it really DID sound good. "OH SHIT YESSIR. YES." "Cause you know, you asking me to work on your feet, is gonna be required if you're gonna shoot while I'm visiting." "Yes sir. I understand..." Don was stroking brent's cock gently, softly. "And I'm trying to decide: to fuck ya or not to fuck ya. You still sore from yesterday? " "Yes sir." "HA HA. WELL THAT DON'T MEAN A DAMN BIT OF DIFFERENCE TO ME. Know what DOES, studmuffin? " He stopped stroking brent for a minute. "You don't get many choices around me, but you got one now. You can give me a truly superb blow job, or I can fuck you again." Something about having Don's cock in his mouth just didn't sit well with brent. And he knew Don was sly enough to say it wasn't sufficient and... who knows what?" "Tickle my feet Sir. Please. Then fuck my ass. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH " brent didn't realize he was so close and then... he was shooting madly all over the place. "WHOA I'd call that an Old Faithful shot, stud... And you know what? Assholes tighten after the guy cums so... THIS is gonna feel good. And you know what else? Cause nerve endings are stimulated, tickling feels stronger. But this time... Roll over. I'm gonna fuck ya from behind. Doggie style." brent felt Don's weight on his legs as he straddled brent's body and shoved his cock in his ass again. "Seems to be getting used to it, stud. You're gonna miss me." The thrusts were even rhythmic. Don pressed a hand down on the back of brent's neck and .. it actually felt good. The flood of jizz was less than the last one, but Don kept his cock in brent's ass for a few minutes while he reached behind and began tickling his feet. brent laughed hysterically and helplessly, but he couldn't move. Don's weight kept him immobile. "PLEASE SIR. I'M GONNA WET THE BED." "Oh, we can't have that stud boy brent. I'll give ya a break. But you're gonna have to cuddle with me. MMMMM" Don kissed brent's face all over. He looked into his eyes, and playfully licked brent's nose. "You may be the sexiest daddy I've had. Gonna be hard to give you up."

Don stayed for another four days. On the last day, he tied brent up very lightly. "You'll get yourself loose before your wife comes home handsome, and after I'm gone. I tell ya. You'll never forget me. THAT I can promise." Don bent down and kissed brent on his forehead. "Be a good daddy. MMMM. Wish I could take ya with me."

Then he was gone. brent worked his way out of the ropes in about an hour. He called Charlie, but made no mention of what had happened. He was too, well, confused. He DID say his cousin had left. He was gonna be cleaning up the house before Louise came home. She was due the next morning. While he was cleaning, shirtless, brent couldn't help but flick his nipples every now and then. "She'll never miss two clothespins," he thought, as he stashed two of them in his drawer, and put two in his briefcase for when he was back at work.

And that was all about 16 months ago. It all came back because, when he picked up the phone, and answered "this is brent," he heard that southern twang. "Well, well, handsome. Your favorite cousin is in town. " Even while he was thinking "SHIT," brent felt his cock stir. "What do you want? I thought you were gone." "Well, I WAS, but.... things took me back east stud, and I couldn't not visit with my favorite Long Island Daddy. You know that hotel across from your office? I booked a room there. I thought you might, well.. call Louise and tell her you got stuck working late and... we could spend some time together." "I don't think so Don." Don began to laugh. "BRENT!!!! Remember what I told you about you having few choices with me? Well, this is one such occasion. Yeah, we don't have to meet here, but... I DO remember where you live and... it might be time for your wife to meet your country cousin." Then there was silence. brent should have pulled his hand away from his cock, but he didn't. "Ok. I understand." "6:30? The hotel? " "yes sir." "GOOD BOY! Ya didn't forget everything. Now, lemme just go to a notions store and buy some clothespins." "I have two, Sir." "YOU DO? Oh, well, you're gonna have to tell me when and how you use them, but stud... I'm gonna need a LOT more for tonight. See you later." "yes sir."

Next: Chapter 4

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