Brent Meets Don

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 24, 2021


Brent felt a "pit in his stomach as the train pulled into the station: last stop, and pretty close to his office and to Don's hotel. He had told his wife he had to get some stuff done today, Saturday, but that the project was ending.

He thought that was accurate. Don said that he had to "get a move on" on Sunday, which brent thought meant Saturday was the last day he'd be in town. On the one hand, he was breathing a sigh of relief. On the other hand, for reasons he couldn't explain, he was already feeling something akin to missing the guy.

He had worn an aqua colored polo shirt and tan khakis because Don had told him that he wanted "His Daddy boy to look as much like a hot daddy as possible." Don had already "punished" him once for not wearing blue, and this shirt was the closest one he had to a blue casual shirt. Putting on a dress shirt on the weekend would have made Louise suspicious, so he hoped....

Brent planned to text Don and let him know he was on the way, but as he looked up, he saw Don standing against the staircase, smiling. He had a thumb hooked into the waist of his jeans and... yes, there it was. brent hadn't looked for his leather jacket since the night Don tied him up the first time. Don was wearing it.

"WELL SURPRISE GOOD LOOKIN. Ya glad to see me?" brent was surprised to realize: he was. "You're wearing my jacket." Don laughed. "Yeah, I am. You know, you didn't even notice it was gone for... GEEZ, almost two years. " Don lifted a sleeve to his nose. "Still has a bit of your smell on it. I'd wear it when I missed ya brent, but it's time to go home, so... how about we get moving. I got a FULL day planned for us." brent chucked. "I bet you do."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx They were in the hotel room in about twenty minutes. Don pointed to the chair with his chin. "You know the position stud. Let's get started. By the way.. Awesome shirt, dude. Another one that brings out your eyes." brent tried to ignore the 'ping' that he felt in his balls when Don said that, and the second 'ping' when he felt Don's warm hands securely tying his wrists behind him. "You just make sure you keep your legs spread, big man. I may want to ... you know.. tease that daddy cock of yours." brent knew by now not to argue and he spread his legs. He felt Don's scrappy beard on his neck, and his ear. "MMMMM. You are just so HOT daddy brent. JUST SO FUCKING HOT." brent felt one of Don's hands cover his left nipple, and begin teasing it through the shirt. He moaned ever slightly. Don whispered. "Feels good, doesn't it stud? " He squeezed. "Won't be the same, but you can use the clothes pins when I'm gone." Another 'ping'. brent felt Don's other hand reach down to the spot where his belt met his belly. He had the male equivalent of a "muffin top" and Don LOVED to play there. He ran his finger slowly, and evenly, back and forth in that space. "I LOVE my daddy brent's belly. SO DAMN SEXY. You like it when I play there, brent baby?" brent sucked in his breath. He didn't want to respond but Don's fingers... on his belly, on his nipple. His scruff on his neck. He sighed. "Yes sir. " "MMMM. Let's play a little more, cause you know what part of you I like best?" "No sir." Don whispered "your ass. Your sweet soft ass. And I want it. I can't control myself anymore. Kick off your shoes. I'm gonna take em off anyway." brent felt Don's hand on the back of his neck, leading him to the bed. As he led him, he began opening brent's belt buckle. He opened brent's khakis and pushed them down as he pushed brent, face down, on the bed. "That ass is SO FUCKING HOT. I oughta tat it, or at least mark it, but.... heh heh. I can't wait. Pull your arms up. Gimme some more room." brent wanted to scream as Don's cock pierced him from behind. He gritted his teeth. Don didn't ask how he liked it, he just cooed about how brent's ass was the finest one he had taken in a long, LONG time. brent just felt the long pole moving back and forth. First Don moved slowly, almost gently, but then brent felt Don's fingers grab what little of his hair he could, and the thrusts became faster, and harder, and rougher. "HOLY SHIT YOU BIG STUD. I'M TAKING YOUR ASS." There was a final push, and brent felt the jizz pouring into him. "Good fucking thing I jerked last night. You jerk thinking of me, brent baby?" brent knew that lying would get him in more trouble than telling the truth would. "No sir. I didn't. " "Ha ha. That's ok. I didn't think you would..." brent felt a smack across each of his ass cheeks. "SO. Let's try to get ya pregnant again, stud..." brent felt a butt plug pushed into his ass, and then he felt the ropes loosen on his wrists. "Pull yourself together stud. I'm not finished with chair play with you yet. And this time.... Let's get a gag. I saved what I jerked into last night stud. I knew you were coming." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Don tied brent back in the chair and got the handkerchief with his dried cum ready. "Open your mouth stud. If you're not gonna blow me, you're at least gonna remember how I taste." "PLEASE. Please don't do that... " brent was begging and then Don went behind him, and squeezed his nostrils shut. When brent opened his mouth to breathe, the cloth went in. Don tied it behind brent's head. brent could taste the saltiness and the funk of Don's cum. He tried to get his tongue away from it but it wasn't working. Don grabbed another chair and sat opposite brent. He raised his leg and rested his boot on brent's crotch, making brent moan from the feel. More 'pings' as Don gently moved his heel back and forth. "So, stud... Ya know, lemme tell you. You are the FIRST daddy man I came back for. " brent scrunched his eyes. "Yeah, it's true. I didn't stop thinking about you since that night I picked you up in the bar. "You didn't pick me up in the bar, you fucking KIDNAPPED me" was what brent wanted to yell, but an 'mmmph' came out. He pushed at the ropes, even though he knew it wouldn't do any good. Don gave out a big sigh. "You know, brentster... actually, I'm gonna change what I call ya. Your middle name is James isn't it?" brent didn't respond, and Don smiled as he dug his heel into his crotch. "mmmmmmmmmmph!" brent shook his head yes. "So, gonna be our little secret. If you get an email or a text or a call and someone says "hey jim," you're gonna know it's me..." He moved his heel. "Cause... GOD this was a hard decision, jim." He smiled. "I thought REAL hard about, maybe this time, getting a REAL job, stowing you in my car, takin' ya with me, turn you into a stay at home daddy bitch." He smiled. "You like that idea jim?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!" brent was shaking his head NO, frantically. "AWWWWW. We'd have a good time. GAWD. The image of you all hogtied and gagged in my back seat, heading around the country, and then settling some place... Hmmm. You'd learn to suck cock eventually. You could suck me dry one night, I'd fuck ya another, then tickle the shit outta you on a third, and so on and so forth." He smiled as he saw brent sweating. "Doesn't appeal to ya handsome?" brent shook his head no, and Don got up, stepped behind him and massaged his shoulders. "Well, ya don't have to worry because, I'm not gonna do it, even though I wanna. " His beard went back on brent's neck and his hand went on his nip. "But when I come back the next time, we're gonna have fun again, right stud? Maybe even spend a weekend at a cabin or something. RIGHT BIG DADDY?" "mmmmmmmmmmph." brent shook his head yes, and then he felt Don reach into his pits and begin tickling. Giggles began to escape brent's mouth. "I am wasting ALL this time stud. I told ya it was gonna be a day of tickling and I haven't tickled you a lick. Better get started right?" brent didn't answer and Don dug his fingers in deeper. "I said RIGHT?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" laughs escaped the corner of brent's gag, and he shook his head yes. "Now, when I untie ya, let's get your shirt off. It's pretty, but tickling is more fun when I see that dad bod of yours." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Don had brent strip down completely, and brent blushed scarlet when his cock shot out in front of him. Don just smiled. "I guess there's something about this that ya like brent. Lemme see if I can find that out." He tied brent's wrists and ankles, and he spread the ankles further than he ever had. There were more ropes than usual: Don tied down brent's thighs, and roped down his elbows too. "It has a mind of its own," brent grunted, and Don laughed. "NAH! You know what I think does it.... I think... tit play. Let's see. MMMMM." brent was bound down completely when Don put his lips on his left tit, so his squirming just fatigued him. And made his cock twitch. "SEE? I TOLD ya we'd figure this out together bud.. MMMMM." Don went back to licking and chewing the one nip, while he fingered the other one. "OH GOD PLEASE PLEASE DON'T... OH....." Don lifted his mouth from brent's nipple and whispered in his ear: I'm gonna FUCK ya at least once more today, stud, but before that.... what's the most ticklish part of your body?" "I... I don't know. Sir, I really don't. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Don had attacked brent's left armpit, but with his tongue and his scruff. His hand made its way to brent's right pit. "THESE are pretty sensitive stud. Anything better?" "STOP!!!! PLEASE STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. I DON'T KNOW. " "Maybe your ribs? Or... OH, I know. Your dad belly." Don's hands were shaped almost like crab claws and he very delicately worked brent's torso. It seemed every inch of brent's body was on fire when he was done. brent was trying not to laugh, and failing. His dick was so hard it felt like it did before he peed in the morning. "What about.... OH, we haven't tried this, stud..." Don moved down to brent's balls, and he began lightly scraping his beard hair over them. "HOLY SHIT. OH AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. YES . YES. THAT'S IT. THAT'S IT." "Now, we don't know that jim bob. We gotta test things like.. your feet. " Don was down at brent's feet with his tongue, his beard... brent was going crazy, but not as crazy as he did when his balls had been tickled. Don finished up, and began untying brent's ankles and thighs. "I think, stud... I think we have established conclusively, that at least on THIS side of your body, it's your balls that are MOST ticklish with your pits a close second. " "THIS side of my body?" "Hell YEAH. We gotta tickle the other side too stud, but for now.... " Don dropped his pants. "See what ya do to me." "Oh shit. Please. I'm still sore from.. OHHHHHHHHHHHH" "Hush up kitten, or I'll have to gag ya again." The cock that had gone into him earlier that morning was back in. Don had pulled out the butt plug, and the jizz that brent's body hadn't absorbed gave him enough lubricant to.. well, brent threw his head back in a mixture of pleasure, and pain. Don was getting up higher than he had from the first day. "I think, stud, that you are gonna drain my balls, and that NEVER happens. See what my hot daddy boy is doing to me?" The rhythm had changed, just like it had earlier that day and the thrusts were harder, faster, and ... "OH FUCK YOU GODDAMN SEXY BITCH." brent felt another load pour into him. "Please sir, please. No butt plug this time... Please.." "Nope jim bob. Nope, nope, nope. I told ya. We gotta get ya preggers and... " Don screwed in the butt plug, which moved easier with the additional jizz. brent's whimpers were almost prayers, but... it went in." "We ain't done yet stud. Now, do NOT gimme any trouble you big lug, cause if you do... " Don began untying brent. "Roll back on your belly. Get your hands behind ya." A long sigh came out of brent, as his wrists got tied behind him, and his ankles re-tied to the bed. Now, Don went after the bag of his knees, the back side of his calves and thighs, the crook of his elbows. And then he did his pits again. brent felt Don on top of him and then heard the whisper. "GAWD you are an awesome FUCK stud. I am RECONSIDERING taking you with me. You wanna go?" It took brent more time than he thought it would before he said "No sir." Then he felt the slap on both of his ass cheeks again. "Then HOT DAMN, I am gonna need a souvenir, so... I know this is getting repetitive stud, but we're gonna turn you back around. Ha ha. Think of it as if you were roasting a pig. My brent piggy. " "AGAIN? " When the smacks to his ass got harder, brent spoke. "I'm sorry Sir. I'm sorry. It just slipped out." "Yeah, well, I may just have to slip something into that big mouth of yours. NOW ROLL OVER." When he did, the butt plug pushed in further and brent moaned. "GOOD. You're feeling my babies stud. That's good. Now, I have been thinking about this for a while and I thought 'NAH', but... I am having such a good time with you, I need something to remember it. " Don reached down into a bag, and brent saw him pull out a razor. "OH NO. OH NO. NOT..... " "Want my cum rag gag again, brenty boy?" "No sir. No. No. Please no...." "I'm gonna take your chest, your pubes and your pits. When I do your pubes, you better stay nice and still because... you are hard as steel and... if you start shooting, I just may slip." Don worked with smooth, practiced strokes: he had done this before, and he smiled as he got to work. brent wanted to laugh: his pits were totally sensitized from what Don had done, and he struggled to not move much. Not moving was easier when Don went to his chest. He saw that Don was collecting the fur, and putting it into a little test tube vial. "Now the fun part.... Cause... I'm gonna leave you something to remember me too, stud." The razor moved back and forth on brent's pubes. He whimpered, he struggled, and he moaned but.. with the exception of a drop of pre-cum, he got through it. When Don put the last bit of hair in his vial, and put it back in his bag, he smiled. "Now, I don't EVER do this bud. I mean, NEVER. I'm a DOM and I'm a TOP. But you are just SO MUCH FUN, you need to be rewarded. " "NO. NO. PLEASE. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Don's mouth was over brent's cock and then.. he took all of it. "OH FUCK. OH FUCK. brent began to moan. He had received blowjobs before, that wasn't the problem. What he was afraid of... was happening. Don was better than his wife. Don was better than ANY woman who had taken his cock. "OH SHIT OH MOTHERFUCKER OH... OH....." His hips began to buck and then.. he thought Don would pull away but... he took every drop of brent in his mouth. "Well, how do ya like that? I think we found a part of man sex that brent here likes. How about kissing me stud? It's traditional" brent turned his head away, and got a nipple twisted for it. "OWWWWWWWWWWW" and then Don's tongue went down brent's throat. Just like his cock, it went down further than it had before. brent was tasting his own cum. Don played his tongue around brent's mouth for a few minutes and then he stopped. "Creamy. Rich. Nice and sweet. Like big daddy brent. OH, you have made my NY trip SO memorable stud... But ya know, if you're not gonna come with me willingly, interstate kidnapping is NOT something I wanna chance, so.... " Don pulled out a pair of the clothespins, and he put one on each of brent's nipples. Then he pulled out the cum rag and gagged him. He began getting dressed. "Now, don't worry stud. I'm already packed, just gotta pull on some clothes. I'm gonna check out, pay the tab, and I'll ask them to send someone up to clean the mess I made. They'll find ya here. "mmmmmmmmmmmmph." No worries, stud, no worries." Don was sitting on the edge of the bed, flicking the clothes pins. "If you just tell them it was rough sex, and consensual, ain't no way anyone's gonna know. Of course, I dunno HOW you're gonna explain the shaving to the Missus... maybe you should tell her bed bugs? " He shrugged his shoulders. "Anyhow babe. You take care... " He flicked the clothespins again. "Use them. You're entitled to enjoy yourself." He bent down and kissed brent on the gag. "I SURE hope I get to see ya again. Real soon you sexy beast. Ciao for now." brent didn't see Don leave but he heard the door slam. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" he tried to scream. He pulled at the ropes. He got one loose, but the other one... He reached over to try to untie it and, fortunately, he did because... Don had fooled him. He never said anything to the front desk, other than to make sure that his guest checked out soon. Brent never said anything to anyone about that week. Of course, his wife noticed his smooth body, and she figured, well, her husband was entitled to a craziness once in a while. She held her peace.

brent DID use the clothespins from time to time. He'd wait until Louise was doing grocery shopping, or out of the house for some extended period of time, and then.. he'd drop his pants, take off his shirt, and jerk off with the clamps on.

Did Don ever call brent again? What do you think? Want him to?

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