Brian and Cody

By moc.loa@3tropSXLR

Published on Aug 6, 1999


***Disclamer Hey! The following is a fictional story containing guy to guy sex and fantasy's of being with a celebrity, the celebrity being Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys. I am a fan of theirs and in no sense is any of this story true. Its just a little fantasy. Hopefully its something that will not affect or insult the real BSB. Cody has nothing to do with the Cody from Baywatch, its just my name. You must be 18 or of legal age in your state to read this. So read on and I hope you like it.

All I Have To Give: Brian and Cody 11

~Ladies and Gentlemen we have now landed in Stockholm, Sweden. Please make sure you have all your personal belongings. We hope you have enjoyed your flight and we hope you chose American Airlines next time you make traveling arrangements.~

As we exited the airport a black long limousine pulled up. A few autographs later we all jumped into the limo and drove off. The guys had gotten a very nice house out in the middle of nowhere to maintain our privacy, so we still had about an hour drive ahead of us. We were all extremely tired. The flight had lasted over 8 hours in which we didn't get much sleep. Nick took a seat next to me and quickly fell asleep on my lap. AJ just threw himself on the floor of the limo and fell fast asleep like a baby. The others stretched out on the remaining seats with Brian on the opposite side of me.

As we made our way to the house my mind was flooded with thoughts of what was going to become of me, and of us, Brian and I. I knew I was hurting Brian too much. It was hurting me to see him hurting. As all these thought raced through my mind my cell phone rang....


"Hi, Mr. Sullivan?"

"Yes, Who is this?"

"Mr. Sullivan, I hate to be the one to tell you but I am calling to inform you that your parents are dead. Ms. Lauren (my agent) apologizes for not being able to call you herself but she is away on business."

Those words left me frozen. I couldn't move. I couldn't breath. I was in shock

"Driver! Driver!" I said snapping out of it

"Yes sir?"

"Turn around. Head back to the airport immediately!!"

No one had woken up until we arrived at the airport.

"Boy, the house looks a lot like the airport!" Nick said raising his head off my lap and giving me a bewildered look.

"Nick, We're back at the airport. I have to head back to the states immediately," I said grabbing my bag.

"But Cody, we just got here! Why are you going back?"

"My parents died," I said coldly with no expression.

"WHAT?! OH MY GOD CODY!" Nick shrieked.

"I didn't do it!" AJ screamed waking up. "What's going on? Why are we back at the airport?"

"What's going on?" Brian said waking up followed by Kevin.

"I'm sorry guys, I need to go back. My parents passed away. I just got the call, so I'm heading back to New York."

"Oh my god baby! I can't believe this. Are you ok?" Brian said moving next to me.

"I'm fine. I just need to go back and, I don't know. I guess I need to go make the funeral arrangements and, well find out what happen first, but I need to..." I said not really knowing what I was saying.

"I'm coming with you Cody!" Brian said putting on his jacket.

"No Brian! You have to stay here and work on you album. I'll be fine! Don't worry about me."

"No Cody! The album can wait! I have to be with you! I can't let you go by yourself," Brian said sternly

"No Brian! Your staying. Not another word. I love you. I'll be back," I leaned over and kissed Brian.

I opened the door and quickly got my things out of the limo and ran into the airport. I was in luck because a flight back to the states was leaving in 20 minutes. I quickly checked my bags and was ushered into the waiting room. Everyone had already boarded so the flight attendant was ushering me towards the plane as Brian came running behind me.


"Brian, I told you already, you can't come with me!" I said.

"No Cody! I want to be with you. I can't let you go alone. Please baby! Let me come with you!" Brian said pleading.

"Brian! Listen to me. I have to do this by myself ok? I won't be able to handle everything, the funeral, you, us. I won't!"

"Cody! You don't have to do this by yourself!"

"Brian, You know I love you right?" I said grabbing onto his shoulders.

"Yes, of course. And you know I love you to," Brian answered as he hugged me tight.

"Brian, I'm sorry but I was going to go back to the states any ways."


"I was planning on being here a couple days and going back," I said holding the tears back, "going back alone, without you Brian."

"Why? I don't understand you Cody," Brian said.

"I'm leaving you Brian." A tear rolled down my cheek.

"WHAT?! No Cody!" Brian said holding onto me.

"I'm sorry Brian. I can't be with you right now. I love you so much but its hurting too much to be with you right now. I can't see you being hurt because of me so I'm leaving. I'm leaving you Brian." The tears poured out of my eyes. It broke my heart to tell Brian this.

"No! No Baby! I can't let you leave me! I love you too much! NO! Your not leaving me! I'm not letting you go." Brian said hugging me tighter as he cried on my shoulder.

"Brian, let go! I'm sorry but I have to go!" I said pushing Brian off me. I couldn't fight back the tears.

"Cody! Baby I love you! Don't do this to me!" Brian said grabbing at my clothes, "you love me don't you? Or is that it? Did you stop loving me?"

"Brian don't do this please! But it's hard enough doing this, please don't make it harder," I said pulling away.

"Cody, baby, please! We need to be together. Don't you love me? Is that it?

You stopped loving me?"

"Brian! You know I love you. I'll love you till the end of time. I'll miss you," I quickly kissed Brian and pried myself of off him.

"I love you..." Brian screamed falling to his knees.

As I walked to the boarding door's I wanted to look back so much. I wanted to see him one more time before leaving him but I couldn't. I had to leave him and if I looked back I might have stayed. I boarded the plane without looking back leaving Brian crying on his knees.

The week following my parents death was the hardest week I have had to. It was the most emotionally draining week of my life. The funeral was hard to go through, and even harder with the media at my heels. I wasn't left alone for a second by them. Headlines reading, "Parent's of Famed Troubled Actor Slain," and "Sullivan's Parents Killed: Kid Goes Wild," were plastered over every news paper in the city. It was a relentless torture made even worse with constant calls from Brian. I couldn't bring myself to talk to him. I was a complete mess to say the least. It had been one week since I had arrived in New York from my quick trip to Sweden when my cell phone rang.

"Hello, Cody? Its Jennifer Lauren. Remember me? Your agent."

"Real funny Jenn."

"Well, you haven't called me or anything. I was starting to think you forgot you were an actor. So what's your answer?"

"It is short notice, you know but the deal sounds too good to turn down."

"So your saying....?"

"I'm saying yes. Where do I sign?" I said.

"Great! I knew you wouldn't let this deal go. I'll bring the papers right over so you can sign. So you know production starts in 2 weeks. The deal is closed at 2 million. You lucked out." Jen said.

"Yeah I know. So I'll be waiting for you to sign the papers. See you soon," I said as I hung up with Jen.

With one quick conversation I had just given two months of my life to film a movie and I couldn't be any happier. I figured that working would keep my mind off things. The movie was to be filmed in England for 5 weeks and then return to the states for another 2 weeks. The film was called "Red Ocean" and dealt with a group of American's in one of the largest sailing competitions in the world. It wasn't going to be marketed as a teen movie but it was sure to bring in a lot of young people. Not only did the movie have an incredible script, promising a few award nominations but my pay check increased by a few dollars from my last movie. Increased by about 1.2 million dollars. **********



"Hey Cody, Its Nick," An exited voice came in screeching from my cell phone."

"Nick dude, How you been?"

"All right I guess. We've missed you! How you holding up?"

"I'm doing better. Much better now actually that I won't be in New York for a while. Its been to crazy here."

"Oh yeah? Where you going?" Nick asked eagerly.

"Well, I'm gonna start filming a movie. I'm actually on my way to the airport."

"Oh, that's cool So where is the movie being filmed?" Nick asked.

"I um rather not tell you, if that's ok. Its not you, its just that I don't really want anyone knowing."

"Some more than others, I'm guessing. But Cody, I promise I won't say anything."

"Promise ok? Don't tell anyone, especially you know who."

"Yeah, I promise."

"Movie is filming in England. A couple weeks in London, a couple more on the coast."

"That's awesome. You won't be so far away from me then." Nick said laughing.

"So how is Brian?"

"You sure you want to know?

"Yeah, I really miss him Nick," I said.

"Well, he hasn't been doing so great. He hasn't talked to any of us. Not outside of the studio at least. Only time we see him is when we are in the studio. Once we're done he just runs back to the house and stays in his room."

"It's been so hard Nick. Its killing me inside being apart from him." A tear rolled down my eye.

"Then why did you leave him Brian? Why won't you even answer his calls?"

"You wouldn't understand why I left him Nick. And it would hurt too much to talk to him right now. We need some time."

"He really misses you Cody. He's been worrying over you a lot especially seeing all the terrible headlines," Nick said.

"Well, tell him I am doing fine. But that's it."

"Are you doing fine? Its terrible what the papers said about your parents. They are lies aren't they?"

"Not really Nick, but if you don't mind I rather not talk about it now. I'll fill you in later ok?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I shouldn't have said anything any ways." Nick said apologetic

"Its ok Nick. So give me a call soon. I really miss talking to you." I said.

"I really miss talking to you too Cody. I'll be calling you really soon. Take care.":

"I'll be waiting. Talk to you soon."

As I arrived at the airport I met up with one of the other actors that would be costarring in the movie with me. I was a little nervous to see him again since I had stopped talking to him after meeting Brian and the guys. I had cut off that entire little clique of actors after meeting Brian. As I stepped out of the limousine he came running up to me.

"Hey Cody! Dude! What's up?"

"Hey Brad. It's been a while."

"Yeah it has man. Too long if you ask me," He said as he hugged me, "but we'll have a lot of time to catch up on things."

"Yeah, I guess we will," I said.

"We're definitely going to catch up on a lot of things Cody," Brad whispered in my ear.

To Be Continued

*** There you go. Chapter 11 all finished. Not to many exiting things in this one but be patient my friends. So what happened to Cody's parents? What were all those headlines about? Who is this Brad person? A last name would help huh? Well you will all have to come back and read Chapter 12 if you want to find out. Don't forget to drop me a letter at

I really need to hear from you guys. ***

Next: Chapter 12

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