Brian and Cody

By moc.loa@3tropSXLR

Published on Oct 21, 1999


***Disclamer Hey! The following is a fictional story containing guy to guy sex and fantasy's of being with a celebrity, the celebrity being Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys. I am a fan of theirs and in no sense is any of this story true. Its just a little fantasy. Hopefully its something that will not affect or insult the real BSB. Cody has nothing to do with the Cody from Baywatch, its just my name. You must be 18 or of legal age in your state to read this. So read on and I hope you like it.

All I Have To Give: Brian and Cody 13

"But my love is all I have to give, without you I don't think I can live, I wish I could give the world to you....."

".... but love is all I have to give...." Brian finished off as he wrapped his strong arms around my waist from behind me, and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey babe, I thought you'd never get out of that shower!" I said finishing up scrambling some eggs for breakfast.

"You've got a pretty good singing voice there," Brian squeezed his arms tighter around my waist as he places kisses all down my neck. "I'm going to have to keep you out of the studio from now on!"

"Oh please! I sound like a screaming cat being skinned and stabbed!"

"Oh come on! Your going to make me lose my appetite!"

"Good. More food for me to eat!" I started picking at the eggs.

"Oh no you don't!" Brian quickly grabbed the frying pan and ran behind the table and started eating.

"Brian! If you eat my eggs I'm going to kill you! No better yet, I'm going to go put my N'Sync CD on full blast!" I yelled as I got a head start towards the bedroom.

"You wouldn't dare!!" Brian said taking another mouthful of eggs into his mouth.

"Oh, try me!!!"

"OK! OK! I'll put the eggs down! Just please don't put that cd on! Have mercy on me!" Brian said as he stepped away from the eggs.

"Your such an idiot! As if I would even own the N'Sync CD! Who the hell do you think I am!" I said running over and grabbing the pan.

"No fair! You tricked me!" Brian put on his puppy face.

"Put that lip back in before you trip over it! And I thought you would know enough to know I would cut my ears off before listening to N'Sync!" I said laughing and eating the eggs.

"Well, what can I say. I've thought of you as a 12 year old teeny bopper all this time."

"Now, for that comment your not getting any breakfast from me!"

"Fine! I'll make my own! I don't need your food!"

"Well, if your going to cook I am going to go into the bedroom and eat my eggs under the desk!"

"Oh you'll see. I'm going to make the best tasting breakfast ever! And I'm not going to give you any!" Brian said sticking out his tongue.

"Fine by me little boy!" I walked away laughing.

A few minutes later, after hearing some pots and pans clashing and a plate break, a loud whine came piercing from the kitchen. I of course had been right about getting out of the kitchen as soon as Brian started to attempt to cook. Nick had warned me about Brian's cooking skills while we were in Florida. For that reason, I had always cooked breakfast.

"BABY!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!" Brian said whining as loud as he possibly could.

"I am not going into that kitchen unless the fire department comes and checks it out before! There's probably little fires starting up everywhere!"

"Cody!! Come on! I'm hungry!"

"Brian! You told me that you were going to make the most delicious breakfast and that you weren't going to give me any! And you almost ate all my eggs! Now you expect me to come out there and help you!"

"I'm sorry," Brian said as softly as he could.

"Ugh! Your so cute! It should be illegal for people like you to get your way!!" I said walking into the kitchen.

"Thank you baby. I'll pay you back somehow," Brian said brushing his hands past my chest as I walked by him.

"Well if you put it that way, I'll let you get your way this one time," I said turning on the stove.

"Goodie! So what time do you have to go into work today?"

"Not until about 1:00. I'm pretty much done with my scenes here. I've got a couple more hours tomorrow and then I'm done here."

"And then what happens?" Brian asked.

"Then production moves to New York. I have some parts to shoot there. That will only take about a week or two for me," I said.


"Don't you have to go back to Sweden soon though? Then it won't be such a good thing!"

"I have some good news to tell you!"

"Oh yeah? So tell me!"

"Kevin called me while you were in the shower. Apparently Max has to take care of some family business for a couple of weeks. That means I'm free for that time!" Brian said coming over to me and hugging me.

"Won't that put you behind on your album though?"

"Not really. It just means we're taking our break now rather than later. Aren't you happy?"

"Of course I am! I didn't mean to sound like I don't want you with me! So you will be coming with me to New York then?"

"Of course silly! It wouldn't be good news if I wasn't coming with you, now would it?"

"I love you so much, you know!" I hugged Brian even tighter. "I love being with you."

"I know baby. I love you too. More than anything in this world. Can you finish making my breakfast now?"

"I would be able to finish if you would keep your hands off of me!"

"OK. I'll go make the bed while you finish up. Then after I eat I'll drive you to work," Brian said holding on to me even tighter.

"Sounds good. Oh and make sure you make the bed! Not go back to sleep on it, sleepy head!" I said prying Brian off of me.

"Yes Mom!"

"Don't you yell at me boy! I'll go over there and give you a spanking!"

"You promise?"

"Go make the bed Mr. Joker!"

Half an hour later Brian and I were in the car. Brian decided he would come with me to the set and hang around and watch me at work. It made me a little nervous thinking of having Brian on set but I figured it wouldn't matter much since he would end up seeing the movie any ways. Brian was in complete kid mode as soon as we got into the studio, looking around at every single little thing and asking a million questions. But it was cute so I just answered all his questions and tried to keep him from running over anything or anyone while we made it to the back where we would park the car.

"I see you've forgotten that you've been on a studio set before! Or do have short term memory loss?" I asked Brian after he finished asking me his million and one question.

"Hey! I've never been on a movie studio set! Our video sets are so much smaller and less busy than this! Look at everyone running around and its my baby that's the center of it all!"

"Don't make me laugh Brian! I'm not the only leading actor in this film. Believe me, there are far more important people in this movie."

"Well, your the only one that matters to me!"

"Your such a cutie! I'd give you a big wet kiss for that if we didn't have people looking at us now," I said as people started walking over to us after we parked the car.

"Cody, you are to go to make up now and then wardrobe. Then in about 2 hours we'll call you on set. Can we get you anything? Sir?"

"She's talking to you Brian," I turned to look at Brian who didn't notice my assistant was talking to him.

"Who? Me?"

"Yeah smartie! Do you see another Brian walking with me? Do you want anything?"

"Um, a bottle of water would be nice," Brian said to my assistant. "Cool, do I get to use your assistant too?" Brian continued after she left.

"Well, don't get carried away now! She was just being polite. But if you want anything ask her. Her name is Kat. So do you want to walk around or do you want to see me get make up done?"

"I think I'll stick with you. I want to be with you as much as I can," Brian leaned in and whispered to me.

While I was waiting in my dressing room to be called to wardrobe, Brian took a break to the bathroom just in time when the director came to talk to me. Apparently something had been pushed back and I was going to film the love scenes that day. There was no way I would be able to live this down with Brian.

"Hey! I know you missed me but you could have waited until I got back to take your clothes off you know!" Brian said as he walked in and saw that I was only in boxers.

"Funny, real funny. I'm waiting to be called to wardrobe so I can get my clothes. Any ways Brian, are you sure you want to stick around here? It can get boring. Why don't you take the car and go driving around. Canterbury isn't far from here and you should really get to see it. Its a really nice town."

"No, that's ok. I don't think I'll get bored watching you work. Besides, you spent hours with me in the recording studio, so I want to be here and see you work," Brian said wrapping his arms around my waist in the privacy of my dressing room.

"Brian, you should really just go and drive around."

"Why? You don't want me to see you naked and on top of some woman?" Brian put on his evil, yet hilarious grin.

"How the hell did you..."

"The stage hand started talking to me about it. He just went on and on about how your going to be close to naked and on top of some girl. Its not like I haven't seen it before you know?" Brian said snapping my boxers.

"Hey! Stop that!"

"What? This?" Brian said as he snapped my boxers again.

"Your really going to get it you know!"

"Get what huh?" Brian snapped my boxers again, this time pulling them really far and taking a peek into them.

"Get a beating! Come here you little......" I started chasing Brian around the dressing room. "When I catch you I'm going to give you what you deserve!"

"You promise?" Brian said running up behind me and pulling my boxers down.

"Brian!!!! I'm going to kill you when we get home!" I said walking over to open the door as I heard a knock, not before pulling my boxers up of course.

"Wardrobe is ready for you Mr. Sullivan."

"OK, I'll be there in a few." I closed the door and ran over to the couch and jumped on Brian. "Your seriously going to get it, you know?" I leaned in and kissed him.

"Mmm, if this is what you mean by getting it, bring it on!" Brian started grinding his crotch into mine.

"You better stop that Mr. Hornball."

"Stop what? This?" Brian slid his hands down my back and down into my boxers getting a good grab at my butt and pulled me even closer to him. He slowly licked his way up my neck to my lips and softly sucked on my lower lip. Brian's tongue slowly made its way into my mouth as he grinned his hard member into mine. "Brian, we can't. I have to get to..." Brian's tongue seemed to keep interrupting me every time I tried to get away from him. Either way I don't think I would have walked away from Brian at that moment. Something got into me that made me want Brian more than anything in the world at that moment. "Oh yeah baby..." Brian moaned and gasped.

"Brian! Just stop. We haven't been together in a long time and this is not the first place I want us to be together."

"MMM Cody. You feel so good against me," Brian moaned even louder this time.

"Not to loud babe, someone might hear us!"

"Sshh, someone might hear us," Brian mocked me as he started to grind his hard dick at my ass through my boxers.

"Brian, ohh god babe." My breathing got heavy along with Brian's.

"Baby, I'm so close," Brian gasped as he threw his head back, his mouth partly open as he moved his hips back an forth faster under me. I leaned over and sucked on Brian's neck throwing him over the edge. "Ohhh baby!" Brian pulled me close, chest to chest as he exploded into his boxer briefs, quickly followed by me.

"Shit, that was hot!" I said letting myself slide off Brian.

"Hahaha, Look at the mess you made in your shorts!" Brian laughed at seeing the big wet spot on my boxers.

"What are you laughing at!? Mr. I came so much my jeans have a wet spot!" I said rolling over in laughter.

"Oh shit! This is not funny! I can't go out there like this!" Brian said reaching over for tissues and attempting to dry his jeans.

"Your going to need more than tissues to get that dry! Well, I have to get to work so good luck hiding that babe!" I got up and walked over to a closet. I threw on a pair of clean shorts and walked towards the door to head to wardrobe.

"Cody! You can't leave me like this! Come back!!" Brian yelled after me.

"Sorryyyyy," I yelled walking away.

Well, the love scene was filmed without any major problems, except for two minor things. One being that the set was not a closed set so there were about 30 people ogling at myself and the actress. The other being Brian of course. Unfortunately he found a pair of jeans that I had left in my dressing room. They were a bit tight on him but no one seemed to notice, besides me of course. After the love scenes were over he gave me a hard time with jokes and taunts but I quickly shut him up by bringing attention to his rising member which was very visible with the tight jeans.

The next couple of days Brian hung around, trying to stay out of the way for the most part. He was anxiously waiting for the day that we would be returning to New York. Luckily, that day came and left rather quickly. When we realized it, we were landing at the JFK airport. I wouldn't have to work for a week so that week off I would spend every second with Brian. This time the studio didn't need to get me an apartment because I had leased one the last time I had been in New York.

"So what do you want to do today baby?" Brian called from inside the bathroom. "We could go to the museum or the movies or both."

"I don't care," I shouted back so that Brian could hear me over the hair dryer he had just turned on.

"Well fine! We don't have to do anything." Brian returned coldly.

"Brian! What I meant is that I don't care what we do, as long as we do it together. We can just stay in and order take out all day and curl up together and watch a movie."

"Well, I wouldn't mind that at all!" Brian shouted as he blow dried his golden hair.

"You don't have to shout!!!!" I screamed into Brian's ear from behind making him jump out of his skin.

"You bastard! You didn't have to do that!" Brian said trying to compose himself again.

"No, I didn't have to do that, but it was funny seeing you jump like a girl," I said smiling.

"I don't know why I take so much abuse from you!" Brian said putting on his damsel in distress face on. "I thought you would be dressed by now!"

"Well, I don't know what we're doing so I didn't want to get dressed until we figured out where we're going. And all I ask is that we go somewhere private cause I don't want to have to keep my hands off of you all day. I'll go crazy!"

"Ooo, you sexy thing! Well I can't argue with you there. But I want more than your hands on me," Brian said kissing me.

"Did I ever tell you how much of a sexy body you have?" I wrapped my arms around Brian's naked torso"

"No, I don't quite remember. How about you tell me again?" Brian said putting his soft hands on mine.

"You have a sexy body you know," I said as I gazed at Brian from head to toe. "You look so damn hot in just those jeans."

"Yes, I know," Brian gave me his silly grin.

"Oh, you really think your funny don't you? Just go get dressed so I can use the bathroom!"

"How about I go take some clothes off and you stay in that cute short towel your in?" Before I could say anything Brian pulled at my towel leaving me butt naked in front of him. "Actually I like you better without the cute short towel," Brian added.

"Brian! Give me my towel back!" I said trying to grab my towel without turning around so that Brian could get a full view of me

"Damn your sexy babe," Brian said as he took a look at my ass.

"Brian! Stop ogling me you pervert!" I said laughing.

"Oh, your definitely going to get it!" Brian took my towel and started to twist it. Before I could jump away he took a swing at me smacking me right on my ass with the towel. I, of course, being the baby that I am, jumped half way through the ceiling.

"OUCH!!!!!!!! That fucking hurt you bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

SMACK Brian took another good swing at me.

"Call me any other bad names and I'm going wack you until you cry!"

"Ok! Ok! I won't call you any other names! I swear! Just stop smacking me!" I said rubbing my sore ass as I walked out of the bathroom angry.

"Cody! Don't get mad at me now. Come over here! Cody, don't ignore me. I'm sorry for smacking you with the towel. Please come here," Brian said extending his arms towards me.

"That really hurt you know!" I said walking over to him after putting a bathrobe on.

"Yes I know, and I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

"Just this once, ok? Next time I'll fight back!" I said giving me a playful punch on my arm.

"I'm sure you will, cry baby!" As soon as the words came out of his mouth I grabbed Brian and flipped him onto the bed. I jumped onto the bed and put one leg on each side of him.

"Now this is as good of a view as I will ever get!" Brian said as my bathrobe slipped open exposing myself to him.

"Hey! Keep those eyes closed Mr.!" I said as I searched for the rope.

"Mmm, Mmm, you are so yummy looking," Brian ran his fingers up and down my chest.

"Brian, I'm gonna go get dressed ok, and how about you finish up getting dressed too," I said sitting back on Brian's thighs.

"But baby, you look better with just your robe on," Brian sat up a little and started placing kisses on my chest. "Actually you would look much better if you took this robe off."

"Brian, I don't think we should be, well you know."

"Why not baby? I mean, its not like we haven't done it before. Hell, we've done it more times than...."

"Ok sweetie, we don't need to go into detail. Its just that we haven't really been together for way over a month now. I don't know, I just feel like we should try to really take it slow. I now I said that when we first started to see each other, but we really didn't follow that. I just don't want to feel like our relationship is mainly based on sex. I know its not but sometimes it almost feels that way, like when we were in Florida we were together almost every night."

"Cody, our relationship is not just based on sex. I can't believe you would ever think that sex is all we have! You know I love you with all my heart..."

"And I love you with all of mine."

"I know baby, so how can you ever think that sex is all we have? Sure we've had a lot of sex but we've shared that because we love each other. I love making love to you. I love being able to give my body to you and have you give yours to me at night. We don't just have sex Cody. Call me cheesy but we make love, not have sex and I don't see anything wrong with that." Brian said resting on his elbows. "I know we have a lot of problems right now we have to work out but I just love you so much and I want to be able to show you."

"Brian, I know what your saying. I just thought, well I don't know what I thought. I guess..."

"Sshhh......" Brian slowly put his finger to my lip to quiet me down. He took my hand into his and slowly lowered both of us to the bed. We both lay there facing each other, nose to nose. Brian softly ran his fingers through my hair as he planted soft kisses on my face. Brian rolled over on top of me, lowering his face to mine and placed his lips on mine. He slowly pried my lips open with his tongue, and in seconds had his tongue intertwined with mine. Brian's hands we're all over my body, one hand slowly working its way down to my rising member, the other one trying to slid the robe off my shoulders. Just as Brian was trying to slide the other side of the rob of my shoulder the doorbell started to ring relentlessly.

"Damn it! Who the hell can that be?" Brian said, as he released my tongue from his.

"Well, there's only one way I can think of finding out," I said trying to push Brian off of me.

"But Cody! Can't we just make believe we're not here?" Brian said giving me kisses on the neck.

"Brian, if the person at the door is who I think it is, the doorbell will not stop ringing until we open it!" I said putting my robe fully on and tying it.

"Oh yeah? And who would that be?" Brian said raising his eyebrow.

"Well, how about I go open the door and you sit here and ponder who it could possibly be," I said walking out of the bedroom.

As I made my way to the door, Brian quickly caught up and started walking closely behind (close enough to have his arms wrapped around my waist). As I turned the knob to open the door, I grinned knowing that I would be right about who would be standing on the other side.

To Be Continued

*Well heres chapter 13. Hope you like it. Is anyone reading this story anymore???? I didn't get much mail from the last chapter so I didn't really start writing much till lately. Call it lack of motivation. Well hope to hear from some of you. Later

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Next: Chapter 14

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