Brian and Cody

By moc.loa@3tropSXLR

Published on Dec 18, 1999


Hey People. Well, again I apologize for taking so long in putting out the chapter but what can I say! I'm just too lazy, and when I'm not being lazy I'm actually getting my school work done. But mostly its me being lazy! Well, you all know I think I suck at writing but I do it any ways. Why? Cause most stories out there don't go the way I want them too!! lol. So I need to take control and write my own story, good or bad! Any ways, I have had no idea what other hells I can drag Brian and Cody through but the following is what I came up with. What would a story be without some conflicts, and drama, drama, and more drama?!? Ok, well now that I you all think I'm a complete mess... read the damn story! LOL

All I Have To Give: Brian and Cody 15

by: Cody S.

"Hello, Brian?" The first thing I did as I opened my eyes was reach for the phone and call Brian.

"What?" Was all I got from Brian.

"Hey, morning. What time did you get up? You sound like you've been up for a while," I said into the phone.

Brian seemed less than unenthusiastic. "I've been up a while."

"Do you think we can have breakfast together?" I held my breath for what seemed an eternity for an answer. "Brian? How about it?"

"Whatever." Brian answered back coldly to say the least.

"OK, I'll be home as fast as I can. I'll pick up breakfast on the way since AJ ate everything yesterday," I said with a rather nervous laugh. As soon as I said good-bye, Brian quickly hung the phone up without so much as another word. Minutes later I was dressed and downstairs hailing a cab down.

"Rivington Street, Soho, please." I was quickly lost in thought right after telling the cab driver where to go. 'Brian doesn't seem to still be terribly angry with me. He did agree to have breakfast with me, right? Unless he's waiting to yell at me the second I step in that door, things might smooth out. But what if things won't get better? What if they get worse?'

"Here you are Sir," The cab driver snapped me out of my daze, telling me we had arrived.

I paid the can driver and ran into my building. The doorman walked up to me as soon as he saw me enter. "Good morning Mr. Sullivan. How are you doing this morning? Out for a run?"

"No, I'm just getting in, in fact."

"Well, must have had quite a night then." John, the doorman, seemed to take a liking to me quickly after I moved in. He was always making small talk with me. "Its a beautiful morning isn't it?"

"John, do you think you can do me a favor? Do you mind running across the street and picking me up some breakfast? I completely forgot to get it on the way and I really need some time to sit down before I go upstairs."

"No problem at all," He said.

"Great. Just get me a couple of fresh fruit cups and a few croissants. Some orange juice, oh and some jelly as well," I said taking a seat in the lounge. I needed to think of what to say if Brian greeted me with a lot of yelling.

"I'll be back in a flash." And in deed, John was across the street and back in no time with breakfast. He hadn't actually given me much time to think, but it was now or never I figured. Stepping out the elevator my heart started pounding. I thought my heart was about to jump out of my chest, it was pounding so hard. I was absolutely terrified how Brian was going to react. I stepped into the kitchen where Brian was sitting on a kitchen chair looking out the window. I hesitated a bit before talking. Brian looked absolutely beautiful sitting there. Streaks of sunlight shining down on his honey colored skin and golden hair. He looked like an Angel sitting there.

"Hey," I finally spoke. Brian turned in his chair to face me. He just sat there for what seemed an eternity, his deep blue eyes fixed on me. I didn't move an inch, I didn't seem to have the courage to move. The silence eventually got to me so I was about to say something but Brian moved his finger up to his lips and made a sign for me to stay silent. Brian stood from his chair and turned just as a tear slipped from his eye and rolled slowly down his cheek. A moment later he wiped away what seemed to be a lot more tears, though I couldn't see his face.

"So what did you get for breakfast?" Brian turned around, walked to me, and grabbed the bags out of my hand.

"Well, I got fruit, croissants and fresh squeezed orange juice," I said with a questioning look on my face.

Brian just looked at me and continued on like nothing had happened. "How about you start making the coffee while I go throw on a shirt. Oh, and take the food into the TV room. I feel like eating in there."

I stood there in shock, my mouth wide open. I didn't know how to react to Brian's own reaction. I wasn't going to jump to any assumption so I just decided to play along with Brian and see if he was just testing me. I was not going to run up to him and start kissing him, just to have him kick me off him.

"Did you turn the coffee machine on yet?" Brian called out from the bedroom.

"I really need some coffee."

"Its almost finished!"

Brian walked into the TV room and sat down in front of me. He occasionally looked up at me during commercials. He didn't say much besides 'pass the knife' and 'get me a napkin' but it was more than I had expected.

"Brian, I was wondering if you were doing anything today?"

"We're going to meet AJ and Howie downstairs in about an hour," Brian said as an order. "So you better finish up and go get ready."

I didn't push it, I sat there and finished my breakfast. When I was done I got up and left the room. 20 minutes later I was sitting in the living room dressed and ready to go.

"New coat I see," Brian said walking into the room. "Yeah, it is. Do you like it?"

"You look nice. Its good you dressed up, we might go to a nice restaurant for dinner later." Brian picked up his coat and made a call. Minutes later there was a knock at the door.

"I thought we were meeting them downstairs?" I asked Brian.

"Its not AJ and Howie. Its a bodyguard. Management is making us take him along in case people recognize us today."

"I thought you guys hated bodyguards?" I asked wondering why they would allow management to make them bring one along.

"I did say management was making us take one along didn't I?" Brian said raising his voice just enough to get me drop the subject.

Minutes later we joined the guys downstairs, along with Jim the bodyguard.

"Morning gents," AJ said as we exited the elevator.

"Hey AJ. Howie! My man. I haven't seen you in like 3 weeks! Its been too long!" Brian said sarcastically.

"Very funny Brian. How you doing?" Howie asked moving to give him a hug. "I'm good. Couldn't be better." Brian answered, as he gave me a quick look.

"Hey Cody, nice coat man! Where's mine?" Howie said turning to me. "Thanks. Who knows, maybe I'll let you borrow it sometime."

After exchanging some more words we made our way outside where we were greeted by a town car. Howie, Brian and I sat on one side and AJ and Jim sat facing us. We made small talk here and there until we got to where ever we were going.

"So where are we going any ways? Brian seemed to leave that bit of information out." I asked. "We thought we would do some shopping," Howie answered. "Shopping?" I said releasing a big sigh.

"Cody seemed to have done his share of shopping last night," Brian said turning to face out the window.

"No, No. That's not at all. I just ran into some store rather quickly last night when I saw this coat in the window." I said.

"So then what's the problem?" Howie asked. "I just remembered that I left my wallet, umm, I forgot my wallet," I said. "We can go back to get it. We're not too far from your place." "No, that's ok Howie. I'm not planning on buying anything today. Look, we're here. Let's get out of the car and walk around. You guys are bound to find something here on 5th Avenue," I said as the town car stopped.

As we got out of the car, Brian pulled me to the side while the rest of the guys ran into some store.

"Don't think I'm not going to ask you where the fuck you left your wallet last night. I didn't feel like getting upset this morning and that's why I didn't bring up the fact that you probably spent the night at that dick's house," Brian said staring at me.

I stood there speechless as Brian walked away from me, and into the store. 'What the hell just happened,' I asked myself. Before anyone noticed anything wrong I shook it off and went into the store. The rest of the day was weird to say the least. Brian would hold my hand in his while we were in the car and occasionally give me a kiss on the cheek when no one but the rest of the guys would be able to see. AJ and Howie couldn't have had a clue that things between Brian and I were not good at all.

The next few days were very uneventful. I had to go back to work the day after our day out with AJ and Howie. I was kind of glad I had to go back to work. It gave Brian and I some time apart, which I thought was needed. Kevin and Nick flew into New York. The guys had to get into the studio and work on some tracks for their new album. At nights when I got back from work I would cook dinner and wait for Brian to get back from the studio. Sometimes he wouldn't get back till 10 or 11 at night. We would have dinner in silence, then I'd go to bed. Brian would stay up pretty late. I would get up for work around 5 in the morning and he would just be getting to sleep on the couch. We did exchange a few words here and there, especially if Kevin would come upstairs when they passed by to drop of Brian. The filming of "Red Ocean" was going to finish up the following week and to my surprise Thanksgiving was just around the corner. Time had gone by in a flash. It seemed that I had met Brian only weeks ago but in fact, Brian and I had been together for four months now. Five months since the day we met on the talk show.

(OK, so its November as you can see. I hadn't made clear when all this was going on..... But now you know, its November 1998). Thanksgiving was coming up the week after my last day of work. I really didn't have a clue what I would be doing for that week. I hadn't heard any plans from the rest of the guys and definitely not from Brian. The way it was looking, I would be spending Thanksgiving alone.

"Cody, make sure you have everthing ready by Sunday. Just keep what you need for Monday. There coming to pick up our luggage that day so we don't have to carry anything Monday to the airport." Brian said coming into the bedroom.

"Brian?" "What Cody?" "Where are we going? You haven't mentioned anything, so I thought.."

"Cody, if you made plans already, don't worry about it. Just forget I said anything." Brian said putting on his sneakers.

"Dammit Brian! No, I don't have plans! I was expecting to spend the holiday here alone. I figured you were flying back home or something. You haven't cared to mention to me anything, your schedule, what your going to be doing. Nothing!"

"Fuck Cody! I'm telling you now! You don't have plans so don't worry about anything. Just keep your mouth shut and follow along."

"Follow along? Why the hell are we doing this Brian? Why are we making believe like there's nothing wrong when the rest of the guys are around? Why are you still staying here if your so pissed at me?"

I was expecting Brian to blow up in my face but he didn't. "Because, I don't know what else to do."

"What do you mean, you don't know what else to do? Your the one calling the shots. I'm just following your lead here. I'm clue less on what's going on.

I have been keeping my mouth shut hoping that you would eventually fill me in on what's going on, but you haven't! I expected to spend Thanksgiving here all alone!"

"I just don't know Cody. I don't know if I should be mad at you or not. I don't know if I should blame you for everything that has been going on. I mean, I know part of it is my fault. Sometimes I feel like its all my fault.

I just don't know. I mean, I was the one who told you I needed some time alone, so I can't blame you for leaving. So, No Cody. I don't know what to do."

"Brian, I know its my fault. I am the one who has been screwing up. I only left that night because I figured that sleeping on the couch really wouldn't be giving you some time alone. But I didn't do anything wrong Brian! I mean, Brad has 2 beds so I figured he wouldn't mind me just crashing there.... for..... the... night." And as I was saying the last sentence I slowed down with each word, regretting I had said the name Brad. I had not planned on telling Brian where exactly I had gone since nothing had happened.

I knew that telling him would make things worse.

"YOU STAYED WHERE?!?!?!" Brian stood up from the bed and threw his arms into the air. "I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU CODY!"

"Brian! Nothing happened! I didn't do anything wrong! Brad is just a friend!" I said walking after Brian.

"I can't believe this! You went and..." Brian stopped as he heard a knock at the door. He walked out of the bedroom slamming the door behind him. >From inside the bedroom I heard Brian open the door and people talking. I fixed myself up and walked out into the living room.

"Hey Cody! What's up my man?" AJ said as I walked into the living room to see all the guys.

"How's it going guys?"

Kevin walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "Pretty good Cody. Just thought we'd drop by and hang out since we have some free time today."

The guys all sat down and started talking mostly about work.

"Do you guys want anything? Something to drink?" I asked as I stood up. "Nothing here Cody," Nick said followed by the rest of the guys. "Are you sure? I can make some drinks," I said ready to get up.

"Relax Cody. They said they were fine." Brian walked over to me and sat down on my lap, putting his arm around my neck. The guys just continued to talk about the songs they had been recording the days before. Once in a while Brian would lean closer to me and plant a kiss on my cheek.

"Oh yeah, I have to go over what we're doing next week for Thanksgiving so you guys can be prepared. You guys know that you should be packed Sunday, cause Sunday night they're coming to pick up all the luggage so we don't have to worry over that Monday morning. Knowing you guys we're going to be late, even without luggage," Kevin said getting everyones attention.

"You know what? Can someone please tell me where the hell...." "Baby, don't worry about it ok?" Brian cut me off. Just as he was about to plant a kiss on my lips I pushed him off my lap, making him land on the floor with a big thud.

"Yo! What's going on?" Kevin said standing up. "Cody, what's wrong with you?" "What's wrong with me? Nothing is wrong with me!!! Brian is the one flipping here dammit!" "Cody! NOT KNOW! PLEASE!" "Not know? THEN WHEN? WHEN BRIAN? When are we going talk about what the fuck is going on? I sure can't wait any longer!!"

"HEY! HEY! Let's calm down here! Please!" Kevin helped Brian up and made him sit down. "NO! Brian we are going to talk about this now!" "Cody, Let's go into the bedroom ok?!" Brian stood up and tried to pull me towards the bedroom. "FUCK NO BRIAN!"" "Both of you chill out!" AJ said standing up. AJ wasn't one to raise his voice often so everyone quickly shut up.

"I'm sorry guys, but I just can't keep quiet anymore. I've kept my mouth shut for too long." "All right Brian, don't even think of opening your mouth right now," Kevin said turning to Brian right as he was going to say something. "Now, start talking Cody. We might as well solve everything now that we're all here"

"It's none of your business guys! OK Kevin? Its not! Just stay out of it please!" "No, we're not going to stay out of it Brian. I think we've gone through enough that we can help each other out and it seems like we might be able to help out here!! Besides, I am not about to leave you two alone right now. One of you looks like he wants to kill the other one!" Kevin said looking over at me.

"But Kevin!" Brian tried to continue. "Brian! I'm sick of making believe like things between us are so great when we're not even speaking! I don't understand why you keep making everything seem ok when the guys are around but once they turn their backs or leave you go back to ignoring me!"

"I thought everything was going good?" Nick spoke up. "Well, why wouldn't you think that with Brian sitting on my lap and kissing me and all. I don't know what to do anymore! I apologized for what I did and I just don't know what else I can do to get Brian to stop being mad at me," I looked over at Brian who was staring at the floor.

"Brian? What's going on man?" Howie said.

Brian leaned over to Nick and buried his face into his chest as he started to cry. We all just kind of sat there in silence. The guys were waiting for Brian to be able to talk and besides no one really knew what to say. Kevin looked over at me a couple times, as in wondering if I was going to get up and comfort Brian. I couldn't bring myself to do it though. I was scared of how Brian would react. It was him who was mad in the first place and by now I wasn't very happy with him either.

Nick couldn't stay quiet anymore. Either his shirt was getting too wet or he was really worried about Brian. Something told me it was a combination of both. "Brian, come on man. Stop crying, talk to us. Talk to Cody."

No was the only word I could make out from Brian's mumbles through Nick's shirt.

"Cuz, what do you mean you can't? We need to know what's been going on." Apparently Kevin understood what Brian said. He walked over to Brian, placing a hand on his shoulder, "tell us what's wrong."

"Kev, Brian and I haven't been talking for the past couple of weeks. Actually its been more like Brian not talking to me for the past couple of weeks!" I said getting up. "I don't know what to do anymore. He doesn't even look at me most of the time. But as soon as you or any of the guys are around he suddenly decides to jump on me and start kissing me. I just can't deal with this anymore. I don't understand him."

"CODY!!" "Brian! Since you don't seem to want to talk, let Cody let us know what's going on, " Kevin said raising his voice.

"That's the point Kevin! I don't want you to know what's going on! Its none of your business!" "Brian! It is our business! We're family, and you know that Cody has become family too." AJ said. "Yeah Brian. I thought we shared everything with each other. What's the problem now?" Nick said. "I don't know!" Brian said. "You know you do Brian!" Kevin said getting more agitated by his cousin. "I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT TO DO!" Brian screamed. "Oh come on Brian! I sure don't know what the hell is going on, and the guys sure don't, so you must have a clue!"

"I really don't know what to do Cody. I really don't." Tears started pouring out of Brian's eyes again and he quickly got up and ran out of the room. I didn't know what to do. At that moment I realized that Brian really didn't know how to handle this. He seemed to be more confused than any of us.

"Cody...." "Kevin, I don't know what to do. I really don't. Can you go see if he's ok?" "Cody, you need to go talk to him. Your the one he needs right now." "But Kevin, I'm lost right now. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to think." "Go with your heart Cody. You love him don't you?" "Yes.... but...." "Then that's all you need to know. That and that Brian loves you too."

With tears streaming down my face, I got up and started walking over to the bedroom where Brian had run into. 'I do love him, more than anything in this world. Nothing has changed that,' I thought as I opened the door. As I looked into the room I found Brian sitting in the dark, on the floor next to the bed. I slowly walked over next to him and sat down on the bed. We just sat there in the dark for a long time, without saying a word.

"Brian, I....." I forced myself to speak. "...I don't want to go on like this. I can't take not being able to talk to you. I can't take being ignored by you anymore. Not being able to share things with you. Or have you hold me and show that you love me...."


"I can't live like this Brian. I need you right now, more than ever. I've never felt more alone in my life than I have these past couple of months. Leaving you was really hard for me, and having to be on my own, and sober, was so difficult Brian! I've never felt more alone in my life and it sucks that now that I have you back I still feel alone! I don't..."

"Cody! Listen to me. I'm sorry! I'm sorry for the way I have been acting, but I didn't know what else to do. A million things have been going through my mind these past two weeks. I didn't know if I should be mad at you, or just ignore everything, or just, I don't know. I am sorry for being such an ass hole, I really am but you are to blame here. I placed all the blame on me when you were drinking and that wore me out, you know it. You left me because of that. And as hard as its been for me to not place the blame on me this time, I just can't anymore. You screwed up big time Cody. And I am mad at the actions you have taken lately but I can't stay mad at you like this. I love you so much Cody! More than you will ever comprehend. As much as you have hurt me lately I am willing to work past it because I can't see myself without you Cody. I really can't. And I'm sorry for lying to the guys and putting you in that position. I just didn't know what to do really, and I didn't want to get the guys involved until I knew what I was going to do."

"I'm so sorry too Brian! I am unbelievably sorry for hurting you. I know its my fault. You are right in not blaming yourself. None of our fighting has been your fault. Not now, nor has it ever been your fault. I've put you through hell with all of my problems. But don't worry Brian, I'm going to work hard in fixing everything ok babe? I am going to work really hard in making all of this better."

"No Cody. Your not." "But Brian.." "Your not going to work hard at fixing this Cody. We both are going to work hard ok? We're in this 50/50 Cody. Your problems are my problems and my problems are yours and we're going to help each other through them ok? No more of this 'doing things alone' crap! If we're going to make this work between us we're both going to have to put the same amount of energy."

"Brian I love you so much!" By this time I had lowered myself to the floor next to Brian. I leaned in and softly brushed my lips against his. I gently sucked on Brian's upper lip and slowly pushed my tongue into his mouth. We stayed like that for a few minutes, arms wrapped around each other.

"We're going to take it slow right?" Brian asked looking straight into my eyes. "Yeah, we're going to take it slow, work things out." Brian leaned in and kissed me deeply. "I love you, I'm sorry." "I'm sorry too Brian. I love you so much too and that's why we're going to get though this." "Together remember?" Brian said. "Together" I looked into Brian's deep blue eyes reassuring him of what I said. "For now, how about we go back into the living before the guys start to think one of us killed each other." "Yeah I think we should." Brian stood up and helped me to my feet.

I walked into the living room before Brian did and quickly received 4 pair of questioning eyes.

Kevin quickly stood up with a concerned look on his face. "Brian?" "Right behind me Kev," I said just as Brian came up behind me. "Well?" Kevin asked almost sounding like he was scared to know.

I gave the guys a big smile, assuring them that Brian and I worked things out. The guys looked at Brian who also gave them back a big smile.

Nick let out a sigh of relief. "So things are good now then?"

"Well, we still have a way to go but we'll be able to get through it." Brian took my hand into his. "We'll get through it together."

"That's great to hear. I wouldn't be able to stand seeing you guys fighting.

Knowing how much you two love each other." Howie said getting up. He walked over and gave Brian and I a hug. "I didn't want to have to hurt you two to get you to realize that!"

"You know I'm here for you if you need anything," Howie said as he gave me a hug. "Thanks Howie." "No problem."

"Brian, next time remember that you don't need to lie to us if things aren't going ok." Kevin said putting his hand on Brian's shoulder.

"Yeah, your right Kev, thanks," Brian said. "We're still going to have a long talk later," Kevin said looking at Brian seriously. "But Kev!" "I don't want to hear it Brian! I'll call you later ok? We'll go out to eat or something." Kevin said raising his eyebrow at Brian. "Cody, I'll talk to you later too ok?"

"No problem Kev."

We said good-bye to the rest of the guys. Nick seemed to take an extra long time saying good-bye to Brian. I had the strangest feeling that Nick was almost disappointed that Brian and I worked things out. The past couple of weeks Brian had been spending more time with Nick, just as they use to before I came into the picture. Now with Brian and I back together, I think he felt like Brian wouldn't spend as much time with him. I made a mental note to make sure that Brian spent enough time with Nick. That way it would give me a chance to spend time with Howie.

"Alone at last!" Brian threw himself down on the couch. "I thought they would never leave." "Yeah, me too," I said taking a seat next to Brian. "So are we really ok?" "What do you mean? Brian turned to look at me. "I mean, are we ok? I want to make sure that things between you and me are really better, not just another make believe thing." I sat there staring down at my feet.

"Of course Cody! I mean, I think we still have to talk about a lot of things before we can try to get things not only like they were before but better."

"Well, there's nothing like the present," I said looking at Brian. "Let's start clearing things up." "I don't know Cody." "What do you mean? As long as we promise not to get mad at each other or jump to any conclusions, we shouldn't have a problem."

"All right. I guess we should start to talk. Now seems like good of a time as any." "Ok, so we're should we start?" "I guess the first thing I want to know is, where were you that night you came home late? You left Howie hours before you came home."

I looked down at my feet again, not really knowing how I should answer this.

"Cody, its ok. You can tell me. I promise not to get angry at you. We need to clear everything up so just tell me."

"Well, Brad called me and asked me to go out with him and keep him company while he did some shopping. I really didn't want knowing if you found out you would get mad at me but he put the guilt trip on me and I just gave in. But Brian, nothing happened! I swear. I just walked around with him talking and watching him shop."

"What about that night? You stayed over at Brad's right?" Brian asked.

"Yeah. I didn't know what else to do. I knew you weren't going to change your mind and I figured I needed to get out of here. I know I should have gone some place else Brian, but I was not thinking clearly. You have to believe me when I tell you that Brad and I are just friends. We go back a long time. I met him when I was new to California and he's been there for me when I have needed him. He's been there when I have had no one to turn to. I guess I've been spending time with him, like that day shopping, because I feel guilty that I abandoned him when I met you. He's thing was still doing drugs and partying and when things between you and I got serious I tried cutting off all of those people and Brad was one of them."

"I know Cody," Brian said stroking my arm.

"Brian, you have to believe me when I say that there is nothing between Brad and I, besides friendship. If it really bothers you, me seeing Brad, then I guess I will just have to stop seeing him. I'll sacrifice anything I have to for you and me to work out."

"No, you don't have to do that Cody. There's really no good reason why you shouldn't be friends with him. Just give it sometime before you go out with him again, will you?"

"Of course Brian."

"I don't want you running off with him just yet. I can't lie and tell you that Brad doesnt bother me because he does. I think he's bad news. There's just something about him that doesn't go over well with me, besides me thinking that he wants you."

"Brad doesn't want me, Brian." "You sure about that?" Brian said, raising his eyebrow.

"Brian, don't worry about that. Your the one I want ok? Brad is my friend and he's going to stay just that."

"Well, just give it some time ok?" Brian said.

"I will Brian, don't worry. Brad is off to start another movie in a couple days, so you don't have to worry about me seeing him anytime soon."

"I think that's enough for tonight Cody. Let's take it slow, remember? Any ways, that's really what I wanted to talk about with you, the whole Brad thing. The rest will come to us day by day. We'll deal with our problems as we come by them ok?"

"Yeah I think your right. You know I love you, right Brian?" "I love you too Cody."

"So will you join me in the bedroom tonight? Or feel like spending another night on the couch?" I asked Brian, half jokingly and half honestly. I didn't want to jump into any conclusions.

"Cody, I definitely want to spend the night with you. That is if you will have me. I know you feel like I'm in control here in setting the pace but we both are Cody. I've been acting like a jerk too, lying to the guys and making you feel uncomfortable. We're both on the same level ok?"

"Yeah, your right. Well Brian, I would definitely like for you to move back into the bedroom with me!"

"Let's go get ready for bed then," Brian took my hand into his and led us to the bedroom.

We quickly got ready for bed and in no time were under the covers wrapped in each others arms.

"Goodnight Cody." Brian snuggled up behind me spooning me. Brian slipped his hands under my shirt and rested them on my belly. "I love you."

"Goodnight Brian." I said drifting off to sleep. "I love you."

*** Well, there's part 15. I can't believe I've been writing this story for almost a year now! I can't believe time has gone by so fast! I feel like I started writing this story yesterday. I want to thank all of you who have supported me from the beginning, and also those of you who caught up, lol. Thanks for all the compliments you guys have sent to me. Those who have written to me know that I don't think of myself as a good writer but your letters keep giving me the confidence in continuing this story. Well, as always let me know what you thought of the chapter. There's definitely more chapters coming, and maybe a little sooner since I'm done with college for the next month. I also wanted to thank Leprechaun for writing "Bad Boy B-Rock" cause its one of my favorite stories and it gave me my inspiration for writing this story. And also D Ls for writing such a kick ass good story, "Brian and Me." (If you haven't checked any of those out.. what the hell is wrong with you?) If any of you have know of any other good Brian storied let me know.. cause if you haven't noticed I have a thing for him. E-mail:

Next: Chapter 16

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