Brian and Cody

By moc.loa@3tropSXLR

Published on Jan 2, 2000


Hey People. Well, again I apologize for taking so long in putting out the chapter but what can I say! I'm just too lazy, and when I'm not being lazy I'm actually getting my school work done. But mostly its me being lazy! Well, you all know I think I suck at writing but I do it any ways. Why? Cause most stories out there don't go the way I want them too! lol. So I need to take control and write my own story, good or bad! Any ways, I have had no idea what other hells I can drag Brian and Cody through but the following is what I came up with. What would a story be without some conflicts, and drama, drama, and more drama? OK, well now that I you all think I'm a complete mess ... read the damn story! LOL

All I Have To Give: Brian and Cody 16 by: Cody S. ~

"Brian! Look what you've gone and done now!"

It was the Monday before Thanksgiving and we were all at the airport, running through it actually, trying to get to our boarding gates. Kevin, Brian and I were headed to Kentucky to spend Thanksgiving with Kevin and Brian's family of course. Howie and AJ were headed towards Florida to spend the holiday with their families and Nick was headed out to California to where his family lived. We had all said our good-byes in the limousine so when we arrived at the airport everyone dashed out of the limousine and ran out into the airport, all in different directions. For once AJ had dressed down and worn very low key clothing so he and Howie apparently had no problem getting to their departure gate on time. Us on the other hand, was a completely different story. Brian, in the rush, had forgotten to throw on his shades and hat on so not only 2 minutes into the airport he had about 40 people surrounding him

Kevin was already on edge in worrying about getting to the airport on time and Brian only added to Kevin's headache's with forgetting to disguise himself. After security was able to free the 3 of us from the crowds of fans, since it didn't take a long time before people recognized Kevin and I after seeing us with Brian, we were able to make it to our boarding gate.

"I thought we would never get out of there alive! I hope this teaches you a lesson to remember to put your shades and hat on next time Brian! Try not to be so irresponsible Brian! First you make us late to the airport and then you go and back us up even more. Sometimes I don't know what goes on in that head of yours Brian!" Kevin went on and on lecturing Brian about his responsibilities for who knows how long. I quickly excused myself to the bathroom as soon as Kevin started because if I knew Kevin he was not even close to being done scolding Brian.

As soon as I returned from the bathroom, we were ushered onto the plane and seated in 1st class. We were the first ones on the plane so no one but the people sitting besides us noticed us since the first class was on the second floor of the plane.

"Thanks a lot Cody!" Brian said trying to put his best angry face on. "What are you talking about?" "You left me all alone so that Kevin could yell at me!" Brian said pouting. "Hey! You know very well that having me there would not have stopped Kevin from yelling at you!" "Yeah well, at least he wouldn't have had to pay attention to just me if you were there," Brian said. "Well, I wasn't about to get yelled at!" I ruffled Brian's cute curls. "Kevin would have found some way in blaming me for you being so late this morning!"

"Don't think you got off easy Cody," Kevin said walking back from the bathroom. "I'm still going to have a talk with you too."

"But Kevin!" "Ah Ah Ah, Don't even try to weasel your way out of this one Cody!" "It wasn't my fault 'sleepy head' over here took twice as long as me to get ready! I did my part in waking him up. I can only do so much for this little boy, you know," I said.

"Well, all right Cody. But next time try getting him up a bit earlier. You know how slow Brian can be!" "Hey! If I'm going to get yelled at and insulted, Cody should too!" "Brian, stop while your still on my good side all right?" Kevin said raising an eyebrow at Brian.

It never seemed to stop amusing me at how Kevin would scold Brian every time Brian did something irresponsible. It was hilarious to see Kevin lecture Brian like he was his son or something.

"I hope your amused by all this!" Brian leaned over and whispered into my ear. "You know I always do. Now hush up before Kevin starts on you again," I said putting my finger up to Brian's lips.

We finally arrived in Kentucky a few hours later. Nothing made Brian and I happier than touching land since we both had a bit of a fear of flying, more so Brian than I.

"Come on babe, nothing is going to go wrong. Just stay with me please?"

We were all sitting in the limousine, Kevin, Brian and I, with Brian trying to persuade me to stay with him at his parent's house. It had been something I had been thinking about for a few days. I wasn't really nervous about meeting Brian's family since I had already met Brian's brother, Harold, while we had been in Florida and we had gotten along pretty good. I was worried that Brian and I would slip up and show some affection toward each other that would make his family realize we were more than just close friends.

"Brian, we've talked about this already and I told you, I would feel more comfortable staying at the hotel."

"But.." "Brian, please!" "Cody, I don't see why you are so worried. My parents did insist that you stay with us and you know Harold likes you. I really don't see the problem," Brian continued to insist.

"What if they catch us doing something that we shouldn't be doing, Brian? Its just not safe. We can easily make a mistake and kiss or hold hands or just stare at each other a little too long. If they catch us, what then Brian? Are you just going to tell you parents, 'Yeah, I'm gay Mom and dad.' I don't think so Brian. You are the one who should be worrying Brian since you don't plan on coming out to you parents anytime soon."

"What are you trying to say? Do you want me to come out to my parents? Is that it Cody? Do you want me to tell them that you and I are together?" Brian said raising his voice.

"Hey! Calm down you two! Can we go through a day without the two of you fighting!" Kevin spoke up.

"Don't be stupid Brian! I don't expect you to come out to your family. Why would you think that?" "Your the one who stressed the part about me 'not coming out to my parents any time soon'!" "I didn't mean it like that Brian. Believe me Brian, I don't want you coming out to your parents as much, maybe even more, as you don't."

"What do you mean by that?" "Nothing," I turned and looked out the window. Memories that I didn't want to remember came flooding into my mind. I stayed starting out the window for a while longer until I felt the tears coming to my eyes.

"Cody, are you OK?" Brian asked sounding really worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. So are we close to the hotel?" Was all I could think of to change the conversation.

"Yeah, we're only a couple minutes away now," Kevin said coming to my rescue. I looked over at Kevin and gave him a quick smile, thanking him for not probing at my thoughts.

"I still think you should stay with me," Brian mumbled under his breath.

"Oh look. We're here," I said ignoring Brian.

Brian and I went into the hotel while Kevin waited in the limousine for us. I quickly got checked in and had my bags brought up to the room. Once the bellboy got his generous tip and walked out of the room, Brian pulled me down to sit next to him on the couch.

"You know I really want you with me Cody." "Brian, its not like we're not going to see each other at all this week." "But I won't have you to hug while I sleep," Brian put his head down on my lap. "Even if I stayed at your families house I would have to sleep in a different bedroom Brian. You know that." I ran my fingers through Brian's soft curls.

"Well, I didn't tell you my plan, did I?" Brian looked up at me with a devilish grin. "What were you thinking about Mister?" "Well, Harold's old room connects with my room through the bathroom, so...." "...Once everyone went to bed one of us would magically appear in the others bed, huh?" I said finishing Brian's sentence.

"Yeah, that's pretty much the way the plan would work. "But...." "But its too risky. Yeah, I know Cody." "You know I love your right?" I said.

Brian put his arm behind my neck and pulled me down to meet his lips. We kissed for a couple minutes, our tongues slipping in and out of each others mouths. Brian lifted himself off the bed and threw his leg over my lap, straddling me on the couch. He started making his way down my neck with his tongue, stopping ever so often to suck on my neck a little. Brian eventually ended up kneeling in front of me, sliding his hands into my shirt. He worked his way up to my nipples, rubbing them softly. He slowly lifted my shirt up and started running his tongue up to my chest. As he pulled and sucked on my nipples Brian started unbuttoning my jeans

"Brian..." "Hmmm?" Brian moaned. "Brian, we have to stop." "No, we don't," Brian said looking up at me for a second and then quickly returning to licking my chest. "Yes, yes we do. Believe me, I don't want you to stop, but we have to stop Brian." "Why?" Brian mumbled as he unzipped my jeans. "Why? Cause poor ol' Kevin is waiting for us in the limousine and I'm pretty sure that he's not going to be very happy with us if we take any longer."

"Oh Shit!" Brian shot up to his feet and started running around the room searching for his jacket. "Sure, just leave me looking all disheveled over here," I said buttoning up my pants. "Come on Cody! Get moving! Kevin is going to be so pissed at us. Hurry up!!" "Well, excuse me. Your the one who got me in the state I'm in Mister!"

Brian looked at me sitting on the couch with my hair sticking up, my shirt all crumpled, and my pants nearly off. "Sorry babe! I really am but if you don't start moving, Kevin will have our heads!"

"Our heads? You mean your head Babe." "Gee, thanks. Why would I even think you would take the blame with me."

As soon as I got myself together we were out of the suite and in the elevator.

"And don't worry Cody. I'll make it up to you later," Brian leaned over and whispered into my ear. "Make up what to me later?" "Leaving you like this." Brian said as he grabbed my package with his hand. In the rush I hadn't even realized that I still had a very hard member in my pants. "Oh its so cute when you blush. Just hold your jacket in front of you."

We ran into the limo, with my cheeks still red. Kevin was sitting there looking very irritated and annoyed.

"Sorry about keeping you waiting in here for so long Kev. Some fans saw us walking through the halls and kind of surrounded us," Brian said, lying right to Kevin's face

"Brian, I have been waiting in here for like 30 minutes!" "But Kev. What did you want us to do? Just ignore our fans and disappoint them? I know you wouldn't want any of us to do that. Your the one always telling us to me extremely nice to our fans regardless of where we are."

I smiled to myself, knowing that Kevin would not continue to scold Brian for keeping him waiting after his little speech. Kevin was in deed the one who always instructed the guys to be pleasant to their fans at anytime of the day, regardless the situation they were in. There had been occasions where it would be 4 in the morning and we would all just be getting off a ten hour flight and Kevin would make sure the guys were extremely nice to their fans, signing everything they could and even taking a couple pictures with them, in their half asleep state.

The rest of the ride to Brian's house was very quiet. Kevin would occasionally glance over at me but I didn't think anything of it. When we neared Brian's house, he started getting all big eyed and anxious.

"Look Cody, that's where I use to go play basketball as a little kid! Oh, and look over there, that is where I got into my first fight. I sure gave that kid a good beating!" Brian said, pointing in every direction.

"Oh my manly man beat up some kid. I feel so safe with him around," I said to Kevin making him laugh.

"You damn well are safe with me around baby." Brian said. "Oh and that's where I use to take the bus to school every morning before I got my car."

"Let me tell you Cody. I would have rather walked the 3 miles to school than drive that ugly, beaten down thing he use to drive."

"Hey! Don't be cracking on my pickup truck OK? That thing got me around everywhere."

"Pickup truck? You use to drive a pickup truck? How green acres," I said cracking a smile. "Excuse me? I know you just did not call me a hick!" Brian said. "No, I'm not calling you a hick. More like a redneck."

"WHAT?" Brian said getting a little angry. "I was just kidding Brian. You know I was kidding, right Kevin?" I turned to Kev.

"Sorry Cody, but I can't help you out there. You crossed the line there buddy." Kevin said.

"I cannot believe you just called me a redneck!" "Oh Brian, I was just kidding. Besides, redneck or not, I still love you," I said leaning over to Brian. "No, No. Your not getting any lip action from me now!" Brian said turning his head. He was going to milk this one as much as he could.

"Well, fine. Be like that you baby! Can't even take a joke!" I turned my face to look out the window, only to hear Kevin start laughing. "What? Oh yeah, real mature Brian!" I said turning around quickly to catch Brian still sticking his tongue out at me. Brian turned red and just looked the other way.

We pulled up into Brian's driveway and were greeted by his whole family and Kevin's. Brian quickly introduced me to everyone, who already knew who I was. Apparently they had all seen my movies when they had found out that I was Brian's close friend. Some of Brian's young cousins, and especially the ones near my age apparently had a liking for me. They pretty much stayed by my side as Brian introduced me to the rest of his family and Kevin's. Brian introduced me to his parents the last. Mrs. Littrell was an extremely nice women. I could tell right off the back why Brian loved her so much, besides her being his mother and all. She came off so kind and sweet. She made me feel so comfortable and like part of the family. Brian's father was also very nice and outgoing but we didn't get to talk much since Mrs. Littrell quickly ushered us all into the house.

Later that night, after we all had dinner, everyone who was left piled into the living room. Brian's parents, Harold, Kevin, Brian and I were the only ones left. Everyone else had taken off after desert had been finished.

"So Cody, Brian tells me that you just finished working on a movie?" Harold started the conversation. "Yeah, I just finished working a little over a week ago." "What's the movie about?" "Oh, its called 'Red Ocean,' I think. I doubt they'll change the name. Its about a team of Americans who enter a sailing competition."

"Wow, sounds like an exiting movie," Ms. Littrell said joining the conversation. "Yeah, I think its going to be a great film. I can't wait to see the finished product myself," I said.

"So Cody, how did we get so lucky to get a big movie star here with us for Thanksgiving. Felt like getting away from the family for a while?" Mr. Littrell asked.

"Dad!" Brian jumped in, looking at his dad very seriously. "What Brian? What did I do?" Mr. Littrell asked confused.

"Brian, don't worry about it," I said getting Brian's attention. "Its all right, its not a secret or anything. My parents passed away not so long ago."

"Oh, I am so sorry Cody. I didn't know. I didn't mean to bring up something unpleasant. Please forgive me," Mr. Littrell said very apologetic.

"Yes, please forgive my husband. He has a tendency to pry into other people's life's," Mrs. Littrell added.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I really don't mind. I'm surprised Brian hadn't mentioned it to you." "I didn't know if it was appropriate for me to talk about it to others Cody." "Well, it would have been OK, Brian. Really." I reassured Brian, who was looking at me with a worried look on his face.

"Oh Harold, lets change the subject. I'm sure Cody doesn't want to be reminded of this right now. Its a day to celebrate."

"Its OK Mrs. Littrell. But, yes it is a day to celebrate. To be thankful for everything that we have." "Well, said Cody." Mr. Littrell added.

"Yes, I'm sure thankful for everything that has happened to the Backstreet Boys this year," Kevin added. "You boys sure did have a great year! I'm so proud of you two," Ms. Littrell said pinching Brian's cheek.

We talked for a while longer, pretty much about everything. My career, the guy's upcoming schedule, the new album. Once the conversation had dwindled down Mr. and Mrs. Littrell made their way upstairs for the night, along with Harold, Kevin said his goodnights to everyone and headed to his parents home, leaving only Brian and me in the living room.

"Now, that wasn't bad, now was it?" Brian said walking over to sit next to me. "No, no it wasn't. I never said it was going to be." "Yeah well, You have to admit that you were nervous." "I was definitely nervous. I mean, I was meeting the parents of the one I love." "I love you too baby," Brian quickly leaned in and planted a kiss on my forehead. "I mean, Kevin's parents were so nice. I don't know why I was nervous," I said with a grin. "You asshole!" Brian punched me in the arm. "Ouch! That hurt, Brian!" "Well, you deserved it!" Brian said. "I guess Kevin will be happy to hear that not only do you love him, but you like his parents as well."

"Brian, you know your the only one who has my attention. I love you babe, and your family." "I love you too." Brian leaned in again, this time aiming for my lips. "I don't think so Brian. Not here, not right now. Someone might walk in on us." "But they're all upstairs. My parents are probably already asleep!" "No Brian. You know we can't take that chance. You can't take the chance of getting caught." "Fine! But you don't know what your missing," Brian said seductively passing his tongue over his lips. "Oh, I won't be missing out." "Yes, you will." Brian said looking at me with a questioning look on his face. "I said we couldn't do that here. I didn't say you weren't allowed to take me to my hotel room. You weren't planning on being a lousy date and letting me find my way back by myself, were you?"

At this Brian just grinned from ear to ear. He quickly got up and ran towards the closet to get our coats. Minutes later, I was being dragged out of Brian's house by the arm and getting thrown into a car.

"Brian! Slow down! Your going to get us killed!" I screamed at Brian. He was going nearly 90 mph on the highway. "Brian!!!!"

"Relax baby. The faster I drive, the faster my tongue will be in your mouth."

"Not if you get us killed Brian! Now please, slow down!


To Be Continued.

*** Happy New Year Everybody! I hope you all had a fun and save New Year's. Well, I was planning on making this chapter a long one, cause I'm way overdue to make one. I know all the chapter have been way to short. But, I just couldn't help myself in ending this chapter with a cliffhanger. As always let me know what you all think. I really haven't gotten any feedback so I think the story is losing interest. I might end this one and start on another one. But I'm not sure. I'll have to see the response I get. Hope you all liked this chapter. E-mail me at Please put "Brian and Cody" in the subject or I might delete your e-mail by mistake. By the way. Sorry I keep changing my e-mail address. I think this one will be permanent but who knows. lol.

Next: Chapter 17

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