Brian and Cody

By moc.loa@3tropSXLR

Published on Jan 24, 2000


All I Have To Give: Brian and Cody 17 by: Cody S. ~



The clock was minutes away from striking midnight, and 1999 was almost here. The guys had just finished doing their New Years Eve concert just in time for Brian to run backstage to be by my side. Kevin also joined us backstage while Nick, AJ and Howie had their families and friends come out on stage with them to count down 'till the new year with all the fans in the arena.

"Come on Cody," Brian said pulling me into a room backstage with Kevin close behind. "What are you doing Brian?" I asked wondering why Brian was pulling me. "We need some privacy, don't you think?" Brian grinned and whispered into my ear. "I want to be able to kiss you when the clock strikes 12."

"Oh-Kay, I think I'm going to find my way back to the stage," Kevin said looking at us funny. "Stay with us Kev! I want to bring in the new year with my cuz. We'll behave!" Brian said pouting. "All right, just keep it to a minimum. Don't forget that I'm in the room!" Kevin said smiling.

"I'm really happy I get to see the new year with 2 of my favorite people in the world," I said putting my arms around Brian and Kevin. "One minute to 1999!" Brian screamed getting up and running around the room, his arms in the air. "Hey! Funny boy! Come here and start puckering up!" I said extending my arms to Brian. Brian tackled me down on the couch just as the countdown began.

"10....9....8....7....6....5....4....3....2....1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" We all screamed together.

"I love you Cody." "I love you more Brian." Brian took me in his arms and put his lips to mine.

As we kissed through the first few minutes of 1999, thoughts came flooding into my head of the weeks that led up to that moment. The last month of 1998 was very hectic. Everyone's schedules were all over the place. After the week we spent in Kentucky for Thanksgiving, the guys started work on their album again in Orlando, with some concerts and award shows in between. I was busy myself, having to attend meetings with production companies and directors and reading movie scripts. Brian and I didn't spend too much time together, to say the least, during December because of all of our commitments. But the week we had spent in Kentucky made up for the time we didn't spend together the following weeks though. It was one of the best weeks we had spent together in a long time. During the day we bummed around his parent's house, eating good food and watching TV. We went to the park a lot and played every sport we could.

I wasn't very happy about having to keep my distance from Brian during the day, now that we were doing so well, but that all changed at night. After we would have dinner at his parents house or at a local diner, Brian would come over to my hotel and spend some time with just me. We would cuddle up in front of the fireplace and either watch a movie or just sit there, cuddling each other, talking. Brian even stayed over a couple of nights. We, accidentally, fell asleep while watching a movie those nights. It was worth risking getting found out, just waking up and seeing Brian's angelic face next to me. Brian's parents never noticed though. They just figured he came home after they fell asleep and was at the gym early the next morning. I was sad to see that week end, especially knowing that we wouldn't be seeing each other a lot through December.

"There's no one else I would rather spend New Years with," Brian said, bringing me back to the present. "Me neither Brian. I couldn't be any happier right now. I know this year is going to be a great year for us babe. I just know it." I held on tighter to Brian by the waist. "Definitely Cody. It already started out great. We're both together and that's how its going to stay," Brian said leaning over for another deep kiss.

"Guys, your going to make me cry!" Kevin said making his presence known. "Hey! Don't make fun of the love birds!" Brian said kissing me again. "Yeah!" I said backing Brian up.

"Happy New Years, Cuz!" Brian said grabbing Kevin in a big hug. "Love you man."

"I love you too Brian. Happy New Year! I hope this year brings a lot of good things for you. You definitely deserve it." Kevin said into Brian's ear. "Especially your health and your happiness, alongside Cody."

"Hey, Hey, Hey! Lets not get emotional here! Its a whole New year and we need to celebrate all the good things that are coming our way this year. Lets leave what happened in the past out of our minds for at least tonight," I said noticing Kevin getting a little choked up. I knew memories of Brian's heart surgery entered his mind. Along with memories of Deniz's death and all the other drama the guys had gone through during the year.

"Look at the bright side. This year is going to make us all richer!" I said.

"Richer? You mean, we might actually become rich this year!" Kevin said laughing. "Cause I only see one rich person in this room, and that person is not a Backstreet Boy."

"Oh come on! Lou didn't starve you all to death. Although, people might think Brian wasn't fed properly. He is a small little guy isn't he?" I said looking at Brian up and down.

"Hey! Don't make fun of my size! Just cause I'm not big doesn't mean I can't beat the crap out of you." "Hmm, such confidence from such a small guy." I messed Brian's hair up. "Cody! Remember the last time someone made fun of Brian being small," Kevin reminded me. "I don't even think Nick has fully recuperated." "Nope, he hasn't!" Brian smiling proudly.

"Come on you two. Let's go celebrate with the rest of the guys out on stage," Kevin said pushing us out of the dressing room.

After the guys performed another song for their fans, we all moved to a tent set up behind the arena for us to celebrate the new year. Nick's, Howie's and AJ's families and many friends joined us to celebrate the new year. It was a great party. Loud music, good food, and unfortunately, drinks all around. Although I had no plans on drinking, the guys still went out of their way from keeping me away from the bar. As the night went on though, everyone started focusing their attention towards Brian.. After Brian's fifth or sixth drink, he started to get out of hand.

"Brian, no more drinks for you, ok babe?" I took Brian's drink from his hand. "Hey, I'm not done with that!!" Brian pretty much scaled over the table reaching for his drink. "Give it back." "Brian! Stop it! You are getting out of hand! Everyone is starting to stare, and I am losing my patience with you!" I pushed Brian back down in his seat. "Losing patience with me? Well, now you know how I felt when you had your fun!" Brian jumped out of his chair and stumbled over towards the bar. I gave up following him around, making sure he didn't fall and break his head open.

"Don't worry about him. I saw Kevin going after him." Howie said pulling a chair next to me. "Oh, I'm not." I replied taking a sip of my water. "So, you doing ok?" "I'm doing fine Howie! I'm not planning on joining Brian, so don't worry." I answered Howie, knowing what he was getting at. "I was just checking. You know I'm here for you if you need anything." "Thanks Howie, but I'm ok. I mean, the last thing you guys need is to have Brian and me drunk and all over each other." I joked. "Definitely not! I don't think everyone here is ready to see that either." Howie said. "It sure would be a hell of a way to let everyone know though." I laughed. "Brian and me naked on the dance floor." "OK, you better stick to that water!" Howie replied.

I decided it was time to head home, before Brian decided to come over to me and let everyone know how close of friends we really were. I walked around until I found Kevin.

"Hey Kevin, I think I better get Brian home before he does anything stupid. Besides, I'm exhausted." "Good idea. I was thinking the same thing. Let me get my things and we'll go ok?" Kevin said. "Oh, you don't have to leave the party. I can handle Brian myself." "No, its ok. I want to go home too. I can barely walk right now after having done that concert. Let me just go get my things and say good-bye to some people and we'll head out." Kevin replied. "OK, I'll go find Brian."

I finally found Brian on the dance floor, making a fool of himself. I pulled him off the dance floor and headed towards the door where we were met by Kevin and Nick. We all decided that we would crash at his Kevin's house for the night, since he lived the closest to the venue. Nick didn't feel like driving out to Tampa and we didn't want Brian throwing up in the car on the way to his house. Brian didn't have much of a say in where we were going, since his option was to go streaking through the streets of downtown Orlando.

"We have the car waiting outside," A security officer informed Kevin.

Once we were ready, about 5 bodyguards came over to us so they could escort us to the car. Even though it was 5:30 in the morning, there was still a big crowd of fans outside the arena. Apparently, some of them had sneaked back inside to try and meet the guys, up close and personal, but were found by security. Luckily, other than Brian's drunken behavior, there were no disruptions as we made our way to the 4-runner.

"I'M DRIVING!" Brian declared as we reached the car. "Oh no you don't!" Nick said stopping Brian from jumping into the driver's seat. "Why not? I'm a good driver! THE BEST IN THE WORLD!" Brian proclaimed throwing his arms in the air.

"OK, not only did you have way too much to drink, but after that stunt you pulled in Kentucky where you could have gotten yourself and Cody killed on the highway, you lost your title of best in the world!" Kevin added. "Oh, that was nothing!" Brian said leaning close into Kevin's face. "Jeez your breath reeks Bri!" Kevin said pushing him back into Nick's arms. "Nick, make sure he doesn't jump out of the car or something."

"It was just a little joke! I thought I could make him pee in his pants! Hell, I think he did!" Brian said cracking up at his own words. "You should have heard him scream Nick, when I swerved out onto the side of the road! He screamed like a girl!" "Hey Nick, if he decides to jump out of the car, don't stop him!" I said. "AAAHHHHHHHHH!!" Brian screamed trying to imitate me. "It was hilarious"

"Cody! How about you come and control your man over here! I had to put up with him most of the night! I am not putting up with him on the way home too!!" Nick exclaimed just as Brian almost fell, bringing Nick down with him. Nick pushed Brian into my arms and climbed into the passenger seat of the large black Ford Explorer.

I pushed Brian into the back seat with me and made him lay his head on my lap.

"How many drinks did he actually have?" Kevin said climbing in after me. "One too many! It doesn't take much to get him drunk," Nick said. "Shut the fuck up Nick!" Brian yelled sitting up in his seat.

Before Kevin or I could scold him, Brian shut his own mouth and turned to look at me. He placed his head on my shoulder and stayed quiet as Jim, one of the boy's bodyguards, drove us out of the arena.

After a few minutes on the road, Brian looked up at me and spoke. "Cody?" "Yeah babe?" I said looking down at Brian. "I love you," Brian said rubbing my chest with his hands. "I love you too, but how about you try and fall asleep while we get home ok?" "But I love you!" Brian sat up in his seat and gave me an intense look. "I know babe, I know. I love you too, but just relax all right? Put your head back on my lap." I pulled Brian down and ran my fingers through his hair slowly. That always made him fall asleep.

"He can be a handful sometimes, huh?" Nick said looking back at us. "Yes he can. How tables have turned, huh?" I said looking at Nick "Who would have thought," Nick replied turning around in his seat.

I didn't like the way that sounded coming from Nick. "Yeah, who would have thought I would grow up huh?" "Well, we'll have to see, won't we?" Nick said, not bothering to look back.

The rest of the ride to Kevin's house went quiet, besides Brian's snores. Once we got there, Kevin came around the car and helped me with Brian. We figured it was best not to wake him up. Kevin threw him over his shoulder and carried him inside. Once inside we decided to just crash in the living room. Kevin put Brian down on one of the large sofas. I just lay down next to Brian on the sofa and spooned him. As much as Brian had annoyed me by getting drunk, I couldn't sleep without him in my arms. Kevin plopped down on the other sofa while Nick found a spot on the carpet. We were all fast asleep in no time.

"What's going on guys?" Kevin said still half asleep. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up Kev. Brian and I are heading home." I answered Kevin. "What time is it? Brian isn't driving, is he? I think he drank to much! Make sure you drive!" "Relax Kevin, go back to sleep! Its noon already, and besides, Brian threw up all the liquor by now!" "It doesn't take much to get Brian drunk, he wakes up really hung over, so u take the ke..:yawn::" Kevin dozed off right in mid sentence.

"Was that Kev.?" Brian asked, walking out of the bathroom. "Yeah, he fell back asleep though. In the middle of one of his own lectures too." I said laughing quietly. "Thank God. Let's get going before he wakes up again," Brian said. "You didn't have to use the bathroom again did you?" I asked, thinking he had to throw up again "No, I'm pretty sure I got it all out earlier this morning." Brian replied.

We quietly walked around Nick and out the front door. Brian said he was driving, and I wasn't really in the mood to talk him out of it. I didn't know my way to Brian's house any ways. Besides, he had been sober for a few hours now.

On the way to Brian's house I realized I had only been to Brian's house twice since he had moved into it. Brian had closed the deal on the house back in September but didn't move in until the week after Thanksgiving. The reason he hadn't moved in earlier was because he just didn't have the time and because he was having some rooms of the house renovated. Plus, the free time he had, he had spent it with me in England and New York. The weekend after being in Kentucky, I was in New York taking care of business when Brian moved in. The two times I had gone to the house was in the last couple of weeks of December. We were still staying at Kevin's house for the most part though since the house hadn't been furnished.

"Did I tell you how beautiful your house is Brian?" I stood on the front lawn admiring the house. "Yeah, I think you did. Both times you have been here." Brian said walking up behind me. "Well, it is. You couldn't have picked a better house for yourself." "You know your wrong when you say that, don't you?" Brian said.. "Yeah, I guess I am. You could have bought a house on the beach. It would have been great to have the ocean as your backyard," I said grinning.

"No Cody, your right about the house, I couldn't have picked a better one," Brian said. "What are you talking about then Brian?" I asked. "You're wrong about it being my house Cody. Its not just my house, its our house!" "Our house?"

"Its our house Cody. Ours! Yours and mine. I bought it for the both of us.

We are together aren't we? I know we both travel a lot, but I thought it would be nice to have someplace to call home, you know? Somewhere to hang our hats at the end of the day. A place for the both of us, so we don't have to stay over someone else's house, or have to sneak in through the backdoor of some hotel.

"A place to hang our hat at the end of the day huh?" "Yeah, a place to call our own," Brian replied "But you paid for it yourself." I said, still not sure about Brian saying it was ours. "Cody! Just because I paid for the house doesn't make it any less yours." "But I won't be able to help feeling like this, Brian."

"Cody, I knew you would bring this up so listen to me. Why do you think I waited for you to help me furnish it? I wanted you to help me so you could feel comfortable here. Plus, there's your apartment in New York that you bought, and we're going to be spending a lot of time there as well right? We can't be thinking about what belongs to who. I don't want to feel like a guest when we're staying at the apartment and I don't want you feeling like a guest when we stay here."

"OK, I get it Brian," I took a deep breath. Wow. I don't know what to say Brian." "You don't have to say anything. A kiss could do the trick," Brian said grinning.

I gave Brian a big wet kiss.

"Now, can we get over this whole 'who's house and apartment is it' thing please!" Brian said prying himself away from me.

We spent the rest of the afternoon running around the house, coming up with ideas on how to decorate it. My favorite part of the house was the back of it. It had a huge deck with stairs at the end that led down to a big pool. At night, lights underneath the water lit it up, making it look like a lagoon. There were even some palm trees which made the whole backyard look like paradise, plus there was complete privacy, not only around the backyard, but throughout the whole property. There was no way anyone could look into the property because of the high trees and a wall which was barely noticeable surrounding the property. Not only that, but the house was in a gated community, which meant no one but residents were able to enter the street. The house was perfect to say the least. Once Brian and I had stopped running around the house, unpacking Brian's things and moving the bit of furniture that had been brought, we settled down outside next to the pool, on a pool chair.

"Its about time we get to spend some quality time together. I feel like I haven't seen you in such a long time!" Brian ran his fingers through my hair. He knew how much I loved having him do that. "That's because we really haven't been together this past month, Brian. You don't know how much I missed you while I was in New York." "I think I have a pretty good idea on how you felt. I missed you more," Brian said. "After what the guys told me about you, I believe you." I said thinking about what the guys had told me. "Hey! What did they say about me?" Brian said lifting my chin so our eyes met. "Oh, nothing much besides how you were so distracted in the studio that you had to keep redoing your vocals until your voice was strained! And something about you checking your cell phone every 20 minutes," I answered "What can I say? I missed you a lot." "I know babe." I said, nuzzling up to Brian. "I wasn't all together in New York myself. I had to keep busy all day long so I wouldn't think about you too much, although it didn't really help much."

We cuddled for a little while without saying a word. I was lying down in between Brian's legs, with my head on his chest.

"Well? What are you thinking?" Brian asked, breaking the silence. "Just how great it feels to be in your arms."

We stayed like that for a while. Just enjoying each other's warmth. Brian just ran his fingers through my hair making me doze off a bit. I liked that just as much, if not more, than Brian. I always seemed to get sleepy when someone was playing with my hair. I would even doze off when I got my hair cut. After about an hour of just lying outside, I had an idea.

I pushed myself further up Brian's body, until I came face to face with him. I lowered my head down and pressed my lips against his. Brian quickly joined in and darted his tongue into my mouth. We stayed like that, playing tug of war with our tongues, for a while until I pulled away. I stood up and took Brian's hand into mine. I pulled him off the chair and led him into the house. As we reached the top of the stairs Brian stopped and looked at me. Without having to say a word, I knew Brian was making sure I was ready for this. We hadn't made love in months. Besides some heavy make out sessions, the last time we had done anything was back in London, on the set of my movie. But that was hardly anything and after that everything kind of came crashing down. Any ways, I was definitely sure that it was time Brian and I made love again.

I pulled him close to me, so my lips brushed against his. Brian still seemed to want a vocal answer, but before he pulled away from me and ask me if I was really sure, I wrapped my arms around his waist, held him tight to me, and pushed my tongue past his lips. I didn't let Brian out of my arms, or my tongue out of his mouth for a long time. When I finally released him he looked at me, a bit dazed and confused but with a huge smile across his face.

I looked into Brian's deep blue eyes, took his hand into mine again and squeezed tight.

We finally reached the bedroom, and as soon as we neared the bed I threw Brian down on it and jumped on top of him, straddling his waist. I leaned down and slipped my tongue in his mouth. Brian started pulling at the buttons of my shirt, and quickly had it off of me and on the floor. I pulled Brian's shirt over his head exposing his beautiful chest. I went to work licking and kissing his chest, paying close attention to his nipples. Soon, all of our clothes were lying in a pile on the floor. I licked my way down Brian's chest, down his thighs and back up. I looked at Brian's gorgeous cock sticking straight up and licked my lips, making Brian moan in anticipation.

Brian put his hand behind my neck and pushed me down to his cock. I was in the mood to tease Brian a bit, so I didn't take his cock in my mouth just yet. At Brian's insistence I wrapped my lips around the head and gently sucked. I let Brian's cock slip out of my mouth once in a while, so I could run my tongue up and down the side of his cock. Brian seemed to enjoy me licking his dick up and down by the moans coming out of his mouth. That always drove Brian crazy. Brian started bucking his hips up and down, making his cock slide deeper into my mouth. His pace grew quickly and soon was pushing in and out of my mouth fast. I let Brian fuck my face for a while, as I looked up at him. His head was thrown back, eyes closed and mouth slightly open. I had too look away so not to cum right there.

"Cody?" Brian said as he stopped thrusting into my mouth. "Hmmm?" I mumbled, not letting Brian's dick out of my mouth. "I want you inside me baby. I want your dick inside me," Brian said breathing heavily. "Are you sure?" I asked looking up at Brian. I had never fucked Brian, and to my knowledge, no one else had. I had always been on the receiving end. "Yes baby. I want to feel you inside me! Please!" Brian begged seductively.

Brian looked extremely hot lying on his back, asking me to fuck him. I didn't need to have him beg me twice. I ran into the bathroom to get some lube and quickly ran back. I poured the lube onto my fingers and slowly worked it inside Brian. Once Brian was well lubed up, he pulled me up on top of him so my dick was in front of his face, and inhaled my dick all the way down his throat, making me shudder. Although Brian left my dick very wet and slick, I spread more lube over it. I wanted this to be as painless for Brian as possible. I raised his legs into the air and put them on my shoulders. I lined my cock up to his ass and slowly started pressing up against it.

"I love you baby," Brian said smiling. "I love you too Brian," I said as I pushed the head of my cock into Brian's ass.

Brian squinted his eyes and dropped his arms to the bed, grabbing on to the sheets tight. I slowed down, not wanting to hurt Brian, and just let the head of my cock sit in Brian's ass for a while so he could get use to it. After a little while, Brian opened his eyes and let me know he was ready. Slowly, I pushed further into him, inch by inch my cock disappearing into Brian's ass. Once I was all the way in, I stopped again and let Brian get use to having his ass stretched. I looked into Brian's eyes, tightly shut. He was trying not to let is show that he was in pain but I knew better. I leaned down and pushed my tongue into Brian's lips, tasting every part of his mouth, trying to get his mind off the pain. We kissed for a very long time while Brian got use to being filled up. After about fifteen minutes, Brian let me know he was ready.

"Fuck me Cody! Come on!" Brian pleaded.

I slowly pulled out of Brian, inch by inch, finally leaving only the head of my cock inside of him. Brian then put his hands on my ass and pulled me back inside of him. After doing this a couple of times, I started increasing my speed. Soon I was pushing in and out of Brian's ass at a quick pace. Brian had his arms wrapped around my body as he bucked his hips to meet my thrusts.

With every thrust Brian grunted and moaned loudly making me push my cock harder into him. I pushed in and out of Brian for about half an hour, working my cock deep inside his tight ass, occasionally leaning down to kiss and suck on Brian's lips. Brian was loving it. He was resting on his elbows, with his head thrown back with his eyes closed and his mouth partly open

Seeing Brian like this drove me crazy. I loved hearing him moan and grunt. I couldn't take watching Brian underneath me anymore. He looked absolutely beautiful, his body covered in sweat, making him almost glisten. I pushed Brian down on the bed and took his cock into my hand and started jacking him off.

"Oh baby, I'm gonna cum!!!" Brian moaned loudly as I jerked his cock faster.


Brian started shooting loads of his thick white cum all over his chest. Brian's orgasm squeezed made his ass tighten even more around my cock, making me let out very, very loud groan. "UUUHHHH!" The combination of Brian's ass milking my cock and watching Brian's face as he came, threw me over the edge.

I started shooting loads of cum into Brian's ass, filling him to the rim. Once my orgasm subsided I collapsed on the bed next to Brian, shivering from the sheer pleasure and exhausted, after fucking him for over an hour. I licked Brian's cum off his chest and then curled up real close to him. I placed my head on his chest and rubbed my hand over his abdomen.

"You OK babe?" I asked Brian, noticing he was almost gasping for air. "I couldn't be any better. I just have to catch my breath," Brian said taking deeper breaths. "You sure?" I asked again, worried. "Yeah. That was incredible! You were incredible!" Brian smiled and ran his fingers through my damp hair. "You OK baby? Your shivering." "I couldn't be any better myself." I raised myself up and put my lips to Brian's.

I rested my head back on Brian's chest, slowly rubbing and caressing his side, until his breathing returned to normal. The last thing I remembered as I drifted off to sleep was feeling Brian's heartbeat, and hearing Brian tell me he loved me.

A few days had passed since that first night Brian and I had made love again.

Brian and I had nothing to do but hang around the house and enjoy each others company for those few days. Howie and AJ stopped by a couple of times and just hung out with us. We didn't hear much from Kevin or Nick though. That week also brought a great surprised. The Grammy nominations had been announced and the guys had been nominated for 'best new artist.' Brian and I had woken up to the great news. Howie and AJ came by later that afternoon to celebrate. Nick called to get everyone's reaction but said he couldn't stop by cause he was going out with some girl. Kevin also called but said he couldn't make it to our little celebration.

That following Friday the guys had to get back to work on the new album.

"You're going to be late Brian," I called from the bottom of the stairs, "and you don't want Kevin yelling at us!"

"Have you seen my blue shirt?!" Brian yelled from the top of the stairs. "Its hanging behind the door! Come on Bri, hurry up!" I was getting very inpatient. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" Brian said as he ran down the stairs. "Deja-vu!" I grinned looking at Brian. I doubt he got what I meant since he just looked at me and walked out the front door.

"You look nice today." Brian was wearing his favorite blue button down dress shirt, tucked into his khakis and a brown belt. "Why thank you." Brian gave me one of his funny grins which made me crack up. "How much time do we have to get to the studio?" "About 10 minutes." "Damn it! Kevin is going to kill me. First day back to work in over a week and I'm going to be late." "You're worried? He's going to blame me for making you late!" I said.

A couple minutes later Brian started chuckling to himself.

"Yeah, laugh right now, but we'll see if you're going to be laughing when Kevin starts yelling at you too." "I wasn't laughing at you. I just got what you said to me, back at the house." "Oh my god! You can't be that slow!" I started laughing. "Deja-vu! Hahaha." "OK, it wasn't that funny now babe."

We finally got to the studio, just about 10 minutes late. Luckily Nick had called to say he was going to be a little late too, so Kevin let us by without saying anything. Although Kevin didn't seem like he was mad, he didn't really speak to me besides a short hello. I didn't think too much of it though.

The control room of the studio was pretty big. There was two long leather couches lined up against the back wall. In front of the couches there was a desk so that everyone could sit around and talk. Then came all of the huge electronic equipment: mixers, recorders. I had no idea what any of them were really. All I saw were millions of little buttons, switches and tiny lights.

Large glass panels that ran from the floor to the ceiling separated the control room from the recording room. The recording room was also as big as the control room. Inside there were only 2 microphones set up, right next to each other. There were a few computers set up in the room too. One of them was for entertainment purposes. Nick seemed to spend time on it a lot, surfing the web and playing games.

"So what songs are you guys working on?" I asked as I sat down on one of the leather couches.

"We're working on a song called 'Spanish Eyes' today," Howie said taking a seat next to me. "Hmm, I wonder who came up with that song title." I sat there looking like I was deep in thought trying to figure it out.

"Wait 'till you hear the song. You'll see why Sweet D. lives up to his name." AJ said laughing. "Shut up AJ!" Howie turned a little red.

"Did you write the song Howie?" I asked. "No, but the song was pretty much my idea." "That's cool. I can't wait to hear it. I'll just sit here and make believe your singing it just for me." I placed my hands on my heart and let out a sigh.

"When did you become Spanish?" Howie looked puzzled. "Oh, I guess I wouldn't consider myself Spanish. My great grandfather was from Spain." I answered. "Well, you have a little bit of Spanish blood flowing through you then. That's pretty cool." AJ said. "Where did you think I got my beautiful black hair from?" I ran my hands through my hair.

"Isn't he modest?" Brian came into the room and sat next to me. "Always." AJ added, grinning.

"So what were you boys talking about?" Brian said, lowering his head on my shoulder. "Cody was telling us how he wants us to dedicate 'Spanish Eyes' to him," Howie said chuckling.

"What?" Brian turned to Howie first then to me, looking confused. "Your not Spanish!"

"Cody, you need to stop keeping secrets from Brian!" AJ looked serious. "What's so hard to believe Brian? I mean, it does explain why Cody is good looking just like AJ and myself. Its all about being Spanish."

"Don't listen to them Brian," I said before Brian started believing I was really Spanish. "One of my great grandfathers was from Spain. That's all." "Oh cool," Brian smiled. "Now I can say I have my own Latin lover." "OK, we're stretching the little bit of Spanish heritage I have a little too much with that comment."

"Well, your the one who wants 'Spanish Eyes' dedicated to you." Howie said. "I never said such a thing!" I said laughing.

We talked a little bit more about where our families came from until Kevin came walking in, with Nick, Tim and two guys I didn't know. Time was the producer. I had met him the last time I had joined the guys in the studio. Brian quickly introduced me to Chris and Adam. From what I understood, Chris and Adam were the ones who recorded the vocals onto the tape.

"All right, lets get to work" Kevin announced pulling up a chair and sitting at the large table. Everyone got up and walked over to the table and took a seat. I remained sitting on the couch, wanting to stay out of the way. Brian looked over at me and padded the chair next to him, motioning me to come and sit next to him.

"Come and join us Cody. You don't have to sit there all alone." Howie noticed my hesitation. "All right." I made my way over and sat between Brian and Howie.

I tried to pay as much attention as I could. I was really exited about actually being in the studio with the guys and seeing them working on a song.

The guys seemed to have a lot of control over how they wanted the song to sound, what direction they wanted to take. I knew they guys didn't just walk into the studio, sing their parts and have the producers do all the work. I was thrilled to see how much say they had the creation of their music, knowing they all had a lot of ideas and a lot of talent.

"We have to talk more about who's going to be singing what," Kevin brought up. "I thought we had settled that in the last meeting?" Brian asked. "If you would have been paying attention to the meeting instead of concentrating on when Cody was going to call you, you would know that we didn't really come to a conclusion." Kevin said rolling his eyes. "Um, sorry." Brian didn't seem to know what else to say. He looked at Kevin kind of puzzled at his cousin's reaction.

"Let's listen to the track so we can figure it out," AJ said trying to change the mood. "Yeah, go play it on Chris," Howie said.

As they played the track, everyone's eyes were going back and from Brian to Kevin to me. I didn't pay much attention to it though.

"I think Howie should start the song." I figured I would lend a hand. "Yeah, that's what we were thinking. It is Howie's song after all," AJ said. "I think his voice goes with the melody at the beginning." "Well, it was either Howie or Brian," Nick said. "Sorry babe, but Howie should get this one." I nudged Brian. "I thought he should start it off too. He's also singing a lot of the backgrounds. Wait 'till you hear what we have so far. Howie comes in like an echo after mine and Nick's parts."

The guys went into the recording room and went through a rough version of the song. Howie sang the first verse.

"Here we are in the arms of one another and we still go on searching for each other Knowing that hate is wrong and love is right for us tonight..."

I was always amazed by the guy's voices when I heard them sing live, no matter how many times I had heard them before. Besides receiving a phone call on my cell, all my attention was focused on the 5 guys, especially Brian, as they sang.

I thought it sounded really good and started clapping and hollering when they were done. Brian, Howie and AJ all bowed very gracefully. It was funny to see Howie goofing around for a change. I knew he could be silly, but most of time he was quiet and very serious looking.

The guys finally took a break for lunch. Kevin, Nick and AJ stayed in the control room surfing the net. Howie, Brian and I went to eat lunch in one of the lounges next to the control room. I took a seat in one of the big arm chairs in the room. Brian and Howie sat across from me in a big leather couch.

"I really like the song, its really good. " I said. "You sounded really good Howie." "Thanks. But wait until you hear the finished product. There's still a lot missing from the song. Tim has to add the Spanish guitar in still and then mix the song." Howie sat down in a chair in front of Brian.

"Hey! What about me?" Brian asked giving me a pout. "You said Howie sounded great, but what about me?" "I'm sorry babe, I was paying more attention to Howie singing." Being an actor paid off cause Brian really took me seriously.

"Brian, your such a fool," Howie noticed Brian look hurt. "You really think Cody was looking at me. All he did the whole time we were singing was eye you up and down. I wouldn't be surprised if he was undressing you in his mind."

Brian looked over at me and grinned. "Is that true?" "I'm not admitting to anything!" I replied.

"Oh, I forgot to ask you before. Who called you earlier, while we were recording?" Brian asked. "Oh, just something about work, that's all." I started eyeing Brian up and down. "What?" Brian asked wondering what I was doing. "You looked really cute standing there in just your boxer-briefs. Too bad it was just my imagination," I said grinning.

"Well, I'll see what I can do and make your little dream come true," Brian added. "I don't think the guys would appreciate you singing in your underwear as much I would," I said. "There's no way you are going to stand next to me in the studio nearly naked." Howie laughed.

Brian got up and walked over to me. He sat down on my lap, putting his arm behind my back, and rested his head on my shoulder. The three of us continued talking about the guys new CD's and ideas that they were coming up with about videos and promotion. Eventually, Brian and Howie were the only ones talking. They were engrossed in a conversation, something about their new management. I would have joined in and asked about their new deal with the management company but I was too preoccupied rubbing Brian's thigh with one hand while my other arm was wrapped around his waist. I started getting a little more frisky with Brian, while he continued to talk with Howie. I turned my head and started placing soft kisses on his neck. I stopped rubbing Brian's thigh and moved my hand up to his chest. I ran my fingers up and down his chest.

All though this, Brian continued his conversation with Howie, not paying too much attention to me. That all changed as I snaked my tongue out and traced it down Brian's neck. That definitely got Brian's attention. My dick started getting a little hard, and once Brian felt it he slid down a bit, getting his ass directly over it. This wasn't the best thing he could do, though, cause I wasn't adjusted correctly and it hurt.

"Ouch! Brian!" I said biting down on my teeth. "Sorry baby." Brian just gave me a wicked grin.

"What was that for?" Howie looked at me weird. He hadn't noticed anything that would make me yell at Brian.

"Brian might be small but he sure weighs a lot Howie!" I said pointing to Brian on my lap. "There you go again talking about my size!" Brian said sounding hurt. "Your the same size I am, so I don't know what your talking about!"

"You've gone and done it Cody! Last time I commented on Brian's small frame I had to apologize a million times! He's not very forgiving when it comes to that subject."

"Oh, I'm sure I'll be forgiven." "Don't sound so cocky!" Brian said looking a little mad.

I took Brian's face into my hands and brought his ear close to my lips, so I could whisper something. Brian looked at me for a bit and then just smiled, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"What did I say?" I looked over at Howie. "I would ask you how you did it, but I already know." "Oh yeah? You don't know what I said to him." "All I'm saying is that I'll stick to apologizing a million times to Brian," Howie snickered as he got up from his chair and walked out the door.

"I thought he would never leave!" I said. "My neck was starting to hurt from turning my head from Howie to the door!" "Why did you want him to leave?" Brian asked, even though he had a pretty good idea. "Did you actually think I was going to wait to do what I whispered to you 'till we got home?" "If you put it that way! About time Howie left!"

I pushed one of Brian's legs off of me, getting him to sit on my lap with his back to my chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and started gently sucking at his neck.

"You better stop that before you give me a hickey!" Brian leaned forward getting my lips off his neck. "I wasn't planning on giving you a hickey on your neck!" "Oh yeah?" "Yeah, I was thinking more of a place where no one but me can see it!" I pushed Brian off me and onto the armchair and knelt down in front of him.

"And where might this place be?" Brian grinned. "Oh, I was thinking somewhere around here," I said as I pressed my lips on his tummy. "Or maybe here." I went a little lower and pressed my lips just above Brian's bulge. "Mmm, that feels good." Brian moaned.

I undid Brian's belt, loosened up his pants and pulled at his blue shirt.. I carefully bite lightly at Brian's bulge before yanking his pants and boxer briefs down with one pull. I looked up at him for a second, into his deep blue eyes, as he looked down at me and engulfed his cock into my mouth.

All the guys came over to the house after they finished up in the studio, to have dinner. I was surprised Kevin had decided to come. I had felt he was trying to avoid from talking to Brian or me the whole day so I figured he would decline the invitation. We were all sitting by the pool, except for Brian who was playing chef, cooking the burgers.

"Hey Cody, I hear a phone ringing in the house. Can you go check please?" Brian called over.

I ran into the kitchen and sure enough, it was my cell phone ringing.

"Hey, what's up? No, I wasn't going to forget! Yeah I know you went through a lot of trouble to fix this up. Don't worry, I was just about to get ready.

All right, bye." I hung up and turned to leave the kitchen. "Shit! You scared me half to death Nick!"

"I just came in to get some ice." Nick looked at me weird as he walked past me towards the fridge. "I didn't know you were going out"

"Yeah, I forgot I had to go read over some contracts earlier today. I have to head over to the Universal Offices before they close for the night. I need to fax them today." I explained before Nick started to fish for an explanation. "I better go let Brian know."

"But you haven't eaten yet!" Brian said as I told him I had to run out for a while. "Don't worry, I'll get something on the way." I gave Brian a quick kiss.

"I'll be back in a little while guys."

"Brian! I'm home!" I called as I walked through the front door. "Brian!?!?"

I figured Brian was in the bathroom or outside, so I went upstairs to the bedroom and changed out of my clothes and into sweats. I looked around the top floor for Brian before going back downstairs, but he was no where to be found. As I got to the bottom of the stairs and turned to walk towards the living room I spotted Brian sitting on one of the couched, his legs bent against his chest.

"There you are! Why didn't answer me when I walked in silly?" Brian had his legs bent against his chest, his arms wrapped around them, with his head down. He didn't bother looking up as I talked to him. I definitely knew something was wrong. "Brian? You ok?"

I walked over to Brian and sat down next to him. "Babe? What's wrong? You're scaring me!" Before I reached out to put my arm around Brian's back, he turned and wrapped his arms around me tight and pressed his head against my chest and started crying. "Brian! Tell me what's wrong! You're really starting to freak me out!"

"Its happening again Cody! I can't believe its happening again!" Brian continued sobbing into my chest. "What's happening again Brian? What is it?" I was on the brink of crying myself.

Brian continued to cry for the next 10 minutes or so. Tears started rolling out of my eyes just sitting there with Brian grabbing on to me tight and sobbing. I let Brian just cry, without asking him any more questions. Not only did I not know what to say but I was also scared to find out what in deed was wrong.

"Every time things start going great for us, something has to happen to ruin it!" Brian whispered after calming down a bit.

"What happened Brian? I thought things were going great?!" By now I was crying freely completely terrified of what he was going to say.

"After you left, I finished cooking and served everyone." Brian took a deep breath. "Out of nowhere Kevin starts talking to me. Ugh, I just can't believe him!"

"What did he talk to you about Brian?" "About us, about you." "What about us? Come on Brian! What did Kevin say!?"

"I don't know what made him change his mind again! I mean, he was so happy for us just a week ago. He wished us the best. And then today, out of nowhere, he tells me he doesn't think we should be together. Kevin doesn't want me to be with you Cody!!" Brian burst out crying again.

I sat there in complete shock. I couldn't believe what Brian was telling me.

I couldn't believe that Kevin would turn his back on us. I took my arms off Brian and places my hands up to my mouth.

"Brian, your not going to... I mean, what Kevin said... Your not planning on...."

Brian placed his hands on my face and pulled me nose to nose with him. "NO WAY! I love you so much Cody! Nothing will make me change my mind about that! Nothing is going to stand in my way of loving you! Nothing! Don't you doubt my love!"

"I don't Brian. I don't doubt that you love me at all, but...." I got up from the couch and walked over to the window.

"But what Cody?" "Can our relationship really withstand this Brian? Now that I think about it, when we were in New York, you tried keeping everything we were going through a secret. Were you afraid this was going to happen? That Kevin would think I wasn't good enough for you and that he would want you to stop seeing me?" Brian just looked up at me from the couch and nodded.

"I kind of figured that. I didn't go much for your explanation back then." I said. "Wait! Brian, you said Kevin changed his mind again. What did you mean by that?"

Brian sighed. "Back when we first started seeing each other, Kevin wasn't all that happy about it. Although, we all took a liking to you when we first me you, including Kevin, he started to get worried when he noticed I was beginning to fall for you. Kevin worries about me a lot and he thought that you would only hurt me."

"I can't believe him!"

"Don't get ahead of me Cody! Although he still worried about me getting hurt, he noticed how much were falling in love with each other and how much you made me happy."

"Then why does he want us apart now?"

"I don't know. I'm so confused about all of this. I expected to have Kevin feel this way back when we were having problems, not now that things are going to good between us."

"Brian, did you ever even tell him everything? I mean, about the things that happened before we left to Sweden? And about everything else that went wrong from the time you came to see me in London to that night the guys came over and we settled things?" I walked over and sat next to Brian again. Brian stayed quiet for a little bit, rubbing his chin as he thought.

"No, I guess I didn't. He knows about our fight in New York about Brad but that's about it. He never did find out about the things that happened in Florida those last few weeks, about us fighting over your partying, and just everything else I had to put up with from you."

"That would be the reason why he didn't bring this up to you before. He just didn't know about any of it back then," I said. "For him to have brought this up he must have found out somehow."

"Well, whatever got Kevin to turn his back on us, doesn't change a thing. I still love you and nothing is going to come between us!" Brian took my hands into his and pulled me in for a kiss.

"Lets go to bed Brian. Its been a long day and I am exhausted." I stood up, pulling Brian up with me. We walked up the stairs towards our bedroom, my hands never letting go of Brian's. I sat down on the bed and pulled Brian between my legs. I unzipped his pants and pulled them down. I pulled his shirt up and off his chest. Brian stepped out of his pants and stood in front of me in just his boxer briefs. "You're so beautiful." I whispered, more to myself than towards Brian. Brian helped me out of my clothes, leaving me in only my boxer-briefs as well. He pulled the sheets back, motioning for me to get under them, and quickly got in after me. Brian scooted over close to me and spooned me really tight, placing his right arm over my bare tummy, his other arm behind his head.

"Cody?" Brian whispered in my ear. "Yeah?" "Where did you go tonight?" Brian made it sound like he wasn't too interested but I knew better.

I thought about not answering him for a little, but decided against not telling him. "I went to an AA meeting." I said quickly, barely whispering. Brian heard me sniffle a little and brought his hand up to my face. He passed his hand gently over it, wiping tears away. Brian didn't say anything, he didn't need to. He just held on to me really tight and nuzzled his face against my back. We soon were both fast asleep. **********************

*FINALLY! I'm done with this chapter. Well, I have to say, I worked a little harder on this chapter than the others. I am much happier about how this chapter turned out, even though there are still a lot of things I wished I could have had time to fixed. Unfortunately my time is becoming more and more scarce with college and all, and also I can't keep this chapter anymore!

I have to send it out tonight or I'm going to go crazy! I have to thank a really, really great person for helping me out, and that would be Michael Ellis, author of "Studio in the Country". He came threw when I needed to hear the good and especially the bad things about my story. Although, I still have a ways to go, his help made me realize what I have to do to be able to write a good story. It might be a little late with Brian and Cody, but I will try to encompass all the great ideas he gave me in the following chapters. OK, its really late and I'm starting to doze off, so please forgive me if non of this makes sense.. The point is I am grateful to Michael. Thank You!! I hope to clear up a lot of things in the coming chapter.. Like, why has Brian stuck by Cody after everything that Cody has put him through, and why Cody has been such an ass hole! lol. Why he did all the things he did, all the drinking and drugs.. In general.. Why Brian and Cody have done the things they have and why they are still together. You get me? Its ok if you don't. I don't think I understand myself right now.. lol... Goodnight!

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