Brian and Cody

By moc.loa@3tropSXLR

Published on Jan 29, 1999


Disclamer *** Hey! The following is a fictional story containing guy to guy sex and fantasy's of being with a celebrity, the celebrity being Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys. I am a fan of theirs and in no sense is any of this story true. Its just a little fantasy. Hopefully its something that will not affect or insult the real BSB. Cody has nothing to do with the Cody from Baywatch, its just my name. You must be 18 or of legal age in your state to read this. So read on and I hope you like it, it is my first time writing a story like this so I hope you all like it.

All I Have To Give: Brian & Cody 3

"Brian!!! get off of him now! Brian what the hell is wrong with you?" Kevin shouted prying him off of Cody.

Kevin finally pulled Brian off of me. He held Brian back while Howie grabbed me before I could hit Brian back. By now a large crowed had formed around us so Kevin and Howie pulled Brian and me to the VIP lounge where we would be left alone to deal with our situation. In the lounge Kevin sat Brian in a chair and tried to calm him down. Before Brian could calm down I leaped towards Brian and knocked him off the chair. I started pulling and punching at him, I was so mad.

"How dare you tell me what to do? Who the hell do you think you are? You have no right coming up to me and telling me what to do! You are not my father. Don't you ever do that!! How dare you!!!" I had lost control.

"Cody! Stop! get off of him, What are you doing?!!! Cody stop." howled A.J.

Between A.J. and Howie they pulled me off of Brian and pulled me to the other side of the room. Kevin helped Brian up from the floor.

"I was trying to help you! You idiot! I'm sorry I worried about you!" he screamed.

"Your the idiot!!"

"Look at yourself Cody! Your high off your ass! You have no clue what the hell you are doing or saying. You just made an ass of yourself in front of everybody." Brian screamed back.

"I am not high!!!! I know what I am doing!" I tried to get A.J. and Howie off of me.

"Dude you are high! You just lost control here, not to mention what you look like," A.J. said jumping in.

"So what if I am high! What the hell do you care for. You don't even know me. Why the fuck do you care?!?! I don't need you people, and get your hands off of me! NOW!" I rushed out of the lounge looking for Jason and Chad

"Let's get the hell out of here guys!" I found the guys waiting for me outside.

"What the hell happened. Why did those dudes get up into your business?"

"Who the fuck knows. I thought they were friends, but they just turned out to be assholes! Ugh, I can't believe the nerve of Brian. Forget about it, lets just go somewhere."

Jason jumped in, "Let's go to my place. We'll be left alone there."

"Yeah, let's go before those pricks come after me again," I said getting into Jason's car.

We got to Jason's apartment about 30 minutes after leaving the club. The three of us ended up siting around the living room watching TV.

"Come here Jason, I need to get something." I said with a grin on my face, looking away form the TV.

Jason walked over to me and stood between my legs. I grabbed at Jason's belt and started to unbuckle it. I slowly lowered his pants to reveal a very hard 9in cock. I licked my lips and started sucking away at Jason's cock. I was going to forget about Brian one way or another, and this was one way to do so, I thought.

The next morning I woke up with a huge headache. I looked around to see that I had woken up in Jason's bed, with nothing on. The last thing I remembered was throwing Jason on his bed and locking the door. I also remembered what had happened at the club between Brian and I, but just barely.

"God, what am I doing to myself? What did I do last night to Brian. I should go over there and apologize. He's not gonna want to see me though. I'm sure he's not. He probably hates me now. What did I do? I'm such an idiot. What am I going to do now," I thought.

I slid my boxers on and walked out into the living room. Jason was nowhere to be found and Chad was knocked out on the couch. I got lost in thought, thinking how hot Chad looked lying there with nothing on. His limp dick lying on his belly. His chest going up and down with each breath. I came back to earth to realize it was 11:30am.

"Shit! Now I'm going to be late," I thought. I had to met my agent, Jen, at 12:30 to go over some more movie scripts with her. "I'll go over Brian's hotel room when I finish," I thought, "I need to apologize to him." I gathered my stuff and headed out the door. I took a cab back to my hotel room and got ready quickly. From my hotel I took the car that the studio had given me while I remained in LA. "I'm gonna need to buy a car one of these days," I thought. I got to Jen's office a little late, close to 1pm. Luckily she had been really busy. Jen and I went over scripts for about 4 hours. There were some good ones and some that needed a little changing. But a lot of those scripts were pretty tasteless. In most of them they had me either butt naked or close to it. Jen thought it was funny for a reason. Well I got out of her office about 5:30 in the afternoon and I drove right to Brian's hotel.

I stayed in my car for about an hour just thinking what I could possibly say to him. Then I spend another half our in the lobby pacing back and forth. Finally I had to go up cause people started to recognize me. I got to his door and knocked.

"Who's there?" I heard Brian say.

"It's me Cody, open up Brian, I wanna talk to you."

"If you don't leave I'm gonna call security up here."

"Come on Brian, please, can I come in."

"I said leave!"

"But Brian, I am so .."

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" he said cutting me off.

I couldn't take it, I felt so stupid. Stupid about how I had acted the night before, and stupid for standing there at his door. I slid down the wall next to his door and just started crying quietly. Just as I did, the elevator door opened and Howie walked out holding some bags.

"Cody, that you?" Howie walked over to me and lifted my head up.

"Hey Howie, I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be here, I should just, I'm sorry, I was just getting ready to leave," I said, trying to hide my tears.

"Its ok Cody, we were hoping you would come see us. You don't need to leave. Does Brian know your here? Did you talk to him? Why are you crying?"

"No, I mean, Yeah I knocked on his door, but he doesn't want to see me, I mean can you blame him? I hit him yesterday. I'm such an idiot."

"Come here Cody," Howie helped me up and pulled me to his room, "listen, Brian is still just a little angry at what you did last night but I'm sure he's gonna forgive you. He can't stay mad at you for long."

"What makes you think that. We've only been friends for like not even a week and I already went and messed it up. He doesn't need to talk to me. I don't even know what I'm doing here. Well I mean I do, Brian is a great guy. I mean I wanted to give Brian and I a try. Oops, I shouldn't have said that to you" I said thinking that Howie didn't know about Brian being gay.

"Cody, listen, I know about Brian."

"Really? I didn't think you guys knew. I mean, yeah I guess it makes sense. Why wouldn't you know?"

"Yeah, were pretty close, Brian told us he was gay a few years ago, after we had become really good friends. We don't keep much from each other. Listen, Brian is going to talk to you. After we met you, he couldn't stop talking about you. It was Cody this and Cody that, and how good Cody's movie was and how funny you were, and on and on. He made it obvious that he likes you. Brian needed a good friend and you came at the right time. I mean he thinks of you as a really close friend already."

"I'm glad to hear that. We just met but I feel like he's one of my best friends already. I mean you should have heard the great talks we had. It was great spending time with him at dinner and the club. Then almost the whole day the next day. I feel really comfortable talking with him" I told Howie.

"Well, you have to understand Brian. Sometimes he gets really mad and just locks himself in his room for a while. I forget that Nick is the youngest one and not Brian by the way he acts sometimes. Just give him time, he'll come around. He does like you a lot, trust me." Howie explained.

"Thanks Howie. For this and for not being mad at me either for the way I acted..."

"Don't worry about it," Howie interrupted me, "but we're gonna watch out for you, like it or not Cody. Listen I'll go talk to Brian for you ok? I'll come get you when its ok" He walked out of the room.

He was only gone for about 20 minutes, but those 20 minutes felt like an eternity. I paced up and down a million times thinking if Brian would want to talk to me again. Finally Howie came back in the room and pulled me to Brian's door.

"Go ahead, go in," he said ushering me in, "he's waiting for you."

"Brian?" I said looking around the room for him.

"Come in and close the door." He was sitting at a little table looking out the balcony doors.

"Brian, before you say anything I just want to apologize for last night. I'm sorry for hitting you, I'm just sorry for the way I acted. I know we've only been friends for a short time but I really liked getting to know you and I don't want to loose you already." I said in one breath.

"Cody shut up. Listen. I'm not mad at you for last night..." he said.

"Your not?"

"I said listen! I'm not mad at you. I mean at least for hitting me or any of that. I am mad about what you are doing. I really don't want to see you doing those things.." Brian sounded worried.

"Brian, I'm fine. I mean its not a problem. It isn't, believe me. I just get in over my head sometimes." I tried explaining.

"Cody, stop fucking lying ok. I know you do that a lot. I'm not stupid. That's not a thing you do only once. Fuck! Listen to me. OK, I'll stop talking to you about this for now. I don't want to fight right now. I just wanted to let you know that I think what your doing is not cool and that I don't like it, but I don't want to fight right now ok? So were still cool."

"Thanks Brian, I really appreciate it, really I.."

"Shut up already," Brian walked over to me and gave me a playful punch.

"I want to take you somewhere. Do you have anything to do today?" he asked

"Now I do," I said almost jumping up and down..

"Good, come one then," Brian pulled me out the door.

"Where we going?" I asked.

"You'll see, I think you'll like it."

We hopped into my car and Brian drove. We ended up driving to the beach. It was such a beautiful night. You could see every single little star that night I thought as I looked up at the sky.

"So do you like the beach?" he asked

"Yeah, its one of my favorite places. Its so peaceful listening to the waves crash against the rocks." I said looking at him.

We took our shoes off and walked onto the beach. We walked through the water just talking and sharing things about us. I caught Brian looking over at me once in a while. He made me smile every time he did. God, he made me smile. It felt great talking to him. I felt like I could tell him anything.

"I haven't had this much fun in a while, you know that Bri?" I said.

"Really? You've been partying to say the least haven't you?" he asked, "and I mean, this is only a small walk down the beach with me."

"Well, the parties are fun and stuff but its nice to just walk on the beach and talk a bit. I haven't done this in a long time, I mean talking to someone normal you know?"

"Your telling me. I'm really enjoying talking to you," giving me one of his heavenly smiles, "wait, normal? Your calling me normal?"

"Yeah, why? Your not normal? What are you some kind of alien or something. As a matter of fact I read something about you in one of those tabloids. Oh my god you really are an alien! They were right!"

"There you go again, trying to be funny, and I mean trying," he said, "Well its not that I'm not normal, its just that I haven't had anyone think of me as normal for a while."

"Ohh yeah, I mean you are Brian Litrell the Backstreet Boy. The sweet romantic Backstreet Boy that sings `as long as you love me' to million of adoring little girls," I said mocking him a little, "how could I forget."

"Yeah really? I'm just kidding. I'm really happy to hear that you don't think of me that way."

"Well I just forgot your a backsteet boy I guess. I just don't think of you that way you know. I don't know. Your real to me, I can't help forgetting your famous." I said

"That's the nicest thing I have heard in a while. I mean no one has told me that. I mean forgotten who I am, what I do. It just seems that everyone is in love with the guy in the music videos and the posters. That's who people want"

"Well I don't like just the guy in the poster and videos. I like you for you, for who you are. You're so sweet and thoughtful, and can I mention cute as hell." I said laughing.

"Thanks Cody," Brian reached over for my hand. I thought I was going to wake up from a dream. But before the dream ended I had to do something.



"I was wondering.. well.."

"What? Tell me Cody"

"Well....," I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"I was gonna ask if I could kiss you." I said blushing

"Cody, you didn't need to ask, trust me," Brian leaned over and planted his lips on mine. We kissed softly at first. Our hands roaming each others bodies. Brian slipped his tongue into my mouth and we tongue wrestled for a while, holding each other tighter. Brian lowered me down to the sand pressing his body down on top of mine slipping his tongue back in my mouth. It felt so good to have Brian hold me. We rolled around a bit until Brian spoke up.

"Cody, you wanna go back to the hotel, you know to just hang out. I don't feel like leaving you yet, but this sand is getting everywhere." He sounded so adorable "Yeah, this sand is getting everywhere, and I definitely don't want to leave you yet," I said. We grabbed our shoes, jumped back into my car and sped off back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel we took the side entrance to get in. We rushed into the elevator before anyone could see us and pushed the button for the top floor. Before Brian could get the door unlocked he had me in a tight lip lock. Damn, he was so hot. And apparently the feeling was mutual cause he couldn't keep his hands off of me for a second. I wasn't even half way in the room and Brian had his hands inside my shirt. I quickly ripped his shirt off and pulled him down on the bed. Before he even realized he was on the bed, I was on him kissing his neck, his chest, nipples, down to his belly button. He was so sexy. His muscles flexed every time I passed my tongue over each nipple. How did I find myself in bed with Brian I thought. I finally got to his pants and tore them open exposing his black ck boxer-briefs, the exact ones I had on. His tight boxer-briefs didn't leave much to the imagination. His 8in cock was throbbing and waiting to be satisfied.

"Wait! Cody! Are you sure you want to do this now? I mean I know I do, but you said you wanted to get to know each other a little better," he sat up looking at me.

Before he could say another word I pushed him back down on the bed and slowly licked my way down his muscular chest, past his nipples and down to the waistband of his boxer-briefs. In one quick motion I took his boxer-briefs off. I just stared at his cock for a few seconds and then started licking it from base to head. I slowly put my lips over the head and pushed my mouth down on his cock. His cock felt so good in my mouth. My tongue licking every inch of him. After about 15 minutes of sucking Brian, I could tell he was getting close with all his moans. I backed off from his dick just a little, I wanted this to last as long as possible. I licked my way down to his balls. I took each one in my mouth and sucked on it. I just looked up at him and gave him a wink and went back to deep throating his cock again. I bobbed my head up and down fast. Brian's moaning and heaving was getting really loud again so I backed off once in a while. As soon as my mouth left his cock though, Brian's hands were shoving me back down his cock. Brian lifted me up to give me a passionate kiss before he put his cock back in my mouth so I could finish him off. Brian's hips started thrusting off the bed, slamming his cock into my throat. As soon as I felt him tense up I started sucking on him harder than I had ever sucked a cock in my life. I wanted to feel his hot juices fill my mouth. I had wanted Brian to fill my mouth with his cum from the second I laid eyes on him. A final groan escaped from Brian's mouth before my mouth was filled with his hot cum. I swallowed quickly trying not to loose a drop of his cum. After about his seventh shot his cum started dripping down my chin. Brian settled down finally after three or four more thrusts into my mouth. I pulled my mouth off his dick and crawled up to his lips, kissing him, feeding my tongue into his mouth. Brian licked off the bit of cum that had run down my chin and gave me a cute smile.

"That felt so good," He gave me another kiss and placed his head on my chest.

"You tasted so good Brian, I'm so glad I'm here with you," I said.

"I'm glad your here with me too. Darn! Your starting to get on my good side."

"Oh really? Figures that after I suck your cock, I start getting on your good side." I said trying to sound hurt.

"You know that's not the only reason," Brian said with a wicked smile, "and I see there's something trying to get my attention, but not to worry, I'm going to pay close attention to this," he said grabbing my cock in his hand. He gave it a few quick jerks before taking it all the way down.

"Boy, you just can't wait can you," I said between moans. All I got was a , "uhu" from Brian. He sucked my cock like a pro. He slowly licked from the top of the head, licking off my precum, down to the base and up again, burying his nose in my pubes. It felt so good to have Brian suck me off. I placed my hands on the back of his neck and pulled him onto my cock faster and deeper. I couldn't take much more of Brian on my cock, I grabbed Brian's head and shoved him down on my cock, exploding into his mouth. After he licked me clean I pulled him up to me and gave him a kiss.

"It feels really good to be lying here next to you, you know," Brian placed his head back on my chest.

"Its nice spending time with you. I haven't had someone to share things with in a while."

"Really? I would think Mr. New Teen Hollywood would have an army to talk to now with all this new found fame"

"Well I shouldn't even be explaining this to you since you must already know but its not all fun and games here. Its lonely being out here all alone. You know what I'm talking about. And its not like I'm that famous yet. I'm surprised people remember my name"

"Well I just figured you wouldn't be alone. I guess I was wrong, I'm sorry. But I'm sure a lot of people remember your name. I guess you don't get out too much besides your clubs huh?"

"Don't be sorry, I mean I am having fun, its just nicer being able to share it with someone." I said giving him a kiss, "but yeah I guess your right. I haven't been out much where I can be recognized. But then again I haven't been doing much publicity since that talk show."

"We'll have to change that, now won't we. Cody, Don't you love sharing this experience with your parents?" Brian asked.

"Brian, I'm 17!! I'm in Hollywood! I spend most of my time with my agent, and when I'm not with her I'm in my hotel sleeping or in some club till the early morning. Do you really think my parents care?!?!?!" I said almost screaming.

"I'm sorry Cody, I didn't mean to, I mean I just assumed that...."

"I'm sorry for going off on you like that, Its not your fault, you didn't know, " I said apologizing, "I mean how could you know. I don't even know what happened. One minute its all good with them, the next I'm in Hollywood filming the movie for about 3 months and with out one phone call from them. They pretty much gave my agent co-custody of me. I guess they weren't up to dealing with me, well just my money but not me," a tear rolled down my eye.

"Babe, please don't cry. I mean, you have someone that cares about you. You have five people that care about you Cody. We'll be here if you need us you know that. Especially me." Brian wrapped his arms around me holding me tight.

"Thanks Brian. Its really nice to hear that. It really is." I said I just laid in Brian's arms, not wanting to let go. Eventually I got a craving for a smoke so I walked over to my jeans and pulled out my cigarettes taking one and lighting it.

"CODY! I know I'm not looking at you lighting that cigarette!" Brian said whining

"Of course your not, your too busy watching my ass!" I said shaking my bum at him, "and besides this helps me relax," I said taking a puff.

"You're 17 Cody, you shouldn't be smoking. And hey! you have me to help you relax." he said still whining, "and its bad for me you know? You don't want me to die do you?"

"You know, your even sexier when you whine," I said blowing the smoke out as I started walking over to the bed, "but no I don't want you to die, of course not."

"You stay away from me as long as you have that lit then," he said making a face.

"Fine, then I'll go out on the balcony and leave you alone," I said trying to sound hurt. I walked out onto the balcony and sat on one of the chairs. "Its so beautiful seeing everything from up here," I said to myself. I sat out there for a while without hearing a sound from Brian.

"Brian, what are you up to? Where are you?" I said walking into the room again only to find him fast asleep in the bed curled up.

He looks so beautiful lying there I thought to myself. I just stood there staring at him. He looked so peaceful sleeping, his naked body lying there. It was a long busy day for both of us so I crawled into bed next to him and curled up in front of him. Brian quickly spooned me and placed his arms around me and fell fast asleep again, if he had even woken up. The last thing I remember thinking was how safe I felt in his arms.


"Yo! Brian wake up! BRIAN! You dead or something, open up!"

Brian jumped at the sound of the door being banged on and fell to the floor next to the bed. At the sound of him hitting the ground I sat straight up on the bed.

"Brian? Where are you?" I said looking around the room. "Down here," he said getting back up.

I couldn't help myself, I started cracking up realizing that he had fallen off the bed. "Its not that funny Cody," Brian said, laughing himself

He quickly got up and walked over to the door still laughing.

"Brian! Look at yourself, you cant open the door like that," I said pointing out that he wasn't wearing anything.

Brian looked down at himself and just gave me a wicked smile. He started jiggling and shaking around making funny faces. I couldn't help but laugh seeing him standing by the door shaking like a mad man.

"Your such a clown you know that? Didn't your mom ever tell you that if you made too many of those wacky faces your face would freeze like that." I said laughing

"Yeah , yeah whatever." he replied

"Hello! Brian! What the hell are you doing in there?" Nick was still knocking.

"Brian! Put these on," I said throwing him his boxers, "unless you want Nick to see you in all your glory."

"Hold on Nick! I'm coming," Brian said pulling his boxers on, "Yeah? What do you want?"

"Well its 10am and we didn't here you come in last night so I just wanted to check up on you. Where were you? What time did you get back?" Nick asked.

"Well father, I came back to the hotel pretty early, I decided to crash early." Brian said forgetting to mention that I was in the room.

"Well So-rry," Nick pushed Brian out of the way and walked into the room, "so what do you want to..." Nick stood there staring at me in Brian's bed with a shock look on his face.

"Nick! Really, you could have asked to come in," Brian said sounding rather mad. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. I mean how was I suppose to know. Hey Cody, how's it going," Nick asked trying to sound polite.

"I'm doing good, yup pretty good, how about yourself?" I asked

"Ohh, I'm good, besides feeling extremely awkward right now, I'm doing good."

"Listen Nick, Cody and I, we well," Brian tried to explain.

"Brian, you don't need to explain, its your business I mean, hey its not like we..."

"Nick!" Brian grabbed his shoulder.

"Listen, we're all gonna eat breakfast in Kevin's room so come on over when you finished getting dressed." Nick left the room brushing past Brian.

"What was that about?" I asked Brian.

"Never mind, why don't you get ready, I'm kinda hungry." Brian pulled his shirt on and left the room towards Kevin's'.

I pulled my jeans on and my ribbed tank top on and walked over to Kevin's room after stopping at the little boys room. As soon as I walked in I had 3 pair of eyes staring at me. I didn't think twice about just walking in since I figured Howie must have said something to the other guys about seeing me the day before. Nick and Brian kept right on eating.

"Morning guys, how you all doing this morning?" I asked, walking over to sit next to Brian.

"Hey Cody, what a surprise to see you again," Kevin said not sure knowing what to say.

"Why wouldn't you see me again?" I asked, "didn't Howie tell you guys I was here yesterday? I hope you guys are not mad at me still." The last time I had seen Kevin and A.J. was the night of the club.

"No not at all. I guess it slipped Howie's mind. So you just get here?" Kevin asked.

"Cody spent the night in Brian's room," Nick jumped in.

"Nick!" Brian gave him the stare of death.

"Hey Bri, its ok, we understand. You don't need to explain this, we told you that you didn't need to explain anything to us from the very beginning." Kevin said to Brian.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, when Brian told us he was gay, it took us a little while to get use to the idea but it really didn't bother us. We just let him know that whatever he does we are behind him and that he doesn't need to explain what he does on his time to us, not only for his sake but for ours as well. And besides we got use to Brian and.. Ohh Cody so you doing ok?" Kevin said changing the subject.

"Ohh, I see. Well yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be. I totally forgot that you guys already knew about Bri. It would have been more awkward than it was having Nick walk in on us if you guys didn't know." I said laughing, overlooking the part where Kevin was going to inform me about Brian and a past person. I walked over to a big chair next to the balcony doors and lit a smoke.

"Nick walked in on you guys?" A.J. asked almost laughing.

"Well not walk in on us, but he noticed me in the room obviously when Brian opened the door. Wait. So you guys didn't know that Brian and I were sort of talking?" I asked.

"Well we noticed that Brian seemed to be interested in you but we didn't really think about you." A.J. said with food in his mouth.

"What A.J. is trying to say is that we didn't think you had returned the feelings to Brian, but we're glad you did." Kevin said giving me a smile.

"Yeah, I guess I am too," I said making a face at Brian, "So you guys are ok with this? You sure?" I asked trying to get approval form the guys, "I mean, I don't want to cause anything between you guys and Brian."

"Not at all, we're totally fine with this. I'm sure Brian is happy sharing his free time with someone, so that makes us happy. Don't worry about it" Kevin reassured me getting nods from Howie and A.J. Nick just kept right on eating without even looking up.

"Cody, Come over here and get something to eat." Brian pleaded.

"No thanks, just let me finish my smoke over here in peace." I said

"I think I'm gonna puke!" Brian made a face.

"Ohh my God, Look your face is stuck. Ohh the humanity! I told you your face would freeze one day, if you kept that up!" I said mocking him.

"You know your not funny right?" Brian ran over to me and jumped onto my lap.

"Guys! Go to your room or something you hornballs," Howie said jokingly.

"Hey! Who's the horny one here," I said referring to Brian, who was bouncing up and down on me.

"Hey Cody, do you smoke during, well you know, during..?" Nick asked trying to be rude and nosy.

"Cody would smoke before, during, and after if he had it his way," Brian said, making it a joke and not letting Nick get to him. he also stuck his tongue out at me.

"Oh your real mature for your age aren't you?" I pushed Brian off and walked over to sit next to A.J. "So what are you guys gonna do today?" I asked

"We have the day off again." A.J. said.

"So what? you guys not popular anymore or something?" I said laughing.

"Well, we just finished up our Europe tour and we are here in LA for another 2 weeks before we have to head out to finish recording our next album" Kevin said filling me in on their schedule.

"So where are you guys going?" I got sad real fast, thinking of Brian leaving.

"Well we have to head out to Europe for a week and then come back and start recording in Florida and New York," Howie said.

"Cody, what's wrong?" Brian asked walking over to me.

"Well, your gonna be leaving and I'm not. that's what's wrong." I got up and stormed out of the room.

"Cody! Wait! Cody, come on, don't be like that," Brian chased after me.

Back in Brian's room.. I walked out onto the balcony and lit another smoke. Whenever I get stressed I lit another smoke. Brian walked in and came up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Don't get upset, not now at least."

"How can I not get upset Brian? I just spent the night with you, and a great night it was, and I'm just getting to really know you, and you are leaving in two weeks. What if I fall in love with you and you have to leave. Hell, what if I fall even more in love with you, what will I do?" I said.

"What did you just say?"

"What? I don't know what I will do without you?" I asked

"You love me?" Brian said shocked

"Well I mean I know its only been a week but I haven't stopped thinking about you since the talk show. Yeah, I guess I am falling in love with you more and more everyday." I turned around to face him.

"Cody, God. That's great. I mean, I feel the same way too. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since I saw your movie. I know it has only been a week but I can't help myself," he planted a kiss on my lips.

"Well then, what are we going to do when you have to leave? I'm gonna be left alone here again. I don't want that." I said hugging him tight.

"Well lets not think about it right now. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

With that Brian knelt in front of me and pulled my jeans down. Brian started sucking me off like he was never gonna do it again. We finally made it to the bed where Brian kissed me roughly, then worked back down to my aching stiff cock. I was in heaven.


"Yeah babe?"

"Will you fuck me?" I asked

"Are you sure you want to?"

"Would I have asked if I didn't want to?"

"Of course babe, I'd love to. I just want to make sure your ready for this," Brian said giving me a kiss.

He reached for a condom and put it on. With a smile from me giving him the ok, Brian knelt between my legs and propped them up on his shoulders. He leaned down and kissed me passionately, before placing his cock at the edge of my ass. He leaned down again giving me another passionate kiss before slipping his cock into me. It hurt a lot at first, it being my first time, (believe it or not) so I let out a whimper. Brian immediately stopped as soon as he heard me wince in pain.

"Are you ok? Want me to stop? I don't want to hurt you," he was so sweet.

"No Brian, please keep going, I'm ok, just go slow."

Brian slowly pushed his way into my ass until all of him was in me. He leaned down and kissed me passionately giving me a chance to get use to his cock in my ass. After the pain subsided a wave of pleasure hit me feeling Brian's cock deep in my ass. He was so hard I could feel his cock throbbing inside of me. Brian wrapped his arms around my body and held me tight while he kissed me. I felt so safe in his arms.

"Baby, you ok? I'm not hurting you, am I?" he sounded so sincere.

"Ohh god Brian, It just feels so good. I love the feeling of you inside me. Brian?"

"Yeah Cody?"

"Fuck me, I'm ready, give it to me please." I begged.

Brian, with his arms still wrapped around me tight, started pulling out slowly, until only the head of his cock was in me.

"Come on Bri, give it to me please."

With the encouraging words Brian pushed his cock all the way into my ass sending waves of pleasure all through my body making me shiver.

"Ohh god Cody, your ass is so tight, it feels so good. Ohh baby it feel so good." "Brian I wanna feel you deep and hard in me" I said gasping, squeezing my ass down tighter around his cock

This threw Brian over the edge. He grabbed my hips and started pulling me harder onto his cock. Brian kept pounding me harder and faster. All he could say was my name over and over between moans which made me even hotter. Brian was definitely getting closer and closer because he started pounding me harder and harder with each stroke. He had me up against the head board with my legs wrapped around his body. We were practically sitting up. I couldn't take it anymore, I gave my cock a few strokes and started cumming all over Brian's chest. This made me squeeze down on Brian's cock even harder which drove him crazy.

"Cody, I'm gonna cum, Ohh Cody..." He pushed deep into me and held me there while he blew his load deep up my ass. Brian collapsed on top of me shivering, he just held me even tighter remaining inside of me, our sweat and cum mixing together. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours, but it mustn't have been that long. I didn't want to let Brian out of my arms. I could have stayed in his arms, with his cock in my ass for ever, but eventually Brian slipped out of me and just curled up together, me placing my head on his chest. I fell fast asleep, from exhaustion and probably dehydration since I hadn't eaten any breakfast.

I woke up about 3 in the afternoon. I needed to go to the bathroom really bad but Brian and I seemed to be locked together. I slowly pried him off of me careful as to not wake him. I made it to the bathroom without waking up Brian. I stepped in the shower and turned the water on full blast. After I finished up in the bathroom I headed back into the room to find a cart full of food waiting in the room. Brian must have ordered it, but he was nowhere to be found. I sat on the bed and ate almost all of the fruit. I was starting to miss Brian, and as I was getting up from the bed Brian walked in.

"Ohh my god, he does eat! I was starting to think you ran on smoke," Brian said siting next to me,. giving me a kiss.

"Mmm, now why weren't you here to give me one of these a little sooner." I said stealing another kiss.

"I went over to Kevin's room to see what is on our agenda for this week."

"And you are going to have to....." I said waiting for Brian to finish.

"I'm going to have to spend the next week with you 24 hours a day because I have nothing better to do, sad huh?" Brian said with a wicked smile.

"You asshole, I'm gonna get you," I shoved him down on the bed which started a 10 minute wrestling match that tired both of us out.

"Thank you Brian" I said

"Thank you for what?" he said confused.

"Thank you for being here with me."

"No, thank you for being here with me," he gave me a kiss, "So what do you want to do know. Its only 4:30."

"How about we just stay in bed a little longer. Maybe watch a little TV."

"Do I get to hold you?" he asked with a puppy face.

"I would hope so!"

With that we curled up together on the bed and turned the TV on. Some entertainment news was on, so we decided to watch that and see what was going on in Hollywood. It must have been a coincidence that my face was on TV. They seemed to be talking about my movie, `Cruel Streets'. They went on to say how I seemed to have disappeared.

"It has been a little less than a month now since the movie premiered, but besides the movie premiere and a short interview on a local talk show, Cody Sullivan has decided to stay hidden from the publics eye. Can we expect Cody to be a `Leonardo', who as we know keeps himself away from the cameras as much as possible. We will just have to wait and see if this fast rising new kid in Hollywood will show his face to promote the movie a little more...."

"Well did you hear that Cody? The new rising kid in Hollywood and the new `Leonardo'." Brian said mocking me.

"Shut up, they did not say that."

"You heard it yourself. Why haven't you been promoting your movie?" Brian asked

"Well, I just haven't gotten around to doing that, and the other actors have been so the studios haven't pressured me in doing so." I answered.

Shortly after we must have fallen asleep cause the next time I saw the clock it was 8pm. I hadn't gone back to my hotel for a day now so I decided I would go back and check my messages. I slipped my clothes on, kissed Brian on the forehead, and tipped- toed out of the room. I really needed some sleep and if I stayed with Brian, I wouldn't have slept much.

Back at my room I checked my messages, only to find about 10 messages form Jason, Chad, and Jen. It seemed that Jen had received some scripts that needed to be looked at. Jen thought it was about time to for me to start working since I hadn't been doing much since "Cruel Streets" came out, and that had been almost a month and about 4 months since I had filmed it. Jason left a message saying that they would wait for me the next night at his apartment. He wanted to go clubbing and he expected me to be there. I didn't feel like dealing with any of that so I just hit the bed.

The next morning I woke up to the phone ringing.


"Hey baby, morning. I missed you last night." I heard Brian say

"Hey Bri, I missed you too."

"Well then, why did you leave? and you didn't even say goodbye."

"Well I didn't want to wake you sleeping beauty, and I needed to come back to my room and check my messages."

"Well, are you coming over?" he asked

"Umm, yeah I guess. I just have to take a shower," I said.

"How about you come and take a shower here?"

"Tempting offer, but I can't leave my room like this," I said, "I'll be over there as fast as I can."

"I'll be waiting for you!" Brian said blowing me a kiss.

I was really tired and the shower didn't help me much. I was exhausted for some reason. I didn't think I could make it to Brian's. I looked through my bag and found a little bit of ecstasy. It wont hurt if I take just a little bit I thought. 20 minutes after I talked to Brian I was heading down the road. The ecstasy definitely woke me up. I felt much better, and I was sure Brian would appreciate me being hyper. I was about 10 blocks from Brian's hotel when....

BANG! "Oh my god, what did I do!" I screamed as covered my face with my arms.

"Someone call 911!! That guy is unconscious!!!!" "Hey! Get some help!!"

To be continued......

*Well I hope you guys liked this section. I put a little more time into it. I'm starting to get some other ideas for the next few chapters to keep it interesting. So hopefully it will turn out good. Let me know what you think if you want. **

Next: Chapter 4

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