Brian and Cody

By moc.loa@3tropSXLR

Published on Feb 14, 1999


***Disclamer *** Hey! The following is a fictional story containing guy to guy sex and fantasy's of being with a celebrity, the celebrity being Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys. I am a fan of theirs and in no sense is any of this story true. Its just a little fantasy. Hopefully its something that will not affect or insult the real BSB. Cody has nothing to do with the Cody from Baywatch, its just my name.

You must be 18 or of legal age in your state to read this. So read on and I hope you like it, it is my first time writing a story like this so I hope you all like it.***

All I Have To Give: Brian & Cody 4

"Hey! Get some help!!"

"Someone call 911!! That guy is unconscious!!!!"

"Oh my god! That's Cody Sullivan in the car!!!!!"

Back at Brian's Hotel

"Hey Brian, I thought you said Cody was coming over," Nick asked.

"Yeah, he said he would be right over. I'm really worried `cause that was an hour ago. It takes 10 minutes to get here from his hotel. He should have been here by at least 9, and its already past 10."

"Maybe he had to stop by at his agents office. He said that Jen is trying to keep him busy this past week right? I'm sure he's ok." Nick said assuring Brian

"I don't know. I mean I think he would call. He would have told me on the phone if he was going to Jen's, and he does have a car phone. I'm really worried now Nick."

"Well I'm sure he's on his way. Stop stressing out. Let's watch some TV. That will get your mind off of it till he comes. Then you can scream at him for making you worry. What do you want to watch?" Nick asked.

"Whatever, I don't care right now." Brian said looking out the window.

"Let's see what's on," Nick said, turning the TV on, "Oh my god! That's Cody on TV!"

"Yeah They've been talking about him a lot lately" Brian said not even looking to the TV.

"No! Brian! Its a news bulletin on him.

"....Earlier this morning Cody Sullivan, a new rising star in Hollywood, was in a car accident. Not a lot is known at this moment. The accident happened at about 9:10 this morning in downtown Hollywood. Mr. Sullivan was seen driving a little erratic. He seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere. The ambulance got to the seen of the accident about 5 minutes after the accident occurred. Mr. Sullivan was taken to the local hospital. Witnesses at the accident told reporters that Mr. Sullivan was not reacting in any way. At this moment we don't know about his condition...."

"OHH MY GOD! NICK!!!" Brian said screaming.

"BRIAN! Calm down! Listen to me. He'll be fine. Just calm down!!!"


"Brian! Nick! What's going on? What's wrong?" Kevin said running into Brian's room, followed by AJ and Howie.

"Nick! What's wrong?!?! Someone say something!!!" Howie said getting upset.

"Its Cody...."

"What about Cody? What happened to him?" AJ asked.

"..He's been in a car accident." Nick said, still shocked at the news himself.

"Oh my god! Did they say how he is? Is he ok? Well?" AJ asked Brian.

"They don't know! They took him to the hospital. We don't know, they haven't said anything." Nick said, answering for Brian who was frozen.

"Listen! There saying something about him again." Howie said turning the volume up.

"..... Cody Sullivan was admitted to Saint Angeles Hospital in downtown Hollywood. We reported earlier that he was in a car accident. The hospital has not released a statement yet. Rumors have already started that he was pronounced dead at the scene but some police officers stated that, that news is false. Nothing is known on his condition yet. Cody Sullivan is a new actor to Hollywood. He is starring in the new movie "Cruel Streets" which was released a month ago. Critics raved about his performance of a homeless, drug addict bisexual kid. Oddly enough, he hasn't been out promoting the movie. He has stayed completely out of the public's eye for the past month. Some of called him a `Leonardo' because both seem to stay out of the media's eye. We will keep you posted on Cody Sullivan's condition as soon as it is known. We all hope that he is all right. He has a bright future ahead of him. Back to you Katie." "....... Yes, we are all pulling for Cody here at the station Mike. We will be right back."

"Brian! Brian! Snap out of it!!! Get your shoes on, were going to the hospital now!" Kevin screamed at Brian who was frozen stiff from the news.

"Nick! Get Brian downstairs! Howie go get the front desk to pull around a car for us! Come on guys!" Kevin said ordering the guys.

"Kevin, the car is in the back. Let's go" Howie called up to Brian's room.

When the boys stepped outside they were taken back by the number of people and reporters surrounding the hotel. The police was called by the hotel to help the boys get out safely.

"Brian! Howie! Do you know how Cody is?" the reporters screamed, "Is he alive? Is he ok? Kevin! How's your friend?!?!"

The boys jumped into the van and it took off towards the hospital. On the way to the hospital, not a word was said. Brian had not uttered a word after he heard the news report. He sat there pale faced and wide eyed frozen.

"Brian, relax, he's going to be ok. Brian? Snap out of it ok? Your scaring me too." Kevin shooke Brian, to no success.

The boys got to the hotel and jumped out. They ran into the emergency room and were met by a nurse.


"Yeah, were here about Cody Sullivan. We need to know how he's doing? Please!" Kevin said.

"Ohh yes, A Jen Mathews was called.." the nurse said

"Yes, that's Cody's agent. Well?" Nick interrupted.

"Well she said you were all allowed to know the information, but you are asked to keep this private. His publicist and the hospital will make a statement when it is deemed necessary. Do the five of you understand?"

"Yes! Yes! We know. So please tell us how is he?"

"The Doctor will be out as soon as possible. He will talk to you. Please follow me into the waiting room." the nurse said pointing to the room

"Nurse! Please! Can't you tell us? Is he alive? Dead? WHAT!?!? Please!" Nick said getting mad.

"I'm sorry, The doctor will be right out." She said.

"Oh god Kevin. Why won't they tell us anything?!?" Nick stammered.

"NICK! Shut up! Your not helping here!" Kevin said.

"BRIAN!!! OH MY GOD!! BRIAN!!" Howie screamed

"BRIAN! WHAT'S WRONG! NICK GET A DOCTOR! WE NEED HELP HERE!" Kevin screamed as he saw Brian fall to the ground.

"What's wrong? What happened? Give me room. Nurse!!!" the doctor said walking in.

"We don't know. He just collapsed. We were just waiting for news on our friend."

"Give me room!! Step back!" the doctor said to the boys, "Lets get him on the stretcher," the doctor told the nuurses.

Howie, AJ, Nick and Kevin saw Brian be wheeled out of the waiting room by the doctor and nurses.

"Oh god! Kevin! What happed to Brian?! Kevin!?!" Nick shouted

"Nick! Calm down! I don't know." Kevin answered.

"God! He just had his operation a couple months ago on his heart. That had to do somethign with it. He was freaking out!" AJ explained.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Kevin didn't know what to think.

"Kevin! I'm really worried. He didn't look good at all. He collapsed!! The doctors did tell him that he couldn't get to stressed. This had to have thrown him over board," Nick shrieked.

"I don't know. I just. I just hope is he going to be ok. O god! And we don't even know how Cody is." Keivn said in despair...

*** Well, please don't hate me too much for taking a long time to write this part to Brian and Cody, and having it be really short. I am almost done with the rest of this "section" so relax. Check back in about a week. If you are liking this story please write me and tell me. If I don't get a lot of responses I will end the story in the next section. E-mail me at Thank you****

Next: Chapter 5

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