Brian and Cody

By moc.loa@3tropSXLR

Published on Feb 19, 1999


Disclamer *** Hey! The following is a fictional story containing guy to guy sex and fantasy's of being with a celebrity, the celebrity being Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys. I am a fan of theirs and in no sense is any of this story true. Its just a little fantasy. Hopefully its something that will not affect or insult the real BSB. Cody has nothing to do with the Cody from Baywatch, its just my name. You must be 18 or of legal age in your state to read this. So read on and I hope you like it, it is my first time writing a story like this so I hope you all like it.

All I Have To Give: Brian & Cody 5

Kevin, AJ, Howie and Nick sat in the waiting room waiting for anything from the doctors regarding both Brian and Cody. Kevin sat there with his head in his hands. Nick was in shock to say the least. He never suspected the day would go like this. Kevin thought of calling Brian's mother but dropped the thought after being persuaded not to call her, just to worry her, by the guys. As soon as the door to the waiting room creaked open the boys jumped up form their seats. A man in a white coat came walking in, holding some charts in his hands.

"Hi my name is Dr. Burthol, I am the doctor who attended Cody Sullivan," the doctor said.

"Yes doctor. How's Cody?" Nick asked.

"You all understand that normally only family members would be given any information. In this case I understand he doesn't have any legal guardians here except for his agent, and she gave you all permission. Because of Mr. Sullivan's position, we advise you to not speak to the press as of yet. This information is to remain private. Do you all understand?"

"Yes, we all know how this works. So please go on. How is Cody?" Howie asked.

"Well, he was flown out to Helen's Medical Center in a helicopter..."

"WHAT! Is it that serious?" Howie said.

"Hold on boys, Mr. Sullivan hit his head pretty hard. He was flown to the Medical Center to get all sorts of tests. His management decided to transfer him because that hospital is better secured." the doctor explained.

"Is he going to be ok?" AJ asked again.

"Well, we aren't too worried. But he did hit his head pretty hard. Right now they are only worried about him having head trauma. He was unconscious when he was brought into the hospital. He has been going in and out of consciousness so right now the doctors are just trying to keep him stable. We can arrange to have you all transported to the Medical Center if you would like." the doctor asked.

"Yes, we should get over there and see how he is doing," Howie responded.

"Wait! What about Brian? Is he ok? How is he?" Nick said jumping in.

"I'm not sure right now. He was put under a lot of stress and with his heart condition right now we want to make sure that everything is ok. As soon as I know something I will come over and let you know. So please, you all need to relax a little," the doctor said noticing the appearance of the boys.

"Thank you doctor," the boys said in unison.

A short while later, after a lot of pacing by the boys, the doctor returned to the waiting room.

"Yes doctor? How is Brian?" Kevin said.

"Mr. Littrell is doing fine. His blood pressure went a little too high so we gave him something to calm down." the doctor explained to the boys.

"So can we see him now," Nick asked.

"Well we're wheeling him out right now. All of you need to follow me to the back exit. There is a van waiting there for you to take you to the Medical Center. Mr. Littrell will be waiting for you there."

The doctor shook their hands and lead them to the back exit.

"Brian! Are you ok?" Nick said running up to Brian, who was in a wheel chair right outside the van.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry I scared you guys." Brian said, slurring his words.

"You scared us half to death!" Kevin said scolding him.

"Well sorry dad, I guess my ticker wasn't up for all the stress." Brian said commenting on his heart.

"Jeez, you look like your high or something," Howie said.

"Yeah, these guys gave me enough drugs to sedate a cow.." Brian said smiling.

"Yeah well, you still need to keep calm when we go see Cody, ok? AJ told Brian.

"Yeah I will, well come on lets go," Brian said getting some help into the van.

The boys got to the Medical Center about 20 minutes later. They were all escorted to a waiting room.

"Jeez, not another waiting room? Can't we see Cody?" Nick said sounding frustrated.

"Calm down, I'm sure someone will be in here shortly," AJ told Nick.

The boys all jumped up at the same time as they had done before when the door to the waiting room was pushed open, except for Brian who remained in his wheel chair.

"We need to stop doing that," Nick said.

"Hi, My name is Dr. Jonathan."

"Hi doctor, So how is Cody?" Kevin said first.

"Yeah can we see him?" Brian jumped in.

"Well right now Mr. Sullivan is resting up stairs. He is doing ok. We should be getting the results from the test shortly. Mr. Sullivan hit his head pretty bad, but he regained consciousness, shortly after he was brought here. I will allow one or two people to go up right now. Mr. Sullivan needs his rest so it will have to be a short visit."

"Doctor, when will he be able to leave the hospital?" AJ asked.

"Well, depending on how the test results come back, if everything is ok he will have to stay here for a few days so that we can keep an eye on him. I'm sure it wont be longer than a week but no shorter than 2 or 3 days."

"OK, thank you doctor."

"Brian you should go on up," AJ said wheeling Brian over to the door.

"Wait, I'll take him just in case he freaks out again, ok?" Kevin said.

"Yeah, its fine. So follow me." the doctor pointed to the elevator.

Brian and Kevin were lead into Cody's room.

"Oh my god!" Brian exclaimed when he saw Cody. Cody was lying in a bed. His face was all bruised, down to his arms.

"Brian, stay calm ok? We can't have you passing out again." Kevin warned him.

"Kevin look at him. He's all bruised. Look at his face. Jeez, how could this have happened?" A tear rolled down Brian's cheek.

"The doctor said he is going to be fine right? So don't worry." Kevin reassured Brian.

"Cody. Cody? Can you hear me? Its me, Brian. Ohh baby, what happened? Why?" Brian's tears kept rolling down.

"Brian, get yourself together, the doctor will be in here in a little while," Kevin said.

Brian looked away from Cody and wiped his tears.

"He's going to be fine. I'm sure he is," Brian said trying to reassure himself just as the doctor walked in.

"So Doctor, how did the accident happen?" Kevin asked.

"Well, In Cody's state he shouldn't have been driving." the doctor said.

"What do you mean in Cody's state?" Brian asked.

"Well since he was under the influence of drugs he missed a stop sign and then ended up crashing into a pole." the doctor explained.

"Drugs?!?" Brian said in shock.

"Yes, weren't you told? Ecstasy was found in Cody's blood. The test showed he had used it about a half hour before the accident." the doctor explained.

"Damn it! I can't believe him! He promised that he wasn't going to do that shit again!" Brian was steaming mad.

"Brian! Calm down. Listen, lets just worry about him getting better ok?" Kevin told him

"Yes, well we got the test back. He only suffered minor head injuries. At the worst Cody will lose a little of his memory. At the most just the past 1 or 2 days. But I'm sure he will just forget the accident. That happens in these cases." The doctor said leading the boys out of the room.

"So when do you think he will be out?" Kevin asked.

"Well we would like to keep him here for the rest of today and tomorrow. I'm sure that he will be ok in 2 days. You can come visit him tomorrow."

"Thanks again Doctor." Kevin said.

On the way down to meet the rest of the guys.....

"Kevin, lets not say anything about the drugs to the guys ok? Please. Lets just keep it between you and me," Brian told Kevin.

"OK, I mean the guys wouldn't care or think any less of him but I won't say anything." Kevin answered him.

"Yeah I know, but I just want to keep this between me and Cody. I'll let the guys know some other time." Brian said.

2 days pass

"Brian!! I am so glad to see you!" I said almost jumping out of my bed.

"Hey Cody, how are you feeling? Are you ok?" Brian asked walking up to me.

"I'm doing pretty good. The doctor told me you were going to be coming yesterday. I was waiting and waiting for you," I said.

"Yeah, I ah, had a lot of meetings and things to do with the guys, sorry." Brian answered.

"Well, give me a kiss. I've missed those lips!" I said trying to reach for him.

"We better not. I mean there's cameras and people walking around. You have everything you need?" Brian asked.

"Yeah I have everything ready," I said sounding disappointed.

"Well ready to go then? There's a van outside waiting," Brian said, picking up my bags.

"Oh my god, I totally forgot! The doctor told me yesterday that you had collapsed! I got really worried!" I said getting into the elevator.

"Ohh yeah, I'm fine now. My blood pressure went through the roof ‘cause of what happened and all," Brian said looking down at the floor.

"That's so sweet but stupid. You know you have to try to pace yourself." I said scolding him.

"Well I'm sorry I worried about you. I'm fine now, so forget about it. Here put this hat and sunglasses on. There are a lot of people outside waiting for you to come out." Brian said putting on his own hat and glasses.

As soon as we stepped outside hundreds of flashes started going off. Every TV station, magazine and newspaper must have been there. We were quickly pulled into the van by the security guards and the van drove off. The van pulled into the underground garage of the hotel so no media would see us getting out of the van. Brian then wheeled me into the hotel and up to my room.


"Yeah?" Brian said.

"I just wanted to say, well thank you for being there for me and worrying. You don't know how much it means to me." I said.

"No need to thank me. I told you I was going to be there for you no matter what, right? Brian said pushing me through the door of my room.

"Cody, Where are your pajamas?" Brian asked.

"There in that top drawer, why?" I asked pointing to the dresser.

"Well the doctor said you need as much rest as possible so I'm going to get you into your pajamas and put you to bed." Brian said, pulling out some sweats from the drawer.

"But Brian, I don't want to go to sleep yet. I feel like I haven't talked to you in weeks and its only 6," I said whining.

"No Cody, you need your rest," Brian said.

"But Brian..."

"No buts, your going to bed," Brian said scornfully.

Brian pulled me up from the wheel chair and sat me down on the edge of the bed. He kneeled down on the floor in front of me and untied my sneakers. He then pulled them off my feet followed by my socks. His hands reached up to the waist of my jeans and slowly unbuttoned the top. His hands carefully pulled down the zipper and spread my jeans open. I raised myself off the bed a little giving Brian access to remove my pants. He carefully slid my jeans down my legs and off my body. Then he grabbed the bottom of my shirt and slowly lifted it up my chest, making my arms raise to the ceiling, while he slipped it off. Brian was being so careful not to touch my bruises. He had stripped me down to my boxer-briefs, being very sweet and gentle. Brian's eyes traced over my almost naked body all the way up to where they met my eyes.

He knelt there unresponsive for minutes watching me breath. He knew I felt that he was being distant and his eyes showed it. Those deep blue eyes showed how strong yet vulnerable he was. He didn't need to say a word about how much he really missed me, his eyes said it all. Without exchanging a single word he let me know that he was sorry for being distant and I let him know it was ok. Getting a small smile from me he placed his hands on my lap and pulled himself up to my face. Brian slowly leaned in and placed his lips on mine. He started giving me soft kisses on my lips, barely touching them, while staring into my eyes. He was being so sweet it was driving me crazy. Finally, he started pushing his tongue past my lips and into my waiting mouth. His tongue slowly explored every inch of my mouth, as his fingers traced down the rest of my body. A tear rolled down my face but before Brian though he was hurting me, I smiled at him and pulled him a little closer to me. With this Brian lowered me down on the bed, separating our lips from each other. He stood up and slowly removed his clothes. First his shirt came off exposing his beautiful chest, then his shoes, pants, socks and finally his boxers, giving me a view of his gorgeous golden body. His eyes filled with love and lust and his beautiful cock quickly showed his excitement. He lowered himself down on top of me being real careful and placed his tongue back in my mouth before licking and sucking his way down my neck and chest. He stopped at my nipples where he licked and sucked on them gently. He kept licking his way down my body, stopping to kiss my lips every once in a while. After licking his way down my body he licked his way back up to my face. He stared into my eyes and I knew exactly what he wanted to say, what he felt inside of him. He had so many feeling inside of him: hurt, confused, lust, worry, love, even anger.

While Brian kept tasting every inch of my body and grinding his cock into me, I lost myself in thought for a second thinking how Brian and I had met. It had only been a little over two weeks since the talk show where we first met. In those two weeks we had shared a lot about our lives with each other. Could I be dreaming? Was it possible to start falling deep in love with someone I had met only two weeks before. But I knew it was possible because from the day after the talk show we clicked. It was as if we had been friends for years. Yes, it is possible to fall in love with someone so soon, I thought. I had never felt more safe, more comfortable, more loved with anyone else but Brian. Tears started forming in my eyes from the joy of realizing I was definitely falling deep in love with Brian, and that it was ok to.

Brian brought me back to reality quickly as soon as his lips touched mine again. As soon as he saw my tears rolled down my cheeks he kissed them away. Brian looked into my eyes and spoke the first words in what seemed like hours of beautiful silence.

"I'm already deep in love with you too Cody..."

READ THIS...Well I hope you liked this part of the story. I apologize for all you super horny guys for there being no real hot sex parts. I need to hear comments from you guys. Did you like it? Disappointed? I want to hear what your favorite parts where. Feel strongly about any parts? Well I hope to here from all of you. Your comments might inspire me to write the next part of this story, and if I do, those who write to me might get a sneak preview (paragraph) of the next section.. So e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 6

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