Brian and Cody

By moc.loa@3tropSXLR

Published on Jul 11, 1999


***Disclamer Hey! The following is a fictional story containing guy to guy sex and fantasy's of being with a celebrity, the celebrity being Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys. I am a fan of theirs and in no sense is any of this story true. Its just a little fantasy. Hopefully its something that will not affect or insult the real BSB. Cody has nothing to do with the Cody from Baywatch, its just my name. You must be 18 or of legal age in your state to read this. So read on and I hope you like it.

All I Have To Give: Brian and Cody: 9

"Morning sweetie."

"Morning Babe," Brian answered half groggy.

"You sleep OK?"

"You know I sleep like a log Cody, especially the way you wore me out last night." Brian said with a grin.

"Well, I just really missed being with you. I really missed that sexy body of yours," I said leaning in for a morning kiss.

"Mm, you taste as good as I remember," Brian said giving me a really big wet kiss.

"Ew, Brian, You just got up! Haven't you heard of morning breath!" I said

"There you go again trying to be funny." Brian said.

"I'm not trying to be funny Bri. Your breath could kill right now." I said laughing.

"Well, lets see if you find this funny," Brian said as he started to tickle me.

"Brian! Brian! Stop! You know how ticklish I am! BRIAN!!!!" I screamed as Brian relentlessly continued to tickle me.

"See babe, now this is funny," Brian said cracking up.

"BRIAN! I'm going to kill you! STOP IT! Please!"

"Brian! Cody! What's going on in there?!? Howie said from outside the room.

"Howie, HELP! Help me Howie, please!" I screamed.

Howie pushed open the door and found Brian on top of me tickling me from head to toe.

"Howie, please... I can'," I was barely able to get the words out of my mouth.

"Brian, stop it! Your going to hurt him! You know he can't take it to be tickled!" Howie said.

Brian just didn't know how to stop though. He continued to tickle me. Howie knew that once Brian started something he wouldn't stop. Howie walked up to the bed and pushed Brian off of me and the bed. Brian landed with a thud to the floor. Howie quickly helped me up and pretty much threw me over his shoulders and carried me out of our room. Howie didn't put me down until we were in his room safe from Brian. Brian tried running into Howie's room but Howie closed the door and locked it right before Brian pushed his way in.

"There, your safe," Howie said laughing.

"Thank you Howie. Thank you! I can't believe him! He knows I hate to be tickled! I'm gonna hurt him I tell you." I said out of breath.

"Calm down! Please! Or I'm gonna let Brian in," Howie said laughing.

"Don't! You can't," I said.

"Just relax. I'm not gonna let him in. So I see you guys are on better terms now, besides this tickling incident," Howie said holding back from laughing.

"Yeah. We patched things up. Its hard for us to stay mad at each other," I said sitting on Howie's bed.

"I know this is a stupid question, but are you guys totally committed to each other now? I remember a month or two back you two decided to keep things slow because of our scheduled and so on." Howie asked.

"Ha, yeah I'm pretty sure its serious now. I think its been serious for a little while now. Its just that we haven't really been together too much but the feeling are definitely strong now. I can't help but love him so much Howie. I don't know why. I know I am young and I haven't had much experience in this love thing but I really feel, well I think I know that Brian is the one for me. Every second I'm away from him, he's the only thing on my mind. And I can't even express in words how Brian makes me feel when I am with him," I said.

"I think I know Cody," Howie answered.

"So you've been in love before Howie?," I asked.

"Yeah, I have been in love. Maybe even twice. I really fell for this girl a few years back. Actually we were still going out when this whole 'Backstreet Boys' thing started to happen. I think nothing would come from this at first but when I started to see that were gonna get somewhere I started to pay more attention to the group. We both just kind of went in our own direction a little after that," Howie said lying back.

"So how long were you together for?"

"Oh, we were together for 8 months. I really did fall in love with her in those 8 months. She took good care of me. It was a nice feeling," Howie explained.

"You haven't seen her since?" I asked

"Yeah I saw her once at a show we did here in Orlando. We talked for a little bit. It was so nice to see her," he continued.

"So did you miss her for a while?"

"Yeah I did. Actually, I still miss her now sometimes. I miss having someone look after me, you know? My family is always there for me but its not the same, you know?"

"You have the guys, and you have me too," I said smiling.

"I know. But its not the same," Howie said.

"I know what you mean. I had my friends and all in California but the feeling of just having my friends and having Brian don't compare at all," I said.

"I'm glad you two found each other. You two seem to be perfect for each other. Its a good balance. Except for the times both of you get crazy!"

"Well, I'm sure your gonna find someone soon yourself Howie. I really do. With those looks and especially with your personality, your gonna attract only the best." I said

"Stop it," Howie said.

"I mean it Howie. Your such a cool person. You really are." I said

"Any ways, how did we start talking about me?" Howie said.

"I don't like always being the center of attention you know," I said laughing.

"So Howie, How did you really feel when you found out Brian was gay?"

"Well, honestly, it took me a while to accept Brian's lifestyle. I really didn't want to believe it. I always saw a different life for Brian," Howie said.

"So what changed? Did something change?" I asked

"Well, I just realized that I care for him a lot and all I want for him is to find happiness in whatever he does. I was also always open minded so the gay thing never really bothered me. It just felt weird for a while to think of Brian in that way. I got over it though. And I mean it helps that Bri found someone like you," Howie said smiling.

"Thanks Howie. It means a lot to me to have you as a friend," I said.

"Don't worry about it Kiddo," Howie said laughing.

"Kiddo? I'm hurt!" I said over acting.

"Haha, I'm just kidding. But you are still young Cody. Gee, your only 18. Your even younger than Nick!"

"Yeah, but I'm more mature than Nick is!" I said.

"You are!" Howie said laughing.

"Do you think the age difference is a problem?" I asked him

"Of course not. I mean your 18. Its not like your 12 or something. Your only 6 years younger than Brian. And come one. Brian is still 16 at heart," Howie said laughing.

"Yeah, your right, silly of me to worry."

"Hello?!? Howie, you better keep your hands off my Cody! Will you let him go please?! I promise to behave!" Brian said laughing

"And besides, Brian seems to like them young!" Howie said loud enough so that Brian could hear from the other side of the door.

"Excuse me? What are you two talking about in there?" Brian said banging on the door.

"Stop being so nosy Brian!" I said.

"Baby! Come out already! I miss you!" Brian said scratching at the door.

"You promise to behave?"

"Cody, baby, I'm sorry. I promise I'll behave. I'll make it up to you to" Brian said letting out a whimper

"How can I say no to that?" I asked Howie.

"Hey, don't ever say I never saved your life!" Howie said as he unlocked the door. As soon as Howie opened the door, Brian came flying into the room and threw himself on top of me pushing me down to the bed. Brian just sat on top of me, straddling me, staring at me with the biggest grin on his face.

"Brian, behave yourself! We're not in our room!" I said pushing him off of me.

"Oh, your no fun!" Brian said pouting.

"Hey Howie, you were calling me a baby?" I said winking at Howie to follow along.

"Yeah I guess I had the wrong baby!" he said laughing.

"Shut up you guys!" Brian said sticking his tongue out, obviously acting like a kid now.

I pulled Brian off the bed and pulled him out of Howie's room. We walked down to the living room and sat on the couch. Brian took me into his arms as I curled up in front of him. We just sat there together and watched some TV.

"This feels really good Brian."

"Yeah, it does," He said as he burried his nose in my hair, "you smell so sweet."

"Oh yeah?" I said

"Yeah, but I bet you taste even better," Brian said as he got up and pulled me into the bathroom.

"Brian, someone might come down soon." I said.

"So what? Its not like there gonna be looking for us, just relax honey," Brian said as he locked the door to the bathroom with a grin on his face.

Brian quickly dropped to his knees and pulled down my sweats in one quick motion.

"Mm, just as I remebered it," Brian said with smile.

"I would hope so, since you saw it last night," I said laughing.

"Oh just shut up and enjoy this," and with that Brian began to explore my dick with his tongue.

Brian started by licking me all around my balls, my thighs, and up to my belly button. He slowly and teasingly worked up to my dick. He stuck his tongue out and ran it all the way up to the head and back down the shaft a couple of times enjoying the moans which escaped my mouth.

"Come on Brian, enough with the teasing. Please baby," I moaned.

Brian slowly licked his way back up the shaft of my dick and stopped to circle his tounge around the head. He licked and kissed and sucked on the throbbing head of my dick before taking my whole dick into his mouth. By this time I was holding on really tight to the sink while Brian went up and down my dick, circling his tongue around it. The pleasure Brian was giving me with his tongue was incredible. I had to lock my knees and hold on real tight to prevent from falling to my knees. With every slurp of Brian's tongue a moan escaped my mouth. As my moaning got louder Brian started to suck my dick faster. Brian moved his head up and down my dick really fast taking as much of my dick into his mouth and down his throat as he could. I couldn't take much more of Brian's sucking. I grabbed the back of his head and started bucking my hips as my dick erupted into his mouth. Brian pulled off just enough to be able to take my cum onto his tongue and swallow it.

"Mmm baby, You taste so good. I couldn't think of a better breakfast," Brian said licking his lips and showing me his beautiful smile.

"Oh be quiet Bri," I said laughing, "I hope the guys didn't hear us."

"Us? You mean, You hope the guys didn't hear you! Mr. Moaner," Brian said almost falling over from laughing.

"Excuse me? Mr. Moaner? As my memory serves me right you were all 'oohhhs' and 'aaahhhs" last night. So don't even go there cause you almost woke up Howie last night."

"I did not! Mr. Moaner!!!" Brian said continuing to laugh. "Hey what did you do that for? That hurt Cody!"

"Haha, That's what you get for being such a little kid!" I said laughing.

"Are you guys done yet in there? Come one! I have my towels in there!" AJ screamed through the door.

"See look what you did now Mr. Moaner! AJ heard us!" Brian said.

"See, now your the one trying, and I mean trying to be funny! Don't make me hit you again!" I said.

"AJ Help!!! Cody is beating me up! He's abusing me AJ! Help!!" Brian screamed.

"Brian! You make me so mad sometimes you know!"

"I'm sorry baby," Brian pushed me against the door and gave me a big sloppy kiss.

"Aww Brian. Could you slobber on me anymore?!" I said wiping my mouth off

"GUYS! Could you possibly come out of the bathroom and fight?" AJ screamed as he banged on the door.

"Sorry AJ. Brian here is being a pest," I said as I pushed open the door and walked out into the hallway.

"When is he not?" AJ said.

"I'm going to remember that AJ," Brian said as he walked out of the bathroom behind me.

"Oh no. Don't hurt me Bri," AJ said mocking Brian.

Brian followed me into the kitchen and just watched me as I walked around getting myself some orange juice and making some toast.

"You look so cute making breakfast," Brian said.

"Your too sweet, really, your just too sweet," I said in a sarcastic tone.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Oh nothing. Go get dressed so we can go out. I don't want to be locked up in this house all day." I said

"I don't feel like going out today. I just want to stay in bed cuddled up with you," Brian said pouting his lips.

"That sounds nice but I really want to go out."

"But babe. I really want to stay home today."

"So stay home. I'll get someone to go out with me. Is that OK with you?" I asked.

"I guess. But your all mine tonight OK?"

"Definitely," I leaned over and kissed Brian.

I walked upstairs and I ran into Howie again.

"Hey Howie you want to go out with me today? I don't feel like staying inside and Brian wants to stay home today."

"Yeah, definitely. I have to run some errands and maybe we can go shopping," Howie said.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll be ready in a flash," I said.

The next 3 weeks were spent similarly to that day. During the day I went to the studio with the guys and sat and listened to the new songs. On their days off I usually went out with Howie. Howie and I became really close friends during those weeks because Brian was deep in his song writing and I chose to leave him alone during the day. Brian didn't seem to mind me spending so much time with Howie. He knew I was having a good time and staying out of trouble with Howie. At night it was a different story. Brian and I made love almost every night. Even if we didn't we would just cuddle up in bed for hours before going to sleep and read or watch TV or just talk. Those 3 weeks went by really smoothly and I almost felt a sense of normality there with them. I hadn't been in the public eye and the rumors and gossip had died down. We went unrecognized so no one bothered us. I really felt like I was a normal person living a normal life. Nothing stays the same for too long though. Things were about to change and I would have to make a lot of decisions.

To be continued

*** OK people. Here is the 9th part. I never thought I'd take it this far but I am starting to enjoy writing again. I haven't written in a while again so I'm getting there though. This part wasn't all that hot and sexy but with a little patience you will get what you want. Some hot action is in need so keep your eyes out. I haven't really received much mails so I am feeling like I am writing this story for myself. I really need to hear from you guys. Just let me know if you are reading this. And if you have read all the chapters. I would really appreciate it. Some of you know how I feel.... I'm thinking no one is reading... so I need a little encouragement here. So e-mail me at Please put "Brian and Cody" in the subject area or your e-mail might and probably will get deleted. Thanks.***

Next: Chapter 10

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