Brian and Joshua

By lulupower

Published on Dec 4, 1999


Brian and Joshua, written by lulupower

Legal Disclaimer: This story involves guy/guy sex, so if you're not 18 or if you are offended by that, don't read it. I'm not implying that Brian Littrell or Joshua Jackson are gay, and the following story is pure fantasy.

Author's note: As every new author says: "It's my first attempt at writing a story, so please be nice cause I'm sensitive" lol. Anyways, whatever you find right/wrong with this story, please e-mail me about it, ok? Now no more blabla, here's the second part of the story.


I woke up at about 3 o'clock that night; there was a big thunderstruck outside, and I could hear someone/something whining. I shook Brian. "Bri..Bri...Brian!" I whispered. "What..." he groaned, blinking his eyes open. "There's someone whining in the house!" I said with fear. "Uh?"He sat straight on the carpet and listened. Then he looked at me. "You're right..." he said. He put some boxers on and walked towards our room. I heard him talk softly, and he came back a few seconds later, a shaking Tyke in his arms. "What's wrong with that dog?" I asked. "He's afraid of thunderstrucks." He was carrying Tyke like a mother carries a baby. "Poor Tyke...The noise will not hurt you, you know..." I had a vision at that very moment. Brian holding a little child. Brian being a daddy. "Babe?" "Hmmm..." "Don't you ever wonder what it would be to have kids?" I asked. "Of course I do. I've been thinking about that for quite a while now. And I know that it's not possible for me, because I'm in love with a man. But then again, the fact that I'm in love with that man makes me happy, even though my dream of having a family can't come true." he said in a wise tone. "Did you think about adoption?" I asked. "Yeah, I did. And I came to the conclusion that my dream will one day come true, but not now. Not with the tour, and your movies and Dawson's creek...If I'm always on tour, and that you are filming a movie, who will take care of the baby? I think it's best for his/her sake to wait a little while. I'm sorry baby." he said. "It's ok Brian, it's the price I have to pay for loving a Backstreet Boy!" "We are both paying. We are both celebrities, and we have hectic lives." Tyke jumped off Brian's arms and ran under the couch. Brian sat back beside me and I kissed him on the cheek. "Do you know how much I love you?" I asked. He thought for a second. "Hmmm, a lot?" he said, grinning. "More than that. More than words can explain." I said, kissing him lightly. When I released him, he smiled. "You know what?"he said "I love you too. More than anyone has ever loved on earth. You are my world and my heart belong to you forever." "Awww, stop it I'm gonna cry!" I laughed. He laughed too, and kissed me again but with more passion. After a little while, he reached for air. I smiled. "What are you smiling for?" he asked, grinning too. "You are the best kisser in the world." I said with pride, striking his hair. He blushed. "Well like I said, I had a good teacher..." he said. "What do you mean?" " I had never kissed anyone before you." I stopped everything, shocked. "Brian you're 24! so it means you had your first kiss at 21!" He smiled. "No, it was at 20." "Well it wasn't me, babe, cause we kissed for the first time about 2 months after your 21st birthday." I said. " was you. Remember when the cast of Dawson's creek, us and N'sync went camping for I don't remember what reason and we were in the same tent?" he asked. "Yeah...but what does it have to do with that??" I was totally puzzled. "Well I fell in love with you the minute I met you. And when I went to bed, you were already asleep. And I couldn't resist, I...I kissed you." He admitted. "You really did? Man, it wasn't a dream!" I said. "What do you mean?" It was his turn to be puzzled. "I felt you kissing me. But I thought I was dreaming. At the time I didn't know I was gay, and your kiss made me realise that I was. That's why it took me so long to admit I loved you." I said. We sighed and laid down on the carpet, hands in hands, my head on Brian's chest. "What happened to us the past few months?" Brian asked softly. "I don't know. I was jealous as hell because you spent more time with AJ than you did with me" I said with shame. Brian smiled and cooed. "What, you're not angry?" "Why would I be angry?" "Because I'm so jealous...You're not jealous when I kiss Kathy (Holmes) on TV, or when I hang with James (Van Der Beek)..." Brian laughed. "James is not gay, he has a girlfriend. And now, why would I be jealous of a girl...ewwwww..." I laughed also. Then I looked at the clock. "Brian it 3:30 in the morning, we should get into our bed, or we'll look like we've fucked all night tomorrow at the press conference." I said, getting up. "Well that's basically what we've done..." Brian said, laughing again. "Are you nervous Bri?" I asked, putting my arms around his neck. "Yeah. You?" "As hell." I hugged him tightly, and he soon returned the hug. "We'll survive this Joshua, I swear." he whispered. "I hope so." I said.

The next morning, I woke up at 7, because I was so nervous. I was tossing and turning in the bed so much that Brian woke up too. "Will you stop moving babe I'm trying to sleep here" he mumbled, his eyes still shut. "Sorry Brian, I'm gonna grab a shower." He opened his eyes ang glanced at the clock. "Joshua it's 7 in the morning, and we went to bed at 3:30..." he said. "I know but I'm so nervous, I can't sleep anymore." I said. "Everything's gonna be okay babe. Don't worry." I smiled lightly, and got up. "I'll wake you at about 9, so you'll have time to take a shower and eat before we head to the press conference, ok? Go back to sleep." I said, tucking him like a baby. The I kissed him on the lips. At eleven sharp, the press conference began. I was almost shaking. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. We have here Joshua Jackson and Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys They're here to talk about the pictures that were seen on Entertainement Tonight on Tuesday night. A period of questions will follow." an old man said. Brian cleared his throat and started to speak. "Joshua and me personally want to thank each and everyone of you for coming here this morning. As you probably know, someone caught us kissing in an underground parking lot on monday. We are not going to deny it." He said. I looked at him and he nodded me to continue for him. "Brian and I are together. We are gay and in love with each other. We had to hide it because of some clauses in our contracts, and for both our careers. We think that our fans will understand." I said with assurance. "That's about all. You can start asking questions." We answered about 2 millions questions, from how long have you been together" to "Do you guys have had sex yet" (which we chose not to answer...), and about an hour later, we left. Once we got in the green room, I hugged Brian tightly. "Man it's over....We don't have to hide anymore!" I sighed. I felt Brian smile, and he hugged me tighter. "Finally...I can't believe it went so well. Seems like we were more obvious than we thought..." he laughed. I kissed him lightly on the lips, and then I had an idea. "Brian, let's go outside where there's lots of people, and hold hands and kiss in front of everyone." I knew it was stupid, but I wanted to do it so bad that Brian agreed. He grabbed my hand and we walked outside. When we opened the door, everyone started to applause, grinning. Brian walked proudly with my hand in his, and when we reached the car, he kissed me lightl and pinched my ass. "Brian!"I said, turning to a bright shade of red. Everyone outthere laughed loudly. We got in the car, the other Backstreet boys following. "Guys, I can't believe it! You did it! And everyone seemed happy for you!" Howie said with joy. I looked at him with shock. "What, you don't mind us anymore?" I asked. "I never had a problem with you two being together, I was just scared for our careers. I had a lot of time to think last night, and I just came to the conclusion that I should support my friends."He said with pride. "Thanx Howie. We appreciate it" We celebrated all day long, until 9 in fact, then we threw everyone out. AJ whined. "Why don't we party all night?" he asked in a childish tone. I smiled. "We're heading to Kentucky at one tonight, so we have to pack. " Everyone told us to say hi to Brian and Kevin's parents, and then they left. We arrived in Lexington at 2 in the morning, and Brian's parents were waiting for us at home. "Mom, dad, you two should be in bed at this time! What are you doing up?" he asked. Brian's mom laughed, and hugged him. "You think we'd let our little baby arrive without saying at least hi?" They all hugged and kissed, and I was a little left alone. "Mom, dad, please meet my boyfriend Joshua Jackson." he said, grinning. "Pleased to meet you Joshua" Brian's dad said, shaking my hand. He was looking at me like he was a doctor examining me, then Brian's mom hugged me. "I'm more than happy to finally meet then man in my son's life." She said. Then everyone went to bed. Brian's parents didn't say a word when we went to sleep in the same room, and Brian looked very proud of it. I had never seen an 25 years old guy still under his parents control. "Your parents are very nice Bri." I said when we were alone in his room. "Yeah, I think they like you too, because they didn't ask me to put your luggage in the guest room." he said. "Is it a problem if we sleep in the same bed?"I asked, worried. "We're not supposed to because we're not married." I was shocked. "Brian don't tell me you were supposed to wait until you were married to have sex?"I asked. "Yeah, I was." he said casually, stripping to his boxers. "Then why did you sleep with me? I could have waited for you all my life if you had only asked." I said, stripping too. Brian looked at me with a serious look on his face. "I don't care Josh. I wanted you. And before we did it for the first time, I spent a month thinking about it. I asked Kevin what he thought about it." he said. "You asked Kevin for advices about sex?!?"I laughed. "Yeah...he told me that if I knew that you were the one, the real one for me, then I shouldn't wait anymore." "And you thought I was the one?" I said. "I still do..." he whispered. I kissed him passionately on the lips, then someone knocked at the door. We broke apart, and Brian said "Come in!". Harold (JR) entered.


If you have comments or questions about the story please e-mail me at I didn't get lots of e-mails last time, so please force yourself and do it! it'll take only a minute, and I'll be very happy and you'll e proud of yourself because you'll have done a good action. c-ya next week!

Next: Chapter 3

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