Brian and Joshua

By lulupower

Published on Feb 1, 2000


Brian and Joshua, written by lulupower

Legal Disclaimer: This story involves male-male sex, so if you are not 18 or if you are offended by that, please leave now. And for thoses of you who are 18, well enjoy! (Just don't splash anything on the computer, it's hard to clean between the keys lol) I'm not implying that Joshua Jackson or Brian Litrell are gay. This story is purely fictional.

Author's note: Hey everyone! THANX TO THOSE WHO HAVE E-MAILED ME! :) I really appreciate it. It makes the writing worth something. Not that I don't like to write, but it's cool to know that some people actually like what you write. So go on with the e-mailing, and I'll go on with the writing! By the way, I'm really sorry about all the mistakes I made in the other chapter (the parts 4-5). It was unbelievable...But please try to understand me: I wrote these parts at about midnight to two in the morning, right after a party...;) I'll try to be better in this one. (I said TRY :P) Another thing: sorry for the delay...College started 2 weeks ago, and I was caught in all the partys and stuff...So please try to forgive me. And last but not least, everyone please give a big roung of applause to Brian Littrell who announced that he was going to get married to Leighanne Wallace on September 2nd, 2000!


'8 am, saturday' I woke up to the marvelous sound of my alarm clock. I shut it down and stretched. I was about to go back to sleep when I remembered that I was going to join Brian on tour that day, at eleven. I smiled and got up. I even started to whistle while I shaved and showered. Then I chased Tyke around before my sister arrived. She was usually taking care of him while Brian was on tour, because I couldn't stand him. So I threw 2 bread slices in the toaster and waited for my sister to arrive. At 8:45, there was a knock at the door. I ran to answer it: of course it was my sister. "Hey sis! How are you?" I said happily. "Hey Josh. I'm fine. I heard that dad called you to apologize?" she asked me while taking all Tyke's stuff. "Yeah, everything's fine now." I said. "I'm glad to hear that. So are you coming home for Christmas?" She asked. "Yeah, I'll be home on december 22th." I answered. "Will you bring Brian?" She asked with a smile. My sister was the only one in my family who knew about Brian and I from the start. She caught me on the phone with him, so I had to explain. She promised me not to tell anyone. "Yeah, I will." She smiled again. "Cool, I'll finally meet my brother's boyfriend. It was about time!" We both laughed. "I gotta go bro. James is waiting for me in the car." she said, blushing. "James? What, you two are dating???" I asked with shock. I had introduced my sister to James Van der Beek about 3 months ago, hoping they'd click. "Hmm, yeah." she answered blushing even more. I laughed. "It's great sis. I'm happy for you" I said, hugging her. "Thanx. Bye!" she said. "Bye. Take good care of Tyke, or Brian will kill ya!" I said, closing the door. At exactly 12:32, my plane landed. I rushed outside, and almost ran to take my luggage. When I finally had everything, I looked around me to find where I was supposed to meet Brian. As I turned to look behind me, I saw him. A vision of beauty and happiness. He had a huge smile on his face, and looked like he had been standing there, looking at me, for quite a while. I smiled and walked quickly towards him. I threw my luggage on the floor and hugged Brian tightly. "Ahhhh man I missed you..." I said, sighing. "I missed you too baby." he said. I released him a bit, just enough to be able to kiss him. He parted his lips slightly, and I slid my tongue in his awaiting mouth. Our tongues dueled for a few seconds, before we heard someone clearing his throat behind us. I let go of Brian and saw a smiling Nick waiting for us. I smiled and hugged him too. "Hey Nick. It's good to see you man." I said, a huge grin painted on my face. "Good to see you too." He said. I grabbed my things and headed to the exit. "Is there a car waiting for us?" I asked. "Yeah, we have a rental car parked in the F level. Follow me darling." Nick said with a thick brittish accent. I laughed loudly and followed him. At the hotel, fifteen minutes later, we were greeted by screaming fans wanting the guys' autographs. Some even wanted mine! A lot of them told us that they supported us 100% and that they were really proud of us, because coming out was hard and bla bla bla. Brian even had tears in his eyes when a guy told him that our coming out had helped him to come out too. About an hour and dozens of autographs later, we were in our hotel room, cuddled on the couch, watching a movie with the rest of the group. Since it was a free day for them, we had time to do whatever we wanted to do.So we decided, against going straight to our room and fuck, to watch the movie with the rest of the guys. It was 'Notting hill' with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. At the end of the movie, two hours later (when Julia and Hugh smile at each other and the song 'She' is playing) I looked at Brian and smiled. "What, it reminds you of our press conference?" he asked, smiling too. "No, I was going to say that Hugh Grant is cute as hell..." I said, trying to remain serious. Seeing Brian's shocked expression, I couldn't hold it very long. I bursted out laughing. "I'm kidding baby. You know damn well that he's not my type." I said. "So what's your type then?" AJ asked. "You are, of course!" I said, smiling deviously. Brian slapped me playfully on the shoulder. "And you want me to believe that you're jealous of him." he said, then stopped himself. Everyone looked at me in wonder. I threw a look at Brian, and then sighed. "Joshua, man, I hope you know that there's nothing between me and Brian anymore. We're best friends, that's all." AJ said. "Yeah, I know it. It's just that...well about a week ago Brian and I were in a real bad phase. And I was having nightmares about him and you being together...I..." I hesitated. Kevin shot a look at Nick and Howie, and they left. "You were saying?" AJ asked. "I'm jealous of you AJ. You spend more time with my boyfriend than I do. I mean, I trust you, I know you wouldn't sleep with Brian, and even if you wanted it, Brian wouldn't. But...It's just that..." "I understand Joshua. It's ok. I just hope that we can stay friends. Even if you have no reason to be jealous. Brian loves YOU. Don't you Rok?" AJ looked at Brian. "Yeah, and you know it Josh. Why would I have proposed to you if I didn't?" Brian pointed out. "Yeah, I know, I'm sorry..." I said, sighing. "Do we have to talk about this right now? I mean I just arrived, and I'd like to spend some quality time with my boyfriend without talking about the fact that I'm jealous as hell?" I asked, a little bit upset. AJ took that as a cue to leave, and Brian looked at me with a sorry look on his face. "I'm sorry baby." he said softly. "I know you are. But I just missed you so much to start a fight with you right now. Why don't we just lay down on your beautiful bed know...make out or something..." I said, grinning a little. Brian smiled too. "I think that's the best idea you've had in a long time!" he said. I smiled and followed him in his room. "So, what exactly did you have in mind Mr Joshua?" Brian asked slyly, roaming one hand on my chest and the other on my butt. "Well I thought that maybe we could" knockknockknock "Damn" I mumbled. "Who is it?" I yelled. "It's Kevin. Are you guys fucking?" he asked. I laughed. "No Kevin, we aren't even naked." I said. He opened the door and peeked in, just to check if I was telling the truth. He sighed and entered. "What do you want" Brian asked, a little annoyed. Kevin threw him a look and then looked at me. "Well I was just checking if everything was ok...I mean with that 'jealousy' thing and all..." he said hesitantly. "Yeah, everything's ok Kev. Thanks for checking." I said. "Can I ask you what it was about?" he asked. "Yeah. Well you see when I started to date Brian he was just recovering from AJ...I mean yeah they didn't know they were gay, and they didn't even was just a 'crush' thing, but...I'm still jealous of AJ, because he's with Brian a lot more than I am, and he was Brian's first love...So that's it, that's the story." I said. "Oh, ok...Well...I'll leave you two alone, cuz obviously I was interrupting something here, so...I'm leaving. See ya both later." he said, colsing the door. "now where were we?" I said. Brian kissed me, and pushed me to the bed. "I think we were somewhere near here..." he said with a little grin. I smiled back and kissed him again. "Brian? Do you think we could get married during our break? I mean, you're off until February, and I can manage to get an extra month off. What do you think?" I asked. "Well...I don't know baby...I mean, it's not that I don't want to, but getting married is a lot of work, and...we're gay Joshua, it'll be complicated." he said hesitantly. "Do you think it's worth trying? We could do a very simple wedding, invite only our close friends, like the other guys, Kathy and James, and our families. And then we choose the date, buy our tuxedos, choose our best men, decide on who's gonna do what, where we're gonna do it, find someone to cook, and decide where we'll go on our honeymoon. Oh and send invitations. That's it." I said. Brian smiled. "Do you have everything planned?" he asked. "Well...I made a few phone calls...So, what do you think? Do you think you can do it?" I asked. "Yeah. I can't wait...So, when do we get married?" he asked, sitting on the bed. I grabbed a sheet of paper and a pen, and wrote 'when, where, who' on it. "Well...We're November 29th? How about January 3rd? It will give us a month to get prepared." I said. "Ok, January 3rd it is then." Brian said. I wrote Jan. 3rd beside the 'when'. "Now, where? There's only 3 states in the US where gays can get married. Hawaï, Kentucky and Alaska. Forget Alaska NOW" I said laughing. "Yeah, I wouldn't go there to get married either." Brian laughed also. "Well I guess we'll do in in Kentucky...I mean, you're from there and all..." I said. "I'd prefer Hawaï...If you don't mind...I live in Kentucky, I'd like it to be somewhere else..." Brian said shyly. "Ok. Well we'll have to make hotel reservations for everyone a church and all. Will you do that while I search for a place to buy our tux?" I asked. "Yeah. Can you hand me my cell phone please?" Brian asked. I gave it to him, and opened the directory to look for tuxedo makers. Half an hour later, that part of our wedding was done. We were going to get married in Waikiki, Hawaï, at three in the afternoon, and we were going to take measures for our tuxedos the next day. Brian looked at me when I hung up the phone. "Now what?" he asked. "The honeymoon." I said. Brian grinned deviously. "What, you want us to practise?" he asked. "Yeah, you wish. Where do you wanna go?" I asked. " about Paris?" he asked. "Paris? You've been there a thousand times." I said. "Yeah, but...didn't you dream to spend your honeymoon in Paris when you wer younger? I mean it's romantic, and it's a beautiful city..." he said. "Ok...Paris it is. Can you call the airlines and buy 2 tickets?" I asked. "Yeah, and what are you going to do?" he asked, dialing. "Choose my best man."


So, what did you think? Pretty boring uh? It'll get interesting, trust me. I just needed a transition chapter... By the way, the thing about gay weddings in the state is fictionnal. I have no idea about where gays can get married, and I don't even live in the states... :)

Next: Chapter 6

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