Brian and Joshua

By lulupower

Published on Feb 9, 2000


Brian and Joshua, by lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story involves male/male sex, so if you are not 18, or if you are offended by that, please leave now. And for those of you who aren't offended by that, or are 18, enjoy!

I don't mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any celebrities mentionned in this story, and I'm not related by anything to them.

Author's note: Hey everyone! I'm sorry again for the boring part 6 that I gave you :) I hope you'll enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. And don't forget to e-mail me after you read it! Now, on with the story!


"I'm gonna choose my best man." I said. Brian nodded. I layed back on the bed and started thinking. I had 5 guys around me, and I had to choose between them. James, AJ, Nick, Kevin and Howie. Of course, James was my best friend, but Nick and I were pretty close too. "Yeah, but Brian will choose Nick for his best man, so I gotta find someone else." I thought to myself. I was starting to drift off to sleep, when my cell phone rang. I reached for it, and pressed the send button. "Hello, Joshua's speaking." I said. "Hey Joshua, it's James!" the voice said. "Hey man, how are you? it's been a while!" I said, sitting. "Yeah...So, what's up?" he asked. "Well...nothing much...Oh yeah, well there's the whole wedding preparation going on, but besides that everything's fine..." I said with a little smile. "What? Wedding? You and Brian are getting married?" he asked, shocked. "Yeah...on January 3rd." I said with pride. "Congratulations man!" he said. "Thanx. And of course you are invited." I said. There was a silence. "James? You still there man?" I asked. "Yeah...hum, listen Josh, I won't be able to make it to your wedding." he said. "What? why?" "Well...I'm shooting a movie and it starts that day... I'm sorry...I really would have loved to be there but..." "it's ok James...I understand." I said sadly. We talked a little while longer, then I hung up. Brian was done with his phone call, and he was waiting for me to finish. "Who was that baby?" he asked, sitting beside me. "James." I said sadly. "What's wrong?" Brian asked with concern. "Well...he will start to shoot his movie on our wedding day, so he won't be able to make it." I said. "Oh, baby, I'm sorry..." he said, hugging me. "It's ok... I just have to find someone else to be my best man..." I said. Then I looked at him. "Who's gonna be yours?" I asked. "Nick, of course." he answered. "Yeah, I should have known..." I laughed. Then I sighed. "I'll probably ask Kevin..." I said softly. "Why Kevin?" Brian asked. "Well... I don't know. He's like a big brother for me." I said. Brian nodded. I buried my face in Brian's chest. "I love you Brian." I said softly. "I love you too Josh. I can't wait to hear people calling me Mr Jackson..." he said. "Mr Jackson???" I asked, confused. "Yeah...Brian Jackson sounds better than Joshua Littrell..." Brian pointed out. "You're right. But I don't really care. The choice is all yours!" I said. "Ok. I wanna be a Jackson." he said, kissing my forehead. "Then you're going to be a Jackson." I said. "Speaking of Jackson, when do we leave?" Brian asked. "Why would we possibly want to leave?" I asked. " told your dad that you'd go home for Christmas..." Brian said hesitantly. I sighed. "I know...I told my sister that I'd arrive on December 23rd. But I think we should leave a little earlier, like the 13th...we'd have time to send the invitations, so everyone would already know about the wedding when we arrive ...what do you think?" I asked. "I think it's a good idea. Do you want to call your dad to let him know?" Brian said. "Hmm, no, not right now. I wanna spend some quality time with my man." I said with a smile. "Uh, Joshua, I'm not in the mood for..." I cut him off. "Not sex you dumb. I just wanna lay here and enjoy your feel." I said, closing my eyes. "Ok...then let's take a little nap." Brian said, closing his eyes too. Soon we both were sleeping. The room was dark when I woke up, and Brian was still sleeping beside me. I snuggled up closer and inhaled his masculine scent. Brian stirred and opened his eyes. He looked down at me and smiled. "Hi there." he said. "Hey sleeping beauty...What time is it?" I asked with a yawn. Brian turned his head a little and looked at the clock. "8pm...We should go grab something to eat..."Brian said. "Yeah, you're right. Let me take a shower first, ok?" I said, standing up. Brian stood up too and stretched. He nodded, and picked up the phone. I heard him say "Hey Kev, did you guys have dinner?" and then I closed the door. I turned on the shower, stripped, and jumped in. The feeling of water cascading down my naked body felt great, and I closed my eyes. I imagined Brian and me at the wedding, and smiled. I was so happy...I even started to whistle while washing myself! Then I heard somebody knocking at the door. "Yeah?" I yelled. "Are you ok Joshua?" Brian asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, why?" I asked. "Well you were kinda whistling..." Brian said. I laughed. "Can I come in?" he asked. "Yes, of course you can." I said. The door opened, and Brian entered. "What's the matter" he asked, while I turned the shower off. I opened the door, and he handed me a towel. "Well I was just thinking about the wedding, and it made me feel good." I said. Brian smiled. I wrapped the towel aroung my waist, grabbed my toothbrush, and started to brush my teeth. Brian patted me on the butt and sat down on the toilet. "You look really good in only a towel ya know" Brian said with a thick southern accent. I smiled. "Yah I know..."I said, my mouth full of toothpaste. "Don't talk with your mouth full baby." Brian laughed. I laughed too, and spat. Then I drank a little water, and went back into the room. I grabbed some boxers, and looked at Brian. "Where do we eat?" I asked. The I dropped my towel and turned to face him. He was staring at me, almost drooling. "What?" I asked innocently. Brian snapped out of his trance and smiled. "You really are cute Joshua, I don't know if I ever told you that..." he said. I smiled too, and put on my boxers. "No, you never told me that before. But thanx..." I said, blushing a little. "I mean it Joshua. And it's not because you were naked... You are a gorgeous man. I'm gonna marry the most beautiful man in the world..." he said with pride. My smile grew larger. "No, that's MY job. I'm gonna marry the most beautiful man in the world." I said, putting my arms around his waist. "Who's gonna be the bride?" I asked, all of the sudden. "What?" Brian said, confused. I laughed. "I mean...who's gonna walk down the aisle, and who's gonna carry who in the house after the wedding?" I asked more seriously. "You are going to be the bride. I wanna see you walk down the aisle beside your father, and I wanna carry you in our house." he said, nuzzling my neck. I sighed. "What?" Brian asked softly. "I'm nervous." I said. "Why are you nervous?" he asked, puzzled. "Don't tell me you're not nervous at all?" I asked, even more puzzled. "Because of the wedding? Not at all." he said. "Are you? Honestly." he asked after a few seconds. "Yes, I am..." I admitted. Brian looked hurt. "You're not sure about your feelings?" he asked in a little voice. "I'm not saying that, Bri. I know that I love you more than anything in this world, and I know I will always do. It's just that it's a big step in our relationship, and at every step that I take, I'm nervous. That's all." I said. I leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. "Don't ever say that I'm not sure if I love you Brian. I do love you. Don't doubt me." I said, letting go of him. I grabbed some navy pants and a white t-shirt and threw them on. Brian put his arms around my waist, my back to him. He put his head on my shoulder and kissed my neck. "I never doubted you baby. I was just a little insecure. I'm sorry." he said softly. "It's ok." I said, smiling. "So, where are we eating, I'm starving." I said. Brian smiled too and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Well you have to change clothes, because I'm not taking you out with this on." he said, stripping. He grabbed some black dress pants, a white shirt and a blue tie. "Here, wear that." He told me. I put the clothes on, put a little gel in my hair and looked at Brian. He was dressed like me, except for his tie, that was red. I smiled at him. "You ready?" I asked. "Yup. Let's go." he said, grabbing my hand. Brian took me to a nice little french restaurant, and he insisted on paying. Then he asked me if I'd want to eat dessert somewhere else. I frowned, but I said yes. So he paid the bill, then we got in our rented car and left. Brian drove for about fifteen minutes, making little talk, then he took a little rural road. "Where are we going Brian?" I asked. "You'll see baby. You'll see." he said, smiling. He took my hand and put it on his lap. About 2 minutes later, he stpooed the car, and motionned me to follow him. Then he grabbed a bag in the car, and started walking. The night was beautiful. There were millions of stars in the sky, and the moon was out. It wasn't very hot, nor very cold. It was just perfect. We arrived at a little glade, just over the city, and there was a little wooden bench waiting for us. (well it wasn't exactly waiting for us but...ya know what I mean???) "Brian, this place is beautiful!" I said, sitting on the bench. I patted the place beside me and Brian sat beside me. He dug in the bag and took out a bottle of wine, a pie, two plates and two forks. "How long ago did you you have this planned?" I asked. "Well I saw this place from there." he motionned the city below. "and I decided to come while you were in the shower earlier." he said. "How sweet...Thank you Brian." I said, pecking him on the cheek. Brian smiled and cut the pie. He handed me a plate with a piece of what seemed to be apple pie in it, and a fork. "Here, enjoy." he said. Then he cut himself a piece, and started eating. "Damn, I forgot the glasses..." he said. "It's ok. We'll drink it at the hotel." I said softly. I finished my pie, and soon Brian finished his. He took my plate and his and put it back in the bag with the bottle of wine. I put my head on his shoulder and sighed. "Thank you Brian. Really. It's beautiful out here." I said. Brian took my hand in his and let out a small sniffle. "What's wrong baby?" I said, concerned. Brian smiled through his tears. "I love you Joshua. I really really love you. I still have butterflies whenever I see you. And I...I just can't believe that we're actually gonna get married. We'll officially be an "us". Can you believe it? I'm gonna be 'Brian, who's in the Backstreet boys, but who's also Joshua Jackson's husband'! And that's why I cry. Because I'm happy, and because I still can't believe that I love you that much, because it's...unbelievable. Do you understand what I mean?" Brian said. I buried my face in his chest and nodded. "Yeah, I understand. And I still have butterflies when I see you too. It must be kind of a sign. It's weird to say so, because I'm so young, but I'm in love, and I know that this love is the love of my life." I said. "You know they say that when two hearts beat at the same time, it's because they belong together." Brian said. I listened closely and realised that our hearts were beating at the same time. I looked at Brian and smiled. Then I looked at the sky, and a shooting star passed by.


Brian and Joshua is over! Sorry y'all... It doesn't mean that I'll stop writing, but for now, I'm taking a break. So e-mail me with any ideas you might have about a next stry, ok? C-ya later y'all!

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