Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 22, 2023


Brian and Tucker Part Two Chapter 10

It was another great evening for the extended family. The restaurant was warm and friendly. The staff and the other customers could not take their eyes off the six gorgeous hunks as they were seated. And that goes for the fathers too. All those mornings at the gym had paid off. They were trim, muscular, and healthy. They looked like older brothers to the four young men. Nobody would guess they were the fathers.

Brian and Tuck ordered a combo of barbequed chicken and ribs. The others ordered a full rack of ribs. The side dishes were served family style, and all you can eat. The waiter placed bowl after bowl on the table. There was corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, French fries, sweet potato fries, peas, green beans, and finally corn on the cob. Tuck realized that there were no `healthy' vegetables on the table. He was all right with it. This weekend, anything goes.

They all ate with gusto amid much laughter and joking. Their vibes spread throughout the restaurant, and suddenly the waiter came by with a round of tap beer in a huge pitcher. He pointed to an elderly couple across the room and said, "Compliments of the Smiths, over there." The six men raised their glasses as a thank you and a salute.

Tuck leaned over and whispered in Brian's ear, "This is so great, to be allowed to be who we are. His cheek was wet from an errant tear. I wish we could do it more often." Brian nodded his head trying not to cry as well.

Suddenly Tuck had an epiphany. All these years, he and Brian had never been short on gay sex. They satisfied themselves often enough. It was the emotional side of gay life that had been denied them. The good gay friends to socialize with, the camaraderie, these had all slipped by them. He would share that thought with his beloved Brian, when they were alone.

With that thought in mind, Tuck decided that good times with good friends was more important than sex. The idea of that surprised him, but he put that thought aside. He asked Ron what time he was leaving tomorrow.

"About 6 PM," he said. "That will get us home about 8 or 8:30, depending on traffic, and we can get a good night's rest before the rigors of a Monday morning set in."

"Good," Tuck said. "Come over tomorrow. Have breakfast with us and then join us skinny dipping in the lake."

Now Ron was certain Tuck and Brian were gay. He consulted briefly with Foster and they accepted.

"That's great," Tuck smiled at Ron, but you better bring some extra bacon and eggs. I think we used most of it this morning."

Ron laughed. "It's a done deal," he said.

The next morning, Jim and Jeff rose early. Once again the noises coming from the fathers' room kept them awake and giggling. Jim got the frying pans ready and Jeff set the table for six. They were wearing their boxer shorts. They didn't want to shock Ron and Foster when they arrived.

When they did arrive, Brian and Tucker were still in the bedroom. Jeff shouted, "Company's here. Get decent and come get your breakfast." Their warning fell on deaf ears. Brian and Tucker darted out of the bedroom and ran to the bathroom wearing nothing at all. It was obvious to the young men that they were carrying morning woodies with them. Ron and Foster wondered if they were indeed morning woodies or something else was going on. They both marveled at the breadth of Brian's cock.

As I said, you could hear every noise in the cabin. The men could hear the fathers peeing, brushing their teeth and washing up. Then they darted out of the bathroom and back to their bedroom. Their cocks were flaccid. When they emerged they were both wearing speedos, and it was enough to arouse the other four men.

"These are the speedos we wore on our honeymoons," Brian said and Jim and Jeff gave each other knowing looks, which Ron and Foster could not miss.

"Is there something we're missing?" Foster asked. "Maybe someday we'll let you in on a family secret," Jeff answered.

"No, now," Tucker said. "Brian and I have been talking, and we have an emotional need to share our love with our trusted and dear gay friends. We sort of want to come out, to be a part of the gay community. We know it's dangerous, but it's a need we have to fulfill."

Ron put his hand on Tuck's shoulder and said, "It's OK man. We suspected." That set everyone to laughing. "You two are so obviously in love."

Over breakfast, Brian and Tucker repeated the tale of how they met and fell in love at absolutely the wrong time. They gave special emphasis to the role the speedos had played in their romance. Ron interjected that there was never a wrong time to fall in love. He then wanted to know how they had the guts to come out to Jeff, their own son.

"They didn't," Jeff explained. I caught them at it one day, but I never told them until I came out."

"Wow, that's quite a story" Foster said. "It's got me as hard as a rock." Then he picked up his coffee cup as if to make a toast, "Here's to you both. May your double life continue to go smoothly and may you always be as happy as you are now. Your secret is safe with us."

Brian didn't know quite what to say and he sat motionless, but Tuck got up, and gave both Ron and Foster a kiss on the cheek.

Breakfast was finished and they had all consumed too much coffee, so the bathroom was suddenly the busiest room in the house. While everyone was relieving themselves, Jeff gathered up two blankets this time and plenty of towels to take down to the lake shore. He looked at Ron and said, "You and Foster can leave your clothes in our bedroom. We're going skinny dipping, if you have no objection."

"None whatsoever," Foster answered for both of them, and high tailed it into the bedroom. Jim and Jeff followed them in and threw their boxers on the bed with Ron's and Foster's clothes.

Ron started to laugh. "This is a first," He noted. I get to see my accountants' packages before I even hire them, and I sure like what I see. You're hired." They all laughed.

When they got out of the bedroom, Brian and Tucker were stripped and waiting for them in the living room. Foster thought to himself that he was right. Brian's prick was the thickest he'd ever seen, and Tucker's just about the longest. All in all, there was plenty of eye candy around, and he was looking forward to a romp in the lake. Ron looked at him and smiled. He could just about read Foster's thoughts.

They ran to the lake like little pre-teen boys. Jeff spread one blanket and Jim spread the other, while the fathers and the guests high tailed it quickly into the cool, inviting lake waters. Jim and Jeff followed right behind. Immediately they were in the lake, Brian, Tuck, Jeff and Jim started splashing each other and playing grab ass. Ron and Foster stood aside. They were not certain what to do. Jim motioned them over and they quickly joined in the fun. The activity was not, however, limited to grabbing asses, and every one got a good feel of every one else's cocks.

Jim, Jeff, Brian and Tucker, were not ready to share their mutual love with the others, so play time was limited to splashing each other and copping lots of feels. In spite of the fact that there wasn't a limp prick in the crowd, nobody allowed themselves to be brought to orgasm. Their horse play might not be acceptable behavior to some folk, but it was OK with these six guys, and they had a ball (no pun intended.)

It took a while for these six healthy specimens to tire, but tire they did. They crept up to the shore and collapsed on the blankets. Each of the three sets of lovers curled up together with their hands on one another's cocks and their lips pressed together. There was no intermingling this time. That would have to wait until fathers and sons were alone together again.

Before long they all fell asleep as the ever rising sun warmed their willing bodies. None of them woke up until the sun started its descent. They woke one by one and sat up on the blankets. Their erections had deserted them. Tuck asked if anyone was hungry, and they all groaned. They had had a huge breakfast and they were all still stuffed.

"I wouldn't mind something cold to drink," Foster said.

"Done," said Brian and off he went to the cabin. In a very short while he returned carrying a tray containing a pitcher of well-iced lemonade, six plastic cold cups and napkins. They finished off the pitcher in short order, and then they all lay down on the blankets again side by side, but not holding anybody else's body parts, and began to chew the fat.

Jeff and Jim questioned Ron about his business, making mental notes on what he needed by way of a book keeping system. Jim said, "Don't call us on Tuesday. We'll call you. I'll secure the necessary accounting programs, load your computer and get you started. Jeff noted that Jim took the initiative and was pleased that he didn't defer to him because he was the boss. He remarked to himself that they were equal in bed and he wanted Jim to be equal in business. Brian and Tuck picked up on this also and it somehow pleased them.

Foster said that he was just now looking for office space, and couldn't yet afford legal and accounting services, but would welcome any advice they could give him. They assured him that they would help him get started and wouldn't mind carrying him until he got his first client.

Tuck asked Ron and Foster, "Will you have time for an early dinner before you leave?"

Ron answered that they would, but his folks were making a farewell dinner. They did this every Sunday before the boys left, even though they knew they would be back the following Friday. Now that they were both self employed, they both took Fridays off, at least for the summer months, so they could have an extra long weekend in the country.

Ron noted that the sun was quite low in the sky and thought that they should be going. Nobody had thought to bring a watch with them, so they packed up and went back to the cabin. It was 3:30 PM. They all needed to pee but had to wait in line. While the others were taking their leaks, Ron had called his parents, and they extended an invitation for dinner to his new friends and accountants.

The invitation was accepted with pleasure. Ron told them that his folks lived in a white wooden frame house about fifty yards behind the store. The driveway runs along the right side of the store and he assured them that they couldn't miss it. He asked that they be there by 5:00 because they wanted to leave for the city by 6:30. Since nobody had eaten lunch, the early dinner hour was fine with all of them.

Even though the shower was barely big enough for one husky guy, Brian and Tuck showered together and then Jim and Jeff did the same. It's a mystery how they managed it, but they each got each other off before they completed their showers.

The Fishers greeted them warmly. They thanked them for being so kind to their son and Foster. It was obvious after a few minutes that they truly loved Foster as a son. Josie Fisher had made a delicious meat loaf which she served with mashed potatoes, peas, and homemade rolls. There was no beer on the table but Jason Fisher served them all red wine. Of course, the Fishers recognized Brian and Tucker from prior trips, and told them that it was a pleasure to finally meet them socially.

Everyone had a good laugh about the coincidence of Michael being a mutual friend and recommending Jeff and Jim to Ron for accounting services. `Small world,' was a phrase heard several times around the dinner table. All good things have to come to an end, and Ron and Foster reluctantly said that they had to leave. There was much hugging and kissing along with promises to call each other Tuesday in the city.

The men offered the Fishers help in cleaning up, but they would have none of it. They stayed a while longer just to be polite and then they left also, thinking of the pleasures waiting for them at home.

As soon as they reached the privacy of the cabin, they all stripped, and went out on the porch to enjoy the evening sunset. Jeff brought four beers out and they sat quietly for a while enjoying nature while they themselves were dressed in all of nature's glory.

Brian and Tucker were seated on the love seat. Jeff was in the chair next to his father and Jim was sitting in the chair next to Brian. Jeff leaned over and placed his hand on Tuck's thigh. Tuck's body shivered as Jeff's hand moved up toward his cock. Jeff wasn't even aware of what he was doing. It was an automatic reaction. His hand finally engulfed Tuck's rock hard erection and he began to stroke it gently. Tuck was breathless and moaned softly.

Brian and Jim became aware of what was going on. They smiled at each other and both reached over and took hold of the other's cock. They closed their eyes as their heads fell back and they started mewling with little sounds of pleasure.

"Sit on my lap son," Tuck said gently. As Jeff stood up to oblige his father, Tuck was busy spitting on his cock and lubricating it. Jeff knew exactly what to do. He straddled his dad and positioned Tuck's cock at the opening of his love canal. Tuck entered slowly, breathing hard and groaning softly. When he was all the way in, he stopped. There was no movement as father and son enjoyed the moment. Their lips met in a tender, loving kiss. The tips of their tongues caressed each other. Finally Jeff began to move up and down, and side to side. Tuck wanted to scream out and he did, "I love you Jeff. I love you. I love you."

Every time, Tuck felt himself cumming, he stopped Jeff's movements. Unfortunately Jeff was not so adept at prolonging his orgasm. He felt it coming on and he could not control it. With what can almost be called a howl, he let loose. His spunk spurted upwards toward his chest and toward Tuck's face. When he did that, his ass hole contracted and Tuck could no longer contain his orgasm either. He filled Jeff with several streams of his juices. The two collapsed in one another's arms with Tuck's cock up Jeff's ass until it fell out by a simple act of nature.

So what was happening to Brian and Jim? Just what you thought. Brian wanted Jeff and Tuck to be alone, so Brian, always thoughtful, took Jim's hand. He led Jim into his bedroom. On the bed stand was a tube of lube. He told Jim to lie on his back. With much love and tenderness, he lubed Jim's ass and then he lubed his cock. He positioned himself between Jim's legs and slowly entered his newly adopted son. He pumped slowly and gently for a very long time. Jim rose to meet the rhythm, but like Jeff, he could not control himself and came in a loud scream of pleasure, causing Brian to shoot a load also.

They lay still for a very long while, kissing, hugging, and just cuddling. Finally they went to the bathroom to clean up, only to find Jeff and Tuck squeezed in the shower, kissing like crazy. They pounded on the shower door and Jim said, "Give us a chance to clean up also, would you?"

With their passions spent, Jeff and Jim went to bed together and Brian and Tuck went into their room also. They didn't bother to close their doors, but there were no further noises this night as both couples drifted off to sleep like babies.

The next day, their last day at the cabin, they didn't even bother to go skinny dipping. They made love in the cabin the entire day. They spent about an hour at a time with a different partner. Tuck was particularly aroused when he was with Jim because he kept thinking that Jim was fucking his little boy. The thought of it made him very horny.

At the same time, Jeff had the same horny experience with Brian. He kept thinking of the time when he was fifteen and he saw Tuck fucking this adorable, sweet, loving man.

As for Jim, I can't even describe how turned on he was when he was with Tuck or Brian. They were, after all, his partner's fathers. What a turn on.

Eventually they all separated, showered alone, and began to pack. After they loaded the van, they stripped the bed linen, and made sure the cabin was cleaned and neatened. They left the key under the mat. The landlord would send someone the next day to make the cabin ready for the next visitor.

As they started to get in to the car, Tuck looked back at the cabin and whined, "I'm sure going to miss this place."

"Amen," they all answered sadly.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 11

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