Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 6, 2023


The Crew Chapter Six

Thursday was a day of sharing and even more bonding by the crew. They were all available to have lunch together, and at lunch they made plans to go to a new Chinese buffet for dinner. The buffet had just opened and was getting rave reviews. After dinner they planned on all going to Jeff and Jim's place to watch what was left of a basketball game on TV.

Jeff and Jim had completely forgotten that Brian and Tucker had tickets to the same game. They would be coming to their sons for fun and games of their own before leaving to attend the last quarter of the game.

When Jim opened the front door, there was no mistaking what he heard coming from the bedroom. Brian and Tuck were the two noisiest lovers he had ever heard. He quickly closed the door and said to Jeff. "We forgot. Our dads are here."

Jeff groaned and looked at the crew. "What shall we do?" he asked and then suggested, "We could go to one of your places."

Of course, Michael, the practical joker, had a better idea. "Want to play a joke on them?" he asked. "Sure," came the general response. Jeff was the only one who didn't respond, but he went along with the majority. Here's what they did:

As silently as possible they crept into the apartment. It was all they could do to keep from giggling out loud at the noises coming from the bedroom. Jeff whispered in Michael's ear that he and Jerry did not sound much different and he had no right to laugh. They undressed and sat outside the bedroom door. First they heard Tuck's scream of joy and a few seconds later they heard Brian screaming like some creature of the night. They waited until everything was silent, knowing that Brian and Tuck had uncoupled and were coming down from their high. Then the six friends burst into the bedroom, whooping like wild Indians. As many of them as could jumped on the bed, enveloped the older men, grabbed their cocks, squeezed them, and tickled them all over.

Brian and Tucker screamed again, screams of fear. "Are you guys nuts?" Tuck asked. "At our age you could have given us both heart attacks." Then he and Brian burst out laughing and each grabbed the nearest available man, doing what the boys were doing. They started groping and tickling until all eight of them were laughing hysterically. Some of them were on the floor, and some were on the bed, but everyone was in on the fun. When the laughter subsided, Brian and Tuck went to get washed and dressed. They needed to get to the basketball game. The others got dressed also and went into the living room. Everyone kissed Jeff's dads goodnight as off they went to watch what remained of the game.

It was a strange phenomenon. You would think the young men, having enjoyed their bodies in the past, would have stayed undressed and had sex, especially after the hot scene they had just witnessed between Jeff's dads. But somehow, when they were in the city, they never did that. They only had sex with their own partner. When they were at the cabin, things were different. It was as if the cabin became like that very old movie, `The Magic Cottage.' Everyone in it was beautiful, and everyone in it belonged to every one else in it. There were no restrictions and no taboos. Love was shared, one for all and all for one, musqueteer style. Nobody questioned that outside the cottage they remained monogamous, but inside they shared their little piece of heaven, body and soul. It wasn't something any of them gave any thought to. It just was.

After the game, Jim made coffee. He served it with a chocolate cake Jeff had picked up the evening before. After everyone helped clean up, the other four said goodnight with much kissing, hugging and even clinging. They always had trouble parting from one another.

As soon as they were gone, Jeff and Jim undressed and hit the shower. Since they had been together, they always showered in the evening before sex, and in the morning after their run. Often they had sex after the morning shower too.

While they were in the shower they began to get very amorous. Jeff asked, "How could we forget my dads were coming?"

"Our dads," Jim corrected Jeff. "I kind of missed not joining them tonight." Then jokingly he added, "I guess I'll have to settle for you then."

"I guess," Jeff whispered as he kissed Jim's ear, and stroked Jim's cock. Jim pulled Jeff into the bedroom and grabbed the lube in the bedside cabinet. He held it up and asked Jeff, "Your cock or mine?" Jeff grabbed the lube, put a generous amount on his palm and began to lube Jim's cock and then his ass.

"That answers that question," Jim said as Jeff got into position waiting for his one true love to enter and fulfill him. Jim did not disappoint.

Michelle came into town on Friday about 4 PM via the Greyhound Bus. The terminal was walking distance to Michael's office, but she had a lot of luggage, and decided to take a cab. When she came into the office and Michael saw the luggage he asked her if she was planning to stay a while and she told him that she was. Michael and Jerry had a guest bedroom, but for a fleeting moment, he remembered how much noise they made in bed, and he shuddered slightly.

The crew had no plans to get together this Friday evening, but on Saturday night whoever was in town always went to a good restaurant together. This left the brother and sister, and Jerry, free to socialize that evening. Michael decided to close shop early. He called Jerry to see if he could get out early also. He could, and he agreed to join them for cocktails at the gay bar where they had first met. When Michael told Michelle where they were going, and the special significance the place had for him and Jerry, Michelle could only remark rather sarcastically, "How romantic!"

"Don't start," Michael admonished her.

They were just finishing their first drink when Ron and Foster wandered in and joined them. About fifteen minutes later Jeff and Jim came in also. Don't tell me that those six guys are not soul mates. What ESP brought them all to the same place this Friday evening when they had not even planned to spend the evening together?

Jim, of course, had met Michelle. They were the same age and had gone to school together. Jeff was dumbstruck at her beauty. He said to Michael, "How come you never told me that you were adopted? There's no way you could have a sister this beautiful and still be related by blood."

"Very funny," Michael said. "For your information everyone says that I'm very handsome. Just ask Jerry."

"Forget it," Jeff responded, "I don't talk to people with prejudices."

As long as they were all together, they decided to have dinner together. Michael suggested a nearby steak house that wouldn't break their banks, and they all agreed. They had to form a caravan to get there. Fortunately Ron and Foster had come to work in one car, as had Jeff and Jim, but Michael and Jerry had come separately.

They had to wait about a half hour, but it was actually easier to seat the seven of them than to get a table for two or for four. The food was excellent, but did not compare to Joey's Place. Michelle wanted to hear about Joey's Place so they told her the whole story. They started with how it came about that they bought a cabin together in Lake Henry about two hours north of Phoenix. They told her about the addition they were putting on and the great guy that was doing it. They even told her about Pastor Paul and all the wonderful people who lived there, and who made them feel welcome and truly at home.

"It sounds like paradise," she said.

"It is," Michael said. "That's why we call it our little piece of heaven."

"When can I see it?" Michelle almost sighed.

We're all going up on Sunday, "Jeff said. "We'll do that every Sunday until the place is heated and ready for use and then we plan on going for weekends and vacations. We'll have a very early breakfast and get up there in time for church. We wouldn't miss it."

"Wait a minute," Michelle said. "Are you telling me that Michael goes to church?"

"I sure do," Michael answered. "Even Jerry goes. When you go with us on Sunday, you'll see why."

"I can't wait," Michelle said sincerely.

Suddenly it got very quiet as each one of them relived the spiritual experience the church had afforded them. Jerry felt that someone had to say something to break the silence so he invited the crew for dinner the next evening. They had planned to be together anyway, but had not made reservations yet at any particular restaurant. They all accepted the invitation quickly and wanted to know what to bring. Jerry assigned Ron and Foster to hors d'oevres and Jim and Jeff to dessert. He informed everyone that the middle of the meal was his. He just loved being in the middle. That got a big laugh from the men, but Michelle was just a little confused.

After dinner they all hugged and went their separate ways.

After their run and shower on Saturday morning Jim and Jeff stayed in bed loving one another until about 1PM. Ron and Foster did the same. Every day their loves grew stronger. They just couldn't get enough of one another. Twice a week, the crew chipped in $1.00 each and invested $6.00 in the lottery. They figured that when they won, they could all stop working, move to the cabin, and spend all day, every day, in bed. Not a bad day dream.

Jim found a brownie mix in the pantry and decided to bake brownies instead of buying a dessert. Jeff and he worked together preparing the batter, putting it in a baking pan, and popping it into the oven.

While it was baking, Jeff kept smelling the air and remarking how wonderful the apartment smelled. "It's making me horny," he said. "Look."

They were wearing nothing but aprons and now Jeff was pointing at a very substantial erection. What's a guy to do? Jim got down on his haunches and gobbled Jeff's cock into his mouth. He caressed Jeff's tool with his tongue so lovingly and sensuously that Jeff came before he could think about delaying it. Jim swallowed every drop.

"I wonder what this would taste like on top of a brownie?" he asked.

"Let's try it sometime," Jeff said.

On the way to Michael and Jerry, Jim and Jeff picked up Ron and Foster. When they arrived, Michelle answered the door. "Sorry for the way I look," she said. The weird noises coming from my brothers' bedroom last night kept me up all night. You never heard anything like it."

"Oh yes we have," Jim advised her.

Jerry made a delicious pot roast for dinner that evening, and when everybody complimented him he admitted that it was Josie Fisher's recipe. Ron accused him of stealing his family's secrets, but he told them that he had literally begged for it. Josie had finally given in because he `was one of the family now.' So there!" And wait until Ron found out his parents were going to be his god parents.

After dinner they played charades and when they grew tired of that, they just sat around chatting and enjoying each other's company. Michelle noted that the couples were a little too affectionate in public. But she realized that they were not in public and they were comfortable enough in her presence to display affection. That flattered her a great deal. Finally it was time to go home and get some sleep. They had to get up really early the next morning.

"Sleep tight everyone," Jerry ordered.

"Easy for you to say," Michelle said despondently, and everybody laughed.

The plan was to pick up Ron and Foster first and then Michael, Jerry and Michelle. Michael, Jerry and Michelle crept into the third set of seats in the rear of the van. Ron and Foster climbed into the middle bucket seats. Jeff drove and Jim rode shot gun. Their regular Denny's was out of the way, but they stopped at a coffee shop located just before the main highway. They were too excited to eat so they ordered coffee and some Danish pastry and got going as soon as possible. At 7:45 AM they entered the highway. Within five minutes everyone fell asleep except the driver. Jeff put the radio on to keep him company and still nobody woke up.

At 9:35, Jeff pulled onto the Fisher's long driveway which ran to the right of the general store and continued to their house behind the store. He stopped the car, and still everyone slept, so he got out quietly and knocked on the Fishers door. Jason opened immediately, but his face went pale when he saw that Jeff was alone.

"What's wrong?" he asked afraid of the answer.

"Nothing's wrong." Jeff smiled his infectious smile. "They're all asleep. Tell you what, I'll drive right on to the church and you can follow."

"Boy, will they be surprised," Jason smiled.

The driveway curved in front of the house so that any car could pull out facing the road. Jeff was able to get back on the road quickly and was at the church in a few minutes. The usual regulars were milling about and Jeff went to hug and greet them all. He recruited all his friends, including the pastor, to surround the car and yell as loudly as possible, "Good morning America."

Little Liz Jones was laughing hysterically. That did it. Everyone woke up. It took a moment to realize that they had arrived, and little by little they exited the car. The last to leave were Michael and Michelle.

Michael took Michelle around and introduced her to everyone, and then it happened. When he got to Randy, the electricity coming from him and Michelle almost ignited the church. Michelle and Randy grunted at each other and Randy held Michelle's hand refusing to let go. Their eyes never stopped gazing at each other. They stood like statues, hopelessly and endlessly in love. Michelle's mind was a total muddle, but she heard herself thinking that this place was indeed paradise.

Liz took Michael's hand and said, `I think they're sick Mr. Costello. Should we call 911?"

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 18: The Crew 7

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