Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 13, 2023


The Crew Chapter Eight

The bus was due to arrive at the Lake Henry terminal at 11:30 AM. It just so happens that the terminal was nothing but a bench in front of the Fisher General Store. In spite of very chilly weather, Randy Jones was sitting on the bench by 11:15 AM. He had no need to pick Liz up at school. When school let out at 2 PM, Liz went into the after care program and he had until 6 PM to pick her up. Poor man. He sat, he stood, he paced. It seemed like the bus would never come. Finally he called Michelle's mobile phone. She picked up right away, and told him that they had just passed a sign indicating that Lake Henry was five miles away. Hallelujah.

The bus arrived and not unexpectedly, Michelle was the only passenger to disembark. Most of the other passengers were getting off at the end of the line in Flagstaff. She was carrying an attaché case, which she threw on the bench as she jumped into Randy's arms. He was a full foot taller than she. He caught her easily and raised her so they were face to face. Their lips met and parted as their tongues began to duel.

"Is it too early to tell you I love you, I'm crazy about you, and I don't want to be separated from you ever again?" Randy told her.

"I love you too," she whispered in his ear. Her face was on his cheek and he felt her tears. He put her down gently and wiped her tears with his thumb.

"Rosie's is on the way to the hospital. Let's stop there for lunch before we go there," Randy told her.

"Great," Michelle said, "but if the Fishers are home I'd like to say hello first."

Randy's truck was on the side of the road so they got in and drove up the long driveway to the Fisher house. Jason answered the knock on the door, and cried out to Josie when he saw who the visitor was. He embraced Michelle in a strong bear hug, and then Josie did the same, only not so strong. Michelle said that she could only stay a minute because she had an interview at the hospital. She neglected to tell them that the interview was scheduled for 1 PM, because she knew that they would insist that they stay for lunch and she wanted desperately to be alone with Randy.

They chatted for a few minutes. Michelle informed them that Ron and their other `adopted' sons were just fine, they sent love, and they would all be together again on Sunday.

More hugs and kisses and Randy and Michelle were on their way. The truck had a bench seat. The gears were on the wheel so there was no console between them. Michelle sat as close to Randy as she could and still permit him access to drive. She wanted to put her head on his shoulder, but barely managed to reach his upper muscled arm. She placed her hand on his thigh as high up as prudence allowed. Randy put his hand on top of hers as if to say, "Don't take it away."

"When is your return ticket for?" he asked her.

"It's good for thirty days," she responded, and Randy smiled broadly as his crotch got more and more uncomfortable.

They reached Rosie's and Rosie herself greeted them both with a big hug, but for Randy she had a kiss on his lips also. That was as much as she could hope for. They asked for a booth rather than a table and sat down on the same side. Immediately, their hands found their thighs. Michelle grew bold and moved up to feel Randy's growing bulge.

"You'd better stop," he said "or I'll split my jeans. We'll have time after the interview, I promise you."

She smiled at him and made him bend down so she could kiss him.

They each had a sandwich and a coke and just sat and made small talk. Randy kept looking at his watch. The quicker the interview was over the quicker they could go on to more interesting things. Finally he said, "I think we should go."

The hospital was bigger than Michelle thought it would be. It consisted of three buildings housing several medical disciplines. Randy explained that it was the only hospital for fifty miles around and was always busy, especially the emergency room. Being in construction, he had taken more than one construction accident victim to the ER. They went to the information desk in the lobby, and while Michelle was getting directions to human resources, Randy was disturbed by the number of good looking doctors and orderlies who were gawking at Michelle. On her part, Michelle wasn't even aware there was anyone else but Randy in the lobby. Not to worry, Randy. He was not even aware that a few of the doctors and orderlies were cruising him as well.

Randy took a seat in the lobby and silently prayed that Michelle would accept a job here. Michelle made up her mind that if she would be offered employment here she would accept no matter what the restrictions might be, if any.

Mrs. Perkins liked Michelle immediately. She was also impressed with Michelle's credentials. "I have one concern," she admitted to Michelle. "You recently lived in Tucson and you're now living with your brother in Phoenix. You grew up just outside of Phoenix. This is a very rural community. I'm afraid that if we invest time and effort in you, you might just run back to the big city one day."

"There are two good reasons that won't happen," Michelle tried to alleviate Mrs. Perkins' concerns. "First of all, my brother is building a house near here, and when I came to see it, I fell in love with the entire community. Secondly, I am seriously in love with the contractor who is building my brother's house. In short, Mrs. Perkins, I'm not going anywhere, and working here would be perfect for me. I just went through a divorce and you're in a position to help me get my house in order, so to speak."

"Well then, my dear, all we have to discuss is salary and how soon you can start."

The salary was no problem for Michelle, but when to start would be a problem. Where would she stay? She'd love to stay with Randy and Liz but that might be inappropriate. Perhaps the Fishers would let her stay in Ron's old room until she could get herself settled. She convinced herself that she had options so she went out on a limb.

"I can bring all my stuff up here this weekend and I can start on Monday if that's OK," she informed Mrs. Perkins.

"Do you have time to fill out all the new hire papers now or would you rather do it Monday morning?"

"I have a bus to catch back to Phoenix," Michelle lied so I'll do it on Monday."

"Wonderful. Welcome aboard," Mrs. Perkins beamed. "Come directly to my office on Monday. I'm usually here by 8:30. We'll get all your documents signed, I'll introduce you around, and orient you to the building layouts." She stood up and extended her hand and the interview was successfully concluded.

Michelle ran out to the lobby and into Randy's arms. "I'm in. Let's celebrate," she said. Driving to Randy's house, she told him the options she had thought of for housing for the near term, and asked what he thought.

He broke out laughing, and said to her, "Listen young lady, after this weekend, we are not spending a day apart from each other. I'm not interested in proprieties. You're marrying me ASAP, and I won't take no for an answer." He ended with a noise that sounded like, `humph.'

Michelle started to laugh. "Yes, oh my strong cave man. Whatever you say oh lord and master." That got Randy laughing too.

"How soon can we get married?" he wanted to know.

"Let's not waste time on wedding plans right now. Just make love to me a lot and we can discuss it next weekend when I'll be here for good."

"It's a deal," he said and grew silent. At last they arrived at Randy's house. There were only two bedrooms but they were on opposite sides of a kitchen, living room and dining room and each bedroom had its own bathroom. He showed her Liz's room first and Michelle knew immediately that she would redecorate the room. It absolutely had no character. Liz deserved to have a little girl's room.

The master bedroom was also without character, but she knew she had to go slow making changes. For now all she wanted was to get naked with big Randy on his king size bed. It was now 3:30 Pm and they didn't need to pick up Liz for two and a half hours.

As big as Randy was, he was a gentle giant compared to the brute she had been married to. He made love to her slowly, gently and yet passionately. He brought her to orgasm three times. Each of them said the words `I love you' a hundred times. "Nobody has ever made love to me like you did," Michelle sincerely wanted Randy to know.

"My late wife was practically frigid and I never knew," was Randy's response. Finally, they showered together, dressed and Randy went to get Liz. They agreed she would stay home and make dinner. That's when she discovered that dinner every night at the Jones's consisted of frozen dinners, frozen desserts, etc.

When Liz got in the car Randy asked her how she would feel if he got her a new mother. Well that wasn't exactly right. She never knew her mother so he corrected himself and asked how she would feel if he got her a mother.

Liz was nothing if not precocious. She answered him with a question. Are you going to marry Michelle?" she asked. "I saw the way you two looked at each other last Sunday. If you marry her will Michael be my uncle?"

"I never thought of it, but I guess he will be," Randy said.

"Wow that is awesome. I like Michelle and you have my blessing."

Randy started to laugh and was still laughing when they got home. Liz ran up to Michelle who kneeled down to greet her. "I'm so glad you are going to be my mommy and Michael is going to be my uncle," Liz shouted out.

"Well, honey, its kind of a package deal. You get six new uncles. Ron and Foster, Jeff and Jim and of course, Michael and Jerry."

Liz was a little confused but managed to blurt out, "This is going to be a great Christmas."

Michelle didn't know what Randy and Liz liked so she baked three different dinners and let them choose. She defrosted a Sara Lee cake for dessert which she served Liz with milk, and made coffee for Randy and herself. As soon as dinner was over, Michelle looked at the clock on the kitchen wall. It was 6:30 PM.

She looked wistfully at Randy. "Much as I hate to go" she said, "the last bus is at 7 PM. I have to get back tonight. I have no clothes, no toiletries, simply nothing. I promise, I'll pack some stuff and come back tomorrow. Michael can bring the rest of my things on Sunday."

"I was hoping you would say that," Randy groaned. "Promise you'll come back tomorrow."

"On the first bus," she promised. Randy got to the bench in front of Fisher's General Store just as the bus's headlights came into view. He kissed Michelle passionately as Liz giggled in the car. Finally, he reluctantly let her go.

As soon as she got settled on the bus she got out her cell phone and called Michael, asking if he could pick her up at the terminal at 10:00 PM. The bus apparently took an extra hour because of several stops along the way. Michael and Jerry were waiting for her when the bus pulled into the terminal. They both gave her a peck on the cheek, and welcomed her home.

"Well?" Michael needed to know.

"Well what?" she teased.

"Don't be a smart ass, sis. Fill us in on what's happening."

"OK," she began. "First of all, I start work at Lake Henry Regional Hospital on Monday morning. I'm going up tomorrow, so I'll pack enough stuff for the rest of the week and you guys can bring the rest on Sunday."

"Slow down," Jerry said. "Why do you have to go back before Sunday and where the heck are you going to be staying?"

"If you guys would give me time to finish, I have more to tell you. Take a deep breath. I'm getting married again." She paused for that statement to register and then added, "To Randy."

"OMG!" the guys said together.

"Liz actually gave us her blessings on one provision."

"Really, and what's the provision," Michael wanted to know.

Michelle laughed. "You have to be her uncle from now on. I told her she had to accept six new uncles."

"Ain't that the truth," Jerry piped in.

"She's already figuring on six extra gifts this Christmas," Michelle warned them. Everyone laughed. When they got home the guys were anxious to get to bed, but Michelle told them that she had to leave early in the morning, and needed to speak to them about something important tonight. I'll make coffee," she said and we'll talk.

They sat at the kitchen table, coffee cups in hand, and Michelle began.

"This is going to be difficult for me so please don't interrupt or say anything until I finish and give you permission to talk. Agreed?"

Michael and Jerry nodded their heads in agreement. They were both worried. This sounded really ominous. She continued. "When I was married to Lance, my sex life was shit. He stuck it in, grunted, came, and pulled out. Slam bam, thank you ma'am. I never had an orgasm with him. When I made love with Randy this afternoon I had three of them. It was so wonderful guys. My head was spinning. I couldn't think straight." Michael wanted to say something, but knew better. He just nodded, indicating that she should continue.

The first time, we came together, while he was in me. I thought he'd get off and disappear like Lance, but he didn't. He continued to kiss me and fondle my breasts. Little by little he moved down my body, kissing it just about everywhere, until his lips and his tongue found my garden of Venus." She paused and blushed a bright red. "That's how I got off the other two times."

As impossible as it may seem, Michael was as red as she was, and Jerry was twice as red. "Oh man," Jerry groaned. "That's way too much information.

Michelle continued. "Here's where I need your help. I've never gone down on a guy, and I want to give Randy as much pleasure as he gave me. Will you guys show me how to do it?"

"Shoot me. I can't take this," Jerry groaned even louder.

Michael of course needed to relieve the tension with a joke. "You wanna watch us?" He asked.

Michelle hit him on the head. "Of course not, dummy. Just demonstrate on a banana or something."

"Jerry said, "Wait a minute, I'll be right back." He ran into the bedroom and brought out four dildoes of varying sizes. "OK," he said. "Now which one is closest in size to Randy?" Now it was Michael's turn to groan."

In all seriousness Michelle answered, "He's slightly bigger than the biggest one."

"Oh God!" Michael sort of whistled under his breath.

"Let the lessons begin!" Jerry said. The two men used the dildo to demonstrate their different techniques to her, each swearing that his method gave the most pleasure. The lesson lasted about half an hour, and finally Michelle thanked them. She had mastered the ABC's and announced with assurance that she would get better in time. Now she had to pack.

When the boys were alone in their bedroom, Jerry, who was now about as horny as he had ever been, said, "You've never done all those things to me."

"Ditto," Michael answered. "Let's remedy that situation." He climbed over Jerry and got into a 69 position and the lovers went to work. They practiced what they had just preached, and it was truly great sex. They each came several times, and made enough noise for Randy to hear in Lake Henry.

It's a good thing that Michelle was too excited to sleep anyway. Her brothers sure made a lot of noise.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 20: The Crew 9

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