Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 11, 2023


Brian and Tucker Chapter Two

When Tucker realized that they were both getting hard, he got very uncomfortable. His head began to spin as he realized that he wanted to grab Brian's cock, feel its texture, stroke it to climax, even take it in his mouth and taste Brian's cum. He shivered thinking he might do it if things didn't change soon. His head was spinning and he felt like he was going mad.

He jumped up, pulled up his Speedo and suggested they take that swim. Brian, who also looked like he was in a daze, agreed, and off they went to the pool, slightly embarrassed and speechless for the first time since they had met.

The pool was a lap pool and was built to Olympic specifications. At poolside there was a bank of lounge chairs. Much to their surprise the place was empty except for them. They placed their robes and slippers on adjacent lounges and went to the deep end of the pool.

Brian looked at Tuck and said, "I'll bet you that I can swim more laps than you."

"You're on, nerd," Tuck answered with his disarming smile. They dove into the water, and both were clever enough to start out slowly. They swam side by side. Occasionally, when their heads came out of the water, and their eyes met for a second, they smiled at one another. After about five laps, Brian began to pull ahead of Tuck.

Tuck counted the end of his seventh lap and knew he wouldn't last much longer. He was way out of practice. When he finished his tenth lap, he jumped out of the water and sat on the edge of the pool trying desperately to catch his breath. Brian was at the other end so Tuck knew he had lost the bet. When Brian swam to his side of the pool, Tuck yelled at him. "Uncle!" Brian swam at least five more laps before getting out of the pool. He wasn't even breathing heavy.

They sat side by side at the edge of the pool, their arms touching. Neither of them tried to move away from the other. Tuck thought that it felt so good to be touching this man, but somehow didn't panic as he had in Brian's room. He was sure that Brian even brushed his arm against Tuck's arm. Both of them could feel the sexual tension in the air, so Tuck thought he should do something quick.

"Where did you get all that stamina?" he asked Brian. "It seems to me that Colleen should have you all worn out by now."

"First of all, wuss," Brian answered, "sex never wears me out. Secondly, I neglected to tell you that I was first string on my high school swim time."

"You tricked me," Tuck laughed and he reached over and pushed Brian into the water. They were on the shallow side of the pool, and as Brian entered the water, he grabbed Tuck's legs, and pulled him in also.

They began wrestling in the water like two kids. They tried to grab each other and push the other under the water. They splashed one another and tousled each other's hair. Every once a while they were able to graze each other's packages and make it seem like it was an accident due to the horse play. Tuck thought, I like this guy. Brian thought, I'm glad we hit it off so well.

Finally they got out of the water and towel dried themselves. They took their towels and went to the sauna. They removed their Speedos and sat down on a bench side by side, enjoying the heat and the dankness. They could feel their pores being purified. Their hips were touching in a most sensual way. Neither of them moved away. It felt good. Finally Brian said that he was having trouble breathing, so they left the sauna and returned to the pool where they laid down on the lounges. For a while they said nothing. Then they began to speak about their hopes and fears, about their new jobs, and about starting their new lives as married men. Brian sounded genuinely scared, certainly not like his usual exuberant self. Tuck reached over and laid his hand on Brian's arm. "It will be OK," Tuck said, "we have each other to help us through."

Brian leaned over and placed his other hand on Tuck's. He smiled at him. Tuck smiled back with his heart melting smile, and Brian's heart did indeed miss a beat.

Before they knew it, their stomachs told them that it was lunch time. They went back to their rooms, and showered off the chlorine from their bodies. They dressed casually and since Brian was ready first, he knocked on Tuck's door. Tuck let him in and said he'd be ready as soon as he put his shoes on. They were ready to leave when Tuck said, "I've got to take a leak first." He went into the bathroom and did not close the door. As soon as he whipped his dick out he realized that Brian was standing next to him.

"It shouldn't be a total loss, I thought I'd pee too," Brian said. They crossed swords and started to laugh, all the while checking out each other's cocks.

"We're like a couple of kids," Tuck said with a chuckle. Then Brian thought that if they were a couple of kids they would be feeling each other's cocks and checking them out. They might even whack one another off. He blushed at the thought and said nothing.

They ate at the restaurant in the hotel and then went to the card room off the lobby. They found a cribbage board and challenged each other to a game. Now cribbage is not a game everyone knows so the guys were amazed to find that they each had a passion for the game. They played endlessly, losing track of the time.

Suddenly, they heard a voice say, "They're over here, Maryann." Then looking at the men Colleen added, "We've been searching all over for you. It's almost dinner time. You guys better get dressed."

To celebrate their last night in Paris and the last night of their honeymoons, the concierge helped them arrange dinner at one of the finest restaurants in Paris, and probably one of the most expensive. Thank God for credit cards.

They were each dressed to the nines, and every head in the restaurant turned to admire the two most beautiful couples any of them had seen in ages. But the four of them were so lost in their own excitement, they were totally unaware of the effect they were having on people. Brian thought, this is great, but tomorrow the fairy tale ends, and I'm scared. He looked up and caught Tuck's eyes. Tuck knew what his friend was thinking and smiled at him reassuringly. Brian didn't know why, but instantly his fears were gone.

They returned home on a Saturday morning. August 1st was the following Wednesday so they had plenty of time to get over jet lag; get their apartments organized; and to shop for accessories to make their homes homier. They did all their shopping together. One couple would offer advice to the other, and it was accepted without any resentment. How unusual is that? Every other evening they had dinner together in alternate apartments. The girls said that they could practice cooking that way.

The last evening before the boys were to start work, Maryann announced that she had heard from the Board of Education that afternoon. She was going to start teaching first grade at a nearby elementary school right after Labor Day, but orientation was to begin on August 15th.

"Fantastic!" Colleen said, and I have several interviews lined up as an administrative assistant on Wednesday and Thursday. She raised her wine glass. "Here's to us," she toasted. "We're on our way." Then she looked at Maryann and said, "I'll be missing our afternoons together."

"Awww," Maryann said and the two women got up and hugged each other.

"Hey stop it you two. This is mawkish and these are all good things." Tuck admonished them.

"Ditto," Brian added.

On Wednesday morning, the guys left early for fear of being late to work on their first day. Actually, they had been getting up early every day to work out in the gym in the basement of their building, but this day they gave up the exercises. They were too excited to work out anyhow. They could barely talk to one another as they waited at the bus stop. It seemed like forever, but finally the bus came along.

They entered the offices of World Wide Consulting and went to the receptionist. Brian's knees were buckling and he wasn't walking straight. Tuck actually grabbed his arm once to keep him from falling. The receptionist buzzed someone and said, "The two new interns are here." Then turning to them she said, "Please have a seat gentlemen. Mr. Conner will be with you in a minute. They remembered that Mr. Conner was head of human resources.

George Conner was a short man, but very well built. He had an engaging smile and he greeted them warmly with a good strong handshake. He took note of the fact that the men returned his grip with strong grips of their own. There were no wimpy handshakes here, and he liked that. He took them into his office and they sat on the opposite side of his desk. He explained that for the next couple of hours, they would be filling out more forms than they could imagine. There would be insurance applications, 401K applications, W-4's, non competition documents, etc. When they were finished, they were free to leave, but had to be back at 1 PM. At that time, Brian would be taken to the Electrical Engineering department to meet his boss and co workers. They would get him oriented and started on his work. Tuck would be taken to the Civil Engineering department for the same purpose. Both their hearts sunk to think that they would be separated even though they worked together.

Then Mr. Conner said that next Monday to Friday they would be sent to Corporate Headquarters in Kansas City, MO., for corporate orientation. New interns from all over the country would join them. The seminars would be in the same hotel where they were staying. He had their plane tickets and hotel reservations. He said he hoped it was OK that they would be sharing a room, but didn't wait for an answer. A company car would meet them at the airport, so they wouldn't need to worry about cab fares except if they used cabs for personal purposes. They could have three meals a day at the hotel which the company would pay for, but if they wanted to eat out in the evening it was on them.

He asked if they had any questions and when he received no response, he handed each one of them a clip board with at least an inch of papers, and a pen. He then took them to an area outside his office which held several desks. He told them to use any desk and when they were through they should give their papers to his secretary. He pointed her out and she did not hesitate to smile warmly at these two hunks.

The day proceeded as Mr. Conner had described. The guys met their co-workers who greeted them warmly. They both felt that it would be comfortable working with them, even their immediate bosses. At about 4 PM, Mr. Conner's secretary, Miss Marcos, brought each of them their travel papers. Leaning over them she pointed out their departure time so they wouldn't be late to the airport. This gave her a nice opportunity to rub up against both of them.

On the bus home they both lamented that they were leaving early Sunday afternoon and not returning until late Friday evening. It would be the first time they would be separated from their wives and they didn't know how the girls would take it.

That night at dinner they broke the news, and to their surprise the girls got busy planning the fun they would have together while the guys were gone.

The girls, well aware of the long separation to come, were particularly attentive to their husband's sexual needs the next few nights. Tuck wondered what had come over Maryann. She was like an animal, and he loved it. Brian didn't question anything. He just hoped Colleen would act like this forever.

Late Sunday afternoon, the boys entered their assigned room at the hotel. The room had two queen size beds. They tipped the bellboy and started to unpack. They had brought as little as possible and wanted everything to stay as neat as possible, so they meticulously hung all their garments in the closet. While placing their socks, underwear and shirts in the dresser drawers, the phone rang. Tuck answered.

"Simmons here," he said.

"Hi Mr. Simmons, this is Frank Mallory. I'm coordinating the seminar this week. I'd like you and Mr. O'Toole to meet the rest of your group in the hotel dining room at 6 PM. We'll have dinner together. I'll hand out your agenda for the week, and let all of you know what to expect from the training. By the way, hotel policy calls for jackets and ties for dinner. Is that OK with you men?"

"Sure, Mr. Mallory, we look forward to meeting you." He hung up and turned to Brian. "What time is it?" he asked.

"It's a quarter to five," Brian answered.

"Better shower and change," Tuck said. "We have to be downstairs at 6. And, yeah, it's jackets and ties."

"Roger," Brian answered, and proceeded to undress. He put his dirty clothes in the laundry bag he had found in the closet, but he hung his pants up neatly. Tuck did the same and the two stood there totally naked. It wasn't the first time they had been totally naked together so there was no awkwardness this time.

"You can go first," Brian said to Tuck, but Tuck said he had a better idea. If they showered together, they could do each other's backs.

"Maryann always does my back," Tuck said. He started the shower, and adjusted the water temperature. "See if this suits you?" he asked Brian. Brian hesitated for a second, then walked over and put his hand under the stream of running water.

"It's good," he said, and got into the shower with Tuck right behind him. Tuck tried not to touch Brian, but as he entered the shower, his semi erect cock brushed against Brian.

"I'm sorry," he said, even though he wasn't.

"It's OK," Brian answered. "Look at me," and he pointed down. Tuck followed Brian's finger to find that Brian was fully erect. By now Tuck was harder than the rock of Gibraltar.

The two men stood facing each other. Now their cocks were in dueling position. Tuck spoke first. "Forgive me," he said. "I can't help what I'm about to do. I have wanted to do this for days now. I know it's wrong, but I just can't control it." He leaned into Brian, wrapped his arms around him and started to kiss him passionately. Happily, Brian responded. Their lips parted and their tongues sought to duel it out. As soon as Brian responded to Tuck's kiss, Tuck grabbed Brian's love tool and began to massage it. God, it felt so silky smooth.

As if in answer to Tuck's thoughts, Brian murmured, "It feels so good babe. Please don't stop. I've wanted this to happen so badly." Tuck lowered his head and found one of Brian's nipples. He began to suck it and bite it gently. Brian nearly swooned. He moaned like a contented cow. Then he felt Tuck's tongue caressing his navel. Tuck's tongue sank deeply into Brian's innie. Then he moved cautiously further down. His lips found Brian's cock head. It was wet with pre cum and Tuck devoured it greedily. His tongue actually penetrated Brian's piss slit. He pushed back Brian's foreskin, revealing Brian's purplish head. Finally, he took Brian's cock into his very eager mouth. His tongue swept up and down Brian's shaft and his lips pulsated gently wherever they happened to land. He pulled Brian's cock in and out of his mouth. He was surprised to find that he could take almost all of it inside of him, but his jaw ached. Brian was so wide! Brian's moans increased in intensity until he screamed out, "Tuck, I'm coming." Brian thought that Tuck would pull away, but Tuck just sucked more intensely. Brian came in gush after gush, and Tuck tried to swallow every drop. When he felt Brian's cock begin to soften, he released it, stood up and kissed Brian, sharing Brian's cum with him.

Brian whispered in Tuck's ear, "I want to do that to you, please. I've wanted to do that ever since we stripped together in Paris." Tuck smiled at Brian, and whispered back, "Please do it, baby. It will be my pleasure."

There were eight other interns at dinner plus Mallory. Tuck thought that Mallory was a stereotypical corporate "suit." He was dressed meticulously in his navy blue suit. His tie was perfectly knotted. His black, straight hair was literally pasted down. He wore glasses which made him appear more austere. Tuck thought the glasses were phony, just regular glass.

The other guys all introduced themselves, told where they were from and seemed a friendly lot, but needless to say, after the sex orgy in their room; it was hard for Brian and Tuck to concentrate. Each just wanted to get upstairs as soon as possible. Dinner was good. They were served a garden salad, veal Marsala with pasta of your choice, sherbet for dessert and coffee.

After dinner, Mallory gave them each a handout, and promised that by the end of the week they would all be totally knowledgeable of every aspect of the company and the role they would play in it. He said he would see them for breakfast at eight the next morning, and the first seminar would begin at 9:15. Then he left and wished them good luck.

One of the interns, James Gordon, suggested they all go out together and see what the city had to offer by way of entertainment. The only taker he had was his assigned room mate, Don Cummings. The others begged out. They had had a long day of travel and wanted to be fresh for tomorrow.

They all headed for the elevator, but Tuck said to Brian, "I'll be up in a minute. The drug store in the lobby is still open and I want to buy something."

"Sure," Brian said. "I'll see you in a mo,"

Tuck went into the store, found what he wanted and brought his purchase to the cashier. Suddenly he blushed a deep crimson, and laughed inwardly. He felt like a teenager when he laid a tube of KY Jelly on the counter. Suddenly he remembered what Brian had told him, and at the last minute he bought two tubes.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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