Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 13, 2023


The Crew Chapter Nine

When Michelle arrived at the bus stop early the next morning, Randy was waiting for her. He told her that he had left his best man in charge of the construction at the cabin. He could call if he needed him, but Randy was taking the whole day off to be with her.

He took Michelle home where they made love until noon. Michelle demonstrated on Randy what she had learned from her brothers, without revealing where she had learned her technique. Randy was not interested in where. He was amazed at the `how.'

A dozen times he yelled out. "Oh baby, that's wonderful. Just a little bit more please. Don't stop." On her part Michelle was more than pleased to please her man.

Finally they got up, showered and dressed. Michelle said that they had to make a `to do' list of all the things that had to be done before she went to work on Monday, and a separate list just for wedding plans. List one had priority.

"First off," Michelle said. "I need a car to go back and forth to work."

"Done," Randy said. "I have a Kia that's only two years old. It hardly has any mileage on it because I practically always use my truck, so the car is yours to drive before it rots away from lack of usage.

"Secondly," she said, I need to buy some nurses uniforms and shoes." Randy was sure they were available at Sears and Walmart.

"Thirdly," she said, "would you let me redecorate Liz's room so it looks like a little girl's room instead of a cell at the orphanage?"

"Please," he said. "It would be my pleasure." She decided to hold off on the master bedroom for now, and was shocked when Randy asked, "How about our bedroom? Can you do something about that too?" She answered by smacking one big kiss on his lips.

"I'll just do the whole house," she said. "But don't worry. We'll do a little at a time. Speaking of time, do we have time to shop at that Sears or that Walmart that's near the hospital before we have to get Liz? I'd like to start with her room."

Randy looked sheepish. "I made arrangements with Josie to pick up Liz today and keep her overnight. Liz was all for it as long as we didn't make a habit of excluding her. I assured her it was only for this night."

"What a darling." Michelle remarked. "Let's go then."

As it turned out Walmart had everything Michelle needed for her professional life and for Michelle's new room. They even ate lunch there. "Let's get out of here," she ordered Randy after lunch. We can have her room ready before we pick her up from school tomorrow."

The moment they got home, Michelle took all the tags off her uniforms and hung everything away in her closet. Randy had made room for her clothes in the master bedroom closet. It was an easy job. He didn't have that much stuff. While she was doing that, he moved all of Liz's furniture to the center of her room. The room was small and that didn't leave much working space. Nevertheless, he opened the can of paint they had purchased and proceeded to roll on a beautiful pastel pink that Michelle had chosen. He was done in half an hour. They took a break while the paint dried and made love in their room.

Once the paint dried, they moved all the furniture back in place. Michelle replaced Liz's old lady lamp with a Winnie the Pooh lamp. She changed the curtains, and a matching bed cover which depicted fairy tale characters. Next she propped up several of Liz's stuffed toys on the pillows. Finally she hung three pictures of fairy tale princesses on the previously bare walls. They were through redecorating before dinner and stepped back to admire their handy work.

"Oh darling," Randy said. "Liz will love this. I can't wait until she sees her room."

"I have one more request before we begin working on the wedding plan list," Michelle said. "I'm exhausted. Would you like to take me out to dinner?"

"I'd be delighted," he said. Instead of Joey's Place he took her to a restaurant in a nearby town. The place was candle lit and very romantic. The menu was very continental. They ordered a white wine with a dinner of chicken Francaise for Randy and veal Francaise for Michelle. They lingered over their dinner, and sipped the wine slowly as they held hands over the table.

When they got home, they undressed and went to bed naked. They wrapped themselves in one another's arms, and fell asleep almost immediately.

The crew arrived at the Fisher's home on Sunday as usual, with about fifteen minutes to spare before church. Hugs and welcome kisses abounded before they headed out for the church. They must have been a little later than usual because everybody was already inside.

Michael looked around as the crew and the Fishers entered the church. He spotted Michelle, Randy and Liz in the second row. Liz was sitting between them with her head resting on Michelle's arm. They looked like a real family and that made him happy. They all seated themselves in just about the last row of pews. They didn't get a chance to say hello to anyone until the social hour.

As usual, Paul greeted each of his flock as they left the sanctuary to go to the social hall. He shook most hands, but each crew member got a really strong bear hug from him. Liz spotted Michael as he entered the social hall. She jumped up into his arms and kissed him on the cheek. "Uncle Michael," she yelled. "You gotta come see my bedroom. Mommy redecorated it and it's so, so pretty." (Mommy?) Liz was unaware that Michael had never seen the old bedroom. Then she remembered what Michelle had said. "Bring my other uncles to see it also, please," she added.

Michelle and Randy greeted everyone with hugs. Much to their surprise, Randy kissed Michael and Jerry on the cheek and called them, "Bro!" After some coffee and Danish they all headed to the cabin. This time it was just the crew, Randy, Michelle and Liz. The others said they had checked on progress during the week and would pass today.

The crew whistled when they got there. It's easier at this point to say what wasn't finished. The new bathroom needed to be tiled. That included the walls and the floors. The bedrooms were complete except for the wood trim work and the painting. Randy said that Michelle had chosen the colors and the tiles during the week so if they didn't like it, it was her fault. He said that samples were on the kitchen table for them to approve. The new outside deck also needed to be constructed. The furniture and new springs and mattresses were coming right after the painting was completed and the carpeting was installed. Randy estimated that the cabin would be completed and he would have a CO in three weeks, just in time for Thanksgiving. This pleased everyone and they gave out a loud whoopee.

"Now let's go to Rosie's before I faint," Foster said. He hadn't eaten anything at the social hour saving his appetite for lunch.

"After lunch let's go to Randy's place so I can deliver the rest of Michelle's stuff and see Liz's famous room," Michael said.

"Yay," Liz said, giggling.

When they got to Randy's, Ron called his folks to tell them that they were all hanging out at Randy's and Michelle's' place, and they were invited to join them. Josie declined and told them that she was making dinner for the crew and the Joneses. She would not take no for an answer this time. They had given Joey enough of their business and would no doubt give him much more. She told them all to be there at 5PM so they could get going for home at a decent hour.

After everyone oohed and aahed over Liz's room for Liz's benefit, they settled down in the living room. Most of the crew was sitting on the floor.

Michelle stood and stated, "Quiet everyone. We have lots to discuss. Randy and I have set our wedding date for the first Saturday after my divorce is final. Any idea yet when that will be?" She asked Michael.

"I started the ball rolling last week. An uncontested divorce should take about six weeks. You should be free by the new year," he smiled at his kid sister.

"Great," she smiled back. "Just to be safe we'll schedule the wedding for the third Saturday in January. We've spoken to Joey about using his facilities and he said he could accommodate seventy five people for a luncheon. We won't have nearly that much. He told us he could prepare whatever we wanted. It didn't have to be barbequed.

"Have you guys noticed the Holiday Inn about a mile before you get into Lake Henry? We've already spoken to them and they are giving a nice discount to our guests. Of course you guys can use your cabin."

Then Randy spoke. "Liz is going to be our flower girl, and Michael, I'd like you to be my best man. And I would be honored if the rest of you guys were to be my groomsmen. Don't worry. We're getting married before lunch and all you have to wear is one of your business suits. We're keeping it informal. The only fancy people will be Liz and Michelle's best friend, Sarah from Tucson, who is going to be her maid of honor. Michelle has ordered her dress and Liz's, and she told Sarah she could wear any appropriate dress she wanted to, and not to incur any expense."

"It sounds like you two have been very busy these past few days," Jerry said. "Is there any thing us groomsmen can do?"

"Yeah," Randy answered. "Just show up."

The days flew by too quickly. The cabin was indeed ready the weekend before Thanksgiving and the crew drove up to Lake Henry on the Sunday before Thanksgiving to see it. As they had agreed a while ago, they would stop referring to it as a cabin and would begin to call it their country home. It was beautiful, and Jeff announced that there was a good sum of money remaining in the joint account. It would be a while before the crew would need to contribute additional funds for mortgage payments, provisions and so on.

Michelle told them that she loved her job and the people she worked with. The laid back small town atmosphere was much more to her liking than big city life. Liz clung to Michelle as she spoke as if she was afraid Michelle would get away from her, and she called her Mommy.

Much to their chagrin, the crew could not use the country home, over the Thanksgiving holiday. Their first weekend would have to be the one following Thanksgiving.

Jeff and Jim spent the holidays in their suburban hometown. Tucker invited the Lesters, the O'Tooles, and Mackenzie and her family for Thanksgiving dinner. Tom, Melissa and Amy Lester went to Melissa's parents.

A short distance away, Michael, Jerry and Jerry's parents, Randy, Michelle and Liz spent Thanksgiving at the Costello's.

Ron and Foster went up north to the Fishers for the holiday, but refrained from staying at the country home without the others. They did take advantage of the visit by bringing up clothes they were going to leave there. They also stocked both bathrooms with male toiletries, and amply supplied the pantry with non perishables. Ron gave his dad a list of perishable food items and asked him to put them in the house Friday afternoon so that they would not have to worry about food when they all arrived the following Friday evening. This time amidst much arguing, Ron forced his father to accept payment for the food he supplied.

The Friday after Thanksgiving, the crew all left work a little earlier than usual. Michael, Jerry, Jim and Jeff not only packed for the weekend but also packed stuff they wanted to leave in their country home as Ron and Foster had already done. When they arrived in Lake Henry they made a quick stop to say hello to the Fishers and an even quicker stop to say hello to Randy, Michelle and Liz. Liz didn't want them to go, but they all assured her that they would see plenty of each other over the weekend.

They arrived at their home and unpacked. Michael and Jerry took the bedroom they had used in the past and Jeff and Jim did the same. Ron and Foster had already taken the far bedroom of the new wing which had a window view of the lake.

Because they were tired from the trip and it was growing late, they decided on going to Joey's for dinner even though the house was well supplied. Joey greeted them warmly, and provided the usual wonderful barbequed meal. They ate and ran. Each was anxious to "break in" the new house.

When they had arrived the afternoon sun had warmed the house, but now it was quite chilly. Ron turned up the thermostat, and delicious warm air started to blow through the virgin vents. In no time the place was toasty and the crew decided to strip. Once settled in the living room, Michael popped a porno tape into the new VCR and TV set. After a few minutes of viewing hot male sex, the boys were all sporting boners, Hands started to grope, mouths started to suck, assholes began to receive fingers and then cocks. Everyone was moaning and groaning in delightful pleasure. When everybody began to cum, Ron found himself with Jim. Jeff found himself with Michael and Jerry and Foster came in each other's mouths. The mixed couples lay in each others arms, hands on cocks for a long while. Finally Jerry said, "Hey guys, I'm falling asleep. I'm going to bed."

Everyone agreed that the house had been properly "broken in," and headed for their bedrooms. Ron took it on himself to turn the thermostat down a couple of degrees for the night and lock up the house.

Jeff was in bed when Jim joined him. "This mattress Michelle picked out is so firm and comfortable and it doesn't creak," he told Jim. Jim literally jumped into bed and the mattress made not a sound. They immediately coupled and started to make out. Jeff's cock was deeply imbedded in Jim's mouth when he realized that they were undisturbed by noises from the next room. Only when either Jerry or Michael came did they hear a slight scream. If they weren't listening for it, they might have missed it.

The night ended with each couple making love to his own partner and falling into a deep and peaceful sleep. If it is true that home is where the heart is, they were indeed at home.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 21: The Crew 10

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