Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 22, 2023


The Crew Chapter 10

Brian and Tucker were eager to see what the crew had done to their `hideaway.' They asked their sons for permission to use the place for two or three days during the week with their wives. Jeff called the other members of the crew, who enthusiastically approved.

Jeff warned his fathers that there was plenty of non perishable food at the country home these days, but the Fisher's store was closed for the winter. They needed to supply their own perishables or if there was something special they wanted, they would have to be sure to bring it up with them. The key was no longer under the mat, but they could pick it up at the Fisher's. When the time came, Jeff would call the Fisher's to alert them.

Tuck had a plan. He and Brian arranged to take off three days during the second week of December. Brian knew that Colleen's busiest time was the second week of the month. That was when the corporate books were closed and the monthly financial statements needed to be prepared. School was in session and mid term exams were in progress so Tuck knew that Maryann couldn't get away either. Their plan worked well. Both ladies declined to go, but encouraged their husbands to take the much needed time off. They promised to take a drive up to see the place some weekend in the near future. They would all drive up early and would be able to drive home the same day.

On the Tuesday morning of their trip, Brian and Tuck were as excited as two young school boys. They were on the road by 5:30 AM in Tuck's van. Jeff had told them that the Fishers were expecting them at about eight o'clock. Josie insisted that they have breakfast with them when they arrived. They could not refuse her offer even though they were anxious to isolate themselves in the country home as soon as possible.

When they arrived at the Fishers, they got a surprise. As long as she was making breakfast, Josie decided to invite a few more friends. She wanted to ask Michelle and Randy, but they had to work. She did invite Dan, Warren and Paul. They all had flexible work schedules and were glad to accept one of Josie's invitations. Brian and Tuck knew that Dan and Warren were a gay couple from talking to their sons. Jerry would not have dreamed of outing Paul, and even Jeff and Jim were still unaware of his sexual preference. Brian and Tuck had no reason to believe he was gay. None of the others believed that Brian and Tuck were anything but straight, either.

Everyone had a good time. They were all very compatible. The Fishers and Warren Jones were about the same age as Brian and Tuck. Dan Harriman and Pastor Paul Patterson were a little younger, but closer in age to their generation, than to the crew's. In no time at all, they were all chatting like old friends. Brian and Tuck noticed that Dan and Warren were not embarrassed to take each others hands once in a while. They smiled inwardly, and lamented at their own closeted situation. They became so lost in all the pleasant banter that they both missed all the signals.

Paul could not tear his eyes away from the two handsomest hunks he had seen in ages even though he `knew' that they were straight. In their maturity, how did they stay so lean and muscular? They had all their hair with only tinges of gray. He kept gazing down at their packages, but they were seated and he couldn't see a thing. Warren and Dan were not so oblivious, and were confused at the sexual tension coming from their pastor. If they ever had a suspicion it was right now.

Finally it was time to go. Brian and Tuck thanked the Fishers for their hospitality and told them they would return the key on Thursday before they left. They shook hands with the others, and when Paul held on a little too long, they both got the first inkling. This prompted Brian to say to him, "Here's my card with my cell phone number. Tuck and I would really like to get to know you better. Any guy who could get Jeff, Jim, Michael and Michelle to join his church, and take them away from their catholic upbringing, is someone worth knowing. Not to mention converting Jerry. Call me when you are free and visit with us at the house."

Paul's heart skipped a beat. "Thank you. I'd like that a lot," and he added a hug to his goodbye. He started to leave, but turned around and said, "I'm free this evening. How about I come around about four this afternoon. We can schmooze and then have dinner together."

"That would be great," Tuck told him. "How about going to Joey's Place? My mouth has been watering for his ribs for weeks."

"Sounds like a plan, " Paul answered. He finally, reluctantly left.

Brian and Tuck arrived at the house and could not believe what they saw. The place looked huge. They hurried in and dropped their bags. Then they emptied the car of the perishables and other things they thought they would need. They refrigerated what needed to be refrigerated, and from habit they headed to their usual room. Then they remembered Jeff had told them to use the first room on the right in the new wing. Their old room belonged to Michael and Jerry now. They did as they were instructed. After they put everything away, and made sure the lube could easily be reached from the bed, they stripped and jumped into the bed.

"Listen," Brian said.

"I don't hear anything," Tuck answered.

"Exactly. It's totally silent. No squeaking."

"Yahoo," Tuck yelled as he jumped on top of Brian and began to kiss him passionately. It had been a while since they had enjoyed each other, and they were insatiable. They had enjoyed a huge breakfast, compliments of Josie Fisher, so lunch wasn't even a consideration. They must have cum three times each before they fell asleep, hugging each other tightly.

They were awakened by the sound of a cell phone playing the William Tell Overture. Brian had to get out of bed to get to his phone. Tuck laughed to himself, he had never seen Brian's cock quite so limp.

"Hello," Brian managed to mumble.

"Hi, it's Paul. I just wanted to give you a heads up, I'll be there in fifteen or twenty minutes."

"Great!" Brian lied, as he hung up. "Come on," he said to Tuck. "Let's try out the new shower. Jeff said that it was big enough for two." They ran the water, but after a few minutes they realized that the water was not getting warm.

"Shit," Tucker yelled. "We forgot to turn on the electricity. I hope we didn't ruin any food. And shit, it's getting cold in here now that the sun is going down." He ran to the utility room which, conveniently, you could reach through the bathroom, and he put on the circuit breakers. He noticed that the boys had marked which ones to shut when the house was not used and which ones had to stay on. The furnace was on, so Tuck figured the thermostat needed to be reset. He went into the hallway where he found it and turned it up a few degrees.

In no time the house was toasty warm and the shower was emitting hot water. Brian and Tuck showered together and washed one another where the sun don't shine. They got out of the shower with much reluctance and were drying themselves, when they heard a voice in the living room yelling, "The door was unlocked so I came in."

"We're here in the first bedroom," Brian yelled. "Come on back."

The first thing that Paul thought was, "They're using one bedroom and there are three more available." Once again his heart pumped overtime. Then he entered the bedroom. Brian and Tuck had always had magnificent bodies, and were never shy. They made no attempt to hide their nakedness. There was a chair in the room, and they told Paul to sit. They would be dressed in a jiffy.

"Don't hurry," Paul said laughing. "I'm enjoying the view." He was staring at Brian's still very limp cock. Yet limp as it was, he had never seen one so thick. He wondered how his wife managed. Then he wondered if Tuck managed. Brian and Tuck could never fool a gay man. This caused a little bit of tension in the room, so Tucker said in all seriousness.

"When we used to come down alone in the late spring and early fall, we spent the whole weekend in the nude and went skinny dipping every day. When the weather permits, you are more than welcome to join us."

"You know, I'd like that," Paul told them. He was sure glad he was seated because his cock was about to rip through his pants. He didn't know that if Brian and Tuck weren't so spent, they would have had to sit down also. They were both dangerously attracted to the minister.

When they were dressed, they all went into the living room. It had gotten a little too cold to sit on the new deck. Brian and Tuck were sad about that. When he stood, Paul's bulging package was obvious, but he decided that he was going to ignore it since it seemed to be out of his control. When they were seated in the living room, Tuck asked if everyone wanted a beer. They all accepted, and he retrieved three cans from the fridge.

Tuck started the conversation. "I understand you are going to marry Randy and Michelle next month. We haven't received an invitation yet, but I believe we're on the list. What have you done to bring so many people flocking to your church? Or maybe I should ask what your philosophy is?"

"It's simple," Paul said. "I can sum it up in a couple of sentences. I believe that Christianity was founded on Christ's principle of unconditional love. That means loving your enemies as well as your neighbors. Nothing gets me angrier than someone who uses the bible and invokes God's name to promote some agenda of hate."

"Do you hate those people?" Brian wanted really to know. He was not goading Paul.

"Absolutely not. They make me angry, just as one of your kids might make you angry, but you still love them. In fact, I pray for those people and send them thoughts of love and healing."

"You are a true messenger of God," Tuck said sincerely. He stood up from his chair and went over and sat next to Paul on the sofa. As soon as he did, he leaned toward the pastor and embraced him. Paul hugged back. When they were finished hugging, Paul's hand inadvertently found itself resting on Tuck's thigh. Brian smiled. This was getting interesting.

"Tell us about you," Brian urged.

"There's not much to tell. After seminary, I drifted from church to church. I kept getting fired because I wouldn't preach fire and brimstone. I lasted only one Sunday at one church because I said in my sermon that everyone was welcome in my church regardless of their race, religion or sexual orientation. That didn't go over well, as you can imagine. I finally got a ministry in St. Paul where my views were accepted. The church began to grow rapidly, and things were beginning to go well for me, but then my spouse died of brain cancer. I withdrew from life for a couple of years. When I saw the ad in a church magazine for this position, I was drawn to it. Because the area is so rural, I believed that I could live a quiet, reclusive life. I was interviewed by the Fishers, Dan and Warren, who seemed to embrace my philosophy of Christianity. So here I am."

There was a pause and Tucker said, "Gee, I'm really sorry about your wife."

Paul had made up his mind to come out and he thought to himself why not start with these two great guys, who are obviously a couple. Besides they don't even live here or go to my church.

"There you see. You assumed when I said that I was a widower that my wife died. That's what everybody in town assumed as well, and I was too chicken to correct that assumption. In a sense, I did lose my wife. Patrick was everything to me. I don't know how I survived his loss. I have not ever been with a man since. My fist has been my most loyal lover." Why were Brian and Tuck not totally surprised?

Paul continued. "When I was working with Jerry on his baptism, somehow I got up the courage to tell him. I told him that I had decided to come out and be honest with all these people who had taken me into their hearts and made me feel like family. Jerry swore that he wasn't going to tell anyone. That was something I had to do myself. So I'm not making any announcements in the local newspaper or anything like that, but I am coming out as each opportunity occurs. Somehow, and I mean this as a compliment, I felt comfortable telling you guys."

"Wow," Brian sighed.

"And now I want to know all about you guys, and I think you know exactly what I mean," Paul almost made it an ultimatum.

So they took turns relating their story, from the brief innocent encounters in college, to meeting at the airport on the way to Paris, to their corporate orientation where they shared a room and fell in love, and finally their decision to live a lie and not shatter the lives of their wives whom they loved dearly. Brian and Tucker were Catholics so they felt like they had just made a confession and they asked Paul to forgive them.

Paul laughed. "I forgive everyone," he said. "It's part of loving unconditionally. If anything is needed, I need to commend you. Your decision to keep your secret and not shatter the lives of the ones you love is truly admirable. You must only forgive yourselves."

By this time Brian and Tucker were sobbing uncontrollably so Paul got up and embraced them both. The three men huddled and hugged one another for a while until Tuck said, "Holy mackerel. Look at the time. We'd better get going." They disentangled and Paul said, "I'll drive. I'm blocking your car."

When they arrived at Joey's Place, Joey greeted them all warmly, with a hug for all three. They all ordered a full rack of ribs. The waiter served four or five sides family style, Brian and Tucker had not had lunch in favor of having sex so they were truly starved. Paul had a pretty good appetite too. After coming out to Brian and Tuck, he felt as if a burden had been released from his shoulders, and it translated into a very healthy appetite. Not only that but he felt so comfortable with them, and he was so happy with the fact that he could at last be himself, without any cover ups, after so long a time.

As they approached the end of the meal, they realized that they were the only customers left in the restaurant. Joey happened to pass by and told them not to rush. The restaurant was officially open for another hour. They had a table in a far corner, and they could speak freely without fear of being overheard. Brian and Tucker were sitting on each side of Paul.

Brian smiled at Tucker and asked, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I'm pretty sure," Tuck answered.

They both reached under the table and put a hand on each of Paul's knees. Paul was happily surprised and made no move to remove the hands. Tuck hesitated for just a moment, took a deep breath, and then said to Paul.

"We, Brian and I, believe you have been celibate too long. We were wondering if you would like to spend the night with us tonight."

Paul answered them by breaking into tears. "I can't imagine a better ending to a perfect evening," he said. And then he sobbed some more.

Now they were all of the same mind to finish up and get home quick. They started to leave, when Joey sat down at the fourth place at the table. It seemed that he had time now to sit and socialize. They all started to make small talk when suddenly Brian yawned.

"Gee, I'm sorry," he said. Tuck and I have been up since 5 AM and I'm bushed. Will you excuse us please Joey. I need to get some shut eye." And so they were able to leave the restaurant.

Paul pulled up in front of the house in back of Tuck's van. As they got into the house, he was visibly shaking. He seemed a wee bit frightened. Brian put his arms around him and kissed him lightly on the lips. "It's OK," he quipped. "We promise to be gentle." That got Paul laughing and he relaxed. He followed them expectantly into their bedroom.

Brian and Tuck undressed quickly, but Paul seemed to take forever so they started to remove the rest of his clothing for him. He loved what they were doing and he let them continue to undress him. As they removed his clothing their fingers played mischievously across his body. They left him in his boxer shorts. Then Tuck fell to his knees and pulled down Paul's boxers. Paul's cock jumped up and hit Tuck in the nose. Everyone howled and began to laugh uncontrollably, until Tuck grabbed Paul's cock and started to suck it. Paul exchanged his laughter for a sigh and a deep moan of contentment. Brian began to kiss Paul. His tongue forced Paul's lips apart and their tongues engaged.

"Would you like to fuck me?" Brian asked him "or do you want to be fucked?"

With no hesitation, Paul answered, "Both!"

Tuck stopped sucking and said, "I really hoped you'd say that." Brian's too big for your almost virgin ass, so you fuck him and I'll fuck you. It was amazing that there was absolutely no reticence between them. To hold back was to do them all a disservice.

Brian lay down flat on his back and lifted his legs to his chest. Tuck took the lube and filled Brian's love hole and then he put plenty on Paul's cock. Paul began to moan, "Oh Tuck that feels so good. It's been too long." Tuck got a tear in his eye and gave Paul a sloppy wet kiss on his buttocks. Paul positioned himself at the entrance to Brian's crack and Tuck guided him in. Paul was thinner than Tuck and he slid easily into Brian's well trained ass.

"Don't move, "Tuck instructed Paul. He bent down and began to rim Paul's crack. Paul was beginning to think that God had called him home this very night. Before he could swoon dead away, Tuck generously lubed Paul's ass. He had no idea if Paul would be able to take him right away or if he would have to loosen him up first. He easily inserted his middle finger into Paul, and without meaning to, he grazed Paul's prostate. Paul spasmed with pleasure and almost fell out of Brian, but he pushed right back in. Tuck inserted another finger and a third and still Paul took it easily. He guessed that Patrick had been very fat in the cock like Brian, and Paul had remained stretched even after all these years. He took his fingers out and entered Paul's greedy ass. Nobody moved. They just lay still, each lost in his own thoughts, enjoying the thrill of a three way with people they loved. Finally Paul moaned, "Oh guys, I can't tell you how great this feels. Thank you so much.'

"No need for thanks," Tuck said, "We're enjoying this just as much as you are." That said, he started to pump in and out of Paul, who then did the same to Brian. Needless to say, Paul had been celibate so long, he came much too soon. But by the same token he recovered quickly and never fell out of Brian. Tuck and Paul fell into a steady rhythm, and Brian joined the dance by thrusting upward as Paul thrust down.

Poor Paul was not expecting the kind of noise Brian and Tuck made when they came. As they got closer and closer their moaning, groaning and screaming got louder. If he didn't know what was going on, and if he was in another room, Paul would have thought that they were being murdered. Paul's cock was treating Brian's prostate to unbearable ecstasy, and he came with one of the loudest screams Tuck had ever heard. As he did so his ass squeezed tight around Paul's cock and Paul came with tears in his eyes and a lot quieter than Brian. Now it was Paul's turn to squeeze his asshole involuntarily and that triggered Tuck's orgasm.

They lay in a heap, all tangled up, reluctant to disengage, but eventually they did. Paul began to cry like a baby. Brian kissed the tears off one eye and Tuck kissed the tears off the other. Finally Tuck got a towel to wipe away Brian's cum. He turned out the light in the bedroom and the three of them fell asleep, crunched together on a queen sized mattress.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 22: The Crew 11

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