Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 21, 2023


Brian and Tucker Chapter 4

They shared a cab from the airport to home. The silence in the cab was oppressive. Brian and Tucker sat in the back seat holding hands. They were gripping so tightly they could have broken some bones.

They stood in front of their doors, gave each other one last sad look, and entered their apartments. Maryann flew into Tuck's arms. He was barely able to catch her as she wrapped her legs around his waist and began to kiss him passionately. He returned her kisses, fantasizing that he was kissing Brian. Finally she released him.

"Why don't you unpack, darling, and throw your laundry in the hamper. Freshen up, if you like. We're having dinner next door, and after that I've got great plans for us," Maryann informed him.

Tucker silently prayed that he would be able to perform. He began to sweat and really did need to freshen up.

When Brian entered his apartment, Colleen yelled, "I'm in the kitchen Sweetie." He dropped his bag and went into the kitchen. Colleen had on an apron and her hands were covered with ground meat. Nevertheless she leaned into Brian and gave him a sweet welcome home kiss.

"Maryann and Tuck are coming for dinner," she let him know. "Why don't you unpack and freshen up. I'll be right along." He was standing at the bathroom sink when Colleen came up behind him and threw her arms around his waist. He turned to greet her waiting lips and inadvertently started to face up, thinking it was Tuck. Quickly, he faced down and kissed his wife. Fortunately her eyes were closed and she never noticed.

"I've got to be careful," he thought.

Conversation at the dinner table was light and witty. The guys told all about the seminars, the other interns, the instructors, and even shared that they thought that Sam and Matt might have fallen in love. They wanted to test the girl's reactions. Fortunately the women were not repulsed and thought it was kind of cool. The girls asked about Kansas City and Brian answered, "Who had time to go sight seeing? They worked us so hard all day, we couldn't wait to hit the sack." No lie! They omitted only one vital element to their narrative.

After the girls cleaned up, Maryann and Tuck went home. As they left, both men thought that the evening had gone really well, and it gave them some hope that they were going to pull it off. But what about sex tonight? Could they pull that off?

As usual Tuck was in bed first. It seemed to take women forever to get ready. As Maryann left the bathroom, she shut the bathroom lights and then the bedroom lights. She climbed into bed in total darkness. They were both nude and she cuddled up to her husband facing him. She pushed up against him and was a bit surprised that he was still soft. He had always been hard in the past when she had gotten into bed. She pushed closer and found his lips. Both their lips parted and they began to kiss, washing their tongues together.

Tuck fantasized that he was lying with Brian and that their cocks were crushing together. Then he imagined that Brian's cock was entering him. He could actually feel the pain and the pleasure. His muscle memory went into action. His cock began to rise, and he rolled over on top of Maryann supporting his weight with his arms. She grabbed his throbbing cock and guided it into her. He moved in and out sensuously, slowly, fantasizing that he was fucking Brian. His hands found and fondled her breasts. He almost always came before her and then finished her off with his middle finger. But tonight he felt her body begin to tense. She was going to orgasm. He imagined himself cumming inside Brian and as Maryann began to cum, her contractions just simply finished him off. They lay exhausted, spent and sweaty. It wasn't until later that he realized that they had taken twice as long as usual making love and he knew he would be able to have sex with Maryann as long as he pretended she was Brian. What a relief.

Maryann was unable to move. "That was wonderful, darling," she sighed, and fell asleep. Tuck got out of bed as silently as he could, and went into the bathroom to clean up.

"Shit," he said. The package of condoms he was going to use was on the bathroom counter. They had had unprotected sex, and little Jeffrey David Simmons was already conceived.

The next morning in the gym, the guys compared notes. It was obvious that they could fuck their wives, but only if they pretended they were fucking each other. It wasn't the best of all possible worlds, but it was the world they chose to live in. There was nobody else in the gym. Tuck's eyes motioned toward the men's room. Brian scooted off the exercise bike he was riding and headed to the men's room. They went in together and locked the door. They dropped their gym shorts quickly and grabbed each other's cocks while kissing passionately. Tuck fell to his knees and enveloped Brian's hard cock with his mouth. In less than a minute, Brian came and Tuck swallowed every last drop. Then they reversed positions, and Tuck came quickly as well. They pulled up their shorts and when they left the men's room, they were pleased to see that the gym was still empty. Brian looked at Tuck and there were tears in his eyes.

"So this is how it's going to be," he lamented, "finding pleasure in short, hasty moments."

"Yes, love," Tuck consoled him, "but there will be opportunities when we will be able to spend time together. I'll live for those times. You'll see baby. They will be all the sweeter because they will be precious."

Their prayers were quickly answered. When they got upstairs they were told that there was a big sale at one of the largest department stores in their city. The girls were going to leave after breakfast, have lunch out and probably get back at about 4 PM in time to start dinner. It was Maryann's turn.

As soon as Maryann left, Tuck heard her knocking on Colleen's door. Then he heard them heading for the elevator. He ran to the living room window which afforded a good view of the parking lot. He saw them walking toward Maryann's car, get in, and leave. Only then did he bound out the door, only to bump into Brian in the hall.

"Your place or mine?" Tuck joked.

"Who the fuck cares? Just get in here." Brian grabbed Tuck's arm and dragged him inside. Once inside he used the inside bolt to lock the door. He reckoned that if the women came home prematurely they would have to ring the bell, giving the men some time to pull up their pants. Brian would say that he bolted the door out of habit.

"Let's finish what we started in the gym," Brian requested. He fell into Tuck's arms, and while kissing him, he dragged him into the bedroom. The bed was not made. "I was supposed to make it up after Colleen left," Brian chuckled."

"Wait a while," Tuck advised as he began to strip. Brian stripped also. He then reached into his night stand and removed the lube he used when fucking Colleen. They had silently made a pact to take advantage of every opportunity and not to worry about performing with their wives. They could always have a headache.

"Fuck me first" Tuck begged. "That fat cock of yours up my ass sends me to Nirvana."

"Always ready to oblige," Brian whispered. Tuck was on his back. Brian pushed Tuck's knees to his chest and leaned into his beautiful bubble butt. His tongue found the chasm of pleasure and he began to suck and insert his tongue, driving Tuck nearly mad.

"Please," Tuck begged. "No more teasing. Fuck me, love. Fuck me hard." Brian lubed Tuck's ass and then very generously did his cock. He placed his love machine at the entrance to the tunnel of love. They had stopped entering one another gently. They had discovered in Kansas City that if they dove right in, the initial pain came and went quickly. It was like ripping off a band aid. Brian drove home and Tuck gave a short cry of pain. Brian was all the way in very quickly. He held still for a moment. Tuck adjusted to having Brian inside of him, but was content not to start the pumping. He leaned forward and they kissed gently.

"Your ass hole is like a furnace." Brian told Tuck.

"And your cock is like a very large turd," Tuck laughed. Then he started to gyrate his hips, signaling that he was ready. They found their love rhythm rather quickly now and the pleasure was building in them at the same pace. Their record for cumming at the same moment was getting better and better.

All of a sudden Tuck seemed to have lost the ability to breathe. He gasped for air, and in one loud scream he began to spurt his spunk up his abdomen, belly and chest. He even got some on his chin and lips. His tongue tried to suck up the semen on his lips, and he managed to secure a little bit.

Brian's scream started before Tuck's was over. His juices filled Tuck's ass. Between the feel of Brian's juice squirting into him, and the feel of Brian's massive cock inside of him, Tuck felt like he had died and gone to heaven. Thoroughly exhausted, Brian let his cock slip out of Tuck's ass. He relaxed and fell on Tuck, letting his whole body rub against his partner. The feel of the squishing spunk was a real turn on for both of them. They regained their erections.

"I've got an idea," Turk announced. "Turn over." Brian did as asked and soon they were lying side by side. Turk started to scoop up as much semen as he could and started rubbing it on his cock and in Brian's ass. He even reached in to his own ass and got some of Brian's semen and transferred it to Brian's ass. Then he put his knees between Brian's legs. He lifted Brian's legs to his chest, positioned himself and rammed in, using the combined spunk as a lubricant. Again they lay still for quite a while savoring the moment.

Eventually they started to pump. Brian thrust up and Tuck thrust down, like an old fashioned back yard swing. This time they didn't cum so fast, even if they were very youthful. After all they had both cum last night with their wives, once again in the gym this morning and once again just a little while ago. They pumped steadily, only stopping to kiss occasionally. Finally Tuck felt his groin begin to vibrate in anticipation. He changed his position so that his cock did not go straight in, but at a slight angle. Now he was brushing steadily against Brian's prostate and Brian's groin began to feel like it wanted to explode. In fact, he came first, followed in short order by his lover.

They lay one on top of the other for a time and then side by side. After some more time passed they wrapped up in each other's arms and fell asleep.

Brian woke up first and looked at the clock. One PM. He nudged Tuck awake.

"Time to get up, Sleeping Beauty," he said, while kissing Tuck on the forehead. Tuck reluctantly crawled out of bed, and headed for the John with Brian in pursuit. They crossed swords, a practice which was becoming their favorite game. As long as they were in the bathroom they decided to shower. They showered together and played their usual games, but no more orgasms for the moment. Once out of the shower, they dried themselves and got dressed. Then they stripped the bed, and put on fresh linen. If Colleen said anything, Brian would tell her that he misunderstood when she told him to make the bed. He thought she meant make the bed with fresh linen.

They looked around the apartment to make sure that there was no evidence of their fantastic love making, and then they went out for pizza and a beer. While waiting for the pizza, Turk asked Brian if it bothered him that they made love in the same bed as he and Colleen. Brian thought about it and said, "No, in fact, it was a little naughty so it was also a turn on."

When the girls came home, they found the boys on Tuck's sofa watching a baseball game.

"Out," Maryann said to all of them, I've got to make dinner. Tucker, go watch the game at Brian's place."

During the next nine months, while Maryann was pregnant, the boys had three out of town business trips together, each lasting for two weeks, and one boy's only fishing trip. They also discovered that extended lunch hours were fine with management as long as all their assignments were completed on time. Brian and Tucker worked very hard, often putting in overtime, to earn long lunch hours. They found a cheap, pay by the hour, hotel near the office and ate a lot of protein for lunch. All in all they managed to find time to express their love for each other and for their wives. Strangely, they never felt guilty. It eventually became a normal way of life for them.

One day Brian asked Tuck if he thought the baby would change their relationship. Tuck grabbed Brian's ass and drew him close. Kissing him tenderly he said, "Not in one billion years."

Brian told Tuck that Colleen was jealous of Maryann, and they were trying desperately to get pregnant but to no avail. The doctors had tried various procedures but so far nothing had happened. It was really wearing on Colleen. Plus she figured that when the baby came, Maryann would have little time for her. She was really getting depressed.

When Tuck told Maryann about how Colleen felt, Maryann rushed right over, embraced Colleen and told her that nothing would ever come between their friendships. In fact, the new baby would be an extra facet to their little family. This seemed to reassure Colleen and her attitude improved. She and Brian stopped trying so hard to conceive a baby, so, of course, Colleen got pregnant when Maryann was in her fourth month.

When Colleen found out she was carrying a girl, the parents decided that Jeff and Mackenzie, the name the O'Tooles had chosen, would certainly marry someday.

Even though both women were on maternity leave, their husbands were doing well at work, and financially they were comfortable. One evening at dinner, Tuck brought up the subject of buying their first houses in a nice quiet suburb, where it would be conducive to raising children safely. The four of them exploded with excitement, and the search was on that weekend.

They decided that they wanted to be in a new development, where all the neighbors would be moving in about the same time. On Saturday they searched the real estate ads for new communities and made a list of four that they could easily check out in one day. They prepared a list of questions to ask the sales agents regarding schools, shopping, churches, commuting, Chinese restaurants (a joke), etc.

Early Sunday morning they started by driving to the furthest development from the city. They were really disappointed. Neither of the women liked any of the models, which they thought were over priced, and the sales agent was unable to answer most of the questions. They left rather quickly and they drove to the next development, a few miles closer to the city.

They never got to see the other two locations. This place was perfect. There were four models. Maryann fell in love with a two story colonial and Colleen loved a split level model. The price was right for both couples, and the agent answered all their questions satisfactorily. They would have liked two adjacent lots, but none were available. They were, however, able to obtain two lots which were on different streets, but were back to back to each other. They would be back yard neighbors, so to speak. What made the boys happy was that the agent told them that there was a community center with a fantastic gym, within walking distance. It was open from 5:30 AM to 11:30 PM in order to accommodate working people. The boys reasoned that they could continue to exercise and when conditions were right, they might have a chance to do a little sucking and fucking. They all took a quick drive over to the Center to check it out, and the boys loved it. Another plus was that the houses would be built and completed about the same time as their leases were up on their apartments.

They returned to the sales office, went into a huddle and decided that they would buy here. It took almost three hours for the agent to prepare and get all the documents signed by both couples. The men left small deposits, with the rest of the deposit due in twenty days. The agent even started their mortgage applications and got the process rolling.

That night they celebrated at the best restaurant in town. The pregnant women had to go to the rest room often, and always together. When they were gone, the men fondled and played with each other under the table. They were very happy and very horny. Even though the pregnant wives were limited in their sexual activity, the husbands had little opportunity to be alone with one another, so a little under the table pocket pool was welcomed.

The two couples returned home that night thoroughly exhausted. It had been quite an eventful day for all of them. Buying a house was the biggest financial move either of the couples had ever undertaken in their lives. There was no hanky panky for anyone that night.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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