Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 15, 2023


Brian and Tucker Part two Chapter 9

Ron and Foster arrived promptly at 6 PM. Ron remembered that the men had purchased steaks and ground beef, and he rightly assumed that was what they would have for dinner, so he decided to bring two bottles of red wine. They were both wearing tank tops, cut off denim short shorts, and sandals. From the contour of their crotches, Jim was sure that they were not wearing any underwear.

The beef was formed into patties and was already in the broiler. The steaks were waiting on top of the stove. Two of the canned vegetables were now in pots, warming slowly on the stove. The frozen fries were slowly frying in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. Tuck went to look for wine glasses but there weren't any so he put out juice glasses. It would have to do. Brian asked how everyone would like their steaks. He, Tuck and Jeff passed, saying the hamburgers would be enough. Jim, Ron and Foster all wanted their steaks medium rare. Jeff then seasoned the steaks and put them in the broiler.

Jeff and Jim said they would get the meal ready and suggested everyone else get out of the kitchen, sit on the porch and watch the setting sun. That was fine with everyone, and those who were not on kitchen duty went outside. Tuck stayed behind and retrieved four beers from the fridge and brought them outside for the others to enjoy.

On the porch, conversation was a little stiff. Ron and Foster assumed that the fathers were straight and they didn't feel totally free to be themselves. Brian, bless his soul, figured it out immediately, and tried to find a way to put the boys at ease.

So just like that, he said, "How long have you guys been together?

"We've been together about five years. But let's wait to tell how we met until we're at dinner. I want to hear how Jeff and Jim met also," Foster said, and then Ron added, "and I want to hear about Jim's college room mate, Jerry, who has apparently stolen Michael's heart.

In the kitchen, Jeff and Jim put the cooked hamburgers on one platter, and the fries on another. They put the two veggies in bowls with serving spoons. There was no relish but they put out a bottle of ketchup, salt and pepper. They also put out some more beer and the two bottles of wine. When the steaks were almost ready, Jim called the guys in for dinner.

Everybody filled their plates, and Jim put the steaks on a platter for the three men who wanted them. They started to eat in silence, but finally Brian said to Ron and Foster, "Okay, so tell us how you two guys met."

Ron smiled at Foster and began. We were both seniors in college. I was attending Georgetown in DC and Foster was going to Emery in Atlanta. It was spring break time and both of us went down to Ft. Lauderdale. My buddies were all out on the prowl looking for pussy, but I had other ideas. I checked the gay yellow pages, and headed for a gay bar in the gay section of town. I got there and was ready to leave after a few minutes because the disco music was deafening. I was just finishing my one and only drink and turned to leave, when I felt someone put his hand on my shoulder and ask, Would you like to dance?' It was Foster of course. I took one look at him and asked, Why waste time? Can we get right to the sex?' You should have seen the look on his face."

Foster continued. "I grabbed Ron's hand and dragged him outside where we could hear each other talk. I asked him if he was serious and he assured me he was. I told him that my grandparents owned a condo in Pompano Beach, only a short drive from there. I let him know that they were up north until next October, and I was using the condo all by myself. Ron had come by taxi, but I had use of grandpa's car, so off we went.

"When we got into the condo," Foster continued, "I hardly had time to lock the door and Ron was all over me. We must have stood in the hallway for ten minutes, kissing, sucking tongue and groping our packages."

He suddenly stopped and looked at the two fathers. "I'm really sorry Mr. Simmons, Mr. O'Toole. "If this offends you, I can stop the story."

"Nonsense," Brian said. "You can be perfectly candid with us, even as regards the sordid details," he said, raising his eyebrows in a leering fashion.

Foster wasn't quite convinced and Ron took over. "We finally let go of each other, stripped quicker than the speed of a speeding bullet, and climbed into bed. I will skip the `sordid details' but I can tell you it was the best night of my life up to then."

"The next morning we went over to my motel. I checked out, moved into the condo, and we spent the rest of spring break together. By the end of the week there was no doubt in either of our minds that we would be together for life. Thank God, we were both graduating in a few weeks. Our phone bills were bankrupting us. We would sit at our computers and IM each other for hours and then call one another and talk for hours more." Ron stopped to breathe. He took Foster's hand in his and held it gently. There was a tear in his eye.

"We are forever," he said.

Foster continued the narrative. "Anyway, independently we researched the best city to begin a career in our respective fields, and came up with Phoenix. We started sending resumees to names in the telephone book and we both landed good jobs, but now with nearly five years experience, we are both striking out on our own. It's really scary. By the way," he looked at his new friends, "that's how I met Michael. He was counsel for my firm. The first day I met him, he told me he was taking me out to lunch and he hit on me. I cut his desire short, but we became really good friends."

Jim said, "It was easy for you guys. You met in a gay bar and knew how you stood immediately. Jeff and I each lived with a gay guy for four years thinking we were straight. The only similarity between us is that the moment I shook Jeff's hand, I knew where my life was going. I fell for him, hook, line and sinker."

"Me too," Jeff answered. As he said that, he stood up, went to Jim, wrapped his arms around Jim's shoulders from the rear, and kissed his neck. Ron and Foster started to applaud, and Brian and Tucker started to cry. Ron thought, `These guys have such understanding fathers. How great is that?'

Tuck said, "We'll clean up after you guys leave. It's such a beautiful night. Let's go outside."

They took two extra chairs outside and sat on the back porch enjoying the evening breeze and sipping beer. They looked like a bunch of kids at summer camp sitting around the campfire (except for the beer.) They chewed the fat, telling amusing stories as they occurred to them. A casual observer would have thought that they had known each other for a hundred years.

Finally Ron said that it was time to go. He had to open the store early tomorrow morning, but they would have Sunday off. Tuck wanted to ask them back for tomorrow evening and maybe Sunday, but he suddenly realized that Ron's and Foster's presence would interfere in their sex lives. He just embraced both boys in a bear hug, then Brian did the same. The four out gay men, kissed on the lips as they hugged each other.

The moment was a little awkward until Jim said, "If we don't see you before we leave, we will definitely get together in the city. Hey, I've got a great idea. Michael doesn't know we've met. Jeff and I will make a date with him and Jerry, if they are still together, and you two can casually waltz in."

"Fantastic idea," Foster said. "We'll give him another six degrees of separation story or maybe more like two degrees."

Ron and Foster said goodbye once again, and told the guys what a great time they had, at least six times before they finally left.

They all pitched in cleaning up from dinner, and the cabin was ship shape in no time. They were very tired and decided to turn in.

Tuck yawned and said, "I've had it, and no offense, my dear sons, but I want to be alone with my love tonight. OK?"

"No sweat," Jeff answered. "I think my love would like a private session with me too."

The four men kissed each other goodnight. The kisses were far from fatherly, nor were they sexually inviting either. They were just pecks on the cheek like four gay men usually implant upon each other when they say hello or goodbye.

Once the guys got into bed, the slightest noise in either room could be heard clearly by the occupants of the other room. Brian and Tuck began making the noises of love as they had earlier in the day. Jeff began to laugh and yelled out, "I bet you brought us to this place on purpose to embarrass us, but I for one intend to ignore the sounds you two are making."

"Likewise," Brian yelled out and everyone could hear Tuck laughing from the pit of his belly. He and Brian agreed that this was the best `fishing' weekend of their lives.

Ron drove his car home. He laid his hand on Foster's knee, and Foster automatically spread his legs. Ron spoke first.

"Did you see what I saw?" he asked Foster.

Foster: "That depends. What did you see?"

Ron: "When we were going out on the porch before dinner, and Tuck went to get the beer, I just happened to glance back. He pinched Jeff on his ass as he went by him. Also, when we were all out on the porch after dinner, occasionally Tuck put his hand on Brian's thigh just as I'm doing to you now."

Foster: "So what does that prove?"

Ron: "Nothing except that it was very clear to me that Brian had a boner, and it was big,"

Foster: "I married a fucking crotch watcher. Listen, I don't want to jeopardize our new friendship with Jim and Jeff, so please keep your suspicions to yourself. Let's not be the one to out Jeff's fathers, even if Jim and Jeff may be privy to the situation."

"You can count on it, babe," Ron assured Foster.

It's amazing how Brian and Tuck could deceive the entire straight world, and every gay man who met them saw the truth of their love, one, two, three.

Back at the cabin a symphony was playing. In one room Brian and Tuck were moaning, groaning and cumming with ecstatic screams. It didn't seem to bother them that Jim and Jeff could hear every word. Jim and Jeff on the other hand were totally distracted. Every time they heard those love noises they started to giggle so hard they couldn't concentrate on sex. At one point, Jim had his head buried in Jeff's crotch, when Brian gave such a large moan of pure joy, that Jim started to laugh so hard he nearly bit Jeff's cock off. They finally decided that it was a losing game and just cuddled until they fell asleep. Sex would have to wait.

The boys were awakened to the smell of bacon frying. They both had to pee so they got out of bed sporting enormous woodies and headed for the bathroom. They were naked, but that seemed to be the uniform of the day. On the way they had to go through the living room and they could view the kitchen. Brian was cooking and Tuck was setting the table.

"Good morning," four voices said at once.

Tuck asked, "How about going skinny dipping with us after breakfast? It's the best exercise I can think of since Brian and I can't go to the gym."

"You're on," Jim said. It will have to replace our morning run."

He and Jeff went to the bathroom and crossed swords. They managed to brush their teeth and wash their faces together, but it was a tight fit.

Brian and Tuck were naked so the boys joined them at the kitchen table as naked as they day they were born. Brian served up a generous portion of bacon and eggs with white toast which he had already buttered. Very little was said, but finally Tuck asked, "Are you guys all right with our little romp of yesterday?"

Jeff and Jim looked at each other not knowing what to say. Jim knew that the ball was his to run with. He smiled at Jeff, took his hand, turned to Brian and Tucker and said, "We are not only all right with it but in fact, a repeat performance would be perfectly welcome. I gotta tell you, it was fun."

Brian and Tucker looked so, so relieved, as did Jeff. The subject was dropped and nothing more was said about it. After breakfast, they washed the dishes, pots and pans in the sink. There was no dishwasher in the cabin. They grabbed some towels and a blanket and ran bare ass down to the lake. They spread out the blanket on the grass, threw the towels on it and headed for the water.

Once submerged, they began to play grab ass. Nobody really knew who was grabbing whose ass or cock, but they were all having fun. At one point, Jim enveloped Jeff in his arms, leaving Tuck to Brian. A little later Jeff looked over to see his fathers pressed together like two spoons. Brian was in the back and Tucker was moaning like a banshee.

"Goddamn," Jeff said to Jim. "Brian is fucking my dad. I've got an idea." He swam over and got his front against Brian's back. He positioned his cock in Brian's crack and entered slowly. Brian winced a bit and then began to moan in sheer joy. Not to be outdone, Jim placed his back against Tuck's front and guided Tuck's cock into him. Talking stopped, moaning began. The moans got louder and louder and bingo, one after the other they shot their loads. Jim's cum fed the fishes. The other's deposited their juices in someone's warm receptacle.

Spent, they got out of the water, toweled dried themselves, and lay down on the blanket. They got as close as they could to each other. Their arms and legs interwoven like delicate lace. It was hard to tell which limb belonged to whom. They fell asleep in the morning sun and slept for two hours.

The rest of the day, they had sex with each other in every combination. When Jeff and Tuck were making love it was particularly erotic for both of them, but when the partners were making love it was just comforting knowing that they belonged together, and would continue to belong together for a lifetime. The four of them had bonded together in love, joy, and comfort.

At about 4 PM they all fell asleep, but at 5 PM Jeff's cell phone rang shrilly and woke them up. It was Ron.

"Hi Jeff," he said. You guys were so gracious last night that Foster and I would like to take you all out to dinner tonight. There's a great barbeque joint not far from here called `Joey's Place.' It's very informal. You can wear shorts"

Jeff said, "It sounds great to me. How about we pick you guys up in my dad's van at about 6:30?"

"Perfect," Ron answered. "See you then."

Jeff hung up and roused the others. Again they were forced to shower individually, and it took a while for everyone to get ready for the evening. The fathers wore shorts, tee shirts and sandals. The sons wore shorts, tank tops and sandals. Every one of them looked really hot, and would catch a few eyes for sure, male and female.

Ron and Foster were wearing shorts also, but not as short as the evening before. They completed their outfits with tank tops and sandals. They all looked great, but Ron's muscles, barely contained by the tank top, took the evening's grand prize. He and Foster climbed into the middle seats of the van. Jim and Jeff were already in the rear. Under Ron's direction, they started for the restaurant.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 10

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