Brians Beach

By moc.liame@mada_korb

Published on Jul 29, 1999


Disclaimer: This story contains Gay innuendoes, and if you don't like it, what are you doing at a Gay story website. Get out of here immediately. If you like it though, I hope you like my story. The other thing is that this story does not mean to actually imply that the Backstreet Boys are actually gay. No matter what my dreams say.

Authors Note: Well, here is the third installment in Brian's Beach. Sorry it took so long to write, it was a very hard part. This is also the longest installment I've written so far. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to the people who have e-mailed me. ALSO THANKS SOOOOOO MUCH to the Authors who nominated me for a Story Award. That really meant a lot to me. Please vote for my story, or any other story that you think is better. I really love e-mail, so write me at or I would really love any e-mail, or comments that you have. Thanks for the support.

I saw Nick pull up to the Contest Winners house, and everything I learned in my classes about how to handle people came back to me. As I pulled into the driveway, and slowly stopped the car, my charm turned on; full blast. I walked up to the house, and knocked on the door. An elderly lady opened the door and looked out at me. "Hello Madame, my Name is Adam Jacobs. I'm here to pick up your daughter for the contest she recently won. This is Brian Littrel, and that is Nick Carter." I told her.

"Lovely to meet you Adam, my name is Caity, and You shouldn't have to suck up to an old woman." Caity said with a twinkle in her eyes. "I know perfectly well who those two handsome men are , and it's my granddaughter you're here to pick up. She is so looking forward to it. Why don't you come in, and Kaitlin will be down in a few seconds." The elderly woman invited. We followed her into the house, and she offered us a seat in the living room. Caity then walked over to the stairway, and called up "Kat, your friends are here to pick you up."

We heard a quick line from Larger than Life, and Kat called down the stairs "Grandma, would you just send them up. They probably just want to be here when the Backstreet Boys come to pick me up."

"Well, who are we to disagree with the Winner." Brian stated, his smile filling his entire face. "We would be more than happy to go up to Kat's room, if that's OK with you Miss."

"What ever you want to do, feel free. But please, call me Caity."

Brian led the charge up the stairs, followed by Nick, with me following at a dignified distance. "Thank you very much Caity. We'll be right down." I continued up the stairs right as Nick opened Kat's door, and walked in. I heard a short shriek, and then the music died off. I walked in to see Kat standing with a shocked look on her face. "Hi Kat, I'm Adam, this is Brian, and that is Nick. We're here to pick you up for a day of fun with the Backstreet Boys. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I know Nick. Sure I'm ready. Lets get going." Kat replied.

"Then lets get going, you will be riding with Nick, and Brian and I will be right behind you guys. Alright." I stated. We all started down the stairs; Nick followed by Kat, Brian, with me pulling up the tail. As we got downstairs Kat kissed her Grandmother good-bye and said she would be back tonight after the concert. I thanked Caity for putting up with our abduction of her Granddaughter, and then left. Brian was waiting for me right out the door. As I walked out of the house he grabbed me, reached into my pocket, and grabbed the keys.

"My turn" he grinned at me as he walked to my car.

I shook my head, and got in the car. Nick pulled off, and Brian followed. As my Durango pulled into the freeway traffic, I looked over at Brian, and placed my hand in his. We drove in silence for a few minutes, and then Brian said, "Adam, you really knew how to deal with Caity and Kat back at the house. I was thinking that maybe I should ask the Boys to hire you, as a Public Relations Consultant."

"Well, I don't really know how they would react, I mean, after all. I haven't even met the rest of the boys yet. Just you and Nick, and when they find out how we met, I think things might just get a little awkward."

"Are you seriously trying to tell me that you don't think you should." Brian said.

"I just don't know, maybe it's not the best idea."

"Just promise me that you won't completely rule it out. No decisions have to be made until later. Think about it until after tonight's concert."

I nodded my head, and Brian seemed to brighten up. Then he reached over and turned on the CD player, just to see what was in it. He instantly recognized the opening chords of Larger Than Life, and began to laugh. Brian was laughing so hard his eyes began to water, and barely managed to choke out the words, "How many copies of our CD's do you have."

"I can't tell you, that would REALLY scare you. But lets just say that after I started liking you, your platinum status was secure. And you better watch the road, boy, or neither of us is ever going to make it to breakfast."

Brian and I laughed and bantered all the way to the restaurant joking about everything that happened. After a few more minutes, Nick turned off the freeway and was heading towards a giant Neon sign that read "THE DINER". He parked and we all got out of the cars and walked in. Brian quickly glanced around and saw the rest of the boys sitting at a huge booth. We walked over to them and Brian said "Hey ya how are you doing? This is Kat the contest winner, and this is Adam, a friend I meet last night." When Brian said this Kevin got a sort-of angry look on his face.

"Nice to meet you Kat. It is always a pleasure to meet one of our fans. We have a pretty busy day planned today, so I hope your ready for work and fun." Kevin smiled to Kat "Its wonderful to meet you Adam." Kevin barley got out, obviously only for the sake of appearances.

Everyone sat down at the table and began to look through the menu. Kevin talked to Kat and AJ while Howie and Nick talked to each other. Brian and I looked through our menus. "Adam, don't worry about Kevin. He acts like that all the time, if any of us invite someone to come along, he thinks that it will signal the end of the group. He just really cares about everyone. I guarantee he will come around, I mean who wouldn't, with an ass like yours, what's not to love." Brian whispered.

"So what's the big secret" AJ walked up and began talking. "I'm AJ, nice to meet you Adam. Brian never brings home anybody anymore. Its cool that he finally is bring people to things." AJ glanced around to make sure no one was listening and then continued "So Adam, are you and Brian JUST friends, or has Brian hooked himself up."

Brian smiled and responded "I bet that you already guessed."

AJ looked right at Brian smiled lowered his voice and said, "If I was gay, I would look for a guy that looked like Adam here. Nice Catch." Brian and I both looked at each other and then began laughing. Brian fell out of his chair, and AJ looked at me, and asked, "Did I say something funny?"

"Some time remind me to tell you how Bri and I meet." I replied. AJ gave me a look that obviously meant he thought we were crazy. Then he went back over and talked to Kevin. Next up was Howie, he obviously didn't approve as much as AJ did. Luckily he made it clear that anything that made Brian happy made him happy. As Howie went back to the other conversation, I couldn't help but think that Kevin was up next. And as chance would have it, I was right.

Kevin walked right up to me, and gave me a look that should only be reserved for pedophiles. He sat down right next to Brian and said, "Brian, what's the matter with you after that last bastard in Germany, I thought you would of learned. If he hadn't decided that he still cared too much about you to ruin you, we would never have made it in America. Are you determined to destroy our entire group." I can't believe you care this little about the rest of us. With that Kevin stood up and moved back into his old seat, a smile once again on his face. It was amazing, with all the controversy surrounding me Kat had no idea anyone was even angry. The rest of the meal went of without a hitch, even if Kevin spent most of his time shooting daggers at me.

As Brian finished the last morsel on his plate he stood up. He then proceeded to say, "Well, Kat it was a joy meeting you. I'm sure the rest of the Boys have some great activities planned for you, and for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, I am going to have to leave. I think I am having a small hitch with my heart. Some minor pain, nothing to really worry about, but I think I am going to have to consult a professional. So Adam, if you would give me a ride I would really appreciate it." With that Brian began to walk away. Everyone else at the table had picked up on the tension between Kevin and me, and had already picked up on the fact that Brian was talking about me. Unfortunately I was not quite that bright. I stood up with real concern on my face and followed Brian out. He still had my keys and was sitting in the Drivers seat. I ran over to the passengers seat and got in. Brian pulled out, but he was heading away from the hospital.

"Brian, the hospital is the other way, and I really don't think you should be driving if your not feeling well." He looked at me, amazed that I hadn't gotten it, and explained what he really meant to me. "For the Love, do I feel like a JACKASS. Open mouth; insert foot." Brian smiled, and continued driving in the direction he was going in.

"That Beach you live on is private, right Adam"

"Yep, only residents are allowed."

"And hardly and residents are around, I think we should go down to the Beach." With that Brian took the car down to the beach. We used my house for access, and on the way through, I grabbed a huge beach blanket. We walked down to just above were the water could reach and I spread out my blanket. Brian laid down, looking up at the sky, and I laid my head on his chest. We lay there for a little while, looking up at the sky. Then Brian asked, "Adam, I couldn't help but notice that you haven't ever even tried to take that necklace off. And in all the pictures in your house, when your neck, you always have that necklace on." I grabbed the necklace, thinking of the chain links holding that dorky looking Ying-Yang.

"Well, its kind of a long story. Before my twin went off to camp, we had just gotten back from a trip to Germany. While we were in Germany I meet a really cute, nice guy. Well, after spending almost three non-stop weeks with him, I was slightly attached. But he wasn't quite as attached. Actually, he got angry with me, because I had to leave, and he kicked my ass. Beat me down . I had to go back home, and my twin, well he had some time. He changed his plans and he meet a group of his friends down in Mexico. They traveled back, and when he got home, he gave me this necklace. Then he left for the camp; he was going to be a counselor. Then two weeks later, on the way back, he died. When I'm not at home, this is all I really have left of him." Brian sat up, and he held me in his strong arms as I calmed down. Brian always seemed to know what to do to make me feel better.

Finally Brian looked at me and asked, "What was his name, you've only referred to him as 'my twin'?"

"Brian, his name was Brian. Weird, huh? I hope you don't think I'm lying to you. I never would."

"Of course not Adam, I trust you. More than I've trusted anyone in a long time. The way you talk about home, you sound like it is somewhere else. Is this house home, or is home in another area?"

"Well, home for me is actually in Durango, CO. This house is just one of the houses my family owned. I'm supposed to fly to Durango in two days, now that school is out."

"Do you still want to go home, now that you've met me?"

"Well to tell you the truth, kind of. I have a lot of people I really care about at home. People that I haven't seen in a VERY long time. But the rest of me doesn't. I want stay with you for as long as possible." Brian looked content with that answer and lay back down. This time instead of just resting my head on him, I lay down behind him, and embraced him, and in that position we both fell asleep.

About an hour later, Brian and I woke up; because a wave crashed upon both of us. Soaking, we stood up and Brian grabbed me, waded out into the ocean, and dropped me. Determined to get him for soaking all my clothes I stood up, to see him trying to escape. Luckily, living on the beach most of the year gave me a small advantage. I caught up to him and tripped him, then I grabbed his legs, and started dragging him back into the ocean. He tried to complain, but he was laughing to hard to really say anything. After I got Brian back we both walked back to the house.

"So Mr. Littrel, what kind of things do you do for fun?" I asked Brian, sounding as much like a reporter as I possible could.

"Fun, what's that. No, I'm just kidding. It's just been a REALLY long time sense I have had a lot of free time to do something fun. But usually, I play Basketball, or hang out. There is a lot of stuff to do."

"Well how about us going Mini-Golfing. If we do, your going to have to deal with hordes of screaming kids though."

"Well, I could always just kiss you and scare them all of."

"I don't know if that would be the best choice for now. You know kissing me in public, as a PR consultant, I would definitely recommend against it."

"We can't really. If we do anything, we better meet up with the rest of the boys. Kat did win a contest after all, and if we're in public, its probably best if we are there with her."

"Alright, I guess I can deal with that, where are they any ways."

"I don't know, but I could page Nick and find out. Oh, damn it, Nick just got a new pager. I'll page AJ."

"Go for it. Here, you can use my cell-phone." I handed my phone to Brian, and he dialed the numbers. After hanging up we waited about 10 minutes before the phone rang again. I answered the phone, and heard AJ's voice.

"May I speak to Brian." I handed the phone to Brian and he talked to AJ for a few minutes. When he finally got of the phone, he revealed that they were headed over to a water-park, and it would be great if we would meet them there. Brian and I left the house, and 30 minutes later pulled into the parking lot at SUPER WATER ADVENTURE. We got out, and made our way over to the mob of people, which quickly devoured Brian and I. Within seconds we were standing right next to the rest of the Backstreet Boys, being mobbed. The security guards didn't let this continue for very long and soon we were all inside. Kat went with a female PR representative that was there, and went to go change. The boys and I all went to the other dressing room to get changed. I followed Brian straight in, and to a separate part of the room. It was clear that we were both trying to avoid Kevin as much as possible.

We all walked out into the bright sun, and sat down outside the woman's changing room, expecting to wait for quite a while. Surprisingly enough, Kat didn't take very long in the changing room, and soon she was outside with her camera. "Hey, do you boys mind if I take a few pictures." Kat asked.

"Not at all" They all responded. I offered to take the pictures for Kat, so that she could be in the picture. She took me up on that offer. After about 10 min. of pictures we all went to the first water-slide we were going to ride. On the way there I heard Kat ask Brian if he was ok. "Of course I'm OK. It was just indigestion; I ate some bad food. I just figure I can't be too careful."

Brian was the first person up the stairs to the water-slide. He jumped on, and in a second was on his way down. When I finally got to the bottom Brian was waiting for me. I gave him one of my 'I'm Confused Looks' and ask him "Aren't you afraid of Hights Bri?"

"Yes, I actually am. But that doesn't mean I can't go on a waterslide or roller coaster. It's not that bad." Brian responded.

"Sheesh, the way everyone talks about it, I thought that you couldn't even get on a footstool." I replied laughing. Brian looked at me and then cracked up. Shaking his head, he walked back up the waterslide and came down again. I just watched him walk up the stairs to the waterslide, marveling at his awesome body. Deciding that it would be impossible to do anything right now, I waited until Kat came down, and then suggested we go swimming in the coldest pool in the park. To my advantage, Kat loved cold water, and the entire group decided that the cold would be the most fun right now. When we go to the pool, Nick found a ball. He waited until Brian went under water, and right as he surfaced, Nick chucked the ball at Brian's head.

"And He Connects" I heard Nick scream. Brian flipped around, and started swimming towards Nick as fast as he could. Nick didn't see him until it was to late, before he could do anything Brian had his legs, and was dragging him under the water. All the boys were laughing hysterically. Kat and I both thought it was funny, but were also a little confused, Nick and Brian both looked PISSED. We didn't know that this was common fare, both of the boys being really pissed, but they would both be laughing when they surfaced. When Brian came up, he was gasping for breath, I wanted to swim over to him, and make sure that he was OK; but I knew that if Brian and I appeared to be to good of friends, it would get out, and the Backstreet Boys would be over. So I didn't, instead, I heckled him. "So Brian, you try drown Nick, and you end up drowning yourself."

"I can drown you" And with that Brian was on his way over to me. Before I realized what he said, I was under the water, and Brian was above me laughing. Everyone kept goofing around for quite a while, until Kevin finally said, "Guys, we need to get to the Concert Arena, and begin to prepare. "All the guys sadly conceded this and we all got ready to go. In the changing room Kevin looked at me, and apologized, "Adam, I'm really sorry about how I treated you this morning. My behavior was inexcusable, but I still don't agree with you being here. Or anything else Brian is going to do concerning you. We also need some help, Brian has been away from all of us for quite a while, doing his own stuff, and we need some private time to work a few details out. We were wondering if you would be willing to take Kat to the concert arena so we can have the car to ourselves."

"Yeah, I guess I can help you out. Kat seems cool." I replied to Kevin's request.

"Thanks, well we gotta get going. See ya later." And all the boys left, except for Brian.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to." Brian said.

"It's cool. I think Kat will be cool."

"Hey, I have to get going, but I'll see you soon." Brian leaned over, and gave me a kiss, and then he had to leave.

When I finally got out of the dressing room Kat was waiting. "Well Adam, looks like it's just me and you."

"All right, shall we get going." I asked her.

"Sounds good to me." She responded. I showed her were my car was and she followed me out to it. "Oh my god, I can't believe you have a Dodge Durango. A BLACK DOGE DURANGO. I love these things. " Kat was so excited that we would be driving in a Durango. It was hard to believe that anyone would be so contained meeting the Backstreet Boys, yet freak out when about to go driving in a car she loved.

We drove out of the lot, and got onto the freeway. It was going to be a pretty long drive, the stadium that the concert was going to be held on was about an hour drive on the Freeway, with all this traffic. I knew a shorter way, but it was over some little traveled roads. I turned on the radio, and began to drive over to the roads, when Kat gave me the shock of my life. "So what's it like having Brian Littrel for your Boyfriend."

"What, say that again. What do you mean?" I said using my shock to sound shocked that she would even imply something so ludicrous.

"Oh, come on, its so obvious. Plus, I saw you and Brian kiss in the changing room just before you came out." All I could think was 'Oh SHIT, time for some damage control.' Then Kat smiled and said "I can't do this to you. Nick and I have been friends for a while. I've known Brian was gay ever sense Nick has. When I saw you to acting like good friends I guessed. And from the look on your face, I can tell I guessed right about you and Brian kissing in the changing room right before you. I'm really happy for both of you."

"Well, thanks. You almost gave me a Heart attack, I thought Brian and I might have been making lovey faces at each other, making it obvious we were together." I said. Suddenly, I heard several loud noises, and my car died. I stepped out, and opened the hood, to see that something wasn't right underneath it. "Right now is one of those times I wish I knew more about cars than how to change the tire." I went back into my car, grabbed my cell phone, and called the mechanics. They informed me however that my wait was going to be an hour, and that they were TRULY sorry. Bastards! I sat down with Kat and said "If you don't mind me asking, where were your parents this morning Kat? "

"Dead." She replied. "They died about 4 years ago, in a car crash."

"That's odd, my parents and twin died 4 years ago, in a car crash" My head was spinning, this is way to weird was all I could think. I decided Kat seemed cool, and because we did have a while to kill, I told her all about them.

"So were do you live?" Kat asked. "Here in town?"

"Well sometimes I do. My favorite place is Durango, CO. Although Vail is nice too, and one can never forget France. I LOVE Paris."

"Damn boy! How do you afford all of that."

"Well, when my parents died I was left the sole heir to a very large fortune. I'm independently wealthy."

"That's awesome for you."

"I would rather have my family back, but the money is nice. I don't really deal with any of it though. I do some supervision, but that's it." Kat and I continued to talk. She told me all about her life, and how she meet Nick, several years ago when he was part of a group known as Nick and the Angels. Finally, after talking for about an hour and a half, the mechanics showed up. They towed my car back to the shop, and began to work on it. Apparently it was something pretty small, and was just going to take a few minutes to fix. Because both Kat and I were feeling slightly hungry we went across the street to a small Diner to grab a bite to eat. We sat down and ate, talking and laughing. When we both finished our food we went back over to the shop. They had fixed the car, so I paid, and we were once again on out way to the concert.

I decided that I really liked Kat, and that she would be a good friend to have. She really seemed to understand what I was experiencing, and so I decided that before I left, I would give her my Cell Phone number. We finally got to the Stadium where the concert was going to be held, and none of the boys were in sight. I parked my car, and Kat and I walked up to the front gate.

"I'm sorry, but there is no admittance before the concert. So I am going to have to ask you to leave." The guard told Kat and me.

I looked at the guard and with a smile on my face said, "Maybe you should check your list. I believe that Adam Jacobs, and Kat . . ." my voice faded out as I realized I didn't know Kat's last name.

"Borden. Kat Borden." Kat completed for me. The guard pulled out a list, not looking too happy, and looked over the names.

"Fine, you can go in. Your names were on the list after all. I hate it when people add names , and don't tell me." The Guard said, sounding quite exasperated. He reached into his pockets and pulled out two octagon-laminated passes. "These will get you anywhere in the concert. Full-Access"

Kat and I walked past the gate, and into the stadium. We saw a man standing around, and walked up to him. He glanced at the passes Kat and I had hanging around our necks and looked surprised. "Personal guests of the boys. This is rare, well if you are trying to find the Boys they are practicing on the main stage."

We walked in the direction he indicated with his finger. As we walked, we were almost challenged by several guards, but each time they walked up as soon as they noted the passes we were wearing they backed off quite quickly. Finally we reached the stage, and saw the boys dancing. Brian was working personally with Fatima, their choreographer, on what looked like a very complicated move . Kat and I continued to walk, and then I saw Brian look over, he caught a glimpse of me, slipped and fell on his ass. I began to applaud, and everyone else joined in, except for Fatima. She looked at Brian like he had just made a fool out of himself, which he had. Fatima looked at all the Boys, and could tell that they wanted to talk to us, and so she yelled, "BREAK. You have Ten Minutes, and when you come back, I expect your FULL attention." She revealed, with an extra glance at Brian. He lowered his head, blushed, and shuffled off the stage.

Brian strode directly over to me with a look of sheer joy on his face. "I was really worried about you. It wasn't supposed to take this long for you to get here.

I smiled and responded "We had some car trouble. I blew some hose or something equally stupid."

Brian just laughed, and leaned over and whispered in my ear, "If this was private enough, I would blow something, but I know that it wouldn't be a car hose, and it definitely wouldn't be stupid." I blushed, and looked down at my feet. Brian then added, "I would love to hang out, but we only have 10 minutes, and I still need to get a drink of water, so I will talk to you later.

As Brian walked off, I knew I wasn't going to be alone for very long because, as he walked off, Fatima walked up. "So you're Brian's new Boyfriend. I guess you will be acceptable. In the future, please avoid distracting Brian during dance practice." Fatima smiled "Just kidding. You are good though, but the real question is, can you dance?"

"A little, nothing like what the Boys do though."

"Well, we're just going to have to fix that then. It was nice meeting you though; I will see you during the concert. Tonight, I am sitting in the front row, right next to you, so I can decide what we must work on before the Boys go oversea. I will see you later tonight." The way Fatima said that, it didn't even sound like a request. I sounded like a command. I then figured out why she made the Boys all dance so well. When dealing with her, they didn't have a choice.

After a few minutes, Kat and I sat down in the audience, and the Boys went back to the stage to begin practicing again. As I watched them practice, I couldn't help but smile. Brian looked so cute trying to perfect his dancing, under Fatima's critical eye. All of a sudden, Fatima looked down and barked, "Adam, get up here now, Brian needs your help." I sat in my seat shocked for a few seconds, but Fatima wanted me up there. "Now" she said, in a tone that left NO room for arguing.

I quickly jumped up on stage, and Fatima began going over a few steps for me to do. "Brian needs some practice in his responding to these steps" Fatima revealed as she walked away, to begin working with Kevin. I began to work on the steps, and Brian worked back. Even though Fatima was working with Kevin, we didn't escape her. "No" she yelled "Not like that Adam. Brian, take him through those steps again."

She turned her attention back to Kevin, and Brian and I began to work again. A half-an-hour later, I was feeling pretty confident dancing with Brian. Fatima looked up, and said "Not bad Adam, not bad at all." A smile covered my face, as Fatima's compliment reached my ears.

Finally, after practicing for quite a while, Fatima called the practice to an end. She walked over to me smiling and said "Adam, I knew that I could teach you to dance, and trust me, shortly, I'll have you dancing the entire program with the boys." She walked away, and everyone went there separate ways, once again leaving Kat and I together. We talked about the practice for a while , Brian for a few minutes, and then decide to go to the dressing room.

We knocked on the door, and we heard the boys shout, "Come on in." I walked in, and felt like I had walked into an ambush. The boys were all set up at random places around the room. "Adam, nice to see you. Why don't you have a seat? Kat, you can stay if you want, I told everyone how trustworthy you are." Nick said.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

"Brian wants you to come on our tour overseas. He has already gotten the go ahead from the top to offer you a job as a PR representative. Now all we need is you." AJ revealed to me.

"Well, do you Boys want me to come along." I asked.

"Yes" Howie, said.

"For a fact" Nick replied.

"Of course" Brian said, in a very matter of fact tone.

"Whatever" AJ stated, taking the neutral road.

"No, I think it would hurt the group." Kevin said.

"Majority rules," Brian said quickly, before anyone else could say anything. "You come along ."

"A Noncommittal statement from AJ, and an absolute No from Kevin. I can't cause such a decisive rift in the group. I won't come." I felt my eyes begin to fill with tears as I turned to Brian. "Brian, I love you more than anyone or anything in my life. I would do anything you ask . . . "

"Then come with me" Brian interrupted.

"I can't. I would hurt you and the group if I did. For the first time in four years, I have felt truly safe and happy when I was with you. But it's just not going to work." Tears began to run down my face, as I reached my hands to the back of my neck, and removed my Ying-Yang necklace for the first time since Brian, my twin, had given it to me. "I Love you Brian, and I will never forget you. Please never forget me." I leaned over, and kissed Brian. The tears running down my face and the tears running down his face leaked into out kiss, giving it a slightly salty taste. Then I pulled myself away from him grabbed his hand, and left in it my most meaningful possession, my twins

necklace. Tears were still leaking down my face, as I climbed into my car, and left Brian behind.

To Be Continued . . .????

Authors Note 2: Hey so what did you all think. Please write me at or and tell me what you thought. Also write and tell me if I should continue or not. I've got plenty more stories left with these characters, I just need to know if they're worth writing.

Next: Chapter 4: Brians Beach 4 5

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