Brians Beach

By moc.liame@mada_korb

Published on Aug 12, 1999


Disclaimer: Hey you. Check your ID, and ask yourself now it you are old enough to be reading this. If you're not, what are you doing in Nifty, If you are then by all means continue. Next up is the fact that this story contains Gay Erotic Content. If this sickens you, then what are you doing in Nifty? Get out now, before your small mind explodes. If you like to read this type of story, or you find it interesting, the YEAH for you, and read on. The last part of this Disclaimer merely states that this story is not meant to imply ANYTHING about the sexual preference of any of the Backstreet Boys. I would never presume to know. But, if any of the Boys happen to be reading, I would love to talk to you, so e-mail me.

Authors Note: I already know that none of the Boys would ever want to e-mail me, but you can't blame me for trying. This story contains the next two parts of Brian's Beach, and they were TONS of fun to write. One differnce in them is that I have decided to occasionally change the Point of Veiw that I write from. It's pretty obvious when it changes, but I hope that no one gets to confused by it. I need to REALLY REALLY thank Rob, who was kind enough to read one of the rough drafts of this story, and tell me what he thought. I really appreciated the help. I would also like to thank the Adult BSB Fiction list on ONEList for the continuing help on writing this story. Now I have another thank you, and it is really the biggest thanks of all. I want to really thank the Authors who thought that I was good enough to be nominated for a BSB story award, and the Fans who thought that I was good enough to vote for. I may not of won, but being nominated is a big enough honor in itself. Next up, I have submitted questions for the Game Show, they are really easy, and the Game Show looks fun, so read up on all those stories. Thanks for all the e-mail telling me that I should continue my story. It looks like there is enough interest to make it worth continuing. I love the e-mail that you all sent me, and I would love to get e-mail from all of you again telling my what you thought of this last installment. You can e-mail me at or or even at I am really going to try to respond to all the e-mail I get, and suggestions are always appreciated.


The Airplane began its slow decent into the Durango, CO airport. After leaving Brian almost 14 hours ago, I drove directly to the airport, and bought myself plane tickets to Durango. I figured that because Durango was where my main house was, I could find some small comfort there. The airplane landed, and I unloaded myself. Remembering that I wasn't expected for another week, I was immediately on my cell-phone calling my Friend Anita Anderson. She said she would pick me up shortly so I decided to go get my luggage. I managed to get it quite quickly, and looked around for Anita. I didn't see her, but I did see a very inviting chair. I walked over and sat down, exhausted. Placing my head in my hands all I could do was think of the past several days, images of the time that Brian and I spent together flashed just behind my eyes. As I remembered the fragrance he had, and how safe I felt when I was with him, I began to cry softly, once again. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I lifted my head, just in time to see rain begin pouring down from the sky. I turned around and a man was standing behind me.

"Are you OK sir." He asked his voice filled with sympathy.

"Yes, thanks for your concern." I said, my voice cut at him. He gave me an odd look and walked away. I decided to go to the restroom, and look at myself in the mirror. As I peered at myself I realized why the man had been so concerned. I looked like I had been dead for about a week. I looked, to put it bluntly, like shit.

I walked out of the restroom, and saw Anita waiting for me. I walked up to her, and she looked shocked. "Adam, are you OK. Tell me what happened, and who did this to you, and I will KILL them. I knew something was wrong when you got here early, but now that I see you, I know that someone needs to die."

We quickly grabbed all of my luggage, and toted it outside. Throwing it in the back of the car, I climbed in with Anita. She turned on her stereo, and the opening strains of "Show me the meaning of being lonely" came floating out of her speakers. The past few hours had been really hard for me, and I was not ready to deal, not only with the voice of my ex-boyfriend, but also to hear any of their music. In a rush I began to imagine what might have happened if I had just rode it out with Brian, and my eyes began to fill with tears. I knew that I made the right decision, I couldn't be responsible for the breakup of the Backstreet Boys, but I wish that I could have made the wrong decision. But I hadn't. Anita heard me crying, and pulled over and said "Adam, time to tell me what's going on."

"JUST. TURN. THAT. SONG. OFF." I managed to squeeze out. Anita looked worried for a minute, but quickly turned the music off.

As soon as the music was off, she looked at me and informed me "We're are not moving anywhere until you tell me what is going on with you Adam." I had never been able to argue with Anita, and I figured that there was no use to starting now.

I trust Anita with my life, and she has always been there for me, when my parents died and through all the other hells that I have been dragged through, she has stood by my side. When things were bad and when things were good she was always there. So I decided to tell her what happened, because I knew that there was no way this would end up hurting the Backstreet Boys. I left Brian so that I wouldn't cause their breakup, so I wasn't going to start telling everyone their secrets now. Starting with when Brian and I meet, I brought her up to date, all the way to when I left Brian. Anita looked shocked, and then turned to me, and said "God, you sure know how to pick them. You can really run the gamete, from abusive boyfriends, to superstars who YOU dump. And you always come back to Durango, so that I can pick up the pieces."

We both laughed, getting over a particularly uncomfortable situation. Then our conversation turned to more mundane things, like what Anita had been doing since I was last in town. We conversed and laughed until we got to her house, were she had another surprise. "Adam, there is NO way I'm going to let you stay at your house all alone. So, you're staying here with me. NO ARGUMENTS." Its like I thought earlier, I'm not going to start now.

I popped the back of her car, and grabbed my luggage walking into her house. I reached the doorstep to hear Anita call me back. "You're going to love this, Kyle and Cynthia are coming into town tomorrow. We have to pick them up at the airport.

I was ecstatic; Kyle and Cynthia would complete the group. The four of us were always together during High School, and had stayed in touch. Last summer Kyle and Cindy had gotten married, and was living in Bolder, CO. As a wedding gift, I bought them a house in Bolder. I mean what good is money if you don't use it to make other people happy. "So it's official, the whole group will be back together" I said as I walked into the house.

As I entered, the TV was on, and turned to MTV which was playing TRL, and of course they had just started the #1 song, "I Want It That Way" by, of course, the Backstreet Boys. I walked in, just in time to hear Brian sing "You are, my fire. My one desire."

I began crying again, feeling like the biggest wuss in the world. I had been in Durango for about an hour, and I had already cried like three or four times. I looked over at Anita, and joked, with obvious pain and sadness in my voice, "It's just like Brian. First he climbs in my car to serenade me with "Show Me the Meaning" and then he runs into your house, and climbs into your TV in order to tell me that I am his fire."

It was hard to believe that not even 24 hours ago, Adam and I had been a happy couple. What had happened all of a sudden to make Adam dump me? At the time, I didn't think Adam would actually leave. I really didn't believe it until Fatima had shown up backstage, pissed at us all for driving away the first person that any of us had hooked up with that she actually liked. After I found out Adam really did leave, I had Nick drive me by his house, but the only thing I found was a note to his 'summer renters' saying that he had to leave for Durango early, and he would call them later.

The emotional stress I was suffering from was from several different areas. First, I hated when I had to leave a city that I had been in for quite a while. I was excited about touring in Europe, but I didn't really want to leave. The worst thing was that the only thing I could think about was Adam. I remembered what he smelled like, and the feeling of being able to just hold him. I knew that I would never again be able to do that, Adam had come into my life like a bolt of lightning, but he left just as abruptly. The only things I had from him were the address of a house that he was renting out, a memory that he was in Durango, CO, and a Ying-Yang necklace that his twin gave to him. No phone numbers, his name was completely unlisted, so I didn't see a large chance of finding him anytime soon. I began to silently cry, holding my head in my hands, and thinking about Adam.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and I looked up to see Kevin "Bri, are you OK."

"Considering the fact that my cousin just ruined my life, I'm doing GREAT" I said, putting as much of my pain and sarcasm in that statement as I could. Kevin walked off, a slump in his shoulders. It was obvious that he felt at least marginally bad about breaking up Adam and I. I put my earphones on, turned on my CD player, and leaned my head against the window.

The waves lapped at my feet as Adam and I walked along the beach, holding hands. Adam brought both of our hands up to his mouth, and kissed my hand. I playfully pushed him, and he fell into the water, making sure to bring me down with him. Grabbing my shirt, he threw it into the ocean , "An appeasement to the fishes, for the ridiculous shows of affection we put on for them daily." Adam said. He stood up, and I just looked at him, little droplets of saltwater beaded on his perfect chest. I got onto my knees licking the droplets off of his upper chest. He looked down into my eyes, and said "I think you said it best, 'I feel in heaven when I look in your eyes, I know that you are the one for me'" I laughed at Adams reference to our song, and brought myself to my feet. I nestled my head into the place were his neck meet his shoulder, and began to kiss him.

Suddenly a jolt woke me up, and I saw Nicks smiling face. "I would have woken you up earlier , but I decided that you and Adam needed a few more minutes. You kept saying his name in your sleep. " Nick smiled "Well, we're here, we need to get to the hotel, our first concert is tomorrow night, actually, later today."

I managed to drag myself back to semi-consciousness, and get into the limo. When we got up to the hotel, I could barely wait to get to my room, and get back to dreaming. But that didn't seem to be in the plans. As I walked into the hotel, I saw Kat standing next to my door, waiting for me. "Brian, what took you so long. You know that I came along to make sure you boys didn't do anything that would eventually hurt you. We got here 15 minutes ago, and your only NOW getting to your room. You've had a hard few hours, to bed. NOW."

Just then I realized that I was really glad that I had Kat around. When Adam left, Kat had been just as worried. When I left to search for Adam, Kat had been right at my side. It was really great getting to know her. I was glad that she had won another contest that extended her stay with us through our tour of Europe. For some reason though, she had become sort of a mother figure. When she used her authoritative tone, we all listened, even though we were all older than she was.

"Kat, you're not my mother. I'll go to bed, when I need to go to bed." I said in a snappy voice. It wasn't that I didn't want to go to bed, just that when someone tells me what to do, I have to argue, on principle.

"Don't give me this crap Brian. Go to bed now." I was kind of glad she was forcing the issue . I was tired, and I wanted to go to bed, so I quickly agreed. Walking slowly through the door, so I didn't fall over or anything, I entered my room. Making it over to my bed, I flopped down, and fell into a blessedly dreamless sleep.

I peacefully slept for several hours, until I heard someone knocking at my door. I walked over and opened the door and standing outside of it was some girl I'd never seen before. She reached up and grabbed the back of my head, and pulled me into a kiss. I pulled away from here quickly, but not before her friend had gotten a picture. "Hi" I said, not sure of what was going on.

The girl looked right into my eyes and then screamed, and fainted. Several doors opened when she screamed, and Kat walked out. "What's going on here Brian?" She asked in a carefully monotone voice.

"This girl knocked on my door, and when I answered the door, she kissed me. When I said 'Hi' she screamed and fainted." I revealed to Kat.

Luckily security was already escorting the girl away, and left Kat and I standing in the hallway alone. "Go back to sleep Brian, I would make sure you went, but I have to get back to my room"

"Why, is there a hot guy ready to make wild love to you." I smiled.

"No, I was just talking to Adam."

I knew that I had a shocked look on my face, but the way Kat was smiling I knew it was true. "What . . . how did you get his phone number." I asked, amazed that I would be able to talk to him.

"Well, when you and Adam ran off, we all knew you would call back. When you paged AJ, I just pulled the number off his pager. Amazingly, it was Adams Cell Phone, so when I called, I got hold of him."

This was the best I had felt since coming over to Europe. Without even asking Kat, I ran into her room, and picked up the phone.

"Adam?" I questioned.

"Brian?" I heard a shocked voice on the other side of the line.

"Yeah, its Brian. How are you doing."

"Decent, look Brian, I really can't talk to you right now. It's too hard. Bye." I could tell that Adam was almost crying on the other end of the phone. Tears began to run down my face, as I came to the final realization that I would never be able to get back together with Adam.

////////Time Lapse: Later that Evening at The Backstreet Boys New Concert////////

The music was cued, and it was my turn to start singing "Show Me The Meaning" my only question was, can I do it? I answered my own question, I have to. I opened my mouth to begin, and my voice choked up. Nothing was coming out, so I did the only logically thing, gestured to AJ, and started dancing, all the while tears were running down my face. By the time we moved onto the next song "Back to your heart" I had pulled myself together. Every time I would feel myself begin to choke up, I would concentrate on the Ying-Yang hanging from my neck, and I would remember that Adam was still with me, even if I couldn't touch him. I kept myself under control, and I managed to deal with all my wild emotions. All of the Boys were worried about me, and I could see that they wanted to help in some way, but they knew that they couldn't do anything. After the concert several of the people with backstage passes were concerned to, but I just said that I hadn't gotten much sleep.

When we went back to the Hotel, Kevin talked to me for a while, but I made it clear that I wasn't enjoying our conversation. After Kevin all of the Boys cycled through at random intervals, but I just didn't want to talk. The only person I would talk to was Kat. Talking with her made my day, she told me how Adam was doing, and that he said hi. The only thing she did that made me mad, was refuse to give me Adams phone number. She would always say, 'Adam is having a hard enough time doing everything, with out a phone call from you'. The only thing I really focused on was our concerts.

The entire group was in my room giving me a pep talk, when I decided I had enough of all of them. "All right, I know you all want me to be happy, but that is just not going to happen right now . I'm sad, and if you don't leave me alone I will only get sadder. I have to pack, because in an hour we leave for Paris. Go now, please." With that all the Boys stood up and left my room leaving me alone. I gathered all my stuff up and shoved it into a suitcase. Usually, I took real good care of my clothes, but today, I just wasn't up to it. I zipped up my suitcase and lay down on my bed, with my hand enclosing the Ying-Yang necklace. I rested my hand with the Ying-Yang necklace over my heart, and curled up, crying.

As I arrived at the Airport, I was incredibly excited. Anita and I were going to pick up Kyle and Cynthia. What better way to start over in Durango, than with the people who had always supported me. I was finally able to see my friends, and hang out with them, without worrying about making a flight, or some homework that needed to be done. All the excitement was almost enough to make me forget about Brian, and what I had to give up, almost. I could still feel a distinct ache in my heart, but it was dulled by all my excitement. I had already spent one evening trying to talk myself out of being so sad, I reasoned that I had only spent One day, and an evening with him, so I really didn't have any reason to be sad. But my heart didn't seem to be dealing in the currency of logic, so I stopped trying. The only thing I knew for certain was that I was damned determined not to let my sadness ruin the precious time I had with my friends.

Anita and I took our seats, waiting for the delayed plane our friends were on. I felt partially better because I knew how Brian was doing. Kat had called my last night, revealing that there was indeed a way to find me, and also that she was employed by the Boys. It had been one of the largest shocks of my life to hear Brian's voice come out of my phone, and I had panicked, and hung up on him. I was usually more logical that that, but hearing his voice made me want to catch the nearest plane, and fly away to him. I knew that logically there was no way I could do that, but as I said, my heart just wasn't accepting logic.

I glanced over at Anita and noted that she was reading a Rolling Stone article about the Boys. I knew that she hated it when people read over her shoulder, so I quickly looked away. As my eyes wandered over towards the ticket counter, my phone rang. Expecting it to be Kat, or one of my other close friends, I answered the phone by saying "What da you want!?"

"I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number." The voice responded.

"Well who are you looking for?" I shot back.

"Adam Jacobs." The voice said, surprising me.

"Well, you've found him. May I ask who's calling?"

"This is Kevin Richardson. Brian Littrel's cousin."

"Yah, I know who Kevin Richardson is. I'm not with Brian, I left you all. Can't you pay me the same decency? I did what you want, I left Brian. Now how do you want to fuck with me." I said in a restrained voice.

"I want you to reconsider your decision to not join the Backstreet family."

I felt my mouth fall open in shock, and I asked "What can I attribute this sudden change of heart to?"

"Brian. I may not like what you stand for, but I don't have a whole lot of options. I have known Brian was gay for a very long time, before he joined the group. With you was the first time it had every really been shoved in my face. I let my emotions fly out of control, and images of the Groups destruction flashed through my eyes as I said 'No' to you. But now, time has passed and I have cooled down. I also noticed how strongly Brian has reacted to your loss. It almost seems as if you bonded together as one. Since you left, Brian has withdrawn, I can't hurt him. Please, meet us in Paris." Kevin said as quickly as possible.

There was silence for a few seconds, as I registered what he had said. My only stumbling block to joining up with the Boys was removed, and I was already in an airport. "Yes, I will come. I'm in an airport right now; I'll get the tickets to Paris. Thanks Kevin." With that, I walked over the Ticket Booth, and began to process of meeting up with Brian.

As I prepared for getting the tickets, the only thing I wondered about was, why am I doing this. Seriously, I have only known Brian for around 2 days. I already wondered if maybe I was being childish by feeling so bad about leaving Brian. The only thing I knew for certain was that I felt a very special connection with Brian, I felt safe when I was with him. Brian was perfect, and if there was anyway to stay with him I was going to pursue it. The next thing I thought of was the fact that I had know Brian for much longer than two days. I had fallen in love with Brian the first time I saw him, several years ago. While reading all about his life wasn't quite like actually KNOWING him, it was close enough to form some sort of connection. But even that wasn't the extent of my rationalization. Brian had already tried to secure me a job with the group, which meant that he obviously wanted me with him. His reaction to me leaving him was also large enough to change the only opponent to my joining the group's mind. Kevin had actually asked me to reconsider; meaning that Brian must still feel some connection to me. The final puzzle piece was the fact that I simply had enough money to do this, it wasn't like my going over to Europe was going to break the bank, I mean I was independently wealthy. So worst case scenario, Brian hates me and never wants to see me again, I still got to spend time in my favorite part of Europe, and see my favorite band perform, I couldn't loose. As long as I took along Anita or another friend it will Kick ass.

Anita must have been able to tell I was engaged in deep thought, because she just stood by my side silently, until I indicated I was ready to talk. The first thing out of her mouth was "Why are you in line at the Ticket Booth, what did Kevin want."

"Well, I think I am about to go to Paris to meet up with Brian. Kevin asked me to reconsider , so I think I will be meeting up with Brian."

"Shit, Cynthia and Kyle's plane is here I'm going to get them. This line is long enough to keep you waiting for like an hour, so I'll be right back." With that Anita ran over to the gate, and waited impatiently for the plane to unload.

I just stood in line thinking, is this the right thing to do. I knew that I could rationalize it, and make it look like I was doing the right thing, but was it. The only thing I could think of was that I didn't have any other choice. I wasn't risking anything by going. By not going, however, I was going to always wonder if this could have worked out. For me, going to Paris wasn't even a big commitment, just a trip that looked fun; it was my only choice. Right then Cynthia came storming up. "NO. WAY. IN. HELL." Cynthia shouted at me.

"I'm going Cyndi. That's it."

"No Adam you're not. We've already spent a lot of time patching up your broken heart before, and I'm not going to let you do it again. You always commit too much, then when it ends, I am left to patch up the damage."

"Cyndi, you always were a prickly Bitch. God, you come into town just in enough time to forbid me from leaving. I'm going to go, if you like it or not." I shot at her.

We stood in silence for a little while. "Adam, I really don't understand you sometimes. I want to absolutely forbid you from going, but I'm not. This is the first time you have EVER stood up to me, so I guess I am going to just let you go your own separate way." Cynthia conceded.

They whole group stood in line, talking about how we had all been. It was nice to see Cyndi and Kyle again, but I felt bad about leaving so fast. We talked about my new boyfriend in really amorphous terms, so that no one else in the line would pick up on the fact that it wasn't just the guy down the street. After what seemed like hours, I finally got up to the front of the line. "I need tickets for the next possible trip to Paris."

"Well, you are in luck. We have a plane that is going in Three Hours. It will take you to Denver; from there you will fly to LAX, and then right to Paris. It's the only flight that I am going to be able to book you on." The Ticket Lady told me.

"I'll take it." I responded. I filled out all the stuff, paid for the tickets with my Credit Card, and then I was ready. Grabbing my phone, I quickly called Kevin, and gave him all the Ticket information. He said he would make sure to have someone at the airport to pick me up. I wasn't sure if I totally trusted him, but I figured that if he tried to strand me, I could always call Kat.

After finishing my phone call, Anita quickly rushed Cyndi, Kyle, and me out to her car. We climbed in and were rushing towards her house in no time. When we finally got there I was incredible happy that I had barely begun to unpack. Grabbing all the stuff laying around the house, I was ready to go in about 15 minutes. Dragging all my luggage out to the car, I yelled for Anita. Cyndi and Kyle came out to see me off. "Boy, you better call us if you have any idea about what's good for you ." Cyndi made herself crystal clear.

Anita and I ran to the car, and quickly pulled away. I looked back, sad for a second, because I was leaving behind what I knew for something new. After leaving Cyndi and Kyle behind, could things ever be the same. Probably not, but did I want to risk things changing, but being able to spend the rest of my life with Brian, absolutely so.

Authors Note 2: At this point I would usually submit this story. For two reasons, I have included Part 6. First, because Part 5 by itself is two short, and secondly, because I haven't reached where I want to make you guys stop reading as I type up the next part. So, what I am doing is including the 6th part.


The plane touched down in Paris, and I could barely contain my excitement. I was going to see Brian again!!!! I hoped that we would be able to get over the anger that we had for each other, and stay together, but right now, I was ready to try anything. It's amazing how experiences can change you; not even 12 hours ago, I was ready to curl up in my bed, and die. But now that I was going to see Brian, I didn't think that I could curl up in my bed.

I quickly got off the plane, and began looking around for anyone I knew, or a sign that had my name on it. Glancing around the crowd, I caught a quick glimpse of Fatima, and ran over to her. She didn't notice me moving towards her, and I walked up behind her and said "How ya doing Fatima"

"Adam" she sounded truly happy to see me. "I am so glad to see you. You should have said Good Bye to me before you left."

I was slightly shocked; I didn't expect Fatima to even care that I left. "I'm sorry. I was really upset, and not thinking too clearly. Why are you here?"

"Kevin was trying to find someone to pick you up, without letting Brian know, I volunteered. I am in Europe because the Boys were so sloppy that I had to come over with them and help. All the Boys are busy today, and you will not be going to their concert. We all decided that we want you to surprise Brian, so you will be going to the Hotel."

"Thank you soooo much Fatima. I really appreciate all your help."

"Thanks for the compliment Adam. While I was waiting, I came up with an idea for when you first see Brian."

With that Fatima leaned over, and began whispering in my ear. I felt a smile spread across my face as I said, "That sounds perfect. Lets get going." As Fatima and I walked out to the car, all I could do was laugh, was Brian ever going to have an interesting night!

I was exhausted after the concert. It was nice to be in Paris, but all I could think was that it would be nicer if Adam was here. Regularly, concerts were hard enough, singing, dancing, meeting people after the show, even dodging the occasionally pair of panties. Unfortunately, that wasn't all I had to deal with. I also had to perform, and act happy for the viewing audience, when there was NO WAY I was happy. This is pitiful, even for me, my melancholy mood was affecting everything I did, and I couldn't even TRY to talk to Adam, I was just depressed. The only fortunate thing that was happening was that this was my last concert, and then we had a Two-week break. Right now though the only thought on my mind was getting into my room, and sleeping, while thoughts of Adam danced in my head.

I walked up to my room, and inserted the Key card into the door. I walked into the pitch- dark room, and I smelled something. I couldn't place the scent, but it was definitely there. My eyes adjusted to the dark, and I saw something on my bed. All of a sudden it moved, and I almost yelled, I restrained myself and muttered in a lox voice, "Hello, who is in here. I am armed, and I don't take this as a joke. If you don't show yourself, and leave, I WILL CALL THE POLICE."

As I said that I heard an un-mistakable laugh. "Adam" I called out.

"It's me. Damn it, this was supposed to be all romantic and crap, but I fell asleep." Adam said.

"What are you talking about"

"Well, yesterday Kevin called me, and asked me to reconsider my leaving you. I decided that I would, so I flew into the Paris airport earlier today. Fatima picked me up; she worked with me, and helped choreograph a strip tease for you to the song "The One". I came back to your room to set up, and right now, the candles are ready to be lit, Millenium is in the CD player ready to start playing "The One", your bed is covered in rose petals, and there are a few surprises in the refrigerator. So, if you will kindly walk back out of this room, give me three minutes, and then come back in, I would love to make this your most memorable reunion ever."

I began to scurry around the room, lighting candles, pushing chairs around, and cueing up the stereo. I ran over to the refrigerator, and grabbed the cake that was inside. I shook it, and heard the sound of the REAL surprise inside, and moved it over onto the table. Listening closely, I heard the sound of Brian opening the door, and I hit play on the stereo. The opening cords of "The One" came out of the speakers as I quickly moved over to Brian. Right as the song finished the opening words "I'll be the one"; I picked up Brian, spun around and placed him on the bed, in the center of all the rose petals. I went to the space directly in front of him, and then I began to slowly unbutton my shirt. My shirt was hanging open, only to reveal that I had a white undershirt on. I spun around as I began to pull it off, and tripped over my own feet. I landed on my face, and Brian stood up and quickly made his way over to me. I felt tears running down my face as Brian grabbed me. "Don't cry, Adam, please don't cry." He whispered in my ear.

"I can't help it," I said back to him, "I spent all day working on this, trying to make up for being such an asshole to you, and then I keep screwing up. First I fall asleep, and end up scaring you, and then I trip over my own feet."

"You are too sweet. Adam, please remember that it doesn't matter. All I know is that when I walked into this room, I was as depressed as I have ever been. But when I heard you laugh, and realized that it was you who was in my room, I was as happy as I have ever been. All the fancy dance routines, and romantic candlelight would mean nothing, if it wasn't you responsible for it. You being here is more than enough for me" I heard the tears in Brian's voice as he said this, and I knew that I was in the right place. "Just stay here with me."

Just then I heard a knock at the door. Brian stood up, and walked over to the door. When he opened it, I saw the rest of the Boys standing at the door. "Fatima told us that there was some cake in here for us. We just came over to eat it."

"Fatima promised me that you guys wouldn't come until later." I said.

"She tried to stop us, but I mean CAKE, who could wait." Nick smiled back.

"All right you guys come on in, but no smart remarks."

The boys all walked in and went over to the table with the cake on it. "Ohhhh, how romantic. So what was on the menu for dinner, Brian a la mode or an Adam Burger." AJ questioned, with at glint in his eye.

"From the looks of it, a little of each." Nick deviously replied.

"Come on you guys, you promised no smart remarks." I said, more for Brian's sake then mine. I could see Brian turning a bright shade of scarlet, and anyway I wanted him to find the secret that I hidden in the cake.

The boys all quickly dug in, and began to cut out slices of the cake. As they were handing out all the portions, I heard a knock at the door. I quickly walked over to it and opened it, to see Kat standing in the doorway. "Hey Adam, am I too late. I heard that you had a cake for us to eat."

I quickly embraced Kat and said, "It's nice to see you again. Yeah, the cake is right inside . Dig in, everyone else is."

We walked back over to the cake and I saw that it was over halfway gone. "Good Lord, don't they feed you guys when you're on the road." I asked in an exasperated voice.

"Sure they do, but not with anything nearly this good." Nick quickly responded.

I looked at the cake to make sure that the box on the inside was visible and then I said, "Hey Brian, will you look at that, there is something in the cake."

He walked over to the cake, and looked at it, picking up the box, all in one fluid gesture. He opened the box, and saw what I had managed to get on the inside. Reaching in, he pulled out two necklaces. One had the white half of a Ying-Yang, and the other was the black half. The necklaces were both connected by two simple gold rings. I saw tears fill Brian's eyes as he looked at them. "I realized today, that no matter what I do, I can never be complete without you." I said, joy and tears both were filling my voice. "Each one of us gets one of the rings, and one of the necklaces. On the back of each half of the Ying-yang, half my pledge to you is inscribed. For on one, and ever on the other. Forever. As long as each of us is still committed the pledge is good. But it takes both half's for it to work out. The rings each have the full word "Forever" on them, but they are a FULL commitment. If your ready for it, then we get the rings, if not, we still have the necklaces, and the rings can wait."

"Adam, I love you. Don't ever forget that, the rings, that is a little to fast right now. We have the necklaces, but when we wear the rings we need to be sure that our feelings will NOT change. For now, lets stick with the necklace." Brian said, his voice only wavering slightly.

"I love you Brian." I said. "And I love you" He replied. The rest of the room, sensing that our moment was over, began to talk and congratulate both Brian and me on finding each other. We all talked for a little while, and eventually were all laughing and joking like old friends, even the tension between me and Kevin seemed way down.

Finally, as the night wore on, people began to feel the need to go back to their rooms. Everyone began to pick up, and move on, and Kevin, feeling particularly funny said, "Hey everyone, we should probably go back to our rooms, and let these to love birds finish their ROMANTIC evening."

As the last person left the room, Brian looked at me and revealed, "I have never been so happy, nor so bone tired as I am right now. How about we go to sleep, and decide what we want to do tomorrow, tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan to me. Only I have on condition. You have to sleep in the same bed as me, and we have to cuddle all night long."

"Ah, that's a hard one. But I guess I will just have to deal." And with that Brian grabbed me, threw me onto the empty bed, and we feel asleep entangled and content in each other's arms.

To Be Continued . . .

I would love any comments on my story, or suggestions. Please e-mail me at or or even at I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 5

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