Bridget's Awakening

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Sep 26, 2013


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Bridget's Awakening

Part Ten

By Chris

"Oh my God..." Bridget gasped and she came to a stop forcing Ivy to stop with her.

"That's Ms. Perterson... with Clara..." Bridget gasped out gripping Ivy's arm tightly.

"I believe that it is," Ivy stated like it was no big deal.

"That means that they're..." Bridget stammered out not able to finish her thought.

"Lesbian... Yes they are." Ivy told her smiling at her as she reached down and grasping her hand. "Come on and let's join the rest of our friends."

As they approached the table filled with women, Bridget studied the faces that were now very familiar to her. They were the faces that she saw everyday at her school. She first saw Helen, the tall slim third grade teacher, whom was married to a powerful CEO of a multinational company. June and Maggie both fourth grade teachers. There was also Pricilla, Pat and Rebecca, all of whom taught in the high school section with her. She looked to the right and left of this table to see even more of her fellow teachers. To say that this was a bit of a shock to her was putting it mildly but after a second, she began to realize that it wasn't so much of a shock that she and Ivy weren't the only gay people at the school.

There were two empty chairs at the table, obviously reserved for her and Ivy. Ivy brought her on up to the table and Bridget noticed that everyone stopped talking not only at this table but also at the tables to each side of them.

"Ladies let's all welcome Bridget to her first Slut Night at Rita's!" Ivy said loudly and with a big grin on her face.

This embarrassed Bridget to death and she was glad that the lighting wasn't all that bright so that no one could see how red her face was. She felt like she was in the center of everyone's attention and she was much to her displeasure. Bridget didn't think it could get worse but it did when everyone stood up and they all gathered around her giving her hugs and kisses, welcoming her to their monthly gathering of drinking and partying. The only good thing about all this attention was that Bridget got to see how everyone else was dressed and she realized that it was indeed slut night as everyone had on short skirts and revealing blouses. Well except for Helen who had on a skin tight body suit that one could clearly make out her nipples and gave her a defined cameltoe.

Bridget was relieved when everyone had welcomed her and went back to their own seats. But then Ivy insisted that she take her jacket off, going to the point of helping her to do so. Bridget began to blush again when more than a few eyebrows arched seeing that she was not wearing a bra under her blouse. Again the lighting protected her but still everyone knew and that was all that mattered. Bridget quickly sat down and as soon as she sat down a waitress came over setting a glass of white wine in front of her and Ivy. Obviously Ivy had already told them what they liked to drink and she wondered just what else that she had told them.

"I'm glad that you finally brought Bridget to our monthly meeting," Ms. Peterson said to Ivy.

"Well Viv, I just wanted to make sure that I got her to fall for me first before I let her around all you hussies!" Ivy said loudly bringing a laugh from them all.

"And did she?" Viv asked directing her question to Bridget.

Bridget looked over at Ivy who was looking back at her and Bridget knew that for once she had Ivy at her mercy, "Mmmm I don't know Ms Peterson, I'm thinking that maybe I should see if there's something better out there. And from the all the pretty ladies here, I think I should keep my options open."

Ivy frowned at her while everyone else laughed at Ivy's expense and then Bridget started to get all these date offers from everyone. Ivy just frowned at her but then Bridget leaned over to give Ivy a kiss to make up for teasing her.

"She got you there Ivy," Viv said to Ivy. "And here you can just call me Viv, I'm just one of the girls, you understand."

"Yes I do Viv and thank you for welcoming me here though I'm still a little pissed at Ivy for leaving me in the dark for so long." Bridget told Ivy and she was a little serious there.

"That's not completely Ivy's fault, we're all careful considering our profession and the school that we work." Helen said to her. "And we weren't so sure where you stood for a while there."

"I wasn't so sure myself," Bridget confessed and Helen gave her an understanding smile.

"So when did Ivy tell you all that I was gay," Bridget had to ask knowing that was a question that Ivy should answer and she hoped that she would.

"She didn't, we only knew that she was bringing someone new here tonight." Maggie told her.

"But it wasn't hard to figure out who that was with you two sneaking off to the boiler room every day to smoke and whatever else you did..." Viv said with a knowing smile.

"You knew that?" Bridget said shocked that their boss knew about that, she had been thinking that they had been getting away with that all this time.

"Oh hell honey, the whole school knows, you two were the hot gossip for the first month of school." Pricilla stated with a laugh.

"Oh god," Bridget said blushing and cursing Ivy in her mind for making her the subject of gossip.

"Oh honey, it was all in good nature and besides it was nice to see you slowly come out of your shell and blossom before our eyes." Pricilla said leaning over and giving her a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Yes we all think you make a very nice couple and we're glad that you found each other." Viv said to her giving her another smile that made Bridget feel much better.

"Okay enough about Bridget and I, you've gotten me into enough trouble tonight," Ivy said as she leaned over to give Bridget a kiss and a hug, leaving her arm over her shoulder.

"Yes please, let's talk about something else," Bridget said before taking a sip of her wine to calm her nerves back down.

"Sounds good to me," June said giving Bridget an understanding smile.

And so the talking started with several conversations going on at once. Bridget began to enjoy the evening and the conversations. Sometimes a couple of the women would go downstairs to dance but then a couple returning from the dance floor would take their place.

"So would you like to dance?" Ivy asked a little while later.

"Ivy there's not enough wine in this bar to get me to get out on that dance floor." Came Bridget's honest reply; from the moment that she had seen the dance floor, she was determined that she wasn't going to going there.

"Oh that sounds like a challenge girls," Helen said. Then she turned her head to the right and yelled out, "Hey Michelle, Bridget says that there's not enough wine in this bar to get her out on the dance floor."

Michelle, one of the first grade teachers, got up from her table, came over to where Bridget was sitting. "There may not be enough wine to get you out on the floor but there is more than enough women to drag your ass out there. Come on girls let's get her out on the floor."

Several of the teachers immediately got up surrounding Bridget and then Ivy got up, "Et Tu Brute?" Bridget said quoting the only line from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar that she remembered to Ivy.

Ivy grinned, "Afraid so." Then she held out her hand. Bridget looked around hoping to find a sympatric face but she found none, even Viv was grinning at her predicament.

"I'll get you for this," Bridget said to Ivy getting a laugh from the rest of the women as she stood up.

She was then led down the stairs and onto the dance floor. Bridget felt like she was going to pass out from everyone looking at her but then she saw that all her fellow teachers had gathered in a circle around her. No one was going to see her dance except them and they were all dancing to the rhythm of the song that the band was playing.

"But I don't know how to dance," Bridget said standing there.

"Oh hell honey, neither do we, it isn't important how you dance, just let you're your body go free," Helen said with a laugh. Then she grabbed Bridget by the waist and she began to make her sway them.

"See now your dancing," Helen said with a warm smile then she leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips, surprising Bridget more than a little.

"She's all yours," she then said to Ivy, giving Ivy a sexy wink.

"Thank you," Ivy said to her and then she turned to Bridget taking her into her arms, "Move with me baby." Ivy said to her.

So even thought there was a fast hard rock song being played, Ivy had her slow dancing and Bridget began to relax in her arms. Ivy kept her in her arms though that song before releasing her when the next song began to play. Ivy began to dance faster with more movement in her hips and her arms. Bridget started to copy her moves and though their friends had moved farther away, she wasn't so self-conscious. She didn't even mind when she was pulled away from Ivy by Michelle and she danced with her. She was then passed around, dancing with all the women that got her down here before she was allowed to dance a slow song with Ivy.

After the song, they went back upstairs to their table. Ivy went on to their table while Bridget slipped off to the bathroom. When Bridget come out of the bathroom and she got close to their table, she noticed that Ivy was standing between Viv and Clara, the school secretary and she seemed to be telling them something which had them smiling. About then, she saw Pat say something to get Ivy's attention. Ivy looked up giving her a smile before coming back around to her seat. As she sat down, Bridget felt like every eye at the table was on her and she wondered just what Ivy was up to as she was obviously up to something and that something most likely involved her.

The drinks that they all had had also begun to loosen up their tongues, the conversation had been about the school and the kids they were all trying to teach turned to sex. To Bridget's surprise, it was Viv who got the conversation going. She began to talk about how she had met her partner when she lived in Maine. Her mother had died suddenly from a embolism and Audrey was her mother's lawyer. She helped her probate the will and get things settled. Audrey seemed to spend a lot of extra time helping her, more than was necessary and when it was finished, Audrey asked her to dinner.

It seemed that Aubrey had more than dinner planned for that night and Viv said that she didn't mind in the least. Viv said that Audrey had long flowing red hair and she was smitten with her from the moment that she had walked into her office. Viv didn't stop her story at the bedroom door but went into detail as to what Aubrey had done to her that night.

Viv's story definitely changed the topic of their conversation as Maggie went next and she had her own tale to tell. Her story was about how she had her first lesbian experience with a girl that she met on their first day of High School. They were both nervous and scared however by the end of the first day they were best friends and by the end of the week, they were lovers. Soon Bridget found that her panties were getting more than a little moist and her nipples were hardening. They were all drinking more and that just helped to make the stories bawdier and more explicit. As each story was told Bridget found that she was getting hornier by the moment and she was having trouble sitting still. The fact that the women were coming and going so the stories seemed to be never ending so that just added to her problem located at the gusset of her panties. Even Ivy had her own tale to tell, one that she had heard before but with the way she was feeling, it only further aroused Bridget.

When Ivy suggested that they go to the bathroom, Bridget was relieved as it would give her a break from these damn stories. Bridget went to the first empty booth and before she could close the door, Ivy followed her inside.

"What are you doing, someone will see us!" Bridget said turning around to face Ivy. At least it was large enough booth to allow them some room.

"So, they won't care what we're doing," Ivy said giving her a wink. "You go ahead and pee."

"Okay," Bridget said trying to read Ivy's face to see what she was up to as she knew Ivy was up to something, she could sense that since she saw Ivy talking to Viv and Clara earlier in the evening.

Bridget reached up under her short skirt, pulling her panties down and then she sat down on the toilet. She hoped that Ivy wouldn't see just how wet her panties were or smell her arousal. Any hope of that was gone when Ivy squatted down in front of her, placing her hands to her panties.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Bridget asked as quietly though what Ivy was doing was very obvious since her panties were now at her ankles and being taken off.

"I'm taking your panties off," Ivy told her.

"You can't do that!" Bridget said even while she was raising her feet off the floor to allow Ivy to do exactly that.

"But I am baby," Ivy said giving her a sexy grin. "Mmmm smells nice," Ivy further added after putting Bridget's panties to her nose and sniffing.

"What you doing Ivy?" Bridget asked again when she saw Ivy reaching into her large purse and pulling out Bridget's leather collar.

"I'm playing out a little fantasy of mine," Ivy said putting the collar to Bridget's neck as Bridget held her hair up.

"Oh," Bridget said nervously though she felt her pussy pulse at the same time.

"Remember one word and everything stops..." Ivy whispered into her ear and then Bridget felt a soft kiss to her lips.

"I know..." Bridget said with a shy smile, now getting even more excited about whatever Ivy had up her sleeve.

Ivy put her hands to her cheeks giving her a soft kiss making her purr. The kiss lingered for but a moment before Ivy pulled back giving her a wink. Bridget had to sit for a second before she realized that she really didn't have to pee nor was she able to. So she got on up allowing Ivy to sit down. When Ivy had her panties down, she noticed that the gusset of Ivy's panties was not only wet but soaked. So the stories and whatever Ivy was up to had gotten to her too. Ivy did have to pee and so she did and she wiped herself clean though she didn't figure that Ivy's pussy would remain dry for long. Ivy gave her another kiss before they left the booth to a couple of stares from the women in the restroom. Bridget blushed knowing what the women were thinking. Ivy pulled her by the hand to the sink where they washed their hands and put fresh lip gloss on before leaving the bathroom.

When they got back to the table, the first thing that Bridget noticed was that there was now an empty chair between Clara and Viv. The chair that she had been using was now taken by Helen. Ivy led her over to the chair between Clara and Viv and then she held for her as she sat down.

Ivy gave her a light kiss and before leaving, she whispered into her ear, "Play along, it might be very arousing..."

"Oh my..." Bridget said now knowing that whatever fantasy Ivy was playing out clearly involved her boss and the school secretary.

Ivy went on back to her chair, which was directly across from her, sitting down with a sort of gleam in her eyes. Bridget saw Ivy giving her a conspiratorial wink. Bridget started to cross her right leg over her left when she felt a warm soft hand on her right thigh. Bridget looked down to see that it was Clara's hand on her thigh. She looked up into Clara's eyes and she saw them smiling back at her as where her lips.

Just as Bridget was about to reach down to remove Clara's hand from her thigh, she felt another hand on top of her left thigh. Bridget looked down at her thigh to see Viv's hand there. She glanced over at Viv and she also had this soft grin on her lips and her eyes were lit up.

Bridget wasn't sure just what she was supposed to do. She looked over at Ivy when she felt Clara and Viv gently pulling her legs open. She saw that Ivy had this soft smile to her face and she watched as Ivy gave her a sexy grin. She then knew what Ivy was up to and what Ivy wanted her to do. Bridget kept looking at Ivy trying to decide what she wanted to do, stop Viv and Clara from feeling her up as they were obviously intent on doing. She wanted to please Ivy but she also knew this had to be what she wanted too. Ivy had also given her an out in the games that they played and she knew that one word from her would end this game before it ever got started.

Viv and Clara's hands were putting gentle pressure on her thighs but they weren't pulling very hard. They too were leaving this up to her to play along or stop it. Bridget looked down at the wrinkled hands on her thighs and then she looked over at Ivy all the while conversations were going on around them. Bridget thought about how naughty this game could be and she felt a tingle come to her pussy and that was all she needed. She felt her face blushing as she relaxed her legs and they parted until she felt her knees touching Viv and Clara's legs.

Bridget tried to concentrate on the conversations that even Viv and Clara were contributing to as she felt their fingers tenderly caressing her inner thighs. She felt her pussy begin to get moist just waiting for those tender, caressing, and knowing fingers to reach it. Bridget felt her mouth go dry and with her right hand shaking slightly, she reached out for her wine glass. She almost spilled it when she picked it up and she felt Ivy's hands go over her right hand calming her nerves. She felt Ivy's fingers caress her hands and that got her to calm down enough to be able to lift the glass to her lips and take a sip. The fingers paused for a moment while she sipped her wine but as soon as she set the glass down; the fingers resumed their slow yet short journey to her pussy which was getting wetter by the second.

A moment later, Bridget felt Viv's fingers reach the junction of her legs and her body. She felt them slide along the left side of her pussy and then she felt Clara's fingers do the same. Bridget felt her face grow warm and she knew everyone was watching her.

"She so smooth," Viv said aloud and Bridget's face turned redder knowing that Viv was talking about the skin around her pussy thus telling everyone there that she shaved her pubic hair.

"And all so wet," Clara said as Bridget felt two sets of fingers touching her pussy.

"Oh god!" Bridget gasped aloud not caring who heard her. This felt so naughty and dirty and it was turning her on so much.

She looked over at Ivy and she saw the lust in her eyes. Ivy too was getting turned on by watching her getting molested by these two older women, women who she would see every day at work and one of them was her boss.

She felt a finger move inside of her and when it withdrew, another replaced it. Bridget had her hands flat on the table, wanting to do something with them but not sure what. The conversation turned to sex again and that only served to ratchet up her arousal. A set of fingers went up close to her clit however they didn't touch it. Bridget was getting to the point where she needed to cum. She could feel her juices leaking out onto her dress but there was nothing that she could do about that now.

Then the fingers went up to her clit circling it with a light caressing motion yet not actually touching it before they moved back to her pussy pushing inside of her. The fingers that had been inside of her pussy slowly made a slow journey up to her clit where they too circled it but again they refused to touch her clit. Bridget began to bite her lower lip trying to force herself to cum but she couldn't, not without at least the slightest touch to her clit.

Clara and Viv kept playing this game and while everyone at the table kept talking, Bridget could tell that everyone's eyes were on her. She also noticed that several of her coworkers were now standing around the table. Thought none of them could see what was happening, Bridget knew that they knew what was being done to her. This just added to the feeling of being so naughty and doing something so foreign to her. But she was quickly reaching the point where she had to cum or die. At this point she wasn't sure she cared which one would happen though she rather it be an orgasm that happened first.

It was at this point that she leaned over to Viv, "Please let me cum..." she whispered with the desperation showing in her voice.

"But child, I'm afraid that I'm not allowed to let you cum," Viv said aloud and everyone at the table looked over at Bridget. She could feel their sympathy going out to her and the state that she was in.

"Only Ivy can do that, once we have you in a state of arousal like no other," Clara stated just as loudly.

"Please..." Bridget said to Ivy who smiled.

"Not yet baby, not yet..." Ivy told her and Bridget let out a moan as a finger went deep into her pussy.

"Oh god..." Bridget moaned.

"Come on Ivy, take her to your room and fuck the poor girl's brains out." June said to Ivy who just smiled.

"Yea Ivy, put her out of her misery," Pat added. "I got you checked into your room and your bag is already there."

Bridget looked over at Ivy who she now realized had gone to a lot of trouble to set this all up. She felt another finger enter her pussy and she felt her pussy spasm around those fingers. Bridget now that knew she was going to die before she could cum.

"Let's go," Ivy finally said as she stood up.

"Thank god," Bridget sighed as she felt those wonderful fingers leave her wet pussy.

Bridget quickly got up not caring that the front of her dress was out of place and she was showing a lot of her legs and very close to showing her pussy. She felt Ivy take her hand and then as she turned to leave, she heard Viv say, "finger licking good..."

Bridget turned to see that both Clara and Viv had their fingers in their mouth. This made Bridget blush and her face turn redder than it already was. But her attention was quickly refocused on what lay ahead once they were outside of the bar.

"What was Pat talking about when she said your bag was in your room?" Bridget asked as they went out the door.

"We always reserve a set of rooms so that we can drink all we want and not have to worry about driving home." Ivy told her.

"What hotel?" Bridget asked getting frustrated with Ivy along with being sexually frustrated which her wet thighs and pussy kept reminding her of.

"That one baby," Ivy said pointing to her hotel that was directly across the street from the bar.

"Oh," Bridget said looking up at the motel that she hadn't noticed on the way in. It looked like a nice enough hotel; small but it looked nice. But then all she cared about right then was that it had a bed with clean sheets and some privacy.

They had to wait a second for the light to change for them to cross the street. But once it changed, Bridget began to pull Ivy across the street and the parking lot. Once inside, Ivy pointed toward Bridget the elevator and then taking her hand and pulling her toward it. Much to Bridget's displeasure, they had to wait a minute for the elevator to reach the lobby and for the door to open.

When the doors open, Ivy pulled Bridget inside. Bridget was glad that no one got inside with them and doubly glad when she found herself pinned against the back of the elevator and Ivy was kissing her, hard and passionately. Then she felt Ivy's hand at the front of her short skirt, pulling it up exposing her wet pussy. Bridget tried to say "No" to Ivy but then she felt Ivy's fingers on her hot pussy and she stopped caring.

"What do you want me to do to you first?" Ivy whispered into her ear as her fingers continued to caress her wet pussy lips.

"I want you to fuck me... if only we had your strap-on..." Bridget hissed out.

Ivy pulled back leaving Bridget gasping for breath. "You mean this?" Ivy asked reaching into her big bag, pulling out the harness with the dildo already attached.

"What don't you have in there?" Bridget asked more than a little surprised but pleasantly so.

"I got everything we need for tonight baby," Ivy told her with a sexy wink that made Bridget's knees go weak.

"I just need you," Bridget gasped.

The elevator stopped at that moment and the doors began to open. Bridget started to push the front of her dress down when Ivy turned to her, "leave it up babe."

"Someone will see me!" Bridget said aloud.

"I know..." Ivy said giving her a wink and then she handed the harness with the dildo attached to her.

Bridget had no bag to hide it so she was forced to hold it for everyone to see. Ivy went on out of the elevator, turning to the right. Bridget looked out the door and seeing no one in the hallway she quickly caught up with Ivy, walking behind of her. Luckily their room was only a few steps from the elevator and for that Bridget was grateful, though it did excite her to be so naughty. Ivy already had her card out and she slipped it into the lock, opening the door. Ivy grabbed Bridget's hand pulling her into the room.

Bridget didn't notice much about the room, only the double bed that Ivy led her to. "Get up on the bed on your hands and knees, I'm about to fuck your brains out!" Ivy ordered her.

"Oh god!" Bridget gasped hearing Ivy taking command of her like this.

Bridget started to take her skirt off but Ivy stopped her by taking a hold of her hands. "Leave it on!" she said before turning her around and pushing her onto the bed.

"Ohhhh..." Bridget said getting up on her knees and putting her face down onto the bed.

She looked back at Ivy who was busy shedding her own clothes and then stepping into the harness. Bridget felt her pussy quiver as she watched Ivy pull out a bottle of lube from her bag of tricks and putting a little on the head of the fake penis she was wearing. Ivy stepped up behind of her and Bridget felt her flip up the back of her skirt. Bridget arched her back and she felt Ivy's left hand touch her left hip and then the head of the penis touch her overly aroused pussy. She felt Ivy moving the head of the cock along her slit making her moan. She let out another moan when she felt the head of the cock begin to press into her pussy spreading her wet lips open.

Once the head was inside of her Bridget couldn't wait any longer. She had been teased for way to long so she pushed her hips back burying Ivy's cock deep into her pussy.

"Fuck me!" Bridget demanded.

Ivy grabbled onto her right hip and she did as Bridget so needed, she began to fuck her hard. Bridget felt her pussy being filled with the fake cock that Ivy was wearing and she let out a loud moan. Ivy was moving her hips hard and deep just as Bridget needed. Bridget pushed back on each in-stroke wanting to feel all of Ivy's cock. She then felt Ivy move her hands from her hips pushing her blouse up until her breasts were uncovered. Ivy put her hands of Bridget's breasts and she felt Ivy squeezing them so nicely just adding to her already overheated state. She felt Ivy's fingers pinching her long hard nipples and then she felt Ivy's right hand slip down to her clit. She began to rub it as she drove the cock into her pussy. She felt Ivy pinch her clit and she let out a loud moan as she came hard. It was one of the most intense orgasms that she had ever hand. She felt her head explode with pleasure and she passed out for a moment.

When she woke up, she was on her back and she felt Ivy's tenderly licking her sensitive pussy. She opened her eyes and looked down to see Ivy's head buried between her legs and that wonderful tongue was moving along her lips.

"Oh baby that feels good," Bridget said in a contented sigh.

Ivy replied by pulling Bridget's lips open licking in deeper and getting her girlcum. Bridget cooed opening her legs further to allow Ivy to pleasure her. Ivy stayed away from her sensitive clit concentrating on her lips and sucking up her juices. Bridget put her hands down to Ivy's head holding it to her pussy. It felt so wonderful to have Ivy lick her so tenderly and lovingly. Bridget felt like she was in heaven and she so wanted to stay there forever.

As good as this felt, she began to feel the need to cum again as Ivy got her more and more aroused. She pulled up slightly on Ivy's head; thus directing Ivy's knowing tongue to her sensitive clit. She felt Ivy give it several tender kisses before she felt Ivy's lips go around her clit and she felt her sucking on it. At first Ivy sucked gently but slowly she sucked harder and harder. Then she felt Ivy's tongue begin to lick on the tip of her clit while her lips put pressure on the base of her clit. Bridget pushed her hips upwards and Ivy sucked and licked harder on her clit until Bridget felt her orgasm overcome her. It wasn't as intense as the first on but nevertheless just as satisfying.

"That was wonderful baby," Bridget said to Ivy as she opened her eyes to see Ivy lying beside of her giving her kisses.

Bridget then took Ivy's face in her hands and she gave her a long slow kiss thanking her for the orgasms and the fun that she had already had. "So what do you want?" She asked as the kiss ended.

"I would like nothing more than to ride that hard cock of yours," Ivy said giving her another one of those winks of hers.

"Let me get these clothes off first," Bridget said as she started to get up however she then felt Ivy's right hand at the center of her chest holding her down.

"No leave them on, let me enjoy this fantasy a bit longer," Ivy said giving her a shy smile this time.

"Ah okay..." Bridget said a bit hurt that Ivy didn't want to see her naked. Bridget looked into Ivy's eyes as Ivy got up on her knees and she saw her looking down at her with her short skirt and almost see-through blouse. While Ivy was looking at her, Bridget began to realize that Ivy wasn't really seeing her, at least not here in the bed.

Bridget thought of a way to make Ivy's fantasy last a little longer, she just wasn't sure that she could pull it off. It wasn't her nature to be vocal saying dirty things that she had an ideal that Ivy would love to hear.

She kept her eyes on Ivy as she took the harness off and then she watched as Ivy slowly pulled the front part of her skirt up. Bridget raised her legs up allowing Ivy to slip the harness up them and then she raised her hips up so that Ivy could put the harness on her. Bridget held the straps to her sides as Ivy tightened the harness down against her body and the base of the cock pressed against her sensitive clit.

Ivy leaned down and gave Bridget's cock a lick across the head making Bridget giggle at Ivy's obscene gesture. "God you're bad," Bridget said still giggling.

"Ah but your cock looked so tasty that I just had to have a lick," Ivy replied with a grin and Bridget had to grin too as it was her juices that coated the cock that she was wearing.

Ivy then came up over her cock and Bridget watched as she slowly lowered herself onto the cock that she was wearing. It was so erotic to see Ivy's pussy open up allowing the cock that was wet with her juices enter her. Ivy slowly settled down on her cock and Bridget saw the smile come to Ivy's lips while Ivy's eyes were closed.

Bridget let Ivy begin to get into a rhythm before she gathered the courage to speak, "So did you enjoy watching me get molested?" Bridget asked softly.

"What?" Ivy said as her eyes popped open and she stopped her riding of Bridget's cock with just the head still in her.

"I asked if you enjoyed watching Viv and Clara caressing my thighs?" Bridget asked straight faced.

"Yes... I did," Ivy replied but Bridget could see the confusion in Ivy's eyes as well as the concern.

Bridget put her hands to Ivy's hips pushing downward as she said, "And I bet you really enjoyed seeing my face while Viv and Clara's fingers entered my wet pussy."

"Oh god yes, it was beautiful..." Ivy said closing her eyes and she began to resume the motion of her hips.

"You loved watching me squirm while those fingers went up and down my slit, teasing me and making me so fucking wet..." Bridget said in a lusty voice.

"Oh god.. tell me more baby... tell me how it felt..." Ivy said grinding her hips down on Bridget's cock.

"Oh I was so fucking wet and when they both put a finger into my pussy I thought I was going to die. Their fingers went so deep too, their old fat fingers pulling me so wide open and going inside me. Then one of them would tease me around my hard clit but wouldn't touch it. I was dying for one touch to make me cum but you wouldn't let them. You made them tease me on and on until I was ready to scream." Bridget said getting into this and loving how Ivy was really riding her cock so hard. Ivy had her eyes closed and Bridget knew that Ivy was back in the bar watching it all over again.

"And making me wear that skirt so short with my breasts on display for all our friends to see. You were showing off your little sex slave weren't you baby. Making me do all those nasty and dirty things while you and the whole bar watched." Bridget said stretching Ivy's fantasy a little as no one could actually see her being molested by Viv and Clara and only those around the table knew what was happening.

"Oh fuck yes... tell me more... I'm about to cum..." Ivy screamed going harder and making the cock go deeper inside of her as Bridget pushed her hips upwards which put more pressure on her own clit.

"Oh baby, after Viv and Clara's fingers got me so hot, I wouldn't have cared if you had bent me over the table and fucked me right there for everyone to see. In fact, I was hoping that you would. Make me bend over and let all our friends and co-workers play with me before you fucked me but first making me beg for you to fuck me with your hard cock." Bridget said and she surprised herself by adding, "While you made me eat Viv's gray haired pussy, burying my face in her twat, eating her juicy pussy."

"Oh fuck, eat that old hairy pussy!" Ivy cried out as her body stiffened and she fell forward, her body twitching on top of her as she came hard.

It took Ivy several minutes to recover from her orgasm and Bridget helped to make it last longer by moving her hips upwards pushing the cock that into Ivy's wet pulsing pussy.

"Oh god, that was wonderful..." Ivy finally breathed out in a gasp as her eyes fluttered open.

"I'm glad... did I say the right things?" Bridget asked wondering if what she had said was right and what Ivy wanted.

"Oh god it was perfect and I admit you surprised me," Ivy said giving Bridget a kiss.

"Surprised me too, I thought that it was what you wanted to make..." Bridget was saying when Ivy finished her sentence.

"To make my fantasy come true?" Ivy asked.

"Yes," Bridget replied smiling at her.

"But how did you figure out what I was up to?" Ivy asked.

"I don't know, it just occurred to me that it was what you wanted." Bridget said, "It was; wasn't it?"

"Yes it was," Ivy said giving her a kiss. "Did you enjoy it too?"

"I did... well not at first, I did it for you but once they began to play with me and I saw the lust in your eyes, it became fun." Bridget told her. "But..."

"But not something you want to do again?" Ivy asked.

"No at least not for a while, I don't want everyone to think that I'm..." Bridget said.

"A slut," Ivy asked.

"Yes, I don't mind playing like that but I also want their respect." Bridget told her.

"Don't worry, Monday morning everyone will see you as a coworker and a good teacher, Slut night is just a time for all of us to let lose. What happens there stays there." Ivy said in a reassuring voice.

"You sure?" Bridget asked.

"I promise you, no one will bring it up unless you do." Ivy said giving her a kiss.

"Good," Bridget replied with a smile.

"How about a cigarette?" Ivy asked.

"I'm dying for one..." Bridget said with a smile.

"Me too," Ivy said giving her a kiss before she slowly raised herself off of Bridget's cock and Bridget saw that it was now coated with both of their girlcum.

"Just one more lick," Ivy said leaning down and giving Bridget cock a long lick making Bridget giggle again.

Ivy got on up and she helped Bridget to get the harness off. As Ivy found their cigarettes, Bridget went down the hall to get them a soft drink from the vending machine since she was still dressed though scantily. As she came back down the hall, she noticed one of the guest doors agar. She couldn't help herself but to glance inside. What she saw both surprised her but after tonight, it didn't surprised her. She saw Rebecca, June and Maggie all on the bed and all were very naked. June had her face buried between Rebecca's legs. Maggie was behind June with her hands on June's asscheeks spreading them open and she was licking hard. Both June and Rebecca were moaning to beat the band. Bridget walked to the door and she started to close it when she saw Maggie glance over at her giving her a wink before resuming her licking of June's ass. Bridget felt her face blushing at getting caught staring before she closed the door allowing the threesome their privacy.

"What took you so long?" Ivy asked as Bridget reentered their room.

Bridget felt her face blushing again, "Ah I stopped to close the door that June, Maggie and Rebecca are sharing."

"And by the way that you're blushing, they weren't sipping wine and having an intense conversation about the state of the world." Ivy said with a wink.

"Oh they were conversing but I don't think that they were too concerned with the affairs of the world." Bridget said still blushing.

"I bet not, I would say that they were more concerned with the affairs of each other's pussies and asses." Ivy said grinning.

"That they were," Bridget said with a giggle.

"Come on, let's have that cigarette," Ivy said moving to the small sliding glass door that led to the small balcony.

"Aren't you going to put something on?" Bridget asked looking at the door and then Ivy's naked body.

"No I got you to cover me baby," Ivy said as she moved behind her as she went through the door.

Bridget went on out to the railing putting the soft drinks down and then taking the cigarette that Ivy had lit for her. She inhaled deeply feeling the smoke enter her lungs and she felt Ivy's body come up against her.

"Thank you," Ivy said softly into her ear.

"For what baby?" Bridget asked turning her head toward Ivy.

"For playing along with my fantasies," Ivy told her.

"I like playing them," Bridget said to her, "they're fun and very naughty."

"You know if want me to play out one of your fantasies, I will... no matter what it is." Ivy told her.

"You have played out my fantasies, you know tying me up and stuff," Bridget said much too quickly.

"No those are my fantasies, you just happen to like them which I'm grateful for. What I'm talking about is something that you want to try or do." Ivy told her before taking another puff of her cigarette.

Bridget started to say that she had no fantasies but then a thought flashed through her head. She made it disappear but it came right back to her. She made it disappear again before she said softly, "I don't have any fantasies." Bridget said telling a little white lie to Ivy.

Ivy didn't say anything for a moment but then she came back with, "Well if you come up with one, let me know."

Bridget let out a relieved sigh before saying, "I will," though she had no intention of ever telling Ivy the fantasy that had flashed into her head that now she couldn't shake.

After they finished their cigarettes, they moved back inside where Ivy finally undressed Bridget and they made love. Going slowly this time, using only their fingers and tongues to make each other feel good and more importantly feel loved.

When they got back to their apartment building early Sunday afternoon, they both went to their own apartments to work on their lesson plans for the coming week and to grade the tests that both had given on Friday.

It wasn't until Wednesday evening when they were sitting on Ivy's couch, just sipping a glass of wine and listening to the rain come down outside and seeing it pound against the sliding glass door.

"So what was the fantasy that you thought of Saturday night?" Ivy asked out of the blue and it shook Bridget up as she hoped that Ivy had forgotten all about that.

"What you talking about, I told you that I didn't have any fantasies and if I came up with one, I'd tell you." Bridget said strongly hoping that Ivy would drop the subject.

Ivy didn't say anything; instead she reached over and took Bridget's right hand giving it a squeeze. "It doesn't matter what it is... you can tell me... I won't judge you." Ivy finally said.

"There isn't a fantasy!" Bridget said as she pulled her hand away.

"Yes there is baby," Ivy said taking Bridget's hand back. "Trust me; tell me what you thought of. I felt it in your body Saturday night and there is something you want me to do isn't there..." Ivy said all so softly, so softly that it broke through Bridget's defenses.

Bridget sat there for a moment, feeling Ivy's fingers caress her right hand and she looked into Ivy's caring eyes and she knew that she truly could trust her and that Ivy would make it come true if she had the guts to say it aloud.

She looked again into Ivy's eyes and she said, "It's not sexual in nature."

"Not all fantasies have to be centered around sex. Mine tend to be but then you know how big a slut I am." Ivy said with a smile that made Bridget laugh relieving the tension that she was suddenly feeling.

"Yes you are," Bridget said letting her laughter release the last of her tension.

"So tell me baby..." Ivy said softly.

"You know that I've been a good girl all my life," Bridget said softly and she got a nod from Ivy. "Well at least until I met you that is." She added with a nervous laugh that Ivy only smiled at.

Bridget let out a long sigh before she continued, "I never did anything wrong, I never did anything to be punished for, I was never bad. I always did as everyone expected me to do. I was just a good girl..." Bridget said as tears began to run down her cheeks.

She felt Ivy wiping the tears from her eyes and she looked into Ivy's eyes and saw that Ivy seemed to understand or was trying to understand. "You were bad, your mother punished you but mine never had too. I bet you got into trouble at school too didn't you." Bridget said forcefully.

"You know I did baby," Ivy said caressing her face.

"Well I want to be punished; I want to be paddled like they used to do at school." Bridget said quickly before she could take it back.

"Honey they don't paddle in schools anymore, even I didn't get paddled." Ivy said to her.

"I know but I want you to, will you?" Bridget pleaded.

"Honey getting paddled hurts, it's not play." Ivy told her.

"You don't have to if you don't want." Bridget told her feeling her heart sag.

She looked at Ivy who seemed to be thinking it over and she wasn't sure which way she wanted Ivy to go. It seemed to take Ivy forever to decide but then Bridget saw an ever so slight of a smile come to Ivy's lips.

"I'm not going to hold back you know, if this is what you want then when I paddle you, you're going to feel it for a week." Ivy said and Bridget knew that it was Ivy's last attempt to talk her out of this.

"Oh thank you!" Bridget said leaning over and giving Ivy a hug and she felt Ivy's arms going around her. She felt Ivy give a kiss to her cheek.

"You might want to wait until after I paddle you before you thank me," Ivy said pulling back and giving her a wink.

"True," Bridget said with a nervous giggle.

"So do you have an idea as to how you want to play it?" Ivy asked.

"What do you mean?" Bridget asked.

"I mean the scene that I have to play. What did you do and who am I to you as I play this for you." Ivy told her.

"Oh..." Bridget said and that made her have to think as she really didn't have a cute, she hadn't gotten that far.

"Well since I didn't plan on ever telling you, I never got that far, I just know what I want." Bridget told her. "You understand what I'm saying?"

"Yea I do and we got plenty of time to figure and plan it out. Besides we don't even have a paddle." Ivy said with a smile.

Bridget gave out a nervous laugh, "Oh yea, I guess that would help."

"Yes it would," Ivy said laughing with her. "Oh you know Viv has one hanging in her office to scare the kids..."

"No I don't want that, this has to be just between us. I don't want her to know or ask any questions." Bridget said quickly. "We could order one, I'm sure that there are places we can order one."

"There is..." Ivy said and then she paused and Bridget could tell that she had an idea.

"What is it baby?" Bridget asked curiously.

"You said that you wanted this to be just between us, you want it to be personal that way." Ivy asked as much as stated.

"I do," Bridget said wanting Ivy to tell her what she was thinking.

"What if we get one made just for us?" Ivy asked.

"That would be great but who? Do you know someone?" Bridget asked.

"We both do," Ivy said with a grin on her face.

"We do?" Bridget asked trying to think of who Ivy was talking about.

"Frank," Ivy stated.

"Frank who teaches English?" Bridget asked.

"Yes Frank who teaches English, he also likes to do some woodworking among other things," Ivy said again with a shy grin.

"He's so sweet and kind, we couldn't ask him to make a paddle." Bridget told her.

"We're not, you are." Ivy told her.

"Oh god no, I couldn't do that," Bridget said feeling her face blush. "He would ask too many questions that I couldn't answer."

"No he wouldn't, he just ask you what you want." Ivy told her confidently.

"How can you be so sure?" Bridget asked suspiciously.

"Hold on," Ivy said as she got up going over to where her laptop was sitting and bringing it back over.

Bridget watched as she got it going and then waited a bit impatiently for Ivy to find whatever that she was looking for.

"You remember the band that was playing while we were dancing?" Ivy asked her.

"Vaguely, the band was pretty good and the singer didn't have too bad a voice but a little deeper than most women singers," Bridget told her.

"So you didn't get a real good look at the lead singer?" Ivy asked.

"No but I'm beginning to get an idea..." Bridget said to her.

"Does she look familiar?" Ivy asked turning the computer around so that she could see it.

"Frankie and the All Nighters..." Bridget said aloud and then she looked closer at Frankie and saw that she looked a lot like Frank except she/he had this wild dress on and had grown breasts. "He's a female impersonator?"

"Yes he is," Ivy said with a laugh.

"I didn't know he was a female impersonator," Bridget said still not believing it.

"Honey, we all have our secrets don't we..." Ivy said.

"I guess we do at that." Bridget said with a smile. "But still I can't go to him; I'd be too embarrassed."

"Bridget, I don't know what you want, a big paddle, a little one or what. Besides sometimes the best part of the fantasy is what you do to make it come true." Ivy told her giving her that smile of hers that always seemed to make things okay. Ivy hesitated for a moment before she finally added "I'll go with you if you want..."

Bridget got what she wanted, the assurance that if she needed Ivy, she would be there for her, "No I'll do it."

"When you going to go see him?" Ivy asked.

"Tomorrow before I chicken out." Bridget said sealing her fate.

"So do you want to talk it out a little?" Ivy asked taking Bridget's hands in hers.

"No let me think about it for a bit, I want to get it right in my head before I ask for your suggestions. Is that okay?" Bridget asked now afraid that she would hurt Ivy's feelings by not including her immediately.

"Sure honey, that's fine with me, just remember if you need me to do anything, I will. I want it to be perfect for you." Ivy told her giving her hand a squeeze.

"So what we going as at Helen's costume party on Halloween?" Bridget asked as she tried to deftly changed the subject.

Ivy smiled before saying, "I don't know, what do you want to go as?"

"I don't know either but I want us to go alike," Bridget told her. "So what did you go as last year?"

"A witch... I know it fits me right." Ivy said laughing.

"Yes it does," Bridget said laughing then she blocked the throw pillow that Ivy swung at her.

"I guess you think you should go as an angel then right?" Ivy asked.

"Of course, I'm all sweet and innocent..." Bridget said putting the cutest smile on her face that she could muster.

"Maybe once but not now," Ivy said giving her a wink and that made Bridget blush but she laughed too but not before hitting Ivy with her own throw pillow.

They did get a little serious about what they wanted to go as for the Halloween party but they didn't come up with any good ideas that they could agree upon. However Ivy did have a great idea about what they could do in the bedroom which was something that Bridget found that she readily agreed with.

When the last bell rang the next afternoon, Bridget tried to rush her students out the door and any other afternoon, that wouldn't be a problem. But of course today, she had one student that was having trouble with the problems that she went over and of course, he wanted her help. Bridget being the good teacher she was, she helped him until he could understand what she was trying to teach the class.

Once he was out the door, she quickly packed up her things and rushed out. Her heart was pounding for what she was about to do and a part of her hoped Frank would have already left but another part wanted to get this over with. His classroom was at the end of the long hallway and when she got there, she peeked around his door and she saw Frank at his desk and he was glancing down at his watch. She got the impression that he was waiting on someone and she suspected that someone was her.

She took a deep breath before entering the room. She had taken a couple of steps before he looked up and when he saw her, he gave her a kind smile. Bridget tried to return the smile but the best she could do was a very nervous smile.

"I was wondering if I could bother you for a minute... that is if you have time... but if you don't... I understand." Bridget said all in a rush and she felt her face already turning red.

"Well I do have a band practice to get you but we can talk on the way to our cars if that's all right." Frank said as he stood up.

"No that's okay, I can come back later," Bridget said again in a rush while turning and she started for the door.

Bridget got to the door when she heard frank say, "You know I'll make anything that you want; all you got to do is ask."

That stopped Bridget dead in her tracks, "Just how do you know that I want you to make something for me?" Bridget asked turning to face Frank who had this grin on his face.

Frank came over to where she was standing in the doorway. He turned off the light while putting his arm around Bridget's shoulder forcing her to walk with him, "Let just say that this little birdie told me that a very pretty woman, who would be blushing from head to toe, was going to ask me to make her something and I was to do it."

"Oh and did this birdie tell you what I was going to ask you to make?" Bridget asked a little pissed at Ivy yet thankful too.

"No it didn't, it just told me to listen to this blushing woman and do my best for her because it was important to her and thus important to the little birdie," Frank said giving her shoulder a squeeze.

"Oh..." Bridget said now less pissed at Ivy for interceding on her behalf.

"So what do you want me to make?" Frank asked.

"Ah..." Bridget said and suddenly found that she couldn't form the words. As much as she wanted to tell Frank, she couldn't.

Frank stopped just as they got to the stairs. He took his arm off of her shoulders and he turned to face her. "Bridget I have made a lot of unusual things for some very nice people. There is nothing bad about whatever you want me to make."

Bridget had to smile at the way Frank had about him to say just the right thing to make her feel okay. So she screwed up her courage and she said, "I want you to make me a paddle."

"See that wasn't so hard was it?" Frank asked with a smile.

"Yes it was," Bridget said with a sigh.

"Well the rest will be easier, now all you got to tell me is how you want it made," Frank said as he started down the stairs.

Bridget had to rush to catch up with him but since he was in front of her, she did get to notice the slight feminine sway he had to his walk. Nothing really noticeable but still it was there. "That's just it, I don't know exactly what I want, this isn't something I've ever..." Bridget said to him when she had caught back up to him.

"Then I guess we'll just have to figure out what you want won't we," Frank said with a big smile.

"I guess we will," Bridget said with a smile.

"How about you coming over to my house Saturday morning and we can see what we can come up with?" Frank told her.

"Okay that works, what time?" Bridget asked feeling better.

"About ten?" Frank asked.

"I can make that." Bridget told him. "So how did you get into woodworking anyway?"

"Well to make a long story short, my father wasn't too happy about fathering such a feminine boy but he accepted it. However he was determined to make sure that I had at least one manly hobby, thus he became a woodworker and then showed me how to make things from wood. Though I don't think what I make now was what he intended." Frank said with a laugh.

"Sounds like you had a good father," Bridget told him as they went toward the parking lot.

"He was..." Frank said with a mournful sigh.

"Was?" Bridget asked.

"Yea, he died of cancer last year." Frank said.

"I'm sorry," Bridget said putting a hand to his arm and giving it a squeeze.

"Thank you but like you said, he was a good father and for that I'll always love him." Frank said. "But enough about sad things, I want you to think about what you want and we can talk it out Saturday morning."

"I will and thanks," Bridget told him giving him a smile.

"See you Saturday," Frank said as he veered to his left heading toward his car.

"It's a date!" Bridget told him.

"Don't tell Ivy that or she'll get jealous!" Frank said in a laugh making Bridget laugh as she turned to the right and headed toward her car.

Bridget headed on home feeling a little better about how it went and grateful that Frank seemed to understand how important this was to her and for not prying too much. She had never had much of a chance to really get to know Frank but now she could now see him as becoming a friend to her.

"So how did it go?" Ivy asked as she entered her own apartment and saw Ivy at the stove cooking some noodles to make a pasta salad.

"Well I got a date for Saturday," Bridget said not adding that it was in the morning thus implying something more than it was.

"Mmm.. a date... should I be jealous?" Ivy asked turning toward Bridget who was heading toward the bathroom but then she stopped at the bathroom door.

"Well... he does sing a lot better than you and looks a lot prettier in a sequined gown..." Bridget said and then went on into the bathroom to let Ivy think that over and come up with a response which Bridget was sure would be a good one.

A moment later Ivy appeared at the bathroom door as Bridget was taking off her skirt, "I guess I'd better start taking singing lessons, hadn't I?" Ivy said leaning against the door.

"Lots of singing lessons," Bridget said seriously but then she burst into laughter.

"Watch it or I'm sending you to bed without supper," Ivy told her while giving her the eye through the mirror.

Bridget waited until Ivy turned to go back to her pasta that was on the stove to say, "If you happen to see that little birdie, would you thank her for me."

Bridget saw Ivy turn and give her a soft smile, "I will." Then she gave her a wink before going back to her cooking.

By the time that Bridget had shed her school clothes and changed into an old gown, Ivy had finished mixing up the pasta salad and put it into the fridge to cool. They went on out to the balcony to smoke and talk. Bridget told her all about her short conversation with Frank and how she discovered that he really was a nice person.

Saturday arrived before Bridget knew it. As much as she hated to leave Ivy's warm bed and Ivy's warm body, she had to as she had a date that she was now looking forward to. Ivy was awake but still in the bed when Bridget came back in to give her a kiss before leaving to meet Frank.

"Have fun on your date," Ivy told her as Bridget bent down to kiss her.

"I plan on it, lots of fun!" Bridget replied giving Ivy a wink of her own. But then she whispered into Ivy's ear, "He may sing better than you but it's your body that turns me on."

"I know... I love you." Ivy said with a smile.

"Love you too baby," Bridget said giving Ivy a soft lingering kiss before leaving the bedroom.

Bridget had no trouble finding Frank's house. After introducing her to his partner, Frank escorted Bridget out to his little workshop. It was actually a detached garage that Frank had made into a woodworking shop. He had saws, sanders and several tables to work from scattered around the shop and Bridget noticed that Frank kept everything very neat and orderly.

"Man you got a lot of things in here," Bridget said to him.

"Some are mind but a lot I got from my father when he got sick." Frank told her.

"So have you ever made a paddle before?" Bridget just had to ask.

Frank had a smile on his face as he replied, "Yea a few."

"I was just wondering," Bridget told him feeling a little better knowing this.

"So do you know what you want?" Frank asked her.

Bridget hesitated for a moment before replying, "I don't have the slightest idea. I just know I need one." Bridget felt her face blushing a little. "I know that doesn't help you any at all."

"Maybe it will help to tell me what you're going to use it for," Frank suggested and then he looked at her with a kind smile on his face. Bridget hesitated trying to determine what to tell him if anything, she just wasn't sure what to do.

"You don't have to tell me everything, just enough to give me an idea as to what to make for you. I won't tell anyone, I promise." Frank told her and from the sincere expression on Frank's face, Bridget believed him.

Bridget closed her eyes and she said softly, in almost a whisper, "I want to... to create a bad girl fantasy where the bad girl is..." Bridget left out whom the bad girl was but she was sure that Frank had a good idea it was her.

Then Bridget stopped as she heard Frank say just as softly and she felt his soft hand on her shoulder, "I think I got the idea."

"Thanks, it's kind of personal..." Bridget said opening her eyes to see Frank's caring eyes looking back at her.

"It's all personal honey," Frank said in a voice that fitted "Frankie" more than Frank.

"I guess it is," Bridget said with a bashful smile.

"So let's see if we can draw something out," Frankie said giving her an almost girlish smile.

"Okay," Bridget replied as she stepped over beside Frank as he rolled out a large piece of paper.

"I guess you want holes in it," Frank stated.

"I do?" Bridget asked.

"Oh honey you do... you do." Frankie said with a giggle switching back more into his feminine side.

"Okay, put holes in it." Bridget said with a giggle. "But don't make it too big." She added more seriously.

"I won't, I'll make it just perfect to correct that bad school girl's tushie." Frankie said with a giggle making Bridget giggle. "And I assure that Ivy will be the one using it."

Bridget let out a little giggle, "Yea she'd be the one. But I'm not so sure that she's too happy about it."

"Ivy will come through, I'm sure." Frankie stated as he began to draw out a paddle onto the paper.

Bridget felt more than a few butterflies as the paddle that would eventually be used on her ass came to life on the paper. It looked painful on the paper and she was sure that the one Frank made would be even more painful. But this was something that she just had to see through to the end. Frank drew it out and then he looked at her before going back to the paper and making a few changes.

Bridget noticed that he looked at her for a moment and she was about to say that it looked nice when he tore that paper off from the roll throwing it away. Bridget started to protest but before she could Frank was drawing another paddle onto the paper. When he finished that drawing, Bridget told him that it was great but after studying her for a moment, he again threw that drawing away and started again.

It wasn't until Frank did the last drawing that Bridget realized that Frank was watching for the drawing that met her approval indicated by her facial expression. She wasn't sure what she had done to indicate her approval but she had to admit that the one Frank settled on was the best.

"So do you want anything etched into it?" Frank asked.

"Like what?" Bridget asked.

"I don't know; it's up to you." Frank said not giving her any help or suggestions on this particular question.

Bridget thought for a second and began to think that it might be good to have something engraved on the paddle. Frank gave her time to think for which Bridget was grateful. She wanted this to be her own idea and she saw how Ivy was right, this was something that she had to do on her own to make it come out right. It was her fantasy and she had to be true to it.

"How about... ahhh... you know, don't put anything on it. Just make it look nice, you know smooth and shinny." Bridget finally said.

"That I can do," Frank said with a big grin.

"I do appreciate you doing this for me," Bridget said with a soft smile.

"No problem," Frank said, "So when do you need it?"

"Oh no hurry, just whenever; I still have a lot of thinking and planning to do before I'm ready to use it." Bridget told him.

"So what are you and Ivy going as at Helen's party?" Frank asked changing the subject as he began to escort her out of his workshop.

"We don't know yet, whatever it is, we're going as a matched pair." Bridget told him. "So what you going as?"

"I'm not telling but it will be flashy!" Frank said as he wiggled his limber hips making Bridget both laugh and blush.

"I'm not sure I want to be flashy," Bridget said reverting back to her old self.

"Honey go for it, let your imagination run. You're going to be among friends and everyone will be going for something wild. If you play it safe then you will stick out." Frank told her and that got Bridget to start thinking.

"Oh okay, Ivy and I'll have to talk about it then. Maybe go and check out a few costumes places." Bridget told him.

"Oh I know lots of places I can send you to and you had better go soon or all the best costumes will be gone." Frank warned her.

Bridget went on into Frank's house and talked to him and his partner for another hour or so getting to know them both. She also got the names and addresses of the places that she and Ivy would hit that afternoon.

"So how was your date?" Ivy asked as Bridget joined her out on the balcony where Ivy was going over some of her students essays that she had made them write on Friday.

"Very nice, I think you've got some real competition for my affections with Frankie," Bridget said seriously.

"Maybe I'll just let Frankie have you," Ivy said just as seriously.

Ivy answer surprised her as she expected for her to protest so Bridget took the papers that Ivy was studying, putting them on the table, and then she plopped down on her lap. "You better not let anyone else have me," Bridget told her as she took Ivy's face in her hands giving her a long deep kiss.

"Now get up, we got to go look for costumes for Helen's party before they're all taken," Bridget told her after the kiss and she started to get up but then she felt Ivy's hands on her hips pulling her back down.

"Not so fast," Ivy said to her as she put her left hand around Bridget's waist holding her down. The other went to the top of Bridget's left thigh. Bridget knew what Ivy wanted.

Bridget curled her right hand to the back of Ivy's head, pulling it toward her until their lips met. She heard Ivy moan and she felt Ivy's hand giving her thigh a squeeze over her jeans. Bridget felt the tip of Ivy's tongue enter her mouth so she opened her lips a bit more welcoming it in. She also felt Ivy's hand moving between her thighs and she opened her legs. A moment later she felt Ivy's fingers pressed against the crotch of her jeans and she let out a moan this time. She opened her legs further allowing Ivy to begin to rub against her pussy. Even with the cover of her panties and jeans, those fingers of Ivy's right hand were making her wet. She kissed Ivy harder and she moaned again when she felt Ivy's fingers move up a little and she felt her press against her clit.

Bridget pulled her head back ending the kiss so that she could get a lung full of air. "Let's move this inside," Bridget gasped out.

"I thought that you wanted to go out and look for costumes..." Ivy stated as if nothing had just happened though Bridget could see the desire in Ivy's eyes.

"Fuck the costumes," Bridget told her as she got up off Ivy's lap and then pulled Ivy to her feet.

"I'd rather fuck you," Ivy said as she grasped Bridget's ass cheeks in her hands.

"Come and get me!" Bridget said as she dashed through the door and back into the apartment.

She ran on into the bedroom laughing as she pulled her tee shirt off. She was just starting to unbutton her jeans when she felt Ivy come up behind of her with Ivy placing her hands on her hips.

"Let me do that," Ivy whispered into Bridget's left ear before she began to kiss her just behind that ear.

"Mmmm..." Bridget moaned from the soft kisses and she let go of her jeans allowing Ivy to unbutton them and pull down the zipper.

She felt Ivy kissing her left shoulder and then felt Ivy kissing her down the center of her back as she felt her jeans being pulled down. Once her jeans were at her ankles, she felt Ivy kissing her ass cheeks over her plain white panties. She felt Ivy's hands at her right foot so she raised it just enough for Ivy to get her sandal off and then that leg of her jeans. Ivy then switched to the right foot all the while kissing her ass cheeks and Bridget felt her panties get wet both from Ivy's wet kisses and her leaking pussy.

Once her jeans and sandals were off, Bridget felt Ivy's fingers at her hips and soon her panties were being pulled down. Now Ivy was kissing her bare asscheeks as the panties came on down her legs and then she stepped out of them. Ivy began to kiss her way back up the center of her back as Ivy let her hands move slowly up Bridget's legs making she shiver with excitement and the erotic feel of Ivy's fingers caressing her legs. Ivy stopped at the strap of her bra and Bridget felt Ivy using her teeth to unhook her bra. She wasn't sure how Ivy managed to do that but she did as her hands were busy caressing her hips. Once her bra was free, Bridget went ahead and pulled it off since Ivy's hands were busy moving over her hips to her lower stomach and then downward. Bridget slid her feet open as Ivy began to kiss the back of her neck.

Ivy's fingers inch their way down to her pussy and Bridget let out a moan feeling those fingers very lightly caress the sides of her pussy lips. Bridget groaned from the pleasure that Ivy's teasing fingers were giving to her. Ivy's fingers moved to the inside of her legs teasing her and then she felt them go along the outer edge of her pussy lips just making her that much wetter. Bridget leaned back against Ivy forcing Ivy to hold her up. Bridget moaned out her pleasure and also a bit of her frustration with Ivy getting her more and more excited but not touching her pussy where she wanted it touched.

"Ivy... you're killing me..." Bridget finally moaned.

"But you're loving it... see how wet you are baby..." Ivy whispered into her ear as the fingers of her right hand finally moved on over and began to run up and down her slit.

"Oh yes..." Bridget groaned not sure if she was agreeing with Ivy or just thankful that Ivy's fingers were finally touching her wet pussy.

She felt Ivy's left hand go up to her breasts and she felt Ivy pinch and pull on her left nipple. Bridget felt her knees go weak and she wasn't so sure that they weren't going to go out on her. And they did just that when Ivy's fingers began to rub against her clit. It only took a few seconds of this for the orgasm that she was feeling coming on, hit her hard. She felt herself falling but she had no way of stopping the fall nor did she care, she was just feeling the pleasure surge throughout her body.

When she became aware of her body again, she felt the rug under her back and Ivy was licking tenderly upon her pussy that was soaked with her girlcum and juices. Her eyelids flickered open and she found that she was looking up at Ivy's juicy pussy. Ivy had somehow managed to get her onto the floor, get undressed, and get over her body during the short time she was experiencing her orgasm.

Bridget didn't take the time to figure out how Ivy had managed to do that, she just reached up and grabbed Ivy's hips. She pulled them down until Ivy's pussy was over her mouth. She took a long swipe of Ivy's pussy going from her clit to her cute little asshole. She got the response that she was looking for when Ivy let out a moan into her pussy. Bridget went back to Ivy's clit licking that hard little nub making Ivy wiggle her hips and moan more. However she stopped before Ivy could cum, going back to her pussy to lick up the juices that she had caused. She licked and sucked up the juices before going back to Ivy's clit sucking on it this time. Ivy meanwhile was tenderly licking her pussy and Bridget could feel herself getting more aroused. She sucked only a moment before going back to Ivy's pussy licking the juices up and then taking a few slow licks against Ivy's anus making Ivy groan loudly.

When she felt Ivy move her lips to her clit, Bridget knew as sensitive as her clit was, she wouldn't last long. So she quickly licked her way back to Ivy's clit, sucking it hard into her mouth. She began to use the tip of her tongue against the sensitive nub making Ivy really groan. She pushed two fingers into Ivy's pussy and began to finger fuck her as she sucked and teased Ivy's clit. She felt Ivy's pussy clamp down on her fingers as Ivy went stiff with the orgasm surging through her body. When Ivy came, Bridget felt Ivy's lips pressed down on her clit and she too felt clit explode and an intense orgasm surge throughout her body.

"So what was you were hell bend in a hurry to do?" Ivy asked her as Bridget's eyes fluttered open. Bridget saw that Ivy turned around and was laying partially on top of her. She also had this wicked grin on her face, a that face was coated with her juices.

"Oh I just wanted to make love to you," Bridget said with a giggle.

"That's what I thought," Ivy said with a laugh before she dropped her head down for a kiss. It was a soft lingering kiss that made Bridget sigh when it ended.

"So did everything go okay with Frank?" Ivy asked her as she settled onto her side so Bridget turned to her side to talk as it seemed that Ivy was in the mood to talk.

"Yea, I think Frank drew out twenty different designs before we settled on one." Bridget told her.

"You were picky weren't you," Ivy said but she said it kindly and Bridget knew that she wasn't picking on her.

"Actually Frank was the one who kept deciding that it wasn't what I wanted." Bridget. "It took me a while before I realized that he was reading my facial expressions."

"He's sharp isn't he?" Ivy told her.

"Yes he is, and very nice. He only asked for enough information to know what I wanted and what I told him didn't seem to faze him in the least." Bridget told her.

"I told you he would be discrete," Ivy said with a smile.

"I know but I don't think I was completely sure until I could look into his eyes as I talked to him," Bridget told her.

"I can understand that, some things you just have to see for yourself." Ivy told her.

"I told him that I wasn't in any hurry to get it." Bridget answered Ivy's question before Ivy could ask it.

"I was wondering about that," Ivy said smiling shyly.

"You know you don't have to do it," Bridget told her. "I can see in your eyes that you aren't looking forward to paddling me."

"You're right I'm not but when the time comes, I'm going to play my part so well, it'll scare you." Ivy told her.

"Thank you, I want you to put a little fear into me to make it real." Bridget told her giving her a little more information as to what she was looking for even though she didn't have the details worked out.

"I will baby," Ivy said giving Bridget a little kiss that Bridget turned into a much longer and passionate kiss.

Just as the kiss ended, Bridget heard Ivy's stomach rumble. "I think someone went without breakfast."

"Guilty," Ivy said with a laugh.

"Then I guess I had better go feed you," Bridget said with a giggle before rolling off the bed. "Come on girl, let's get cleaned up and go find something to eat.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Ivy said as she began to get up and follow Bridget to the bathroom.

End of Part Ten.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 11

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