Bridget's Awakening

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Oct 24, 2013


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Bridget's Awakening

Part Fourteen

By Chris

Becky turned back around and she held up her hands getting the class to calm down. "Juan, how long did it take you to stop dreading coming to this class?" Becky asked. Bridget saw how surprised that Juan was and she had to admit, she was a bit surprised by it herself.

Juan hesitated for a long moment before he said, "About a week."

"How about you Lagina?" Becky asked.

Lagina appeared to not want to answer but with Becky staring her down, she finally said, "about a week too,"

"What about you Madison?" Becky asked as her head turned to the front of the class where Madison was sitting.

Madison, like Becky had a hard time with math but also like Becky she slowly began to catch on. "More like a month."

"What made you change your mind?" Becky asked.

Bridget was sure that Becky already knew the answer as Madison was on the softball team with Becky and they talked a lot Bridget had noticed. Madison, Bridget could see didn't like being on the hot seat and she gave Becky a look that said that she would get her back.

Madison finally spoke up looking at Bridget and not Becky, "When Ms Dail stayed after school to help me and she wouldn't stop until I caught on and made up the tests that I had failed."

Bridget stood there watching a girl become a confident young woman right in front of her. She actually wanted to cry or at least hug Becky as she was so proud of her. However she just stood there watching Becky quiz her classmates.

Finally she asked the million dollar question, "So who really thinks that Ms. Dail should be the one who gets her hair colored?"

No one said anything and Bridget saw that it was killing them, but they remained silent until Hector spoke up, "I do!"

"Hector, I thought you said that Ms. Dail was your favorite teacher." Becky stated.

Hector had a big grin on his face when he said, "She is but when will we ever get a chance like this. We can't pass it up Becky."

That brought a laugh from everyone but then they grew silent as Becky turned around and said what she so wanted to say to begin with but couldn't at first, "I believe we all agree that you were right, you did make it a fun class." She said but then she paused for a moment before adding, "But that doesn't mean we like math."

Bridget laughed, "I understand and I'm glad that I could make the class fun... even for you Hector."

This made everyone laugh and Hector being the center of attention, stood up and bowed making the class laugh at him.

"Come on class, we got some hair coloring to do." Bridget said picking up both bottles of hair coloring, which she saw made Becky smile.

Becky walked beside of her as they made their way down the hallway. The rest of the students followed close behind all talking quietly but Bridget could hear the excitement in the air. Even though their teacher wasn't getting her hair colored blue, at least they would get to see their classmate Becky with bright pink hair and that was almost as good.

Bridget glanced over at Becky and she saw that the young nervous girl was back and that wasn't the girl she wanted to see. "Don't worry; this is going to be fun. You'll soon be known as the Pink Haired Rebel."

Becky gave her a strange look before she let out a giggle, "Yes I will." And Bridget saw the rebel in the young woman come back. That was what she wanted to see. And that was the young rebel woman that entered the teacher's lounge.

She let all of her students into the lounge and she saw their faces turn from excitement at getting to go into this sacred place of the teachers, only to find that it wasn't all that grand. It had a round table in the center with a couple of desks on two of the walls. There wasn't even a window to look out. The only thing that was nice about the teacher's lounge was the bathroom which was rather large with several stalls and a couple of sinks, one of which Cindy had her chair set up in front of with a small table with her equipment set upon.

Becky went straight to the chair sitting down like it was no big deal thought Bridget could see in her eyes that it was to her. Cindy treated her like she was her best customer, talking to her as she washed her hair getting the multicolor hair back to its original color of a dirty blond.

Once Cindy had her ready, Bridget went to the other side of the sink and Cindy let her do the hair coloring following her instructions. The other students "ohhh"s" and Ahhhh's..." as Becky's hair begin to turn a hot pink. Becky tried to smile but Bridget could sense her nervousness and she smiled down at her. Soon the coloring was set and Cindy dried Becky's hair. They were using a temporary hair coloring so the process was quickened.

"So what do you think of your new hair color?" Bridget asked Becky as she handed her a mirror.

Becky hesitated for a moment before taking the mirror and after the initial shock of seeing herself with bright pink hair but then she smiled brightly and said, "I love it, the Pink Haired Rebel!"

"Yes you are!" Bridget said giving Becky a big smile and she saw Becky smile back, liking her new hair color.

"Class, what do you think?" Bridget asked and her facial expression was meant to tell them to like it or else.

Of course they told Becky that they loved it and then they teased her a little with Becky's smile filling the room. Becky got up out of the chair going to her classmates and they talked for a few minutes. Then Becky started to lead them out when Bridget stopped them.

"Wait a minute, we got another hair coloring to do," Bridget said picking up the bottle of blue hair coloring and handing it to Becky.

"You don't have to do this, you won the bet." Becky told her.

"True, but if you all, and I meant all of you, hadn't bought into what I was trying to do then this would never have happened. I would never have gotten to color your hair pink and being able to do that was very important to me. It meant that was able to get past your fears about math. I love doing math problems and I so wanted to show that joy to you. I know that you'll never love it as much as I do but if I could you to not be scared of math, then we all won the bet. For that you get to color my hair because you deserve that reward." Bridget told them with tears in her eyes.

"You sure?" Becky asked her and Bridget saw that Becky's eyes were also moist.

"Yes I'm sure." Bridget said before adding, "You had better take this offer, it only happens once in a lifetime."

"Do it, do it!" came a chorus from Becky's classmates.

"Have a seat teach!" Becky said smiling brightly.

Bridget sat down in the chair and Cindy came up to her to lower the back down to the sink. However the room suddenly became quiet and Bridget saw Viv and Clara come into the lounge. Bridget was afraid the Viv would put an end to this and that would ruin everything. The students parted and their frowns turned to smiles. Bridget looked from them to Viv and then to Clara who she saw was holding a video camera.

"Oh no, no cameras," Bridget protested with a smile glad that Viv was joining in and doing so on the student's side.

"Oh yes, I'm showing this at assembly for the start of next year." Viv said making the students laugh.

Bridget frowned for the camera before letting Cindy lower her back. Twenty minutes later and lots of cheers later, Bridget sat up and took the mirror from Becky who had this big grin on her face. Bridget didn't have a clue as to how she would look like with blue hair but she was determined to smile through it all. However all her determination didn't prepare her for having bright blue hair. The shock on her face pleased her students to no end. It took her a moment before she could recognize herself and she had to smile because her students were so happy with her for doing this.

"I love it!" She finally said for her students and for the camera's sake.

She and Becky posed together for the camera before the fun finally ended. They all went back to their class room and Bridget noticed that all her fellow teachers were glancing out the window of their classrooms as they all went by, but it was her that they really wanted to see.

Once back in the classroom, she let her students take her pictures with their phones and they talked a little about the past semester. Then she made them get ready for their second final of the day which would be a real final. While they studied, Bridget herself got ready for her class after the lunch break.

When the bell finally rung, Becky was the last to leave, as she went by Bridget's desk, she said, "Thank you,"

Bridget smiled as she replied, "You're welcome."

Bridget then grabbed her cigarettes and headed toward the stairs to meet Ivy who she knew was dying to see her. However she had to stop and talk to several of her fellow teachers who also wanted to see her with blue hair.

"So you ready to see me?" Bridget asked while hiding behind a pole so that Ivy couldn't see her.

"Of course, it's killing me!" Ivy said to her.

"Ta Da!" Bridget said as she jumped from behind the pole.

Ivy's expression was priceless as she tried hard not to be shocked but Bridget could see she was all the same. Bridget's hair wasn't only blue but a bright blue. "It's interesting..." Ivy finally said after picking her jaw off the floor.

"Just interesting?" Bridget said coming to her with a cigarette that she put into her mouth for Ivy to light. However Ivy was having trouble doing so as she eyes were on Bridget's hair. So Bridget had to help Ivy by taking her hand and pulling the lighter that Ivy was holding to her mouth.

"So do you like my new hairstyle?" Bridget asked trying to get something more from Ivy.

Ivy reached up to her hair and Bridget saw her feeling it and she smiled. "Sure I like it," Ivy finally said.

"No you don't but thanks for lying," Bridget said with a laugh.

"So tell me about it, did it go as you wanted it to?" Ivy asked.

While they smoked their noon cigarette, Bridget gave her the short version but she concentrated on Becky and how she had taken over the classroom and brought her classmates over to her way of thinking. Bridget told Ivy that it was worth having blue hair just to see Becky grow up right in front of her eyes. Ivy, she could see, was so proud of her and also of Becky. She also agreed that it was worth it but then added that it was barely worth it and they both laughed at that. Much too soon their smoke break was over and they had to head back to their classrooms.

Before Bridget could start her second class, she had to first explain how she came to have blue hair. She saw that Becky had become a hero to her second class as well as her first. She then reviewed a lot of the material on the final before she actually gave her class their final.

She stopped at her apartment before heading up to Ivy's apartment. She beat Ivy to her apartment and started fixing them something supper. It had been a long day and she was starving so whether Ivy was hungry when she got home she was being fed. She was still cooking when Ivy dragged herself in. She looked just as tired as Bridget felt. She came over to her and Bridget saw that Ivy stared at her hair for a moment and took it into her fingers before leaning in to give her a kiss.

Ivy didn't say anything about her hair but Bridget knew it was killing her to keep her mouth shut. Bridget didn't say anything either and when she pulled her hair up to take her shower so it wouldn't get wet; she saw that Ivy took particular notice of it. It wasn't until Bridget was putting some lotion on after their shower did Ivy finally break.

Ivy first took some lotion and began to put it on her back for her when she asked, "Just how long do you plan on keeping your hair this color?"

Bridget smiled into the mirror for Ivy's sake, "Oh just until Monday so that Becky can see that I kept it this way. I already got an appointment Tuesday morning with Cindy to take the color out."

"Good," Ivy said with a relieved sigh.

"Why don't you like my hair color, it's beginning to grow on me." Bridget said messing with Ivy just a little.

"Can I answer honestly without having to sleep on the couch for too long?" Ivy asked as her hands moved down to Bridget's hips.

Bridget wanted to laugh at the way Ivy said that so carefully but she held the laugh within her, "I make no promises." She said to her.

Ivy considered this before she finally had to say what was on her mind, "I really don't want to hurt your feeling or anything but you look... I don't what the right word is but bright blue is definitely not your color, not even close."

"Is that so..." Bridget said frowning into the mirror and thus at Ivy who was watching her carefully.

"So how much trouble am I in baby?" Ivy asked.

"Let me put it this way..." Bridget said hesitating for a long moment making Ivy squirm a little, "the only way you're going to get laid tonight is for you to tie me to your bed... and force yourself upon me."

"Is that so?" Ivy asked arching her eyebrows at her through the mirror and Bridget saw a relieved smile come to Ivy's face and then a sexy grin.

"Yes it is!" Bridget said pushing Ivy's hands away from hips and she slipped around her in a playful huff, heading toward the bedroom.

She had barely gotten to the doorway of the bedroom before she felt Ivy come up behind her. Ivy took a hold of her wrists and then she felt Ivy's breath at her left ear.

"I guess I'll just have to take these lovely wrists and tie them to my bed my blue hair beauty..." Ivy whispered lustily to her.

"You are?" Bridget asked feeling her nipples tighten and her pussy spasm just thinking about that very thing.

"Yes I am baby," Ivy said kissing her just below her ear making Bridget moan.

Bridget willingly eased forward as Ivy brought her wrists behind of her back. Only when Bridget got to the bed, did Ivy release her wrists. Bridget slipped onto the bed positioning herself in the center of the bed while Ivy got the cuffs from the bedside table. Bridget watched as Ivy put the cuffs on her wrists and then tied them to the headboard. Bridget had her legs spread out waiting for Ivy to tie them up too. She did put the cuffs around her ankles but then she climbed onto the bed.

"What you doing?" Bridget asked but Ivy just smiled at her.

Ivy took her own pillow and after easing Bridget's legs up, she placed the pillow at her bottom. Bridget then knew what her devious friend was up to so she placed her feet onto the bed, using them to raise her ass. Once Ivy had the folded pillow under her ass, Bridget went ahead and brought her feet up into the air. Ivy smiled at her and she forward to give her a kiss. Bridget started to put her arms around Ivy's neck only to find that they were tied to the bedposts. Ivy giggled at her, shaking her index finger at her making Bridget laugh too.

Bridget watched as Ivy took her right ankle into her hands bringing it up so that it was a little past vertical before tying the end of the of the rope to the corner bedpost where Bridget's right wrist was tied. She then went to Bridget's left ankle tying it to the same post that her left wrist was tied. This spread out her the legs so that her pussy and ass was opened to Ivy. The pillow helped to support her back so she wasn't uncomfortable in the least; in fact, she was very comfortable as well as very aroused.

Bridget watched as Ivy put her hands on her inner thighs, and she let out a soft moan as Ivy brought her fingertips down her inner thighs. Ivy was using such a light touch and it was making Bridget's pussy even wetter. Those fingers went on down her thighs tickling her.

"Ohhhh..." Bridget moaned when those fingertips got close to her swollen pussy lips.

"Nooo..." She moaned when Ivy's fingers stopped at the edge of her pussy lips and went back up her inner thighs.

"Oh yes baby, I got you tied up and I'm going to do anything I want to my blue haired beauty..." Ivy said all so seductively.

"Oh no... not anything..." Bridget moaned with her voice showing her arousal as she played along with Ivy's game that she had begun.

"Yes anything... my blue haired beauty..." Ivy said bringing her fingertips back down only this time she let her fingers trace the edge of Bridget's pussy making Bridget moaned louder and she arched her back even more. Then she groaned when Ivy's fingers went back up her thighs. Bridget felt her pussy leaking its juices and she felt them run down to her asshole. Ivy's fingers made their slow journey back down her thighs again stopping at the sides of Bridget's pussy.

Bridget moaned as she felt Ivy's fingers spreading open her pussy lips. Bridget just knew that Ivy was finally going to give her want she needed. Bridget felt Ivy's breath on her pussy lips and she let out a moan as she let her head fall back on the pillow. She waited for Ivy's tongue to touch her pussy but instead she felt Ivy blowing her hot breath against her pussy making her pussy feel that much hotter and she felt like it was already on fire. She felt Ivy's breath go on down her pussy and onto her asshole making Bridget involuntarily flex her asshole.

Bridget felt Ivy's hot breath blowing on her asshole for a moment before it moved up to the top of the cleft of her asscheeks. A second later, Bridget felt the tip of Ivy's tongue touch her there.

"Ahhhh..." Bridget moaned feeling the tip of Ivy's tongue start to go down the cleft of her asscheeks. Bridget pulled on her restraints not wanting to get loose but just because she had to move as she felt the excitement rising within her body.

When Ivy's tongue tip got to her asshole, she first rimmed it before she began to bath her asshole with her tongue.

"Oh fuck baby... that feels good..." Bridget moaned flexing her asshole as Ivy's tongue bathed it.

Bridget felt like she was going to have an orgasm with Ivy's tongue teasing and caressing her asshole. Bridget was having a hard time keeping her ass still, so much so that she felt Ivy's hands on her hips holding them still. Ivy kept licking her there, catching the juices that were weeping from her pussy and draining to her asshole where Ivy was licking.

Just when Bridget thought that it couldn't feel any better, Ivy moved her tongue past her asshole, teasing for a moment the small patch of skin separating her asshole and her pussy. Then Ivy's tongue was bathing her wet and every excited pussy. Bridget moaned loudly feeling Ivy's tongue go between her pussy lips and deep into her pussy. Ivy licked and sucked on her pussy leaving her clit alone. Bridget felt Ivy's fingers teasing her wet asshole as she licked her pussy. Soon Bridget was to the point that she just had to cum, she couldn't hold out any longer and Ivy being the attentive lover that she was, moved her sweet tongue to Bridget's swollen clit. Bridget felt like Ivy's tongue was connected to a fully charged electric wire and she groaned as the orgasm she felt coming arrived in a flash. Bridget's brain exploded and she felt pure pleasure rush throughout her body.

When her soul returned to her physical body and she was able to open her eyes again, she looked down between her legs to see that Ivy was on her knees and sprouting from between her legs was Bridget's favorite cock.

"Oh my... you're not going to fuck me with that are you?" Bridget asked all innocent like.

"Oh yes I am, I told you I was going to have my way with you..." Ivy said with a wink before she applied just a little lube to her cock.

Ivy leaned forward guiding the head of her cock to Bridget's pussy. Ivy wet the head parting her lips and once the head was inside of her, Ivy brought her hands forward placing them just outside of Bridget's shoulders. Ivy dropped her head down giving Bridget a soft kiss and as she kissed her, Bridget felt the cock slipping deeper and deeper inside of her. Bridget moaned softly into Ivy's mouth as Ivy was filling her pussy with her lovely cock.

When Bridget felt Ivy's hips touch her hips and she felt the cock deep inside of her she moaned again. Ivy ended the soft kiss and smiled down at her. Bridget could see Ivy straining a little holding her weight on her knees and hands.

"Fuck me hard and deep," Bridget moaned to her. Normally she liked it slower and softer but right then she was so aroused that she just wanted to be fuck good and hard.

"As you wish my blue haired beauty," Ivy said with a wink before she began to move her hips upward stopping only when the head of her fake cock was inside of her.

Ivy gave her another kiss before she pushed her cock back down going deep inside of Bridget. Ivy immediately pulled her hips up and slammed back down. She started to fuck Bridget as Bridget wanted and needed to be fucked. Ivy fucked her hard and deep just as Bridget requested, she felt that wonderful cock that her lover was wearing fuck her so deeply. She could smell Ivy's sweet smelling perfume and that made her sense of smell enter into their lovemaking that just completed it for Bridget. Soon she felt Ivy's sweat drip down onto her breasts and she felt her own sweat forming on her skin. Soon they were both panting, Bridget from the wonderful fucking that Ivy was giving to her and Ivy from the effort she was using to giving Bridget the fucking that she wanted.

Bridget could only feel Ivy's cock fucking her and smell her perfume that was now mixed with Ivy's sweat. That was enough to send Bridget back into that nether world of pleasure. She disappeared for a few moments taking longer to recover from this intense orgasm. She felt something happening to her body but her senses were so caught up in the pleasure that she was feeling that she didn't know what it was.

That is until she was able to open her eyes and feel her body again. She looked up to see that she was untied, thought still wearing the cuffs on her wrists and ankles. She was also wearing something else and that something else, Ivy was in the processing of sitting on. Bridget smiled at Ivy as she watched the fake cock that she was now wearing going inside of an overheated Ivy.

"So you want to be fucked by your blue haired beauty?" Bridget asked with a grin.

"Oh hell yes baby," Ivy said as she began to bounce upon the cock that Bridget was wearing, the same cock that only moments before was deep inside of her.

Bridget reached up grasping Ivy's breasts, squeezing them as she pushed her hips upwards when Ivy came downward. They had long since perfected this way of fucking as Ivy loved riding her cowgirl style. Bridget also loved this way as she was able to see her cock going deep inside of Ivy and she could also feel and caress Ivy's breasts and pinch those lovely nipples. She did just that pinching and pulling on Ivy's nipples making her groan and also riding her harder.

They were both sweating hard and panting as Ivy reached toward the orgasm she sought and Bridget worked hard to get Ivy to that place that she had just returned from. It didn't take long for Ivy to reach that point and when Ivy came down hard on Bridget's cock and arched her back, Bridget pinch and pulled on Ivy's nipples hard making Ivy cry out and fall down on top of her. Bridget held her tightly moving her hips so that she was still fucking Ivy's pussy, though with short strokes. But that was enough to send Ivy into another orgasm and then another one. When it finally became too intense for Ivy, she rolled off of her.

Bridget quickly took the harness off as well as the cuffs around her wrists and ankles. She then moved up beside of Ivy holding her tightly and kissing the sweat off her face while Ivy recovered from her series of orgasms.

"You know you're blue hair is beginning to grow on me," Ivy whispered to her when she was able to form words again.

"Well don't get too attached, like I said, Tuesday morning I'm getting it changed back," Bridget said to her before giving her a little kiss. "Though I'm thinking of putting some blond highlights into it, what do you think about that?"

"Honey, whatever you want to do with your hair is fine with me baby, do what you want with it." Ivy assured her.

"Or maybe I'll make it all highlights..." Bridget said pausing long enough to get Ivy's attention, "You know, pink, red, orange, purple, green..."

At green, Bridget felt Ivy's hand covering her mouth, "How about just starting with blond highlights." Ivy said to her.

Bridget laughed, "Okay just blond," She said kissing the palm of Ivy's hand before she took it away.

"Good," Ivy said pulling Bridget over on top of her and giving her a kiss before she laid her head down on Ivy's chest and before she knew it, she was lost in a world of dreams. For some strange reason, her dreams that night all had something blue in it, including her hair.

Thursday Bridget had to again explain her blue hair though that really was old news now. But it was a way for her students to put off their final a couple of minutes longer. It was a long day for Bridget as she mostly just sat while her students sweated through their finals. Though she did go from time to time to check on her student's progress and gave them a pointer or two making sure that by the end of the test she had helped all the students equally.

She was tired by the time she got to her apartment. It wasn't that she had done much but all the same she felt exhausted. She sat down on the edge of her bed and she made the mistake of lying back to rest for a moment. The next thing that she knew, Ivy was shaking her awake. Ivy had stopped on her way home and she picked up a couple of deli sandwiches for them to eat. That evening they both relaxed talking about anything but school.

Friday they were back at school, both making the hard decisions of what grade to give their students. This is the first time that she had to decide whether to pass or fail a student. She only had one of those decisions to make and it was on one of her math class students. But in a way it was easy too. The student was one of her hardest working students and she had learned a lot through the semester so she gave her a C because she felt like she had earned it. She knew enough to get through life and that was what mattered. But the hardest decisions were when a student was between grades, where she could give them either grade and could defend it. For the most part, she rounded upwards because she was nice and couldn't help herself. But all the same, she studied hard on each student to make sure they had gotten what they had deserved and earned.

By the end of the day, she was able to enter the grades into the computer and she felt good to have finished her first semester of her teaching career. Ivy took her out to celebrate that night and then on Saturday, slut night came early and the teachers gathered at their bar. Bridget was now comfortable dressing slutty and she even helped Ivy come up with an outfit for the both of them. They drank, danced and laughed the night away. They were both too tired and too drunk to make love but they did sleep in each other's arms only to wake up with a bit of a hangover. But it was worth it for Bridget for having so much fun and being so naughty.

Monday the students returned to pick up their report cards which was just a computer printout though they still called them report cards. They also turned in what they wanted to take the next semester, at least the high school students did. They could also talk to their teachers about their grades. Bridget didn't have many to do that and she only had a few students to come in a talk for a few minutes. Bridget was hurt a little but then she knew that they were kids wanting to start their holiday break as soon as they could.

Bridget was hoping to get to talk to Becky but as the morning went along with no Becky, Bridget began to fret. She was just beginning to pack her stuff away when she looked at the window in the classroom door to see a pink haired girl standing there looking in. Bridget gave her a smile and waved her in.

"If you're leaving I can go," Becky said to her.

"Oh no, I always have time for you Becky," Bridget said to her making Becky smile.

"I like your hair," Becky said to her with a big grin.

"It's kind of growing on me," Bridget said to her as she ran her hand through her hair.

Becky grinned and then Bridget saw a serious expression come over her face, "I do want to thank you for letting me color your hair," Becky said and before Bridget could answer Becky continued her thought, "but mostly I wanted to thank you for showing me that I could do okay with math. No one ever took the time to show me how to make it fun and interesting."

"It was my pleasure, I was lucky that I had a teacher that once showed me that I could be good at math, I just wanted to try and do the same for you and your classmates." Bridget said to her.

"Well thank you," Becky said and Bridget saw that maybe she wanted to talk more but didn't know how to do so.

"So have you turned in your request for next semester?" Bridget asked her.

"Just getting ready to now," Becky said to her.

"May I see it?" Bridget asked.

Becky hesitated before replying with, "Ahhh... sure." She then reached into her backpack to pull her paper out. She handed it wearily to Bridget.

Bridget looked it over and she saw just what she thought she would see, no math classes listed. "May I make a suggestion?" She asked.

Becky eyed her carefully and Bridget who just kept a soft smile on her face, "What's that?" She asked.

"Well you don't need this class, you won't learn a thing that will help you, let's pencil in Calculus I instead." Bridget said while doing just that.

"Oh no Ms. Dail, I'm here on a softball scholarship and I'm the only pitcher on the team. I'm just a freshman and we play in a tough league. If I starting failing your class then I'm off the team and then out of school." Becky said seriously and she reached for the paper that Bridget had just ruined for her.

Bridget could see that her favorite student was about to have a fit on her and while she wanted to keep Becky liking her, she wanted more to help her become educated. "Calm down and listen to me for a minute." Bridget told her. And when she saw that Becky wasn't buying in just yet, she threw the clincher. "Have I ever told you anything that wasn't true?"

Becky stood there for a moment and Bridget could see Becky thinking this over, "No you haven't."

"First off, you know I'll never let you fail one of my classes, I'll stay here all night until I know you understand what I'm teaching you. Secondly, from what I have heard, you're going to be a great pitcher, you've already got colleges looking at you long before they can really recruit you. And if you want to go to college, you're going to need to know more than what I have taught you so far." Bridget told her and she saw Becky beginning to buy in.

"You won't let me fail?" Becky asked.

"You know I won't," Bridget told her sincerely.

Becky studied her and then she smiled and Bridget knew Becky was coming up with something, "And you'll come to every game... even away games..." She said with a big grin on her face.

"That's the only way you'll take my class and other classes that I may suggest?" Bridget asked upping the ante on Becky.

"Yep... all my games for the next four years..." Becky said upping the ante that much more.

Bridget laughed, "Deal," She said standing up and holding out her hand to Becky.

Becky grinned as she shook Bridget's hand sealing both of their fates. But then her face turned serious, "You sure I can..."

"Becky, you're a very smart girl, you can do a whole lot more than you think you can and I plan on being here to prove it to you." Bridget said to her very seriously.

Becky stood there for a moment before saying, "Thanks teach." Then she picked up her book bag and headed toward the door but she stopped there and turned around, "Oh and I just love your hair!" Then she was gone but she heard her pink haired rebel student laughing as she went down the hallway.

"So how was your day?" Ivy asked as Bridget came into her apartment early that afternoon.

"Well we've just became softball fans," Bridget told her as she went over to where Ivy was sitting on the couch to give her a kiss.

"We are? And just how did we just become softball fans out of the blue?" Ivy asked with curiosity in her voice.

"I made a deal with Becky to get her to take my Calculus I class. She takes it and I go to all her games for the next four years." Bridget said sitting down beside of Ivy.

"And how does that make me a fan of softball?" Ivy asked arching her eyebrows at Bridget.

"I need you to teach me about softball, I don't have a clue about what is going on," Bridget told her, "besides you like sports so it should be fun."

"I like hockey, I don't know anything about softball," Ivy told her.

"Well I guess you had better learn quickly so you can teach me," Bridget told her with a soft smile on her face.

"Is that so?" Ivy asked.

"Yes it is." Bridget said firmly as she got off the couch.

"And what do I get out of it?" Ivy asked.

"You get to get into my panties..." Bridget said giving Ivy a wink before turning and then walking toward the bedroom.

She looked back a moment later and saw Ivy getting up off the couch with a smile on her face. Bridget pulled her sweater off throwing it back over her head toward Ivy and she quickened her pace. She was at the bedroom door and was throwing her bra over her head when Ivy caught up with her. Bridget felt Ivy's arms going around her and her grasping onto her breasts.

"Looks like you caught me..." Bridget told her. "So what are you going to do now?"

"Get into your panties my dear blue haired beauty," Ivy said just before kissing the back of her neck.

"Mmm I like the sound of that," Bridget said leaning back onto Ivy.

"Me too," Ivy said while her hands slid down Bridget's stomach to her skirt.

Ivy quickly had her skirt loose and it fell to the floor. Bridget then felt Ivy's fingers slip into the sides of her panties and they were being pulled down off her hips and down to her thighs. Bridget felt Ivy kissing the top of her spine and those soft lips placed kisses all the way down her spine and she felt her panties also heading south until Ivy was kissing her asscheeks and Bridget's panties were at her ankles.

Bridget stepped out of her panties and then she stepped away from Ivy who was left squatting in front of her. Bridget came forward and as Ivy reached for her hips, Bridget grasped Ivy's hands pulling her up.

"I also want into your panties baby," Bridget cooed before giving Ivy a kiss. She then proceeded to shed Ivy of her clothes, kissing each part of Ivy's body as it was exposed to her.

Once Ivy was as naked as she was, she pulled Ivy to her looking up into Ivy's eyes wanting Ivy to kiss her and she did. Their arms went around each other and they stood just inside the bedroom door kissing and caressing each other. They did everything slowly and both were very aroused before they began to ease their way to the bed. Bridget made Ivy get onto the bed first and she crawled onto the bed after her on her hands and knees. She gave Ivy a kiss before turning around putting her knees to each side of Ivy's chest. She felt Ivy's hands on her hips pulling them down until she felt Ivy's hot breath blowing on her wet pussy. Bridget lowered herself onto her elbows and she dipped her head down to Ivy's pussy where she began to lick. At first they both used their tongues to tease and caress the other's pussies and sensitive clits. But they soon got to the point where teasing wasn't enough and that is when they began to use their fingers to spread each other open and really lick and suck until the orgasms that they wanted to give each other came.

They spent the rest of the afternoon making love, mostly using their fingers and tongues but eventually graduating to the strap-on and they fucked each other to a last intense orgasm. They didn't leave the bedroom until late that night to find something to eat as they were starving. Once their hunger was gone and they smoked a couple of cigarettes did they return to the bedroom to make love once more before falling into an exhausted sleep.

The next morning, the alarm woke Bridget at eight. She quickly turned it off before it woke Ivy up. She slipped out of bed, peeing and taking a shower before getting something to eat. She dressed quietly in the bedroom and before leaving, she gave Ivy a soft kiss. She saw Ivy stirring but then she groaned and turned back over going back to sleep. She too wanted to go back to sleep but she wanted more to get the blue hair coloring out of her hair.

Cindy was already down in her shop when she arrived. So they talked as Cindy worked to get the temporary coloring out of her hair and then she trimmed her hair before putting the soft blond highlights that Bridget wanted. Bridget ended up spending about two hours with Cindy, though they did more talking than anything else.

When Bridget got back to Ivy's apartment, Ivy was sitting out on the balcony enjoying the nice fall California morning. She got something to drink before going on out to join her.

"So do you like my hair?" Bridget said as she went through the sliding glass door leading to the balcony.

Ivy stood up and smiled as soon as she saw it, "I love it, my blue haired beauty," She told her.

Bridget grinned both at the compliment and how Ivy chose to say it. "You can't call me that anymore," Bridget said accepting the kiss that Ivy gave to her.

"Oh yes I can, I'm afraid that you're stuck with that term of endearment." Ivy told her as she made Bridget turn around so that she could see the back.

"I see," Bridget said with a grin. "How about lighting me one of those," Bridget then said as she pointed to Ivy's pack of cigarettes.

They had a week to just do nothing before flying to Bridget's home in Boston where they were going to spend a few days before flying on to Ivy's home. Since Bridget had such a big family and it was hard for them all to get together on Christmas day, they all got together the weekend before Christmas. Plus Bridget's mom always went to mass on Christmas morning so it worked out better doing it before then.

Bridget first wanted to spend some time with Mary so they actually flew in on Thursday so that they would have a day or two with her and her family before having to see her mom, which she was dreading. Mary had already told the rest of her siblings that she was bringing her girlfriend and Mary had laid the groundwork with them. She had told her that they were all happy for her and glad that she had found someone to love her. Bridget wasn't completely sure that they all did but she was sure that Mary had laid down the law that they were all were to be nice to Ivy and accept them both. Mary being the oldest of all the kids, she was sort of the second mom and for the youngest ones like Bridget, she was the one that they accepted as being their mom, more so than their real mom.

They again took an early morning flight out and this time it was a direct one to Boston so that even with the time change they got there a little after noon. Mary came by herself to get them leaving her kids with a babysitter, who had sat for her when she was in high school and now that she was home from college on the holiday break, volunteered to watch them for the day.

As soon as she saw Mary, Bridget ran ahead to give her sister a big hug, leaving poor Ivy to catch up with her carrying their carryon items. Ivy got to them just as Mary was releasing Bridget from the heartfelt hug.

"Oh Mary this is Ivy and Ivy this is my big sis Mary," Bridget said properly introducing Ivy to her sister.

"It's nice to finally meet you, you're all Bridget has talked about since she moved out to California," Mary said reaching out to give Ivy a hug who had to drop their carryon's before returning the hug.

"It's nice to meet you too, and I hope that it was all good." Ivy said with a grin.

"Oh it was..." Mary said pausing a moment and Bridget tensed up afraid of what her sister was say next as she tended to say what she thought not worrying about anyone else thought about it. "Except for that first day when she told me about that bitch who was blackmailing her into having dinner, I assume that the bitch was you."

"Mary I didn't call her a bitch," Bridget said quickly afraid that Ivy would be mad at her.

"Yes you did," Mary said grinning. Bridget was then really worried until she saw Ivy grinning back.

"Oh I'm the same bitch..." Ivy said grinning, "But it worked."

"Yes it did and I'm glad of that," Mary said smiling.

"Can we talk about something else, like how my nieces and nephew are." Bridget asked to change the subject.

"Oh no, I had to suffer through a weekend of everyone picking on me when you came up to meet my family, I came here to get the dirt on you little girl and I believe Mary is going to help me," Ivy told her.

"You got that right sister," Mary said with a laugh. "Now come on and let's get something to eat. I'm hungry and we got the whole afternoon free before I take you home to meet my brood."

"Sounds good to me," Ivy said.

"Me too as long as I'm not the center of conversation between you two," Bridget said.

"Oh you're going to be the conversation my blue haired beauty," Ivy said before giving Bridget a little kiss.

When the brief kiss ended, Bridget eyed Mary to see her reaction and it was what she hoped it would be, a sister who was happy that she found someone to love no matter the sex of that person. Mary had said that she was cool with her being a lesbian but that was easy to say when your three thousand miles away but in person it was another matter. But Mary was Mary and if she said it, she meant it.

Bridget then went to Mary and gave her a hug and she whispered into her ear, "Thank you for accepting me." Knowing that Mary would know what she meant.

"I love you little sis and always will," Mary told her.

"I love you to Mary, you've always been there for me," Bridget told her and she felt the tears begin to fall down her cheeks as Mary also began to cry.

Mary pulled away a few moments later and she wiped the tears from her eyes, "Well we're a sight to see, three women crying in the middle of an airport."

Bridget glanced over to see that Ivy too was wiping the tears from her eyes. Then Ivy made her want to cry again as she said, "They're tears of joy."

"Yes they are," Mary replied and this time she hugged them both as they had another little cry before finally parting and then laughing at each other at their smeared mascara.

So they made a stop at the nearest restroom to fix their faces and to pee which Bridget badly needed to do after the long plane ride east. They went from the airport to Mary's favorite restaurant which happened to be any restaurant that didn't have a play area for kids. Bridget was happy that Ivy didn't press about learning anything about her past but then she really hadn't done anything bad to discuss. Mary mostly wanted to hear about California and teaching and anything about them and how they had met, this time getting Ivy's point of view as she already knew Bridget's. They also talked about their mother and if she would accept that her little nun wasn't ever going to be a nun and in fact was lesbian in a very loving relationship. Ivy pretty much kept quiet during this discussion though she would play a major role just by being there. They spent most of the afternoon at the restaurant which didn't seem to mind since they didn't have many other customers at that time of the day.

When they got to Mary's house, Mary opened the door and then she stepped back. This confused Bridget for a second then she heard and a second later saw two squealing girls come running toward her. Bridget grinned as she stepped inside the house as it was cold outside and she didn't want her nieces to get cold. Bridget bent down and caught Jane, Mary's eight year old daughter give her a hug and then a moment later Jane was joined by Leah, Mary's six year old daughter. Mary and Ivy slipped around them and closed the door as Bridget gushed over her nieces telling them how much that they had grown and how pretty they had become. She glanced up at Ivy who was grinning from ear to ear and then at Mary who was also smiling, a motherly smile that came to her when Jane arrived eight years ago. That did make Bridget wonder for a second if one day she would find that smile.

Bridget was finally able to pull away from the girls and she introduced them to Ivy. Jane was the shy one and she said "Hello" quietly but Leah was the more outgoing one and she immediately took Ivy by the hand and started to pull her on into the house so that she could show off her dolls to her. Ivy did get a moment's reprieve when the babysitter brought Bobby in. He was Mary's youngest and was only a couple of weeks old when Bridget left for California. He immediately went to Bridget giving her a big smile and then promptly pooped in his diaper. Mary told her that whoever is holding him gets to change him. Bridget told her that she wasn't so sure that was a rule until then. However Jane took her to the nursery and helped her change the diaper, talking a mile a minute. Mary only let Leah have Ivy for a short while before making her bring her back down since it was about time for their father to come home.

Bridget saw that Leah had made a friend of Ivy and she made sure that she sat by Ivy at supper. After they had eaten, Mary made her daughters clean up the kitchen. Ivy wanted to help but Mary made it clear, mostly for her daughter's sake, that it was the girl's job to clean up. This gave Ivy's husband Brandon a chance to get to know Ivy and once he knew that Ivy once played hockey, Bridget knew she didn't have to worry about Ivy being accepted. As far as Brandon was concerned, Ivy was the only one in the room and his and Ivy's discussion / argument as to whether the Bruins or the Black Hawks were the best team dominated their conversation. But that gave Bridget and Mary time to talk, at least until the kitchen was cleaned in record time with no arguments.

"So what do you think of my sister and her family?" Bridget asked as they lay on the air mattress in the den that Mary had set up for them. Actually she set it up for the girls and she was going to make her girls give up their bedroom for them. But Ivy insisted that the girls should keep their own room and they would sleep there.

"I like them except that Brandon doesn't know shit about hockey, pulling for the Bruins over my beloved Black Hawks." Ivy said seriously.

Bridget let out a laugh, "You know that come Saturday, you're going to be outnumbered by my brothers, father, brother-in-laws, and a couple of my sister- in-laws."

"Bring them on, I can take care of myself," Ivy said with a laugh.

"Okay other than hockey, what do you think?" Bridget asked.

"I think your sister is great, I like how straight forward she it and she says what's on her mind, I can appreciate that," Ivy told her and then she gave her a little kiss.

Bridget let her kiss her for only a moment before pushing her away, "Now don't get carried away."

"Why not, we're alone..." Ivy said giving her a mischievous grin, "We made love at my mother's house."

"Yes we did but you're mother didn't have two little girls who will be joining us any moment now." Bridget said with a grin.

"Oh they will?" Ivy asked.

"Oh yes, I've never spent a night here without having two girls beating me to death as they twisted and turned as they slept." Bridget said laughing a little.

"I see and then I guess we had better behave," Ivy said pretending to be disappointed.

They talked a little longer before Bridget heard the door squeak and she glanced at Ivy who had this big grin on her face. "Aunt Bridget?" they heard Leah say not as quietly as she thought she was saying it.

"Yes Leah, what do you want?" Bridget said.

"Can we sleep with you tonight?" Leah asked.

"Yes you can, come on girls," Bridget said sliding to the side of the mattress as Ivy did the same.

They both held the covers up and they soon had two giggling girls between them. So after some tickling and lots of giggling and then some quiet whispers as Bridget's nieces had some alone time with their Aunt Bridget and their new Aunt Ivy.

Just as Bridget and Ivy had gotten them quieted down, they heard the door squeak open and Leah and Jane got real quiet. "Now girls you need to get back up to your room and leave your Aunts alone," Mary said in that motherly voice that meant business.

"Ahhh... mom," came the reply from Leah and Jane.

"They're not bothering us and we're all just going to go to sleep aren't we girls," Bridget said to them.

"Yes we are," Leah and Jane said almost in unison. "Please can we stay?" Jane asked her mom.

"Okay but be good and go to sleep," Mary said to them. Then she said to Bridget and Ivy, "You asked for it."

"I know," Bridget said with a laugh.

It took Bridget and Ivy a few minutes more to get the girls to sleep and it wasn't long after that, that she heard Ivy grunt as Jane turned over and swatted her with her arm. Bridget wanted to laugh at her but she knew that her turn would come too and it did. However they did survive the night and actually got some sleep themselves.

The next day they decided to take Jane and Leah to the ice skating ring. Ivy seemed to be just as excited about going as Bridget's nieces were. Bridget wasn't as sure as she had never gotten on ice skates before and when Mary pulled out her video camera out, Bridget really didn't want to go as she just knew that every family gathering from then on would feature her falling on her ass several times.

Bridget tried to get out of getting out on the ice by offering to look after Little Bobby however Jane and Leah wouldn't have any of that, they wanted their aunt with them out of the ice. So Ivy helped her get her ice skates on while assuring her that she would be at her side at all times. So she was helped to the edge of the ice and as soon as her skates touched the ice she felt herself falling but Ivy did catch her. Ivy got beside her and eased her forward as Jane and Leah moved around them like they were born with ice skates on. Ivy moved her along the sides of the rink going slowly until Bridget figured out how to stand without breaking her ankles and thus busting her ass. Slowly Ivy moved away and let her skate on her own with Leah and Jane holding onto her hands. Ivy skated away from her a little ways and Bridget could see just how at ease Ivy was on the ice.

Bridget skated only a little while before complaining that her legs were already tired. So she went back to where Mary was sitting and she helped her with Bobby while Jane and Leah skated with Ivy. The girls showed off their skills to Ivy who had a move or two of her own to show them. She and Mary talked while Ivy looked after the girls. Eventually they stopped for lunch and afterwards, Bridget was forced back out on the ice and this time she felt more comfortable and could skate on her own. She only fell a couple of times but Jane and Leah always rushed to her side to help her up. That evening she felt every bruise and the muscles that she had never used before complained loudly telling her that they didn't like to be twisted and stretched in ways they had never been before.

But then again, it wasn't like she was going to get much sleep that night and the one night she really wanted Ivy to hold her, she couldn't since Bridget's two nieces separated them. She worried about ruining everyone's weekend, the one time that they all were able to get together. But she feared that if she waited until that evening then she would have to spend the whole day listening to her mother tell everyone how she was going to come home and become a nun as was her dream but it wasn't her dream, it was her mother's dream she just was too insecure to tell her mother otherwise. However she wasn't that person anymore.

So early that next morning, Mary drove her to their parent's home, what was once home to both of them. Ivy was in the back seat keeping an eye on her. They had both insisted on coming along for moral support.

"Hi mother," She said as she entered her childhood home with Mary right behind of her and then Ivy.

"Bridget, what you doing wearing those jeans? We can't go to church with you dressed like that." Her mother stated not even acknowledging Mary or even Ivy whom she had never seen before and thus was a total stranger.

"I need to talk to you and dad before you go to morning mass," Bridget said to her. "Where is dad anyway?"

"He's in the den reading the paper, but we got to hurry, mass will start in an hour and I want you to meet Father Michael first, he's our new priest." Her mother stated.

Bridget took a hold of Ivy's hand leading her toward the den where her father waited. When they entered the den, her father lowered the paper that he was reading, the sports section, of course. Bridget gave him a smile and he stood up coming to her.

"Hi honey, you look so beautiful, give me a hug." Her father said and Bridget went to him, giving him that hug.

"You look great dad," Bridget said pulling back but still holding onto him a little. Even though they had never been real close, she loved her dad and she knew that her dad would always love her and be there for her.

"What about me dad, aren't I beautiful and deserve a hug," Mary said with a smile.

He laughed, "Yes you do my eldest and loudest."

"That's me," Mary said going to him and giving him a hug too and Bridget saw her whisper something into his ear and she saw a frown come to his face but only for a moment and it was gone, replaced with a smile. Bridget just knew that her dad had just been warned as to what was going down and he obviously knew what was about to be said.

"Mother, why don't you sit by dad for a minute while I talk to you both." Bridget said directing her mother to the small couch that her dad had been occupying.

"Okay but hurry honey, I want you to meet Father Michael," her mother said as she sat by her father.

"Love, I believe what Bridget here has to say is more important than you getting to mass this morning," Her dad said and she saw her mother give him a look but she didn't say anything. Bridget pulled up a chair and sat in front of them so that they both would have to see her and listen to her. She knew her dad would but it was her mother she wanted to make sure that she understood what she had to say.

"As you both have noticed I have brought a woman with me and I want you both to meet her." Bridget said in a calm voice that sounded a lot surer of itself than Bridget thought that it would. And it gave her confidence to go on, plus having Mary and Ivy, her sister and her lover being there with her helped.

Bridget stood up and she reached out her hand to Ivy who came to her side. "I guess you're wondering who this beautiful lady is standing here silently, which is something that goes against her very nature." Bridget said with a smile to Ivy. "This is my girlfriend Ivy and these are my parents Jim and Joan."

"Yes I was wondering when you'd introduce us to your friend." Her dad said standing up.

"It's nice to finally meet you both," Ivy said to them and she gave Jim a quick hug and then she went to Joan and gave her a hug too, one that she barely returned and only did so impatiently.

Once they had all sat down again, Bridget went on with what she had to say. "Do you understand what I mean when I say that she is my girlfriend?" Bridget asked just looking at her mother as she knew that her father already understood what she was telling them.

"She's your friend, I get that," Bridget's mother said impatiently.

Mary, obviously wanting to get to the point as was her nature, came forward and she said to her mother, "Mother, Bridget's a lesbian and Ivy is her lover."

Joan's mouth dropped as she looked from Mary to Bridget and Bridget looked up at Mary giving her a frown for interfering but she did speed things along.

Bridget's mother stood up saying, "But that is wrong... you need to come with me to see Father Michael, he can show you how to ask for forgiveness and get you back on track to being a nun as you wanted to be before you went to California and got your mind twisted around."

"Mother, my mind's not twisted and I have nothing to ask forgiveness for," Bridget told her mother trying to make her understand.

"I'm going to talk to Father Michael, he'll know what to do and you should come with me," Her mother said as she started to leave the den.

She stopped at the doorway, turned back toward them, "Are you coming child?"

"No mother I'm not, there's nothing there for me." Bridget said and she saw the hurt in her mother's eyes but it had to be said.

"I'm going to pray for you and get Father Michael to light some candles for you," She said leaving the room.

Bridget felt the tears coming to her eyes as she looked toward her father whose eyes were filled with kindness, "Do you still accept me?" she asked.

"Of course I do, you're my baby girl and will always be," he said to her. "I just want you to be happy."

"I am happy but why can't mother accept that?" she asked of her father.

"I don't know honey, she has her own ways. I love her but that doesn't always mean that I understand her." He said and then he paused for a moment before asking, "I thought that is want you wanted, what she wanted for you..."

"No, I just went along with her, I don't know why but I did. I guess I just wanted to please her and make her love me." Bridget said to her father.

"I wish you'd had told me long before now, I would have had her back off." He said to her as he took her hands grasping them in his big hands.

"I know you would have but I didn't understand it all until I met Ivy and she was able to show me who I was," Bridget said turning to look back at Ivy who wasn't there nor was Mary.

"Where did they go?" Bridget asked.

"They slipped out after your mother left, I think they wanted to let us talk alone and so we shall." Her father said softly. "Come over here and tell me who my little girl really is, I want to get to know her."

That made Bridget burst out in tears, hearing that at least one of her parents accepting her. The next thing she knew, she was sitting beside her father crying in his big warm safe arms.

Her dad brushed the tears from her eyes before saying, "So tell me about you and your girlfriend Ivy, whom I hear is a big Black Hawks fan so she already has a big strike against her." Bridget looked up into her father's smiling eyes and she laughed.

"Well I never said she was perfect," She said with laughing again and then she began to tell her dad who she was and how she had figured it out. She left out more than a few of the details that her father would have classified as "Too much information" but by the time the rest of her brothers and sisters began to arrive, Bridget was beginning to learn who her father really was as he learned about his baby daughter.

Bridget introduced Ivy to everyone who all gave her a hug and welcomed her into the family. She did notice that a couple of her sister-in-laws wasn't as friendly as everyone else, but Mary had made sure that nothing was said. Mary had taken her role as the eldest seriously and had done so all her life. She kept them all in line as they had grown up and continued to do so in adulthood.

Everyone brought food along so there wasn't much cooking to do, mostly warming up dishes and getting the large table set. Her mother arrived a couple of hours later, but she didn't have anything to say to Bridget, which hurt her more than a little but Bridget knew the rest of her family accepted her and that her father still loved her and maybe even more so now that she and he had a chance to talk. The adults sat at the big table and the kids sat at small tables nearby. The dinner went well with everyone wanting to know what California was like and all that. A couple of her sisters and sister-in-laws had to break up a few arguments between the cousins, but overall it was a fun dinner.

After the dinner, the kids went down to the basement to play and be out of the way while the men went to the den to watch the Bruins play at the Black Hawks. The women divided into two groups with Bridget's mother and a couple of her daughters and daughter-in-laws that all were religious like she was. Bridget stayed at the table with Mary, Ivy, and the rest of her sister-in-laws. Ivy was being nice and sitting with her but Bridget could tell that it was killing her not to be in the den with the men. And when the men groaned, Bridget saw that Ivy was leaning toward the den trying to hear what was going on.

"Go on, get in there," Bridget said with a smile.

"You don't mind..." Ivy asked as she smiled at her while still trying to hear the game.

"Go get out of here," Bridget told her.

"Thanks," Ivy said jumping up from her chair. She took a couple of steps away before coming back quickly to give her a kiss on the cheek and then she was gone.

"You know if the black Hawks win, you all are going to have to help me get her out of there before they kill her." Bridget said to a laugh from the women around the table.

"Honey, she's on her own in there," Mary told her.

Bridget laughed and then she turned her attention to her sister-in-law Olivia who had married her middle brother Kevin who had been a know womanizer until Olivia arrived on the scene. Bridget had been in college when they had met and had only met Olivia at their wedding. Her brother then got a job in New York so she didn't get to see Olivia again until now. But what little that she had gotten to talked to her, she liked her as she was just a nice woman, a good woman but not the type that her brother always had dated.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but how did you ever get Kevin to stop going out with those..." Bridget started to ask Olivia who was rubbing her big belly that contained a kicking daughter, but then she realized that she was about to put her foot into her mouth.

Olivia smiled at her, "Stop dating those dumb blond models and look at a plain Jane like me?"

"You're not a plain Jane but yes that was what I was asking," Bridget said to her.

"Yea I am, we are all compared to those models he was going out with." Olivia said to her smiling. "I knew Kevin from high school and always had a crush on him but he never looked my way. And he dated all the pretty girls then too, but I knew that there was something good in him and I was right."

Bridget looked around and she could see from other women's faces that they all knew this story but still wanted to listen to it again.

"Well one night I was at a pub with some of my friends when he walked in with one of his blond bombshells. I made the mistake of telling my friends of the crush that I had on him all through high school and still did. They all dared me to go up to him and ask him out. Well I was just drunk enough to take them up on the bet. So when his girlfriend went to the restroom, I got pushed from the booth we were sitting in. Needless to say I sobered up real quick and I was a nervous wreck by the time I got to him. But then I looked back at my friends and knew I couldn't back out so before I chickened out, I went on up to him. I told him that I knew him from high school. I then asked for his phone and he was dumb enough to give it to me. I put my number in and then I told him that when he wanted to go out with a real woman then to give me a call and I'd show him a real good time. I gave him a wink and went back to my table." She said with a big grin.

"You didn't?" Bridget said shocked that someone would have the nerve to do something like that but then she thought of Ivy and knew that she knew such a person.

"Yes I did and my friends told me that he stared at me the whole way back to my table but I was afraid to look back at him for fear of seeing him delete my number. It took him a couple of weeks to call me and I was shocked that he did. And so we went out though the good time I hinted at wasn't the good time he thought he was getting." Olivia said grinning bigger.

"Okay I'll bite," Bridget said when Olivia didn't go on with her story.

"Well I took him back to the pub that I had asked him out in and we talked and had a burger with a beer. Then I took him next door to a pool hall where I kicked his ass at pool." Olivia said.

"Now you know I let you win," Kevin said from the doorway.

"If you say so hon," Olivia said with a smile.

"I do," Kevin said coming on in to give his wife a kiss on the cheek while he tenderly patted her stomach. He then grabbed some cokes from the fridge since alcohol wasn't allowed in the house.

"So did you show him that good time that you hinted at?" Bridget asked after she thought that Kevin had gotten out of hearing range.

"Oh yea..." She heard Kevin say making everyone laugh and Bridget blush.

"So I guess the answer is yes..." Bridget said after he was sure that her brother Kevin was back in the den.

"Let's just say that he found out how much fun it can be in the bedroom when the woman doesn't care if her hair gets messed up a bit," Olivia said in a straight forward manner. "But I also taught him that he could actually have a real conversation with me and I'd know what he the hell was talking about."

"Well I'm glad that you settled him down, I was afraid that he wouldn't ever find happiness with those bimbos that he seemed to prefer." Bridget told Olivia.

"I'd like to take all the credit but I think I just got lucky and approached him when he was ready to settle down." Olivia admitted.

About this time Ivy reentered the dining room and she sat back down by Bridget. "How's it going in there?" Bridget asked her lover.

"My Black Hawks are ahead one goal to none at the end of the first period." Ivy said proudly but then she grinned as she said, "I was beginning to get some evil looks so I figured I'd better come in here to let them cool off."

"I don't guess you were doing any trash talking..." Bridget asked her.

"Who me? You know I don't trash talk." Ivy said seriously.

"Yes you my dear, and yes I could see you doing just that," Bridget said to her.

"You cut me to the heart," Ivy said putting her hands to her heart making the other women laugh at her antics.

"Tell them how you blackmailed Bridget into having dinner with you," Mary said and Ivy's face lit up at that.

"Oh this is a good story," Ivy said to them.

"No it isn't, it was mean of you and you had me scared to death that you were going to get me fired the first day." Bridget complained loudly.

Ivy ignored her and launched into her story with Bridget adding her part and the women laughed at the story and at them as they told the story. It all made Bridget feel good that she could tell this and be accepted by her family... well at least most of her family. Ivy stayed until Bridget's dad came in to announce loudly that the Bruins had tied the game back up and Ivy was off to bring her Black Hawks back.

In the end the Bruins won by a goal and Ivy took the teasing rather well though she vowed that her Black Hawks would come back and kick some Bruin butt. Bridget laughed at that as she knew her Ivy would have to get the last word. But mainly she was glad that Ivy was having fun and enjoying the visit.

"So are you going to go to Mass with us tomorrow?" Mary asked as they sat in Mary's living room later that night after the kids had been put to bed.

"I don't know, what do you think?" Bridget asked Mary.

"Honey, that's your decision. I know how you feel about the church and I understand where you're coming from, but this is a family tradition." Mary told her. "Even Brandon goes with me."

"Only because it is a part of our prenuptial agreement," Brandon said to her.

"You all have a prenuptial agreement?" Bridget asked not believing that they had such a thing.

"Well an informal one, I told him that I'd marry him only if our children would be raised in the church and that he would go to mass with me two days a year." Mary said with a smile.

"Oh, what's the other day?" Bridget had to ask.

"Christmas Mass, after that he's free to sleep in on Sunday morning." Mary said with a smile.

"So you want me to go don't you," Bridget stated.

"Yes I do but only because it is a family tradition and not because mother wants you to go." Mary told her.

"What do you think Ivy, what should I do?" Bridget asked knowing that if anyone understood where she was coming from, she would, even more so than Mary.

"I think you should do whatever your heart tells you to do, I'm behind you either way." Ivy told her taking her hand.

Bridget thought for a moment, "Can I let you know in the morning?"

"Sure baby and I'll keep the girls upstairs tonight," Mary said getting up and signaling for Brandon to follow her.

Mary came over to Bridget to give her a hug goodnight, "You know I'll love you either way." She said after the hug.

"I know you will," Bridget said with a smile.

Bridget and Ivy went on to the den and made up their air mattress before getting into their gowns and slipping under the covers. Bridget lay there on her back thinking and Ivy was smart enough to let her do so. But Bridget knew that when she was ready, Ivy would be there to listen to her.

"So what should I do, go to mass as I'm sure that my mother would love to have me do," Bridget asked feeling that as much as she hated to disappoint Mary, she just couldn't go, it wasn't in her heart to do so.

"I can't answer that for you," Ivy told her and then she felt Ivy moving over to her and she turned to her side to face her. "But the thing I think that you're missing here is that if you go, it won't because you are doing so because your mother is making you go. It will be because you want to for your family and for yourself, not her. She can't make you do anything anymore."

Bridget looked into Ivy's eyes and she saw that what Ivy said made sense to her, she had really became free of her mother the day she stepped on that plane to come out west to interview for the teaching job there.

"You're right she can't," Bridget said with a sad smile knowing that there would always be a vast canyon separating her and her mother. She snuggled up against Ivy letting her hold onto her.

They snuggled there until they heard four little feet entering the den. Bridget smiled at Ivy who slipped back so that two giggling little girls could slide in between them. This time the girls settled down rather quickly and the four of them were soon asleep.

"Okay we're going but we're sitting in the back, the very back." Bridget declared as she and Ivy entered the kitchen where Mary was cooking breakfast.

Mary had her back to her but Bridget knew that she was smiling. "I got dresses laid out for you in my bedroom." Mary told them.

"How do you know our sizes and that I'd go?" Bridget asked as she planned on just sitting in the back in her jeans just to be a little defiant.

"She got your sizes when she washed your clothes and then she made me and the girls go out and get them. So if you don't like what you got to wear then you can blame the girls, they picked them out." Brandon said entering the kitchen in dress slacks and an undershirt.

"So we're going in dresses picked out by a six and eight year old?" Ivy asked more than a little worried as to what they would have picked out.

"They actually got great taste in clothes, believe it or not," Mary said with a smile as she pulled some biscuits out of the oven.

"You know it might be worth going just to see you in a dress picked out by two little girls." Bridget told Ivy who was frowning.

"Don't you like wearing dresses?" Mary asked.

"No I don't," Ivy answered honestly.

"At least not ones you can wear to church," Bridget piped in with a giggle.

Mary opened her mouth to say something but then thought better of it. So instead she said, "Go get the girls up and get them going."

Bridget laughed, "Yes my dear sister," and then she headed out to roust up her nieces. But she did stop at the door to say, "You know I can send you a picture of her in a dress."

"No thank you," Mary said with a grin and then she looked at Brandon and said, "Not a word, not a word."

Brandon held up his hands and said, "I wasn't going to say anything."

"Yea right, I know how your mind works," Mary said shaking her finger at him making Bridget laugh at them.

Mass wasn't as bad as she feared that it would be but then she had Ivy with her along with Leah and Jane. She spent most of the mass keeping the girls occupied and explaining to Ivy what was going on and what the priest was saying when he talked in Latin.

After Mass it was back to Bridget's parent's house for another dinner before everyone began to head out, which included Bridget and Ivy who were catching an evening flight to spend Christmas with Ivy's family.

"So what do you think of my family?" Bridget asked after they had gotten onto the plane.

"I like them, your mother is a bit odd but then I knew that already," Ivy said honestly.

"Yes she is but I was kind of hoping that she would understand me and accept me," Bridget said sadly.

"Now you knew that was never going to happen," Ivy told her.

"Yea I know but still I hoped..." Bridget said as she laid her head on Ivy's shoulder and she felt Ivy taking her hand in hers.

"Well what you lost in your mother, you gained in your father; you're closer to him now aren't you." Ivy stated.

Bridget thought for a second before she smiled up at Ivy and said, "Yes I am..." then she gave Ivy a little kiss for reminding her of what she had gained and not what she had lost.


Over the next five years, Bridget and Ivy's relationship grew stronger. They had a hard time or two to get through but once they got it figured out, they found that their relationship was even stronger. They also became real fans of softball thanks to Bridget's deal with Becky who over her four years in high school became one of the most sought after pitchers and hitters in the country. Colleges were falling all over themselves to recruit her. She ended up at a university in the southeast that was coached by a husband and wife team. Bridget hated to see her go so far away to play as she and Ivy wouldn't be able to see her play but Bridget could only blame herself as she helped Becky research each university and that was the one they both felt fit Becky best. It had a great softball team and was well coached and the university was respected for the education it provided.

They did have on scare when Ivy's mom found a lump in her left breast. Ivy flew home when she had it taken out and they were both relieved that it was just a cyst like the doctors thought it would be however Bridget could see just how much of an effect it had on Ivy who called her mom more often and talked longer. And when each phone call ended, Ivy seemed to be in another place for awhile. Bridget could see that Ivy wanted to be close to her mom again. The lump put a scare into her that couldn't be taken away.

Bridget was sitting out on the balcony of Ivy's apartment that had long since become their apartment one spring morning when Ivy came out after talking to her mom. Bridget could see the distant look in Ivy's eyes as she stood by the rail and lit a cigarette. Bridget stood up going to Ivy's side and from the distance stare in Ivy's eyes, Bridget could tell that while her body was here but her mind was with her mother.

"You know as soon as you ask, I'll say yes," Bridget said to her all so softly.

"What?" Ivy said shaken from her thoughts.

"When you get around asking me to come with you, we can start finding teaching jobs there and we can move back so that you can be close to your mom." Bridget told her and she saw Ivy looking back at her with tears in her eyes.

"You'd move away from our home, I know you love it out here." Ivy told her with the tears streaming down her cheeks.

Bridget reached over and wiped Ivy's tears away, "I do love it here but I love you more. So get up off your fat ass and call your mom back and tell her to get Rachel to start finding us a couple of teaching jobs." Bridget said to Ivy who was crying from joy... "Tell her we're coming home."

"Oh thank you!" Ivy said as she stubbed out her cigarette and then she wrapped her arms around her.

Bridget hugged Ivy back and kissed her cheek before she pulled back a little, "However I do have one condition to our move."

"What's that?" Ivy asked with more than a little apprehension in her voice.

"You have to make a proper woman out of me by marrying me," Bridget said seriously while looking into her eyes.

"And what else?" Ivy asked and Bridget smiled as Ivy always knew when she had more to say as she did then.

"Your mom makes us matching white wedding dresses and we get married at Helen's house, Mary will be my maid of honor and my father will give me away. You can chose your own maid of honor and who you want to give you away though I suggest that it be Rachel as she is the one that brought you to me by changing your life. The wedding will be this coming June as I always wanted a June wedding." Bridget told her.

"Anything else?" Ivy asked arching her eyebrows at her.

"Not that I can think of at the moment but I'm sure that I'll think of a few more things." Bridget said with a cute grin on her face.

"Oh I'm sure that you will," Ivy said with a grin.

"So will you?" Bridget asked.

Ivy didn't say anything but she did go down on one knee and Bridget saw Ivy reach up for her hands which she gave to her, "Will you marry me and become my wife?" She asked sincerely.

Bridget felt her eyes tear up and she said in a low whisper as she didn't trust herself to speak aloud, "Yes I will."

Ivy then stood up and Bridget felt Ivy letting go of her hands and then they were on her cheeks, Bridget closed her eyes as Ivy's lips approached hers and she was crying as Ivy gave her a tender kiss.

When the kiss ended, Ivy stepped back which confused Bridget for a moment until Ivy cleared her throat and looked downward. Bridget let out a giggle before going down on one knee and taking Ivy's hands in hers.

"Will you marry me and become my wife?" She asked just as sincerely as Ivy had done.

"Yes I will," Ivy said crying just as Bridget was doing.

Bridget then stood up and she pulled Ivy into her arms kissing her passionately...

The end.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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