Bridget's Awakening

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Aug 1, 2013


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Bridget's Awakening

Part Two

By Chris

Bridget was a bit confused by it all but she was too caught up in the movie so she turned her attention back to the screen. Just then the lawyers shared their first kiss, Bridget felt Ivy's hand touch the top of her hand and then she felt Ivy turn her hand before entwining their fingers together. Bridget's eyes were glued to the screen and she felt the kiss on the screen in her heart, she felt herself up on the screen receiving her first loving kiss, a kiss she so desired. Without realizing it, she grasped Ivy's hand back giving it a squeeze. When the movie got to the first bedroom scene, it was done tastefully with both actresses being covered but Bridget knew what was happening and she felt that love deep within her body. She also felt her pussy getting moist and her nipples hardening.

The movie ended with the women's client losing his case but not because the lawyers didn't try to win but they both knew that they hadn't put forth their best effort. The women also quit their large firm to start a small practice together. This made Bridget happy and she cried at the happy ending. She sat there holding onto Ivy's hand as the credits rolled across the screen before she slowly was able to disengage her brain from the movie and realize that she was still holding onto Ivy's hand.

Bridget pulled her hand away from Ivy's and she looked over at her. Ivy was smiling softly and Bridget saw those soft lips of hers and she so wanted to kiss them just like the women on the screen had done. But then her brain caught up with her heart and she realized that Ivy had set her up and set her up so perfectly. It was like Ivy could see into her heart and could read what was there, which was something that it was getting harder and harder to hide from herself.

Bridget wanted to say something to tell Ivy she wasn't like that and didn't feel that way but her brain failed her; instead she told her that she needed to pee. That did break the mood that was enveloping her however Ivy just smiled and told her that she too needed to pee. So they got up and headed to the restrooms. Bridget was glad that they had to use stalls that weren't next to each other as she didn't have to pee as bad as she had made out seeing that she had went before leaving the restaurant. But what she hated was that when she wiped herself after peeing, there was more than just pee on her lips, there were juices from her arousal. This pissed her off but also told her that whether she liked it or not, she was... but then her mind wouldn't let her got there yet. She finished cleaning up any signs of her arousal and went out to wash her hands.

On the way home, Bridget kept the conversation on anything except the movie that Ivy had taken her too. She was glad that Ivy seemed content to let her do that and she didn't bring it up either. Instead Ivy talked about what they would see the next day on their little adventure into the world that was San Francisco.

Ivy walked her to her door, something that made Bridget a little nervous about. "Well I enjoyed the evening," Bridget told her.

"I did too, very much..." Ivy said giving her a soft smile that got to Bridget, much to her own discomfort.

"So what time do you want to get together tomorrow?" Bridget asked wanting to change the mood that was developing.

"How about ten?" Ivy asked, "That way we both can sleep in a little."

"Sounds good to me," Bridget said but then she realized that Ivy was staring at her with those penetrating eyes of her, those desirable blue eyes. "Well good night," she said and she tried to break Ivy's stare but she couldn't.

Bridget stared back not able to do anything else and then she realized that Ivy was leaning forward. She hadn't noticed that Ivy had been closing the gap between then since they had gotten to her door and now she further closed that distant. Bridget knew what Ivy was about to do so she put her right hand to Ivy's shoulder pushing back only slightly but not enough to stop what Ivy was about to do.

Bridget saw Ivy turning her head to the right and then Ivy began to close her eyes. Bridget found that she was powerless to do anything other than close her eyes and a second later, she felt Ivy's soft lips touch her lips. Bridget felt her heart flutter and her knees go weak; she began to return the kiss getting lost in the emotions that were now controlling her actions. The kiss was light and soft and Bridget was lost in it. But then her brain reacted and she was able to push Ivy away.

"I... I'mmm... I'm not that way," Bridget was able to finally stammer out.

Ivy just smiled before leaning in and giving Bridget another soft kiss, a brief one that Bridget couldn't stop, all she could do was to accept the kiss.

"I'll see you in the morning," Ivy said giving her a sweet smile and then she turned and walked down to the elevator leaving Bridget standing there by the door. She just kept standing there looking at Ivy as Ivy smiled back at her and then giving her a little wave before getting into the elevator and Bridget return the wave before she could stop herself.

Bridget turned back to her door and she reached into her purse for her keys. When she brought her hand out she saw that it was shaking. It took her a couple of attempts to get the key into the slot and open her door. She walked in, closing the door behind her before locking it. She then realized that her knees were shaking just as much as her hands were. She put her back to the door leaning up against it to support herself.

Her lips were still tingling from where Ivy had kissed her and it was like she could still feel Ivy kissing her. As much as she loved this feeling and all the emotions that it brought forth from inside of her, Bridget knew that she needed to stop this before it went any further. She got her knees working again, and she pushed herself off the door. She went to the dresser to get her pajamas. She began to work out what she was going to say to Ivy to show her that she wanted to remain friends but there could be nothing beyond that. She wasn't a lesbian and that was all there was to it. By the time that she came from the bathroom dressed in her pajamas, she felt like she had it all worked out. However her heart wasn't buying in and her brain was losing the battle between the two. All she could think about was Ivy staring into her eyes and then kissing her. She relived the kiss over and over again until her brain finally shut down and she went to sleep for a few hours.

The next morning she awoke fearing that the plan that she had come up with the night before wasn't going to work. She didn't need some elaborate plan; all she needed to do was just tell her. Just come on out and tell Ivy that there would be no more kissing, she wasn't a lesbian and while she respected Ivy's right to be so, she wasn't that way. She liked this idea even better and that was what she was going to go with. She added a little to this thought as she got dressed. It was going to be a warm day so she picked out a knee length wrap around skirt that fit a little tighter that she realized when she bought it. That was why she had never worn it until today and she didn't know why she chose to wear it on this particular day. She also got out a white blouse and a lacy bra that she also rarely wore. She heard a knock on the door as she was buttoning her blouse and she stopped to look at the clock. Ivy was twenty minutes early, "oh shit" Bridget said to herself. She went to the mirror to check her hair and makeup before going to the door.

She opened it to see Ivy standing there dressed in a pair of short denim shorts and a tee shirt and a bright smile on her face. Bridget smiled back without realizing that she was doing so.

"You look nice," Ivy said as she looked at her.

"Thank you, so do you," Bridget said seeing Ivy's breasts framed by her tee shirt and those short shorts showed off Ivy's firm legs.

"You ready to go tear San Francisco up?" Ivy asked smiling at her.

"Ah yea..." Bridget stammered out as she grabbed her purse by the door and then shutting it and locking it behind her. This gave her a moment to get her thoughts back together.

She turned back around facing Ivy but not moving, "I need to tell you something first," She said to her.

"What's that honey?" Ivy asked.

"Ah... you can't kiss me anymore..." Bridget stammered out but the rest of what she was going to say to her was lost when she saw that Ivy had never stopped smiling, smiling like she knew something that Bridget should know and what she had just said had made no impression upon her.

"Come on babe, I want to show off San Francisco to you." Ivy said grabbing her hand and she started to pull her down the hallway toward the elevator.

Bridget started to pull her hand back and make Ivy realize that she was serious when Ivy said, "I like the way you left the last two buttons open on your blouse, it shows how sexy you are."

"What?" Bridget said looking down at her blouse to see that she never finished buttoning her blouse and with Ivy dragging down the hallway she couldn't fix it. She also forgot to finish what she wanted to say or realize that Ivy never agreed to honor her wishes.

When they got to the elevator, Bridget pulled her hand away from Ivy's hand and she started to bring her hands to her blouse when she heard Ivy say, "Leave it babe, you look nice." And then Ivy gave her a wink which sealed the deal and Bridget dropped her hands back to her sides. Bridget's mind was all confused but she felt happy and free and that was all that mattered at that moment.

On the trip there, Ivy told Bridget about what she had planned. The best part for Bridget was that they could do most all of it all by Trolley. This excited Bridget but then she worried that maybe the Trolley wouldn't be as much fun as she had imagined that it would be. However Ivy was right; the trolley was that and more. It was fun to ride around seeing the famous city. They first rode around awhile while Ivy told her what she knew of the city.

They hit some of the main attractions including Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge. They also went down to Chinatown where they had a late lunch. The day was tiring and they only scratched the surface of what San Francisco had to show them. However Bridget planned on being there for a while so she and Ivy had plenty of time to explore more and then they could chose what they wanted to spend a day doing. Today was just a day to explore and enjoy and so they did. They went to a nice restaurant to end their day in San Francisco. This time Bridget insisted on paying, using some of her reserve fund from her siblings that she was living on until she started to get a paycheck. She was determined to pay them all back though it might take her a while to do so.

By the time that they got back that evening, they were tired, sweaty, and ready for a shower before bed. Ivy again walked her to her door, standing beside her as she unlocked her door.

Bridget turned to Ivy, "I really enjoyed today it was fun." She said to her.

"Yes it was, I had a great time too baby," Ivy said with a soft smile.

Bridget then made the mistake of getting pulled into Ivy's smile and she saw that stare from the previous night and she knew what was about to happen. She saw Ivy begin to lean in toward her. Bridget wanted to put her hands up to stop her however her arms refused to move. She felt Ivy's body lean in against her and then she was closing her eyes as she felt Ivy's lips touch hers.

She felt her heart flutter and she felt her knees grow weak. She began to return the kiss, feeling all of her repressed emotions come out of her. She began to lean back in against Ivy when her brain kicked in. Her arms regained their will and she was able to bring them up to Ivy's shoulders. She pushed Ivy back breaking the kiss and she found that she was out of breath and her head was spinning.

"I can't..." Bridget stammered out feeling how hot her face was and she saw that Ivy's face was a bit pink and she was breathing a little heavy.

"How about brunch tomorrow, come on up at one and I'll fix us something to eat," Ivy said to her and then before Bridget could react, Ivy leaned in giving her a light kiss before turning and walking toward the elevator.

Bridget stood there watching and when Ivy gave her a little wave, Bridget returned it before she could think. "Oh fuck, what am I going to do?" Bridget asked no one in particular.

Bridget picked up her purse from the floor, not knowing that she had even dropped it. When she picked it up, her cigarettes fell out and she suddenly had a need to smoke one, a need so great that she thought that she could eat it. She went on inside dropping her purse on the table and locking the door before heading to the balcony. She lit one as soon as she got outside. She and Ivy had done pretty well with their cigarette smoking that day only having one after their lunch and dinner and then just two others during the day. But as she stood out in the cooling night air, she knew that one cigarette wasn't going to do it tonight.

Ivy kept kissing her and she kept letting her. She then felt all that guilt about the kisses but she couldn't stop Ivy until after she had kissed her. Her mind kept going back to what her mother and priest had told her and as much as she wanted to rebel against those things and had rebelled against her mother, her church, and her priest, the things that they had pushed into her head were just too deep for her to get rid of. That just confused things in her head. Right now all she wanted to do was to just teach and forget all of the things that she thought that she had left behind. She knew now that she had to explain everything to Ivy and maybe she would understand where she was coming from. Then they could be friends and she could just worry about becoming a great teacher.

She had smoked about three cigarettes before she got her brain to relax. She went back inside, heading for the bathroom to take a shower as she was tired and feared falling asleep in the bathtub. Once she had showered and dried, she put her pajamas on and headed to bed. The guilt over the kiss was still there but she was able to sleep, though the bad dreams didn't come as they always had before.

She woke up early the next morning and she had this good feeling inside of her. She rolled onto her back trying to remember what she might have dreamed about. She wasn't so sure what it was about but she had a vague feeling that Ivy was in it. She tried to bring back the dream but she couldn't, nothing was there other than how she had woke up happy and Ivy had something to do with it. She also began to think about the kiss that Ivy had given to her and she realized that she was smiling and there was a need within her body. She lay there for a few minutes just thinking about that kiss and she felt her pussy begin to respond to the kiss. But then her brain kicked in and she began to feel guilty for feeling the way that she did. Then she felt guilty for feeling guilty and that just frustrated her more.

She finally gave up and got out of bed. She went to the bathroom to pee. She pushed her pajama shorts and panties down, sitting on the toilet letting her pee drain from her body feeling the relief of the pressure on her bladder had been giving her. Once she finished, she got some toilet paper to wipe herself clean. She reached down between her legs running the toilet paper from the back of her pussy to the top. She noticed that she was wetter than she should have been and when she got to the top of her pussy, touching her clit, she found that it was sensitive and the touch gave her a pleasurable jolt.

She dropped the toilet paper into the toilet but then her fingers went back to her pussy. She knew she shouldn't but she couldn't control her fingers. They went down to her pussy and began to lightly rub her clit forcing a moan from her lips. She thought about Ivy again and how Ivy's kiss had made her feel, which made her rub her clit a little harder and faster. She knew this was wrong, to be masturbating while sitting on the toilet but she couldn't stop now. Her fingers went faster and she slipped her left hand under her pajama top letting it go to her right breast. She gave it a squeeze and then her fingers went to her nipple which was already hard. She pinched it groaning as she did so and that just made the fingers of her right hand go faster and harder against her sensitive clit. She felt her clit get so sensitive and then she was arching her back as she felt the orgasm that she sought overwhelmed her. She was panting and gasping for air as she rode that pleasurable wave of her orgasm. It was a very intense orgasm that left her drained.

When she had recovered, she looked down at herself sitting on the toilet and she realized what she had done. She felt that guilt overwhelm her once again, "Fuck I can't do this..." She moaned to herself. Then she felt the guilt that she was feeling and she knew she had to stop feeling guilty and the best way to do that was to get Ivy to quit kissing her and let them just be friends.

She re-cleaned her pussy, getting the girlcum from her lips before getting up off the toilet. She washed her face and got her day going, which meant getting a cup of coffee and going out to the balcony to smoke a cigarette. But this morning she found that she needed two to get her day started.

She worked on her lesson plans for the coming week. That got her mind off of Ivy and put it where she thought that it should be. She enjoyed her work, which didn't seem like work at all to her. She was making slow progress with Becky and the rest of her first period math class. She knew that she probably wouldn't make math majors out of any of them but she was going to try and she wanted the girls in her class to know that math wasn't beyond their abilities. She worked up until a couple of minutes to one, when she had to go up and see Ivy and have brunch with her. She hadn't eaten anything except toast first thing that morning but she wasn't all that hungry, her stomach was full of butterflies as she was going to do what she should have done since that first kiss from Ivy.

She was almost shaking when she got to Ivy's door, nervous as to what would happen and how Ivy would take what she had to say. But this time, she was determined to get it said and stop all this foolishness. She greeted Ivy with a nervous smile keeping her distance for fear that Ivy would try to kiss her as a greeting. Ivy had a made a pasta salad and she had fruit cut up for desert. Bridget let Ivy do most of the talking and she tried to pay attention to what she said but not let herself she drawn in by Ivy's pretty eyes and friendly nature. Once they had finished eating, Ivy suggested that they sit out on the balcony and smoke a cigarette or two as they sipped their tea.

"So what's on your mind baby?" Ivy asked her after she had lit both of their cigarettes.

"What do you mean?" Bridget asked as she inhaled deeply on her cigarette and let it out.

"You hardly ate anything and you've been so quiet, so there must be something very important you want to talk about," Ivy said giving her a soft smile that did relax Bridget a little.

Bridget inhaled deeply on her cigarette giving herself a moment to think before she spoke after exhaling the smoked that filled her lungs. "Well I need to talk to you about you kissing me and why you can't do that anymore." Bridget said in a rush wanting to get it out there and see Ivy's reaction which turned out to be a soft knowing smile.

"And why can't I kiss you anymore?" Ivy asked.

Again Bridget had to take another deep puff on her cigarette while Ivy kept that soft smile on her face letting her take the time that she needed. In a way this bothered her as it seemed that Ivy wasn't in the least bit worried about what she might say and that whatever she said wasn't going to stop her from doing what she intended to do.

"While I realize that you're a..." Bridget said and then she paused as she couldn't seem to get the word out.

"A lesbian, its okay you can say that," Ivy said letting her smile grow.

Bridget felt herself blushing and she hated that so she pushed on, "But you see I'm not. I wasn't raised that way and I'm not one." Bridget said.

"You're not what?" Ivy innocently asked her.

"I'm not what you are," Bridget told her feeling a bit frustrated at Ivy who obviously knew what she was talking about.

"Which is what baby?" Ivy asked again like she wasn't sure what Bridget was talking about.

Bridget was really feeling frustrated not realizing just what Ivy was doing to her, "I'm not a lesbian." She spat out.

"I see," Ivy said but her facial expression seemed to indicate that she didn't believe her for a second.

Bridget put out her cigarette and got another one from her pack and Ivy had her lighter ready to light it for her. This made Bridget lean in to let her and Ivy leaned in further to light it giving her a soft understanding smile. She then lit herself another cigarette as Bridget leaned back inhaling on her fresh cigarette wondering where to go from here as this wasn't going as well as she had hoped.

Bridget thought for a minute trying to figure out where to go from here. She took a couple of puffs from her cigarette and Ivy seemed to content to just let her think and direct the conversation but Bridget was feeling that while she was doing the talking, Ivy was controlling the conversation.

"I told you that I was raised catholic right," Bridget said as if this explained a lot.

"Yes you did, and that you pretty much stopped going to church when you went away to college," Ivy said to her, "And that is when you started to smoke, to rebel against your mother and your church."

"Yes it is but there is more to it all than that, much more," Bridget said to her.

"Then explain it to me baby," Ivy said kindly as she put her right hand on Bridget's knee giving it a squeeze and then leaving it there for a moment before pulling it away. She was also giving Bridget a kind, soft smile that with the touch made her feel better and also making her want Ivy to really understand her.

Bridget inhaled another puff of her cigarette before she began to talk, "You know that I come from a large catholic family with four older brothers and three older sisters," Bridget asked.

"Yes I know that," Ivy said smiling, "and I was an only child."

"Well my mother wanted one of us to become either a priest or a nun or maybe several of us to become one or the other. That would make having all of us kids worth it. Well I guess it was obvious to her that none of my brothers would be a priest and if you knew them, you could see why." Bridget said with a smile that Ivy returned.

"And my sisters had no interest in becoming a nun; boys soon became too important to them. So when I came along, mom wasn't taking any chances. I think from the day I was born, she had me at the church as much as I was home. I didn't know any better as that was my life. As I got older, I wanted to be more like my brothers and sisters but I didn't know how to break away though my oldest sister Mary did try to help me with my mom. But she was twelve years older than me and soon after high school, she was married and out of the house, she did what she could and I will always love her for that but there was little that she could do. So I grew up with the guilt that anything I did wrong was a sin and that hurt the church and hurt my mom whom I did try to please. So when I talked my parents to let me go to college, I went to a non catholic school, went to a state university, a small one near home but one I could live on campus. My mother was pissed that there wasn't a catholic church on the campus but she found one nearby. I went with her that day I moved in but I never went back. I was determined to break away from all of that guilt. And I picked up these damn things," Bridget said holding up her cigarette.

Ivy smiled but didn't say anything so Bridget went on, "and that is why I was so happy to get this job, so far from home and far from my mother and her church. I don't want to feel any guilt anymore for any mistake I might make. I just want to become a great teacher and I want us to be friends but just friends. I don't feel the same way as you do."

Ivy didn't say anything; she just inhaled on her cigarette before putting it out and lighting them both another one.

"Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?" Bridget asked once she realized that Ivy wasn't going to say anything.

"Yes I do believe that I do and I think I can help you with your problem," Ivy said with a reassuring smile.

Bridget exhaled the smoke in her lungs feeling relieved that Ivy understood where she was coming from and would be just friends from now on and that she knew now that she wasn't a lesbian. However that was where Bridget was wrong, very wrong. Ivy did understand her problem; she just had another way to fix it.

"Good, I'm glad." Bridget said with a smile of relief.

They both sat in silence for a while just smoking and drinking their tea. Ivy then began to ask Bridget more about her family and her brothers and sisters. Ivy said that she wanted to know what it would be like to have such a big family and Bridget was happy to talk about them and all the things that her brothers and sisters had done and the trouble they had gotten into but she was left out of. Bridget was envious of them and even envious of the spankings that they had gotten because they at least got to enjoy the fun before the trouble. Ivy kept asking the questions and getting Bridget to talk and talk she did. Before she knew it, Bridget had smoked a whole pack of cigarettes while laughing and enjoying the afternoon with Ivy. She eventually got hungry and they finished off the pasta salad that Ivy had made with Bridget eating hardily this time and not picking at her food. They had one last cigarette after dinner with Bridget telling Ivy that she had to finish up her lesson plans for the week. That was a little white lie but she was tired and she wanted to relax for a bit before bed.

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow for our cigarette break?" Ivy asked at the door.

Bridget figured that after everything that she had told Ivy, she was checking to make sure that she still wanted to do that. "Of course, I enjoy our midday talk and of course the cigarette." Bridget told her.

"Me too," Ivy told putting her hand on Bridget's arm and giving it a squeeze.

Bridget just knew that Ivy was about to try and kiss her so she decided to make her exit," Well I'll see you tomorrow," She said turning to opened the door.

Bridget braced herself for Ivy to reach out and pull her back but she didn't, instead she just smiled and said, "See you then."

Bridget smiled back and went on out the door. She had this funny feeling in the pit of her stomach for some strange reason, and when she got to the elevator she turned toward Ivy's door but Ivy wasn't standing there and her door was shut. The door then opened and she stepped into the elevator and as she hit the button for her floor, she realized what the feeling in the pit of her stomach was, she was actually disappointed that Ivy didn't try to kiss her. Needless to say, this confused her as this was what she wanted to begin with. She thought about this on her way to her apartment and she still didn't have an answer. So like she always did when she was confused by something, she called her oldest sister Mary.

She went to the fridge and got a flavored water out and another pack of cigarettes before going out on the balcony. She was way over her limit of cigarettes for the day but it had been a stressful day and she figured that she had earned them. But starting tomorrow, she was going to go back to her limit of six a day. She placed the call hoping that Mary wasn't too busy but then she had three kids so Mary rarely had a free moment but she seemed to always make time for her.

When Mary answered her cell phone, she heard her yelling at her kids before saying hello to her little sister. Bridget had told Mary all about Ivy in her twice weekly calls but she hadn't mentioned any of the kisses and how they confused her. She was glad that she could tell Mary anything and not feel judged by her like her mother would do. So after asking about Mary and her family and the kids, she launched into the kissing. The thing that surprised her the most was that Mary didn't seemed in the least bit surprised that a woman would try and kiss her. The second thing was that Mary without directly saying so seemed to want her to see what happens with Ivy. Mary had never been all that into the church so she didn't have the guilt that Bridget was burdened with. By the time that she got off the phone so that Mary could carry out her threat to beat her kids, though she wasn't serious about the beatings but they would feel her wrath, Bridget felt better but wasn't any less confused by it all.

She smoked one more cigarette before going back inside to get ready for bed. There she thought about the day and both of her conversations, Ivy and Mary's, and she wasn't sure about anything. However the last thing that she thought about before going to sleep was Ivy soft sweet lips touching hers. This, of course, led to dreams about those lips that she did remember when she woke up.

Ivy came to fetch her right on time and they made their way down to the boiler room where they both lit up a badly needed cigarette.

"So why don't the teachers that live at our apartment complex ride together, I mean it would save money?" Bridget asked and before Ivy could answer, she added "I know on the days that we have to come in early or stay late as I do this week to watch over the kids, we can't, but other times we can."

Ivy gave her a smile, "Well it turns out that kids can be just as big gossips as adults are, so it just makes it easier for all of us to drive in separate cars, that's why I never offered to give you a ride to school."

"Oh I didn't think of that, it does make sense though." Bridget said with a grin.

"Yea, we like to keep our professional lives separate from our private ones." Ivy said giving Bridget a wink which caused her blush for some strange reason.

"Well how is your day going?" Bridget asked wanting to change the conversation to a different subject and cursing herself for starting this one.

"Well I had to break up a fight between two boys who both seemed to like the same girl and then I had to calm down another girl whose parents decided to separate this weekend." Ivy told her.

"Ouch, not good then," Bridget said with a grin.

"Oh just the usual," Ivy said grinning. "So how about yours?"

"Much calmer, Becky is still fighting me a little on math but she will lose that battle of wills." Bridget said confidently.

"I don't know, I think you'll look good in blue hair." Ivy said grinning at her.

"Oh god don't say that," Bridget said laughing.

They finished up their cigarettes before heading back to their classrooms. But before separating, Ivy did invite her up for supper after Bridget got the last of the students into their parent's cars. Since some parents didn't get off work until later that sometimes meant whoever had to stay late didn't get off to work until five thirty or after. A public school couldn't or wouldn't be able to offer this service but this being a private school, it was offered and the teachers didn't get any extra pay. It was just part of the job.

It was around six when Bridget arrived at Ivy's apartment dead tired and hungry. Ivy was ready with hamburgers and Bridget sat down and bit into one. She told Ivy that it was the best one she had ever had. The fact that she was starving might have something to do with that but she didn't mention that fact. So they talked about school and their students as they ate and then they sat on Ivy's balcony smoking a couple of cigarettes just relaxing while not talking all that much. And when she left, Ivy again didn't try to kiss her and didn't seem the least bit interested in wanting to.

By the time Bridget got under the covers in her pajamas, Ivy kissing her was all that she could think about. She thought about Ivy's soft lips and how they made her feel and that made parts of her body begin to feel funny. There was an itch in her pussy which was also getting moist and her nipples were hardening. She didn't try to stop her right hand from slipping under her pajama bottoms and inside her panties to her pussy.

She began to rub her lips that she felt getting wet and then her fingers went to her clit. She began to rub it soft and slowly at first feeling her body respond to the stimulation. She let out a soft moan as her fingers rubbed her clit and her left hand went to her right breast and she started to pinch and pull on her hard nipple. She pushed her hips up and she began to rub her clit faster and harder. All the while, her mind was thinking of Ivy's soft lips kissing her. Then her mind went further as it began to imagine Ivy lying naked on top of her kissing her. She could almost feel Ivy's naked breasts pressed against her breasts and she could feel her pussy all wet and swollen. These thoughts carried her through to the orgasm that her body needed and desired.

When the orgasm had passed, she began to feel that familiar guilt but this time she tried to repress that guilt. It wasn't easy and she didn't completely succeed but it wasn't as bad as before. She woke up feeling good, though she did feel a little guilty about masturbating to a naked image of Ivy. The day turned out to be another long one and the break with Ivy did her a lot of good. Ivy invited her again to supper and she accepted.

This time Ivy only had sandwiches but Bridget didn't mind. She ate those a lot too as they were easy to fix and there were no leftovers to eat for the next three days. They took their sandwiches out on the balcony as a light rain fell. It felt good to Bridget and relaxing to watch. But it also made her sleepy so she ended up leaving early. This time she found herself pausing at Ivy's door as they said goodnight however Ivy again made no attempt to kiss her. Bridget almost felt hurt that Ivy obviously had no interest in her other than being a friend which was what Bridget thought that she wanted. But as soon as she was in bed, her right hand went right to her pussy and she began to rub her clit. She felt a little guilt about doing so but she couldn't help herself. And she felt that guilt afterwards but there wasn't anything that she could do about it.

Wednesday night after returning back to her apartment from Ivy's apartment, she did manage to go to sleep without masturbating but only because she was so fucking tired. It seemed that all of her students had questions and kept her running all day. Also Ms. Powers decided to stay after school to wait with her. So she was nervous talking to Ms. Powers and answering her questions that she seemed to have an endless supply of, wanting to know about all her students and how they were doing in her classes.

Thursday she was a bit more rested but she still left Ivy's place without a hint of a kiss and it was driving her crazy. She was now even more confused than she was before. She didn't know what she wanted and now she was feeling guilty about being so confused. She wasn't so sure that spending so much time with Ivy was a good idea. She loved her time with her but it was driving her crazy. And it was also caused her to feel the need to masturbate and so she did, going hard at her clit until she came so hard that her panties were soaked when she finished. She began to feel that guilt again and she wasn't so sure that her dinner and movie with Ivy the next night was such a good idea but she knew that she couldn't break the date nor did she really want to.

Since she got off late, she didn't have much time to get ready for her date with Ivy and then she had to remind herself that it really wasn't a real date. It was just two friends going out to eat and enjoying a movie. She took a quick shower but taking the time to shave her legs and arm pits. She then tried to do something different with her hair but it wasn't cooperating, not that it ever did, so she gave up on that. But she did put a bit of body spray on before going to the bed where she had her outfit laying. She had picked out one of her nicer blouses and a knee length floral skirt. She had always loved this outfit and she thought that she looked nice in it. About the time she got her shoes on, she heard a knock on the door. She started toward it when she passed by her mirror and she stopped. She thought for a second and she knew she shouldn't do it but she did all the same, she undid the top button showing just a very little bit of cleavage.

"You look nice," Was the first thing Ivy said to her.

Bridget smiled at the compliment and she returned the compliment, "So do you." And Ivy did at that wearing a skirt of her own though it was a lot shorter, going only down to mid thigh. Bridget felt a stirring that she didn't want to feel but she couldn't stop herself from feeling it.

"Well lets go, I'm starving." Bridget said getting her mind off what Ivy was wearing.

"Mmmm you smell nice too," Ivy said as Bridget passed by her.

"Thanks, it's just something I have had for years," Bridget said but she was smiling as it felt nice to have Ivy complimenting her again.

This time Ivy took her to a steakhouse; it was one where you got a nice steak without having to pay an arm and leg for it. They both got a small sirloin with a baked potato and a salad. They ate and talked about their families and growing up. Ivy went more into her playing hockey where she did okay and she found that she enjoyed it. Like she said before, she got to hit people without getting into trouble for it. Then she talked how when she got to college, she thought about walking onto the hockey team there. It was a smaller school and she figured that she could maybe play a little but once she watched one of the practices, she knew she was out of her league. The women there would kill her so she hung up her hockey stick, though she still liked to ice skate from time to time.

They spent a little extra time at the steakhouse so Ivy had to hurry them to the movie theater. Bridget wondered just where Ivy would take her and she didn't have to wonder long as she began to recognize the area and she knew that Ivy was taking her back to the theater that showed gay and lesbian films. Bridget wanted to suggest another place but the words got caught in her throat and wouldn't come out, so she went along. This time Ivy took her by the posters depicting the movies that were being shown.

"So which one do you want to see?" Ivy asked her after she had given a brief description of what each were about.

"It doesn't matter to me, you know more about what they're about than I do, you can choose." Bridget said and she thought to herself that the next time that they went to the movies, she was going to drive and she'd take them to a regular movie.

"Mmmm... okay, let's go see this one." Ivy said pointing to one of the posters that showed the actresses and they were both in a bed together. This wasn't one that Bridget would have chosen but she had given up that option so she was stuck now.

So Ivy got their tickets and they went inside. Bridget felt the butterflies in her stomach as she knew this time what the movie would be about. She felt nervous and yet a bit excited which bothered her more than a little. Ivy took them down to the middle of the small theater before slipping into the aisle going to the middle. Ivy was talking away and Bridget just listened to her talk. Her mind was on the movie that she was about to watch and she was determined that she wasn't going to become involved in the movie like she did the last time and how she always did when she watched a movie. She would look more at the acting and how well the screenplay was written and directed. She was going to be a film critic and that was all.

That idea lasted for about five minutes into the movie and then she felt herself being drawn into the storyline. She never saw Ivy looking at her and smiling as Bridget shed some tears when one of the main characters lost her brother to AIDs. Only when Ivy handed her a tissue did Bridget notice that Ivy was wiping her own tears away.

Then at her brother's funeral, she met her brother's lover's sister and they began to talk about their brothers. Slowly their relationship developed from friends to lovers. This time the love scenes showed a lot more than the last movie that Ivy had taken her to. It showed the main characters kissing and then slowly undressing each other, so that there was full nudity. It went so far as showing them sucking on each other's breasts but when they went down on each other, Bridget could only see their head at each other's pussies but not what was happening there though that was pretty easy to figure out. It also got to her as she felt her own pussy getting moist and she felt a itch there that was demanding attention however there was nothing that she could do nothing about it. She felt Ivy's hand cover her hand and she didn't move it, just letting it stay there. That just added to the excitement that she was feeling inside her body and also the need that was there. The movie ended with the new couple getting married and then visiting the one brother's grave as he was how they had met and thus found the love that each was searching for.

"So did you enjoy the movie?" Ivy asked as the lights came up.

Bridget then realized that Ivy's hand was still on hers so she quickly slipped her hand from underneath Ivy's hand before answering. "Yes it was good but sad when her brother died, I hated that," Bridget said hearing how lusty her voice sounded and she didn't like how Ivy was giving her a knowing smile.

"Yes that was a sad scene but it was how they met so important to the story line." Ivy said with a soft smile.

"True but still sad," Bridget said standing up and feeling how damp her panties felt against her pussy.

"Yea," Ivy said, "Well I need to stop by the ladies room before leaving. I'm about to burst."

Bridget laughed feeling relieved that Ivy changed the subject away from the movie. "Me too," She replied.

When Bridget got to her stall, she pulled up her skirt and pushed down her panties, feeling them stick to her pussy for a second. When she sat down, she looked down at the gusset of her pasties to see the dampness there which embarrassed her but then she already knew that the movie had made her pussy get moist and she felt it tingle from excitement. She got some toilet paper and wiped her panties as best as she could, then she peed and tried her best to clean the pee and juices from her pussy. She got herself back together before opening the stall door to see Ivy waiting for her. She washed her hands and poked at her hair before they left to head home.

On the way home, Bridget decided to keep the conversation light and as far away from the movie that they had just seen as possible. So she got Ivy to talk about playing hockey, getting Ivy to tell about the one goal that she got to score. Since she was a defenseman, she didn't get to handle the puck much which was a good thing she said with a laugh. But there was a game where somehow she ended up with the puck and she was heading toward the opponents goal. It was funny how Ivy laid out every detail and how she saw that she had scared the poor goalie as she was skating full speed toward her. Ivy said she had no clue as to how the puck made it into the goal but she told everyone on the team that she needed to handle the puck more since she was so great at it. Needless to say, that didn't happen but Ivy was happy that at least she had scored one in her playing time. So they laughed and talked about Ivy's hockey skills until they arrived back to the apartment complex.

When they got into the elevator, Bridget noticed that Ivy hit the third floor button and not the second floor so she knew that they were headed to Ivy's apartment. She really didn't mind as she didn't want the evening to end just yet. Once inside the apartment, Ivy suggested a glass of wine to end the evening and Bridget accepted.

Ivy went on into the kitchen as Bridget went to the living room, sitting down on the couch. Ivy did have a long couch, so Bridget sat at one end but not at the very end, leaving a couple of feet open. A couple of minutes later, Ivy came in carrying two wine glasses filled with white wine. Ivy had said before that she had grown a taste for wine when she was in college and Bridget liked the taste of it too though she had never drank much wine, just a little at college.

Ivy came on over standing more or less in front of her as she held both glasses of wine, "Scoot over a bit," She said to her.

Bridget started to slide toward the armrest but Ivy stopped her. "No the other way," Ivy said with a smile.

"Oh okay," Bridget said reversing course and she slid over a little but when Ivy didn't move, she scooted a bit further so that she ended up in the center of the couch.

"Perfect," Ivy said to her as she handed both glasses of wine to her. Bridget took them wondering just what her sitting in the center of the couch was perfect for.

Ivy then sat to her left not at the end of the couch but right beside her so that her hips were touching. Ivy then took her glass of wine back, taking a sip before asking, "So what did you think of the movie?"

The question caught Bridget off guard and it took her a moment to recover, taking a sip of wine to compose what she wanted to say about it, "It was interesting, sad in parts but also a bit more revealing than I would normally watch." Bridget said to her.

"True it was but I thought that they did it well, I mean they didn't go too far but they did show how passionate that the characters were," Ivy commented as she gave Bridget a soft smile.

"Yes but the other movie just showed them in bed and not really showing their whole bodies," Bridget said and she began to feel a little warm from the way the conversation was going.

"True but you have to admit that they did have lovely bodies, I mean they weren't just some skinny supermodels or breast enhanced porn stars, they looked like regular women, women who had a passionate fire within them," Ivy told her and that immediate made Bridget's mind bring back the love scenes and the women's bodies and how pretty they really were.

Bridget felt her face heating up and she knew that Ivy could see that too, "Yes they were lovely women," Bridget told her trying not to look at Ivy so she concentrated her gaze at her wine glass.

"Very lovely and I thought that they were both great kissers, don't you?" Ivy asked her.

"I guess... I don't know?" Bridget admitted and now Ivy had her thinking about kissing and specifically Ivy kissing her which made her heart flutter as that is what she had been thinking about all week.

"Well they looked like they were enjoying the kisses that they shared," Ivy told her and when Bridget glanced over at her she saw that Ivy was smiling all so softly at her and there was this twinkle in her eyes, a look that scared her more than a little yet also excited her.

Bridget felt her body begin to tingle and she felt such a need arise in her, a need that she was beginning to fear that she wouldn't be able to control. So she knew that she had to change the subject or get out of there, before...

"Can we talk about something else?" She finally asked as she looked away from Ivy and those sweet eyes and caring smile.

"Okay, how about us doing something else?" Ivy suggested.

"What?" Bridget asked.

"Here, let me have your wine," Ivy told her while gently taking it from her hand not giving Bridget a chance to question her.

Bridget watched as Ivy leaned forward putting both of their glasses on the coffee table in front of them. When she leaned back, she turned while slipping back a little so that she was now facing her. "Turn around and face me," Ivy instructed her.

"Why?" Bridget asked suspiciously.

"Just humor me for a moment," Ivy told her giving Bridget a reassuring smile.

Bridget wasn't so sure that this was such a good idea but she decided to trust Ivy, "Okay," she said in almost a whisper. She then turned so that she was facing Ivy but that caused her to have to move her left knee up on the couch and thus move her right leg to the edge with that foot still on the floor.

"Now lean back," Ivy told her.

"Why?" Bridget asked as Ivy's hands went to her shoulders and Ivy began to ease her backwards.

"Just do it for me," Ivy said still giving her that soft reassuring smile that made Bridget do what Ivy was asking her to do.

Ivy kept pushing her backwards until Bridget found herself lying back against the couch with her head on a little throw pillow that Ivy had on each end of the couch. Ivy came forward and Bridget naturally put her hands to Ivy's shoulders to stop her but for some reason she didn't push that hard just enough to show some resistance to what Ivy was doing but not nearly enough to stop her from laying down on top of her.

"What are you doing?" Bridget asked feeling the butterflies in her stomach as she had pretty much figured out what Ivy was doing or rather was going to do to her.

Ivy didn't say anything; instead she just smiled as she brought her hands up slipping them up under her hands. Bridget looked into Ivy's eyes as she felt Ivy pull her arms away from her shoulders and she moved them upwards so that they ended up over her head. Ivy was gripping her hands tightly and Bridget became a little fearful as Ivy was becoming a little too aggressive for her.

"Please stop and let me up," Bridget protested as she tried to bring her hands down but Ivy was holding onto them tightly and was much too strong for her to overcome.

Ivy gave her a reassuring smile that did calm Bridget's fears a little but only a little. But then Ivy said in a very soft voice, "I'm going to kiss you, then kiss you again and again. There is nothing that you can do about it so there is no reason for you to feel guilty about being kissed by me, you don't have any control over what I'm about to do so you can let go of all the guilt that you have built up inside your sweet little head. You don't have to feel guilty for letting your heart control you and let your real desires show for once. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?"

Bridget looked into Ivy's eyes and she did begin to see and hear what Ivy was telling her. She also felt Ivy loosen her grip on her hands so that Bridget could pull free if she so desired. Ivy's body also seemed to relax to the point that Bridget knew that she could push Ivy to the floor with very little effort on her part. She started to pull her hands away and she saw that Ivy was going to let her, she was free but then she knew in her heart that really wasn't what she wanted to do so she slipped her hands back up and she felt Ivy entwining their fingers.

"I don't guess that I have much choice do I..." Bridget said softly never feeling so free.

"No you don't baby, you're under my control..." Ivy said so softly and with a caring, loving expression on her face and that made Bridget smile back up at her.

Ivy slowly lowered her head and Bridget felt her heart flutter and then she closed her eyes as Ivy's lips got closer. A moment later, she felt Ivy's lips touch hers and she thought that she had just died as the kiss felt so wonderful. It was only a brief kiss but to Bridget, it was like nothing she had ever felt before. Ivy's other kisses were nice but they contained guilt and this short sweet kiss was freely received.

"Oh god..." Bridget whispered and Ivy smiled at her before lowering her head back down.

"Yes baby, just let yourself go..." Ivy said softly before lowering her lips back down.

Bridget closed her eyes and then she felt Ivy's breathe on her lips and then she felt those soft lips again. She welcomed this kiss and she began to return the kiss. She gripped Ivy's fingers harder and she felt Ivy open her lips a little and Bridget didn't hesitate to open hers. She loved the feel of Ivy's lips on her lips and feeling Ivy's body on hers made her feel so nice, it gave her such a secure feeling. But most of all she loved how Ivy's lips were making her feel. They were so soft and how they were lightly touching hers was so erotic.

Ivy eased her head up thus ending the kiss and when Bridget opened her eyes, she saw that Ivy smiling down at her. "So can I kiss you again?" Ivy asked but the look in her eyes, told Bridget that Ivy knew the answer to that question before she asked it.

Bridget smiled back, "Yes but..." Bridget told her.

"But what baby?" Ivy asked with her confident smile fading quickly.

"Let me straighten out my leg, you're laying on it." Bridget said as when Ivy had laid down on her, Bridget still had her left leg lying across the couch.

"Oh sorry baby," Ivy said as she let go of Bridget's hands putting them to Bridget's sides and then lifting her body up.

"Thanks," Bridget said as she straightened out her left leg and she started to reach down to push her skirt back down but Ivy immediately laid back down putting her right leg between Bridget's legs.

"Now where were we?" Ivy asked giving Bridget a wink that caused her to blush a little.

Bridget felt Ivy's hands starting to tenderly caress her face and that felt nice but Bridget still needed to feel controlled as Ivy started to lower her lips to kiss her again.

"Wait a second," Bridget said bringing her hands up from her sides and she put them into Ivy's hands. She entwined their fingers together and she pulled Ivy's hands up. Ivy gave her a knowing smile as she gripped Bridget's hands tighter thus giving Bridget that need of being defenseless as to what was happening to her even though she knew in reality that she could stop Ivy any time she wanted to.

Ivy lowered her lips giving Bridget a light kiss and Bridget started to return the kiss when Ivy pulled back. Bridget let out a groan wanting to feel Ivy's lips on hers longer than a couple of seconds. Bridget opened her eyes to see that Ivy had this knowing smile on her face, like she had Bridget in the palm of her hands and she did. Ivy lowered her lips back down kissing Bridget on the tip of her nose making Bridget smile. Then she moved her lips to Bridget's left cheek giving her several kisses. Bridget moved her head over letting Ivy kiss her and she let out a moan when Ivy's lips went down to her neck. Ivy kissed her tenderly as she moved across her neck making Bridget turn her head to the other side. She felt her body responding to Ivy's erotic kisses. Her nipples were getting hard and her pussy was getting moist.

Ivy's hips pressed against her wasn't helping either. The lower part of her skirt and her panties were the only thing that separated her pussy from Ivy's bare thigh. Ivy's lips slowly made their way to Bridget's right cheek and then finally back to Bridget's lips. This time when Ivy kissed her, Bridget responded aggressively. She was the one to open her lips first and she felt Ivy's tongue go past her lips. Bridget felt Ivy's tongue run along teeth and then deeper. Bridget pushed her tongue up against Ivy's tongue, and she let out a moan into Ivy's mouth. She felt Ivy begin to move her hips and she opened her legs a little more, surprising even herself.

She even allowed her tongue to follow Ivy's tongue as it retreated so that she ended up with her tongue moving inside of Ivy's mouth. Bridget began to lose her breath as Ivy was kissing her so passionately. Ivy slowly moved her lips upwards ending the kiss and allowing them both to get their breath back.

"Oh god..." Bridget moaned out feeling so alive and so aroused by Ivy's sweet kisses.

"Oh baby, your lips are sweet as sugar..." Ivy told her with soft smile.

"Kiss me... please..." Bridget heard herself say.

"I plan on it..." Ivy told her giving her a soft but much too short kiss.

"Ivy..." Bridget moaned.

"Just a moment, I got to do something first..." Ivy said giving her a wink while releasing her hands.

Bridget felt Ivy's hands going down to her skirt and then she felt Ivy's hand pulling up on it.

"What you doing?" Bridget asked a bit alarmed.

"Getting our damn skirts out of the way," Ivy told her, "lift up your ass."

"Noooo..." Bridget said however she was lifting her ass up off the couch all the same.

Bridget then felt Ivy's skirt come up and then she felt Ivy's lowering her hips back down. Ivy pushed her right leg down further between Bridget legs and she knew that Ivy would soon be able to feel how wet her panties had become. That scared and worried her but then she felt Ivy's panty covered pussy touch the top of her right thigh and she found that Ivy's panties were just as wet. That made her smile in spite of herself. She was pleased that she was making Ivy just as wet as Ivy was making her.

Ivy settled back down but she put her hands up under Bridget's shoulders, "That's much better isn't it..." Ivy stated and then she moved her hips causing her thigh to move along Bridget's panty covered pussy and making Bridget groan. Bridget kept her hands above her head as Ivy began to kiss her again. Ivy used light soft kisses making Bridget moan and Bridget felt Ivy moving her hips all so slowly but with enough pressure to make Bridget squirm thus she was moving her thigh against Ivy's wet panties.

Ivy's kisses slowly became longer and more passionate. Bridget felt Ivy's tongue enter her mouth and she eagerly met Ivy's tongue with her own tongue. Bridget got lost in Ivy's kisses and the movement of Ivy's thigh against her now very aroused pussy. Her panties were now soaked and so were Ivy's and Bridget moved her right leg up causing more pressure on Ivy's pussy.

Ivy moved her lips from Bridget's lips going to her left cheek and then down to Bridget's neck. Bridget gave out a moan and she felt her body getting so aroused. Bridget felt Ivy's lips move lower down to her upper chest and she had to let out a moan and a louder moan when she felt Ivy's hands move around covering her breasts. She felt Ivy's hands giving her tender squeezes to her breasts as Ivy's lips moved down between her breasts, right at her bra strap connecting the cups of her bra. Bridget felt her body come alive and she groaned as she felt Ivy move her thigh harder against her now soaked pussy. Bridget moved her hands down grasping Ivy's shoulders as she pushed her hips upwards thus increasing the pressure on both of their pussies.

"Oh god Ivyyyy..." Bridget cried out as she felt the first wave of a very intense orgasm rushed up from her pussy to the rest of her body and out the top of her brain.

When she came down from the euphoria of her orgasm, Ivy was kissing her sweat soaked brow and then she felt Ivy's soft lips on hers giving her a soft light kiss.

"Oh god Ivy..." Bridget sighed aloud.

"I know baby..." Ivy said softly giving her another delicate kiss.

"Did you...? Bridget asked blushing a little not knowing why she needed to know but she did.

"Did I cum?" Ivy asked.

Bridget just nodded.

"Yes baby I came, can't you feel how wet you made my panties?" Ivy asked in return while she moved her hips sliding her wet panties against Bridget wet thigh.

Again all Bridget could do was nod her head.

Ivy frowned at Bridget making Bridget feel bad and then she felt Ivy take her hands in hers and putting them back over her head thus assuming the control that Bridget needed to free herself.

"What do you feel against your thigh Bridget?" Ivy asked her.

Bridget felt herself being freed again, "I feel your wet panties."

"And where did that wetness come from?" Ivy asked of her.

Bridget hesitated for a second then she looked into Ivy's eyes and she felt she could say what she so wanted to say, "Your pussy made your panties wet."

"Any who made my pussy so wet?" Ivy asked raising her eyebrows at her while giving her a big grin.

"I did," Bridget said blushing.

"And who made me cum?" Ivy asked her arching her eyebrows at her again.

"I did?" Bridget said is a questioning tone.

"Yes you did baby." Ivy said before lowering her lips down and giving Bridget a kiss.

It was a light kiss but for Bridget it seemed to go on forever. And as the kiss went on, Bridget brought her arms up folding them around Ivy. She felt so safe and warm in Ivy's loving embrace and Ivy's tender kiss just made it perfect.

Ivy slowly ended the kiss and then she turned over onto her side bringing Bridget so that Bridget ended up on her side with her back against the back of the couch.

"Are you okay with what I did tonight?" Ivy asked seriously as she brushed a stray strand of hair from her face.

Bridget hesitated for a second before she smiled, "You mean taking me to a nice dinner, then to a movie that you thought would get to me and then bringing me back here when I was weak and vulnerable. Is that what you're asking?" Bridget asked.

At first Ivy's face showed that she was a bit surprised but then she smiled, "So I wasn't as clever as I thought I was." She stated.

"Oh you were very clever, I fell for it hook, line, and sinker as they say," Bridget told her giving her a soft smile as she did so.

"Are you upset at me for what I did?" Ivy asked and Bridget could see on Ivy's face that she was worried about what her answer would be.

"No I enjoyed what we did but..." Bridget said and she didn't know how to tell Ivy what she needed.

"But what baby?" Ivy asked as she used her fingers to caress Bridget's face making her smile.

Bridget bit her lower lip trying to think of how to tell Ivy that the one thing that she did that gave her the ability to enjoy the kisses and the other things was when she took control of her and told her that she had no choice but to go with what Ivy was about to do to her. Ivy was staring into her eyes and Bridget so wanted Ivy to understand what she needed from her at least for now but still the words failed her. But she knew of a way to show her, so she moved her hands that were at Ivy's sides and she brought them up with Ivy moving back a little. Bridget saw the questioning look in Ivy's eyes as she took Ivy's hands in her hand, intertwining their fingers. She then moved both of their hands above her head. Bridget saw that Ivy was beginning to smile but she wanted to make sure that Ivy really understood.

All so softly she whispered to Ivy, "I... I don't have any choice do I..."

"No baby you don't... not any more.. I'm going to kiss you any time I want and there isn't a damn thing that you can do about it..." Ivy said with a soft smile on her face and then she leaned in to give her a kiss.

A kiss that Bridget gladly returned feeling Ivy's fingers holding onto her hands and she felt free to enjoy the kiss and enjoy it she did.

"You know I can take you to a lot of places..." Ivy said and Bridget knew that she was not talking about going someplace in a car.

"I know but just make it a slow drive..." Bridget told her.

Ivy gave her a reassuring smile, "I will baby... but..."

"But what Ivy?" Bridget asked not feeling any fear of what Ivy may tell her.

"You remember when I told you that for a while when I was young, that I got a little wild..." Ivy told her.

"Yes I know that," Bridget told her.

"Well there is still a dark side to me, a little wilder side to me and I want to show you that." Ivy told her very seriously.

"I want to go but..." Bridget said and she had only one worry.

"But what baby?" Ivy asked her.

"Is there anyone else you're taking there at the moment?" Bridget asked. "I know I don't have a right to ask but..."

Ivy stopped her with a kiss, "I'm a very, very monogamous and I only got you in my eyes."

"Good," Bridget told her with a smile, "But if you want to see other..."

Ivy kissed her again and then she said, "Don't worry about that, I don't see that happening baby."

Bridget just smiled and she slipped her hands from Ivy's hands putting them around her as Ivy did the same to her. Bridget cuddled in close to Ivy feeling safe and warm in her arms. Bridget felt Ivy's hand slowly moving around her back, caressing her which caused her coo. As she lay in Ivy's arms, she felt no guilt, Ivy was making it all seem right and good.

Bridget was content to lay there for a while but soon another urge started to interlude into her brain. She hated to move but she really needed to, "You know what I would really like right now..." Bridget finally said to Ivy.

"A cigarette?" Ivy asked as she pulled back giving Bridget a smile.

"Do you mind?" Bridget asked biting her lower lip.

"No... as long as you let me smoke one with you," Ivy said with a smile.

Bridget knitted her brow, "MMM... I don't know, I was kind of hoping to smoke one by myself." She said as seriously as she could muster.

She saw Ivy smile as first and then frown when she didn't change her expression. "Oh... okay..." Ivy said frowning and Bridget saw that she had hurt Ivy a little.

Bridget let that sit there for a moment then she said, "Well if you let me bum a cigarette, I'll let you smoke one with me. I kind of left my pack on the consol of your car." Bridget said and then she couldn't hold it in any longer and she burst out laughing.

Ivy's face broke into a smile as Bridget knew she had gotten to her, "You little cunt!"

Bridget laughed a little more before she could control her laughing, "Sorry but I couldn't resist."

"Just for that I'm going to smoke one and make you watch!" Ivy said laughing but then she gave Bridget a light kiss.

"Come on, let's go smoke one," Ivy said as she rolled over getting to her feet.

Bridget kept her eyes on Ivy and she saw that Ivy's skirt stay up on her hips so she saw Ivy's light blue panties and just how wet they were. This gave her a rush of excitement and she saw that Ivy was taking her time in getting her skirt back in place. With her mind on Ivy's wet panties, she didn't realize that her own panties were showing. She swung her feet around sitting and then she got to her feet. She looked at Ivy who wasn't looking at her face but looking downward toward the lower part of her body. She looked down to see that her own skirt had gotten stuck up on her hips, she quickly pushed it down. When she looked back at Ivy, she saw that same lust in Ivy's eyes that she had seen earlier when Ivy had reached down to pull her skirt up as they kissed.

Bridget felt her face heat up and she knew that she was blushing, so she walked on past Ivy going toward the sliding glass doors that led to Ivy's patio. She pulled it open stepping outside with Ivy coming out a moment later with her cigarette pack and lighter in her hands. Ivy put a cigarette into her mouth, lit it, and then handed it to Bridget who smiled at Ivy as she took it.

Ivy then lit her own cigarette, putting it into her mouth, taking a long draw on it. "Damn that tastes good," Ivy said as she exhaled.

"Yes it does," Bridget said with a smile.

Bridget moved over to the rail and Ivy moved in beside of her. She felt Ivy's right arm go around her back with Ivy's hand resting on her hip. Bridget leaned over against Ivy content to look up into the stars as she smoked.

Bridget had about half of her cigarette smoked when she asked, "How did you know?"

"How did I know what honey?" Ivy asked.

"That I was into..." Bridget said not yet able to finish the sentence.

"That you were into what?" Ivy asked.

Bridget pulled away and she looked at Ivy studying her and she saw that Ivy wasn't going to help her out, "You're going to make me say it aren't you." Bridget stated to her.

"Yes I am, you need to say it, if not to me then for yourself," Ivy told her in a soft caring voice.

Bridget felt a bit frustrated at Ivy but yet she knew Ivy was right, "That I'm attracted to women." Bridget spat out.

"I wasn't completely sure until I kissed you and you didn't slap the shit out of me," Ivy said with a grin.

"But I pushed you away and I told you that I wasn't that way," Bridget said before taking a deep drag on her cigarette finishing it off.

Bridget had to wait until Ivy had stubbed her own cigarette out and lit them both another cigarette before she answered.

"But when I kissed you, you didn't resist the kiss at first, you liked it and I bet you thought about it all that night," Ivy told her.

Bridget felt herself blushing and she was glad that it was dark on the balcony but then she figured that Ivy knew that she was right when she didn't immediately answer. So Bridget took another track as she really wanted to know how Ivy had any idea that she was into women as she thought that she hid it so well but obviously not. "Just answer me please; it's important to me..." Bridget told Ivy.

"I'm sorry," Ivy said coming over to Bridget and giving her a light kiss.

"So how did you know?" Bridget asked again.

"Well I got the first idea when Ms. Powers introduced you to me and how you looked at me." Ivy told her.

"How was that?" Bridget asked feeling confused.

"It was like you were looking into me and trying to see who I was, and there was a smile in your voice, eyes, and face. They all seem to tell me that you were interested, at least enough for me to make a move and see what you would do." Ivy told her.

"So you decided the best way was to threaten to turn me in for smoking," Bridget told her but she was smiling.

"Hey it worked didn't it?" Ivy asked.

"Yea it worked," Bridget admitted. "but only because I wanted to keep my job."

"And you wanted to get to know me," Ivy added.

"And because I wanted to get to know you." Bridget admitted to Ivy and herself.

"And once I got to know you a little better, I was more sure but when I saw how that lesbian movie got to you, I was sure enough to risk kissing you," Ivy told her.

Bridget hesitated for a second then she moved back over beside of Ivy and Ivy put her arm back around her as she hoped that she would. "I'm glad that you did though it caused me many a sleepless night."

"Well hopefully you'll have less sleepless nights from now on," Ivy told her giving her a kiss on her on her forehead."

"I think I will," Bridget told her while putting her left arm around Ivy's waist.

They both stood there in silence, just smoking their cigarette and then they stood there longer just holding each other as they star gazed. But the night air began to cool down and Bridget felt a chill go through her.

"I think we'd better get you inside." Ivy told her giving her another light kiss this time on the cheek.

"Yea I'm beginning to get cold and besides I need to get out of these damn panties, they're still soaking wet," Bridget said before she realized what she was saying. "Oh god did I say that out loud?"

Ivy laughed a little, "Yes you did honey but then I like you in wet panties."

"Oh god you're bad!" Bridget said to her as she felt herself blushing and this time she knew Ivy could see her face as she had come on into the light of the apartment.

Bridget felt Ivy's hand on her right forearm and then next thing she knew she was in Ivy's grasp and she was looking up at Ivy's smiling face. "I told you I was bad and I'm going to take you there too."

End of Part Two

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 3

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