Bridget's Awakening

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Aug 15, 2013


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Bridget's Awakening

Part Four

By Chris

Bridget thought she heard a giggle from the other side of the door but she wasn't sure. She was too much in shock that Ivy had actually taken her panties off and left them by hamper for her to see. Then it hit her; that was exactly what Ivy wanted and thus get her to think about her not wearing any panties under her short skirt. Bridget stared at the panties for a moment before she slowly brought them up to her nose getting a whiff of Ivy's body spray that she used but also just a hint of her womanly aroma. Bridget then realized what she had done so she quickly threw the panties into the hamper. She got some toilet paper and wiped herself clean before standing up while pulling her panties back up.

She went to the sink, washing her hands and then she picked up the perfume that she used, putting just a little on her neck and then for some reason, she put just a little between her breasts just above her bra strap. She looked into the mirror not really thinking about how she looked but rather what Ivy's pussy might look like. She shook her head trying to get that thought from her head and she managed to do so but not completely.

She went on out of the bathroom heading toward the sliding glass door leading out to the balcony. Just as she got there, she saw that Ivy was sitting in her chair but not looking out over the landscape but rather facing her like they had been sitting as they ate. This made Bridget hesitate as she thought about Ivy being pantyless but then she noticed that Ivy had her legs crossed which made her let out a sigh of relief but she also found that she was a bit disappointed that she wouldn't see anything.

Bridget came on outside, "I don't about you but I am dying for a cigarette," she said to Ivy as she gathered her robe at the bottom sitting down and then quickly crossing her legs, which she really did need to do as she had felt her pussy getting a bit moist thinking about Ivy's going without panties.

"Way ahead of you babe," Ivy said as she lit the cigarette that was in her mouth, handing it over to Bridget.

Bridget noticed just a hint of a lipstick mark on the filter of the cigarette making her smile as she put it to her lips. "Thanks," Bridget replied.

"You know from the way that lasagna tasted, I think I'll just let you do the cooking from now on," Ivy said with a smile.

"Is that so?" Bridget said as she arched her eyebrows at Ivy though she did like the compliment.

"Yes it is, you definitely can cook." Ivy told her with a smile.

"Why thank you but you helped so I guess that means we both get to cook," Bridget told her.

"Deal," Ivy told her.

While they smoked that cigarette, they talked about what they liked and could cook. Bridget found that while she could do more of the more complex dishes from having spent so much time with her mother, Ivy could cook a few more things than what she had let on originally. They talked long after they had finished their cigarettes. They went on from food to places that they would one day like to travel as they finished the glass of wine that they had from dinner. Ivy then got up and went inside to get them both another glass.

When she returned, Bridget had them both a cigarette ready. Ivy set the glasses on the table before sitting down. Bridget didn't notice that when Ivy had placed the glasses on the table, she did so by putting them at one side of the table and not directly in front of them. She also took her hand pushing the ashtray to the other side. Ivy went on around the small table and sat down. Bridget noticed that Ivy started to cross her legs but then she stopped leaving them together but not crossed.

Bridget stared but for a second then she got her mind back to a good place and she lit a cigarette handing it to Ivy before lighting one for herself. Bridget began to talk about how the heat had begun to cool a little. It was still warm but no longer hot like it had been. There was a coolness to the breeze that blew in the evenings and mornings. Ivy began to tell her about what the winters were like here in the middle of California and the fact that they close enough to the coast to not get any snow which Bridget hated when she lived in Boston but now she knew she would miss it a little bit. She was talking about the snow which Ivy knew all about when she noticed that Ivy had opened her legs a fraction. She couldn't see anything however knowing that Ivy wasn't wearing any panties got her to think and it also made her pussy to start to get moist.

She got her attention back to Ivy's face and what she was saying, however when Bridget glanced back down, she noticed that Ivy's legs were a little further apart. Ivy's inner thighs were still touching but just barely. Bridget looked back up at Ivy who didn't seem to notice where Bridget had just been looking. Ivy kept on talking and as much as Bridget tried not to glance back down but she couldn't help herself. When her eyes did go back down, Ivy's legs were now parted and Bridget's eyes widen as she had a shaded but clean view of Ivy's pussy which she saw was shaved completely. She could see the slit with the outer lips covering the inner lips. Bridget felt her face growing warm and she had a hard time swallowing. She looked up at Ivy's face and she saw that Ivy was giving her a warm smile.

Ivy took a long drag on her cigarette and she let her eyes look down and Bridget found her own eyes doing the same. This time when Bridget looked down, Ivy had her legs parted even further; as far as the arms of her chair would allow her to do so. Bridget took a long drag on her own cigarette as she saw more of Ivy's pussy which was still shaded but she had a great view and that view made her own pussy moist.

She then felt Ivy's hand on her hand and she looked up to see Ivy taking her mostly burned cigarette from her fingers stubbing it out. She then felt Ivy taking a hold of her wrists pulling them down to the table.

"You like what you see baby," Ivy asked of her.

Bridget looked up into Ivy's soft caring eyes and with Ivy holding onto her wrists and thus she was able to say what she felt, "yes," she said in barely a whisper.

"I like what I see too baby," Ivy said as she began to stand up thus removing from view what Bridget had been staring at. "Why don't we go inside and see how soft your bed is?"

Bridget let Ivy help her up and she looked into Ivy's eyes, "I'm not sure I'm ready..."

"I know baby, I can wait," Ivy said giving her a soft kiss. "But that doesn't mean we can't kiss and cuddle does it?"

Ivy still had a hold of her wrist so Bridget replied with, "No it doesn't." Then she let a smile come to her face as she felt her panties get a little moister.

Ivy led her through the sliding glass door and then on over to the bed. Bridget felt the butterflies in her stomach as Ivy turned her around. Ivy took a hold of her other wrist as she smiled down at her.

"I'm going to kiss and caress you baby and there's nothing you can do about it," Ivy said to her all so softly.

Bridget felt her knees go weak just at hearing this and knowing that was what she wanted Ivy to do to her. "Ohhh..." Bridget said softly and that it the only word that she could say but she hoped that it told Ivy that was what she wanted more than anything else in the world.

"I want you to lie down on the bed baby," Ivy told her softly before giving her a light kiss.

Bridget felt her knees go weaker and she could also feel how wet her panties were getting. "Okay," She managed to say before she sat down on the bed. She felt Ivy letting go of her wrists as she slid back and lay back on the bed. She didn't go to the top of the bed, rather staying in the middle. She watched as Ivy came to the bed, moving over her before lying down on top of her. Bridget felt Ivy feeling for her hands so she moved her arms outward until Ivy found them. She felt Ivy take a hold of her wrists bringing them above her head. Ivy was barely grasping them so Bridget knew she could pull away any time she wanted but that was the last thing she wanted to do.

Ivy gave her a sweet soft smile before she began to lower her head. Bridget turned her head slightly to the right so that Ivy could kiss her and to also give her consent to be kissed. She felt Ivy's lips touch hers and she let out a soft moan feeling those soft lips touching her lips. The kiss only lasted for a moment before Ivy raised her head and Bridget opened her eyes to see Ivy's soft sweet smile.

"I'm still in control of you baby," Ivy said softly and then Bridget felt Ivy releasing her wrists.

"I know you are," Bridget replied with a smile still feeling controlled by Ivy and thus released from her guilt even though Ivy was no longer holding her onto her wrists.

Ivy gave her a soft smile before lowering her head down letting her lips touch Bridget's lips. Bridget left her arms above her head as she felt Ivy's hands move under her shoulders holding onto her. Bridget returned the kiss and she opened her lips when she felt Ivy opening hers. She felt Ivy's tongue at the entrance of her mouth and she met it with her own tongue. She felt Ivy's tongue caress her tongue as they kissed, Bridget then moved her arms down and she encircled Ivy with them. She could almost feel Ivy smile at this and she was glad that Ivy approved of her doing this on her own. Ivy slowly ended that kiss but she let their tongue continue to touch for a moment after their lips parted. Bridget liked this as it felt so erotic and it excited her even more.

Ivy moved her head on up breaking the touching of their tongues making Bridget let out a groan of frustration that seemed to please Ivy.

"Kiss me..." Bridget told her not believing that she said it but knowing that was what she wanted.

"Oh I plan on it sweetie," Ivy told her with a smile.

Ivy then lowered her head back down and Bridget closed her eyes pursing her lips. The only problem was that Ivy didn't kiss her lips but kissed her left and then right cheek instead. This Bridget enjoyed too. Ivy moved her kisses to Bridget's nose and then a light kiss to the lips before moving her lips to Bridget's chin. Bridget let out a little moan as Ivy's lips kissed their way down to her neck, giving her kisses to the front of her throat then working her way to the left side leaving light kisses along the way. She worked her way back to the front and then to the right side of Bridget's throat making her moan again.

The kisses that Ivy was giving to her were so erotic and excited her to no end. Ivy slowly moved her kisses back up to Bridget's chin and then on to her lips. Bridget eased her right hand to the back of Ivy's neck holding her there as Ivy kissed her lips.

Bridget felt Ivy's lips opening and she soon felt Ivy's tongue which she met with her own tongue. She felt Ivy's tongue circling her own tongue and she felt her heart pound as their lips and tongues kissed. The kiss went on and on for what seemed forever to Bridget and she didn't want it to end but Ivy did end it slowly raising her head until their lips and then their tongues parted. When Bridget opened her eyes, she saw that the sun was beginning to go down though there was still plenty of light in the apartment coming from that setting sun.

Ivy gave her a soft but much too brief kiss and then she began to slide off of her which began to worry Bridget as she liked feeling Ivy lying on top of her. Bridget frowned but Ivy gave her a smile and then she gave her a light kiss to the lips making Bridget smile again.

Once Ivy had slipped to Bridget's side, Bridget watched as Ivy's right hand slowly went down to the tie of her robe. Bridget felt a flutter in her stomach as Ivy slowly untied her robe. She then pulled the right side open before doing the same to her left side so that her bra and panties were there for Ivy to see. She felt that every nerve in her body was on end but still she trusted Ivy. Bridget looked down to see how her nipples were pushing up against the cups of her bra and she wished in a way that she had worn a thicker bra but then again she was glad that she didn't.

Bridget watched as Ivy tenderly laid her right hand on her stomach which caused a nervous spasm of her stomach muscle. She let out a nervous giggle and Ivy gave her a reassuring smile. Then Bridget saw that Ivy was moving her head toward her and she closed her eyes as Ivy began to lightly kiss her lips. Bridget kept part of her concentration on Ivy's hand which wasn't moving, just resting on her stomach. Slowly Bridget's attention was drawn from Ivy's hand to her lips and she started to return her light kisses.

Ivy opened her lips and Bridget felt Ivy's kiss become more passion. She too opened her mouth when she felt Ivy's tongue slipping between her front teeth. She didn't notice Ivy's hand moving until she felt it moving over her right breast. Bridget's attention returned to Ivy's hand and she froze in place. Ivy just kept on kissing her leaving her hand still covering Bridget's breast. Slowly Ivy's kisses got her attention again and she began to return Ivy's kisses with kisses of her own. Bridget had her right hand on Ivy's left shoulder and her left hand on Ivy's side, she hadn't tried to stop Ivy's hand or remove it from her breast as it did feel so wonderful.

Bridget then felt Ivy's right begin to tenderly squeeze her breast. She felt her nipple get even harder, pushing against her bra and now Ivy's palm. Bridget had long nipples that stuck up about a half inch when she was aroused. It embarrassed her in a way and wished she had smaller nipples but nature gave her the nipples that she had. Ivy kept her kisses light which allowed Bridget to let out a moan feeling herself get even more aroused. Ivy was giving her breast squeezes one after another but then Ivy moved her hand away and Bridget couldn't help herself as she let out a groan. A moment later she let out a louder moan as Ivy began to pinch her hard nipple through her bra.

Ivy moved her lips to Bridget's ear and she heard Ivy whisper, "Mmmm... I love those nipples of yours; I can't wait to suck on them one day."

"Oh godddd..." Bridget whispered lustily feeling like she could just cum right there.

Ivy began to nibble on her earlobe and Bridget was getting into that when she felt Ivy's fingers leave her nipple causing her to groan. But then she felt Ivy's fingers slipping under the cup of her bra. Ivy was now kissing her neck and giving it tender bites as her fingers went up the side of her breast not stopping until Bridget felt Ivy's fingers touch her hard and elongated nipple. A moment later she felt two of Ivy's fingers clamp down on her nipple squeezing it and Bridget felt her pussy getting soaking wet. Her clit so needed to be touched and rubbed so that she could cum. However Ivy's fingers continued to pinch and pull on her nipple as she kissed her throat.

Bridget was now squirming around on the bed and Ivy moved her lips back to Bridget's lips kissing her passionately. Bridget returned those kisses with their tongues touching. Bridget began to pant however she calmed a little when Ivy withdrew her hand from under her bra. She was disappointed by this but she was about to go crazy with Ivy teasing her breast.

Bridget felt Ivy's hand back on her stomach however it didn't stay there. It slowly began to move down her stomach and Bridget knew where it was going and she was glad, letting out a little moan as she kissed Ivy harder. When the tips of Ivy's fingers touched the waist band of her panties, Bridget expected them to move over them but they didn't.

Bridget sucked in her breath when she felt Ivy's fingers slip under the waistband of her panties. She stopped kissing Ivy back as her mind was on Ivy's fingers. Ivy didn't stop kissing her as her fingers touched Bridget's pubic hair. Now that she knew that Ivy shaved her pussy hair off, Bridget hoped that Ivy wouldn't mind that she had a full bush that she had never even trimmed. She just shaved around the edges and on her thighs, where a little hair grew.

Bridget was relieved when Ivy didn't jerk her fingers back but instead Ivy let her fingers tease and pull a little on her hair. Slowly the fingers went on down and Bridget sucked in her breath. Ivy's fingers stopped at the top of her pussy, teasing her a little and getting Bridget to lift her hips up. Ivy's fingers moved a bit further and Bridget let out a long moan feeling Ivy's fingers touch her overly sensitive clit.

However Ivy's fingers didn't stay there long enough to make her cum, instead they moved to her pussy lips going down her slit and back up. Bridget let out a long moan feeling her body get so aroused as she was being touched there for the first time by another women. She felt Ivy's fingers teasing her lips making her produce more juices. Bridget began to pant and moan more. Ivy stopped kissing her lips, going to her cheeks and neck allowing Bridget to breathe. Bridget felt one of Ivy's finger slip between her lips stroking her pussy so nicely. Bridget was really moving her hips and she felt her pussy spasm against Ivy's fingers.

"Please let me cum Ivy," Bridget finally moaned aloud.

Then Bridget felt Ivy's fingertips at her clit and they started to rub her just right. They moved across her clit before starting to use an up and down motion on her clit using ever increasing pressure. Bridget felt her pussy spasm and she felt her pussy releasing it juices as she came hard, with her clit exploding and that explosion went from her clit to the rest of her body causing pleasure to wash through her.

When she could open her eyes again, she saw that the room was now dark as the sun had set while Ivy was caressing her body. She felt Ivy giving her soft loving kisses to her face and then she felt Ivy kiss her lips.

"Oh god... you make me feel wonderful," Bridget moaned when the soft kisses ended.

"I love making you feel that way baby," Ivy told her giving her another kiss.

"I want you to feel the same way," Bridget said softly to Ivy.

"You can baby," Ivy told her giving her a soft kiss and then Bridget felt Ivy taking a hold of her right wrist.

Bridget knew that Ivy was taking control again and she let Ivy guide her hand where she wanted it. Bridget felt Ivy moving her hand downward and she felt it moving toward Ivy's legs or rather between her legs. She sensed Ivy moving her leg up and then she felt Ivy place her hand on her pussy. Bridget drew in her breath as she felt how wet and smooth Ivy's pussy was. This was the first pussy that she had ever touched other than her own. It was something that she had dreamed about and was now finally doing without the guilt that she would have normally felt.

Bridget just left her hand in place feeling Ivy's pussy spasm a little and she felt how wet she was. That did make her feel good to know that she could arouse Ivy like that. Slowly Bridget began to move her hand all so slightly, moving it up and down Ivy's pussy and getting a little moan from her. She felt Ivy's hand loosen the grip on her wrist. Slowly Bridget started to move her hand more and Ivy released her wrist completely allowing her to do what she wanted to do. She let her fingers move up and down Ivy's smooth pussy feeling no stubble at all.

After a few moments, Bridget let her middle finger part Ivy's lips allowing her it go deeper inside of her. Ivy seemed to approve as she let out a louder moan. Ivy didn't say anything else, allowing Bridget to do this at her own pace. She loved how smooth Ivy's pussy was and how hot and wet it was. Slowly she let her middle finger go further inside of Ivy's pussy and she felt it squeeze her finger. This excited her to no end and also made her own pussy tingle a little. She moved her finger in and out of Ivy's pussy hearing the squishing sounds that she was making and also the moans that Ivy was uttering. They were all music to her ears.

Bridget also heard a groan from Ivy and she knew what Ivy really needed at this moment. She needed to cum and Bridget knew all about that and also how to make her cum. She might not be experience in making love to a woman but she had rubbed her own clit more than a few times in her life, while not as often as most women but she had done it. So she moved her wet fingers to Ivy's little bud, parting her lips enough to get to that sensitive bud. She began to rub it with her fingers, lightly at first but she quickly began to rub harder. She seemed to be doing it the way Ivy liked as Ivy was groaning and moving her hips to match the movement of Bridger's fingers. Bridget kept rubbing faster and harder until she felt Ivy's body go stiff and she let out a long moan. Bridget felt Ivy's pussy releasing its girlcum as Ivy grew silent as the pleasure rushed through her body.

Bridget moved her fingers from Ivy's sensitive clit, placing her hand over Ivy's wet and swollen lips feeling the heat and the thick juices. She did love the feel of Ivy's pussy and she couldn't believe that her hand was actually on Ivy's pussy and that she just had made her cum with her fingers.

"It feels nice doesn't it?" Bridget heard Ivy say in a tone that indicated how aroused she still was.

"Oh sorry," Bridget said jerking her hand away and feeling her face grow warm from being caught by Ivy.

"No put it back, I like the feel of your hand on me there," Ivy said and Bridget felt Ivy's hand on her wrist pushing her back down to her pussy. When her hand was back on Ivy's pussy, Ivy released her wrist but closed her legs trapping her hand in place. Not that she still couldn't pull it away if she wanted however she loved feeling Ivy's wet and hot pussy pulse against the palm of her hand.

Bridget then felt Ivy's hand under her chin forcing it up so that she had to look into her eyes which the rising moon was allowing her to do. "You like feeling my pussy don't you?" Ivy asked again.

"Yes," Bridget replied very softly.

"Say it baby," Ivy said a little bit stronger.

Bridget knew what Ivy was trying to do and she allowed herself to go along, "I like how your pussy feels against my hand," Bridget replied with a stronger voice glad that Ivy was making her say what she had so long wanted to say.

"You know one day very, very soon I'm going to remove all your clothes and make love to you with my mouth and fingers," Ivy told her.

"Oh my," Bridget gasped as she felt her own pussy spasm.

"Yes Oh MY," Ivy said giving Bridget a kiss.

As much as she wanted to keep her hand on Ivy's pussy she also wanted to hold onto Ivy so she brought up her hand placing it on Ivy's shoulder gripping Ivy's shoulder with her wet hand. Bridget felt Ivy pushing against her and she rolled onto her back. Ivy lay partially on top of her and Ivy's weight felt nice. She felt Ivy's lips kissing her all so softly and when Ivy parted her lips, Bridget felt Ivy's tongue tip touching her lips and she opened her lips welcoming Ivy's tongue into her mouth. She felt Ivy's tongue barely touching hers. It felt so erotic and Bridget let out a contented moan. The kiss went on and on with their lips barely touching just as their tongues was doing and Bridget loved it. However Ivy slowly raised her head breaking off the kiss much to Bridget's disappointment. But then Ivy took a hold of her shoulders and she rolled back over bringing Bridget with her. Bridget gave Ivy a light kiss before she laid her head on Ivy's shoulder and Ivy was holding her tightly.

Bridget lay there just listening to Ivy's heart beating and the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. Bridget felt as contented as she had ever felt in her life and the thought of what Ivy had told her excited her to no end. Bridget wanted to just lay here all night however the wine that she had drank had worked its way down to her bladder, plus she wanted to rid herself of her bra and wet panties.

Bridget raised her head from Ivy's chest and she smiled at Ivy as she said, "I got to go to the bathroom and I need to change into my pajamas."

"Okay baby, find me something to wear if you don't mind, this skirt is killing me." Ivy told her.

"You call that a skirt?" Bridget asked while she got up off the bed and she went over to her dresser turning on a little light there so that she could see what she was doing.

"It got your attention didn't it?" Ivy replied back.

Bridget wanted to come up with something witty but she couldn't, she knew that Ivy wore the skirt for a reason and she succeeded in doing what she wanted. "Yes it did." Bridget told her.

"As did me accidently forgetting to put my panties back on..." Ivy said and Bridget saw the hint of a grin on her face.

"That was bad," Bridget said feeling her face flush as she thought about that.

"I told you I had a dark side," Ivy told her.

"Yes you did," Bridget said and she knew that she was beginning to like that side of Ivy as it brought out the naughty side of herself.

"Here you go," Bridget said she threw a gown, which was too large for her, to Ivy who was now sitting up in the bed.

"Thanks," Ivy said putting the gown in her lap.

"I'll be right back," Bridget said to Ivy as she went around the bed heading toward the small bathroom.

Bridget got about halfway to the bathroom when she heard Ivy say, "Hey give me those clean panties, I think I like you in the ones you're wearing now."

Bridget turned and looked backed at Ivy and she saw that she was serious, "Ivy they're soaking wet."

"I know," Ivy said with a mischievous grin on her face.

"But they feel funny," Bridget pleaded.

"Hand them over baby," Ivy told her.

Bridget hesitated for a second thinking it over but for only a second before she threw the panties at Ivy who was still grinning at her. "Oh god you're bad!" Bridget told her trying to be serious but then she had to smile.

"I like you in wet panties," Ivy told her as Bridget got to the bathroom door.

"I know you do!" Bridget replied before closing the door. When she turned to face the mirror, she saw that her hair was all out of place and she had this glow to her skin that she liked seeing. She felt happy knowing that was Ivy was the one who had made her feel that way.

Bridget finished taking off her robe that was more off than on anyway. She then took the shoulder straps off her arms and she pulled her bra down and around allowing her to remove it easier. She saw that her nipples were still sticking out like they did when she was aroused and she had to admit that she was still aroused. She brought her hands up toughing her nipples and she let out a little moan. She then realized what she was doing and she dropped her hands back down. She didn't want to arouse herself any more than she already was. She went on over to the toilet pulling her panties down feeling the gusset stick to her pussy for a moment. She sat on down and she looked down at just how wet her panties were, even wetter than they had been the night before.

Bridget let her pee flow and then she got some wet wipes that she had by the toilet to wipe the pee and girlcum from her pussy. She might have to wear the panties but Ivy didn't say anything about her not cleaning the juices from her pussy lips and her pussy hair. She stood back up and when she pulled her panties back up, she felt the cool wetness against her pussy and she found herself smiling. She thought about Ivy and how her fingers felt to make her panties so wet. What she didn't think about was how her mother and her church would have felt; Ivy had taken that away this night. She put her pajama top on and when she got to the button just below her breasts, she stopped.

She looked into the mirror seeing how her breasts were covered but there was skin showing and she liked that but more importantly she knew Ivy would be pleased with her. She stepped into her pajama bottoms bringing them up to her waist. She knew that the wetness from her panties would soon make the crotch of her pajamas moist too. She started to refresh her perfume but then decided that Ivy would prefer another scent that she was giving off or rather her panties were giving off. She brushed out her hair before turning and opening the bathroom, going back out into the apartment where Ivy was waiting for her.

She saw Ivy sitting on the edge of the bed and Bridget found herself smiling and she felt happy. Ivy smiled back as she got up. Then as they met in the center of the apartment, Ivy took her into her arms, giving her a lingering kiss that made Bridget's head swim.

Bridget went on to the bed and started to sit down but then she felt a familiar urge hit her. She looked out on the balcony seeing her cigarettes and the wine glasses. She went there instead of her bed. She got the wine glasses forgoing the cigarettes for the moment. She took the glasses inside pouring out the wine that had been left in them. She dried them out and then she got the wine from the fridge, pouring a little in each glass. She took them outside and as much as she wanted to light a cigarette, she wanted to wait for Ivy more.

Luckily Ivy didn't take as long as she did in the bathroom as she heard the bathroom door open and Ivy coming out. The gown that she had given to her, while big on her, seemed a little tight on Ivy. The gown was tight abound Ivy's bust and hips which seemed to make both more appealing and Bridget felt her heart flutter a little.

"I thought we might have a bit of wine and a cigarette before bed," Bridget suggested hoping that Ivy would agree, at least on the cigarette as she really wanted one now having denied herself one as she waited on Ivy.

"That sounds like a wonderful way to end a perfect evening," Ivy said with a soft smile.

"I thought so too plus I suddenly found myself dying for a cigarette," Bridget admitted.

"Good sex tends to bring out that urge in me too," Ivy said giving Bridget one of her sexy winks making Bridget blush.

Bridget didn't know what to say to that though she did agree to both things; the good sex and the need for a cigarette. So instead she reached down picking up her pack of cigarettes but then she felt Ivy's hand on her hand stopping her.

"Wait a second, I want to do something first," Ivy told her softly while Bridget gave her a confused look.

Bridget watched as Ivy picked up one of the glasses of wine and she took a rather large sip, however she didn't immediately swallow it, instead she swirled it around in her mouth. Only after doing that, did she swallow. Ivy immediately thereafter came to her, pulling her into her arms. She looked up at Ivy and saw her moving her head toward her.

Bridget closed her eyes and opened her lips waiting for the kiss that she now knew Ivy intended to give her. The first thing Bridget tasted was a hint of the wine that Ivy had just drank and then she felt Ivy opening her lips and so did she. She felt Ivy's tongue entering her mouth and she used her tongue to touch Ivy's tongue. She got the full favor of the wine that Ivy had sipped upon. Bridget felt and heard a moan that came from somewhere inside her soul. The wine tasted even better from Ivy's lips and tongue than it did from the glass. And it was also very erotic and exciting. Bridget found herself hungrily kissing Ivy back wanting more of Ivy's lips and the wine lingering on them.

Ivy then began to pull back ending the kiss before Bridget was ready and she actually put her hand to the back of Ivy's head bringing her head back for another kiss. The taste of the wine was about gone but now Bridget just wanted to make the kiss last a little longer. Bridget felt Ivy's hands on her back bringing her in closer and she felt her knees go weak as they kissed again. Their tongues tangled inside of Ivy's mouth now and Bridget finally had to end the kiss to catch her breath.

"Oh god that was..." Bridget whispered trying to find the right word but not being able to come up with it even though it was at the tip of her tongue but Ivy's kiss took away her ability to think.

"Erotic?" Ivy suggested.

"Yes... very," Bridget said to her putting her head against Ivy's shoulder and holding her a little bit longer as Ivy held her.

"How about that cigarette? I need one before I light your wonderful smelling hair and try to smoke it." Ivy said making Bridget giggle at that.

"I don't think my hair would taste too good," Bridget said with a laugh.

"I don't know, I think you're hair is going to taste very good," Ivy said giving her a wicked grin and Bridget knew that Ivy wasn't talking about the hair on her head but in another place.

"Oh god, you're bad," Bridget said feeling her face grow warm.

"Oh I'm very bad," Ivy replied giving Bridget a brief kiss.

"Oh god..." Bridget said as she pulled back reaching for the pack of cigarette lying on the glass topped table.

Bridget lit one, giving it to Ivy before lighting one for herself. She took a long draw on the cigarette feeling it fill her lungs and relaxing her. She picked up her glass of wine taking a sip of it as Ivy moved in beside of her. Ivy put her glass of wine on the rail and she put her left arm around Bridget's waist. Bridget leaned in close to her allowing Ivy to hold onto her as they smoked their cigarettes in silence.

When they finished their cigarettes, Bridget slipped from Ivy's arm only long enough to get her cigarettes lighting them both another before leaning back against Ivy allowing Ivy to pull her in close again. Bridget laid her head against Ivy's shoulder feeling the loving embrace the Ivy's arm around her gave her.

"Are you okay with tonight, I know I took things a little further," Ivy said softly.

Bridget thought for a moment and Ivy allowed her to take her time. After a minute to compose her thoughts she put her cigarette into the ashtray and the turned toward Ivy who also put her cigarette into the ashtray and she put her hands at Bridget's waist.

"Yes I'm okay with tonight and I want you to keep taking this further. I want to go further and do things that I have only dreamed about doing only without the guilt I felt when I dreamed." Bridget said and she paused for a moment. Ivy again let her compose her thought while not saying anything.

"But I still need for you to take control... you know what I mean... I know you probably think of it as being silly and stupid... me being a grown woman..." Bridget said feeling the tears coming to her eyes ashamed that she couldn't be forward like Ivy was and more free of any guilt that she felt when Ivy wasn't there.

"Shhh... baby don't cry," Ivy said leaning down and kissing her tears away. "You know, we're actually a perfect fit."

"How so?" Bridget asked with her eyes still tearing up.

Ivy gave her a soft smile before saying, "Your need to be controlled fits perfectly with my need to control but you know a little secret?"

"What's that?" Bridget asked.

"Because I'll never take you anyplace you don't want to go, you'll always have the power to stop me," Ivy told her sincerely.

Bridget let out a little smile, "I know that I do and I appreciate that. But the feeling of you controlling me gives me the freedom I need."

"I know and I plan on keep controlling you, making you do all sorts of dirty and naughty things..." Ivy told her while taking her wrists into her hands and putting them behind Bridget's back.

"Oh my..." Bridget said grinning while blushing at the same time.

Ivy held loosely onto her wrists as Bridget put her head on Ivy's shoulder letting her hold her while lightly restraining her. Ivy held her for a long time but then there was a light cool breeze came up and Bridget felt a chill come over her even with Ivy holding her. So Ivy took her inside and while Ivy turned out the light, Bridget slipped into bed holding open the covers for Ivy to slip in beside of her. Ivy pulled her in close as they lay on their sides facing each other. Ivy began to kiss her lightly and Bridget felt her body become aroused from those kisses and she felt safe with Ivy there knowing that they both understood each other's needs.

After several soft and wonderful kisses, Bridget felt Ivy pushing against her and she was being rolled onto her back. She felt Ivy's hand go to her wrists bringing them over her head. Bridget began to feel her pussy begin to tingle and she felt her nipples hardening as she knew that Ivy was going to do something nice to her.

"I do believe that I need to check and make sure you didn't sneak a clean pair of panties into the bathroom." Ivy told her giving her a wink and at the same time loosening her grip on her wrists.

"Oh no I didn't I promise, you don't need to check," Bridget said not believing that she said it but she found that she liked saying it.

"Oh but I think that I do," Ivy told her firmly but Bridget could still see a bit of a mischievous grin on Ivy's face from the moonlight coming though the glass door from the balcony.

"Please don't touch my pussy... please don't..." Bridget said to Ivy as she opened her legs for Ivy to do just that. And she felt her pussy spasm just from the thought.

"I'm going to baby; I'm going to touch that wonderful pussy of yours." Ivy said while moving her right hand from Bridget's wrist. Ivy was now using her left hand to hold both wrists but she did so in such a way that Bridget could have easily gotten free but she didn't want to. She even put her wrists together making it easier for Ivy to hold them with one hand, which also told Ivy that she was free to do anything she wanted to do to her.

Ivy's hand went first to Bridget's left breast coving it first and giving it a squeeze. Bridget let out a little moan and a louder one when she felt Ivy give her long nipple a squeeze through her pajama top. The hand left her breast and Bridget thought that Ivy was going to her pussy but then she felt Ivy's warm hand on her chest and it slipped under her pajama top. She felt Ivy's hand cover her breast and she let out a moan as she felt her pussy getting wet again. Ivy's hand squeezed her breast and then she felt Ivy's fingers squeezing her nipple pulling on it.

She felt Ivy moving a bit and then she felt Ivy's lips touching her lips giving her a soft kiss. Bridget tried to kiss her back but she was trying hard to control her breathing. Ivy didn't seem to care if she kissed back; she just kept kissing her lips and then her cheeks. Bridget felt Ivy's hand leave her breast and she groaned into Ivy's kiss. She next felt Ivy's hand at the waist of her pajama bottoms. Ivy's fingers slipped under her pajamas and to Bridget's surprise they also slipped under her panties.

Bridget let out a moan and opened her legs further while Ivy's fingers combed through her pubic hair. The fingers moved over her mons and on down to her pussy which was already wet. Ivy's fingers moved down across her pussy lips making Bridget moan louder. She felt Ivy's fingers on her inner lips that protruded out from between her outer lips. Ivy pulled on them a little and Bridget let out a groan of pleasure. Ivy pulled a little harder getting Bridget to lift her hips up a little then Ivy released her inner lips and started to use her fingers to stroke her pussy lips. She felt Ivy's middle finger go between her inner lips stroking her deeper. Bridget groaned pushing her hips up higher. Bridget felt her pussy begin to spasm and she knew that Ivy had her on the edge of another orgasm; an orgasm she needed and wanted.

"Oh Ivy, I need..." Bridget groaned out and she felt Ivy's fingers slip a little deeper going to her entrance but stopping there. Then she felt those wonderful fingers go to her hard clit that was so sensitive. Ivy's fingers pressed against her clit and started to rub it, slowly with light pressure but then harder and faster. Bridget moved her hips with the motion of Ivy's fingers until she felt her pussy spasm and her clit get super sensitive. She let out a loud moan as her clit exploded and she came hard soaking her already soaked panties.

When she was able to breathe and move again, she found that she barely had the strength to open her eyelids. But she was able to feel Ivy kissing her lips lightly and holding her close. Bridget brought her arms down putting them to Ivy's shoulders and she hung onto Ivy's gown letting Ivy kiss her for a few moments more while she regained some of her strength.

"Oh god... I think you've killed me," Bridget moaned between kisses.

Ivy gave out a kind laugh at that, "How could I have killed you, I was only checking to see if you had changed your panties." Ivy said innocently making Bridget give out a little laugh.

"Did I?" Bridget asked with a smile.

"I don't know but they're wet now," Ivy said giving Bridget a wink.

"Yes they are, very wet." Bridget said with a contented sigh.

"Very," Ivy said proudly.

"Put my hand where you want it..." Bridget told her staring into her eyes and hoping that Ivy got what she was saying.

"Okay baby," Ivy said before giving her a lingering kiss that about left her out of breath again.

Ivy then took her in her arms and Bridget felt Ivy turning over onto her back taking her with her. Bridget then found that she was mostly lying on top of Ivy. She then felt Ivy's right hand at the back of her head pulling it down to her chest and then Ivy took her right hand and placed it at her side.

Bridget was confused for a moment and then she realized what Ivy was doing, "That's not what I meant." She told her.

"I know what you meant but this is where I want you, now let's go to sleep baby," Ivy told her giving her a soft sweet smile before kissing her forehead.

"You sure?" Bridget asked as she really did want to make Ivy have as nice an orgasm as she just had.

"Yes I'm sure, I love feeling you up against me as I sleep." Ivy told her then she brought Bridget head up for a kiss. Bridget gave her a soft smile before the kiss and then she snuggled back up against Ivy feeling Ivy's arm holding her close. This night her mind didn't think of anything, no guilt, no nothing as she was asleep seconds after laying her head on Ivy's chest hearing her heartbeat and feeling her breathing.

Bridget woke up first the next morning and this time when she opened her eyes, she knew where she was and who was lying beside of her. She was no longer lying with her head on Ivy's chest; instead she was on her side facing away from Ivy and toward the balcony where the sun had already risen. Ivy was lying on her back up against her snoring softly. This made Bridget giggle and she felt Ivy move around a little. Bridget went ahead and slipped out of bed going to the bathroom. But not before finding her something to wear including a clean pair of panties and a bra.

"Mmmm that smells good," Bridget heard Ivy say from the bed as she stood by the stove cooking up some of her special omelets that her mother had taught her to make.

"Well you just enough time to go to the bathroom and get dressed... with panties... before breakfast is done." Bridget told her giving her a grin.

"You're no fun!" Ivy said pouting a little which was something that she really couldn't pull off.

"Nope, now scoot before I burn the omelets like I did the garlic toast last night," Bridget told her.

"Yes ma'am" Ivy said with a laugh before getting out of the bed and heading toward the bathroom but not before coming over to Bridget and giving her a little kiss.

When Ivy came out of the bathroom, she was dressed again in her mini shirt and knit top. She came on over to the table and Bridget couldn't but help herself but to look down at her skirt.

"Yes I'm wearing my panties..." Ivy said as she pulled her skirt up showing off her thong panties.

"I didn't say anything," Bridget said in her defense but it was what she was thinking and from the heat from her face, she knew that she had just told Ivy that.

"No but you were thinking it sweetie," Ivy told her with a grin as she sat down.

Bridget wanted to argue but she couldn't, "Yea I was thinking it."

"I can take them off if you like... I know how you like me in this skirt without panties..." Ivy said as she started to get up from her chair.

"No... no... that's okay..." Bridget said quickly.

Ivy laughed as she sat back down, "I'm teasing you, you know."

"I know... I don't mind." Bridget said as she sat down across from Ivy.

"I bet I got you thinking about it now don't i?" Ivy asked.

"Yes you do you little turd and I got tests to grade and lesson plans to look over today." Bridget told her trying to change the subject away from Ivy's panties.

"I do too, you know our students hate when we give them tests and homework but they don't realize that we spend our a lot our free time grading them." Ivy complained to her.

"Hey we felt the same way not so long ago," Bridget reminded her.

"No we didn't, we were both perfect students who loved all our teachers and never gave them any problems," Ivy stated straight faced.

Bridget had just put a bite of her omelet into her mouth when Ivy said that and she about spit it out as she laughed at her.

"What? You weren't a perfect student; you weren't a teacher's pet like I was?" Ivy asked still maintaining that innocent look.

Bridget got her food down without choking before she replied, "You've told me way too many stories already for me to believe that you were ever a teacher's pet."

Ivy laughed, "So you're not buying my line of thinking?" she asked.

"Nope not for a second," Bridget said with a big smile.

"Well you're right and I don't guess we can ever expect them to appreciate what we do for them," Ivy said with a bit of a sign.

"Oh no they will, a few now but most will appreciate it once they get our age or older. We do make a difference or at least I'm trying to make a difference in their lives," Bridget said feeling a little worried. She was new at teaching and at times very unsure of herself.

Ivy's gave her a reassuring smile as she reached out and took Bridget's right hand in hers, "You're making a difference, I assure you. I mean with Becky, you said that she is making real strides, you said so yourself."

"I hope so..." Bridget replied frowning a little but she did feel better with Ivy trying to reassure her.

"But I do want to warn you about something," Ivy said to her.

"What?" Bridget asked.

"Even if Becky says that she doesn't enjoy math and you go through coloring your hair, it doesn't mean that you didn't get through to her but you may be facing peer pressure here." Ivy told her. "Peer pressure at their age can be very forceful."

"Oh I know but I think I'll be able to tell when the time comes," Bridget told her.

"I hope so I just down want you to think you failed when you didn't." Ivy told her.

"I know and I appreciate that." Bridget said with a smile.

So they talked about school as they both ate and then while they went out on the balcony to smoke a cigarette. When they came back in, Bridget walked with Ivy to the door.

"So when do you normally go to bed on a school night?" Ivy asked her as she placed her bag on the table by the door.

"Around nine or ten, why you asking?" Bridget said with a questioning look on her face.

"Oh just curious..." Ivy said with a weird smile on her face and before Bridget could follow up on that, she felt Ivy grasping her wrist and she knew what Ivy was about to do.

She allowed Ivy to pull her into her body and she looked up into Ivy's eyes, she felt herself melting as Ivy lowered her head. Bridget cocked her head slightly and closed her eyes waiting for Ivy's kiss. She felt Ivy's breath against her lips and then she felt them touch her lips. She couldn't help herself as she let out a little moan into Ivy's kiss. The kiss was lighter and didn't last as long as Bridget wanted and she pushed her head forward as Ivy leaned back breaking off the kiss.

"Mmm that was nice," Ivy said softly.

"Yes it was..." Bridget replied breathlessly.

Bridget felt Ivy releasing her wrists and she hated to see Ivy go but she did have work to do and it wouldn't get done if Ivy was there.

"Bye sweet thing," Ivy said and then she turned toward the door but then she stopped.

Bridget saw the twinkle in Ivy's eyes and she knew Ivy was up to something. Ivy put her hands to the bottom of her skirt and she reached up under it. The next thing Bridget knew Ivy was pulling her panties off right in front of her.

"Since you so admired my panties, I thought I'd leave them with you," Ivy said with a wink before depositing them in Bridget's hand.

"Bye baby," Ivy said and then she gave Bridget a quick kiss to the lips. She then grabbed her bag and went out the door leaving Bridget standing there with Ivy's panties in her hand.

"Oh god," Bridget said to herself while looking down at Ivy's panties that she was holding, still warm from Ivy's body heat. She gripped then in her hand thinking about Ivy and she found that she was smiling. She brought the panties up to her nose smelling Ivy's scent and then she felt herself blushing by doing that. She chided herself before turning and heading toward the balcony as she suddenly felt the need for another cigarette before starting her day. On her way she dropped the panties on the end of her bed prior to going on out for that much needed cigarette.

When she finished smoking, she came back inside, stripping the bed so that she could wash her sheets. The panties she took to her washer but didn't put them inside. She set them to the side and then went to her bathroom, getting her clothes hamper to get the rest of her dirty clothes. She was lucky in that her small apartment had a washer and dryer, both small but still that meant that she didn't have to go to a laundry mat to wash her clothes.

Once she got everything separated out and the washer started with the first load, she went to her desk to start her homework. She knew her students would laugh at her calling her work as homework but it was in a way. She gave out homework but also they gave her an equal amount of homework back. When she got tired of grading papers or doing her lesson plans, she would get up and do some cleaning. She passed the day doing her homework, cleaning her apartment with a time out to watch a movie to break up the day.

About nine she began to tire out, she decided to take her shower and go to bed. She went to her washer where she had laid out her favorite pair of pajamas, the ones she wore when no one was around. The top had short sleeves and a tear or two. She was never very good with needle and thread and while she should have thrown them out, she just couldn't bring herself to do so. One tear was around her left pocket just above her breast, a small tear but one all the same. The other was down at the bottom at the seam. The bottoms was a pair of matching shorts worn thin at the seat, that fit a little big on her but more importantly they were very comfortable. As she picked them up, she saw Ivy's pair of thongs that somehow had never made it into the washer. She had never worn thongs before; too embarrassed to ever buy a pair and she wondered what they would feel like. She studied them for a moment and then she grabbed them up too.

After she had dried and put a little lotion on, she looked down at Ivy's thong panties sitting on top of her pajamas. She thought about them and how sexy they were on Ivy. She started to reach out for them but stopped herself. She knew she should go back out and find a pair of her granny panties she always wore and then she thought of Ivy again and the changes she was bringing to her life. She felt herself blushing as she reached down picking up the panties. She could almost see Ivy smiling proudly at her as she stepped into them. She brought them up feeling the center strap slip between her butt cheeks. It took her a bit to get them adjusted and still they looked funny but yet sexy. She looked down and saw that she would have to trim more to wear these type of panties. She wanted to turn to see what her butt looked like in this style of panties but couldn't bring herself to do; instead she quickly stepped into her pajama shorts and then put her top on.

She had just made it to her bed and was just starting to pull her covers down when she heard a knock on the door. The knock scared her, knowing that she wasn't expecting anyone to stop by. She found her robe, slipping it on before going to the door just as the person knocked again. She looked through the spy hole to see Ivy standing there in what appeared to be a thick robe and she had what looked like an outfit on a hanger in one hand. Bridget smiled but then she frowned as she began to worry that something had happened to Ivy or her apartment.

Bridget opened the door and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"No baby, I just decided that I didn't want to sleep alone tonight, you don't mind do you?" Ivy asked with a bit of question on her face.

"Oh no that's fine," Bridget said still a bit confused by it all.

"I can go back to my apartment if you like..." Ivy said as she looked more than a little disappointed by Bridget's reaction.

"Oh no, come on it!" Bridget said a bit too quickly as she reached out taking Ivy by the arm, pulling her inside her apartment.

"You don't mind?" Ivy asked again.

"No I don't, I want to sleep with you..." Bridget told her.

"Oh you do... I like the sound of that..." Ivy said giving her a wink that caused Bridget to blush.

"No I didn't mean it that way..." Bridget said feeling her face warm up.

"You don't want to sleep with me..." Ivy asked arching her eyebrows at her.

Bridget didn't know what to say then and she felt a bit frustrated at Ivy for turning her words around, "I... I..." Bridget started to say when she felt herself being pulled into Ivy's body with her free arm.

"I'm messing with you honey," Ivy said with a big grin and then she gave her a little kiss to make up for it.

"I know and you're so good at it," Bridget said with a bit of a pout that earned her another kiss.

"So where can I hang this?" Ivy asked as she pulled away and held up the pant suit that she was holding.

"Here let me have it, I'll hang it up for you," Bridget said taking the outfit that also had a clean pair of panties and a bra hanging over the loop of the hanger. She would have put those items under the blouse and not over it but then Ivy wasn't so repressed as she was.

"So how was your day?" Ivy asked as she moved on into the apartment.

"Busy, how about yours?" Bridget responded.

"About the same, but I got a lot of work done," Ivy told her when she got to the bed.

"Me too though I did stop to watch a movie," Bridget admitted with a smile.

"Slacker!" Ivy said with a laugh.

"Just one movie," Bridget said in her defense as she laughed at Ivy who was grinning from ear to ear.

"I don't know..." Ivy said as she helped Bridget pull down the covers on the bed.

"You didn't take a break all day?" Bridget asked of Ivy.

"Nope not one," Ivy replied but from the grin on her face, Bridget knew that she was fibbing.

''Yea I bet," Bridget responded.

"So you want a cigarette before we retire for the evening?" Ivy asked.

"Yea that sounds great," Bridget said as she started toward the sliding door to her balcony.

"So what did you do with my panties you liked so much?" Ivy asked and Bridget stopped just as she was about to reach for her pack of cigarettes.

"What?" Bridget asked turning toward Ivy who was grinning at her. Bridget could feel her face turning red and subconsciously her right hand went down to her abdomen as if trying to cover up the panties that she was wearing as if Ivy could see them.

After a long pause that Bridget thought would never end, Ivy finally said with an even bigger grin, "You're wearing them aren't you..."

Bridget didn't know what to say but her body knew what to do and that was to turn even redder.

"Did you wash them first?' Ivy asked and now Bridget just wanted to find a hole to dive into and bury herself. She was cursing herself for ever putting the damn things on and for Ivy for wearing them in the first place.

Bridget felt tears come to her eyes and she knew she was going to die from embarrassment. But then she felt Ivy pulling her into her body and holding her tightly making her feel a little better but not much.

"I hope you're not ashamed of me..." Bridget sobbed out.

Then next thing Bridget felt was her body being jerked back and it scared her a little. She looked up into Ivy's face and she saw a look of concern and a bit of disappointment which made her feel worse and she wanted to start to cry again.

"Why in the hell would I be ashamed of you?" Ivy demanded of her.

"Becauseee... because I did such a silly thing," Bridget stuttered out.

"Well the word I would use does begin with an S but it wouldn't be silly," Ivy told her forcefully.

"It wouldn't?" Bridget asked trying to think of another word that began with an S that meant silly and the only word she could think of was stupid.

"I think it's very sexy and I take it as a very nice complement," Ivy told her as her face changed to one of kindness and a smile.

"You don't think it was silly or stupid of me... I really don't know why I did it..." Bridget told her.

"I hope that it was because you were thinking of me..." Ivy said to her hopefully.

Bridget blushed a little bit in a good way this time, "It was, it really was... but I was also wondering what thong panties felt like."

"Do you like them?" Ivy asked.

Bridget replied with, "They feel a little funny..."

"That wasn't what I asked," Ivy told her.

Bridget blushed yet again and she began to wonder if all her blood was in her face and chest now. She hesitated and Ivy waited her out, "Yes I like them." She finally admitted, "They make me feel a little..."

"Naughty?" Ivy asked.

"Yes," Bridget admitted.

"Good I'm beginning to rub off on you," Ivy said proudly.

"Yes you are," Bridget said before pressing her head against Ivy's chest.

"I really do think it's sexy that you're wearing my panties." Ivy whispered to her.

"I can't believe I'm doing it and admitting to it." Bridget said with a giggle.

"Well you're going to be wearing them until you get home tomorrow," Ivy told her.

"Oh no..." Bridget said pushing back away from Ivy.

"Yes you are baby, I'm telling you to..." Ivy said and Bridget felt Ivy's hands on her wrists signaling that she was in control.

"But..." Bridget started to say but Ivy's lips covering her lips with a kiss stopped her. It was a nice long kiss with Ivy pinning Bridget's arms behind her back.

"I can't believe I'm going to do this," Bridget gasped after the long kiss ended.

"You'll love it," Ivy told her giving her another kiss but a brief one.

"Come on, let's have that cigarette, I really need one now." Bridget said as Ivy released her.

When they got back inside, Bridget went to her side of the bed and slipped under the covers. Ivy walked on around the other side of the bed. When she started to slip under the covers, Bridget reached over and made sure the alarm was set before turning off the bedside lamp. She turned toward Ivy and snuggled in close to her.

"I'm glad that you decided to come down tonight," Bridget said softly to Ivy.

"Me too, I love feeling you next to me when I sleep," Ivy replied giving Bridget a kiss to her head.

"I love that too," Bridget told her and then she moved her head back looking up at Ivy, "but next time warn me so I won't be wearing my worst pair of pajamas."

"But I love those pajamas with the torn pocket which gives me just the slightest view of your breast..." Ivy replied with a grin and she hesitated, "And that you are wearing my panties."

Bridget groaned before saying, "You just had to bring that up again didn't you."

"Yes I did, I love that you're wearing them." Ivy told her before giving her a light kiss.

"Well the next time you decide to take off your panties and give them to me, I'm throwing them back in your face." Bridget told her seriously but she had this doubt in her soul that she'd end up keeping them.

"I'll just throw them back at you," Ivy told her.

Bridget didn't bother to answer; she just snuggled back in close to Ivy who pulled her in tightly. Bridget slowly began to relax, thinking about the whole panty thing and she decided that maybe it was okay with what she had done, Ivy made it okay with her and she was still embarrassed about it but not nearly as much as before.

The next morning was a bit of a rush with one small bathroom and two women trying to get ready, each taking their turns. Bridget dressed by her bed as Ivy dressed in the bathroom. Bridget felt a little silly doing this but she felt more at ease and Ivy seemed to understand her need. But they managed to get dressed and out the door on time, with Ivy giving her a nice kiss at the door which helped to start Bridget's day out right.

"So how are you and my panties doing?" Ivy asked her as they smoked their mid day cigarette in the boiler room.

"Oh god you and your panties!" Bridget said with a sigh as she exhaled.

"Well?" Ivy asked with a smile.

"I think of them... and you every time I sit or move," Bridget replied smiling at Ivy.

"Mmmm... maybe I should give you my panties every night for you to wear..." Ivy suggested.

"Oh no, beginning tonight I'm going to start wearing my own panties." Bridget declared.

"You mean you're never going to wear my panties again?" Ivy asked.

"Not unless you make me..." Bridget said with a shy smile on her face and blushing a little and this she saw made Ivy smile.

"I see," Ivy said smiling broadly.

"Now how has your day been going?" Bridget asked to change the subject.

"Pretty good for the most part," Ivy replied. "And yours?"

"About the same," Bridget told her and then she added. "I think my morning math class is really starting to like math a little. I made an error doing a problem and they all caught it and really let me have it."

"Why do I have the feeling that the error was made on purpose..." Ivy replied.

"It might have been." Bridget said with a laugh.

"Good for them," Ivy said... "and good for you."

"Yes it was, it made me happy." Bridget said grinning. But then she frowned as she took the last puff of her cigarette which meant the end of their little break.

"So you want to come up tonight about ten..." Ivy asked as she stubbed her cigarette.

"I might..." Bridget replied with a shy smile. "Is this going to become a regular thing?"

"It might... would you mind if it did?" Ivy asked.

"I might not..." Bridget said with a grin as was enjoying answering Ivy without doing so directly.

"Good then maybe I'll see you tonight..." Ivy said before giving Bridget a quick kiss and then they headed back out to their teaching their charges.

Bridget did keep Ivy's panties on until she went to take a shower a little before nine. She almost hated to take them off as they kept Ivy close to her and any feelings of guilt that she would normally have felt didn't come or if they did all she had to do was think of whose panties that she was wearing and they went away. She knew that she was playing mind games with herself but it worked. She stepped into the shower and she washed herself however when she was done, she did trim the hair around her pussy so that she could wear the skimpy panties like Ivy wore. Not that she could see herself buying herself any just yet but soon she might if only for Ivy's sake.

When she went to put on her pajamas on, she started to put on a nicer pair for Ivy since she was heading up to her apartment to sleep. She knew that she would be heading there as soon as Ivy suggested it during their smoke break. But after thinking about what to wear, she ended up putting her old familiar comfortable pajamas on. She pulled out a dress for the next day as well as clean panties and a bra. These she put under the dress not being the extrovert that Ivy was. She gathered up some personal items in a bag and after taking in a deep breath to give herself courage. She headed out wearing a thicker robe that would cover her more than the one that Ivy had caught her wearing.

"Hi baby," Ivy said as she opened the door for Bridget.

"Hi yourself," Bridget replied with a smile as she walked into Ivy's apartment. "I love your pajamas by the way."

"Why thank you," Ivy said opening her arms showing off her long oversized red tee shirt and a pair of blue pajama shorts that were also a bit big on her."I thought I would try and impress you with my ability to color coordinate my clothes." She added with a laugh.

"Well I'm impressed," Bridget said seriously but then she had to laugh.

"Maybe they're not stylish but they are comfortable." Ivy told her as she took the dress and bag from Bridget.

"I know the feeling," Bridget said opening her robe to reveal the same pajamas that she had work the previous night.

"Why don't you freshen up in the bathroom and then we can have a cigarette before bed." Ivy told her.

"Oh okay," Bridget said not knowing why Ivy wanted her to freshen up since she didn't need to use the bathroom as she had gone before she left her apartment.

Bridget took back her little bag and headed toward the bathroom wondering if she had something on her teeth or her hair had gotten messed up on the ride in the elevator which she didn't think either of those things was very likely. Ivy went on to the bedroom with her dress and Bridget entered the bathroom closing the door behind of her.

Bridget first checked her hair and teeth and she didn't find anything wrong there. She just happened to put her right hand down on the sink counter and she felt something. She looked down to see a pair of Ivy's panties, there were nylon and a light pink in color. A note was pinned to the panties that said, "I picked out a pair of panties for you to wear. I tested them for you by wearing them today and I think you'll like them... or at least I will."

End of Part Four.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 5

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