Bridget's Awakening

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Aug 22, 2013


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Bridget's Awakening

Part Five

By Chris

Bridget let out an embarrassed giggle as she picked up the panties. They were a pair of black hipster panties and not thongs so that was good at least. She held them up and saw that they were a size too big for her as Ivy had slightly wider hips than her but she thought that she could make them work. This time she didn't have to think about whether to put them on or not. However she did take a quick whiff to confirm what she already knew, Ivy had indeed worn them that day.

Bridget pushed her pajamas bottoms down along with her panties. She then stepped into Ivy's panties pulling them up. She was right, they fit pretty well. Since these didn't have anything going between her butt cheeks to help keep them in place like Ivy's thongs did, they were a bit loose at the gusset however they fit fine at the hips so they would stay in place without any problems. She looked in the mirror and she saw herself blushing as she looked down at Ivy's panties that she was now wearing. She felt closer to Ivy and that enabled her to do what she was doing without feeling too bad about it. She looked at herself for another second before reaching for her pajama shorts and stepping back into them. She then checked out her hair one last time prior to picking up her panties and she started to carry them out but then she decided to just put them by the sink so Ivy would see them.

She came out of the bathroom and didn't see Ivy at first but then she saw that the sliding glass door was open so she put her robe back on before heading out to join Ivy for their last cigarette of the day. Ivy had their cigarettes ready and as soon as Bridget stepped out, she saw Ivy lighting one for her and then one for herself.

"So did you see my present?" Ivy asked with a grin.

"Yes I did and I was surprised that they didn't fit too bad..." Bridget said and she saw the look on Ivy's face and she realized what she had implied.

"I didn't mean it that way... I just meant..." Bridget was saying when Ivy broke out into a laugh.

"It's okay, I got big hips and a big butt," Ivy said with a laugh.

"No you don't, they're both nice." Bridget said trying to dig herself out of a hole that she had dug for herself. "Besides I'm not exactly a skinny model with the baby fat I never got around to losing. Plus I think with all the good food you been feeding me, I think I have added a pound or two."

"Honey its cool; I've always had a bigger build which served me well in high school hockey. Ivy said now smiling at her. "Besides I bought a pack of panties a size too small last night so that you'd be better able to wear them. They were a little tight but I enjoyed wearing them knowing that you'd be wearing them later."

"You didn't have to do that," Bridget told her. "I can fit into your clothes pretty well I believe, your thongs fit fine."

"Yes I did if I wanted you to wear them and not be pulling them up all day. And I do like you wearing them and knowing that you're thinking of me as you do so," Ivy said with a smile and then she leaned over to give Bridget a little kiss.

"Well I do like this game we're playing as it does make me think of you," Bridget admitted shyly as she leaned in against Ivy.

"So you don't think my butt and hips are too big?" Ivy asked her and Bridget realized that for once Ivy was the one a bit insecure and not her.

"No I don't! I like you just the way you are and I am serious." Bridget told her trying to make sure that Ivy believed her.

"You serious?" Ivy asked.

"Yes I'm serious and since you only went down one panty size and I can wear them, means I'm not too far behind you." Bridget stated and then she had to ask, "What about my body, do you like it?"

"Oh definitely," Ivy said with a smile. Then she gave Bridget a little kiss which did reassure her a little but not completely. She was very insecure of her body and always had been.

They finished their cigarettes and then stood there for a few more minutes just looking out and up at the stars. But the air began to cool so they headed back inside and to the warm bed. Ivy pulled her in close as they lay facing each other. There was no moon to light the room any but Bridget could still feel Ivy's breath and the movement of her head so she was ready when Ivy's lips touched hers. It was a soft light kiss at first but then Bridget sensed Ivy opening her lips so she opened hers as they kissed. She welcomed Ivy's tongue into her mouth and she met it with her own. Ivy had her arms over her arms thus pinning them to her sides and thus giving Bridget the sense that Ivy was in control allowing her to kiss her back freely. She felt her body began to get excited as her nipples grew hard pressed against Ivy's soft breasts. She also felt her pussy began to get moist, slightly damping Ivy's panties that she was wearing.

She was just getting into the kissing when Ivy pulled back breaking off the kiss leaving Bridget a little breathless. "It's a school night baby; I guess we had better go to sleep or our kids with run all over us tomorrow." Ivy said and Bridget let out a soft moan of frustration.

"Yes... I guess so," Bridget said hearing the lust in her own voice and feeling her face grow hot. She hoped that Ivy didn't notice either one.

"Night baby," Ivy said to her softly as she rolled onto her back bringing Bridget with her.

"Night," Bridget said laying her head on Ivy's chest. Bridget did notice that Ivy's heart was beating just a little faster than normal and it took her a little longer to get her breathing slowed down but then Bridget was having the same problem.

During their Tuesday midday smoke, Bridget was just a little disappointed that Ivy didn't mention anything about that evening and if she wanted to her to come up to her apartment to sleep or that Ivy would come down to hers. She thought about it the rest of the day and then more when she got home. She had a hard time grading her student's tests and what she wanted to go over the next day in class.

About nine, feeling depressed and lonely, she went to the bathroom to take her shower. As she took off Ivy's panties, she almost wanted to cry feeling the loss of Ivy's presence go with them. She felt so lonely and a bit depressed. She threw the panties into the clothes hamper feeling more than a bit angry at Ivy and more at herself for feeling this way. She normally enjoyed her showers but tonight it was just a way to get clean. Her shower was shorter than normal and when she dried, she put on a pair of her own panties and pajamas still feeling bad before going on back out into her apartment. She thought about smoking a cigarette but she found she didn't want one. She wondered why but then she realized that she had pretty much stopped smoking unless Ivy was there to smoke with her. She hadn't even had a cigarette since she had gotten home.

She went on to her bed and began to pull the covers down on her bed when she heard a knock at the door. Her face broke into a smile and she rushed around the bed, practically running to the door. She stopped at the door and took in a big breath and exhaled before opening the door. There was Ivy in her robe and she had a wicked grin on her face.

"I forget to give you something," Ivy said and then she pulled a pair of light pink panty briefs from her robe pocket. She held them out in front of her by the waist band for anyone that might be in the hallway to see.

"Oh god, put those down before someone sees them!" Bridget yelped as she reached out and grabbed them from Ivy's hands.

"They're just panties that I've worn all day for you," Ivy said a bit louder than Bridget liked.

"Get in here," Bridget said as she grabbed Ivy's right arm pulling her inside giving Ivy barely enough time to reach over and grab the clothes hanger that she had hanging at the edge of the door frame.

"I can't believe that you held up those panties for everyone to see," Bridget said fussing at Ivy who was laughing which mad her madder at her.

"They're just panties," Ivy protested while still laughing a little.

"What am I'm going to do with you?" Bridget asked still a little mad at Ivy but also happy that Ivy was here with her.

"How about coming over here and giving me a little kiss..." Ivy told her.

"No I'm mad at you!" Bridget replied but she tried not to smile as she did want to kiss her or rather get a kiss from her.

"I think you should come over her and give me a kiss," Ivy said a bit more commanding.

"No!" Bridget replied but she lacked any sense of conviction when she said it.

"Move your ass over here and I'm going to kiss you so hard and long that your knees will buckle!" Ivy told her putting more force into her words but Bridget saw the twinkle in Ivy's soft brown eyes.

"Oh fuckkk..." Bridget said with a sigh and her feet began to more toward Ivy.

She saw Ivy dropping the hanger with her clothes onto the floor and that made her smile. When she got to Ivy, she felt Ivy's hands grasp her wrists and she felt them being moved behind her back leaving her defenseless as she liked. Ivy used her own wrists to push her into Ivy's body and she looked up into Ivy's smiling face. She closed her eyes when saw Ivy lowering her lips and then she felt Ivy's soft lips kissing her. Ivy let their lips touch for just a moment before she broke off the kiss leaving Bridget wanting and she showed that want by the moan of frustration she gave out.

Bridget felt Ivy's breath against her lips and then Ivy's lips were touching hers again. This time it was a longer and a much more passionate kiss. Ivy's lips opened and she felt Ivy's tongue in her mouth and she pushed her tongue out against it. Bridget felt her body heating up as the passionate kiss lingered. Bridget was gasping for her breath when Ivy pulled back thus ending the kiss.

Ivy was smiling at her as she pulled back and releasing her wrists. She then put her arms on Bridget's shoulders turning Bridget away from her. She felt Ivy's breath at her left ear and she heard Ivy whisper into her ear, "Now go put my panties on." Bridget then felt a firm spank to her bottom.

"Ouch!" She yelped and she looked back at Ivy with a frown.

Ivy just grinned at her and said, "Go on, I want you in my panties that you're holding so tightly in your hands."

Bridget looked down and saw that she indeed was grasping those said panties and she grinned as she looked at them. She turned and headed toward the bathroom, feeling happy and excited now that Ivy was there and was obviously going to sleep with her.

She couldn't believe how much Ivy had made her mood change just by showing up when she did. She closed the bathroom door and she pushed her pajama shorts and panties down. She picked up Ivy's panties checking the gusset and seeing that Ivy had indeed worn them. She took a quick whiff of them not being able to resist doing so. She then stepped into the panties pulling them up. The panties felt nice and like the ones from the previous night, were a bit loose at the gusset but felt nice otherwise. She could feel her pussy get a bit moist just from knowing that Ivy had been wearing them all day. She put her pajama shorts on over the panties and after checking her hair, she hurried out of the bathroom leaving her own panties on the sink.

This time she didn't bother to look for Ivy, not that there were many places that she could be in her small apartment. She went straight to the balcony where Ivy was waiting for her. Ivy immediately lit them both a cigarette, handing one to Bridget who gladly took it and took a long puff. She moved in close to Ivy feeling Ivy's arm go around her waist, pulling her in close.

After a moment's silence, Ivy asked, "I didn't get too forceful back there did I?"

Bridget smiled as said, "No, I liked it."

"What about me popping you on the bottom?" Ivy asked.

At first Bridget wondered where Ivy was going with this but then it hit her, she was feeling her out. Again she smiled as she said, "Well it did sting a bit but no I didn't mind that either. You know I want you to be in control, I don't feel guilty that way and I like it, I need it in a way."

"I know you do but one day you won't need me to and you need to tell me when that day comes," Ivy told her.

"I don't think I will," Bridget told her.

Ivy turned her around so that Bridget was now facing her and she said, "No you will get over all that fucking guilt that your mother and your church piled onto you. I know you will."

"I know that too, in fact, I am already starting to get over it and accept who I am but that doesn't mean I want you to stop doing what you're doing." Bridget admitted to her.

"Oh okay," Ivy said with a smile that told Bridget that she was happy to hear that.

"But you know I'm not there yet... you know that..." Bridget said wanting things to go as they were going, slowly but she was starting to want more.

"I know," Ivy said giving her a light kiss. Then Bridget went back to her side so that they both could finish their cigarettes.

When they got into bed, Ivy pulled her in close pinning her arms to her sides as she had did the night before. The first kiss was light and Bridget loved the feel of Ivy's soft lips lightly touching her own lips. She could feel her body begin to respond with Ivy holding her so close. Ivy pulled back for a brief moment and then Bridget felt Ivy's lips touching hers however with a bit more pressure. Bridget opened her lips when she felt Ivy opening hers. She welcomed Ivy's tongue into her mouth and she felt Ivy pressing on her back pushing her up against Ivy's body. She felt Ivy's breasts pressing into her breasts. She could also feel her own nipples hardening and pushing back. Bridget was having trouble breathing and kissing and even more so when she felt Ivy's right hand go down to her ass. It lightly touched her cheeks making her even more aroused.

Ivy slowly ended the kiss and her hand returned to her back. It did allow Bridget to catch her breath and she noticed that Ivy was breathing hard too. Ivy gave her a light kiss to the lips and she gave Bridget a soft smile. Bridget was ready for another kiss however Ivy didn't immediately kiss her again.

"I guess we had better go to sleep, we both got unruly kids to teach tomorrow," Ivy said with a soft smile. Then she rolled onto her back bringing Bridget with her.

Bridget was surprised and didn't know what to say as she was very much getting into the kissing and she thought Ivy was going further however just like the previous night, she abruptly ended the kisses. Bridget was beginning to get frustrated with Ivy starting something and then just ending it. In a way it was weird that only a few weeks before, she was so upset when Ivy kissed her and now she was so upset and very frustrated when she stopped kissing her.

"Oh okay, you're right..." Bridget finally said with a sigh before laying her head on her chest.

The next day during their midday smoke break, Ivy invited her to come up about nine-thirty to sleep. Bridget of course gladly accepted and even showed up a little early hoping that it would leave Ivy more time to kiss her and then maybe something a little more, however that move didn't work. Ivy took her out for their nightly cigarette before bed and once they were in bed, Ivy pulled her in close for a kiss. Ivy had her arms trapped against her body and the kissing got more and more passionate. But again she suddenly stopped the kissing; rolling onto her back declaring that it was time to get some sleep. So arriving early only meant that she went to bed earlier and noting happened except she was just that much more frustrated. Of course she could sneak off to the bathroom and do it herself but she didn't want that, she wanted Ivy to make her feel good. Only she couldn't do it and feel guilt free about it. Plus having Ivy touch her, made her feel more loved that she had ever felt before.

Thursday no mention was made of the night's sleep arrangement however Bridget was ready for the knock on her door at precisely nine-thirty. She was also ready for Ivy to be holding her panties up in front of her. Bridget yelled at Ivy and yanked the panties from her hands before pulling a grinning Ivy inside.

While Ivy went back to the door to get her clothes for the next day, Bridget went to the bathroom to change from Ivy's old panties to her new ones which had been worn by Ivy all day. She was not only getting used to wearing Ivy's panties, she looked forward to it. There was something dirty and perverse about it but for some reason, it had become a normal thing to do.

After their cigarette, they went to Bridget's bed, sliding under the covers and then together. This time Bridget was determined to figure out a way to get Ivy to do more than kiss her but she had no clue as to how to get Ivy to continue with the kissing and the caressing her of ass cheeks. Ivy was the experienced one and all she seemed content to do was to get her aroused and then leave her wanting. So Bridget fell asleep thinking about Ivy and listening to her rapid heartbeat slowing down until Ivy was asleep and then so was she.

"How about a girl's night in tonight?" Ivy asked as they were finishing up their midday cigarette. "We can order out and watch a movie or something."

"Sure that sounds great, want me to bring anything?" Bridget asked.

"Just that sweet ass of yours, that just happens to be covered by my panties," Ivy said giving her a wink.

"Oh god don't say that out loud, someone may hear you," Bridget said blushing and she felt Ivy's panties against her skin.

"We're alone baby," Ivy assured her before giving her a little kiss.

Bridget returned the kiss feeling Ivy's lips against hers and making her feel so nice. When they got to the second floor landing, Ivy pulled her in close and gave her another kiss, this one much more passionate. The kiss left Bridget breathless and she just stood there as Ivy gave her a wink as she opened the door and went into the hallway.

Bridget was left wondering how she was going to concentrate on teaching now and she also felt a little moisture gather where it shouldn't gather. She stood there for a few moments before she realized that she had a class to teach real soon and she had to run up the stairs coming out into the hallway just a second before the bell rung for the end of her lunch break. She did manage to get herself together before it was time for her class was to start. But yet she knew that it wasn't her best afternoon of teaching as her mind kept going back to Ivy and wondering about the passionate kiss and what the night might hold for her.

Bridget just happened to follow Ivy out of the school parking lot that afternoon. She couldn't help but to smile as she followed her and she let her mind wonder as to what Ivy had planned for the evening. She also thought about what she wanted to wear. Since they were staying in, she wanted something casual but still nice. She kept thinking about what to wear as she drove. When they got close to the apartment building, she saw that Ivy didn't turn on her signal to turn. She figured that Ivy was distracted and she was going to get on to her for that. However as Bridget slowed down to turn, she saw that Ivy kept going. She began to wonder just where Ivy was going and for a second, she thought about following her but then she decided that would be childish. So she gave a wave to Ivy as she turned in but Ivy didn't seem to notice the wave as she drove on.

Once she entered the apartment, Bridget went straight to her closet. She had in mind what she wanted to wear. She went to the back of her closet finding the summer dress she was looking for. It was sleeveless white cotton dress that had inch wide shoulder straps and a black belt at the waist. It flowed out at the bottom going just past her knees. It was something that she hadn't worn before and it was comfortable. It wasn't anything fancy, plainer but she liked how it looked on her and it was loose fitting while still showing that there was a woman with some curves inside. Her mother hated the dress as it wasn't something a future nun would wear and maybe that is why she liked so much.

She pulled out her ironing board and pressed the dress out a little before hanging it by the closet. She found a light white cotton bra to put on and then she looked for a clean pair of panties to put on as the ones that Ivy had given her to were black and thus not a pair that she could wear with this dress. But then she thought about how they were spending the night in and thus only Ivy would know that her panties were the wrong color for the dress she was going to wear. Besides she knew it would please Ivy and that was more important to her than any fashion statement that she was incapable of making.

Having decided what she was to wear, she smoked a cigarette before heading to the bathroom and running a bath. She hadn't taken the time to take a bath in a long time and she decided to she had time to soak for a while. It would help her relax and after a week of teaching and Ivy intent on frustrating her, she needed to relax. Once the tub had filled, she stepped into the hot water with the sweet smelling bubbles floating on top. She lay back and let the warm water soak into her body. She laid her head back on the end of the tub and she closed her eyes. She first let her mind think about her teaching went but slowly she felt her eyelids getting heavy and she asleep for a few minutes.

When she awoke, she looked at the little clock on the sink and saw that she had been out for about forty five minutes and more importantly the water had gotten cold. She turned on the hot water as she let some of the water drain out. Once the water warm again, she began to wash her body with the tub only about half full. She had some lavender scented body wash that she used. If nothing else, she knew that she would smell nice when she got to Ivy's apartment. Once she had washed, she got up and sat on the edge of the tub. She picked up the shaving cream that she had lay out and put some on her right leg. She slowly and carefully shaved her right and then left leg. She put some shaving cream just around her pussy and along her inner thighs. She shaved the stray hairs on her thighs and then right above her pubic hair so that she was left with her full bush but smooth all around it. She liked how it looked and hoped that Ivy would too, not that she would see it tonight but for some reason, she had hope. She completed her shaving by doing her armpits making them nice and smooth.

She opened the drain and then turned on her shower so that she could rinse off and wash her hair. She just wanted to feel and look nice for tonight and she did feel nice when she turned off the shower and stepped out of the tub to dry. It took her a few minutes to blow dry her thick, curly short hair. She put on a little foundation and just a little eyeliner around her eyes to make them stand out a little more. She slipped on her robe and went back out into her apartment carrying the panties that she had been wearing all day. She did feel a bit funny putting on dirty panties after taking a shower to make herself clean and fresh smelling but then the panties had a whole new meaning.

She put the panties on and thought of Ivy and what she might be doing at that moment. She then took off her robe and put her bra on, adjusting it and her breasts until it felt right. She got the dress off the hanger and slipped it over her head. She pulled it down over her hips and got it adjusted. It zipped on the side so she pulled the zipper up and then got the dress adjusted to her hips and breasts. Then she went to the mirror to make sure that her bra straps were hid. She decided that she looked as well as she could look but another glance of the clock, she realized that she still had some time to kill. With nothing else to do, she stepped out onto the balcony and smoked a cigarette to calm her nerves as she was getting a bit nervous. The cigarette did help to calm her but she smoked it too fast still leaving her time to kill.

So she went back inside and pulled out the tests that she had given to her first year math students. She got them all graded, pleased with how well that they had done. She saved Becky's test for last. She had noticed that Becky seemed to have struggled with first problem and she was a bit fearful. Becky had been doing better and better on her tests and she was fearful that this would set her back. She had gotten her to the point that she was becoming confident in her abilities and a bad grade would set her fragile ego back a lot. Bridget noticed a lot of erasure marks on that problem but she saw that she did get it right. The second also had a lot of erasure marks but again she got it right. This made Bridget smile that Becky had kept at it and not given up and she had figured it out. Bridget went through the rest of the test and only found one small error that she had made when she had done some simple addition. Bridget hated to mark it but to be fair she had to. Still Bridget ended up with a ninety-five, the best in the class. It was also the first time that Becky had gotten above an eighty on a test. Bridget felt so proud of Becky and the rest of her class and she couldn't wait to tell Ivy. She looked up at the clock and she realized that it was time to head up.

She checked out her hair one more time before putting her keys and cigarettes into a small string purse. She then headed out still smiling from the tests that she had just graded.

She knocked on Ivy's door expecting Ivy to immediately answer the door but she got no answer. She waited for another moment before knocking again. Still no answer and she began to worry that something had happened to Ivy when she went to wherever she was going. She was just about to knock again when she heard Ivy yelling that she was coming.

When Ivy opened the door, Bridget noticed that Ivy's hair was still damp and she was in the process of buttoning her blouse. Her jeans were buttoned but obviously Bridget had caught Ivy getting ready.

"I'm not early am I?" Bridget asked.

"No I'm running a bit late. My errant took a bit longer than I had planned." Ivy said as she stepped back to let Bridget in.

"Anything I can do?" Bridget asked as she came on into the apartment.

"Why don't you call something in for us to eat while I finish getting ready, I'm starving," Ivy told her as she headed back toward the bathroom.

"What do you want?" Bridget called out to her.

"Whatever you order is fine with me," Ivy yelled back.

"That helps a lot..." Bridget muttered to herself. She tried to think what was nearby which wasn't a lot. There was a chicken place, a pizza place neither of which she really wanted. She there was a place that sold subs but they didn't deliver. There was also a Mexican restaurant but that did suit her either. She then realized that she had eliminated every place that she could order out from. She knew she was running out of time and Ivy was expecting her to have something ordered for them to eat. She then remembered that she had some oriental vegetables and some chicken in her apartment. She had also seen that Ivy had a wok. She quickly searched around for it and found that Ivy had some vegetable oil.

Ivy was just coming out of the bathroom when Bridget was at the front door. "Where you going?" Ivy asked her with a bit of concern in her eyes.

"To get our dinner..." Bridget said and she went out the door hearing Ivy asking about what she had ordered.

Bridget hurried down to her apartment, where she pulled the bag of vegetables from her fridge and also the chicken breast that she had also bought and needed to cook soon. She found a little box to put them in along with some items to season their meal. She didn't have any rice so they would have to make do. She did have to wait on the elevator to go back up. She tried Ivy's door and found it unlocked so she came on in finding Ivy in the kitchen with the wok on the stove.

"I take it we're not ordering out tonight," Ivy said as she took the box from Bridget.

"Oh we are, it's coming from Bridget's Wok Diner." Bridget replied with a grin.

"I see," Ivy said with a laugh. "Is there anything I can do to help the chef of Bridget's Wok Diner?"

"Ah... you can cut up those chicken breasts into strips," Bridget suggested as she busied herself with getting the Wok heated.

Once Ivy had the chicken cut up, Bridget put them into the wok to get them started and when they were going she put the vegetables in along with the seasoning that would bring out the flavor of the chicken and vegetables. Bridget told Ivy all about how well her math class had done on their test and also how Becky had seemed to have struggled but in the end figured it out. She talked and talked and Bridget saw that Ivy was just as proud of how Becky had done as she was. But Ivy believed that it was due to Bridget's determination to get through to her students while Bridget gave most to credit to Becky's determination and also the vast amount of stubbornness in her. They argued about this in a fun way for a while until Bridget decided that they both might be right. As they ate on Ivy's balcony, Bridget made Ivy talk about her class and her students.

After supper, they sipped on their wine as they both smoked a couple of cigarettes. This time neither talked about school, they talked about living on the west coast and everything that it offered.

Just as they were finishing their second cigarette, the wind started to pick up bringing rain with it. They had to scramble inside to keep from getting wet as the rain was coming in on the balcony. By the time that they got inside the skies had really darkened making the living room dark but with enough light to easily see around.

"Want to watch a movie?" Ivy asked once they were safely inside.

"Sure... that'll be great," Bridget asked wondering just what movie Ivy had in mind and from the twinkle in her eyes, she had a good idea.

"Cool, I'll stick one on, I got a good one that I'm sure that you'll enjoy," Ivy told her while she went to her large flat screen TV.

Bridget went to the couch, sitting down at one end and putting her glass of wine on the table beside the couch. She was feeling just a bit nervous while at the same time a little excited. Ivy got the TV going, turning on the DVD player and the TV started showing the normal copyright stuff. Ivy obviously had planned on them watching a movie and this movie in particular. Ivy came on over sitting close beside of her. Bridget noticed that Ivy had left her glass of wine on the table by the balcony. Bridget started to remind her of it when Ivy put her left arm around her shoulders, pulling her over against her.

"I think you'll enjoy this movie," Ivy told her with a soft smile.

Bridget looked at Ivy and she felt a lump in her throat as now she knew that the movie would be about lesbians and erotic in nature. This excited her and she felt her heart pounding. She cold only nod which made Ivy smile softly and sweetly at her. She felt Ivy's left hand softly rubbing her upper left arm.

The movie started with the title and then the main actresses none of which Bridget recognized. Then there was a pretty blond haired young woman who appeared to be in her early twenties walking up to a house and ringing the doorbell. Another young woman browned haired and also pretty, answered the door and she welcomed her inside with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. They came on into the living room where they talked. It seemed that they had been best friends when they were kids but the blond had moved away and they lost contact. They were both now working in the same town and they both wanted to renew their friendship. The movie went on as they did things together, movies and hiking and stuff while they became best friends again. About a half hour into the show, they were in the kitchen starting to fix themselves something to eat. It was a small kitchen and they bumped into each other. One had to grab the other to keep from falling. They started into each other's eyes for a long moment and then they kissed.

Bridget felt her heart pounding as she watched them kiss, it was an awkward kiss at first but then they kissed again. They broke apart and then after a pause, they both confessed how they were feeling toward the other. Bridget found herself caught up with the movie and she could feel Ivy's warm body against her body. The dinner they were fixing was quickly forgotten as they kissed and kissed. Soon the blond took her friend by the hand leading her to the bedroom. There they slowly removed each other's clothes and Bridget felt her nipples harden and her pussy begin to get moist.

The girls moved on to the bed and in this movie, nothing was hidden from view. Bridget found herself getting very aroused. She then felt Ivy's right hand on top of her thigh. She began to caress the top of her thigh and as she did so, she was also pulling up on Bridget's dress. Bridget wanted to look down at Ivy's hand but her attention was on the movie which was very erotic. When her dress got up to her upper thigh, she felt Ivy's fingers caress their way toward her inner thigh. She did so in a slow and very erotic fashion making Bridget that much more aroused. She opened her legs when Ivy's fingers got to her inner thigh and started to move toward her pussy. She felt Ivy's left hand gripping her left forearm and her right hand was trapped between their bodies as Ivy had somehow managed to do that without her noticing. Between the two, this gave Bridget the feeling of Ivy was in control of what was happening to her.

It seemed to take forever for Ivy's fingertips to touch the gusset of her panties which were soaking wet now. Bridget let out a low deep moan feeling the contact to her pussy that she had been wanting for a week now. The fingertips all so lightly touched her pussy through her panties, or rather Ivy's panties that she was wearing.

About this time the love making on the screen ended and the girls lay in each other's arms for some blissful sleep. However Ivy's fingertips also left her pussy, going back to her thighs caressing them with an all so light touch. This frustrated Bridget to no ends but it also kept her in a state of arousal. Only when the girls on the screen made love again did Ivy's fingertips return to her pussy. However they only touched her so lightly that it prevented her from even coming close to an orgasm but did just keep raising her level of excitement and made her panties all that much more wetter.

There was a very hot scene to end the movie with each girl taking turns fucking the other with a strap-on dildo and then doing sixty-nine to bring each other off one last time. However as the movie went off, Ivy's fingers left her pussy and also her thighs leaving Bridget in a high start of frustration.

"Please..." Bridget said to Ivy pleading for her to do something to her.

"Shhhh... baby," Ivy said pulling Bridget to her while holding onto her wrists; then she gave her a soft kiss.

The kiss was soft and did help to calm her but she still felt her pussy spasm and the need within her was so great. She would do anything Ivy wanted just to feel her fingers caressing her again.

Ivy pulled back giving Bridget a soft loving smile; a smile that Bridget sensed was to reassure her. "Stand up baby and put your hands to your sides with your back to me," Ivy told her softly but also with a commanding tone.

Bridget was a bit unsure what Ivy was up to, however she trusted her in every way. So she stood up and turned her back to Ivy, feeling the dampness on her panties. And while her sexual arousal had calmed a little, she was still aroused and in need of Ivy's caresses. She heard Ivy move around behind her and then she felt Ivy taking a hold of her wrists pulling them back so that they rested just behind her hips.

In a soft voice, Ivy said, "I'm going to put some leather cuffs onto your wrists and ankles, these are the same thing as me holding onto your wrists thus giving me control of you and leaving you defenseless to what I'm going to do to you."

"Okay..." Bridget said nervously and when she felt Ivy's hands touching her right hand, she moved it away from her hip so that Ivy could put the cuff onto her wrist.

"What are you going to do to me?" Bridget asked as she felt Ivy putting the soft leather cuff on her right wrist.

"Something that is very pleasurable baby, there is nothing for you to worry or be scared about." Ivy reassured her and then Bridget felt Ivy kissing the palm of her hand that now had a leather cuff on it.

Bridget sucked in her breath and she exhaled before saying, "I'm not scared or worried, just nervous."

"Well just relax baby, I promise that it will be wonderful." Ivy assured her with the tone of her voice meant to ease her fears and it did.

"Okay," Bridget said still feeling nervous but the excitement she was feeling before was returning fast too.

Ivy put the leather cuff on her left wrist and she gave it a kiss too. Then Bridget felt Ivy's hands at her right ankle and a wider leather cuff was buckled onto it and then the left. She then felt Ivy standing up behind of her.

"Close your eyes baby," Ivy told her and she did so not knowing why until she felt Ivy putting something soft around her head, covering her eyes. This did make Bridget a bit more apprehensive but she still trusted Ivy. She felt Ivy put her arms around her and pulling her backward until she was firmly in Ivy's grasp and she felt safe again. She felt Ivy give a kiss to her cheek and then her breath was on her ear.

"Anytime you feel scared or don't like what I'm doing then say Peaches and I'll stop. I want you to enjoy me making love to you and I can't do that without my hands being free. And I want you to feel like I'm holding onto you leaving you in my control and free to enjoy this." Ivy told her.

"I won't need your safeword, I trust you and I want you to..." Bridget said though her voice cracked a little as she said it.

She felt Ivy turn her around and then she felt Ivy's lips on her lips; it was a soft brief kiss that led into a longer passionate one that left Bridget breathless and completely at ease. With the cuffs on her wrists and ankles, she felt free to let Ivy do whatever she wanted. When the kiss ended, she felt Ivy's hands on her shoulders easing her forward. Bridget took small steps, feeling Ivy's lips kissing her neck and shoulder.

As they slowly walked, Ivy was whispering things like, "I'm going to make you feel so nice." and "Just relax and let me worship your beautiful body." And "I'm going kiss and caress every part of you." Each word that Ivy whispered got Bridget so aroused and she felt like her knees were going to give out on her before they got to Ivy's bedroom. And with the little caressing kisses that Ivy was giving her between what she was whispering, Bridget wanted to hurry up and get there.

When Ivy turned her to the left, Bridget knew that they were entering Ivy's bedroom and she began to get nervous again. She knew that Ivy was about to take her across that last line and it did scare her a little but not nearly enough for her to use her safety word. She was scared but it was something that she wanted and desired.

Ivy stopped her and Bridget felt Ivy's hands leave her shoulders and she felt her moving so that she was in front of her. She then felt Ivy's breath against her lips before she felt Ivy giving her a soft tender kiss while her hands held her wrists. When the kiss ended she felt Ivy moving her wrists from her sides and then she felt Ivy letting go of them. Bridget felt the butterflies in her stomach and she let out a little gasp when she felt Ivy's hands at her right side where the zipper was.

Bridget felt the zipper being pulled down and she said, "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong baby, you want me to stop, its okay if you do." Ivy told her as she let go of the zipper with it down only a couple of inches.

"No I'm fine..." Bridget said with her voice quivering a little and after a moment's hesitated she was able to complete what she wanted to say. "I want to see you as you..." she finished her sentence without saying the last two words, "undress me."

"Don't worry baby, I already love your body and I think you're beautiful." Ivy told her and though she couldn't see Ivy's face, she knew Ivy was giving her a reassuring smile.

"I just..." Bridget said before she had to exhale the breath she was holding, "... need to see you."

"I know, I'm a little worried about you seeing me too..." Ivy told her before giving her a kiss.

"I already love your body..." Bridget said with a stronger voice as she was talking about Ivy who she did think was beautiful.

"Turn around baby," Ivy told her as Bridget felt Ivy's hands on her shoulders helping to turn her around.

Bridget was a bit confused and it obviously showed on her face as Ivy whispered into her ear, "I still have another surprise for you." Bridger wanted to turn and look at the bed but she trusted Ivy and so she was able to resist that strong urge.

Once Ivy stopped her she felt Ivy's fingers on her cheeks and she felt Ivy slowly pulling the cloth from her eyes. She had to blink a couple of times to get her eyes used to the dim light. Then she saw Ivy smiling at her with that self assured smile that gave Bridget a little more confidence.

"Breath baby," Ivy told her with a soft smile and Bridget realized that she had been holding her breath and she let it out with a sigh. "Remember the cuffs means I'm in control so just relax and enjoy." Then Ivy gave her a soft lingering kiss that made her let her body relax.

Ivy stepped back a half step before putting her hands to Bridget's wrists giving them a squeeze before moving them out from her body. Bridget watched as Ivy moved to her right to get to her zipper while still staying in Bridget's line of sight. Ivy slowly pulled the zipped down and Bridget worked to keep breathing and stay as relaxed as she could.

Ivy reached down to Bridget's hips and Bridget looked down as she felt Ivy beginning to pull her dress upwards. Bridget sucked in her breath as she felt the dress come up her thighs and then she raised her hands up allowing Ivy to pull the dress up over her chest and head.

When the dress was over her face, she heard Ivy say, "mmm I do love those panties you're wearing. Whereever did you get them?"

At first the comment shocked her and then Bridget had to laugh, "I wonder... though you did pick the wrong color for my dress." Bridget said feeling more relaxed with Ivy inducing some humor thus reducing the tension she was feeling.

"No I didn't, I liked seeing my black panties through your white dress." Ivy said as she finished pulling the dress off of Bridget leaving her in just those black panties and her white cotton bra.

Bridget looked at Ivy watching to see if she showed any signs of not liking what she saw, mainly being the little extra fat on her belly. Ivy did look there and she smiled at Bridget but then Bridget saw Ivy's eyes go a little lower to her panties that she remembered they were soaking wet from her juices. This brought a smile to Ivy's face and Bridget felt her face turning red. Ivy's eyes moved back up her body stopping for a moment at her bra covered breasts. Bridget could feel how hard her nipples were and she knew that that they were pressing out against the cups of her bra. That brought on a new level of nerviness but again Ivy kept that soft smile on her face.

Ivy came forward and Bridget wasn't sure just what Ivy was going to do until she saw her arms reaching around her and then she knew. She felt the inside of Ivy's arms touching her sides and then Ivy's hands touching her back before moving to her bra clasp. She felt Ivy's fingers undoing the clasp bringing the bra forward. Bridger sucked in her breath holding it as Ivy let go of the back straps and bringing her fingers up to the shoulder straps. The cups of her bra were still covering her breasts but Bridget knew that they soon wouldn't be.

She saw Ivy leaning forward but not to kiss her but to whisper into her ear, "Breath baby."

Bridget let out her breath and she gave Ivy an embarrassed smile. Ivy let her breathe a moment before she began to pull Bridget's bra straps down off her shoulders. She brought the straps on down and the cups stayed on her breasts for a instant but then they began to fall off revealing her breasts and elongated nipples to Ivy's eyes.

Bridget kept her eyes on Ivy's face trying to discern if Ivy liked her nipples or not. She knew that Ivy had felt them but now she had a clear view of her smallish breasts and her long nipples which were standing out proudly.

"mmm... I'm so going to enjoy kissing and sucking on those nipples of yours..." Ivy said and Bridget could sense the genuine lust and desire in her voice.

Bridget let out another breath of air that she didn't know she was holding. Now that she was reassured about her breasts and nipples and that Ivy liked them, she wanted Ivy to touch them but she didn't.

Instead Ivy dropped down to her knees and Bridget felt Ivy's hands on her hips. Bridget realized that her last bit of clothing was about to be removed leaving her naked. She focused her mind on the cuffs on her wrists and ankles and that allowed her to not use the safe word or reach down to stop her. Ivy was giving her time to do both. Bridget let her breath go, knowing that Ivy was in charge. She gave a smile to Ivy and then she felt Ivy begin to pull her wet panties down. They went slowly over her hips and then she felt the waistband of her panties hit her pubic hair and then go down across it. She felt her panties being pulled on down and she felt the gusset of her panties stick to her pussy. Then they gave away and she felt her panties go down her thighs to her lower legs and then to her ankles. She raised her right foot letting Ivy slip the panties off and then her left foot.

She was now naked in front of Ivy who gave her a reassuring smile and a wink that made her blush. She then saw Ivy lean in close to her pussy and she heard her take in a deep breath through her nose.

"mmmm..." she heard Ivy moan and while that made her blush more it also made her want to reach down and shove Ivy's face into her pussy but that was something that she wasn't able to do, not yet at least.

Ivy stood up and she leaned in slowly and Bridget knew this time she was going to kiss her. Bridget closed her eyes and a moment later she felt Ivy's lips touching her but that was the only part of her body that did so. Bridget so wanted more contact, after a week of Ivy getting her all so close and then backing off, Bridget needed some real contact and love from Ivy. She needed to have Ivy touch all those places that made her feel so good. Ivy let the kiss linger for a long moment before pulling back ending the kiss and Bridget let out a frustrated moan. This seemed to please Ivy though Bridget was far from pleased. She was horny and she needed Ivy so badly.

"Lay down on the center of the bed baby," Ivy told her giving her a soft smile.

Bridget gave her a smile in return but an unsure one. She then turned and she saw that there was a rope tied to each corner of the rail of Ivy's brass colored bed. Bridget turned her head back to look at Ivy and she knew her face was showing the bit of worry that she had.

"Trust me baby..." Ivy whispered to her as she placed a soft kiss to her cheek.

That was all Bridget needed to hear so she turned her head back around and went toward the bed. She went ahead and got onto the bed and positioning herself in the center. She went ahead and spread her arms out and her legs knowing that this was opening herself completely to Ivy's eyes.

Ivy came to the top of the bed by her right hand. Bridget turned her head and watched as Ivy used the clip on the end of the rope to hook the rope to her leather wrist cuff. Ivy then brought the other end of the rope and placed it in Bridget's hand.

"If you want to release yourself, all you have to do it to pull on this end of the rope and the knot will come undone." Ivy told her, then she pulled it showing that the rope did indeed come untied from the post.

Bridget smiled and she thought to herself that Ivy would always leave her a way out, even after giving her a safe word. Ivy retied the rope to the post and she placed the end of the rope back into Bridget's hand. Bridget immediately flipped the end of the rope away from her hand.

"I don't need it, I trust you," Bridget told her and that brought a smile to Ivy's face.

Ivy started to move away when a thought came to Bridget, "It won't come undone too easily will it?" Bridget asked her as she had a feeling she would be moving her body a lot real soon and thus testing Ivy's knots.

"Oh it won't come loose until we want them too," Ivy told her as she gave her a wink.

Ivy went around to the other side of the bed and quickly secured Bridget's left arm with Bridget watching her every move. Once it was secured, Ivy went to the foot of the bed. Bridget had her legs already spread but when Ivy took a hold of her right foot, she moved it out a little further. While Bridget was looking at Ivy, she saw that Ivy was looking at her open pussy. Bridget could feel how wet she was and how swollen her lips were from her arousal. Bridget felt her face warm up again and the fact that Ivy was looking so intently at her pussy made her further aroused.

She felt Ivy pulling down on her leg a little and then she secured her ankle to the rope that was tied to the bar at the end of the bed. Ivy then went to her left leg and she pulled it out and down a bit further opening Bridget's pussy lips. She quickly got that leg tied down and Bridget tested her binds. She could move a little but not much. She also noted that none of the knots came undone. She was completely restrained and Ivy could do anything that she wanted to her and she was defenseless to stop her.

Ivy walked to the right side of the bed where Bridget could see her. She began to slowly unbutton her blouse starting from the top. Bridget knew that Ivy was trying to make it erotic and sensual but Bridget was past needing or wanting that. She wanted Ivy naked so that she could see her and then on top of her so she could feel her body against hers. Ivy had her in her control and that was all she needed to go forward with what they were going to do tonight.

"Hurry Ivy, I want to see you and feel you against me," Bridget pleaded.

"Okay baby," Ivy said giving her a knowing smile as if that was exactly what she wanted to hear from her.

Ivy made no pretense of being sexy now as she quickly finished unbuttoning her blouse and shucking it off her shoulders. She then undid her jeans pushing them off her hips and then stepping out of them. That left her in only her red thong that barely had enough material to cover her pussy and what material was there was obviously very wet.

Ivy did slow down a bit as she unhooked her bra bringing it forward and then sliding the straps off her shoulders. Bridget watched intently as the cups fell from Ivy's C sized breasts and unconsciously she licked her lips. They were so full and had no sag to them at all. The nipples were much smaller than hers but her aroeles were a little wider, about an inch and half in diameter where hers were less than an inch. She so wanted to reach up and touch those beautiful breasts and let her fingers run across those nipples.

Ivy smiled at her response. She then hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties pushing them downward. As she did this, she bent forward thus causing her breasts to hang free. Bridget pulled on the binds holding her arms and that seemed to please Ivy even more. Ivy remained bent over until she had her panties at her ankles and she had stepped out of them. She then stood up and Bridget got a view of Ivy's pussy. She knew from her touch, that Ivy's inner lips covered her outer lips and that she was shaved. But now looking at Ivy's pussy, her mouth began to water and she licked her lips once again without realizing it. Ivy had her legs slightly parted so she could see the cleft that her lips made and also the moisture on those lips.

"Do you like what you see?" Ivy asked her.

"Very much..." Bridget said in a sigh.

"Me too," Ivy told her as she stepped toward the bed where Bridget lay waiting for her.

Bridget felt her heard pounding as she watched Ivy climb onto the bed and then over her. She looked first into Ivy's eyes and she saw how they were twinkling and the excitement that they showed. But then Bridget had to glance down to see Ivy's breasts hanging down and she pulled her arms down wanting to feel them however Ivy's knots held, preventing her from doing so.

She looked back into Ivy's eyes when she felt Ivy begin to move. Ivy's knees were to the outside of her hips and she felt Ivy moving her right knee to between her legs and then her left. Ivy then began to lie down on top of her. She felt Ivy's abdomen touch her abdomen and then their stomachs touched. Bridget held her breath as she felt Ivy's breasts touch her breasts and she could feel Ivy's hard nipples pressing against her breasts and her nipples doing likewise. Ivy's hands went to her cheeks as Bridget felt Ivy's weight pressing down against her and she loved the feeling. Ivy gave her a soft smile before lowering her head. Bridget kept her eyes on Ivy's eyes until the last moment when she closed them as Ivy's lips touched her lips.

The kiss was soft and much too brief and Bridget let out a moan feeling the loss of Ivy's lips but a moment later Ivy was kissing her again, just as softly and she felt Ivy's fingers caressing her cheeks. The kiss lingered on, with Ivy opening her lips and Bridget felt Ivy's tongue touch her tongue. Bridget let out another moan and she felt her pussy producing more juices that now coated her lips. As much as she loved kissing Ivy, she needed more and she began to push her hips upwards as best as she could to get some contact where it was most needed. But she was very limited in what she could do being tied as she was. Ivy let the kiss linger for a moment more before she raised her head.

Ivy smiled down as her before giving her another light, soft, and brief kiss. Bridget was expecting another kiss but instead she felt Ivy's body moving downward. She felt a soft kiss to her chin and then one to her neck. She started to raise her chin up for more kisses to her neck but the next kiss she felt was to her upper sternum. Bridget opened her eyes and she raised her head up a tad so that she could see Ivy's face when she got to her breasts. Her nipples were so tender but yet she was so afraid that Ivy wouldn't like them as she didn't like them. She sucked in her breath as Ivy moved her head over her right nipple.

Ivy gave her reassuring smile before lowering her head down. She gave Bridget a wink before her lowered her head then at the last second, she stuck out her tongue and flicked Bridget's sensitive nipple with it. It was all Bridget could do not to moan but she was still worried. Ivy then lowered her lips to her nipple and she sucked it into her mouth. Bridget felt a surge of excitement rush through her body. But again she held her breath waiting to see Ivy's response.

"Mmmm... just think I got the rest of my life to suck on these beautiful nipples..." Ivy said with a grin and then she lowered her mouth back down to Bridget's nipple sucking hard.

Bridget let out her breath in one long moan as she felt all her fears melt away and she gave into Ivy's loving mouth and tongue. She closed her eyes and let her head fell back onto the pillow. She took in another deep breath letting it out in another moan. She felt Ivy's hands on her breasts cupping them as Ivy sucked and kissed on her right nipple. Bridget tried to pull her arms downward however Ivy tied great knots and they didn't give. Bridget pushed her chest up as Ivy went to her left breast, giving it a kiss and then sucking on her nipple. Bridget let out another moan as she felt Ivy's teeth graze across her nipple and then she bit lightly on it. That about sent Bridget through the roof and she felt her pussy surge with fresh juices.

She felt Ivy give a kiss to that nipple and then one to her right one and then she felt Ivy's moving again. "Nooo..." Bridget cried and then she heard Ivy giggle at her.

But then Bridget had to let out a giggle as Ivy kissed her belly button. However Ivy didn't stay there, she kept moving on down. Bridget tried to open her legs even further but she couldn't but then again Ivy had her legs spread pretty wide. Bridget could feel her pussy pulsing and her juices were flowing. Being tied up; she was defenseless and thus free to allow Ivy to do the things she had so wanted her to do. She felt Ivy's breath on her hot pussy and she let out a little moan. The next thing she felt was Ivy's face against her pussy. It seemed that Ivy was just rubbing her face against her pussy and the hair around it.

"Ivy..." Bridget heard herself moaning as she wanted to feel Ivy's tongue against her pussy and clit.

She felt Ivy's fingers at her pussy pulling her open and then she finally felt Ivy's tongue touch her. She let out another moan and she pushed her hips up as best as she could. She was so excited and she need to cum so badly. She felt Ivy's tongue move inside of her and then it was at her sensitive clit.

"Oh goddd..." Bridget moaned as she felt a surge of pleasure overwhelm her, hitting her so hard and fast that she had no control over it. The rush was wonderful and she got lost in the orgasm that Ivy had given to her with just a lick to her clit. Bridget was lost for a moment, but then slowly recovered.

When she opened her eyes she saw that Ivy was now lying partially on top of her and she was smiling sweetly at her. She could see her juices on Ivy's face and that made her blush a little. Bridget tried to bring her arms down to hug Ivy but she couldn't. She could only lay there as Ivy kissed the tears from her cheeks, tears that she didn't even know she was shedding.

"That was wonderful..." Bridget moaned just before Ivy kissed her lightly and all so lovingly.

"No baby, that was just something nice to take the edge off, now comes the wonderful part," Ivy told her before kissing her again.

End of Part Five

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 6

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