Bridget's Awakening

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Sep 12, 2013


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Bridget's Awakening

Part Eight

By Chris

That did make her feel a little better that Ivy knew that she had heard her and was hurt by it. She went on into the bathroom and began to gather the things that she knew she needed. First was the scissors that she had gotten years ago from a shop that sold hairstyling supplies so that she could trim her own hair when she was in college to save some money, next came the razor and shaving cream that she used on her legs and armpits.

She looked around the bathroom trying to find a place to do this. She really hadn't thought this through since she had planned on having Ivy's help. Her tub was old and didn't have much of a place to sit which she figured was necessary if she was going to use sharp scissors in such a delicate area. She decided that the toilet was the only place to sit but she didn't want to get hair all over the floor so she left the cover up. She would just cut most of the hair off and let it fall into the toilet. But she really didn't like the idea of doing this there but she was out of options.

She pulled her old housedress off and then pushed her panties down leaving her in only her old cotton bra. She sat down on the toilet opening her legs. She picked up the scissors putting them into her right hand. She looked down at her bush, trying to decide the best way to begin. She studied for a moment then she used her left hand to pull some of her hair up. She was about to start when she heard Ivy clearing her voice. She looked up to see that Ivy was standing in the doorway; Bridget wanted to smile but forced herself to just give her a bit of a glare before looking back down at her pussy. She then started to move her scissors back toward her pubic hair.

"You know I really hate you putting something that sharp so near a place that I've grown to love." Ivy stated giving her a hard stare.

"I asked for your help but you refused!" Bridget spit back at her. "And then you called me a stubborn bitch."

Ivy came over to Bridget taking the scissors from her hand while saying, "Well you're being one now."

"I know but I want to do this for you and for me. I really do want to know what it'll feel like." Bridget told her being completely honest this time.

Ivy let out a sigh before asking, "Do you promise to let it all grow back if you don't like it or feel uncomfortable about being bare there?"

Bridget didn't hesitate, "I promise."

"Pinky promise?" Ivy asked holding out her pinky to her.

Bridget laughed, "Yes I pinky promise," she said holding out her pinky to Ivy who entwined their pinkie's to seal the promise.

"Get up and put the lid down and sit on the edge," Ivy ordered her as she got down on her knees in front of her.

"You mad of me?" Bridget asked while standing up.

"A little bit but I'll get over it." Ivy said with a smile. "You still mad at me?"

"A little bit but I'll get over it." Bridget said before putting the lid down and then sitting back down on the edge as Ivy instructed.

"You know it will help if you open your legs," Ivy told her with a smile.

"Oh yeah, I guess it would." Bridget said with a nervous giggle and then she opened her legs exposing her pussy to Ivy.

"You nervous?" Ivy asked her.

"More than a little but I do want you to do it," Bridget said.

"Okay, just hold still," Ivy said giving a kiss to her inner thigh which did serve to calm her.

Bridget watched as Ivy began to trim her pubic hair. The first cut was the hardest for Bridget but once it was in the trash can, she began to relax. She looked at Ivy's face and saw the concentration on her face which put her even more at ease. Ivy worked slowly but when Bridget looked down, she saw that most of her hair was gone. She could now see her pussy lips and she let out a gasp of surprise.

"You okay baby?" Ivy asked with concern on her face as she sat back on her heels.

"Yea I'm fine, just a little surprised as to how it looks." Bridget told her honestly.

"We can stop here and let it grow back or you can just keep it trimmed short, a lot of women do that too." Ivy told her.

Bridget looked at Ivy and then back at her almost bare pussy before looking back at Ivy, "Nope I want it all gone and then after trying it that way; I'll decide what to do. But I can't tell if I'd like it bare if I never try it." Bridget told her trying to use logic with her.

"True, then it's the full Monty." Ivy said using a bit of an English accent.

"Yep! The full Monty," Bridget said laughing at Ivy.

"Okay baby," Ivy said giving her a light kiss, this time to her pussy making Bridget let out a little moan.

Bridget then saw a couple of her hairs on Ivy's lips which Ivy picked off. "Don't you dare say anything," Ivy then warned her.

"I didn't say a thing," Bridget said with a laugh.

"No but you were thinking it," Ivy said to her smiling.

Bridget didn't say anything figuring that anything more would be pressing her luck and Ivy had yet to begin shaving her. Ivy found a couple more hairs to snip before she began the process of shaving her. She first used a washcloth to dampen the skin around Bridget's pussy before putting some shaving around her pussy. Bridget watched as Ivy began to shave her. Slowly she could see skin where before she could only see hair. Ivy worked slowly having to go back over the same area after rinsing out the razor to get all the hair off. Soon enough all her hair was gone and Bridget could see the pale skin all around her pussy.

"You know there is one more place I like to shave when I do myself..." Ivy suggested.

"Do it all, the full Monty remember;" Bridget said pulling her legs up as she leaned back against the water tank on the toilet.

A moment later, Bridget felt the cool shaving cream being smeared around her anus and butt crack. Then she felt Ivy using her fingers to stretch the skin and the cold razor moving carefully around her anus until that area was also clean of any hair.

"You want to see?" Ivy asked once she had wiped her clean of the remaining shaving cream.

"Sure..." Bridget said with some nervousness showing in her voice.

Ivy reached over to the sink counter to get the mirror, one that had two sides, one with a normal view and the other that was magnified. Ivy put the mirror in front of her pussy so that she could see what her pussy looked like now that it was shaven. Bridget had to reach down and adjust it a little before she saw all the smooth skin around her pussy that just moments had been covered with hair.

"Oh god..." Bridget gasped.

"You don't like it do you, I know I shouldn't have done this to you," Ivy said with a worried tone and her face showed that worry and concern, like she had done something very bad to her.

Bridget quickly sat back up taking Ivy's face into her hands. "No Ivy, I like it. This is what I wanted; it was just a bit of a shock is all. You know I haven't been this bare since I was a little girl."

"You can grow it right back, it will take a little while but it will grow back." Ivy told her with an even more scared expression on her face.

Bridget saw that she hadn't convinced that she liked it but then again, she wasn't convinced of that yet either. It was too new and different for her to take in all at once. So she decided a new tactic was in order, one that would take Ivy's mind off what she had done. So she reached down taking the mirror from Ivy's hands and she stood up.

"Come on," She said to her.

"Where we going?" Ivy asked as she stood up.

"You'll see," Bridget said giving her a smile.

She then led Ivy out of the bathroom. She could feel how different her pussy felt without any hair around it as she walked and she began to realize that she just might like it like this. It did feel different and also felt very naughty; which was a feeling that she was coming to enjoy. She went over to the bed and opened the top drawer of her nightstand. She reached in, pulling out a pair of leather ankle and wrist cuffs very similar to the ones that Ivy had. She turned putting them into Ivy's hands.

"Where did you get these?" Ivy asked taking the cuffs. "I left mine up in my apartment. I didn't think you really needed them much anymore."

"I ordered them and to answer your question, I don't need them as much anymore but I still like them." Bridget told her with a grin.

Bridget then reached behind her to unhook her bra; she pulled that off leaving her naked while Ivy was still dressed which did feel very naughty to her.

"Put them on me," Bridget told her while holding out her arms to Ivy.

Ivy began to put a cuff on Bridget's right wrist but then she looked over at the bed. "I don't have any rope or anything to tie them to on your bed."

"I know and we're going to fix that but tonight I don't want you to tie me to the bed," Bridget told her with a grin.

"Oh okay," Ivy said moving to Bridget's left wrist putting the leather cuff on that wrist. She then dropped down to her knees putt a cuff on Bridget's left ankle as Bridget held it out for her. Bridget saw that Ivy was trying not to look at her now bare pussy but her eyes seemed to be drawn there which pleased Bridget.

"You like my new pussy?" Bridget had to ask.

"I liked you old pussy just fine, I told you that," Ivy said and Bridget knew that this time it was Ivy that was being the stubborn one, because her eyes were telling a different story.

Bridget didn't say anything letting Ivy finish putting the left ankle cuff on and then going to the right one. Again Ivy's eyes kept being drawn to Bridget's pussy which pleased her to no end. She knew that she was right to do this both for herself and for Ivy.

Once Ivy finished, she looked up at Bridget who gave her a "Well?" look.

Ivy let out a sigh before saying, "Yes I love your new pussy, it's so cute and very kissable," whereupon she leaned in giving a kiss to Bridget's bare skin just above the top of her pussy.

"Ohhhh... that feels nice, I think I'm never going to let my hair grow back out." Bridget cooed feeling how sensitive her skin was.

As much as Bridget hated to move away from Ivy's sweet soft lips, she did so. She moved to the edge of the bed, sitting down before moving to the center of the bed. She lay down and then brought her legs up as she moved her arms up near where her ankles were.

"There's some clips in the drawer there," Bridget told Ivy who now had an enormous grin that encompassed her face.

"Mmmm... I like your thinking babe," Ivy said giving her a wink before going to the drawer and pulling out the four clips.

However she didn't immediately come onto the bed, instead she put the clips beside of Bridget. Then she reached down pulling her tee shirt off revealing her wonderful breasts, not covered by a bra. She reached down to her shorts, pushing them down past her pussy which made Bridget lick her lips when she saw that those tasty lips were swollen from the arousal that Ivy was obviously feeling.

Only then did she did she ease her knees up onto the bed. She reached down picking up two of the clips. She first put one clip onto Bridget's right ankle cuff and then the other to her wrist cuff, and then she clipped them together. This helped to reduce the strain on Bridget's back for which she was grateful. Ivy reached down picking up the other two clips and she leaned against Bridget's right leg and arm which were clipped together. Bridget could feel Ivy's left breast against her shin and it felt nice. She so wanted to get her hand onto that breast but she couldn't reach it. Ivy quickly used the two clips to clip her left leg and ankle together. Ivy scooted her knees back breaking the contact of her breast to Bridget's leg.

"You're now at my mercy my sweet lover," Ivy said in a lusty voice.

"Yes I am, now what are you going to do to poor little ole me?" Bridget asked in a voice that was equally filled with the lust that she was feeling.

"All types of nasty things..." Ivy told her while giving her a sexy wink.

"Oh my..." Bridget responded as she felt her pussy tingle and she felt the moisture forming upon her lips.

Ivy moved down in the bed positioning herself so that she was now facing Bridget and thus her exposed pussy and asshole, exposed like she had never been exposed before. Ivy then reached up grabbing a pillow and she eased it under Bridget's ass which helped to ease the strain that Bridget was feeling.

"Thank you," Bridget whispered softly and Ivy just gave her a caring smile in return. Bridget knew that Ivy loved restraining her just as much as Bridget enjoyed being restrained but Ivy also didn't want her to be any more uncomfortable than necessary.

"Now what to do to you first?" Ivy said aloud and Bridget knew that while she was talking to her, she didn't want an answer from her. So Bridget just looked into Ivy's lust filled eyes wondering just what Ivy was going to do to her first and hoping that she would do so very soon. She watched Ivy's eyes move across her body however those eyes gave Ivy away as they always kept going back to her freshly shaven pussy.

"Oh fuck it; I just got to lick that bare pussy and ass of yours..." Ivy said with a grin on her face.

"Please do..." Bridget moaned feeling her juices begin to leak out of her pussy.

Ivy leaned forward and Bridget felt Ivy's hand on the back of her thighs. She could now only see the top of Ivy's head so she laid her head back on the pillow and closed her eyes. Bridget expected for Ivy to go to her pussy first but she surprised her.

Bridget felt Ivy's tongue first touch her near the top of the cleavage between her ass cheeks. She felt that tongue slowly move toward her asshole. Bridget felt her pussy tingle as Ivy's tongue neared her asshole. This was so nasty to Bridget yet it excited her so much. She had yet to lick Ivy there but she knew she would do so soon as it felt so great to her. The tip of Ivy's tongue went across her asshole causing Bridget to let out a long moan. She flexed her asshole as Ivy's tongue went back across it. Bridget could hardly stay still feeling Ivy's tongue move back and forth across her smooth asshole. Then she felt the tip of Ivy's tongue stop at the center of her ass. She couldn't believe what Ivy did next as she felt Ivy's tongue tip begin to press in against her ass.

"Oh godd..." Bridget moaned feeling her ass being penetrated by Ivy's hot tongue.

She felt that tongue tip move in and out of her ass, barely going in but going in more than enough to cause her pussy to spasm with the way it felt to her. She could feel her juices flowing and it must have been those juices that caused Ivy's tongue to leave her sensitive ass and move on up to the source of her juices. She felt Ivy's tongue going slowly up her slit stopping at her clit to give it a few hard licks. Bridget thought that Ivy was going to make her cum right then but Ivy's tongue left her clit a moment too soon for that to happen. Ivy then began to lick around her pussy lips even going above her pussy. Bridget couldn't believe how sensitive her skin was now that the hair was gone.

Bridget switched from letting out whimpering sounds to moans as Ivy's tongue moved around her pussy. Finally Ivy's tongue found its way back to her pussy and Bridget felt Ivy's fingers opening her pussy lips and her tongue going in deep.

"Oh Ivy that feels good..." Bridget moaned out feeling Ivy's tongue go in deep inside of her pussy.

Ivy licked in deep and then she tenderly chewed on her inner lips before licking in deep again. Bridget felt that tongue and she felt like she was flooding Ivy's mouth with her juices. Bridget felt her arousal going higher and higher until she couldn't lie still and she was pulling hard on her restraints. Then she felt Ivy's tongue move up to her sensitive clit and a couple of her fingers sink slowly into her wet pussy. She felt those fingers go in deep and began to fuck her pussy while Ivy's tongue was licking against her sensitive clit. Bridget groaned loudly as she felt her pussy clinch down on Ivy's fingers and then her clit exploded with an intense orgasm. It was so hard that she knew that she squirted some of her juices out onto Ivy. Then she got lost in the pleasure that consumed her body.

When she began aware again, she found that her legs were free and lying down on the bed. She started to move her hands only to find that they seemed to be locked together. She opened her eyes to look at her upraised hands. She saw that Ivy had used the four clips to lock her wrists together. So she had some movement but they were definitely locked together. She then realized that Ivy was sitting on her thighs and grinning at her.

"I want you," Bridget told Ivy as she reached down toward Ivy's hips but with her wrists locked together like they were she couldn't put a hand on each of Ivy's hips, but she could put the left hand on Ivy's right hip and her right hand down to Ivy's clit giving it a few caresses with her fingers.

"Oh baby that feels nice," Ivy said raising her ass off of Bridget's thighs so that Bridget could rub her a little better.

"My tongue would feel even better baby," Bridget told her.

"I bet it would," Ivy moaned just before she started to move forward.

Bridget kept her right hand on Ivy's clit until Ivy got up to her chest. She then moved her hands under Ivy placing her hands on Ivy's ass cheeks. She watched as Ivy's pussy moved up over her face and then down to her tongue. Bridget looked up at a smiling Ivy before she began to lick her very wet and aroused pussy. Ivy was leaking lots of juices that she hungrily licked up before going between Ivy's lips to get in deeper.

Bridget was gripping Ivy's ass cheeks and she slipped her right hand fingers between Ivy's cheeks. She kept moving them in until she felt Ivy's asshole. While she never dreamed of touching anyone there, she so wanted to do so now. She began to run the tip of her fingers across Ivy's ass as she licked deep between her lips. She even pressed her middle finger against Ivy's asshole making Ivy groan with pleasure. While she was doing that she moved her tongue up to Ivy's clit. She licked it first before she sucked it into her mouth. She so wanted to finger fuck Ivy too but with her wrists locked together she wasn't sure she could manage that even though she probably had enough room to do so. So she used her tongue against Ivy's clit as she began to suck harder and harder on it. When she pressed her lips against the base of Ivy's little clit, she felt Ivy stiffen and then she relaxed as she came hard. Ivy slid backwards this time and that caused Bridget's middle finger to penetrate her as just a little which seemed to make Ivy's orgasm even more intense.

Ivy sat back on Bridget chest as she went through the throes of her orgasm making it a little hard for Bridget to breath but she didn't mine as she could feel Ivy's girlcum leaking onto her chest and she could see the peaceful expression on Ivy's face. It took Ivy a moment or two to recover but when she did, she opened her eyes and smiled down at Bridget. She then got up off of Bridget, lying down beside of her.

Ivy pulled Bridget to her wrapping her arms around her as they both lay on their sides facing each other. Since Bridget couldn't wrap her arms around Ivy, she did the next best thing; she put her arms into her body with her hands covering Ivy's soft breasts. She gave them a soft squeeze as Ivy leaned in to give her a kiss. The kiss felt so nice and Bridget melted into it. Their tongue tenderly touched as did their lips.

When the kiss ended, Bridget just had to ask, "So do you like my pussy shaved?"

"I told you that I liked your pussy just fine the way it was." Ivy told her making Bridget frown.

"That is a very diplomatic answer but doesn't answer my question," Bridget told her. "Do you like my pussy bare?"

Ivy let out a sigh and Bridget could tell that Ivy so didn't want to answer her question. "If I say that I do then you'll keep it shaved for me even if you don't like it, I know you will." Ivy protested.

"I made a pinky promise to decide what I'll do for my own reasons and I plan on keeping that promise." Bridget told her honestly. "Now answer my question."

Ivy hesitated for a second before answering, "Yes I like it, I like it very much."

"I knew you did!" Bridget said with a big grin.

"And just how did you know it?" Ivy asked while knitting her forehead.

"Because you couldn't take your eyes off of it once you had me restrained. Your eyes kept going back to it. You love me this way don't you?" Bridget stated and asked.

"Yes I do," Ivy admitted, "So you going to keep it that way now?"

"I don't know but I think I will but not just because you love me this way," Bridget told her.

"But my liking it makes you want to keep it bare right?" Ivy said with a frown.

"Yes but that isn't the only reason, just one of them." Bridget told her.

"What's the other reason?" Ivy asked.

"Because it makes me feel like I'm doing something very naughty, something I'm not supposed to do," Bridget told her.

"And that excites you doesn't it," Ivy asked her.

"Yes it does," Bridget said feeling her face heat up so she knew that she was blushing. "Does that make me a bad person because I like doing something that I think is bad or naughty?"

"I don't think so but I do love that about you," Ivy told her with a smile.

"Why is that?" Bridget asked about knowing the answer for Ivy even answered it.

"Because I got lots of naughty things I'm going to do to you and with you and the fact that I know they will just excite you even more than it would normally makes it better. I want you to enjoy what we do." Ivy told her.

"That I do, don't worry about that." Bridget said with a grin blushing again.

"I know you do baby," Ivy said before giving her a kiss and holding her tighter. Bridget returned that kiss and she also gave a few gentle squeezes to Ivy's breasts as they kissed.

When the kiss ended, Ivy rolled onto her back bringing Bridget with her. Bridget laid her head onto Ivy's chest enjoying the feel of Ivy's arms around her caressing her back. Bridget had her hands between their bodies and she had her left hand on Ivy's left breast, just covering it with her hand. They lay there for a while in silence just enjoying the feel of their bodies pressed together.

They lay there for a while and Bridget found that she was getting sleepy but she wasn't ready for sleep yet, plus she was beginning to need to go to the bathroom.

"I believe I need to pee, then maybe a cigarette before bed," Bridget suggested as she moved up on her right elbow.

"Yea I need to go too and the cigarette does sound good." Ivy replied.

Bridget sat on up and she held her hands out to Ivy.

"What?" Ivy asked with a smile.

"Undo my cuffs silly so I can go to the bathroom," Bridget told her.

"Nah, you can do just fine with them on," Ivy said still smiling.

"Meanie," Bridget said getting up off the bed.

"Yep, that's me," Ivy said with an even bigger grin.

Bridget stuck out her tongue out at Ivy who laughed at her. Then she turned walking to the bathroom. She really didn't mind that Ivy wouldn't take her cuffs off, it felt a little exciting to still have her wrists locked together. And with the four clips connecting the cuffs, she really did have plenty of use of her hands. When she came out, Ivy was just coming from the kitchen, having made them a cup of hot chocolate to drink as they smoked their last cigarette of the day.

Bridget went over to her closet getting a robe for each of them to wear when they smoked. She looked down at her cuffs and she moved her hand finding out that she could just reach the clip on her left hand with her right one. She unclipped it and was thus able to put her robe on and tie it before re-clipping her wrists back together. Ivy came over to her seeing that she had her robe on and her wrists were clipped back together.

"Mmm how did you manage that?" Ivy said looking down at Bridget's wrists that were clipped together.

"Magic sweetie," Bridget said with a grin. "Now put your robe on and let's have that cigarette and drink the hot chocolate that you made for us before it gets cold."

Bridget then went on into the kitchen and while Ivy was putting on her robe, she popped the two cups of chocolate into the microwave just to reheat them a bit. It was turning cool at night now and she liked her hot chocolate hot. They actually snuck in a couple of cigarettes in before they had finished their chocolate.

When they got to the bed, Bridget held out her hands to Ivy to let her take off her cuffs so that they could sleep. However Ivy gave her a wirey smile as she just unclipped them in the middle. Bridget knew what Ivy was after so after taking off the robe and hanging it back up, she came back to Ivy who, with a smile on her face, clipped her wrists back together. Ivy gave her a soft kiss before helping her into the bed. She then lay down and Ivy lay against her. Bridget had her hands in front of her between their bodies. So as they lay there Bridget let her left hand lay on Ivy's right breast, tenderly caressing it until she slowly fell asleep, with the last thing she remembered was Ivy kissing her hair on the top of her head.

The next morning when Bridget woke up just before the alarm was set to go off. She started to reach over with her right hand to turn it off before it had a chance to go off on it's own. However she found when she moved her right hand, her left hand went with it. It started her for a moment before she remembered that her hands were still clipped together. She laughed at herself and she had to grin as she reached over with both hands to turn the alarm off.

Bridget turned to gently shake Ivy awake when she saw that Ivy's breasts were uncovered. She leaned over and placed a soft kiss to Ivy's left nipple and she heard Ivy let out a little moan in her sleep. She leaned across her without touching Ivy's body and placed a kiss to the right nipple. This time Ivy moved a little and moaned softly. She went back to the left nipple, this time she formed her lips over Ivy's nipple sucking gently. This time she didn't get a moan nor did Ivy move. She raised her eyes up to Ivy without taking her mouth off of her hardening nipple to see that Ivy was awake and staring back at her.

"You know if you keep that up, the kids won't have anyone there to greet them." Ivy told her with a contented smile on her face.

Bridget raised her head up letting Ivy's nipple pop from her mouth making a wet smacking sound that did make Ivy moan, "And why would that be?" Bridget asked innocently.

"Because I'll be here ravishing your beautiful body when I should be letting those poor kids into the warm building," Ivy told her then she reached down with her hands bringing Bridget face up to her head where she gave her a lingering good morning kiss.

"Mmmm... I'm beginning to like that idea," Bridget said with a soft smile after the kiss. "But we can't let the kids stand out in the cold can we."

"No we can't baby... no we can't." Ivy said with a sigh as she sat up as did Bridget.

This time when Bridget held up her hands, Ivy did take the cuffs off and then moved down to take her ankle cuffs off. Bridget went on to the bathroom to pee and then she came out to fix them something to eat as Ivy got ready since she had to be at the school early.

"So how is your day going?" Ivy asked as she took her first puff of her cigarette during their mid day break in the old boiler room of the school.

"Great..." Bridget said exhaling and then she felt herself beginning to blush as she finished her sentence, "... except when I walk around and feel my panties against my now bare skin."

Bridget could see that Ivy was trying not to giggle and was failing miserably at it. Finally Bridget said to her, "Go ahead and get it over with."

Ivy not only giggled but then she laughed. "I'm sorry but I could just picture you trying to explain a math problem with your mind on your pussy and how it feels."

"And whose fault is that?" Bridget asked.

"Hey don't blame this one on me, I tried to talk you out of it remember," Ivy told her turning serious all of a sudden which wasn't what Bridget wanted or meant.

Bridget gave her a smile and put her hand on Ivy's forearm calming her down, "I know and I'm glad that I did it, but it does feel funny. I was just messing with you."

"Oh okay," Ivy said as she relaxed which made Bridget feel better.

"Besides you were laughing at me so I had to get you back," Bridget said teasing her while smiling brightly at her.

"I wasn't laughing at you babe," Ivy told her.

"Yes you were but I don't mind, it is funny and it does make me..." Bridget said feeling her face get warm again.

"Horny?" Ivy said with a wicked grin.

"Yes..." Bridget said softly.

"Well I might have a cure for that..." Ivy told her.

"You better have..." Bridget said with a grin.

"Oh I do," Ivy said with a sexy wink.

Bridget then changed the subject as she was beginning to feel a little moisture come to her panties which wasn't what she needed as she tried to teach a bunch of teenagers whose attention was hard to maintain when she was thinking about teaching and not sex with Ivy.

When Bridget got home, she cursed herself for giving pop tests to two of her classes and regular scheduled tests for her other classes. This meant that she had to work for longer than she wanted to get them graded and also put pointers in where the student made their error. This made it harder for her to grade them but she thought that her students got more out of the tests if she did that.

She didn't make it up to Ivy's apartment until after eight. She used her key to come in, calling out to as she came through the door. She heard Ivy's voice coming from the bedroom so she headed in that direction carrying her little bag and the hanger with her dress on it. When she got to the bedroom, she didn't see Ivy at first however she did see that Ivy had the wrists and ankle cuffs on the bed with each tied to a bed post. Bridget stopped just inside the doorway and she could feel her nipples tightening and her pussy spasm.

"If you would be so kind as to hand me your dress and then remove your clothing so that I can attend to that bit of hornyiness that you seem to be suffering from." Ivy said as she came from just inside of the closet where she had hidden herself.

Bridget looked over at Ivy finding her naked and looking so beautiful. She felt her pussy tingle and her panties begin to get moist. She walked over to Ivy as if in a daze. She handed Ivy her dress and her bag. She noticed that Ivy just set the bag down and turned to hang the dress up. Bridget looked at Ivy smooth back and her cute ass that she so wanted to reach out and touch those glorious globes. However Ivy turned back around preventing her from doing so. But now she was staring at Ivy's firm full breasts with those nipples already hard. Bridget's eyes went down to Ivy's bare pussy and she saw how swollen and wet it was. She knew that Ivy had been thinking about this for a while and was well worked up already which pleased her to no end.

"Mmm... seems like I remember telling you to get naked..." Ivy said folding her arms across her chest and giving Bridget a displeased look.

"Oh yes... I'm sorry..." Bridget said feeling her pussy get wetter just from Ivy taking control and pretending to be mad at her though Bridget could see in Ivy's eyes that Ivy wanted to watch her undress.

Bridget smiled at Ivy as her fingers went to the strap on her right shoulder unbuttoning it from her flowery colored house dress. She let the strap drop which uncovered her right shoulder. Her fingers began to shake as they went to her left shoulder, slowly unbuttoning the strap and letting it fall off her shoulder. Now her shoulders were bare with the old housedress being held up by her breasts. With shaky hands she began to pull the dress down. It slipped over her breasts leaving them bare and she saw Ivy's eyes light up. She kept pushing the dress down until it got to her hips where she paused for a second, holding the dress up with her hands. Ivy's eyes were glued to her hips making Bridget's heart swell with joy knowing that Ivy so loved her body, which she didn't think was all that great but Ivy had convinced her that she thought that it was. Bridget slowly moved the dress down over her hips watching Ivy's eyes as the dress slipped past her hips showing that she hadn't put any panties on either.

"Oh Bridget, you've been naughty, not wearing a bra or panties..." Ivy told her giving her a sexy wink making Bridget blush at the thought of what she had done. She hadn't planned on doing that but as she got ready to come up, she thought about how Ivy had told her that she had a cure for her horniness and that made her do it.

Bridget didn't know what to say so she said nothing, just letting her dress drop to the floor leaving her naked for Ivy to do as she pleased. Bridget stepped out of her dress allowing Ivy to look at her and enjoying the feel of Ivy's eyes on her and seeing the desire in those eyes.

"Now to the bed baby and let me do as I please to you..." Ivy said with her voice filled with the lust that she was obviously feeling.

Bridget felt her pussy spasm as she went to the bed. She looked at the cuffs and that made her moan just thinking about what Ivy would do to her once she was secured in the cuffs. Bridget got up on the bed and laid down in the center, automatically stretching out her arms and legs so that Ivy could put the cuffs on her.

Bridget watched as Ivy came over to the bed, climbing up on the edge on her knees. Bridget saw Ivy giving her that sexy smile as she leaned across her to put the cuff on her right hand. Of course Ivy leaned in such a way so that her right breast was right over Bridget's mouth. Bridget did what had now become natural for her; she raised her head up giving a kiss to Ivy's already hard nipple making Ivy moan. Bridget then sucked on the hard nipple into her mouth drawing another moan from Ivy who seemed to be having trouble getting the cuff onto Bridget's wrist, not that Bridget minded in the least, however Ivy did eventually manage to get the cuff on her wrist.

Ivy then moved her knees over and then across Bridget's body so that she was now on her knees on the opposite side of Bridget's body while keeping her breast over Bridget's face so that she could suck on it which took her right breast away from Bridget's mouth, replacing it with her left breast as she began to put the cuff on Bridget's left wrist. Again she seemed to struggle with getting the cuff on making Bridget smile to herself as she knew that Ivy was playing with her.

Once the cuff was on, Ivy took her left breast away from Bridget's hungry mouth making Bridget moan from the loss. Ivy moved her knees down in the bed and she leaned over giving Bridget a soft kiss. Bridget automatically tried to move her arms to hug Ivy but the ropes stopped her though she had more movement in them than she normally did. The kiss was brief and Ivy kissed her again this time making the kiss linger but it too ended too soon for Bridget. Ivy moved her head down so that she could give a kiss to each of Bridget's hard nipples and she also gave them a hard suck after each kiss. Bridget showed her appreciation by moaning softly.

Ivy turned around in the bed placing a knee on each side of Bridget's body. Bridget now had a clear view of Ivy's swollen pussy lips seeing just how wet she were. She could also see those lips parting a little so that she could see the pink wetness inside. Bridget so wanted to lick the moisture away but Ivy's pussy was too far away, she could only look which only served to fuel the fire that was already burning deep within her body. Ivy's fingers were putting the cuff around her right ankle, something she did much more quickly than she had her wrists which came as no surprise to Bridget. Once that one was on she moved to the left ankle getting the cuff on her just as fast. Bridget expected her to then tighten the ropes however Ivy chose not to do that. She instead backed up in the bed until her pussy was right above Bridget's head.

Ivy lowered her head and ass down at the same time so that when Bridget was able to lick Ivy's pussy was almost the same time she felt Ivy's tongue on her own bare and very sensitive pussy. They both let out a soft moan feeling the other's tongues begin to lick. Bridget drew her knees up and was surprised that she could do so pretty far. Her ankles were still restrained to each of the bedposts and thus spread but she could now push her hips up more easily pushing her pussy into Ivy's mouth. Her arms she could also move more putting less of a strain on her shoulders but still she couldn't use her hands to caress Ivy's ass. She liked this as it did give her some freedom to move.

She felt Ivy's tongue moving up and down her slit and then inside of her lips making her moan into Ivy's pussy. Bridget moved her tongue to Ivy's clit giving it some tender caresses and causing Ivy to groan but she stopped long before Ivy was able to cum. She then began to slowly lick her way down Ivy's slit. She took her time, licking the outer lips and then between then. As she got closer to the bottom of Ivy's slit, she noticed that Ivy was bringing her hips forward making it easier for her to lick her and not have to strain too hard to reach her.

When she got to the bottom, she felt Ivy moving forward just another inch or so. She found that she was now able to go a little further if she wanted. She hesitated for a second as Ivy continued to lick her. She then felt Ivy start to ease her hips back again and she made her decision. She stopped Ivy from moving any more by going on past her pussy licking the sensitive skin between Ivy's pussy and ass. Bridget kept going upward wanting Ivy to feel what Ivy had done to her. She let her tongue go across Ivy's asshole and she felt Ivy pucker her asshole and moan.

Bridget realized that there wasn't a bad taste, there was only the sweat and also some of Ivy's pussy juices that had ran down there. Bridget ran her tongue back across Ivy's puckered hole getting another moan which pleased Bridget because it pleased Ivy. Bridget then began to rim Ivy's ass with the tip of her tongue and she felt Ivy licking her pussy even harder and deeper. That caused Bridget to moan and also made her want to lick Ivy's forbidden zone lots more. She let the flat of her tongue go across Ivy's asshole and then she put the tip of her tongue to the rim moving it around it. Ivy let out a loud moan and she licked deeper into Bridget's pussy making her moan. Bridget kept licking Ivy's ass until Ivy moved again bring her pussy back over Bridget's mouth. Bridget found that Ivy was even wetter than before and she licked harder and deeper wanting those wonderful juices.

Ivy fingers were now spreading her lips apart and Bridget felt Ivy's tongue go deep into her pussy making her squirm feeling her arousal rise to another level. Bridget felt her orgasm building within her body and she knew she wouldn't last too much longer so she moved her mouth to Ivy's engorged clit, sucking it into her mouth. Ivy let out a loud groan and Bridget felt Ivy go to her clit, licking it hard and fast. This made Bridget groan with pleasure and she pressed her lips against Ivy's clit sending Ivy over the cliff. She sucked harder and she felt Ivy's mouth on her clit sucking just as hard which in turn sent her past the point of no return. She felt her body go stiff as the pleasure ran through her. She lost it at that point, just losing herself in her orgasm.

When she came back to reality, she felt Ivy lying on top of her and she was licking her right cheek. Bridget's eyes fluttered open and she saw Ivy smiling down at her and she saw that Ivy's face was very moist.

"I think I made a mess of your face baby," Ivy said with a grin before giving her a kiss.

"I believe I did the same, you had me so aroused and excited I might have lost control," Bridget said blushing more than a little.

"So did I, your pussy is so pretty and tasty and then you licking my ass..." Ivy said to her.

"I think I like licking you there..." Bridget said again blushing a little more.

"I like you doing it baby but you don't have to you know..." Ivy told her.

"I know but now that I've done it... I think I'll be doing it a lot more." Bridget said and she raised her head up wanting a kiss and getting it.

"You love that my pussy is now bare don't you?" Bridget asked looking Ivy squarely in the eyes wanting to know Ivy's true feelings.

Ivy frowned at first but then slowly that frown turned into a soft smile. "Yes baby I love that your pussy is shaved but I think I love it as much that you so wanted to do it for me." Ivy said before giving her a kiss.

"I'll do anything for you babe, you've freed me and give me so much..." Bridget told her.

Ivy smiled softly and Bridget saw that Ivy's eyes watered a little causing her own eyes to water. Ivy gave her a lingering kiss that told Bridget just how much Ivy loved her. She returned the kiss wanting to show that same love.

When the kiss ended, Ivy gave a kiss to each of Bridget's cheeks and when she raised her head up, Bridget saw a gleam in Ivy's eyes.

"You know that is a dangerous statement," Ivy warned her.

"How so?" Bridget asked grinning up at her.

"I might take you up on that offer and could have you do some naughty things..." Ivy said giving her a sexy wink.

"Oh I know, you have told me that before and I am ready for anything you have to offer. I want you to... do everything to me..." Bridget told her feeling her face warm but she so wanted to do so many things.

Ivy raised her head up and Bridget could feel her studying her so Bridget stared right back trying to show Ivy that she meant it though her stomach was beginning to have butterflies, but nice ones that excited her.

"How do you feel about toys and me fucking you... and you fucking me?" Ivy asked softly.

"Do you have any toys?" Bridget asked feeling her pussy tingle at the thought.

"I might have a few..." Ivy said giving her a wink that told Bridget that she did indeed.

"Show me!" Bridget said excitedly. Then she tried to move her arms down to get Ivy to get up but the ropes tying her to the bed stopped her.

Ivy laughed at her sudden movement and how it got stopped. But then she reached over and unclipped her wrists before sliding down in the bed to do her ankles. She then got off the bed allowing Bridget to sit up, where upon she found she was sitting a very wet spot.

"Oh god the sheet is soaked... did I..." Bridget asked embarrassed and feeling herself blushing profusely.

Ivy smiled and came back to the bed bending down and giving Bridget a kiss, "Yes you did baby and I love making you cum so hard that you pee a little. Even that tastes great coming out of you." Ivy told her and then before Bridget could protest, she felt Ivy's hands on her shoulders pushing her back onto the bed and she felt the wet area on the sheet against her back. Bridget then felt her legs being push up and back against her exposing her pussy and ass to Ivy's hungry mouth.

Bridget started to protest however started to lick her wet pussy so her protest came out in a long moan, "Noooo..." that was followed by, "Oh god..."

She felt Ivy tongue moving over her pussy lips that were still sensitive from cumming just a few minutes before. Ivy licked up to her very sensitive clit where she gave it a few hard licks causing a small orgasm to course through Bridget's body. She recovered quickly and she felt Ivy's tongue going between her lips making her groan with pleasure. Ivy's tongue slowly worked its way down to the bottom of Bridget's pussy and then it kept going. Bridget tensed for a second waiting for Ivy's tongue to touch her anus. She tensed not because she didn't want Ivy to lick her there but because she knew that it would feel so exciting and naughty. And it did just that, sending shivers through her body as Ivy's tongue went across her asshole.

"Oh god that feels good..." Bridget said aloud.

"Then this will feel better," Ivy said with her tongue leaving Bridget's ass but for a moment. When it came back, Bridget felt the tip of Ivy's tongue on the center of her ass. She then felt a little pressure as Ivy's tongue tip moved inside her ass.

"Oh fuck!" Bridget moaned not believing that Ivy would do that but loving how it felt.

Ivy's tongue withdrew only to go back in before starting to rim her ass making Bridget squirm. She then felt Ivy's fingers pressing on her clit, starting to rub it. That just sent her into another world and she could feel another orgasm coming onto her fast. Ivy's fingers rubbed her clit harder and faster and her tongue was going back to the center of her ass, opening it as the tip of her tongue went inside of her. Bridget felt her clit explode and she pushed her ass back against Ivy's tongue as she lose all ability to think, she could just feel the pleasure go through her.

When she came back around, Ivy was still licking her pussy, but doing so tenderly. Bridget was so sensitive that this caused Bridget to have another mini orgasm. When it was over, she reached down pushing Ivy's head away while she sat up.

"You're going to be the death of me," Bridget said with a smile.

"I don't want that, maybe I should stop giving you such nice orgasms," Ivy said with a worried frown.

"Oh no you don't!" Bridget said with a laugh before taking Ivy's face into her hands and giving her a kiss.

"So you still want to see my toys?" Ivy asked.

Bridget thought for a second and answered with "Yes and no."

Ivy gave her a confused look and a bit of a worried look so Bridget clarified her answer. "I do but then I know I will want to try them and we got to get up early tomorrow. So why don't we save them for Friday night, is that okay?"

Ivy smiled, "That's perfect." Then she gave Bridget a little kiss. "How about we clean up a bit and have a cigarette before we go to sleep?"

"Then we're going to change the sheets," Bridget added.

"Nope, I'm going to make you sleep on the wet spot you made." Ivy said giving her a wink.

"You would too," Bridget said with a giggle.

"That I would," Ivy said standing up and helping Bridget up.

They went on to the bathroom taking turns peeing and cleaning up a little. Then they put on robes and got some water to drink as they smoked the last cigarette of the day. However Ivy did help her change the sheets and Bridget saw that she had a cover on the mattress to keep it dry.

When Ivy arrived at her apartment on Thursday, Bridget was just finishing their dinner. Ivy had just enough time to change into a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. They had dinner and then a cigarette out of Bridget's balcony. Bridget so want to ask about Ivy's toys but she was afraid to. She was hoping that Ivy would but she didn't either.

After a while, she realized that Ivy was enjoying watching her squirm around the subject and had no intention bringing it up. It was like that week she teased her but wouldn't bring her off, so that by the end of the week she was ready for anything. Bridget had to admire the way that Ivy seemed to know how to work her so that she was ready and willing for anything. Bridget was sure that by Friday evening, she would be ready again for anything. That night, Ivy seemed to be content to just cuddle with her and that was fine with Bridget. She loved the feeling of Ivy lying behind her feeling her naked body against hers and her strong arms holding her tightly.

Friday evening, Bridget arrived at Ivy's apartment with enough clothes to last the weekend. But then again, if she forgot something, all she had to do was just go downstairs to her apartment to get it. That was the nice thing of having a relationship with someone in the same apartment building.

When she got there, Ivy announced that they had been stuck inside all week and they were going to go out to eat and find something to do. Bridget was a bit disappointed as she really wanted to see what Ivy had to show her. She had been thinking about it for two days now and the suspense was killing her, not to mention the nervousness it was causing within her. She wanted to try whatever Ivy had for her but she was also scared that she would chicken out and disappoint Ivy. So she wanted to tell Ivy to forgo the dinner and just show her what toys she had. But then she looked into Ivy's eyes and saw how caring that they were and she figured that Ivy had a plan in mind as she always seem to have. Once she realized that Ivy would go slowly and not scared her, she was more willing to wait. So she told Ivy that a night out sounded perfect to her.

They both put on a jeans and sleeveless knit tops before heading out in Ivy's car. They just talked what they wanted to eat and what they wanted to do that evening. They ended up arguing over what to eat for a while before deciding that neither could think of anything that the other wanted to eat. Ivy ended up making the decision by pulling into the first restaurant that she came upon. They walked into the small restaurant and found themselves sent back to the late sixties. The waitresses were all dressed in long flowing gowns with flowers in their hair. There was sixties folk music playing on the juke box.

They both looked at each other and both started to turn back around but the hostess came up to them and she took Ivy by the hand leading her back to a table. Bridget had to smile and didn't have much choice but to follow along. They were seated and before either could say anything one of the young waitresses brought out some bread rolls and a glass each of some type of fruit drink. The waitress waited there until they both took a sip and to Bridget's surprise, it was actually good and she saw that Ivy liked it too. Only then were they given a menu to choose what to eat. Bridget looked it over and found that there wasn't anything that she could see that was bad for you. The only meat on the menu was baked fish and the rest was vegetable dishes of various types. So they both got the baked fish and a couple of vegetable dishes.

The restaurant slowly filled up and Bridget noticed that they were mostly older couples who obviously had fond memories of the sixties. But there were also lots of younger folks that came in and they too enjoyed the music. Bridget had heard some of the songs on the radio before but most she had never heard before. But she found that she liked them and how each seemed to be telling a story. They ended up staying long past when their meal was eaten, talking and listening to the music.

"So you never been here?" Bridget asked once they got outside.

"Nope," Ivy said with a grin, "I just got tired of arguing about what or where to eat. Then I saw the restaurant and decided to stop. Besides a restaurant with the name "Molly's Love Caf‚" I figured that it had to be great."

"And it was!" Bridget said with a laugh.

"You know that you have a nice singing voice," Ivy told her as they got to her car.

"I don't know about that but thanks anyway," Bridget said blushing a little as she waited for Ivy to open her door for her.

"Well you do, me I can't keep a tune if my life depended on it," Ivy replied with a laugh.

"You weren't that bad, I liked hearing you sing, it was nice," Bridget said once Ivy had gotten behind the wheel.

"Thanks," Ivy said with a little laugh. "You know I never dreamed that we would be singing along with a bunch of old farts when I decided that we needed a night out," laughing harder.

"Me either but it was fun and we'll have to go back," Bridget said, "You know I wonder why we haven't ever heard of this place. They could open a lot of restaurants like this one."

"But then it wouldn't the quaint place that it is, I think they have all that they want right here." Ivy told her.

"True," Bridget said as she sat back in her seat.

"So what do you want to do now?" Ivy asked.

"I don't know if we could beat that restaurant, how about we head home..." Bridget suggested as she looked over at Ivy's face.

Ivy turned her head toward her giving her a knowing smile, "I think that sounds perfect."

Ivy then placed her hand on Bridget's thigh and Bridget smiled as she put her left hand on top of Ivy's hand. She felt Ivy give her thigh a squeeze making her smile. Ivy gave her a soft smile before turning her eyes back to the highway. Bridget looked out the window and she began to softly sing one of the songs that she heard at the restaurant that she couldn't get out of her head. It was a song about how life is a circle and it seemed to hit a cord within her. She knew that she was going to have to look up more about this singer and find more of his songs. Ivy seemed content to listen to her sing under her breath and they rode in a comfortable silence with no words needed to be spoken. Their hands touching and Bridget's soft voice was more than enough to connect them and their love.

When Bridget opened the bathroom door, she felt the butterflies gathering in her stomach. She had a large towel wrapped around her body. Ivy had already taken her shower and was waiting for her in the bedroom. Bridget took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled before she took a step forward and with each step she was feeling some of her nervousness go away, knowing that Ivy would make this fun and enjoyable.

When she got to the bedroom door, she saw Ivy sitting in the center of the bed, naked and looking beautiful. Ivy smiled at her making Bridget smile. But then Bridget saw the towel beside of Ivy and it appeared to be covering something and most likely several things. Bridget knew just what those items were and she bit her lower lip feeling the butterflies come back.

"Come here baby, let's play a little game of show and tell," Ivy said giving Bridget a wicked grin that made Bridget laugh.

"Oh god you're terrible," Bridget said giving out one last nervous laugh.

"Oh I'm so terrible that I'm, good..." Ivy said giving her a big grin that made Bridget laugh again.

"Yes you are..." Bridget said pulling the corner of her towel out and letting it fall to the floor leaving her naked. She saw that familiar look of lust in Ivy's eyes that always warmed her heart. She walked on over to the bed and she folded her legs out in front of her thus sitting like Ivy was sitting.

Ivy reached out taking Bridget's hands in hers and Bridget felt Ivy giving them a squeeze. "You know we don't have to use all of these toys or even any of them. I just want to show them to you and see if you want to try any."

"I know and I'm not completely innocent about toys, I just haven't used any of them. But I do like to see what they do and what they feel like." Bridget told her.

"I know, I just wanted to make sure that you understand that I'm fine just making love as we do now." Ivy assured her giving her hands another squeeze to make her point.

"I am too but I also want to see what you have and I want to use them..." Bridget said to her with a confident voice as she did want to experience everything with Ivy showing her the way.

"Okay, I was just making sure that you knew that," Ivy told her giving her hands another squeeze as she leaned forward to give her a kiss.

Bridget leaned in meeting Ivy half way feeling Ivy's lips touch hers. She closed her eyes melting into the long soft lingering kiss. When Ivy leaned back breaking the contact of their lips, Bridget let out a sigh. Her heart was beating fast and she felt her pussy began to get moist as her nipples started to become hard.

Ivy moved her hands away from Bridget's hands, Bridget then watched at Ivy moved her right hand over to the towel and slowly raised the towel uncovering her toys. Bridget felt her heart really begin to pound and she looked at the toys lying beside of them. To her surprise, there were only four items there.

"Were you expecting more?" Ivy asked with a grin.

Bridget wasn't sure what to say in response as Ivy had her pegged, she wasn't sure what she expected to see but she did expect to see more than Ivy was showing her.

"yea..." Bridget finally said blushing more than a little.

"Now that I got someone to play with... I might just get some more for us to experiment with... you know us picking out some together..." Ivy said giving her a sexy wink making Bridget blush again.

"That could be fun... you know some things to tie..." Bridget said feeling her face really go red trying to tell Ivy what she was thinking.

"Maybe some bondage things to use to tie you up?" Ivy asked with an understanding smile.

"Yes... I like that..." Bridget admitted.

"I created a monster when I tied you up didn't I?" Ivy stated with a grin.

"I guess so, is that bad?" Bridget asked unsure if Ivy was okay with doing that though she knew Ivy liked tying her up.

"I have waited my whole life to have someone willing to let me do devious things to. Maybe after I have you tied up with that cute ass up in the air and you unable to stop me from doing wicked things to your pussy and ass, I'll have you convinced of that baby." Ivy said leaning in and giving her a soft kiss to convince her.

Bridget kissed her back thanking her for understanding the need that she had, though she herself didn't completely understand it. "Thank you..." Bridget said all so softly when the kiss ended.

"Now shall we get back to my show and tell?" Ivy asked giving her a wink.

"Please do," Bridget said with a nervous giggle.

"So what do you want me to show you first?" Ivy asked.

"Mmmm...." Bridget said as he looked over the four items, "The nipple clamps."

Ivy gave her just to slightest of a surprised look as she reached over picking up the clamps. Bridget was proud of herself for knowing what they were and what they did.

"Okay nipple clamps it is," Ivy said picking them up. "These are adjustable to that you can control how hard they pinch." She then used the little wheel in the center to show Bridget how they were adjusted. Ivy then started to bring one clamp up to her own right nipple.

"No put it on me," Bridget said feeling her heart pound and her pussy quiver a little.

"You sure, it can hurt a little..." Ivy warned her.

"I know," Bridget said leaning forward and sticking her breasts out at Ivy.

Ivy gave her a smile and Bridget knew that she had pleased her. Ivy opened the clamp a little more and Bridget started to argue but as the clamp got close to her nipple, she decided that maybe Ivy knew best. Ivy first reached out and pinch Bridget's right nipple a little making it harder than it already was.

"This will pinch a little baby," Ivy said before placing her left hand around Bridget's right breast pushing the nipple out and then she used her right hand to place the clamp on Bridget's nipple. Bridget was looking down and watching Ivy's every move and she was biting her lower lip while Ivy slowly released the clamp onto her nipple. Bridget let out a little moan feeling the clamp pinch her nipple and it did hurt but not as bad as she feared.

"I can get it to pinch harder but let's start here first." Ivy told her with a smile.

"Okay," Bridget said now grateful that Ivy had started easy as the clamp was pinching her nicely. Ivy then moved over to her left nipple and Bridget watched as Ivy used the same method in applying the clamp, first pinching it a little to make it harder then applying the clamp. Bridget moaned as the clamp went on and she felt her pussy pulsing.

"How do they feel?" Ivy asked with a bit of a worried expression.

"Not too bad, it does make me tingle..." Bridget admitted.

"That is what it is supposed to do." Ivy told her leaning in to give her a kiss.

"And this chain connecting the clamps allows me to lead you wherever I want you to go..." Ivy said with a wink as she reached up and hooked her index finger around the chain. She brought the chain toward her until all the slack was out and Bridget began to feel the clamps pulling out on her nipples.

"Ohhh..." Bridget said as she leaned forward until she was lifting her ass off the bed and Ivy kissed her releasing the chain at the same time relieving the pressure on her nipples.

"I like that..." Bridget said with a grin wanting to reach up and rub her nipples but forcing herself to keep her hands on her thighs.

"Me too," Ivy said with a wink. "So what is next?"

"The little pink vibrator..." Bridget told her.

"I love this little baby, it may be small but it does put out a very nice vibration." Ivy told her with a grin.

Ivy picked up the small vibrator that was about five inches long and about an inch wide. She turned the bottom of the vibrator and Bridget heard it begin to hum, a soft hum that made Bridget wonder just how much it did vibrate. Ivy moved the tip to Bridget's right nipple touching the tip with the vibrator. Bridget let out a moan feeling the vibrations on the tip of her very sensitive nipple with the clamp squeezing it just below where Ivy was touching her.

"Oh god..." Bridget moaned feeling the vibrations through her breast. She groaned when Ivy took the vibrator away only to moan again when Ivy placed it against the tip of her left nipple.

"That feels intense.." Bridget gasped.

"Just wait baby," Ivy said as she got up on her knees and coming toward her. She put the vibrator to Bridget's stomach and slowly began to move it lower. Bridget felt her breaths come in pants as the vibrator got closer to her pussy. Ivy stopped it just above her clit and Bridget had to moan feeling the vibrations so close to that sensitive bud. Ivy held it there for a moment more before pressing it against her clit.

Bridget let out a loud moan feeling the vibrations against her sensitive clit. She felt her pussy pulsing as Ivy began to kiss her. Bridget tried to kiss her back but the vibrations against her sensitive clit along with the nipple clamps squeezing her nipples was taking all her concentration. Plus she was panting so hard, she couldn't have kissed Ivy back if she wanted to and she did.

She felt her pussy pulse one last time and she gasped as her orgasm got so close. Then as it was about to hit, she felt Ivy remove the nipple clamp from her right nipple and she felt the blood going back to it. She felt the pain that clamp caused mixed with the pleasure of the vibrator on her clit. That sent her over the edge and she felt her orgasm explode within her. She then felt Ivy removing the other clamp and she stiffened more and she knew she was dying in pleasure and pain. When she thought she could take no more, she felt Ivy remove the vibrator from her clit and allowing her to enjoy the intense orgasm.

When she began to recover, she felt Ivy holding onto her shoulders, kissing her face and lips. She let her eyes flutter open and she was finally able to kiss Ivy back.

"Oh god that was intense," Bridget gasped out pulling back from Ivy's lips to catch her breath.

"You see toys can be fun," Ivy told her.

"Yes they can," Bridget said with a shy grin.

Ivy gave her another kiss before sitting back on her heels. "Maybe we should save the strap-on for another time," she suggested.

"No!" Bridget said quickly and louder than she realized. She saw that she had surprised Ivy with the forcefulness of her response. She then felt her face blush as she realized what she had done. She then took in a breath of much needed air and let it out as she said to Ivy softly, "I want to feel you inside of me, please..."

End of Part Eight.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 9

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