Bright Star

By Butters2020

Published on Feb 5, 2022


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Bright Star



Chapter One

Jacob, age 13

I'm a geek, okay? I read comic books. I LOVE comic books. I'm a sucker for superheroes. But here's the freaky part. I don't just read them for the stories. They're my porn. I mean, I look at real porn online and I love it, but nothing compares to a good Spider-man or Nightwing comic. The best thing that ever happened to me was when they made the Titans tv show. Dick Grayson? Beastboy? Holy shit, the way Beastboy is always naked when he transforms back into a human? Why can't they show Ryan Potter's dick in those scenes?

I make do with my imagination though. Between him and Brenton Thwaites as Dick Grayson, or hell even Curran Walters as Jason Todd-you have no idea how many loads I've spilled watching Titans.

When we saw the last Spider-man movie we split a ginormous popcorn. I was half boned anyway because, hello? Tom Holland and Hello? Spider-man porn! But then when Peter Parker was wearing nothing but his boxers there was nothing halfway about my boner. I was hard as fuck. So to keep Ethan from seeing-Ethan is my best friend-I put the huge tube of popcorn in my lap. Problem solved, right?

Wrong. Because that's when Ethan decided he wanted some popcorn. He reached over and put his hand in the tub and was digging around, pushing against the bottom of the tub to grab some popcorn, so basically my best friend is pushing against my boner. I nearly spooged. Part of me wished he'd stop and part of me wished he'd keep going.

Ethan is into comic books, too. He doesn't know I jerk off to them, though. We decide beforehand which ones to buy, and then we trade. He's more into X-Men. I like them too, just not for jerking off to.

We usually read them together. Heh, well, not when I'm reading them for porn purposes. He likes to read them at my house, because no one bugs us. When we read them at his house his brother Wally makes fun of us. Wally is fifteen. When he sees me and Ethan reading Spider-man or Wolverine or whatever, he rolls his eyes and says, "Were they out of Betty and Jughead, kids? You couldn't find any Richie Rich?"

Ethan tells him to shut up but you can tell he's embarrassed. One time Ethan said, "I don't know why you're being a dick. You used to read Batman comics."

Wally said, "Used to, is right. I gave them up around the time my first pube came in. Is that what you're waiting for?"

Now here's the thing. Wally is hot. Not Tom Holland hot or Brenton Thwaites or Ryan Potter hot but those guys are movie stars. Wally is Real Life hot. He has wavy brown hair and brown eyes and dimples and these sexy eyebrows and a smile that goes right to your heart except when it goes right to your dick. Anyway, when he made that comment, naturally it made me wonder about his pubes, and I boned up, which I had to hide from him and Ethan.

And here's the thing. I don't have a big brother and I kind of liked it when Wally teased us. So as much as Ethan liked reading the comic books as my house, I liked reading them at his house. I always hoped Wally would see us and make fun of us, and every time he did, it boned me up.

And here's another thing. When I jerk off to the comics, I get the hardest at parts where someone is being rescued by the hero. And I always put myself in the place of the person being rescued. In the comic books it's usually a woman which sucks, but sometimes it's a guy or even a boy my age, which, hello, super boner!

But the last two times we read comic books at his house Wally hadn't been there. So Saturday Ethan and I were at Metropolis Comics. Ethan picked up the lastest X-men, Wolverine and Wonder Woman and said, "We read at my house the last two times. Your turn."

I couldn't argue with him, and anyway if Wally wasn't going to be home again, there was no reason to read at his house. I picked up Justice League, Titans, The Amazing Spider-man and Superboy, who's a lot hotter than Superman, in my opinion. "Okay. We can stop at Fat Sam's on the way." We paid for the comics and left.

Just so you don't get the wrong idea, we don't really live in Metropolis. That's just the name of the comic shop. If Metropolis was real I'd love to live there, or Capital City or Gotham or even New York (I mean, Peter Parker? Hello!) but we live in a dinky town no one has ever heard of in the middle of Tennessee.

We biked to Fat Sam's and went inside.

"For here or to go?" Fat Sam asked, even though he knew better. See, here's the thing: If we brought a bag from Fat Sam's Sammiches into the house I'd be grounded for sure. My parents hated Fat Sam. He made the best hoagies in town but he was not only super fat he was also super liberal. There were pictures on the wall of Fat Sam with President Obama and Hillary and other people I never heard of. Mom said his antifa ways gave her cramps and if she ever caught me spending money there she'd tan my hide.

So, problem solved, she never catches me spending money here. But hello, for real his Italian Grinder is the best hoagie in Tennessee, so here is where I spend my money when I want lunch.

I didn't even have to tell Fat Sam that's what I wanted cuz that's what I always ordered. As soon as I said, "For here," he hollered, "Number two, extra mayo!" to Enrique in the back. I paid him and took my Coke and Fat Sammich to one of the tables outside. A minute later Ethan joined me with his roast beast and Root Beer. He doesn't even like root bear all that much but drinks it cuz of the way it makes him burp.

Ethan, age 12

I wanted to start reading the comics while we ate but it was too windy. It's too bad Mr. and Mrs. Phillips had sticks up their asses about Fat Sam's cuz last month's Wolverine ended with Wolverine dead for sure. There's no way he can get out of the fix he's in and I'm ready to start reading that first. But I know what will happen if we bring these hoagies to Jacob's house. We could've got McDonald's or something but no way can we betray Fat Sam. He saved our asses once and we owe him.

I take a big chug of root beer and let it percolate. "This is going to be a good one," I tell Jacob.

"You're so gross," he grins.

"BRAWWWWPP!" Half that belch came out of my nose and it made my eyes water. We're both laughing like goobers and the lady with her two little kids at the table next to us gives me a dirty look. "Scuse me," I say, all polite and shit, and me and Jacob laugh all over again.

Our hoagies were halfway gone when six sheriff cars come whipping around the corner. Four of them pull up to the bank across the street. Two of them pull up right in front of Fat Sam's. Sheriff Hasbro gets out of the car closest to us. He glances at the bank where other deputies are getting out of their cars. Some of them have shotguns and some have rifles.

Sheriff Hasbro gives a final look at the bank and then turns to me and Jacob and the lady and her kids. He says, "I need you folks go inside the sandwich shop. Right now, please."

The lady didn't even get her food. She grabbed a hand of each of the kids and dragged them inside Fat Sam's. Jacob said, "What's going on, Sheriff?"

"Just get inside, son," he said. "Go on, now."

We each grabbed our bag of comics and our food and ambled toward the entrance to Fat Sam's, looking across the street. I said, "Is someone robbing the bank?"

"Git!" Sheriff Hasbro barked and we quickened our pace.

Inside the sandwich shop the lady and her kids hid behind the counter. Fat Sam, Jacob and I all stood at the window, peering at the goings on across the street. All we could see were the police cars, with their blue lights flashing, and the deputies crouched behind their cars or their open car doors, staring at the bank. The bank basically looked closed. Nothing was happening as far as we could see.

Then someone set off a flash grenade or something. It got really bright and I had to close my eyes. When I could see again there was some guy on the sidewalk in front of the bank. His calendar was off by a few months because he thought it was Halloween. Or maybe he got lost on the way to Comic- Con. He was dressed in yellow and white spandex. I looked over at Jacob and he was looking at me. I was thinking the guy was clearly loony. I mean every deputy in Laneville has either a shotgun or rifle aimed at him and he didn't seem to care.

Jacob said, "That guy needs a jock strap. You can see his dick!"

That's that least thing I was looking at but now it's the only thing I can focus on. Jacob was right. The guy's costume is skintight and he's obviously not wearing underwear. You can see his balls AND his weener. It's like those awkward boner wrestling pics me and Jacob laugh at. Except sometimes I think Jacob gets an awkward boner of his own when we go through them. Anyway, this guy isn't hard, but there's no doubt he's a guy.

He's wearing a mask, which makes sense with all those deputies there. Laneville isn't one of those dinky towns where everyone knows everyone else, but it's not Nashville, either. Everyone doesn't' know everyone but everyone knows someone who knows someone if that makes sense. This guy is wearing a cloth mask that covers his whole head. It's got these rays or spikes or something coming out of the top. I don't know what they're supposed to be, unless he thinks he's the Statue of Liberty.

Sheriff Hasbro is yelling at him to get the hell off the sidewalk. Captain Spikey Banana lifts his hand in a "there, there" gesture and then the crazy goof walks inside the bank!

Jacob grabs my arm and says, "Did you see that?" even though he knows my eyes are glued across the street.

"is he one of the robbers?" I ask.

But then we hear a shot from inside the bank and Sheriff Hasbro is yelling, "Hold your fire! Hold your fire! There are hostages inside! Do not fire!"

And then that flash grenade thing happens again, but from inside the bank. We can see the windows of the bank get brighter and brighter and then the brightness floods out of the windows onto the street and even though the source of the brightness is inside the bank it's so bright we have to either turn our heads or close our eyes.

And then as quick as is started the bright light is gone and people are running out of the bank shouting, "He saved us!"

I recognize Tilly, the loan officer's secretary, and Bert one of the tellers. Then Mr. Singh, the bank manager came out shouting that the robbers are unconscious inside.

Jacob and I are staring at each other. "Dude," he says. "Laneville has a superhero!"

Jacob, age 13

The news was full of nothing but stories of the Flashbulb. But here's the thing: "Flashbulb" is the lamest name for a superhero ever. First, no one under a hundred years old even knows what a flashbulb is. I had to Google it. And second, screw the news. They only had a few seconds of footage from the bank's cameras which wasn't very clear at all. I was there. I saw the first appearance of a real life honest to God superhero. AND I saw his dick.

Well, I saw the outline of his dick. And the outline of his chest, which is fit as fuck. I mean, okay I have no idea what he looks like under the mask. He might be one of those hundred-year-old guys who knows what a flashbulb is without Googling it. Or he might be a pizza face or cross-eyed, but who cares? He can put the mask on and take the pants off, right?

Oh, who am I kidding? I'll never see him again in person. If I do, it will be standing in line to get his autograph. It doesn't make any difference how hot he is, he's obviously straight. Superman loves Lois Lane, not Louis Lane. But hello, Tom Holland has been replaced. And so has Brenton Thwaites. They live in Hollywood or London or wherever. Flashbulb lives right here in Laneville.

But for real, he needs a better name.

Within a week he was showing up on the news almost every night. Sometimes somebody caught him with their cell phone. Sometimes a business's security cam footage was all the news had. But we never got to see him actually catch the bad guys. Almost as soon as he showed up he used his flashbulb powers and it was so bright the video went white and when the image cleared again he was gone and the bad guys were either tied up, just like in the comics, or else they were out cold.

But before the screen went white, he looked hot as fuck. And his dick was always outlined. Those prudes at Channel 28 blurred it out so I always made sure to watch channel 10.

Ethan and I were over at his house reading comic books except we weren't really reading them. We were talking about Flashbulb. Wally came in eating a Hot Pocket.

"Figures you guy are going ga-ga over that guy," he said.

Ethan said, "Right, like you don't think it's cool having our own superhero?"

Wally said, "He's not so super. All he does is take some crook's photo and the world goes nuts. Even his name is gay."

"He does have a lame name," Ethan said.

"The news people came up with that," I said. "That isn't his fault. There's no way his name is Flashbulb."

"So, what is it?" Wally said.

"Sunshine?" Ethan said.

Wally and I both looked at him. "Gay," we said in unison.

I said, "What about Solar Flare?"

"That sounds like a weather advisory," Wally said.

We watched the TV screen fill with a white light. Ethan and I spoke at the same time. I said, "Bright Star" and he said, "Nova." We nodded at each other in appreciation.

Wally said, "I think he should stick with Flashbulb."

On the TV the screen went back to normal showing a still image of Bright Star/Nova/Flashbulb. It was channel 10 so it wasn't blurred. I started to get a boner and without thinking grabbed my dick and rearranged it so it wouldn't be too obvious. Then I remembered where I was and glanced at Ethan and Wally to make sure they hadn't seen me. Ethan was watching TV but Wally smirked at me. He didn't call me out though. He said, "Later losers. I'm going to work." Wally was a busboy at the 19th Hole, the restaurant at the Laneville Country Club. Nobody I knew was rich enough to be a member.

When he left the news had moved on to another story. Ethan said, "Where do you think he came from? How did he get his powers? Did he always have them, like Superman, or did something happen to give them to him, like Spider-man?"

"I wonder who he really is? He might be sitting next to us in English class."

"No way. He's older than us. Or bigger than us anyway."

"Okay, then he might be bagging our groceries at Pantry Pride. I'm only one year older than Ethan but sometimes it feels like a hundred years separate us. Had Wally been right that day---does Ethan have pubes yet? Does he jerk off? Does he have any idea how hot his brother is? Does seeing the outline of Bright Star's/Nova's/Flashbulb's dick give Ethan a boner? He's probably straight, most guys are, but even so, does he not notice the dick outlined in the yellow spandex? There's so much I want to tell my best friend, but in some ways he's still just a little kid.

The way Wally smirked at me when he caught me adjusting my boner earlier make me wonder if maybe I can talk to him about it. I don't have any brothers and sisters and Wally has always been like a big brother to me. But it's hard (ha!) to talk to him about stuff when he's the one I sometimes get hard over in the first place.

I'm tired of living in my own version of Smallville. I'm ready to move to Metropolis, where I can be myself.

Ethan, age 12

Mrs. Riley wrote on the whiteboard. "A good way to remember the order is think 'foil.' First, Outside, Inside, Last. That's the order you should work the problem. Ethan, why don't you come up and work this example?"

"No, thank you," I say.

"I beg your pardon?"

Mrs. Riley isn't the only one looking at me. I'm no teacher's pet but I've never flat out disobeyed a teacher before. "I can't solve the problem. Maybe someone else can."

"You haven't even tried yet. Don't be afraid of getting it wrong. I'll help you."

"I think you should help someone else."

"Ethan, what's the matter with you? Come up here and work this problem."

Gabe Horsely raised his hand. He IS a teacher's pet. He said, "He can't, Mrs. Riley. He has a spontaneous erection and he doesn't want us to see it."

Everyone laughed. Everyone except me and Mrs. Riley and Gabe. Gabe looked like the smug asshole he is. Mrs. Riley and I had a contest to see which of us could turn the reddest. If I had a superpower I wouldn't be a hero. I'd be a super villain. I'd use my powers on jerks like Gabe. But I don't need superpowers to kick his ass. After school me and him are going to have a little chat.

Just then the principal came over the intercom. "Code black. Code black. This is not a drill."

Mrs. Riley ran to the classroom door and locked it. Some of the kids just sat at their desks looking numb. Others started crying. "Move!" Mrs. Riley shouted.

Code Black. Active shooter. That's one way to cure a spontaneous erection.

Jacob, age 13

I have first lunch. I was in the cafeteria when Mr. Nocerini announced the code black, which is the worst place to be. There's no place to hide. The doors don't lock. Some of the people ran out into the hall which we're not supposed to do. The Rest of us followed the drill and tipped the tables over, dumping food onto the floor. We ducked down behind the upended tables.

I heard gunshots from the hallway, and people screaming. Shit. The shooter was right outside the cafeteria. Or shooters. How many were there? The people who ran out-had they just been shot, or had they got away? One of the teachers in the cafeteria yelled at us to silence our phones just as three people came into the cafeteria. I saw them through the crack where the long tables folded in half when they were put away. They were dressed in black and carried rifles. Or Uzis. Fuck, I don't know what kind of guns they were. Other guns were strapped to their backs.

They pointed the guns at the tables. So much for our hiding places. I didn't think they were bulletproof. I started texting my mom, telling her I love her. I was still tapping on the phone when the room suddenly filled with a bright light. I tried to keep my eye open, but even squinting, the light was too intense and I had to close my eyes. Even that wasn't enough and I covered my eyes with my hands. I heard the gunmen shouting, then their guns firing, then silence.

I stood up, which was dumb. The light started to dim. It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust but I saw the masked hero standing over the three unconscious gunmen. He turned and saw me. "Are you okay?" he asked in a hoarse voice, like he was disguising it.

I nodded. "Thank you," I said.

"People in the hall are hurt. Call the police and tell them it's safe to come in." He turned to go.

"Wait!" My eyes had fully adjusted now. I was close enough to him to see the outline of his dick. "Why don't you wear underwear?"

He laughed, forgetting to disguise his voice and he sounded like a regular person. "Reporters keep asking Who is this stranger? How can he do the things he does? Is he really on the side of law and order? Can he be trusted? Where does he come from? Where has he been? You? You ask why I don't wear underwear."

"It's just. I can see your dick."

"Only because you're looking."

Other people were standing up now, listening to us. The room got bright again, but not so bright we were blinded this time. He said, "Get help for the people in the hall." When the light was gone, so was he. The teacher who'd told us to silence our phones called 911.

Xander Cooper had been hiding behind the table with me. Now he stood next to me. "So why were you staring at his junk, Phillips?"

"It's not like I can look him in the eye. I mean it's right there."

"He ain't bashful," Xander agreed.

We had to stay inside until the cops said we could leave. We peeked in the hallway but I wish we hadn't. It wasn't anything like in the movies or TV. Eight people had been shot. Only one lived. It could have been a lot worse. If it hadn't been for Flashbulb, everyone in the cafeteria, including me, would have died too.

On the news that night there was finally an interview, sort of, with the guy who saved us. Sheriff Hasbro asked him what happened. He said, he stopped the shooters is all. "But how?" The Sheriff said.

Before he could answer one of the reporters shouted, "Flashbulb! Flashbulb!"

The kid in yellow turned to the reporter and said, "Stop calling me that. My name is Bright Star."


Saturday Ethan spent the night at my house. If we'd spent the night at his place there was a chance I might see Wally in his underwear but that meant there was also a chance his whole family would see me with a boner, so it was probably for the best that we were at my house.

We were in the basement on the air bed we used for company. I just had a twin sized bed in my room. Too small for us to share and it was dumb for him to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag. The airbed was plenty big enough for both of us.

"What do you suppose he does after he makes it go bright?" Ethan said.

"I don't know. In the cafeteria we were just blinded. I guess he kicks ass when the bad guys can't see."

"I guess. But they had guns and shit. I bet that light does other stuff. Like hypnotizes them or paralyzes them or something."

"That would be a cool power to have."

"Yeah," Ethan agreed. After a few seconds he said, "What would you do if you could hypnotize anyone? Make them do what you wanted?"

My thoughts went to Wally. "I don't know," I lied. "What would you do?"

"I guess it depends on who it was. I'd make Fat Sam give me free food." He looked at me and leered. "I'd make Abby Hall suck my dick."

I didn't know if he was serious or just trying talk like he thought the other guys at school did. I still wasn't sure he jacked off, or was old enough to cum, or even had pubes. "Really?" I said.

"What? You don't think Abby is hot?"

"Yeah, she's hot as fuck," I said, hoping I sounded like I meant it. "I just never heard you talk about blowjobs before. I didn't know you were into stuff like that yet."

He blushed. "Don't tell Wally but I saw him playing with himself. He was in the living room looking at something on his phone and doing it. He didn't know I was home. I watched till he finished and then went to my room and tried it. Oh man! I've been missing out! Do you do it?"

That fucker! He got to see Wally jerking off! He saw Wally's cock! Hard! More than anything I wanted to ask him what it looked like but of course I didn't. I started to say that I've been jerking off for nearly a year but then it occurred to me that Ethan and Wally are brothers. They're not twins but they look similar. Maybe their dicks are similar. I can't see Wally's dick but I wonder if Ethan's dick looks like a younger version of it.

I said, "No I don't do it. I'm not really sure how it works."

Ethan looked surprised and then superior. He doesn't often know stuff I don't know. "You need to figure it out, Jacob. For real. It's the best thing in the world!"

I glanced at the basement stairs. Mom and Dad never bothered us when Ethan slept over. I said, "I've tried, but I must be doing it wrong." I felt bad for lying to my best friend, but the thought of seeing a younger version of Wally's dick kept me going. "Do you think you could show me how?"

His eyes got big. "I don't know, dude. You watching me would be kinda gay, wouldn't it?"

"Was it gay when you watched Wally? I'm just asking you to show me, the way he showed you. Come on, help me out, man."

"I'm not even hard," he said, but I could tell from his voice that he was giving in.

"How do you get hard when you do it? What gives you a boner?"

He stared off into space. "I think of Abby naked, or her doing stuff to me."

"What kind of stuff?" I asked him. "Close your eyes and imagine Abby's here with no clothes on and tell me what she's doing. But take your clothes off too so you can show me how to jack off."

He sighed. "Okay, but you owe me.'

"I know. And I won't forget."

I thought he would just pull his jeans and underwear down but he started by taking off his shirt. He was going to get completely naked. I've seen him with no shirt on a million times so I didn't care about that, but then all of a sudden I did. This was different than the other times I saw him with no shirt on. I started to get hard watching him and all he'd done was take off his shirt. His armpits were as bare as mine. His belly still had baby fat on it. He had no discernible abs. As many times as I've seen his tits I'd never really noticed them before. They were kinda poofy. Like a girl just starting to grow tits. His nipples were also a little poofy.

He pulled his pants down. He gave me a nervous look then closed his eyes again. "Don't laugh," he said. He reached for his briefs and slid them down.

A small patch of reddish-brown hairs sprouted just over his penis, which was still soft. His balls were larger than I thought they'd be and hung loosely beneath his dick. I felt a lot more grown up than I had a couple of seconds ago. I whispered, "What is Abby doing that makes you hard?" I wondered if Wally's dick looked that when he was Ethan's age. Man, I wish I knew what it looked like now. Since Ethan couldn't see me, I rubbed my boner through my pants.

Ethan reached for his two-inch dick. "She's naked," he said. "And she kisses me." Ugh. Hearing about him and a girl was almost debonerating but I pretended to care.

"Nice," I lied. "Then what?" His dick started to thicken, which WAS nice.

"She lets me play with her tits."

"Like this?" I reached for his poofy nipples and ran my fingers softly across them.

He gasped and his dick lurched and thickened more. "Yeah," he whispered. "Like that. Geez, Jacob, that feels awesome. No wonder girls like it." Neither of us had any firsthand experience of what girls liked. His dick was now fully hard. He grabbed it between his thumb and pointer finger and started stroking it.

I pictured Wally at twelve years old. I couldn't help myself and moved my hand from Ethan's tits to his boner. "Does Abby do this?" I said softly.

He gasped again. "Yeah," he groaned. He moved his hand away, letting me masturbate him. Now that he knew how it felt to have his nipples played with he moved his hand to his boy tits and stroked and pinched them while I jacked his cock. It took all of my willpower not to go down on him, but I was already pushing things. This was supposed to be a lesson on how to jack off. I was supposed to be the innocent one.

"Do it faster, Jacob," he said. "And play with my balls with your other hand. That's the right way to do it," he added. "For when you do it to yourself."

He got lost in his fantasy and started calling me Abby. I didn't care. This was the hottest thing I'd ever done. "Do it," I whispered. "Show me how you cum."

"I'm close Abby. Oh yeah, baby, I'm gonna squirt. Grab it harder."

I did as he asked, tightening my grip on his cock. His balls had pulled up tighter to his body and I rubbed them harder. I even gave them a little squeeze, not enough to hurt. He grunted when I did that. I leaned over his crotch and spit on the head of his cock. When I used my saliva as lube he opened his eyes in surprise. I jacked him even faster and he groaned so loud I was afraid my parents would hear. Then his hips were bucking and he called out Abby's name and cum that was so watery it was nearly clear shot out of his cock. I kept stroking him while two more blasts of boy cum landed on his belly.

Then he grabbed my hand, forcing me to stop jacking him. "Stop!" he shouted. "No more!"

I stopped stroking but didn't let go until I realized the lesson had ended and this was definitely gay territory. I released his cock which continued to twitch and throb. "Jesus, Jacob," Ethan said. "You don't owe me anymore. I thought regular jacking off was good but that----I can't describe it."

I pulled out my own boner, about the same size as his. He looked at it and smiled. "Looks like you're ready to try it yourself."

He didn't offer to help, but he was pretty wiped out. He fell asleep watching me.

Before I could bust my nut the room suddenly grew so bright I had to first squint, and then close my eyes against the blinding light. I felt hot breath in my ear as a hoarse voice whispered, "You seem to like looking at my dick. I thought it was only fair that I got to see yours."

As bright as it was in the basement I didn't know how he could see anything, let alone my dick. Then I felt something warm and wet on my cock. The warmth could be attributed to the bright light, or to some other power of Bright Star's that I had yet to experience, but the wet---My dick was in his mouth. He was blowing me.

His tongue slid along the head of my cock. I don't know how Ethan slept through the bright light, or my groans. Maybe he was right and Bright Star had hypnotic powers. Maybe this was just a very intense dream and none of it was real.

His mouth was now sliding up and down my cock which had never been so hard. And then his finger was pushing against my asshole, not hard enough to go inside me, just kind of rubbing it. A warmth filled me, entering my body from my anus, making my cock throb. His other hand was jacking me off as his mouth and tongue worked the head of my dick.

His finger pushed harder against my boy pussy and the warmth inside me got warmer, almost hot and suddenly I was cumming, but not like any cum I'd had before. It wasn't that it more intense, though it was, but it lasted longer. You know how when you first cum, the very beginning, how you hold your breath and your dick seems to swell and your balls scrunch up to expel your sperms, and for like five or ten seconds everything is focused on that incredible feeling, and then your balls and dick seem to take a breath, getting ready to shoot out the second blast of cum? Here's the thing. That first part of the orgasm, where my dick and balls and lungs and everything else is holding its breath while Cum Electricity is at work, making the whole orgasm thing worthwhile---it never stopped. It just kept going and going and going, with no time out for my balls and dick to take a breath to shoot out the next squirt. The first squirt never ended. It was a Super Cum and after nearly a full minute of it, I passed out.

When I woke up the room was dark, except for the light from the bathroom and the basement windows. No one was in the basement with me except Ethan. My pants were down around my ankles but there wasn't a drop of cum anywhere, As if every drop had been swallowed.

Chapter two is coming soon...

Next: Chapter 2

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