Bright Star

By Butters2020

Published on Feb 13, 2022


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Bright Star



Chapter Two

Ethan, age 12

I wish I'd never showed Jacob how to wank. He's acted weird ever since that night. I decided the best thing to do was just pretend it never happened. But then a few days after the sleepover we were sitting on one of the stone tables outside Fat Sam's eating our Fat Sammies and he kept staring across the street at the bank where Bright Star first showed up. I still can't believe Jacob guessed his name right. Nova is so much cooler.

My plan to pretend the Wank Lesson never happened was ruined when Jacob finally took his eyes off the bank and turned to me. Without even leading up to it he said, "What's the strongest you ever cummed?"

I nearly choked on my Fat Sammich. "What?"

He took a sip of his soda. "Well. Here's the thing: sometimes I cum really hard and it's like, 'Whoa, that was the best ever! I wish they were all like that!' And other times it's like it happens when I'm not looking. It sneaks up on me. One minute I'm playing with my boner and then it's like, 'Wait, where did that sperm come from? I wasn't ready.' I mean it felt okay but not fireworks, you know?"

That's a lot of wanking to do in just three days. I wondered if he'd been one hundred percent honest with me when he'd said he didn't know how to masturbate. But I nodded my head because there was one time when my brain was still building up to the cum but my dick was ahead of me or something and it spermed before I was ready for it, if that makes sense.

When I nodded, Jacob went on. "Okay. But on the opposite side of cumming with no fireworks, have you ever cummed so hard you literally passed out?"

He didn't use the word Literally the same way I did. I was always saying things like I'm literally starving to death, but if Jacob ever said that, if he didn't get something to eat he would honest to God fall down dead of malnutrition. I said, "Not 'literally.' The closest I came was when you pretended to be Abby at your house the other night. Have you? Passed out from cumming?"

He didn't answer but looked at the bank again. Man, I was regretting that wank lesson, even though it felt freaking fantastic when he played with my dick and tits. Ever since that night I always play with my nipples when I wank.

Jacob almost sounded like he was talking to himself instead of to me. "Maybe it doesn't happen when you jerk off. Maybe it has to be a more intense cum. Like a blowjob."

I said, "I wish we could find out. It'll be a while before we get our dicks sucked, though. In real life I mean. Abby sucks me nearly every night in my head." Danged if I wasn't starting to get a boner. And just my luck who came up on his bike but Gabe Horsley, the Spontaneous Erection Expert. I scootched closer to the table, making sure my crotch couldn't be seen.

Gabe got off his bike. "Wazzup? Well, I know what's up with Ethan." He grabbed his junk and tugged it.

"Keep looking, you'll find it eventually," I said. He laughed and went inside Fat Sam's. He came out a few minutes later and without asking sat at the table with me and Jacob. He unwrapped a tuna sub and took a bite. He gagged, made a face, but kept chewing.

Jacob said, "What's wrong with you? Fat Sam makes the best sammiches in town."

"I hate tuna," Gabe said.

Me and Jacob traded looks. I said, "Then why did you get a tuna sub?"

Gabe forced himself to swallow and took a big gulp of his Mountain Dew. "They say that's what pussy tastes like. I'm trying to learn to like it. Or least build up a tolerance. I don't want to gag the first time I go down on a girl."

"Well, you have plenty of time. At least forty or fifty years," Jacob said.

"Fuck you," Gabe said. He took another bite of the sandwich and retched. I wondered If Abby's pussy really tasted like tuna fish. It's a good thing I already like it.

Jacob, age 13

It must have been a wet dream. No way did Bright Star show up in my basement and go down on me.

But here's the thing: it couldn't have been a wet dream. There's was no spooge on me when I woke up. Unless Ethan cleaned it up, which hello, Mr. Dreams about fucking Abby Hall, would hardly clean up my spooge. So, okay it had to be a dry dream. Because who passes out from cumming? No one, that's who.

But damn, dream or not, that was the most intense cum of my life, even if it was only a dream cum. I wonder if I had the dream because I jerked off Ethan. He was so hard. I don't think my own dick gets that hard but then again no one else have ever played with mine. I wonder if I would get that hard if someone else jerked me off. Or maybe he was so stiff because I played with his poofy titties. He definitely liked that. I bet that's what put the steel in his boner.

I wonder if he would come closer to passing out if he got a blowjob like I did? I mean like I dreamed. I can't give him the warm light feeling that dream Bright Star gave me but even without that, I don't think he would complain about getting a beej. I'm not so sure I could get away with rubbing his butt hole like mine was rubbed in the dream. That's too bad cuz here's the thing: I think I want to rub Ethan's butt hole.

Was it a dream? I don't remember falling asleep. It was so real.

Gabe grabbed his dick and said something about Ethan getting it up. I have no idea what they're talking about. Gabe is kinda buff. I've never seen anyone our age that was that fit. Ethan told him to keep looking and maybe he'll find his dick. I wouldn't mind helping him look. I almost ask him if he's ever passed out from cumming but I come to my senses just as he goes inside the sub shop.

Now he's yammering about pussies and wanting to eat them out and I nearly gagged harder than him. I love tuna fish. But here's the thing: now that I know it tastes like pussy, I'll probably never eat it again.

Ethan, Age 12

It was my turn to be the Spend The Night house. Which meant Wally would be his usual assholey self until he got bored teasing us. Dad grilled burgers and franks for supper. Mom bought potato salad to go with them. While we ate Wally did pervy things with his hotdog, pretending it was a weener and he was doing blowjobs on it. I just rolled my eyes and called him a homo but Jacob turned all kinds of red and told him to cut it out. That was funny cuz usually he's the one who isn't bothered by the shit Wally does and I'm the one who gets mad.

"Oh, before I forget," I told Jacob, "Our youth group is going to Dollywood next Saturday. You're coming with us, right?" Jacob's church has prayer meetings and stuff but they hardly ever do anything fun. His folks don't like him going to my "liberal" church but they're okay with him coming with us to fun stuff like Dollywood, as long as he doesn't actually attend church.

"Sure!" he said.

"Oh, great," Wally said. "One more dweeb to babysit."

"You're going, too?" Jacob said.

"Say hello to one of the Sr. Youth Group Chaperones," Wally said. Then he blowjobbed another hotdog and Jacob turned all kinds of red again. Mom hit Wally on the back of the head and told him to stop being gross. He said, "Geez, Mom, you nearly made me choke on my weener!" which made me and Jacob both laugh so at least Jacob was back to normal.

Whenever Jacob spends the night we sleep in the guest room instead of my room cuz it has two beds in it. After dinner Wally left to go do whatever he does and me and Jacob went to the guestroom to play "Spider-man: Miles Morales" on PS4.

We'd been playing for half an hour or so when Jacob said, "I just realized, in the movies, and even in the comics, all the superheroes must wear jock straps or cups."

"What are you talking about?" I said.

"Their uniforms are skintight. You can see all their muscles and stuff but you can't see any of their dicks, like you can Bright Star's." He paused the game. "See? No dick on Spider-man. He's like a Ken doll."

"You're dick obsessed," I said, wondering what a Ken doll was. "He's duking it out with bad guys. Wouldn't you wear a cup? Can we keep playing?"

"I would, but what do they need cups for? Don't they have super balls? Bright Star doesn't wear a cup." He unpaused the game and we kept playing.

At ten Mom hollered that it was time for bed. It was time to turn out the lights but no way was it time to go to sleep.

"Hey, watch this," Jacob said. He got out of his bed and went to his backpack across the room. Yep, he wasn't wearing a cup. We were already dressed for bed and he wore a pair of light blue briefs. His weener and balls weren't outlined and on display like Bright Star's but I could see the lump they made in the briefs. It made me think of the wanking lesson the other night and I had to reach between my legs and shift a developing boner.

When Jacob got to his backpack he took out a roll of Wint-o-green Lifesavers. He took them back to his side of the room and sat on the side of the bed. "Turn off the TV." I did, which put the room in almost total darkness. He was just a shadow to me now as he opened the roll of candy and popped one in his mouth. I heard a crunch as he bit down on it and then I saw a blue-green spark in his mouth, like a tiny bolt of lightning.

"Cool!" I said. "How do you do that?"

"It's the candy," he said. "I don't know how it works but when you bite down on it hard it sparks. It also works if you use pliers on them but that's not as freaky. It only seems to work with Wint- o-Green, though."

"Let me try," I said. It was dark enough that if he'd tossed them to me I never would have been able to catch them, so I got out of bed and walked over to him. My boner had gone down some and it was dark so I didn't worry about Jacob seeing it, but it turned out I should have.

I stood in front of him and held out my hand for the candy. He raised his hand to pass the roll to me. When he did his hand brushed against my half boner and we both kind of froze. Instead of giving me the candy he used his other hand to flat out rub my weener which brought it back to full bone in no time. "Dude," I said.

"Ethan, do you think it's really possible to cum so hard you pass out?"

I put my hand on his to stop him from rubbing me, even though part of me wanted him to keep doing it. I sat next to him on the bed. "I don't know. Why are you keeping on about that?"

"No reason."

I could tell he was lying.

He said, "Jerking off is great."

"It sure is!" I agreed.

"But if there was a scale of cums, I reckon jerking off would be at the bottom."

"You're insane," I told him. "Wanking is the best."

"Here's the thing," he said. "Jerking cums are great, but they're not the best. Think about it. Blow jobs have got to be better than jerking. And fucking has got to be better than blow jobs."

"Yeah, that makes sense," I said.

We sat there in silence for a bit. It seemed like we were done talking so I got up. Then Jacob said, "You remember last week at my house?"

So, we weren't going to pretend it never happened. "Yeah," I said slowly.

"When I pretended to be Abby. And I, you know. Rubbed on your tit and played with your cock."

"I remember," I said. My voice sounded husky and I suddenly super bonered.

"You seemed like you had a really good cum."

"Oh yeah. To be honest it was the best cum I ever had. But I didn't pass out," I reminded him.

He reached for my boner again, rubbing it. I couldn't help it---I moaned. He said, "Maybe if I pretended to be Abby again? And gave you an even better cum. One higher on the scale." He slipped his fingers under the elastic waistband of my Hanes and pulled them away from body, then over my boner before sliding the underwear down my legs. I kicked them off and stood naked in front of my best friend.

His fingers feathered over my nuts making me shiver. He used his pointer finger to trace up my shaft and over the throbbing head of my boner and I moaned again. "Jeez, Jacob. Are you sure this isn't gay?"

"I don't care." he said, giving me a stroke. I knew I'd care later but right now I didn't care, either. I just didn't want him to stop. While he played with my twitching weener I ran my fingers softly over my nipples which grew hard and pointy, not like the soft puffy nips they usually were. I was watching him play with my dick so when he looked up to see me playing with my tits our eyes met and what we were doing became more real, and a wave of doubt and shame washed over me. I pulled back but he reached around and his hands were on my ass, not letting me back away.

He let go of my butt and pulled my hands away from my boy tits. His face was practically at my chest anyway so he didn't have far to go. He kind of tilted his head up and stuck his tongue out and licked my right nipple. I thought it felt good when I gently ran my finger over it, but that was nothing compared to his tongue sliding across my nubbin. I had a new appreciation for the "cum scale" he'd been talking about a few minutes ago. "Oh jeeps, oh man, oh geez," I said. He kept licking my titty while his fingers played with my nuts. My boner was bouncing up and down, begging for attention. I almost reached for it myself but then instead of just licking my nipple Jacob bit down on it, just once, making me yelp. Then he was sucking it. Sucking and licking and I thought I was going to cum right then. I wasn't moaning anymore I just whimpered.

He gave my right nipple a final kiss, then licked his way across my chest to my left nipple and gave it the same treatment, licking, biting and sucking, and all the while rolling my balls in his fingers but ignoring my boner which was throbbing so hard it nearly hurt.

"Jacob, I gotta cum, man. For real, it's hurting."

He released my tit and finally grabbed my cock but didn't wank it. I growled in frustration. But then he leaned over and his tongue was sliding over the head of my dick and I had to bite my fist to keep from crying out. I decided I didn't care if this was 100% gay, queer of the year, it was the best freaking thing I ever felt except it wasn't, because he stopped licking and sucked my dick into his mouth and THAT was the best thing I ever felt.

My whole dick was in his mouth. I'm not sure what all he was doing, but he was sucking and licking and moving his head back and forth and swirling his tongue over my boner and I think he was humming or moaning himself but whatever he was doing, I wanted it to last forever, but there was no way I was going to last more than two seconds.

"Jacob! I can't help it! I'm gonna---" I was trying to tell him to pull off but that was as far as I got before I grunted and my dick spasmed. "Unnh! Ahh!" After just trying to tell him to pull off I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him to my crotch, trying to shove my boner deeper into his mouth while I spurted again and again. He didn't try to pull off but swallowed my sperms, still licking the head of my dick which was now twitching in his mouth, no longer giving him anything to swallow.

The head of my dick started to hurt when he licked it and instead of pulling him to me I tried to push him away, but like before he grabbed me by my ass and wouldn't let me go, still sucking and licking my dick. "Please! Stop!" He finally let me go. Even in the dark I could see that my dick was slick with his spit. "Man!" I said, trying to catch my breath. "That was amazing!"

"You didn't pass out." He sounded disappointed.

Jacob, age 13.

It turned out the Dollywood trip wasn't just Ethan's and Wally's youth group, but some kind of combined Episcopal city-wide youth thing. So instead of the 15 of 20 youth from his church there were over a hundred kids, a whole mob of us. We were broken up into two groups so that we could all see as much of the park as possible without clogging up whatever rides we were on. Half of us were doing the water park the first half of the day while the other half did the thrill ride half of the park. We'd all meet for lunch together at one of the reserved pavilions and then swap parks. Ethan's and Wally's youth group was in the bunch doing the thrill rides first.

Here's the thing: I'm not super into heights so I call them terror rides, not thrill rides, but I went on the darn things anyway. I don't know how I kept from shitting myself on those frigging roller coasters.

I was looking forward to lunch time when we would swap over to the water park. It would be nice not to have any more heart attacks, plus, hello, Wally in a bathing suit? Yes, please.

Not all of the thrill rides were bad. Dizzy Disk was fun. Daredevil Falls was a log flume ride and they aren't as bad as roller coasters, so I wasn't too worried about that one.

We'd been in line at Daredevil Falls for a while and had finally made it to the front. The girl working there had enormous hooters and Ethan was staring at them or he would have noticed that when he got on the ride she pointed him to, he took the last spot. I wouldn't be on the same one as him. That's what he gets for staring at her boobs and not paying attention. If he had been he would have told her he'd wait for the next log.

But it worked our for me cuz that meant I got to sit next to Wally. We went through the turnstile thingy to our log ride but instead of going to the seat at the very front he held me back so the people behind us could get that seat and then he pointed to the very last seat. "I hate getting splashed and the front seat gets it the worst."

It was a hot day and I wouldn't mind getting wet to cool off. But Splash Country was less than an hour away. We'd be doing the water slides and shit for two or three hours then. I wondered what kind of bathing suit Wally had. I hoped it was a speedo but I'm never that lucky. I guess I could wait till then to get wet. "Okay, if you say so," I said.

Wally winked at me and said, "You telling me you like getting it on you? I figured you were the kind who covers himself with a t-shirt." I turned super red AND got hard at the same time so it was a good thing we were already seated. He tousled my hair to let me know he was just teasing me and that made me blush even more, never mind what it made my hardon do even more, but it also made me grin. I reached up and tousled his hair back. He laughed and that made me even harder which I didn't think was possible. I don't know how my cock didn't just explode.

The ride started out just drifting down the fake river, bumping along the sides of the flume or whatever it is. Music played on hidden intercoms. A dragonfly flitted in front of me, grazing my nose before flying away.

This was great. Or it would have been if no one else was there. Me and Wally, floating down the (fake) river to the sound of lapping water and country music, smiling and goofing on each other. After a minute of this perfectness though, the log bumped into the chain thing that pulls it up the ramp. I'd seen enough of that chain on all the roller coasters we'd been on. It grabbed our log and up we went, higher and higher. When we got to the top we'd go plunging down into the pool below where the people in front of us would get super splashed, but me and Wally would hopefully just get a little bit wet.

We never made it to the top. We heard a boom off in the distance. I looked up. The sky was blue. The few clouds were white. No storms were heading our way. There was another boom, closer and louder, and the chain stopped pulling us up the ramp. The intercoms piping in the music grew silent.

We were high enough now that we could see other parts of the park through the trees. It looked like all of Dollywood had been hit by a power failure. "Wally?" I said, trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice.

"Sit tight. I'm sure they have backup generators."

There were stairs next to the ramp the chain was pulling us up. Water still flowed down the incline, but at a much lower rate. The log was no longer floating but sitting on the ramp in a shallow puddle. One of the people in front of us said to Wally, "You can sit tight if you want, kid. These stairs are here for a reason." He and his family climbed out of the log and stepped into the fake river. It was only ankle deep. We heard another noise, different from the two booms we heard earlier. This was more like the cracking of a whip. Sparks shot out of the motor that had been cranking the chain. The people standing in the water all screamed and stood like statues for a few seconds before falling over, either unconscious or dead.

"What the fuck?" I yelled and started to jump out of the log to get the hell away from this death trap.

Wally grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. "Don't! The second you step in that water you'll be electrocuted."

I looked around. Instead of music and lapping water, now we heard people screaming. "What are we going to do? What's going on?"

Wally took my hand. "Jacob, look at me." He had to say it again before I focused on him. "I really wish you weren't here right now, but there's nothing to be done about it. You can't tell anyone what you're about to see, do you understand? No one. Not even Ethan. Especially not Ethan. Understand?"

"Tell anyone? You mean about those people?" I pointed to the bodies in the water.

"I mean this," he said. The sunlight seems to shine brighter on him. His skin got really bright. He was still holding my hand and it felt really warm. I realized I'd felt that warmth before and my eyes grew wide but then I had to close them because Wally was so bright I couldn't look at him.

"You?" I said, really wishing I could see him. He squeezed my hand once before letting it go. Then I felt myself being lifted up and a moment later I was on the pavement at the entrance to Daredevil Falls. The light dimmed but didn't go away. I could barely make him out through the brightness. "Stay here," he said. "I'm going to get Ethan off his log and then help whoever else needs it. I'll be back as soon as I can. And remember. No one." He tousled my hair again. "Sorry you can't see my dick this time. I left the spandex at home."

And then Bright Star was gone.

chapter 3 coming soon-- Butters

Next: Chapter 3

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