Bright Star

By Butters2020

Published on Mar 6, 2022


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Bright Star



Chapter Three

Ethan, age 12

Between the counselors the school brought in after the shooting and the counselors the church brought in after the attack at Dollywood, I've been counseled so much I can answer their questions before they ask them.

Jacob hasn't said hardly anything about that day. Maybe he's more freaked about it than I am. I told him about the counselors at church but either he doesn't want to see them or his parents won't let him cuz they're from my 'liberal' church. I think even Wally has noticed. He keeps asking me how Jacob is, and when is Jacob coming over again, and all that.

Meanwhile, every time I see Jacob he asks about Wally. All they do is ask about each other. I mean I know they were both on the log flume together and were saved by Bright Star, but it's like it made them soulmates or something. And that's another thing. The log I was on had already gone down the ramp and splashed in the water when the power went out. The momentum or whatever, kept us drifting to the exit. I was off the ride when Bright Star suddenly showed up and asked if everyone was okay and told us not to touch the electrified water. I wish I hadn't already gotten off the log. That's twice Jacob was saved by Bright Star and I haven't been saved by him even once. I mean, I don't go all googoo over him like Jacob does but come on---being saved by a superhero has to be the coolest thing ever.

And that's another thing. Why is Jacob so googoo over him? He thinks I don't know but he's always starting at Star's dick, which I admit is hard not to stare at since it's right there. But that's not all. I mean he gave me a beej. Jacob not only sucked my cock he let me cum in his mouth. I'm beginning to think he's gay or something. I'm not gay, even though I let him wank me and suck me. I just like cumming. Gay, straight, curious, I don't know what he is, but I admit I want him to do it again. Geez that was a great cum. I'm hard now thinking about it.

Wally, age 15

I'm still not sure what all I can do. And I don't know why I was the only one who got powers from the space mold. Me, Jamie Horsley and his little brother Gabe were hiking in the woods last year when we found the space rock. We didn't know that's what it was when we found it. We just knew it didn't belong in the woods. It was different than all the other rocks and there were like scorch marks along the ground where it landed and skidded or rolled. It was about the size of a bowling ball. When we picked it up it was still warm, almost hot, like it was making its own heat. We passed it around and when I was holding it, it suddenly got hotter and I dropped it. When I did it cracked in half. It wasn't hollow but the inside of it had streaks of this glowing green stuff.

The Space Mold.

It got all over me. When it did, my whole body tingled. Then the tingle seemed to get stronger in my chest, and then in my dick, even though I didn't get any on either place. I tried to flick the green stuff off me. Some of it got on Gabe. He thought I did it on purpose. He wiped it off on a tree trunk and cursed me out. Meanwhile my chest and dick were still tingling until it felt like I busted a nut. I was wearing shorts and when I looked down there wasn't a wet spot. But I was hard. Jamie and Gabe laughed at me but I didn't laugh back or tell them to fuck off because I was having another orgasm, stronger than the first one.

Gabe made a noise, a cross between a grunt and a squeak. I could tell by his face that he was cumming, too. It had to be the space mold. I wanted to take it home, and smear it all over me. Finally, the cums stopped and the tingle stopped and I was back to normal.

Until a week later. It was dark when I came home from work. No one was home and the front door was locked. The only light came from a streetlamp at the corner. It was barely enough to see the lock and I was having trouble putting the key in and the next thing I know I had somehow amplified the dim light until it was a lot brighter. That was the first time the powers showed up.

I'm a pro at them now, but I still can only amplify light; I can't create it. Light isn't the only thing I have control over. Ever since that day in the woods, when I jack off-oh my god. And based on how Jacob nutted when I rubbed his asshole while I sucked him, I can give the same feelings to others.

I just hate that he knows who I am now. One thing those comics he and Ethan read got right: if people knew that Bright Star was really Wally Irwin, none of my family or friends would be safe.

I didn't know what a perv I was until I had these cum powers. Last night I gave Ethan a wet dream and I never touched him. I just used the light/cum power on him from the doorway while he slept and his little boy cock suddenly tented his boxers and then he came. A lot. The front of his boxers were soaked. When he woke up the next morning I bet he thought he pissed himself.

Jacob, age 13

I want to see Wally so bad. Now that I know who he is. And what he did to me that night. I wonder if he'd do it again, but as himself instead of Bright Star. Knowing he's the one who sucked me off makes me hard whenever I think about it.

So, I definitely try not to think about it when I'm out in public. So, my dick was normal when I raised my hand in Social Studies and asked if I could go to the bathroom. I used to go at lunch but so does everyone else. I kept chubbing up at the urinals. Since I don't want to be seen with a boner, I started going during class instead. Mr. Clodfelter sighed. "The bell is going to ring in less than twenty minutes. Can't you hold it till then?"

"I really gotta go bad," I said. He gave me the hall pass and told me to hurry up. I went to the boy's room down the hall and emptied my bladder. I was just finishing up when the door opened and Gabe Horsely came in.

There are three urinals and two stalls in the boy's room. I was at Urinal Number 1. Bathroom Rules say that Gabe should have gone to Urinal Number 3, leaving an empty one between us. Instead, he went to number 2, right next to me.

I stared straight ahead but could tell he was fishing his dick out of his fly. "Hey," he said, breaking another Bathroom Rule. We're here to urinate not conversate.

"Uh, hey," I said. I decided if he can break the Bathroom Rules, so can I. So, I darted my eyes to the right to try to sneak a peek at his junk. Holy crap, he was stroking it, working it into a boner! I meant to just look straight ahead again and pretend I hadn't noticed, but my stupid dick started getting hard.

"You must like what you saw," Gabe said.

"What do you mean?" I kept my eyes off the wall in front of me.

"I mean you start getting hard the second you see my cock."

I finally looked at him. He was still stroking. "Are you jerking off?"

"I'm horny. Don't you jack off when your horny?"

I had a full on boner now and was trying to put it back in my fly but it wasn't easy. "When I'm at home," I said.

"Wank free, wherever you be, or blue balls will be the death of me," he said in a sing song voice. Then he said, "So if you jack off when you're horny why aren't you jacking off now? Cuz Dude, you're obviously horny. I didn't know you were so into my cock."

"I'm not!"

"Bullshit." He never slowed down stroking his dick which was now one hundred percent hard. He looked down at it and let a string of spit fall out of his mouth and land on the mushroom shaped head of his boy dick and smeared it over his boner as lube. "I see how you look at me when you think I'm not looking. Don't worry, I probably won't tell anyone. Not if there's a good reason not to"

What the hell? Was he blackmailing me for checking him out? Did he want money? He's nuts, all I have to do is deny it if he tells people. "Whatever," I said, still trying to shove my boner back into my pants.

He reached out and grabbed my dick, making me gasp. "Gabe!" I hissed. "Are you crazy? Someone could come in."

"They can try. The door won't open." He stroked me again and I moaned without meaning to. "There, see? I knew you wanted to mess around."

"I don't," I said, but without much conviction. His dick was bigger than Ethan's and bigger than mine, too. Part of me wanted to touch it, feel it, but I didn't. I took a step back from the urinal to get away from him. My dick stuck out in front of me, calling me a liar every time I said I wasn't into this.

He turned and took a step toward me. He grabbed his boner and pointed it at me. "Suck it," he said.

"That's okay," I said.

"Suck it," he said again and then the lights flickered and went out. The bathroom wasn't in total darkness thanks to the long, rectangular, dirty window up near the ceiling. There was plenty of light for me to see him take another step toward me. 'You know you want to. No one will know." He put his hand on my shoulder and pushed down a little. Not enough to force me to my knees, but enough to guide me to my knees, if that makes sense. And here's the thing: I didn't resist. Or more to the point, I couldn't resist. It's like my legs grew too weak to support me, like they were drained of energy or something.

I let Gabe guide me to my knees. His dick was in front of my face. I don't know if it was some of his spit, or some precum, but there was something wet at his piss hole. "Suck it, Jacob," he said again, and put his hands on my head, guiding me to his twitching boner.

I wanted to get up and go back to class, but I couldn't. I let him put his boy boner into my mouth. He slid just the head in at first, moving it against my tongue. I was getting cross-eyed staring at the little nest of black pubes that sprouted over hie dick. I closed my eyes.

He kept running the slimy head of his dick over my tongue. "Yeah, that's nice, Jacob. You're a good little cocksucker. Play with my balls, too. Tug 'em." He let go of his dick and my hand automatically reached up to take hold of it. I took over from him, rubbing the head of his boner over my tongue before sucking it into my mouth. It had a musky smell, not at all like Ethan's. I sucked more of his dick into my mouth and grabbed his nuts with my other hand, petting them softly at first then grabbing them more firmly and pulling gently on them.

"Yeah," he moaned. "Good little cocksucker." He ran his fingers through my hair. "You like being my bitch, don'tcha?"

His dick flexed in my mouth and I sucked harder, running my tongue over the ridge where the head meets the shaft. I don't know why, but I suddenly wanted to lick his nuts. I tried to pull back from his dick but his fingers were still stroking my hair and he grabbed a clump of hair, keeping me from pulling off him. I whimpered.

"Shhh, Just keep sucking. I can tell from how hard your cock is that you love it." He started fucking my face, shoving his dick all the way in my mouth. His hairs tickled my nose. I gagged a little but he didn't care. "Oh, Jesus, you're good. Get ready bitch, I'm about to cum. Swallow every drop, you hear? Every drop."

The head of his dick suddenly swelled up. He growled like a dog and then his cum spurted onto my tongue. So much cum. I never cummed that much. I thought I was going to drown.

"Take it, Bitch. Eat my jizz." I swallowed only to have that load replaced with another spurt of hot boy cum. Then I must have passed out for a second, just like with Wally, because the room seemed to go completely dark. I couldn't see a thing, even though the sun was still shining outside the dirty transom window.

Then I was cumming too, even though neither of us had touched me. But it wasn't a release, a relief, a good feeling. It was like every drop of sperm that left my body took some of my life force with it, making me feel weaker and weaker. I just wanted it to stop.

When I could see again, the power was back on. I was alone in the boy's room, lying on the floor, my dick sticking out of my fly, but no longer hard. The head of my dick was slimy with my cum. Some had landed on my fly and my belly. There was no way of hiding the fact that I'd spooged.

I tried to get up but was too weak. I tried again, then tried to at least put my softened dick back in my boxers, but all I could do was close my eyes again.

Chapter 4 is coming soon, hopefully a lot quicker than chapter 3 did. ~~Butters

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