Brighton Interlude

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jun 9, 2004


WARNING - This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may (and probably will) involve sex between men, youths and boys. If such material offends what the hell are you doing on Nifty.

My characters do not use condoms or other safeguards but this story is fiction ... get it. I write my stories in 'full screen' text, they are best read that way.

Onto the story. Enjoy. Donate a coupla quid. KEEP NIFTY FREE ..... for comments and criticism, all mails answered excepting flamers



G. Cutter

It was a beautiful summer's day and I was already bored. Brighton was busy but I wasn't. I'd come down from London for the weekend and maybe longer if I could find some way of earning money. I earned alright up in the big city but things were very different down here. I didn't realise there were so many good looking and even beautiful youths floating around the old seaside town.

I thought being pretty good looking I'd soon capture a rich old tart and be earning using my body as I liked to use it. In a nutshell that was getting or being fucked. I wasn't too much into dirty old men but every one I sighted seeemed to have a suntannned teenager already draped over his arm and probably guarding his wallet.

I'll tell you about myself. I was sixteen and I'd left home as soon as I could after my birthday. I was about five foot ten, had crew cut blonde hair and I had just the clothes I stood up in. I was sitting in a sleeveless t-shirt showing off my latest little trophy, a beautiful tattoo which I'd gotten on the top of my left arm. I liked it so sod you. When I'd left home I'd slept around various mates and found that I'd began to outstay my welcome. I'd had a crack at being a homo's kept boy for a couple of weeks but the guy was too demanding as well as being bloody mean, he seemed to think that I'd shacked up with him for love ..... what a cunt.

Anyway, here I was, I'd lifted his collection of pound coins and fifty pence pieces whilst he was at work and weighing half a ton had copped the train South to sunny Brighton to earn dosh and make my fortune. Small chance and no chance. The place was swarming with talent and half of it looked to be on the game. I clocked a couple of geysers giving me the eye but that's as far as it went.

I was perched in the sun at the base of a clocktower and decided to have a stroll down the road, I was approaching desperation, I had about a eight quid left which certainly wouldn't get you a Bed and Breakfast, I'd be lucky to get a meal out of it at this time of year.

Hang about. I was looking in a shop window and I sighted a familiar face. A long dark haired kid was across the road looking at me unaware that I could see him in the reflection of the plate glass. Funny, he'd been seated a couple of bodies away at the clock. I walked down a bit and looked in another window, he was still there, everytime I stopped so did he. I wondered if he was an adventurous schooly who wanted to hire a rent boy, perhaps his mum had given him a score for his birthday. I wouldn't have thought he was much older than I was.

Probably coincidence, I thought and wandered on. I came to this green with an Indian looking joint in the middle. I read on the nameplate that it was called The Steine or the Steyne as I recall, I remembered that the weird building in the middle was built by the Scarlet Pimpernel's mate. I flopped onto a park bench under a tree and sat watching the traffic go by.

'Hi, there.' The kid that I'd sighted up the road sat down and grinned shyly at me, I reckon he could have been seventeen or eighteen.

'Hi,' I looked at him with simulated disinterest I didn't want him to think I was anything other than a casual visitor.

'Wanna earn some money?'

So much for for the cover, MI5 or the MI6 lost a gem with me.


'Can we talk?'

'Talk away, I'm not going anywhere,' I gave him a little smile, just enough to encourage him. Perhaps he was a schooly after a bit of action with a young male prostitute. Notice how honest I'm being.

'I do modelling,' he started off and when I just stared at him he continued. 'If I get someone I can pair up with my camera guy pays me a bonus and I get more work ..... so would the guy I introduce.'

'Whay sort of photography?' Had to ask didn't I?

'This and that,' he seemed to lose it for a minute. 'Nudes and whatnot,' his eyes drifted away to the passing buses.

'Nudes ..... porn you mean?'

'Well something like that.'

'Come on for fuck's sake,' I looked at him and gave him the number one grin. 'I'm broadminded, you don't have to beat around the bush.'

'Yeah, porn,' he admitted. 'Boy on boy, or youth on youth if you prefer.'

'Go on.'

'If you were interested I could give him a ring.' He looked at me and I wondered if he fancied making money or if he fancied me. I didn't care either way, he was quite attractive, I was pretty sure I could get it up or I'd let him get it up, I wasn't too concerned.

'What sort of money.'

'He normally does around twenty quid an hour but if he likes you he'd probably give you more work.'

'Doesn't he do solos?'

'He does but he'd probably want you to do a double as well.'

'An afternoon at twenty quid an hour sounds pretty good to me at the moment,' I grinned at him. 'Who would I do the dirty with.'

'Me probably, I guess.'

'Surprise, surprise,' I laughed.

'How far do these so called doubles go?'

'All the way, upto and including fucking.' he spoke the 'f' word in a whisper.

'So I get to do it with you,' I looked at him with new eyes. Yeah, he was rather tasty in a dark way.

'It ain't all one way,' he snapped showing a bit of spirit at last.

'Can you handle seven,' I whispered and groped his knee.

'Can you?' He laughed. 'Bighead.'

'Try or die,' I laughed as well. Yeah, I wouldn't mind doing it with him, two or three times, well maybe four or five if push came to shove. 'What about this photographer, does he do anything to his models, is he a dirty old man?'

'No. He's a freeelance, he puts his stuff out to his contacts and that's the end of it. He's late twenties I suppose and the most he's ever done to me is blow me, I think he's got a partner anyway.'

'What's your name?' I asked him.

'Adam, Adam Fox.'

'Pleased to, meetcha Adam. 'I'm Joe Black.'

'Try another one, I'm a Brad Pitt fan, I've got the DVD.'

'OK. What about Paul Adams. Coincidence, eh.'

'I'll buy it,' he grinned. 'Paul.'

'Phone your guy up Adam.'

'Right,' he smiled and sat back on the bench stretching his legs out , I couldn't help but notice that he was quite bulky in the front, the groin not the gut you understand. He tugged a mobile from his jacket and I caught drifts of a one sided conversation. The bit I liked was when he said I was dishy, I gave him ten points and a gold star for that one. 'Can we make it in an hour?' He looked at me.

'I can if you can.'

'We'll be there,' he spoke into the phone and that was it. 'Come on,' he stood and looked down at me. 'You're about to become a star.'

We stopped for a coffee on the way and he bought me a sandwich which was nice of him, I suspected that he knew I was broke and was trying to be kind. We chatted and I more or less told him that I was down on the coast looking for seasonal work. It tuned out that he worked in a supermarket on shifts one of these twenty four hour places.He was sure that they had vacancies if I was interested. Of course I was interested, anything was better than nothing and if I could supplement my wage with a bit of 'modelling' so much the better, the problem was accomodation.

'We'd better go,' he looked at me and gave one of his rare smiles. 'It's fifteen minutes walk.'

In fact we made it in ten and he led me up a garden path to a pretty large detatched house in one of the roads that leads directly from the front. He explained that we were just over the official border into Hove. Big deal. The front door was up a flight of stone steps but there was another door under the stairs which presumably led to the bottom bit of the house, a sort of half basement. This was the door where he rang the doorbell and gave me a brief reassuring grin. I was a bit nervy but not overly so, he didn't look like a raging loony and hopefully his associates weren't either.

The door was opened by a short kid with blonde hair, very dishy. He looked at Adam and gave him a welcoming nod, he gave me a quick up and down and a brief smile ..... we were in.

The kid ushered us into what seemed to be an office and informed us that 'the Boss' would be with us in five minutes.

'Tony,' Adam spoke to the boy. 'This is Paul who's probably going to do some work for Jeremy.'

'Hi, Paul.' The kid smiled and I returned the greeting. It didn't need a lot of working out to deduct Jeremy had to be the photographer, had to be with a name like that, hadn't he?

We sorta lurked (good word that) until the uncomfortable silence was broken by the entrance of a guy who was clearly Jeremy.

'Hi, kiddies.' he trilled. Jeez, he was so camp, he was flouncing. I tried to keep a straight face and noticed the other two were supressing smiles. Jeremy didn't seem to notice, he gave me a friendly nod and plonked himelf down at his desk. He looked at me as if I was a joint of meat in a butchers.

'Mmmm. Very Nordic. Your name please, sweetpea.'

'Paul Adams.' Fuckin' sweetpea, I ask you.

'Nice to meet you Paul,' Jeremy smiled a welcome. 'Let's have some coffee, Tony.' I wondered if the kid Tony was Jeremy's partner or just the odd job boy, he seemed a bit young (and normal) to be hooked up with an overt queen like our Jeremy.

'What can you give Paul?' Adam spoke out, I suspect his interest was bonus driven but good for him all the same.

'Quite a lot I suspect,' Jeremy gave me a toothy grin. 'Solo in the garden, solo in the studio, double up with you and Tony. A drop of the hard stuff with you and maybe Tony. Possibly a threesome ..... how's that for starters.'

'So you like him?.' They continued to talk about me as if I wasn't there then Tony returned with a tray of coffee and goodies.

'Certainly,' Jeremy looked at me seriously for a moment. 'You are sixteen plus?'

'Nearly seventeen,' I spoke at last.

'What I'd like to do,' Jeremy paused and sipped his coffee. 'Is for you to do some outdoor nudes, also some outdoor stuff with both Adam and Tony if Tony has the time.'

I just nodded and noticed that Tony also gave the same reaction, the scenario all seemed innocent enough and I suspected that the idea was to make us comfortable with each other's nakedness. Maybe not, but I imagine pinups probably sell as well as pornography.

'How's about this?' Jeremy gazed at the ceiling looking creative. 'Adam strips off in the garden, Paul wanders by and also strips off. Cue two boy nudes in some arty tarty poses. Some stiffies appreciated. Then the same with Tony. Both Paul and Tony to run the VCR when they're not posing, payment for around four hours each.'

I saw both Adam and Tony grin and make like nodding dogs, I joined in.

'I do the digitals,' Jeremy explained to me. 'But I let the boys run the VCR, I can always salvage some shots and Tony is getting quite good at it.' Tony looked at me and smiled and then glanced down at my crotch. Hey, hey, the little blonde kid was a player and he was pretty tasty. The world was looking a whole lot better. 'Let's have our drinkies and we'll get going.' Jeremy gave me a little simper and tucked into his munchies.

Well it all went wrong. It was supposed to start off with Adam doing a bit of naked sunbathing and me wandering by and joining him, all innocent pinup stuff you understand. The trouble was that Ad got as hard as a rock as soon as he dropped his drawers and that boy had a nice cock, tell ya. Jeremy wasn't too amused he kept shouting at Ad to 'get soft' and Ad started laughing, the more he laughed the more Jeremy got the hump and to make matters worse as I got stripped off for our so called pinup routine I got hard as well.

'Studio, studio,' Jeremy shrieked. 'If you're going to act like dogs on heat we may as well get into the dirty right away.'

I looked at Ad and he grinned at me, doing the dirty suited. Tony, the kid, smiled at us both, I suppose I should call him Mr Pointy Pants at this stage of the game.

We went back into the studio and put our underwear back on, me my grey boxers and he was wearing some sporty things. The idea was that we peeled them off and did a blow job on each other without cuming that is. This was to be followed by a condom fuck, that also was to be taken in turns and the grand finale was that we had to cum on each others belly or back .... cumshots, Jeremy called them. I couldn't wait. Tony, the gopher was so hard he was going to punch a hole in his little khaki cargoes.

Just as a matter of interest I rather fancied him, he was pretty cute but for the moment Adam was the boy to keep in with. We flopped on the bed and Adam didn't waste any time at all he spread me out and hooked the front of my greys down and he was in.

'Been waiting for this handsome,' he spoke quietly and was onto my hard cock like a gannet. Boy, that kid was good, I'll give him his due he sucked cock like a vacuum cleaner. With his licking, sucking and his flickering tongue under the rim of my knob I was on the verge of cuming in minutes.

Jeremy called a halt. 'Explain to your friend, Paul,' he sat down with his camera and sent Tony to get some cold drinks.

'You can't cum,' Paul explained with a grin. 'The blow, the sixtyniner, the fuck and the cumshots are all different parts of the photoshoot.'

'I can't help it I'm ready to pop,' I moaned, this was proving harder than I expected.

'No probs,' Paul grinned. 'If you feel like cuming we go into it straight away. It's better to have a cum shot when you feel like it than whack away at the old pudding for half an hour for a mini squirt.'

'OK, so what if you blow me for another coupla minutes and I wanna cum.'

'Do it,' Paul laughed. 'Just say that you're gonna cum and we split, you cum on my belly or back as long as it's visible.'

'Mmm, shame. I was hoping to give you babies,' I spoke quietly as Jeremy sorted out the drinks. He probably heard anyway but he didn't say anything.

'Later, handsome,' Paul grinned and my heart did a little leap, I could be bedding this guy after all.

'Have your drink and we'll start again,' Jeremy smiled at me. 'Chill out, Paul, it's only a job.'

'You're the one getting excited,' I reminded him.

'Who wouldn't with a crowd of butch boys around,' he camped. 'Cameras and action,' he yelled to no one in particular and Adam and myself went into a tussle only this time I grabbed at Adam's shorts, my turn for a tasting of the old one eyed flute. I did a good job on Adam, he had a nice uncircumcised cock and it was probably around the national average, six inches that is. I slavered over it, I sucked so well he was begging for mercy in a few minutes but I captured his balls and kept on.

'Stop, stop, for fuck's sake,' he moaned you're killing me. 'Get up and go doggy.'

I glanced at Jeremy and he just nodded. Early nooky time by the looks of it but it wasn't. I just crounched there expecting Paul to slip me the old salami but he just stroked my back and bum and he was wanking. 'Cumshot?'

'Yeah,' he groaned.

I tensed myself up but it was a bit of an anti climax, I heard him groan again and then the splat and splash of his boy juice on my spine ..... that was him, shot his bolt for the present at least.

'Close ups,' Jeremy called to Tony and the kid moved in with Jeremy as Adam started to lick and lap at his own cum. Dunno if I was willing to do that when it came to my turn.

After that we did a bit of sixty nining and Adam's softy became a hardy again. Needless to say as the novice I was the first to get fucked. It was slippery condom time. I hate condoms but these were OK, they were lubricated (I nearly said laminated there) and Adam took me quite easily, mind you it's not as if I was a virgin. He fucked away merrily for a while until Jeremy was happy, he even did ones of me sitting on Adam and bouncing up and down on it.

I was getting pissed off, I was tired and the bum was aching but you've got to earn a living. Anyway, I'd got a couple of cheeky grins and a coupla crafty winks from young Tony, I was on a promise there.

Next up was me fucking Adam and I hadn't even cum yet. I rolled the condom on and got to work. I took him a bit roughly from the back in a doggy pose and then spun him onto his back and fucked for a bit, I knew I wanted to come and slipped free and whipped the condom off.

'Lay up,' Adam grinned and pushed me onto a cushion and started to lick and wank my engorged cock at the same time.

'I'm cuming,' I groaned and there she blew. Adam just managed to get his head out of the way as I spurted up on my belly. It was a nice one, around four decent lumpy puddles, his head ducked and his tongue was out licking and lapping, that boy was a right spunk slurper. That Jeremy kept us at it, we had more snogs and finished us up on another sixty niner but our heart wasn't in it and he knew that.

'Good enough,' he finally placed his camera on his desk.

'That was bloody brilliant,' Adam laughed. 'Don't gimme the old shit.'

'Yes, OK. It was well done,' Jeremy smiled. 'I can give you some work tomorrow afternoon: Paul and Tony, Adam taking the reserve pictures.'

'Sounds good,' I leered at the little fair haired boy

'How do you know we'll get on,' Tony sat on the bed cum couch alongside me and gave his cheeky little grin.

'We will,' I laughed and forced him onto his back and looked at him with my face about an inch away from his.

'Will we?' he parted his lips and wiggled his tongue at me.

'We will,' I kissed him on his sweet lips and I felt his tongue slip into my mouth. I reached down to the front of his cargoes and I could feel a pretty good erection within for such a slight kid. Of course he was feeling me as well and his warm hand began to wank my semi limp noodle, it was coming to life again.

'Tomorrow, tomorrow,' Jeremy squealed. 'I have to get some cash from the Bank.'

That stopped the impromptu session. If I was gonna do it for free I'd rather do it in private, I did have the hots for the kid though, he was so delicious he was eatable.

After that it was tea and biscuits, talk about camp! Jeremy and Tony did the mums and dads bit and Adam and myself sat in our knickers like a pair of pratts waiting for our Jeremy to shell out some dosh.

When it came it was a pleasant surprise, he gave me fifty quid but I don't know what he gave Adam. I was over the moon, I was looking at around a score, this was right out of the blue. I could at least afford a night in a bed and breakfast. Jeez, I could even go out and rent a nice rent boy if I had anywhere to take him. I looked at little Tony ..... I wonder!

'So, what's your plans, handsome,' Adam asked me as we clambered into our clothing. It was nearing five o'clock and I needed to get my head straight. 'You back tomorrow?'

'Yeah,' I grinned. 'Who could resist the delectable Tony.' The boy himself who was tidying up gave a very schooly giggle and I wondered exactly how old he was.

'Figures,' Adam said sourly and I suddenly realised he was jealous. 'You should ask Tony how old he is.'

'Don't be a bitch,' Tony scowled at Adam.

'OK, I'll buy it. How old are you Tony?' I didn't like this, there was something going on with these two and I seeemd to be piggy in the middle.

'Fourteen and a half,' Tony mumbled and left the room at the rush.

'Shit.' I looked at Adam and pulled a face. The delicious Tony was well and truly gaolbait. Even I as Mr Thicko knew that you had a hell of a job talking your way out of things if you're captured on film.

'Told ya,' Adam crowed.

'Yeah. Well not to worry,' I shrugged and laced up my trainers.

'Wanna stay at my place for the night.'

'Sounds fun.'

'Well for the weekend anyway,' Adam smiled. 'I know Jeremy owns next door and rents small flats out but you need to ask if he has any available.

'Worth a try,' I grinned. 'But I'm OK for the weekend with you?'

'Yeah, sure.'

That was it. We said goodbye to Jeremy confirming that we'd be back around noon the following day, I wanted to see Tony and say something, anything, but he'd done a runner, probably gone back to his cot. The first thing we did when we got away was to find a pub with a beer garden and sit out and had a few shandies. The one thing about Brighton was that all the pubs seemed quite happy serving under age drinkers as long as you didn't look too infantile. We went inside after a bit and had one of their dinners which just about topped us up for the night. It wasn't until around eight in the evening that we decided to take a slow stroll around to Adam's pad and take it from there, I knew perfectly well what I wanted and hoped Adam wanted the same.

Having said all that I was still getting into a situation I wasn't all that happy about. The fact that I could have sex and make money at it was good, the other fact that I was going to shack up at Adam's was not so good. It was a short term solution and although I fancied a night of unrestrained sex I didn't really fancy him all that much. It was a case of any port in a storm. I had to apply myself to getting a place and getting a job. I'd got used to using people but I wasn't too happy about it, sounds silly doesn't it but I didn't like being a ponce. What I'd seen of Brighton I liked, it seemed to be my kind of town. Finally there was Tony, I had a severe case of the hots for this kid and he was only fourteen and a half ..... for God's sake!

'Penny for 'em?' Adam asked as we ambled along in the late evening sunshine by now it was getting a little cooler.

'I was thinking.'

'Well that's a good sign,' Adam laughed. 'I live down here,' we turned of the main road and walked down a leafy avenue with large self contained houses either side. 'I've got a basement flat, it gets a bit damp in winter but it'll do.'

'It'll do me,' I smiled at him, I really needed to keep on the right side of Ad., of course I also owed him and I liked paying my debts, when it suited of course.

'Here we go,' he led me up a scruffy path, down a short flight of steps which were under a set of steps which led upto the main front door. I'd noticed a staircase on the side of the house and assumed it was broken down into flats. 'Welcome,' Ad fitted keys into the lock, I noticed a number 12A on the door, so my guess about the flats was probably a good one. Told you I was smart, didn't I.

We went in and it was of similar layout to Jeremy's place but from what I'd gathered Jeremy used the basement as a studio and office and he and his partner lived in the upper portion of the house. Ad got me seated in the lounge and produced a couple of cans of budget lager, it was better than nothing I suppose and at least I had a roof over my head for the night.

'Jeremy likes you,' Ad looked at me and smiled slightly. 'But you want to watch yourself.'


'He wants to team you up with Tony, the kid.'

'Not doing dirties he doesn't,' I looked across the can at him. 'A kid that age is instant nick.'

'But you'd like to do it off camera?'

'Yeah, why not but that's upto Tony isn't it.'

'He's in heat for you,' Ad laughed. 'Anyway, we'll see if Jeremy can sort you out accomodation tomorrow, I can only put you up for the weekend.'

'I thought you fancied me.'

'Not to live with,' he laughed. 'My boyfriend would go potty if he found you here.'

'A boyfriend? Where's he then?'

'Relax,' Ad laughed. 'He's on holiday in Jersey, he's not back until Wednesday.'

'What's he like?' I asked out of curiosity and Ad stood up and grabbed a framed photograph which he showed handed to me. His boyfriend was quite similar to himself, they made a fine couple sitting on the beach with their shirts off.

'Not quite as good looking as you and not quite so versatile but we blend if you know what I mean.'

I knew, I could feel that way about Tony if he was inclined. I knew that he was trouble at that age but he wasn't going to be fourteen and a half for ever. 'I'm shagged,' I stretched my arms and yawned.

'You and me both,' he giggled nervously. 'Wanna share a bath, my hot water boiler isn't that big.'

'Bet you say that to all the boys.'

'Well it's a line,' he giggled and stood up and walked behind me. I felt his hands on my shoulder and his breath on my short hair. 'Bath and bed with a can.'

'I can live without the can,' I turned my head and I felt his lips brush my cheek. 'No condoms tonight, eh'

'Come on slut.'

'I'm not the one with the boyfriend,' I grinned as I followed him out of the room.

He had a small bathroom with a shower attachment which was all a bit poverty stricken but when he lead me into his bedroom I was quite impressed. He had a nice big bed and the room had french windows which led out into a slightly shambolic garden.

'Orrite,' he looked at me as if for approval.

'Nice pad,' I grinned and caught him around the waist. 'Nice bed.'

'Yeah,' he breathed throatily. 'You're hard,' he felt the front of my trousers.

'I'm always hard,' I ground my crotch against his, he wasn't doing too bad himself. 'Let's have a bath.'

'Right,' he grinned and we broke apart. There was no showing of modesty from either of us, let's face it we'd already fucked and he'd even licked my cum off my belly, we were just going to do the same thing only in privacy and taking our time over it. I never felt the need to hurry a bit of loving unless it was with some old punter where time was most definitely money.

He caught me a bit unaware in the bath, I should have know better but he was providing the lodging after all. I pushed against the tiled wall as I felt his fat cock pierce my pucker and lodge in my bottom.

'You are so good,' he murmured as he began to slowly start a standing fuck.

'I prefer this sorta thing in bed,' I grunted as I pushed back onto his hot meat, he just laughed and gripped my hardness in one soapy hand and started to jerk me off and fuck me even harder.

'Yesss,' he sighed with satisfaction as he bottomed out and his groin and belly started to slap up against me. I groaned as I pushed back onto his advances, he was very seriously sexy this kid and to be perfectly honest I do like it with people around my own age. I thought about Tony as Ad fucked, I bet he had a beautiful bottom and cock, I just wanted to munch him to death, well not quite to death you understand. 'I'm gonna cum,' he moaned and snogged my soapy neck.

'Thank fuck, my legs are killing me.'

That was it, he cracked up laughing, he was clinging to my back and I could feel him soften as he giggled and I started to laugh as well. The trouble with giggling is that it's contagious and even a lovely moment of sex can be spoiled.

'Ah, shit, you've fucked it,' Ad moaned as I felt his cock slip free.

'Never mind, baby, I'll make it up in bed.'

'You'd better,' he span me round and kissed me on the lips.

'Get rinsed off,' I worked his soapy semi stiff penis. He wasn't the only one who needed proper sex, no condoms this time, no cuming on bellies and backs just good old fashioned fucking.

Ten minutes later and still slightly damp we returned to the bedroom. It was a bit early to go to bed on a Saturday night expecially in a place like Brighton but for me at least it had been a long and exciting day and we still had things to do. I hogged the middle of the bed as Ad closed the curtains and dimmed the lights, he had the dimmer on a cord by the bed, what a clever boy.

I noticed that there was another picture of Adam and his boyfriend on the bedside table. This one was explicit as they say, the boyfriend must also do some work for Jeremy.

'I'm so glad I met you,' Adam whispered as he knelt between my outspread legs, he ducked his upper body and we kissed.

'So am I,' I smiled up at his and stroked his smooth skinned torso. 'Come and get it,' I whispered and lifted my knes to my chest, it was time to pay my dues. This time it wasn't a crash, bang and wallop like in the showers. He fed himself into me slowly and gently and then started a long fuck, every time he felt he was about to cum he held off until I begged him to get on with it. In the end he started to slam in bouncing me up the bed and I knew he was about to cum.

When he did he splurted and splatted a gallon of his creamy boy spunk deep into my body and I wriggled on his spurting cock and held him tightly by the hips ..... it was a good 'un. I just lay there and cuddled him as he slowly worked in and out of my flooded passage and gradually limpened and slipped free.

'You'll do well down here,' he whispered as he lay alongside me and we shared a sweaty cuddle.

'What's that suposed to mean?'

'Well if you wanted to go on the game I mean,' he backtracked a little.

'Done all that,' I sniffed. 'I'd like to keep on the modelling for a bit.'

'You'll do well at it,' he turned away from me and gazed at the picture of himself and his boyfriend. I snuggled up like a limpet on his smooth back and fed my hardness between his slightly damp cheeks, I could feel the ease with which it moved as I pushed up against his pucker, I was oozing the juice and I was ready to go.

'Go on, Paul. Do me,' he muttered and pushed back as I pushed forward. Gotta tell you flesh on flesh beats condoms any day of the week. I enjoyed a slow and leisurely fuck finally rolling him onto his belly and jackhammered away at his soft bottom. 'Harder, Paul. Harder,' he shoved himself up onto me and I really went to town, boring and drilling until he was begging me to cum.

I slowed down at the end and just let my jerking cock take over, it twitched and pulsed a goodly cum up into his backside and he wriggled back on it making the most of the slippery six inches slowly moving in his body. Another satisfied customer. We fucked again later and I suppose we finally went to sleep properly around midnight. I was shagged and I was shattered, my first day in Brighton had been a bit of an eye opener.

Tomorrow was a Sunday and it was another day. Gotta make moves on finding a flat, gotta make a move on young Tony and sod the age. Space to explore, planets to conquer and all that crap ..... sod it. Tomorrow was another day.


Had to knock this one on the head. I've got three stories running on pornography and this one is one to many.

Pix of Adam and Paul are available. My Mailing List is open.

Next: Chapter 2

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