Brighton Interlude

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jun 23, 2004


WARNING - This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may (and probably will) involve sex between men, youths and boys. If such material offends what the hell are you doing on Nifty.

My characters do not use condoms or other safeguards but this story is fiction ... get it. I write my stories in 'full screen' text, they are best read that way.

Onto the story. Enjoy. Donate a coupla quid. KEEP NIFTY FREE





G. Cutter

Adam was up like a bloody lark on the Sunday, I reminded myself that it was the first day of my new life and stumbled out shortly afterwards. He was in the kitchen and I could smell toast burning and the pong of coffee on the air. Glancing through the window I saw that it was looking to be a good day, a good day for earning some dosh and maybe having a kiss and a cuddle with the delectable Tony, fate willing.

I knew that Adam wasn't too happy and I didn't know if he was worried about my honour or just jealous. As far as honour went he could get stuffed, as far as jealousy went, where the hell was he coming from, he had a permanent boyfriend, I had fuck all. I wanted Tony, he was a little cracker, he was sweet, he was sooooo fucking nice and I was head over heels in love with a fourteen year old schooly. Sad or what?

Adam had already phoned Jeremy and it was still only nine o'clock. dunno how I was going to handle all these early birds, my idea of a Sunday is to lie in the pit until around midday.

'He's expecting us around midday,' Adam looked at me, he didn't look too happy at all.

'Whassup, Doc?'

'He's babbling about pairing you up with the kid in the garden and then doing some bedroom stuff. Fuckin' bedroom stuff,' he exploded. 'That kid's a bloody schoolboy for God's sake.'

'Well don't get involved,' I tried to soothe him.

'Well I don't like it,' he muttered and sat down at the kitchen table.

'Well I need the money.'

'And you've got the hots for the kid,' he gave a wry smile.

'That too.'

'I think I'd better have a word with Jeremy and get your own place, I don't want the police around here, my partner'd go potty.' He looked at me long and hard. 'I don't mind gays, even porn stars,' he gave a slight smile. 'But I don't want a pedo in the house.'

'You spent the night with one last night Mr Moral Majority,' I sneered. I just could not understand his attitude. From what I'd gathered the boy, Tony had done it all before. In actual fact, the boy hadn't done anything of the sort but I didn't know that. Anyway, sixteen on fourteen hardly makes you Perv of the Year.

'I suppose you'll do what you want to,' he sniffed rather dramatically. 'Just don't ask me to be the bloody bridesmaid,' He stood up and rescued the toast. 'Perv.'


We had a laugh, the spat over nothing was over. I had the funniest feeling I wouldn't be sleeping over tonight all the same. I couldn't give a toss, I'd slept rough before and by the end of the day I should have enough to get into a Bed and Breakfast.

We strolled down to Jeremy's place in the bright morning sunshine, Brighton was heaving, I've never seen so many people, I loved it. I might have mentioned before, it looked to be my sort of place.

Two good things happened as soon as we set foot inside the door. Tony opened up and greeted me with a smile of pure delight and Jeremy waved a set of keys at me as we went into the studio.

'I have one small self contained flat right at the top of next door, small but clean and tidy. Interested?'

'Not many,' I replied probably a bit over eagerly.

'What does that mean in English?' He gave me a schoolmarm look. Trouble with Jeremy you never knew when he was being serious or when he was taking the piss.

'Very interested, I meant..'

'Good,' Jeremy lobbed the keys at the boy. 'Tony can show you around and I can chat a bit of business with Adam.'

Adam gave a look of disgust but I didn't care, I trolloped after the kid eyes glued very firmly on his jean clad bottom, bit surprising I didn't take the doorframe out on the way. We went next door and went up the steps to the front door. All the houses in the street followed the same style. They had the ground floor up in the air and a half basement, the windows were level with the gardens, rather nice really. It just made the so called flat I was viewing a bit of a mountaineering expedition. I casually wondered if I was going to need oxygen as I followed Tony's tiny bottom up miles and miles of staircase.

'I'll need the kiss of life after this,' I quipped as we reached the last landing. How's about that for subtle.

'Me too.' I noticed from the rear his little ears were bright red. What a beautifully modest little cupcake. I could fuck the arse offa him right now. I could rip his tight little cheeks apart with my teeth until the claret flowed and I penetrated the bloody mess until he squirmed with pleasure and begged for more. 'This is it,' he said and I came back to earth with a bang. So much for daydreaming, I nearly headbutted the back of his head.

'It's not a bad size, this one,' he declared as he flung the door open and marched in.

Not a bad size from one, a bit small from the other, these people must live in mansions. The place was huge. I scampered about like a poodle on heat, nice fair sized lounge, smallish kitchen, fair sized bathroom and a bedroom big enough to entertain a marching band ... which is handy if you're on the game. The one thing I didn't like was that the lounge for want of a word faced the street and the bedroom overlooked the garden, I'd change that around but I needed to get into the place first. It seemed to be the only flat on the top floor and could turn out a bit cold in the winter but things like that were for the future. The furniture was sparse and crap. The bed was OK though and the kitchen had the minimum of crockery ..... it was a start.

'Whatcha reckon?' Tony suddenly awkward and ill at ease, perhaps he was worried about being on his own.


'Jeremy pays me to do the communal cleaning once a week, staircases and whatnots.'

'Excellent, so you're always around?'

'Most of the time,' he smiled as I sat on the bed. 'I do a bit for some of the tenants as well.'

'Really,' I did a Groucho Marx with the eyebrows.

'Not that,' he giggled.

'Sit down, Tony,' I patted the bed alongside me.

'I dunno,' he quavered and gingerly sat on the bed.

'You'd better get used to me if we're gonna have our photopraphs taken together,' I sat up and suddenly draped my arm around his shoulder catching him unaware. 'What about that kiss of life,' I whispered.

'What?' He bleated and squirmed as I planted a lingering smackerooni on the side of his smooth neck. He was confused and totally off balance as I dropped onto my back taking him with me. 'We gotta go,' he giggled. That was a good sign, giggles were better than sobs.

'Come on, Tony,' I turned to face him and drew him onto his side, we were face to face. 'Practice the kiss for the camera.'

'Go on then,' he screwed his eyes shut and pouted his lips.

I grabbed the back of his neck and drew him towards me and kissed him gently on his luscious lips, a flutter of his breath and I ran my tongue across his clamped kisser.

He shuddered and pulled in closer. Another probe and his lips parted slightly, Mr Tongue was in like a rocket. God, he was so sweet, he was going bright red trying not to have hysterics but it got better as my tongue explored his mouth and I felt him start to fight back.

'Jeez,' he gasped as we parted for air. 'That is so dirty.'

'You ain't seen nothing yet,' I grabbed him again and we kissed once more, this time he put heart and soul into it, when we parted he was all sparkly eyed and shaking. I reached down and felt him up. Nice one, he wasn't huge, for God's sake he was a kid but he was hard and he groaned as I fondled his erection within his soft well washed jeans. 'You know how to use that?'

'Yeah,' he gave a cheeky grin and this time moved in and actually instigated the kiss, I could feel his slippery tongue enter my mouth and move around. Seemingly he'd learnt something new. Perhaps it wasn't so 'dirty' after all.

'We'd better go,' I stood and pulled him to his feet.

'You taking the place?' He smiled shyly.

'Only if you visit and keep me company, it could get pretty lonely up here.'

'I thought you were shacked up with Adam.'

'History,' I looked at him and grinned. 'He's got a boyfriend, I want one.'

'Oh,' he did his famous bright red blush again and scurried from the room I followed in hot pursuit. I rather fancied tongues would be wagging down in the studio.

We re-entered the studio to recieve disapproving glances from both Jeremy and Adam, Tony made himself scarce and I fronted them up.

'Took your time,' Adam snapped.

'I wasn't aware I was on a schedule,' I stared at him. 'I thought I was looking at a flat.'

'Cool it,' Jeremy for once sounded forceful. 'Are you interested in the place,' he looked at me.'

'Yes I am.'

'Good, you can move in anytime you like.'

'After work?'

'If you wish,' Jeremy stood. 'Now to business.' He got a piece of paper from his desk and started to read. It was a simple plan of who did what, he and Adam would be doing the pictures and Tony and myself would star. Whilst we had the sunshine we would do an outdoors bit where I came across Tony playing with himself and join in. ..... so much for pinups. One thing interested me was that Tony had got his kit off and done some posing but he'd never done any of the actually nitty gritty. The kiss in the flat might have been good training for him, I suspected he was going to be a willing pupil, I was getting hard thinking about it.

'We get the outdoor stuff out of the way and you can get dressed and do more or less the same thing in the studio.' Jeremy smiled at me. 'Can you handle all this?'

'Can Tony?' I looked across at the boy who'd reappeared with a tray and four mugs of coffee.

'I'll give it a go,' he answered in a very small voice.

Jeremy took the flat keys from his desk and handed them to me. 'You can eat with myself and Tony tonight, after that you're on your own but don't forget tomorrow is a Bank Holiday.'

Shit. I'd forgotten about the Monday. I could starve to death although I didn't think that would really be an option in a busy holiday resort like Brighton.

'We haven't talked rent,' I sat down with my drink.

'Nothing that will inconvenience you,' Jeremy looked quite serious. 'As long as you contract to me. Go to another Studio without my clearance and you could find some pretty heavy rent increases in the pipeline.' The old queen wasn't as soft as he looked.

'Fair enough but I don't want to sit up in the Gods and starve.'

'You won't starve whilst you work for me ..... will he, Adam?'

'I wouldn't imagine so,' Adam looked at me. 'Jer's always after youngsters, I would have thought you were a pretty good chicken puller.'

'I try,' I answered modestly. Fuck him, the sarcastic shit.

'OK. let's have our coffee and hit it,' Jeremy looked at his watch. 'Time flies when you're having fun.'

Don't it just.

We finished the drinks and trundled out into the garden, a quick scan around and I was pretty chuffed to see that the only place that overlooked the high hedge and wall was my very own new flat. Great, if I got a pair of secondhand binoculars I could perv the new models as Jeremy did his initial hit on them.

The idea was that Tony flopped out on a blanket in the direct sunshine and peeled his shirt off and removed his trainers and socks. After that he fiddles around with himself and settles for a wank, cue close ups. I appear on the scene as a casual stroller, spy on him for a bit and then join in. Easy peasy, cue a mutual wank or a sixty niner if the kid was up for it.

After that we'd had a small break and repeat the same thing indoors, a second cuming wasn't madatory I was delighted to hear.

Tony got into it OK, he seemed a little nervous at first but once he realised that he wasn't overlooked and he wasn't going to get raped he seemed to settle down. He'd gotten to his wankies when I rolled up, I'd been pictured disposing of my shirt and fumbling with myself but now was the time for the action. The impression I got was that it was: 'Hi di hi, kid. Let's give you a hand with that.' What a plot.

I got onto the blanked and we mutual explored, I was delighted to see that Tony's erection was a healthy five inches and he was uncircumcised. he did loads of moaning and groaning as I handled it and grabbed mine like a paint brush. I calmed him down and then it all started to flow. He fancied me, I know he did, it was in his eyes, it was in his touch, this kid fancied me something rotten. I don't know if full blown sex crossed his mind but it crossed mine. I wanted his little white bottom and I wanted his juvenile cock in me, I wanted to go all the way and sooner rather than later.

'Some kissing please,' Jeremy camped and Adam scowled.

I kissed Tony at first and slowly worked his skin over his rigid meat, he moaned into my mouth and I felt his warm body pressed against mine as we fell back onto the blanket. He looked at me eyeball to eyeball just once and fed my painfully hard erection between his smooth boy's thighs and clamped.

'Imagine I've got a fanny,' he whispered and began to move up and down on me.

'You have,' I reached around and clasped his soft high riding butt. Another moan and he kissed me again harder this time.

'Can we try some action instead of whispering,' Jeremy flounced around and Adam scowled. 'Somebody suck somebody otherwise we'll be here all day.'

'My shout,' I laughed and rolled over depositing my soon to be little lover onto his back, his boy meat stuck up his belly from it's nest of sparse blonde pubics, I could see a pearly drop of precum on the slit. This kid was seriously hot.

'Don't swallow it,' Adam spoke for the first time. 'Let him cum on your chin or your chest, we need to see the cum.'

'Right,' I grunted as I slipped my hands under my boy clasping his buns and then slipping my mouth over his cock. He jumped and started to wriggle about but found he was beginning to enjoy it. As I moved my mouth up and down on his succulent sweet meat he lay there moaning with a dopey look on his face like he'd gone to heaven and found it full of Aaron Carters and they all wanted him.

He frantically pumped up into my wet heat as I gobbled and sucked on his meat until he yelled out ...... 'Paul.'

I knew what was cuming. I held his cock out aimed at my lips and wanked his slippery little penis. I felt it jerk and then the warm splats and spurts as his watery boy juice splashed across my jaw and lips.

'Excellent, excellent,' Jeremy went frantic clicking and moving and Adam was just as bad with the VCR catching every pearly drop for posterity. All over, with Tony's sweet juice slipping down my jaw I squeezed his foreskin over his knob end like a tube of toothpaste and slowly licked the final creamy globule from his skin covered glans.

'You don't have to do me if you don't want,' I whispered away from the others.

'I do, Paul,' he smiled shyly at me. God knows what he was shy about, he'd just done his first public cum and it was still dripping from my chin.

'Tastes nice,' I wiped my finger across my chops and licked it.

'Do that again,' Jeremy squealed. Paul actually grinned. Thank God for that.

'Kiss,' I looked at Tony and my spunk stained lips touched his and then his tongue was all over me, red faced he lapped and licked his own jism off me and then lay back with a sigh. I played with his limp noodle and he looked at the azure blue sky.

'I'm ready,' he leant up on one elbow and without any ceremony or fuss ducked his head and ran his pointy tonge the full length of my erection from its hair covered root to the flared dark red glans. 'Did it,' he looked at me in triumph.

'Not quite,' I gently guided his head down, nudged at his lips with my swollen organ and his sweet mouth engulfed my heat. My boy had done well, we were into Part Two.

I think Jeremy and even Adam were surprised that Tony took to it so quickly but a few minutes later he was sucking and nibbling away like an expert, to cap it off he kept pulling funny faces at the camera just to add that little bit extra. I don't think he noticed that Adam was getting loads of bum shots as Tony writhed about on top of me opening and closing his legs. I'd like to see the film, I would have thought that there's be a few nice sweaty puckers on display. This assualt on my overloaded senses couldn't last, nor could my calm, I grabbed his head and started fucking upwards forcefully and he took it all.

'Toneee,' I gasped in the end and as he withdrew his head and grinned like a chipmunk I splattered his belly and chest with an enormous cuming. It was huge, my thick white streamers splashed onto his smooth milky white skin and ran down in slippery runnels. I dived on him and started to lick him clean to the accompanyment of his squeals and giggles, I also took the opportunity to mouth his softness and had the pleasure of feeling it harden in my mouth. No shortness of boyhood virility there then.

We just flopped onto the blanket soaking up the sun, even Jeremy and Adam looked exhausted.

'I enjoyed that,' Tony turned towards me and whispered almost in my ear. 'You staying in your new place tonight?'

'If I can.'

'Can I sleep over ?'

'What about your parents?'

'No probs, Jeremy can ring them.'

Jeez. I glance at him and he blew me a little kiss from around nine inches away. I glanced across to the others and they were in deep discussion and seemed to be studying a thick folder, a film script maybe?

'You could be in danger sleeping over with me.'

'I don't think so,' Tony giggled. 'I know what you want but you won't hurt me, I trust you.'

'I'd never hurt you,' I reeled him in and kissed him on the lips, sod the audience.

'A nice cold drink,' Jeremy clambered to his feet followed by Adam. 'Then the indoor segment.'

'The same again,' I looked at Tony, my relaxed cock felt like a lead weight dangling between my legs, the poor litle bugger was as dead as a doornail, on the other hand Tony's seemed to be perking up.

We had our drink and got dressed. Later on we did a striptease on the couch and more or less repeated the outdoor performance. I enjoyed it and Tony seemed to enjoy it even more, talk about making a meal out of it, anyway, it was all over and done with. Adam left before we finished pleading a previous engagement which was a load of rubbish as he hadn't said anything up until then.

He promised to call around about Wednesday and promised me some old pots and pans for my kitchen. I was grateful anyway, whatever I got for free was less to buy, to cap it all off Jeremy's hubby or boyfriend turned up and whilst not quite as 'ducky' as Jeremy wasn't far off it.

We had our meal around sevenish and sat out in the garden in the twilight, it was still quite warm and the sound of the partygoers and tourist attractions down on the front were clearly audible. If I'd have been in the mood and if I didn't have Tony to look forward to I could have gone out and swagged a bit of custom, maybe earnt a few more shillings.

I learnt a lot more about Jeremy's business, first of all he offered me a bonus for any suitable youths I managed to persuade into doing some modelling, of course the more models we had on the books the more doubling up there was for me. He always needed assistance with the camera work and the icing on the cake was that he hired out his stable of models to other studios in the area. He assured me that he had stacks of work and if the worst came to the worst I could always go back to my old ways. I didn't ask how he knew or suspected, Adam had clearly been opening his mouth, I needed to blow in that young man's ear. Just because I'd told him I was on the game up in London he didn't need to tell my new employer.

The flat. Well that was centrally heated which was a great comfort in high summer. The televison and DVD were rental which I would have to pay and the rent was negotiable which sounded fun. I didn't really fancy bedding Jeremy or his partner but if payed the rent so be it.

The situation with Tony was curious, he was actually not too far off his fifteenth birthday. He came from a single parent home and his mother just didn't seem to care what he did. As long as he was neatly dressed and had money in his pocket she couldn't care less. A rather strange mother, pretty funny family but who am I to talk, I was selling my body at fifteen so why should I sit on judgement on Tony. She knew he did odd jobs for Jeremy and she knew Jeremy's business ..... Brighton was surely on another planet.

We finally got away around eight. I had a carrier bag of tea, sugar and other odds and sods, Tony had a carrier bag of cheap lager. Jeremy had arranged to take us to an out of town mall in the morning to collect whatever we needed to get us through the next couple of days. More importantly he paid us, talk about loaded, I had dosh everywhere, not bad for two four hour days.

His final remarks raised a bit of interest with me and another of Tony's rather sweet blushes. If we wanted to do some full sex scenes he was more than happy and he would keep the deal between himself an us, no outsiders such as Adam to be present. I said that I'd see how the night went and I'd get back to him.

He wished us a good night and we were on our own.

I got that wrong actually, his final remark was: 'Good luck.'

Back in the flat, my flat I did another tour with Tony. It wasn't as desperate as I'd first thought. It needed a good clean up but Tony promised to do that as he had a hoover squirreled away somewhere. The bathroom wanted a bloody good clean and the bedroom wanted a good airing. I told Tony that was our second big job, lugging the bed in and the TV out, effectively changing the rooms around.

'What's the first big job?' He looked at me curiously.

'I thought you'd worked that one out,' I laughed as I grabbed him by the hips and planted a nice wet one on his lips. He was a tad shorter than I was but he tippy toed up and returned my snog until we ran out of breath.

'You're after my arse,' he said in that charming South Coast manner they have. Just about as much charm as a bucket of bricks.

'Am I going to get it?'

'Dunno yet,' he grinned up at me rather coyly I thought.

'Wanna act like a peasant?'

'How do we do that?' He probably thought it was a sex game.

'Well,' I looked at him and kept him hanging. 'Seeing it's a hot night, we get naked and the we sprawl on the bed with a can of lager apiece.'

'Oh,' he deflated a bit. 'OK, then,' he laughed. 'Can I stay tomorrow night?'

'You haven't quite gotten through tonight yet.'

'Yah, no probs,' he gave a dirty little chuckle. 'No probs at all.'

'Bedroom for you, teaser.'

'OK, Pauly,' he preceded me into the bedroom giving as rather exaggerated wiggle of his hips on the way. I think I might even have licked my lips, tonight was definitely honeymoon night, tonight I was going to take his little cherry and love him to death. Once in the bedroom we had no false modesty, let's face it we'd been naked together most of the day. He was a bit nervous all the same, he was getting his clothing off with an older and bigger boy, now there were no rescuers, he was on his own.

'Don't worry,' I guided his now naked body down onto the bed and gently kissed him for the umpteenth time, it got better every kiss, every meeting of lips and tongues got me harder and harder, it seemed to be working for him as well.

'Lay on your back with your head on the pillow, it's treat time.'

'Yeah?' He looked at me and lay back with his hand supporting his head. I think that he was expecting another blow job but he was going to get something better this time. I produced the KY which I had craftily borrowed from Jeremy. He whoooed and aaahed as I coated his cock and balls and then rubbed some onto his flat little belly and inside his thighs, I didn't did too deep between his legs and go for his pucker, that came later. This was his moment.

His rampant four and a half or maybe five incher stood loud and proud as I carefully annointed it and ran his cute little foreskin over his gleaming glans. Miraculously after all his exertions there was smidgeon of precum at the tip, I slowly and sensually smeared this just about giving him convulsions. Now for the finale.

I straddled his body bringing my own erection to his face. He would have been happy sucking me there and then but I brushed his lips with it. God, I wanted to fuck his sweet mouth but as I'd said, this was his moment. Before he knew what I was doing I raised my bottom and grasping his erection upright I located and sank myself onto his hot boy cock.

'Ooooh,' his eyes opened wide with shock if my rather tasty butt (if I say so myself) sank onto his superb stiffness. He nearly passed away to that great Toytown in the Sky as I slowly began to move up and down taking more and more of his erection until I bottomed out onto his soft pubics.

'OK? Tony.'

'Yeah,' he grinned at me and holding my hips made a couple of erratic thrusts upwards. 'Fantastic,' he grasped my own erection and started to wank me.

'Not quite little man,' I removed his hand with a laugh. He continued to fuck upwards as I nearly slipped a disc leaning in to kiss him. 'We roll onto our side and then you go on top. Don't slip out.'

'What? You want me to fuck you?'

'Well you got there in the end,' I gently mocked him and took us onto our sides, another roll and he was on top and I was his bottom. I raised my knees to my chest and manhandled him into his position. he gave me a sloppy kiss and started to move,. I savoured the feel of his warm and absolutely stiff penis gliding in and out of me on it's coating of oil. A bit too much oil but I'd dry him off before he had his second session.

'Gawd, this is incredible,' he groaned as he lunged in and out slapping his belly against my tight ballbag and digging as deep as he could. He flathanded either side of my body and really went to town.

He wasn't what you'd call an expert but I'd give him full marks for enthusiasm

'I can't keep this up,' he whimpered as he thrust hard and deep.

'Don't worry, baby. You're doing all right,' I stroked his bony hips and put my calves onto his sweaty back pulling him in.

'I'm cuming,' he moaned almost regretfully as I felt his cock jerk and then the one off feeling of a cum splattering it's way into your body. 'Aw, my Gawd,' he dropped sweat onto me and his chest fell onto mine as he still worked his hips up and down although he was all spent, he was having fun. I ran my lips over his sweaty face tasting the salt, the boy funk and still the feel of his limpening noodle in my bum.

'You done well, lover boy.'

'Did I,' he grinned proudly. His first fuck and he'd enjoyed it. Excellent.

He finally slid free and we lay there in the warmth of a summer's evening cuddling, carressing and of course the constant kissing. Surprised that we didn't finish up with frayed lips. I fed him a can of lager which he didn't want but he had to replace the sweat didn't he, of course I wanted him super kewl for the next and final stage of the game. He knew what I was upto and he gave me his chipmunk grin.

'Trying to get me drunk, Pauly?'

'No,' I answered truthfully. 'Just a bit relaxed.'

'I didn't hurt you, did I,' he asked anxiously.

I nearly laughed but I was genuinely pleased at his concern, not many people I know bother asking. 'Just a little bit, cupcake.' I fibbed.

'Cupcake, you pratt,' he laughed. 'So when you gonna jump on me and rape me.'

'Never, that's not my scene,' I looked at him and gave him the toothy grin. 'But I am gonna hop your bones and make passionate love in around one minute flat.'

'Ooo-er,' he grinned and clutched me tightly. 'Don't hurt me, Pauly. I haven't been done before.'

'But you want to?'

'With you I do, not with anybody else.'

'Love ya,' I kissed him long and hard and laid him out full length on his belly on our the bed. He knew what was coming, he trembled, I could feel his boyish body shake and I soothed him with kisses and love as I got between his sweet little buns and licked and lapped my way to his tight virginal pucker.

'You dirty bugger,' he sniggered as I slurped and sucked at his delicious little bottom, I was nearly cuming, I had to have this kid and I mean like right now. I grabbed the KY and smeared his ring and then slowly worked a finger into his tight warmth, he just groaned and wriggled his sweet little tush ... so far, so good. The next step was two fingers, he yelped a bit but soon settled and started pushing back on my probes especially when I started to rub up against his prostate which must have recently flowered (do they flower or is that a posey?).

'Go on do it,' he whispered. 'Gently,' he added quite sensibly for a kid.

'You listening, Tone?'

'I always listen to my Pauly,' he snickered into the pillow.

'Don't take the piss,' I lightly slapped his beautiful alabaster bottom. 'If I hurt you tell me to stop and I will.'

'Put money on it,' he retorted dryly and snuggled his belly into the bedding poking his bottom up. This was an invitation I just couldn't resist. Tony was mine. The curious thought came to me that if we married he'd still only be sixty eight when I was seventy so we had a long way to go.

I knelt up between his parted legs and brushed my slippery erection from top to bottom up his crack, I then parted his bouncy cheeks and pushed gently at his ring, he gave a dramatic groan as I oh so carefully pushed. I felt his ring yield and his body tauten. I soothed him and told him to relax as I made the final push.

I entered his gateway of warmth and tighness in one movement and stopped. My penis was lodged in him and I gently pushed more until I had about an inch inside him and then I started to move, he was silent but I heard him expell air maybe in relief.

'You OK, Tone,' I whispered and kissed the back of his neck with my cock trapped in his tight little arse.

'I'm OK,' his voice broke into a squeak.

'Good boy.' From there on it was a matter of slowly fucking my way in deeper and deeper until I felt his body totally encompass my raging hardon. My belly pressed against his back and my pubics mashed against his soft bottom as my legs forced his apart and his bottom up onto my slow thrusts.

'Yaah.' He groaned and then laughed. 'Go on, it's OK.'

It began. In spite of my inclinations I fucked him slowly and tenderly, I treated him like he was a piece of delicate bone china. At the end he started to push up onto me and I started to go faster and harder. That was it, he was with me.

'I'm gonna cum in a minute,' my sweaty groin slapped against his bottom.

'Go on,' he gave a dirty chuckle. 'Gimme babies.'


'Your slut,' he corrected me and rammed his little boy bottom up into me.

That was it, I felt the surge of heat up my shaft and the pulsing of my penis as it shot my load of creamy spunk deep into his welcoming flesh. He giggled and wriggled as I pinned him to the bed with my surging spike filling his sweet fanny until I could feel my own cum between his cheeks as I slowly came to rest.

'Jeez, you were fantastic,' I sighed and kissed as he craned his head around towards me.

'Boyfriends then?' He clamped tightly on my softening dick and expelled it. He giggled again as he felt the soft slippery mass nestle between his legs. 'Messy, messy.'

'Nice messy.' Jeez, we were even into baby talk. I rolled us onto our sides and felt for him, the little toad was as hard as a rock again. I turned him to face me and looked at him, he was sweaty and we both needed a good bath, I decided there and then to get a shower attachment fitted into the bathroom when I had some more money but that was by the by. 'God, you're so sweaty,' I sniffed at his chest and he chuckled and pressing me onto my back, clambering on top of me he fed his re-awakened cock between my legs.

I clamped on his gentle movements and grasped his sweat sheened buns They were lovely things to hold onto in times of tiredness, his motions increased and I could now feel him fully erect slipping between my clenched thighs.

'Wanna do it again?' he whispered raising himself and my legs at the same time.

'Do I get a choice?'

'Always,' he looked at me seriously as he located my pucker and thrust home.

'Jeez,' I grabbed his moving hips and gazed up at him fondly. It was going to be a long night, God willing it was going to be a long marriage.


I enjoyed writing that one.

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