Broke for Christmas

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 17, 2004




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"We've got one box of macaroni and cheese, one can of chili, one stack of saltine crackers and a half loaf of bread." Manuel enumerated. "Along with some ketchup, some mustard, salt, pepper and sugar. That's got to last us until the day after Christmas." he said. This was Christmas Eve at seven o'clock at night.

I groaned. "Shit! I wasn't wanting to eat at the mission!"

"They'll serve a turkey dinner on Christmas Day." Manny pointed out. "We need to get in line for it about nine o'clock if we're going to get any."

"And it's two miles to the mission." I said. "And we got two bus tokens, only enough to get us to work Friday so we can get our paychecks!" So if we did plan on the mission meal on Christmas Day, a two-mile walk in the snow was called for, followed by three hours of waiting for them to open the doors.

"Hey, Brian, it's what we've got to work with!" Manny said. "Things are going to get better!"

"When?" I demanded. "When are we going to get out of this fucking hotel room?"

"Where's your Christmas spirit?" Manny asked me.

"Don't remind me." I groaned. "No tree, no presents, nothing but Christmas specials on the TV, if we can stomach them. Some Christmas this is!"

"I don't get to go home and see my family either!" Manny pointed out.

"Doesn't it bother you?" I asked Manny. "Geez, I mean, my whole family, and none of them even sent me as much as a Christmas card! My mother didn't even call me at work at five o'clock, and she was supposed to!" I'd arranged to take such calls on the company phone, with the understanding that the call not come in until five o'clock and I was out of there by five-thirty, when the security guard locked the building down. Today, I'd waited by the phone until five-thirty and been chased out; one reason for my current bad mood. It's why Manny and I were now sitting in our hotel room at seven at night, figuring out what to have for dinner.

"My family isn't even in this country." Manny said. "And I haven't seen them in two years." Manny sent them money, one reason he and I were sharing this hotel room. Me, I had some debts to pay off, enough to keep me squirming from paycheck to paycheck, I'd get through them in another couple of years barring emergencies (and don't they always come up, one way or another), but for now, I was sharing a cheap hotel room with another guy. We got paid every other Friday, but this year, that Friday was on December 26th and we not only had to work that day, we had to wait to get paid until that day. We'd always run a little low on money about Day 12 of each pay period, but when that covers Christmas Eve and Christmas...well, it can really put a crimp on the celebrations.

We should have figured it out, but we'd expected to either get our money before the holiday or a Christmas bonus or both. Neither had materialized and now we were stuck with a box of mac and cheese, a can of chili, a stack of crackers, a half loaf of bread, and a lot of nothing for Christmas. Unless we hiked to the mission like I'd said.

"What do you want for Christmas Eve dinner?" Manny said.

"What I want isn't going to happen." I said. "Let's have the mac and cheese, and we'll eat the chili tomorrow night. Guess we'll go to the mission for lunch, God, the snow, that'll be six hours out in the snow! Damn, we'll fucking freeze!"

"We'll make do." Manny said. "And it'll be fun, we'll stand with the others waiting and they'll bring us out coffee to sip and there'll be barrels with fires inside them to warm us up."

"How do you know all this?" I asked him.

Manny shrugged. "It's what I did last year."

"Really?" I said. I was surprised by this, Manny and I had moved in together last spring. "Why'd you do that?"

"Same reason as this year." Manny said. "No money. Besides, nobody to spend the day with. I get lonely this time of year, same as you.

"What'd your family do for Christmas?"

"We'd go to church the night before." Manny said.

"The Midnight Mass." I realized.

"And again the morning after." Manny said. "Then we'd spend the rest of the day and that night with our family."

"Yeah." I agreed. "And the presents."

"Not as many as you give here in the United States, but yes." Manny said. "Most of all, though, it was the day the family would spend together."

"I know what you mean." I said. "I think that being with my family is what I'm missing most, right now. Presents would be nice. Shit! I was going to buy some presents with my paycheck. Why is the boss making us wait until the day after Christmas?"

"To make sure we show up." Manny suggested.

"Yeah, but it stinks, big time!" I groused. "He could have managed a small bonus or something before the holiday for us, couldn't he?"

"He should have." Manny agreed. He finished with putting the pan of water for the mac and cheese on the hot plate (we didn't make it with the regular recipe on the box that calls for butter and milk, just boil the macaroni, rinse it, and then mix in the cheese powder; that came out tasting pretty good all by itself that way), leaving it to come to a boil, and said, "Well, want to see what's on television?"

"Not really." I said. "Anything they'll have is either going to be some new program that's based on an old classic and that'll bug me and remind me of home and family, or it'll be something classic and that'll just remind me of home and family. Right now, I think the best thing is if we pretend the entire holiday isn't happening."

"Fine with me, only if we aren't going to watch TV or listen to the radio, what are we going to do?" Manny said.

"Sit and talk?" I suggested.

"Fine by me." Manny agreed.

We were pretty silent, sporadic attempts at conversation, while the water boiled, then I added the macaroni and salt (I was closer at the time) and turned the heat down and covered it, and then more hesitant conversation while the macaroni cooked, and then Manny drained it in the bathroom sink and rinsed it in hot water from the tap (otherwise the macaroni turns out gummy from the starch that cooks out of it), then I did the honors of stirring in the cheese powder and divided it up into the two bowls we had. That gave us each about two cups of macaroni flavored with cheese, and then we were done with our Christmas Eve dinner. When I compared this to our family get-togethers on that night, with the turkey and ham and dozens of other dishes to choose from, I nearly gagged on it.

"Let's turn on the television." I said. "I got to do something familiar for Christmas or I'm going to go nuts here."

I found "It's a Wonderful Life" about midway done, and that worked well enough. You know, they don't really mention the holiday in that movie, just a bit at the end, really, and it's downplayed. I managed to enjoy it as much as you can enjoy a movie you know nearly word for word already, and then they started "Miracle on 34th Street" (the old one with Natalie Wood as the little girl) and somehow I couldn't bring myself to turn it off or change channels. I watched the entire thing and my eyes were teared up for a good deal of it.

Manny enjoyed the movie (he hadn't seen it before, ever), laughing loudly at the funny parts which made laughing with him easier.

With the final line "Or maybe I'm not such a good attorney as I think I am." and the ending shot focused on the walking stick standing in the corner near the fireplace, I chuckled, actually happy, and looked over at Manny.

"That was a pretty good movie." Manny said.

"Yeah." I said. My family would watch it every year and Mom would always say to us kids about how when she was little, she was like the little girl in it and...." And I got bummed out all over again. "Damn! I hate this, doing nothing at all for Christmas."

"Hey, cheer up." Manny said. "Tomorrow will be fun, you'll see. Everyone standing around laughing and talking while we wait. They have a Santa come by to give gifts of toys to the children that come to the mission, and you can watch them open their presents which are all wrapped up."

"I'm sorry I didn't get your present in time." I said to Manny. "I was going to buy you a chess set and teach you how to play chess. Just a cheap little board and plastic pieces, but if I'd bought that thing with my last check instead of waiting, we'd have something to do, anyhow."

"I didn't get your present yet, either."

"Now we both have to wait for the weekend to pick up something." I said. "Why'd the boss have to screw us out of the bonus this year of all years! I wonder how many people who work at the factory with us are like us, missing out on a real Christmas because of his stinginess!"

"A real Scrooge." Manny said.

"You got it. Now what are we going to do?" It was ten o'clock, still too early for bed. The television station had gone on to that terrible movie with Bill Murray playing Scrooge, I couldn't bear to watch it even in an anything-that's-Christmas frame of mind. The other stations (we didn't have cable, naturally) were running their own sitcom's Christmas stuff, horribly bad, I turned the TV off.

"God, this Christmas really sucks!" I complained yet again as I scooted back on the bed, I was sitting across it with my back against the wall, the closest thing to a chair we had.

"Hey, it's just a day." Manny said as he scooted back to join me there. "We'll get through it."

"I just wish I'd gotten you something for Christmas." I said. "Even one lousy present tonight would have been enough."

"Then let me give you something." Manny said.

"What?" I asked, puzzled.

His hand came up onto my leg, his fingers stroked along my inner thigh.

I was more surprised than excited by this. Manny and I were friends, but this! "Manny?" I said as I looked at him, eyes wide.

"Hey, I'm lonesome tonight, too." He said. "No family, no friends besides you, no money to do anything with. Why not?"

Why not? My mind churned that question while his hand moved on up and cupped my basket, and as soon as I felt that warm, brown hand of his over and around my balls, I found my decision was made for me.

"Well." I temporized. "I guess it's okay, this once, I mean, what with Christmas and all...."

And his lips moved in towards mine and my blather dissipated like the thin wind it was as he pressed his mouth against mine and my mouth opened as his did, and his tongue ran in to dance across mine. There was the lingering taste of cheese on his tongue, or maybe that was my imagination, and I was too busy sucking on the tongue to make up my mind which it was then anyway. Then he withdrew his tongue, and I sent mine chasing after his, to brush it across his teeth and caress his own tongue in penitence, and he took retribution by sucking on my tongue, so hard he nearly yanked it out of me.

His hands had been undoing my jeans' fly and now his fingers were worming inside my pants, balked by the white cotton of my brief but only temporarily, until he could find the flap and then with a wrench of my jeans to make room for his hand, he was sidling inside and those fingertips touched my cock's shaft and brushed over the top of it, four silken cushions that awakened my flesh and sent it surging and rising up, and then his thumb arrived and the trap was set, he clamped onto my cock and I was his prisoner, he was sucking hard on my tongue and his hand was tight on my dick, and I could only moan submissively as he used those two points of control to press his body against mine and send me over compliantly onto the bed, my back sliding over and then with my shoulder on the bed, I turned and was under him.

My hands caught his t-shirt at its bottom and tugged it up his back, I wanted to rip it off him and probably could have if I'd tried, for it was the common white thin t-shirt, nothing special about it except that it covered his upper body so tightly and smelled of him so wonderfully!

He rose up long enough to let me skin the t-shirt over him, and then he reached for my shirt buttons and undid them, and when he had the fifth and last button open, and my shirt was pushed back to expose my chest, he dove back down and began to kiss my chest and I could only moan again and hold his head with my hands, not controlling him in any wise, just touching him, while he touched me!

"Oh, God, Manny!" I gasped out. "Shit, man, yeah, God, yeah!"

And he was at my waist, and my briefs were still there, defiantly covering my erection even though my pants had surrendered the fray, and he caught my jeans' and brief's waistbands together and he pulled as hard as I had on his t-shirt. I was wearing only socks (nobody wears heavy-duty boots at home, especially when you're sprawling on a bed) and so when he got them over the resistance of my hips, the rest was akin to peeling a banana, they came away cleanly and left me pink and exposed to him.

Manny stood up, a brown god of a man and I watched as he undid his own pants and shucked them down his thighs the same way, together and at once, and then he was a goldenly gleaming avatar as he crawled atop me, and we were now two men together, all coverings disposed of (save my own socks, forgotten minutiae) and he could and did touch our manhoods together and let them kiss each other with their precome, hot glistening slashes of male rut that burned itself onto my glans and caused my prong to roar with fury, yes, yes, it was time now, it was time!

Bare arms came around my shoulders, and I touched with my bare hands his bare back, and his bare nipples tapped and pressed upon my bare chest and his bare lips touched my own and it was all him and me, nothing in between, nothing at all!

When his kisses became more ardent and roved downwards, I realized soon enough his intent and began to match him with my own, we moved in unspoken understanding towards each other's manhood, the twin towers of power that beckoned us to fit them into our bodies and there to weave their magic dance of delight.

Manny caught my cock first and I felt his mouth like a starburst of heat upon my glans and then it was a shaft of fire that burned down my column of manhood and set it ablaze all at once, and I groaned, my lips trembled as they touched his cockhead and one taste of that heady nectar of him upon it was enough, I lost any remnants of reticence as I crammed it into my mouth and felt it pulse hot and greedy upon my tongue!

My rapacity replaced my amateurishness in this mode of making love, I could and did move fervidly upon his dong, and his lips were active upon mine, I was living in an exploding constellation of sexual excitement, bursting all about me were spots and areas of ecstasy, and I was transported into a part of the mind where civilization and our bestial ancestors meet and civility makes way, passes the crown to the animal and tells it to do as it will.

In that state, I worked Manny's pud and when I felt it pounding and greasy with my spit, I gasped out, "God, Manny, fuck me now, please! Fuck me!"

"Sure, Brian." Manny panted. "God, I'm going to explode!"

"Come on, get it in me!" I moaned as Manny crawled upright and I went onto my stomach, presenting my ass to him like any bitch dog in heat would, and Manny was my stud bulldog, his brown body climbed on top of me the way a male dog mounts the bitch, and his cock that hit my asshole was as slicked and red and peremptory as that dog's would have been.

I hadn't been fucked before, but Manny and I were both too hot to quibble over it, he pushed into me, hard, and I just groaned and took it, panting, begging him in the breaths I could spare to push it in more, more, harder, harder, yeah, fuck, yeah!

"Ah, hah, hah!" Manny snorted in my ear when he got the last of his cockshaft into my butt, his lips next to my ear. "You ready for it?"

"God, yeah, fuck me!" I groaned back and Manny began to move in liquid smoothness that somehow compensated for my virginal ass and the size of his pud and the newness of the experience, my body only craved him the more, more, more, I groaned into the pillow but when I lifted my head, my only words were "More, more, harder, yeah!" and then back down, biting hard as the pain would overtake the pleasure for a time, and then biting because the pleasure was back, so very much back, and I was loving it all and didn't want this to ever stop!

"Oh, ah, Brian, I'm coming, I'm coming!" Manny warned me and his sweat-slicked arms encircled my chest barrel and hung on tight, his entire length was resting against me now and he hunched at my ass like that, and I felt my own body's climax rising up inside me as he grunted his lust in small sounds that punctuated his thrusts, huh-huh-huh-huh-huh, and I warmed all over as my ecstasy took over my body.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, huh, uh, uh!" Manny groaned and I felt his cock pouring its seed into me, Manny thrashing and hanging on tight but his cock just oozed his semen into me, it was like warm milk, it pooled inside my body and warmed me all over.

As Manny's climax ended, my own took over and I couldn't bear not touching myself any longer, I rolled us both over so that Manny ended up on the bed, his dong still deep in my bowels, but now my own prick was available and I grabbed hold and flogged my cock hard, my orgasm wouldn't wait for me, it was flog now or come anyway, and without the pleasure that the cock's stimulation would add!

I creamed all over my stomach and Manny was still moving his cock in and out of my ass, slowly now, just milking his pud dry of the spent semen still stuck inside his shaft, or maybe just enjoying the last dregs of his ecstasy, or maybe just remembering or maybe just loving this because we were now more than friends and this moment shouldn't ever end!

Done, I did like Manny, I continue to pump my prick even when I had squeezed the last pearly clumps free and they were running over my hand, this was a magical moment and it was a celebration of our togetherness, on a par and level with the family dinner and the exchange of presents or the marital vows, this was a time that could never be taken back or denied, it was a part of us, both of us, now and forever.

"Oh, man!" Manny groaned when he finally stopped and his withered pud dripped out of my ass like a deflated balloon, all wet and tiny and expended.

"Ah, yeah!" I chipped in.

"You were so hot." Manny marveled. "I never expected you'd let me fuck you."

"I didn't expect it either." I admitted. "But damn, it felt so fucking good when you did!" I turned over and into his welcoming arms, both of us and the bed soaked with our sweat and us both smelling kind of damp and clammy, but hell, I didn't care!

"You were great." Manny said again.

"That was a terrific Christmas present you just gave me." I said. "I mean, I wanted to do something special for Christmas, and this was pretty fucking special."

"Me, too." Manny agreed almost shyly.

"I'm ready to sleep now." I said. "We'd better if we're going to get up at eight and walk two miles to the mission tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me." Manny yawned. "You'll like it tomorrow, I promise. It'll be fun."

"It's already fun." I said.

We toasted some of the bread we had for breakfast, then set out for the mission. It was like Manny said, though it was closer to one o'clock before they opened the doors. By then I was hungry, but that meal was worth the wait. Everything anybody would put on a Christmas plate was there, the turkey, the dressing, the mashed potatoes and gravy, all of it. Washed down with more mission coffee, I ended that feeling warm and languid.

And when Santa came in with a ho-ho-ho and a pillow peeking obviously out through his pants waistband, I didn't do anything else but smile with complete happiness.

Even though Santa hadn't come for me this year, I didn't have any complaints, my hand under the table holding Manny's, warm and secure and it wasn't ever going to go away.

There are worse things than being broke for Christmas. You can be broke and still have the treasure that never grows tarnished or dim, for it resides within the heart.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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