
By Vex Garnet

Published on Jul 16, 2010


This is a adult friend's story and it is a gay story. But that is all I can reveal about this story. More about the story will be learned simply by reading it. Hope you enjoy it.


Chapter One: The Room of Shame

"Do I have to go to this book signing?" A man whined.

"Yes, it's your book. I'm sure you don't want your fans to start a riot," another man said.

"All my fans are either obese, single women that lust over the unattainable man or old gay men that can't get laid so they enter fantasy land with my fictional characters."


"Okay, somewhat fictional characters."

The other man stares at him and that made him sigh.

"Fine! They're real people in a book, you happy?"

"Not exactly, you put me in a book without my permission."

"I asked you and you said yes."

"I said yes to your misleading question."

"Okay retell me what I asked you."

"Do you want to make an appearance in my book? I didn't just make an appearance, I'm one of the main characters!"

"So I twisted my question a little bit, it's all good. You're a very popular man, well your character is, you, not so much."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Ah nothing. Let's go to the book signing."

"Let's? Can't you go by yourself? You're a big boy now."

"You're as much of a character as I am so you're going to the signing. Plus, there will be boobs. They may have gone to the dark side but they're still boobs."

The man sighed and grabbed his things. The author smiled, grabbed two black hooded cloaks, and two kabuki masks. The two men left by car and shortly arrived at the book store. "What's with the cloaks and masks? This isn't Halloween."

"I'm not going to reveal myself to my fans. I want to stay anonymous."

"You're going to have to come out sooner or later."

"I never thought I would hear those words again," the author laughed. "Coming out, that was an experience. Don't want to relive that."

"Than come out."

"We'll see, now put those on."

"The things I do for you," the man sighed.

The two men got out of the car in the blazing sun. They walked quickly through the blockade of men and women standing outside the building and straight into the doors.

"Ow!" said the man.

"Suck it up," the author laughed.

"You wish," the man laughed as well.

The author looked at the man and then at the crowd.

"Welcome, my lovely fans. I'm glad you all made it to my book signing. I know you've all been waiting out here in the blazing sun and I am sincerely sorry for that. But I've got exciting news. I know that a lot of you have wondered if the characters in my book are based on actual people, well they are. The two main characters Brody and Fang are standing right in front of you," the author stated.

"Oh my God! I knew it! I love you, Brody! You're so sexy!" a screaming young lady yelled.

"Oh please, Fang is the cutest one!" a young man from the crowd yelled.

"I thought you said you wrote a book," the man whispered to the author.

"I did write a book, you know how fans are. They fantasize what the characters look like from the description. There's most likely pussy juice and cum all over this book," the author whispered back.

"Now, now, settle down everyone. If you want to figure out which one is which, I will need all of you to come inside and get seated," the author explained.

Right after his words passed his lips, the crowd rushed into the store pushing the author and the man aside. After a good two or three minutes, the crowd depleted into the store. The two men got up, dusted their cloaks, and readjusted their masks.

"Next time you ask me to be in your book, I'm going to give you the finger," the man said walking into the store.

"Oh great, this is just splendid. Well I guess it's the time."

The author walked into the store. He noticed the man that was with him was on the stage sitting in those uncomfortable folding chairs. There was another one right next to him with a copy of his book. He walked up the stage and sat in his seat. He looked at his book, Bromance, and looked at the eagerly waiting crowd.

"Well now that we're all properly seated, I guess we can get this show on the road."

"You're going to tell us which of the two you are right?" one of the fans asked.

"Uh yes, but it's going to be a challenge for all of you."

"What do you mean?" asked another fan.

"Today, I'm going to retell my story in front of you all and at the end, I want all of you to tell me who you think is who. By majority, if you all get it correct I will write another book, but if the majority of you do not get it correct, then this is the end of my writing days. So you could say that my writing career is in the hands of my fans, all of you will choose my destiny."

"Well I can say now that you're Brody," a fan pointed out.

"And why would you say that?" the author asked.

"Because Fang doesn't believe in fate or destiny, it's in the book."

"Is that your final answer? Because like I said, if you're wrong there will be no more books."

The crowd got together and started talking loudly. The other man yanked the author towards him.

"What do you think you're doing? This book is your baby. You're willing to give it up just like that?" the man whispered.

"I trust in my fans. I know they will make the right decision. They're smart," the author whispered back.

"We're ready to answer your question," one of the fans said.

"And?" the author asked.

"We've come to a conclusion. We want you to read the full story, that way we can hear it again just in case we missed something."

"Well I guess it's time to retell the story."

The author opened the book and looked at the other man. The other man looked at him.

"Well let's begin."

Like all the days that passed, Fang sat in his room with his drawing pad and drawing out his loneliness with faint piano music playing in the background. His pencil lead moved across from edge to edge of the paper but nothing good came out of it. Fang quickly gave up and walked to the caged bedroom window. Water droplets pounded on the window. Fang looked out at the grey atmosphere, it was lonely as well. Suddenly a kid around Fang's age walked up the steps of the building. The boy looked up and stared at Fang. He smiled and waved. Fang grabbed the lacey white curtain and pulled it across the window. The doorbell rang and the noise of footsteps running down the stairs and chitter chatter from little kids echoed into Fang's room. Fang's door swung open and a young boy of African decent jumped in.

"Fang, we have a new brother!"

"And what's your point Darrel?"

"Don't you want a new brother? Everyone is excited."

"Everyone except me, so count me out."

"You know the rules, Fang. If you don't follow them, you'll get punished and you'll have to go spend a night in the room of shame."

"Fang! Darrel! It's time to come down!" Miss Harriet yelled from the first level.

Fang sighed, he put on his black hoodie and walked down the stairs with Darrel. All the other kids formed a horizontal line with Fang at the end. Miss Harriet walked in holding a young, white boy's hand.

"Everyone I'd like you all to meet your new brother."

"Hi everyone, my name's Brody."

"Hi Brody!" everyone said, everyone except Fang. He stayed silent with his hood over his head and his bangs covering his eyes.

Brody walked over to Fang and extended out his arm.

"Hi, I'm Brody."

Fang didn't budge.

"Fang, say hi to your new brother," Miss Harriet said.


"It's not hard, Fang. Here, let me help you," Brody said grabbing Fang's right hand.

Fang pulled Brody closer to him causing Brody to lose his balance and let go of Fang's hand. Fang then grabbed Brody by the throat and slammed him against the hardwood flooring.

"Don't you ever touch me again, pretty boy," Fang said.

"Fang Law! That is not how you treat your new brother," Miss Harriet said separating Fang from Brody.

"He's not my brother! He's just another orphan like the rest of us, you're not even our real mom!"

"Fang! Go to the Room of Shame!"

"Good! That way I don't have to smell you expiring!"

"Now Fang!"

Fang stomped out of the room pushing Miss Harriet on the way. Darrel walked up to Brody and helped him up.

"Thank you and it's good to know that there's one nice person here," Brody said rubbing his neck.

"Don't get too mad at Fang, he's had it harder than the rest of us."

"What do you mean?"

"Fang was the first kid here at the orphanage. He was given up as a baby, this is his home."

"That doesn't give him the right to be an ass."

"You're right, let's get you to your room."

Darrel and Brody walked up the stairs to the third level. Darrel opened the door and the room was pretty neat and clean except for a drawing pad and a few crumpled piece of paper on the ground.

"Sorry, this is the only room available. I'd let you stay in mine but there isn't room for two."

"Who am I bunking with?" Brody asked tossing his bags on the top bunk.

"The Room of Shame."

"This is Fang's room?" Brody asked getting his things. " I can't stay in here. He tried to kill me."

"I'm sorry, but like I said this is the only room available. Plus, Fang is rooming in another room tonight so it shouldn't be bad."

"Great, I room psycho killer. I think I'd rather live on the streets."

"Trust me, this is better. I've lived on the streets, it's a pretty scary place for kids like us. And I didn't quite tell you the whole story about Fang."

"Why did I miss?"

"Well like I said he was the first kid here and from what I hear he used to be really nice. There was even a different guardian here when this orphanage started out, I heard she was really nice. Her name was Miss Bennett and she and Fang were really close. It was like she was actually his mother and he was her son."

"What happened to her?"

"There was an accident here, a fire started and it engulfed this entire building. A part of the ceiling came down and trapped Fang in his room. But sure enough, Miss Bennett found a way to get him out. But at a cost. Fang got out safe and sound but she didn`t."

"Wow, that's terrible."

"Yeah, Fang even tried to go back and save her but the firemen held him back. They were able to put out the fire but by the time they got to Miss Bennett she was already gone. Ever since then, Fang hasn't had that much luck in finding a family that wants him. He's been adopted five times and yet here he is. After the fifth time he was returned, he just stopped caring. He stopped being himself."

"Why was he returned so many times?"

"I don't know and neither does Fang. He just doesn't care anymore. A lot of us orphans try to not let him get us down but it's hard sometimes. He was a good kid and now it's like he's defeated."

"Wow um, I can't believe that."

"Yeah, well it's time for bed. I'll see you in the morning," Darrel said closing the door.

Brody began unpacking his clothes on his side of the room. After he was finished, he lied in Fang's bed and checked out Fang's drawings. As he was flipping through the pages, he found a beautiful portrait of a woman, it was called "Mother."

"Is this Miss Bennett? She's beautiful," Brody whispered as a tear ran down his cheek.

Brody closed the book and wrapped his arms around it.

"I miss you mom," Brody cried as he slowly fell asleep.

The next morning Fang was let out of the Room of Shame and he walked up back to his room. When he opened the door, much to his surprise he noticed Brody in his bed with his drawing pad. Fang slammed the door and Brody jumped up out of bed.

"F-Fang, I-I--"

"Save it, just give me my book."

Brody immediately handed Fang his drawing pad. Fang snatched it from his hand and stored it into his dresser.

"I'm sorry," Fang said.

"What?" Brody asked.

"I said I'm sorry, for last night. I overreacted and I hope you can accept my apology," Fang said with his back to him.

"I'm sorry too, I should've been more respectful. Truce?" Brody asked with his arm extended out.

Fang turned around and shook Brody's hand.


Suddenly there was a ring at the door. Fang walked towards the window and noticed a middle aged couple.

"Time for us to go downstairs, looks like someone's going to get adopted," Fang sighed.

Brody and Fang walked downstairs and formed the line. Fang looked at the couple and clenched his fists. Brody looked at Fang and looked at the couple.

"What's wrong, Fang?" Brody whispered.

"That couple, they--they adopted me. They were my first," Fang whispered as he looked down at the floor.

"We want him," the couple told Miss Harriet.

"Oh Brody, looks like you have--"

"I don't wanna go with them," Brody replied.

"Excuse me?" the woman asked.

"I'm not leaving without my brother," Brody said as he grabbed Fang's hand.

Fang looked at Brody.

"What are you doing?" Fang whispered.

"Son, he's not your brother," the man said.

"He is my brother. So if you want me, you have to get him too."

The couple looked at Miss Harriet and Miss Harriet walked up to Brody.

"Brody, this is your shot to get adopted. Don't you want to get adopted?"

"Not without Fang."

"Brody, don't do this. You can leave this hell hole," Fang whispered back.

"I'm not leaving you."

"You hardly know me."

"That doesn't change the fact that I'm not leaving you. I promise you, I will never leave you like they did or the other families did."

"Darrel told you, didn't he? I don't want your pity."

"It's not pity. I care about you."

"You haven't even known me for an entire day. Your care is solely based on my past."

"What does it matter? I still care."

"So what'll it be son?" the man asked eagerly.

"Don't call me son, you wrinkly bag of bones."

"Brody!" Miss Harriet yelled.

Fang looked at Brody and smiled.

"What? He deserves it. How can he return here after he returned Fang."

"I returned Fang because he's a flaming faggot. Are you one too?"

Brody looked at Fang as Fang let go of Brody's hand.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Everything! Homosexuals are perverts!"

"That's your hatred talking, there's no proof to that," Fang yelled.

"Quiet, you faggot! I'm not talking to you."

"You're talking about me, it's the same thing."

"Just go to the Room of Shame, you queer," the man said grabbing Fang and throwing him across the room.

Brody ran over to Fang's side and checked if he was okay. Fang shook his head and sprang back up. He clenched his fists and glared at the man.

"Is that all you got, Dave?" Fang asked.

"Fang? Fang, just stay calm," Brody said trying to hold Fang back.

"Let me go, Brody. He can't just abuse a child like that."

"I know, but he wants me. I'll take care of it," Brody reassured him.

"What are you going to do? Kiss me?"

"No, I'm going to make you regret letting Fang go," Brody said as ran to and uppercut the man.

"Brody!" Miss Harriet yelled as she ran to the man's side.

"Back away from my husband, you bitch. There's no wonder these kids don't get adopted they don't have proper manners," the woman said helping her husband up.

"We'll see you in court!" the man said as he left with his wife.

"That was awesome!" Darrel exclaimed.

"Darrel!" Miss Harriet yelled.

"Never mind."

"Now as for you two, Room of Shame, now!"

Brody walked over to Fang and smiled. Fang looked away and walked to the Room of Shame with Brody following behind him. Brody shut the door and sat next to Fang. Fang glared at Brody and moved to the other side of the room.

"What's wrong?" Brody asked confused.

"I could've taken him, easily. Why'd you butt in?" Fang whined.

"You're mad at me because of that?" Brody laughed.

"He was the start of all my pain. I wanted him to feel what I went through when he returned me just because I wasn't--because I'm not--," Fang stuttered as he fumbled with his words.

"You really are gay, aren't you?" Brody asked.

"Look, if that bothers you there's a reason why am on this side and you're on that side. No one wants me, maybe if I wasn't gay then--."

"There's nothing wrong with being gay, the only thing wrong is that people hate you for you. If you really are gay, I don't have a problem with it," Brody said as he walked over to and sat next to Fang. "You're my brother, nothing you do will ever change that."

"Why are you so nice?" Fang asked.

"It's just how I was raised. My mom told me that everyone deserves happiness. My mom gave me happiness, now that she's gone, it's my turn to return the favor. I'm going to help you succeed in happiness."

"You're like an angel, you know that?" Fang said. "Thank you."

"No problem, now when do we eat? And when do we get to go to the bathroom?"

"Tomorrow. It's not called the Room of Shame for nothing."

"Oh are you kidding me? Oh I am never standing up for you again."

"Don't worry, I can handle myself," Fang laughed.

"I'm so hungry!"

Fang moved to the other side of the room and started knocking on the wall. A chunk of the wall pushed in and Fang reached into the hole.

"Fang, what are you doing?"

"I thought you said you're hungry?" Fang said as he took out a bag of chips. "You still hungry?"

"Heck yes, I am!" Brody said taking the chips and chomping down on them.

"Wow someone's hungry."

"Hungry? I'm starving! How'd you get this?"

"I've spent enough time in here to carve a hole that leads straight into the pantry. Here, take some water," Fang said tossing the bottle of water.

"Thanks. You know maybe you're my angel."

"That's a little gay, don't you think?"

"Every straight person is a little bit gay and every gay person is a little bit straight."

"Every straight person is a little bit gay and every gay person is a little bit straight? Brody is such an idiot," a fan said.

"At least he doesn't flirt twenty-four seven like Fang," another fan replied.

"Flirt? Brody is seriously flirting with Fang."

"Whoa, everyone just calm down. We still got a ways to go," the author said.

"I wonder if anyone actually read this," the man thought. "From the fan's reactions, it doesn't seem so. Or maybe they're just dumb like the author."

"Okay okay everyone, let's just move on to the next chapter."

"I'm starting to think no one read my book or they're just dumb, the author thought to himself.

Next: Chapter 2

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