
By Vex Garnet

Published on Aug 10, 2010


Chapter Two: There's a Shark in the Water

Several weeks passed as Brody and Fang's friendship grew. They both helped each other out; Brody helped Fang turn back into the person he once was before the death of Miss Bennett while Fang helped Brody out around the orphanage. The two became inseparable and they never kept secrets from each other. Until one day, when fang took thing's to the next level. It all started when Fang woke up the next morning.

Fang's eyes fluttered as the bright, beaming sun shined through the blinds. The smooth skin on Fang's hands rubbed against his eyelids. Fang literally rolled out of bed, crashing onto the hard flooring. Stretching and yawning as he arose, he looked over at Brody who was on the top bunk, sleeping like a log as always tightly hugging one of his pillows. A smile stretched upon his face from ear to ear as he shook his head. Fang slipped into his house shoes, which resembled polar bear paws, which he got from his second family. Fang walked out of the room and down the stairs.

"What do you want me to do, Steve? I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing! If I don't pay the bills this month, what am I suppose to say to the children? I can't tell them that they're going to be evicted, that'll break their hearts," Fang overheard Miss Harriet say over the phone.

When Fang heard the news, he shook his head in disbelief. He could not believe that Miss Harriet was having such an issue with paying the bills. He actually felt bad for her. Fang walked into the kitchen and knocked on the pantry door. Miss Harriet paused then hung up the phone without saying goodbye. She turned around and saw Fang leaning against the pantry.

"Oh fang, you're up. Is it time for breakfast already? I must've lost track of time," Miss Harriet said faking a smile.

"Miss Harriet--."

"You heard, didn't you?" Miss Harriet said as she sat on the floor.

"So it is true. Miss Harriet if you're having so much trouble with paying the bills, why didn't you just leave?"

"Leave? You mean leave you and the rest kids here? I couldn't possibly do that, it wouldn't be right. That'd be worse than telling you kids, that I'm having trouble paying the bills."

"But the owner...she died. This shouldn't be your responsibility. It was hers. You were hired by the government for us. You have no attachment here. They'll find another guardian."

"She never told you about me, did she?"

"Miss Bennett?" Fang asked.

"Yes. Why don't you have seat next to me. It'll be easier to tell you if we're at the same level."

"I don't understand how that can possibly make that any easier but okay."

Fang sat down across from Miss Harriet as she began to tell Fang about how she knew Miss Bennett.

"Fang, Miss Bennett is my sister. My real name is Demi Bennett. Miss Bennett, Angel Bennett was my younger sister."

"You're Miss Bennett's sister? But she--."

"When we were in high school, we had a fight about some guy and she never spoke to me ever again. That was the last time I spoke to her, that was about 15 years ago. When I heard that she passed saving you, I thought she was crazy sacrificing her own life just to save a kid like you."

"Thanks," Fang said getting up and shaking his head.

"But after I inherited this place, I knew I belonged here. You kids teach me how to become a better person each and everyday. To love myself, when no else would."

Fang stopped in his tracks. He knew exactly what Miss Harriet felt. He thought no one loved him ever since Miss Bennett died, all those failed adoptions, but then Brody came along and he knew that time was just testing him, life was testing him. Fang turned around and saw Miss Harriet crying into the palms of her hands. Fang tapped the top of Miss Harriet's head with his finger. She looked up and saw Fang offering his hand. She grabbed his hand and Fang pulled her up.

"Now wipe those tears away, Miss Harriet. I got a plan," Fang smiled.

"A plan?"

A few hours later.

"A car wash?" Miss Harriet asked. "I'm thankful that you want to help but this isn't going to pay off what I need to pay."

"Don't be a Debbie downer, how much is it exactly?"

"Well about a grand," Miss Harriet replied.

"A grand?!" Brody yelled. "That's a lot."

"Well I kinda missed last month because I couldn't pay, so now it's double," Miss Harriet sighed.

"Well think of it this way, we have an outlet to get rid of the summer heat," Fang explained.

"You owe us big time," Darrell said dumping soap into a bucket of water.

"Big time!" Brody said spraying Fang with a hose.

"I get it! I get it! Stop it, Brody!" Fang laughed as he shielded his face.

Brody quickly stopped as a dozen cars lined up against the curb.

"Looks like it's time to clean!" Fang said grabbing a bucket and a sponge.

Fang walked over to some cars but he found them to be too preoccupied by the other orphans. Fang looked around and saw a limousine with no one around. He started soaping up the limo until the door in the back opened. An African-American man dressed in a cream suit stepped out and looked up at Fang.

"Oh hi s-sir, you didn't want your limo washed did you? I'm s-sorry," Fang said bending over putting to pick up the bucket.

The young man licked his lips and grabbed Fang's ass. Fang sprang up and turned to see the man smiling.

"You like that, boy? Come here."

Fang nodded and walked towards the doorway.

"Yes sir?" Fang asked with his head lowered.

The man put his finger on Fang's chin and raised it so they were looking eye to eye.

"My name's Vince, what's your's?"

"My name Fang is name--I mean my name is Fang," Fang said blushing.

Fang felt a his face rush with blood as he was looking at the most beautiful man he has ever witnessed. The sun glistened on his shiny, bald head and his deep, brown eyes seemed to draw Fang closer to him. Fang smiled and the man smiled back. His commercial white teeth captured Fang's heart. Vince pulled Fang into a kiss. Fang closed his eyes and lost his balance. He put his hand out and touched Vince's crotch.

"You like?"

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to. Maybe I shouldn't have closed my eyes."

"You're cute, Fang. Join me?" Vince said patting his lap.

"Um unless you want a car wash, I don't think I can," Fang explained.

"How much are you charging for a car wash?"

"Five dollars."

"That's all? I'll pay you several hundred if you join me right now."

"How much exactly?"

"Seven hundred should suffice."

"Just to join you in your car?"

"Maybe a little bit more. Come on, I know you want to."

Fang gulped. Vince smiled as he began to unbutton his suit which revealed a skin tight purple dress shirt. Vince then pulled out his plain black tie and slowly unbuttoned his purple dress shirt revealing his ripped chest and abs. Fang looked around and saw everyone preoccupied with washing cars.

"It's for the orphanage," Fang whispered.

"What was that?" Vince asked.

"Nothing," Fang said getting into the limo.

"I'm glad you decided to join me, Fang. How old are you?"



"So what exactly are we--."

Vince slammed Fang onto the floor and Vince ripped Fang's white tee off of him revealing his tight, little pale chest. Vince licked his lips again as he grinded his crotch against Fang's shorts.

"You're so cute. You're such a tease," Vince said nibbling at Fang's neck.

"Ow, that hurts," Fang said trying to get up but Vince pushed him back down.

"You ready?" Vince asked as he unbuckled his beat and pulled down his pants revealing his large meat pulsating underneath his boxer briefs.

"Ready? For sex? No way, I'm saving myself for the right guy," Fang said trying hide his erection from Vince.

"Don't lie, you knew fully well what you were getting yourself into. Don't tell me you want to back out?"

"I do."

"Well I don't take no for an answer."

Vince put his hand down into Fang's shorts and then squeezed his own cock.

"You're a bad liar, sweet cheeks. You want this as much as I do. I can feel it."

"No I really don't want it. Erections are spontaneous, sometimes you can't control your erections. They just happen."

"How many times do you have to keep lying to me and yourself before I actually get what I want?"

"I told you I don't want in on this. I'm leaving," Fang said pushing off Vince.

"No one leaves me!" Vince said grabbing Fang's long black locks.

"Hey! What are you--!"

"You leave when I tell you to leave!" Vince said slamming Fang against the limo's window which lead to the driver's seat. "You like that, you little bitch!"

"You're a pervert!" Fang said springing his left heel into Vince's crotch.

Vince quickly let go and covered himself. Fang twisted to face Vince and kicked him in the chest pushing him to where he was sitting when he first laid eyes on Fang. Suddenly the window Fang was resting his head against rolled down and a man in an all black suit, black aviator glasses, and a chauffer hat popped his head out.

"You okay si--you're just a kid!" the man yelled.

"Ya think?" Fang said panting.

The man disappeared from Fang's peripheral vision and after a few seconds the door leading to Fang's exit swung open. Vince looked out the door and he bit his lip. He then looked at Fang clenched his fists.

"Get the fuck out of here, you little cock tease!"

Fang glared at Vince and left willingly.

"You can forget about the money!"

"I hope you go to jail, Vince," Fang said slamming the door behind him.

"You okay, kid? What do you think you were doing in there?"

"I don't know. I wasn't thinking straight," Fang mumbled biting his lip.

"You're lucky, I rolled down that window. You could have been--."

"Raped? I know, I was stupid. I just wanted to save my home. I was willing to do anything to save my home," Fang said crossing his arms.

"Well you can trust me when I say he's going to jail," the chauffer smiled.

"How can I? There's no evidence that he even touched me or any evidence that I was even in there with him."

The chauffer reaches into his suit and flips out a cop badge.

"You're a cop?"

"Undercover. And I happen to know that there are hidden cameras all over the interior of this limo."

"So let me get this straight. You're an undercover cop that lead a sexual predator to a car wash full of underage orphans? I guess cops aren't very smart."

"I still caught him didn't I?"

"Yeah, I guess you can give yourself a pat on the back. What do I get?"

"A shot in the newspaper as my hero for helping me catch him."

"That's a whole lot of nothing. This was all a cat and mouse game to you. My life was at stake and you just happened to roll down the window to save my life. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me."

"Maybe you shouldn't have gotten into the limo then, kid."

"Fuck off!" Fang said walking back to the orphanage.

Fang walked past Brody who happened to notice that Fang seemed troubled. Brody handed Darrel his soapy sponge and caught up with Fang.

"What's up, Fang?" Brody said.

Fang did not respond all he did was mess up his hair and walked. Brody stepped in front of Fang causing Fang to crash into Brody and falling onto the ground. Brody knelt down and looked at Fang who covering his face with his hands.

"Fang, what's up? What's wrong?" Brody asked.

"Nothing," Fang whispered.

"Then let me see your face," Brody said.

Fang removed his hands from his face and got up. Brody got up as well and stepped closer to Fang. Fang turned his face towards the sun which revealed a dark blue bruise on the right side of Fang's face and a cut on the left side of Fang's bottom lip.

"You're face? How'd you get this bruise and this cut?" Brody asked concerned.

"I wasn't paying attention when I was turning on the water and hose caught me off guard and smacked in the face," Fang lied.

"Tell me the truth Fang."

"That is the truth!" Fang yelled pushing Brody away.


"Leave me alone!" Fang said running inside.

Once inside, Fang went directly into the Room of Shame. A few minutes later, Brody opened the door and saw Fang lying on his stomach with his face facing the barred window. Brody reluctantly closed the door and lied down next to Fang.

"So are you going to tell me how you got hurt?

"Why bother? You won't be able to do anything about it," Fang responded.

"I still want to know what happened to my brother," Brody said putting his hand on Fang's bare back.

Fang immediately cringed at the skin to skin contact.

"What's wrong?" Brody asked more concerned.

"I really don't want to be touched right now. I'd be happy if I wasn't even acknowledge for a while. So please just leave me alone."

"I wish I could, but I'm locked in here with you. I closed the door."

"Then just don't talk to me," Fang cried.

"Brody? Fang? Are you in there?" Miss Harriet's voice asked from outside the room.

"Yes, we're in here!" Brody replied.

Miss Harriet then opened the door and stood in the doorway.

"Fang, there's a cop at the door that wants to talk to you. Did anything happen that you want to talk about?"

"I told him to leave me alone," Fang whispered.

"Him? Fang, what happened that you got a cop involved?" Brody asked.

"I did something idiotic and now I'm paying the price by staying in this room."

"What did you do?" Brody asked.

Fang turned his back to Brody and Miss Harriet but you could hear Fang sobbing in the corner. Brody walked up to Fang, grabbed him, and pulled him upright.

"I can't forgive myself for being such an idiot and neither should you."

"How can I when I don't even know what you did?"

"I wanted to save the orphanage, no matter what the cost."

"What do you mean?"

"I thought it was only going to be brief but he wanted way more than I thought."


"I--I thought I was tough enough for--for anything but I was wrong, terribly wrong. I lost myself in the money. He said he would give me so much money if I--I were to--."

"Fang? That's enough. I don't want to hear anymore. I'm sorry."

Fang began to cry again and Brody hugged Fang.

"I'm sorry, Fang. I should of paid attention to you."

"It's all my fault. I'm not tough at all. I'm just--I--I--"

"Fang, it's alright you can stop now," Brody reassured Fang. "Miss Harriet, we'll--."

"I'll go tell him we'll talk to him later. You guys get some rest."

"Thank you."

Brody tapped Fang on the shoulder. Fang understood and walked upstairs with Brody to their room. When they got into their room, Fang slowly crawled into his bed and drifted off to sleep. Brody watched him fall asleep but noticed that Fang wasn't peaceful but as troubled in his sleep as he was conscious. Brody walked out of their room and slowly closed the door behind him. He walked down the stairs and noticed everyone was inside counting the money they made. Brody quickly remembered that there was money in his pockets and he started counting. He made fifty bucks from today and from looking at everyone else in the room it seemed as though they all made relatively the same. Miss Harriet walked over to Brody with a concerned look of her face.

"Is everything alright with Fang?"

"Honestly? I don't know. I've never seen him this down before. Did that cop say anything about what happened to Fang?"

"Aside from what Fang told us? Nothing. He said he wants to talk to Fang one on one."

"You're his legal guardian though, doesn't that count for anything?"

"I guess not," Miss Harriet sighed. "He said he'll be back tomorrow to question Fang.

"I don't think Fang will be ready for anything like that yet. He hardly talks to me."

"I don't think he has a choice, Brody."

"I just wish I knew what happened to Fang. All I know is that there was a man who offered Fang a lot of money and he wanted more from Fang than he would--wait, you don't think that Fang wasn't talking about sex, do you?"

"Fang? Offering himself as a piece of meat? I don't think so."

"That's the only thing I can think of," Brody said shaking his head.

"This is all my fault," Miss Harriet said. "If only I had paid the bills on time, Fang wouldn't be like this."

"You can't just blame yourself, Miss Harriet. You couldn't have seen this coming."

"It's karma. I didn't pay the bills on time now Fang is paying for it."

"You can't think like that."

"Why not? I got you kids raising money to help me with the bills and for all I know Fang is in trouble with authority."

"I don't think Fang is in trouble."

"I guess we just have to wait till tomorrow then."

"Wow that was intense, almost soap opera intense," said one of the fans.

"Yeah and like a soap opera, this chapter progressed way too fast. It's the second chapter and we already have an almost rape scene. What the author couldn't think of anything to fill in the gap between the start and this hot mess?" another fan responded.

"Well maybe there wasn't anything worth reading between those time intervals."

"Great, more fights between the readers," the man thought.

"Really? Is every chapter going to get physical?" the author thought.

Next: Chapter 3

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