
By Vex Garnet

Published on Oct 1, 2010


Chapter Four: Hi, My Name is Who?

"We the jury find Vince Diamond guilty of all charges."

"Fang, hey Fang!"

Fang quickly snapped out of his trance and noticed Brody handing Fang his plate of country fried steak and gravy. Fang grabbed his plate and put it in front of him.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind right now."

"Fang, he's behind bars now. He and his gang can't get you anymore."

"Unless he escapes," Evelyn added.

Brody snaps his stare at Evelyn.

"Thanks for that reassuring remark."

"She's right, Brody. He can escape, it's possible."

"Don't think like that. He's gone for good. Nothing to worry about."

"Think of it this way, if he does escape, father has already enrolled all three of us in our choice of martial arts. I, however, am already a black belt in Karate."

"Isn't Karate the worst method of self-defense?" Brody asked.

"I saved Fang didn't I?"

Brody stayed silent and started to eat his breakfast.


"Well anyway, you three finish eating quickly so you won't be late for first period," Mr. MacIntyre said.

"Great! We get to start high school already," Fang said sarcastically.

"You sure you're able to go to school, Fang?" Mr. MacIntyre asked.

"I'm fine," Fang said as he took a couple of bites and passed his plate to Brody. "I'll wait outside."

"Wait, I'll stand guard!" Brody said with his mouth full of gravy and chicken.

"No, don't even think about it before you finish your food Brody. I'll accompany Fang while you two finish eating."


"That's final."

Fang and Mr. MacIntyre left the room while Brody and Evelyn stayed to finish their breakfast.

"Brody, I got a plan."

"Plan? What plan?"

"Just listen, alright? When we get to school, I want you to look out for Fang for the first four periods and then I'll look after him for the last three."

"What? Why? I can look after him all day."

"As much as I'd love that, you can't."

"Why not?"

"Fang's last three classes are in the foreign language section and the advanced section. My last three classes are in that vicinity so I can look after him while you get to class."

"I see. Okay deal."

"One more thing, we can't tell father or mother that we're doing this. They'll freak."

"Yeah, plus I don't think Fang would like to protected he seems—"


"That's the word. Okay so I hang with Fang for the first four and you hang with him for the last three?"


"Brody! Evelyn! Are you finished yet? You'll be late if you don't start walking now!"

"Coming!" the both yelled.

In ten minutes flat, Brody, Fang, and Evelyn made it to school with five minutes left to spare. Evelyn looked at Brody and went to class. Brody and Fang walked together to the basement level and noticed how no one was in the halls. Suddenly a young lady bumped into Brody knocking herself down. Brody turned around and looked at the young lady gathering her stuff. She got up and whipped her dark brown, curly locks of hair from side to side and looked at Brody. She smiled as her eyes met his.

"I'm sorry. I guess my parents were right. I shouldn't text while walking. It's dangerous."

"Oh n-no problem. I shouldn't have just stood here, I should have kept walking," Brody smiled.

"Are you new here? I've never seen you around here and I would remember someone as hot as you."

"Yeah I'm new and thanks," Brody said as his face turned red.

"Well I gotta get to Ms. Simmons class before she gets on business."

"Ms. Simmons? I was just heading there, we can walk together."

"Really? Well thank you," she said. "Oh by the way, my name's Heather."


"Hmm. Brody with a body."

"What?" Brody laughed.

"Oh nothing. You're so cute."

Brody and Heather walked off leaving Fang alone.

"Brody, Brody, Brody, you're such an ass," Fang said as he began walking around not looking where he was going when he too bumped into a few people.

"Hey watch where you're going, Faggot!"

Fang looked up and saw a tall, fit white man with blonde hair tower over him.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention," the guy mocked Fang. "Save it! Know your place, freshman."

The group passed by him as they walked into another hallway.

"Don't mind him; he's very self conscious of his own masculinity.

Fang looked up and there stood a mixed black and white guy standing in front of him. He knelt over and started helping Fang with his stuff.

"You know to prevent a lot of this from happening again, you should start carrying a backpack."

"Thanks. How do you know so much about him? You guys or something?"

"You could say that. We're on the same team."


"We're both on the football team. I'm the quarterback."

"What's he then?"

"He's the kicker."

"He's just the kicker and he treats people like he's high and mighty?"

"He was quarterback last year, but he got in an injury so no he's just the kicker."

"Are you a senior too?"


"Well that sucks."

"Now why is that?"

"Now I won't have anyone to give me inside tips in surviving high school."

"Well you and I have the entire year, so I'm sure I can give you all the tips to surviving this hell hole by the time I graduate."

"Thanks," Fang said. "So what are you doing in this hallway, this place is the freshman section."

"I'm actually supposed to be escorting someone around school. I was told at the last minute so I don't actually know where this person is."

The guy takes out a piece of folded paper, unfolds it, and looks at the paper.

"Fang Park."

"That's me," Fang said.

"Oh really? Well looks like fate has brought us together, Fang. I'm Xavier."

"Can I call you, X?"

"X? Hmm I've never had a nickname before and X sounds really bad ass so yeah, you can call me X."

Fang smiles and follows Xavier around.

"Okay class, today we will only be covering the syllabus and getting to know everyone in the class. If everyone will look at their syllabus, I will read what I want to see from all of you enrolled in Pre-Algebra," said Mrs. Stotts.

"Fang, where'd you run off to this morning?" Brody asked Fang while their teacher read the syllabus.

"Where did I run off to? I don't know if you noticed but you are the one that left me for the girl," Fang replied while looking at the syllabus.

"Oh sorry, I guess I wasn't focused."

"Oh you were focused alright, focused on a certain someone, a certain girl."


"Don't worry about it. You're one of the few guys that like pussy."

"Ahem!" Mrs. Stotts said. "Looks like you two love to talk so why don't one of you two introduce yourselves."

Brody and Fang looked at each other and then both sighed. Fang got up and looked around the room, he's peers were staring back at him waiting for him.

"Hi, my name is Fang Park and—"

"I knew I knew him from somewhere! He's the guy that got raped over the summer!" one of the classmates yelled.

"I heard he wanted to get raped," another student said.

"Who in the world would want to get raped? That's crazy."

"To sue the person for money. It happens a lot in cases like fast food."

"Everyone, quiet!" Mrs. Stotts yelled. "I'm so sorry, Fang. You may sit down."

"No. They're right. I did get into that car knowing to my full extent of what I may be getting myself into. My motivation was also for money but not in the way of suing him."

"Fang, you don't have to explain," Brody added.

"NO! I want to set everything straight. I committed adultery and if you all don't want to acknowledge the fact that I am human and we all make mistakes then just leave me alone. I'm here for school and quite possibly make friends that will see pass my past."

"That was wonderful, Fang. You may sit down now," Mrs. Stotts said. "You're next."

Brody stood up and looked at Fang who was banging his head against his desk. He messed with Fang's hair and took a deep breath.

"Hey guys, my name is Brody Hawthorne and I'm Fang's brother. If I hear that you are messing with him, then you'll have to deal with me and our sister Evelyn MacIntyre."

"You're related to her?" a classmate asked.

"We were adopted over the summer. Why?"

"Oh nothing."

"Well like my brother, I'm here for school and to make friends and hopefully make it on some sports."

"Like which ones?" Mrs. Stotts asked.

"Well I like boxing and basketball."

"Well you're in luck; this year is the first year for boxing and a lot of other self-defense sports."

"You hear, that Fang? Now maybe you can use your head banging to good use."

Fang stopped banging his head against his desk and glared at Brody.

"Is there anything else I have say?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?" one of the girls in class asked.


"Hey, I saw him first!" another girl said.

"Hottie with a body," Fang mumbled.

"I heard that, Fang." Brody said nudging Fang.

After everyone did their introductions the bell rang. Brody and Fang got up and Mrs. Stotts walked up to them.

"Yes, Mrs. Stotts?" Fang asked. "Am in trouble?"

"No, it's just—if there's anything you want to talk about later on in the years, my doors always open. This school is essential rough on homosexuals like yourself and I know that you can't just rely on Brody and Evelyn to deal with your issues."

"Thanks, I'll take that into consideration," Fang said as he quickly walked out the room.

"Brody, I know that you've been keeping a close eye on your brother, but I'm going to tell you this now, things are going to be very rough for him his first year here. You and Evelyn must stick with him as much as possible. No matter how much he may object to it, you have to stand by him at all times."

"Are you trying to imply that something's going to happen if I don't?"

"In this school, anything is possible. Plus, he's already had a stepping stone for disaster in this school now that the whole school is going to know that he's the same Fang Park that was abused over the summer."

"Thanks," Brody said as he quickly left the room.

"God save them. Save them both."

Just as Brody close his teacher's door he noticed that everyone was staring at Fang. Brody looked at Fang and saw that all his confidence from class had quickly dissolved and he was now shaking in fear of everyone else. Xavier and Evelyn quickly pushed their way to Fang's side.

"Who are you?" Brody asked.

"I'm Xavier, I'm a senior here. I was asked to show Fang around. I'm guessing you're Brody."

"What's going on here?" Fang asked.

"Seems like someone babbled about your case, Fang. And now there are people outside protesting to keep you out of this school," Evelyn said.

"What?!" Brody yelled. "Who in their right mind would do that?"

"Follow me," Evelyn said.

Xavier and Evelyn started to push their way through the crowd with Brody guiding Fang through the crowd. After going through the crowd, the group ended up in the office. Evelyn turned on the TV and looked out the window.

"Looks like the crowd has grown in the last half hour," Evelyn said.

"Evelyn thank goodness you made it. Have you seen the crowd?" one of the student helpers asked.

"There's an even bigger crowd in the halls. Where are the security guards?"

"They're all outside trying to manage the crowd."

"Where's Principal Theo?"


"We need someone inside. They're going to easily come in here."

"I'll watch the door," Xavier said.

"I'll watch it too," Fang said.

"You're the very reason why they're out there, Fang. If you get even close to the door, they'll smash it."

"I just want to help somehow," Fang said standing next to Xavier.

Evelyn walked to the intercom microphone and phoned in the LGBT club supporters. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Xavier looked out and noticed that the LGBT club supporters were standing outside the door. He opened the door and let the supporters in then immediately closing the door.

"I was hoping something like this wasn't going to happen," Mrs. Stotts said.

"What are we going to do now?" Xavier asked.

"Xavier, you just stay close to Fang."

"Fang hold my hand," Xavier said.


"Fang, you're holding my hand."

"What?" Fang asked snapping out of his dreamlike state.

"Your hand."

Fang looked at his hand and his face turned red immediately. He let go and looked away.

"Were you daydreaming?"

"Uh yeah, sorry."

"Does that happen often?"

"Just recently."

"I thought I was just boring to talk to," Xavier laughed.

"No way!" Fang said pushing Xavier.

"So what were you dreaming about?"

"Um why do you ask?"

"It seemed pretty intense from the way you were holding my hand."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's fine. Just warn me before you do."

"How do I warn you if I'm daydreaming?"

"Oh right, uh well I guess I'll just try to pay attention when you do it again."

"I'll try not to."

"Like that's going to happen anytime soon," Fang thought.

"Are you dreaming again?"

"No, just thinking."

"You think a lot."

"Don't you?"

"Not really, I just go with the flow."


"Hey, it's not lame. I just have a different way of doing things."

"Which is lame."

"Okay, Lennon."

"I remind you of John Lennon?"

"I don't know it just seemed right. Anyway, here's your last class," Xavier said looking at the schedule. "Chinese 1. After you."

Fang walked in and noticed that all the decorations in the room did not match anything related to China but instead to Germany. The teacher was defiantly Chinese but it just didn't seem right. Maybe she's Chinese and teaches German.

"Is this the right place?" Fang asked Xavier.

"I'm not sure," Xavier said.

"What are your names?" the teacher asked all the way from her desk.

"Fang Park."

"Xavier Van"

"You're in the right class, take a seat."

"This is Chinese?" Fang asked.

"Don't be fooled by the décor. I'm new so I don't have my own room yet. I'm sharing with the German teacher. She has morning classes; I have afternoon classes."

Fang sat at the back the class and noticed that Xavier sat right next to him. Fang looked at Xavier puzzled.

"What?" Xavier asked.

"You don't have to stay, I'm pretty sure she just said this is the right class."

"I don't know if you noticed but I gave her my name as well. I'm in this class too."

"But you're a senior."

"And that means I can't take a foreign language class?"

"Well I would think that you're already done with any type of foreign language by now."

"I am. I just wanted to take one of the new classes. This is my last year."

"Sorry," Fang mumbled.

As the minutes passed by the students filled up the class. By the end of the five minute passing time, the teacher walked up to the chalkboard and began writing down her name, Mrs. Cai pronounced like the word "sigh".

"Okay class, my name is Mrs. Cai. Not Jing like you all have on your schedules. That is where the school made a mistake."

"Why would they make a mistake on your name?" one of the students asked.

"Well in my country, we have our last name first then our first name second."

"That's weird."

"For you, maybe, but not for me. Anyway we are going to go over introductions. Now, I have already talked to two of you in here. Xavier, why don't you go first."

"Okay well as most of you--."

"Stand up, please," Mrs. Cai demanded.

Xavier sighed and stood up.

"My name is Xavier Van, the quarterback for our football team."

"But this is the first day, how are you already the quarterback?" Mrs. Cai asked.

"I was quarterback last year, so I'm quarterback this year as well."

"So you just get it handed to you? You don't even have to work for it? What if you're not as good as you were last year?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm better than last year."

"I guess that's where you're going to have to prove yourself then, right?"

"That's the point."

Mrs. Cai smirked and then said,"Ok you can sit down. Fang, it's your turn."

Fang stood up and looked at Mrs. Cai who looked like she was very uninterested in what was going on and she was just reading off her list of students.

"I'm Fang Park and I'm a freshman here. Um I'm not quite sure what else to say."

"Well you're just boring aren't you?"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm just teasing. What do you like to do like what are your hobbies?"

"Besides attracting trouble?" Fang thought.

"I like to watch TV."

"That's great and all but I want to know something about you that sets you apart from all the other brats in this school."

"I'm a dreamer," Fang mumbled.

"You have to speak up."

"I'm a dreamer. My imagination seems to be the only thing that keeps me sane."

"And how does it do that?"

"It keeps me calm and it leaves me wanting more in life than what I currently possess within myself."

"Good, next!"

"That was good Fang," Xavier said as they both were walking out of class.


"Yeah, it suits you well since you daydream a lot."

"Thanks," Fang said rolling his eyes.

"I meant that in a good way."

"I'm sure you did."

Suddenly the same slutty looking chick comes running towards Xavier and kisses him on the lips.

"Hey Xavier, I haven't seen you all day! Where have you been?"

"Oh I've been showing Fang around school."


Xavier point at Fang and she gives him a fake smile.

"Oh hi, nice to meet you!"

"I guess she didn't see me this morning," Fang thought.

"Hi, nice to meet you too."

"Oh well, Xavier we have to go! Remember we have my mom's rehearsal dinner tonight."

"Yeah, but it's only one-thirty."

"Yeah, well we have to help set up the wedding."

"Oh, right. Well I'll talk to you tomorrow Fang.

They both walked off leaving Fang to wait at the office for Evelyn and Brody. It seemed like forever till Evelyn and Brody showed up.

"I'm sorry, Fang. I got so caught up in school elections that I forgot all about you."

"Yeah and I was--."

"Forgetting everything while losing your soul in some girl's ass or is boobs?"

"What?" Evelyn asked.


"You were supposed to watch him!"

"So were you!"

"It's fine. The office had a guy show me around."

"Who?" Evelyn asked.

"Xavier Van."

"They had that douche bag show you around?"

"He's seems pretty nice to me, we even have a class together."

"Oh great, out of all the guys in this school you fall for one of the biggest douche bags in this school. Thank goodness this is his last year."

"I never said I liked him."

"Was I wrong?"



"It's harmless anyway. He's not even gay. He has a girlfriend."

"Yeah the slut of this school, Heather."

"You hear that Brody? She's a slut."

"Don't tell me. She's used her slut powers to charm you, which wouldn't surprise me."

"She's a nice girl."

"You're retarded, Brody," Fang said.

Sorry it took so long, my laptop crashed so now I have to use whatever computer i come by. So it'll take a while before the next one comes by. Send me an email of what you think!

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