
By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 29, 2017



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We arrived on campus for the beginning of my college years. My folks helped me unload my stuff from Dad's car, and bring it into my dorm room. They were illegally parked, so Mom and Dad decided that as long as they had to move the car, they might as well head for home, about three hour's drive away.

The minute they left, I began to feel the first pangs of homesickness. I decided that I needed to do something to get my loneliness off my mind. I proceeded to unpack, and hang my clothes neatly in one of the two closets in the room. I took the dresser nearest the closet, and stowed my folded clothing neatly away.

Even though my roommate hadn't arrived yet, I didn't have to feel guilty about which bed to choose. Each bed stood on each side of a central window, so I took the one closest to the closet and dresser which I had made mine. Before I stowed my suitcase away, I put a few pictures of my family on the dresser, to make the place feel more like home. Then I tackled the job of connecting my computer, and getting me on the internet.

I was busy plugging in my laptop, when my roommate arrived. His parents were helping him with his stuff, just as mine had. Introductions were made, and they rushed off for the same reason. They were illegally parked. Once we were alone, I helped Ron unpack and settle in. We completed our chore in record time. It was way past lunch, and too early for dinner. Ron sat down on his bed, and I sat down on mine.

"Let's talk before dinner, Charlie," he said, "and get to know each other."

"Sure Ron," I agreed. "What would you like to know about me?"

"Well, for one thing," he replied, "I'm interested in your sexual orientation, because I'm gay."

I was truly shocked. I didn't really know any gay guys. I felt I had to say something, so I said, "I'm straight. Why did you ask me that?"

"Because you're really hot, and I needed to know. Now that I know you're straight, I promise never to act inappropriately."

"Now that I know you're gay," I said, "I have one request."

"What's that?" he asked.

"I promise never to entertain a girl in our room, and I want your promise never to entertain a guy in our room."

"Deal!" he said, and he stuck out his hand to shake mine.

Notwithstanding our divergent orientations, Ron and I became close friends. In spite of the pact we made about entertaining `guests' in our room, he rarely dated, and I dated even less. Without realizing it, we spent all our free time together. We worked out together at a local gym, went to the movies together, ate together, and when we tired of institutional food, we ate out together. It never occurred to us that some of our fellow students thought we were a couple.

When I became aware of that little tidbit, I saw it as a great opportunity. If I asked a girl out, she would not only think that I was safe, but she would surely feel that she was sexy enough to convert me. If girls thought that I was gay, it might greatly improve my sex life.

Ron was not so thrilled. "If guys think we're a couple, I might not stand a chance with them, except if they want to do a three way, but you'd never go for that. Would you?"

I laughed. "That'll be the day."

We saw each other naked many times. In fact we both slept in the nude. It did not escape our attention that when Ron saw my five cut inches, he got hard, but when I saw his four and a half uncut cock, no such thing happened to me. We laughed a lot about it.

Two months into the semester, Ron confided in me that he wasn't getting any nookie, and he intended to whack off in bed that evening.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"I want your permission."

"Jeez, Dude, you don't need my permission to jack off. In fact, I'm practically celibate myself. I might join you."

"Great," Ron said. "Maybe I can turn you on, and you'll want to have sex with me."

"It's not going to happen, so concentrate on jerking off, and I'll do the same."

"You wouldn't want to do it in the same bed, would you?" Ron asked hopefully.

"Forget about it."

I turned away from him, and did not jerk off. I avoided watching him do it, but I heard everything. Man, he was a noisy cummer. It made me hornier than I was before, and the next night I gave in. Ron watched me masturbate, and he applauded when I finished. I'm glad to say that we laughed at each other, and had no trouble whacking off together after that.

Ron and I got closer and closer as platonic friends, and as our freshman year was winding down, we began discussing the possibility of moving in together, somewhere off campus. We thought it was a great idea, and started searching. We found a two bedroom furnished apartment not far from campus. It would cost our parents a few bucks more than campus housing, but both sets of parents gave us the go ahead. We had to take a one year lease from July 1st to June 30th of the following year.

"I'll go home a week later than I had anticipated, and I'm going to move my stuff in on July 1," I told Ron. "That sure will make travelling back and forth easier."

"Great idea," he said. "I'll do the same. Also we can get back to school early if we want to."

"Why would you want to?" I asked.

"So I can watch you jerk off."

"You're a pervert, you know," I laughed at him. "Besides, we're going to have separate bedrooms. Your voyeurism days are over."

"Shit," he said, pretending mock dismay.

Ron and I bantered back and forth like this, and we never took each other seriously. Well, at least, I never took Ron seriously.

We both had summer jobs, and couldn't get back early if we wanted to. We lived about fifty miles apart, but we were too busy to get together during the summer. We E-mailed, texted, and actually used a telephone constantly, all summer long. We kept so closely in touch with each other that we might just as well have been living together.

We both occupied our apartment on the Friday before classes were to begin. On the first night there, I closed my bedroom door. About a half hour later Ron opened it. "I'm so used to sleeping in the same room with you, I can't sleep behind closed doors. I've opened mine also," he explained.

I was half asleep, but I managed to murmur, "Okay."

In the dormitory on campus we had a communal bathroom, but we had to share a small bathroom in the apartment. Like it or not, that led to even more intimacy between us.

It was not unusual for me to be taking a shower, and for Ron to come in to take a leak or even a dump. It didn't bother him at all. It may have bothered me a little at the beginning, but I got used to it. Neither of us realized that we were acting like an old married couple.

Another thing we seemed to be oblivious to was the fact that neither of us was pursuing any kind of sex life. That should have bothered me, but since I didn't even notice it, I remained in the dark.

In the middle of October, I went home for a weekend to attend my cousin's wedding. Ron drove me to the bus depot, and I surprised myself when I hugged him good bye. "See ya Monday morning," I told him. I had arranged to come home Monday morning and miss my first class, but at the last minute I opted to return Sunday night. I took a cab from the depot.

When I entered our apartment all the lights were off, but Ron's bedroom door was open, and the room was dimly lit. I heard the unmistakable sounds of love, and some pretty rough language coming from Ron's companion. I stood frozen in the front hall. I couldn't believe what was happening. We hadn't been in the apartment very long, but in all that time, neither of us had entertained a guest.

It wasn't the fact that Ron was getting laid that disturbed me. I got extremely jealous. I couldn't understand my feelings, and I grew frightened. Finally, I got hold of myself, and decided to close Ron's door and give him some privacy. But naturally, I could not resist the urge to look in and get a peek at what was going on.

What a shock. Ron was lying naked in bed, watching his television set. That was the dim light I had seen when I came in. I figured out fast enough that he was watching a male porno film. My first reaction was of complete relief, which was another amazing shock to me. Why should I care that he wasn't having sex?

He saw me standing in the doorway, and jumped out of bed. He had a whopping throbbing erection, which was going down slowly. He gave me a hug like the one we shared when I went away.

"I got home early," I said, as if he couldn't see.

"I'm glad your home," he said. "Get comfortable, and climb into bed with me. We'll watch this movie together."

"No way!" It's a male porno."

"Aren't you the least bit curious how the other half lives?" he asked me.

"To tell the truth, I am. I'll be right back," I said.

I ran to my room and stripped to my boxers. It hit me like a thunderbolt, that after all this time, I was going to lie in the same bed with Ron, and I was practically naked. Then I did the strangest thing. I went to the bathroom and washed my cock, balls, and ass hole. I didn't expect anything to happen, but I guess my sub-conscious had other ideas.

Ron was lying above the covers and he was stroking himself. I lay down next to him, but my cock was modestly encased in my boxers. Ron was really mesmerized by the action on the screen. I discreetly undid the snap on my fly in case I should want to jerk off with Ron.

"Watch," he said.

Two guys were going at it. I never saw such big cocks in my life. Maybe the film was photo-shopped. One was blowing the other, and they were both groaning and grunting in obvious pleasure. The guy giving the blow job suddenly flipped his fuck buddy over, and started to rim his ass. I had heard about that practice, and wouldn't have minded getting it, but I didn't believe I could ever rim someone. As erotic as it was, it was also disgusting.

Somehow, the guy doing the rimming put on a condom and greased it well. It was done off camera, and we didn't see him do it. He started to enter his buddy's ass, and both actors were lost in ecstasy. I really cringed, and thought how yucky it was, but I had developed a throbbing erection, and started to stroke myself slowly and gently. Ron, on the other hand, had begun to stroke furiously. As usual, he came noisily. His cum was all over his chest, abdomen and pubic hair.

After he came, I determined to give myself the same pleasure. I took my cock out of my boxers, and I watched the action on the screen for a while, but as I got close to a climax, I shut my eyes, Before I knew what hit me, Ron pushed my hand away, and gobbled my hard-on into his mouth. He began to bathe me with his tongue and his spit. I wanted to stop him, but I was too far gone, and I gushed into his mouth. I'm pretty sure he swallowed everything that came out of me.

After we caught our breaths, we lay side by side on the bed. Ron reached for my hand, but I pulled away. He started to sob, and he began to beg me to forgive him.

"You know that I've loved you from day one," he said. "I just got carried away. I'm so sorry."

I couldn't talk. I didn't know what to say. I jumped out of Ron's bed. "We'll talk in the morning," I finally mumbled.

I ran to my room, and shut the door. I determined to tell Ron that when our lease was up, I was moving out. As soon as I made that decision, I knew that I could never do it. I loved Ron as much as he loved me. If that made me gay, so be it. I couldn't imagine going through another day in my life without him at my side. I curled up into a fetal ball and started to cry. The two of us cried all night in our separate beds. I wanted to run to him all through the night, and make love with him, but I couldn't bring myself to do the things he would want me to do.

I must have fallen asleep eventually, because when I woke up it was too late to attend my first class. I felt tired and miserable anyway, and decided not to go to classes that morning. The apartment was very quiet, and I panicked. Ron's door was open, and I looked in. I sighed with relief.. He was in bed, but he wasn't crying. He saw me in his doorway, and turned away from me.

I couldn't stand how sad he was, and I knew that I had to comfort him. I was still in my boxers. I dropped them on the floor and climbed into his bed. I put my arms around him, and he straightened out and fell into my arms.

"I love you so much," he sobbed. "Please don't stop being my friend. I swear I'll never do anything like that again. I promise."

"Hey, dummy," I laughed. "We're lying together naked. I have a hard-on, and I'm pretty sure that it's crushing yours. Given the situation, do you really think that there's anything wrong between us? It pains me to say this, but I love you too."

We were both quiet after that, and we relaxed. The craziest thing happened. We fell asleep in each other's arms and slept until late morning. Ron woke me by fondling my cock. He was so gentle; I think he was afraid that I might snap at him. I gathered all my strength and I started to fondle his cock. I don't know what I expected it to feel like, but it felt a lot better than when I fondled myself. We both kept smiling at each other, and I suddenly realized that I was going to cum. Ron's cock was getting even harder, and we came simultaneously.

"Let's take a shower together," Ron said.

"You know all that stuff, I thought was so yucky?" I asked him. "I want to do all that with you, but I can't conceive of doing it with another guy."

"You better not," he growled at me.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom. When we were both satisfied with the temperature of the running water, we stepped into the shower. I wasn't quite sure what to do, and Ron could sense that. He took the soap and started to lather up my whole body. At first he stayed away from my hard as steel cock and shrinking balls. When he finally started to soap my cock, his gentle hand stroked me until I felt another orgasm in the works. Ron stopped stroking, and turned his back to me.

"Now," he said, "fuck me and I'll know that we are truly committed."

"We are committed," I told him, "but if this is the proof you want, here goes."

He put his hands against the shower wall, and stuck out his ass. I lined my rod up to his soapy opening, and started to enter slowly. Ron was wincing, and I knew that I was hurting him. I asked him if I should stop, and he shook his head. Before I knew it, I was all the way in.

"Don't move," he said.

I had no intention of moving. I wanted to enjoy the moment. I had been with several girls before this honeymoon with Ron, and none of their vaginas compared to the tightness and lubrication of Ron's ass. I had come to realize that I loved Ron, and that I couldn't live without him, but this was yet a new emotion. I felt like we had just fused into one body and one soul.

My arms were wrapped around him, and I saw that he was crying. "I thought I told you to stop crying," I said. "I'm all yours, I swear."

"I know, but these tears are for happiness. I love you so much, and I never thought this day would happen."

I hadn't realized that I had begun to stroke involuntarily. Every nerve ending in my body tingled from the joy I felt. I began to groan with the onset of another intense orgasm, and I heard Ron start to make his pre-orgasmic moans and groans also. We came together. As I spilled my seed up his guts, he bathed the shower wall with his jism. Now we were both crying like babies.

My tears were mixed. On the one hand I was crying from the joy of being in love, and having consummated that love. On the other hand, I had committed a homosexual act, and I was fearful and revolted. I vowed to speak to Ron about the conflict I was experiencing. Who else could I talk to? I'd always been able to confide in him without fearing that I would be judged, and maybe condemned.

We cleaned the shower wall, and rinsed our bodies. After stepping out of the shower, we dried off and fell into Ron's bed. We wrapped ourselves together, kissed and fondled, and fell asleep again. We were oblivious to the fact that we hadn't eaten all day.

We woke about mid-afternoon, and decided to eat something before resuming our love making. We made ham sandwiches, which we ate with coffee. It was then that I took Ron's hands, and confessed the conflict in my soul. I told him that I was sure I was straight. I knew how I felt when I saw a pretty woman, so how could I do what I just did, what we just did.

Ron sighed. "There is no way that I had a hand in converting you. If you were straight, you might get worked up enough to have sex with a guy, but you could never fall in love with him. What we have together is true love. I submit to you, my darling, that you were born gay, but suppressed it, and when we met, the dam burst. For what it's worth, I am so glad it did. Please don't feel guilty about doing something against your nature. You actually did what your nature demanded. When was the last time you were with a woman?"

I actually could not remember.

If we are both truly gay, and very much in love," I said, "help me to prove it. Please fuck me."

Ron's grin covered his whole face. "Let's clean up from lunch and get right back to bed," he said.

Minutes later Ron was fucking me in a missionary position, and I was crying again, like a running faucet. At first my tears were for the pain I was experiencing, but later my tears were shed for the pure erotic pleasure Ron was giving me. I concluded that Ron was right. I had never experienced such sexual satisfaction with a woman, because I never loved a woman. When you are making love with someone you love, it is a joy beyond words.

Ron and I have made love with each other hundreds of times since that afternoon, but I will never forget that first time. It is etched in my memory forever. It's the day our bromance turned to romance. I often wonder what my life would be like if I hadn't returned early from my cousin's wedding, and if I hadn't grown jealous when I thought Ron was fucking someone else.

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