Bros Fist

By MRickitt

Published on Jun 3, 2021


So, another change of email, sorry. Please do message me with comments to m rickitt at proton mail com (no spaces and you can work out where the dot goes).

Find my other stories under Marky Rickitt in the Prolific Authors section.

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This may be a one-off story, or it may be a series- depends a bit on me and a bit on the responses from you. I'm not particularly inclined to return to my older stories but if you want more of my recent story "Life as a Teenage Perv", do let me know.

Topics: Incest, Piss, Fist, Adult-Youth, Tb, light scat.

Bro's fist

My little bro's hand is just right for my ass. Well, I say hand, I mean his hand and a good portion of his forearm. Really, it's like a large, adult's cock but attached to so much more cuteness than that. Plus, the hand balled up just as I like it feels better than even the biggest mushroomed head of a cock. More like I imagine a horse's flared dick would feel like. Maybe one day... But right now it's all about my little bro and his fist. Kneeling on all fours on my bed, my ass is stretched out around the middle of his forearm and his other hand is working my hard, dripping dick. He's become expert at milking that too- alternating between rubbing around my uncut glans and then massaging the shaft up and down. His hand doesn't yet reach around my girth but that contrast makes it even hotter. I lower my head to look back under myself, loving the view of my own body and that hand working me. The feel of his other hand working my guts makes me moan. I push back, encouraging him deeper - I want to feel my intestines being expanded, his hand deeper than he ever has done before. I've primed him for this, explaining that I want to feel like a glove puppet on his arm, which made him laugh his contagious giggle at the start of our afternoon session. That giggle was what got me started playing with him in the first place two years back...

Being the much older brother, in a single parent household, it was me that child care fell to when mum was out. I had been sat on his chest ticking him until he pissed himself, which set him off crying and made me feel guilty. Once I'd calmed him down to a state where he was still snivelling and sniffing in his snotty nose, but would actually listen to me, I told him that that was what dad used to do to me when I was little like him - hold me down ticking until I couldn't hold it any more. Mum would tell him let me up before I pissed myself and most of the time he did. But not always. Looking back, I'm sure he was hard, if only had kept that up until I was a bit older realised what that meant. Anyways, telling my brother this got him to chill out completely, and start asking about dad. I repeated stories that I had told him many times over but he was always desperate to hear. Then he asked about the tickling again, asking if I had really peed myself like he just had. I told him that it had happened loads of times, that he would hold me down just like that and stop when he thought I was about to pee and then start again, repeating over and over until I would lose control. That, would of course, get him in trouble with mum, but he just ignored her and would send me off to get changed.

Get changed by myself! I was not going to miss that opportunity with my bro, who was still a bit upset and was starting to squirm in his wet clothes that were obviously starting to get cold. Up we went, where I stripped him and helped him clean up in the bathroom. Before I knew it, I was hard as a rock, resulting in the obvious question from my little brother, "Why is your willy all hard?". So I started to explain that when big boys and men are happy about something their dicks get hard. He thought about it a bit then said, "So does mine!". Perfect. "Well, when big boys get like that, they play with their dicks and it feels good. Sometimes other people play with them too." I was a little taken back by his reply, which was "I know, I play with mine a lot - makes it feel really good at the end bit. And my feet. And then all over." Damn, my tiny little bro was already having dry cums and I had missed out. Jumping at my chance, I prompted him to show me. He lay on the bathroom floor and started flicking his dick between his fingers like crazy! Running his hand up and down, strumming it like he was a maniac on a guitar. But within a few seconds his little cock was rock solid in front of me, urging me to reach down and feel my own. "Woah, little man, slow down - you're going to do yourself some harm there!" I warned, "watch me..." I started to slowly skin my foreskin back and then took my shaft in my hand and started to wank off at a more sedate speed. He watched a second, then copied as best he could- but his hand was too big to wrap around that little cock of his. Plenty of length there - he must have been about 3 inches, just no girth at all. But that same foreskin as I have and I knew dad had had too. "Wanna try on mine? It's a bit bigger - easier to practice on." I winked at him. Eagerly he sat up and took my cock in his hand. Much different! My fully grown dick is pretty thick even for an adult, but my bro's hand came nowhere near reaching around it. My dick throbbed at his touch, oozing precum out and to drool over my cock head. "Are you peeing?" he asked. I laughed and explained about precum and that it would get thicker and white if he kept playing with my dick like that. He looked interested and became really focused, wanking me off like I had showed him. "Speed up a bit" I prompted. He went back to the frantic speed of jerking that I'd seen him doing to him to himself a few minutes ago but before I had to say anything he paused and went back to a good pace. Getting wanked off by my little brother was getting too much very quickly. I could feel my balls tightening up, my orgasm building. Then it was there, I had chance to mumble "I'm gonna cum", which I guess didn't really prepare him for the explosion of jizz that erupted from my cock, splattering up into my face and hitting the wall behind me. His eyes went wide, fascinated by the show. After those first couple of shots he was still holding my cock and pulled it to a different angle, my ejaculation still in full assault. The result was him getting a load in the face, catching him across the mouth, nose and into his right eye. He closed it and turned away and two more shots caught in his silky hair. I collapsed to my knees as my orgasm subsided, cum dripping from the end of my uncut cock.

Yea, so that was my first experience with my young brother. And now it has clearly built to more extremes. His arm is now almost to the elbow. I'm not sure how much more I can take. It's giving me a weird mixed feeling of pure pleasure and feeling like I might puke. I push back a bit more, but no, I can't take more this time. I ease back a bit, groaning and grinding on his arm. "I need to cum" I groan to him. His now expert hand works my cock head more and there it is, I'm cumming. So intense but far from the explosive load I was expecting, the cum drools from my cock, loads of it, but not shooting. His hand is coated in it and he uses it to continue massaging my cock head. Far too intense! With that hand buried in my bowels, I can't take it, I collapse forward, my ass pulling him with me and he lands on my back. Slowly he eases his hand out of my hole. I can feel it gaping, trying to twitch close, but remaining open. That raunchy aroma of being fisted - lube mixed with shit and cum fills the air - we lay there, both exhausted, me from having just cum, my little bro from the effort to fist and wank me. The energy needed to move is too much, so I reached behind me and pull him to me, his smooth compact body fitting in my arms perfectly. I press my mouth to his and we kiss, his smaller tongue working hard to reach past mine into my mouth. This is the other side of us - it's not only raunchy, but loving - I start to drift off as he playfully continues to kiss me.

The end? More?

Next: Chapter 2

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