
By n.j.scott

Published on Oct 9, 2000


Disclaimer I don't know Nsync this is no way based on the actual sexuality of any member of the group. This story is a complete work off fiction.

This is my first attempt at a story of any kind please be gentle with me any feedback is very welcome.


After watching me leave Justin turn to the other and said "so I guess now is are time to decide what we think of him huh?"

"Well I think he's o.k. but we need to get to know him a bit better "said Chris

"I agree with Chris he sounds like someone who's had a rough time lately "said Joey

"Well you all know I defiantly want to get to know him after all he is my brother " said josh

"My lovers brother what more need I say " said lance

"What do you think the information he has for you is sounds like it's big man?" said Chris

"I expect it's to do with gramps will it seems though he cut mom, wow that feels strange to call someone else my mother, but as I was saying although he disowned mum he seemed to still know enough about us to include Jon in his will so why not me" josh said looking around at the other.

"So we are agreed we get to know him better " said Justin the other nodded in agreement.

"Well then I'm going through that door there to find out who my brother is, and why he won't tell us the real reason were flying to Britain," With that josh got up and made his way through the door.

Sitting at my desk I herd the door go I looked up and their stood Josh

"What is going on?" I motioned for him to sit on the couch I got us two beers from the fridge next to my desk and made my way over to the couch and sat next to him.

You mean why take you from Orland to Britain when there is no needed "

He just nodded his head, I took a swig from my beer and rubbed my temples and began.

"Granddad was a very influential man enough money to payoff the national debt of Britain, but we'll get to that later, the only problem was he was a ruffles man he always got what he wanted never matter how just as long as he got.

This caused him to have a lot of enemies, all looking to get their hands on his money and his power, but just because he died doesn't mean they stop, I have been the target off three assassination attempts and one foiled kidnapping," josh opened his mouth to speak "so why have I put your life at risk by meeting you " I said he just nodded,

"I didn't it already was" with this said he looked shocked.

"That's why I had to do the one thing I didn't want to do,"

"And what was that."

"Do a newspaper interview and explain I had a brother, in a way I forced you parents to let us meet, because they new after that people would start to investigate and find out who my brother was."


"Well It had become almost impossible for them to get to me now with the added security and so forth, and I knew it was only a matter of time before the found out about you which they did three weeks ago, and I had to get to you before they did,"


I stood up and paced around "how can you ask me that, your all the family I have left and you my brother, we may not have seen each other since we were born, but you mean everything to me, knowing you where out there and continually hoping to meet you, have been the only thing that has keep me from going insane," he stood up and came over and hugged me.

"I'm sorry but you have to understand that this is a lot to take all at once,"

"I know but please don't leave me alone again I can't take the loneliness this life has left me with please "

He held me tighter as I began to sob.

After awhile I got my self back under control

"Are you all right now?" he asked me I nodded my head he sat back down and I continued.

"Now you asked why, once they new who you where you life is much more public than mine you are in the public eye, but more than that you are an easy target being around the public so much for a kidnapping attempt,"

"What would kidnapping me achieve though?"

"They know I have a week spot, it's my compassion, and they knew I would give everything to them to make sure you where safe."

After saying that he turned to me and hugged me again and said, "thank you"

"Well "I said, "I suppose it's time to tell you what gramps left you "

Chapter 4

I moved round the desk and pulled out a file

"You can sign for it now or later if you like. "

"I'll sign for it now then you can explain what it is exactly I'm signing for ok."

He signed the documents I gave him then handed them back to me,

"Now another choice do you want the guys here now or will you tell them later?"

"I'll tell them later,"

"Ok with the document you have just signed you have become the second richest man in the world with a total fortune of in excess of 850 billion pounds," he just stared at me with the most surprised and shock expression I have ever seen,

"You ok. " I asked he just nodded his head, then his face took on a confused look and he asked," how comes I'm the second richest man in the world, who's the first?"

"I am of course."

Now he looks a little angry "how come you got more than me that ain't fair? " he said.

"I didn't gramps split his fortune down the middle we got exactly half each, please try to remember I've had my money for six years more than you, good investments and purchases on my part have increase my money to a total amount of 950 billion pounds,"


"Any ways look through the portfolio there to see what you own and so forth ok?"

As he began to read through the documents the phone on my desk bussed,

"Hallo, yes, when, ok, bye " I replaced the receiver and look thoughtful,

"Problems," said josh

"No but a change of plans I'll have to speak to Jake about it though you keep reading, I'll be back soon anything you want just buzz me using this ok?"

He nodded, as I was about to leave the room he said "can you send the guys in for me I'd like to explain what's going on, and I think it's best to do it as soon as possible."

"Ok, see you in a bit," I said then made my way through the door to the main cabin addressing the other I said, "josh wants to see you all in the back cabin when your ready go easy on him he's had quite a shook ok," they all nodded and made there way through to the cabin.

I made my way through the jet and came to the cock pit I sat down and addressed Jake

"There's been a change of plan, we aren't coming into land at Heathrow any more we are to head for dehavilland British aerospace Hatfield."

"Ok you be the boss man after all,"

"Oh shut up Jake you know you love this."

I finished up going over the changes to the flight plan, and made my way back to the back cabin where all the other were.

Anyway on with the story


I walked through the door and saw a group with very shocked face I took in the view well who wouldn't, I mean their where for of the sexiest guys in the would sitting there.

I turn to josh and said " I take it by their faces that you filled them in on what's going on?"

"Yes I just finished when you came through the door."

"Good well there's been a change in plans. We are going to land at dehavilland"

"Why", said Justin

"Because some people that I didn't want to know, have found out your with me. So its for you own safety ok."

"As long as you can keep us safe man, then that's fine," said Joey.

"I can promise, that I will do everything in my power to ensure your safety Joey."

"Well I guess that will have to do,"

"Sorry, but I won't make promises that I might not be able to keep."

"Can I ask a question?"

"Yes lance what is it?"

"Is josh in more or less danger now?"


"Why?" said Chris

"Ok" I said "time for the last peace of this puzzle."

"The man who is out there after us is?"

"Dad" said josh

"Yes" I said

"But how?" said lance

"Yeah," said Justin "you said you parents where dead."

"No I said my mother and farther where killed, I never mention my dad. But I can see why you would be confused."

"After josh and I where born dad left mum, he said she was no good to him cut off from gramps. See he was only after her money, and the influence gramps had. So he left. Shortly after that mum met David, and he took on the role of my farther. Thus being the only one I really had, now do you see?"

"Yes" said lance "but why come to find josh. While he had no money he was useless to you dad, right?"

"Wrong, he was more use to dad than he is know."

"Why?" said josh.

"If he was to kill you before you took the money, automatically the money would revert to him, being you closest living relative. Because a father automatically is."

"But what difference does his signing for the money make?"

"Well he sign the forms Joshua Scott Chasez, now if he dies it will automatically go to the next living Chasez, which would be Roy. Dad can never get his hands on josh's money."

As I finished speaking the pilot came over the speaker "find some place to sit were coming into land"

We landed and I made my way to the front of the plane, the rest of them followed very slowly and quietly. I stopped and turn to them, " now we are heading down the of the plane, follow the group of bodyguards there, they will take you to that building there ok?" they all just nodded there heads "ok I'll meet you there in a couple of minutes." They left the plane without a sound, they where escorted to the building I had pointed to, Once they where safely inside the guards came back for me.

Once I was inside the building t5he door where shut tight, I made my way over to the guys.

"Right now we go down," I heard a snicker from lance but decided to ignore it.

"Why are we going down here?" asked Justin

"Well you see one thing I did with my money, is build a tunnel system under ground between all the places I visit regularly, So that I wouldn't be the target of a drive bye shooting."

"Oh, that sounds like a good idea" he replied

"Yeah, I thought so to."

We all got in to one of the cars and we set off.

"Where exactly are we going?" asked lance

"I'm taking my brother home"

There you have it chapter 5, may be awhile before any thing else is up, not quit shore where to take the story now but I have a vague Idea as always let me know what you think and if I should go on.

Thanks for all the feedback I've been getting it helps a lot anyway I am looking for a proofreader for my story because as some have mention my punctuation is crape so if any ones interested please let me know .


Next: Chapter 4

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