Bsb Hearts Assunder

By John D

Published on Apr 1, 2002



BSBHAB3: Heart's Promises Pt. 3 "Hot Nights, Cold Days"

[Outside on Nick's Lawn]

'Shit!' A slim dark figure scrambled out of the bushes under Nick Carter's window where he had fallen after being frightened out of his hiding spot by Scott's barking. The shadowy stranger scampered out from under the window and towards the exit before his presence could further be detected. ***************************************************************** [Flashback to Hours into the dawn with Detective Chang]

"Blood," Chang said barely audible. It did not matter, Dan already knew what it had been when he first found it a few hours ago. ***************************************************************** [A few yards away]

'So you found my little hideaway I see...' The shadowed man chuckled. 'I guess I should've been more careful with my whereabouts eh, Detective Chang?' The shadowed man laughed internally before slinking into the shadows.

[End of flashback] ****************************************************************** [Back at Kevin's]

Howie turned away and looked into the pool. "It was like there was a part of us was missing, you know? Like the sea without the waves or something..." Howie turned to look Nick in the eyes and smiled gently.

Nick felt a tinged when he heard the statement. But before either of them could say anything more Kevin bursted out of the patio doors.

"We have a problem!" Kevin panted, as he unwittingly interrupted Nick and Howie's conversation.

End of Part 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction and should not be taken into any other levels past that. The Backstreet Boys, Jane and Aaron Carter, Leighanne Littrell, are their own people. The trademarks of the Backstreet Boys belong to Jive Records. All of the events and places and people involved in the following story aside from the forementioned are only ficticious. In short, people, it's only a story, it's not real. It's PG so please, sit back, and enjoy the ride. Thank you ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BSB Hearts Assunder: Heart's Promises Part 4 "The Past that Haunts Us."

[Kevin's House: Livingroom]

"Detective are you sure about John?" Kevin queried, one arm comfortingly wrapped around Nick who was trembling uncontrollably. "I mean there are some winos that live around the beach from time to time, maybe one drunk and had a fight with another one or something?" Kevin's voice held strong, even though inside he was just as scared of John as he was for Nick's well being.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Richardson, but I'm afraid that the crime lab has come up with a DNA match with John Mason's," Chang sat across from them on a single laz-y-boy, his trusty notepad crisp in his fist. "But as Det. Morgan said earlier, we need to ask Nick some more questions about that night with him and Mr. Mason just to make sure we didn't miss anything."

"Dammit, why don't you cops just do your job and search for that man? Can't you see how upset this is making Nick?" Howie burst out of his seat uncharacteristically from Nick's otherside.

"I'm sorry Mr. Dorough, but we are doing the best we can with what we have. That is why we are here to double check on what the local police might have missed from the start and maybe set up a protection program for Mr. Carter here," Detective Morgan rounded on Howie from behind Detective Chang. Detective McKenzie Morgan was from the FBI's special task force division that specialized in finding serial killers and psychotic stalkers. He was an older man with greying hair, around his late forties and was showing it in the wrinkles on his face. But where his neck disappeared behind the crisp whiteness of his dress shirt, so did any implications of his age. What showed through from under the white pinstriped shirt, black sports coat, and slacks was a 6-feet plus frame lithe as any athlete in their prime. Detective Morgan has been on the special force for 5 years of the 15 years he has had with the Bureau and he has been one of the best. He has never been tempted or swayed the wrong way, as his strong religious background can attest...

"I understand your concern, Mr. Dorough," Det. Chang calmly raised a hand to signal the other man to keep his temper. "But as Det. Morgan emphasized, we are doing the best we can we what we have, we have two divisions from the crime lab and forensic teams scouring the old mansion for any hints of Mr. Mason's return. Not to mention that we have multiple k-9 units patrolling the beach side making sure that Mr. Mason is no longer in the vicinity." Chang raised a finger, this time to quiet the other members of the Backstreet Boys who were showing signs of voicing their own feelings about the matter. "Plus we will also have a regular day and night surveillance of Mr. Carter's estate to make sure that John Mason does not return to the scene once again. We have some of our best guys on the force staking out Mr. Carter's house.

We will also station one or two officers depending on the level of danger there is INSIDE Mr. Carter's home at all times until this case is resolved."

Howie settled in his seat, but still continued to show signs of discomfort, but before he could say anything, Nick gave him a pat on the knee and a gentle smile. "It's okay, Howie. I'm fine. I'm sure Det. Chang is right about all of this." But as he turned to answer some of Chang's questions, Bryan burst into the room, taking away all of Nick's attention from the others.

"I came as soon as I heard," Bryan panted, sweat beaded from his forehead. "I was so worried," Bryan hugged Nick and wedged himself inbetween Howie and Nick.

It had suddenly become too cramped on the couch that Howie had no choice but to stand up and move away to a different seat.

"We will cooperate with you anyway we can, Detective, just ask away." Bryan turned his concerned eyes to Chang as he rubbed Nick's shoulders reassuringly. ****************************************************************** [Somewhere in a 5 mile radius away from Nick's house]

Inside a dirty, damp, and dark studio appartment....

"What're we gonna do now? That place has more cops than the freaking Krispy Cream donut shop down town!" A slim figure whined to a taller one.

"We're gonna stick to the plan," The taller one replied. "I am gonna get that shot even if it kills me. Are you in this with us still or are you going to wuss out?"

"Yeah, but he said..."

"Do you want to get paid or don't you?"

"Yeah, but I think..."

"You do too much thinking, let's go."

The two left the room as they entered it: the lights off and with a third quietly sitting in the dark corner completely unnoticed by the other two. ****************************************************************** [Back at Kevin's]

Outside the front door...

"Detective Morgan, a moment of your time please?" Chang folded his notepad and neatly placed it into his jacket pocket.

"Anything, Detective, this is your case." Morgan slid onto the gravel path that led to the driveway. "What's on your mind, Detective Chang?"

"I just wanted to tell you how pleased I am to work with someone who has the reputation as you do, Det. Morgan." Chang smiled up lightly at Morgan who was a few inches taller than he was. "But as you said, Detective, this IS my case." Morgan cocked an eyebrow at Chang. "But I would really advise that you keep your personal business out of this and we would get along just fine."

"Excuse me?" Morgan turned fully to face Chang. "What are you trying to imply detective?"

"I am not trying to imply anything, Detective. Just try not to snap at my witnesses again, huh?" Chang winked at Morgan before heading off to the driver seat of his sedan. "Hey Joe, how are the girls?" Chang greeted one of the patrolling officers as he opened his door.

"Eh, Tessa's been getting a lot feedback from their homeroom teacher about how good the girls are advancing in their classes." The other officer was obviously elated to get his mind off the monotonous duty of patrolling the grounds. "How's the case going?" The other officer smiled tiredly at Chang.

"Eh, I think it's going to be an interesting one," Chang gave the officer a friendly smirk before saying his well wishes and good byes. ***************************************************************** [A few hundred yards away from the house...]

"Well there goes Jackie Chan," The young man lounging casually under the shade of a large tree followed Chang's sedan as it obliviously drove past. "He thinks he's so smart." The man commented, a tilt of immaturity ringing almost inaudibly in his voice.

"You know, I'm sick and tired of these games. Can't we just finish it already?" The other one stomped around the tree and started kicking at the roots of the tree scaring off some grub.

"Ah, you know you just want some of blonde kid's ass," The other one taunted. "I thought you had some of it already?"

"Oh shut up," The one by the tree turned and kicked towards his companion. Missing purposefully.

"You think we should get going now? I think we have this place covered. I'm pretty sure Chang caught a glimpse of us on his way past here." The smaller of the two got up from the side of the tree and started patting his butt for grass and dirt.

"Yeah, I guess so..." The taller one took one last look at Kevin's house. His face almost softening in the wavering shade of the tree's upper appendages. "I guess so..." He said morosely before turning and heading after his friend. ****************************************************************** [Inside the house]

"I'm so happy that you're alright, Nicky," Bryan turned from the window; where he had been standing for the last few minutes watching Chang carefully as the detective drove away into the distance. "I was so worried." Bryan, arched his brows up smiling weakly down at Nick.

"I'm -- I'm okay..." Nick shuddered, resting slowly against Bryan who was now perched on the arm rest of the leather sofa. "I'm just so afraid, Bryan. I saw the look of pain in his eyes before he fell off that balcony! He was such a good friend of mine..." Nick's voice wavered at the end into sobs, his face burying into Bryan's shoulders.

"It's gonna be okay, baby, it's going to be all okay..." Bryan shushed Nick soothingly, his voice cooing the other along as he cried.

But to a pair of eyes from a distance, he had to blink a few times in wonder if his eyes were playing tricks on him...

End of Part 4

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