Bsb Hearts Assunder

By John D

Published on Apr 9, 2001



In real time at the BSB Hotel. We leave off with Nick finding out Brian's true feelings about his relationship with Brandon....

"Brian is that true?" Nick rounded on Brian.

"Nick, I-I..." Brian was speechless and was still fumbling with words when Nick stormed out of the room.

"Nick wait up! Let me explain." Brian called desperately after Nick. "Dip shit." Brian shot at AJ before he slammed the door shut behind him. **************************************************

Part 5 Ended with the end of a flashback and the apparent bloom of a new relationship....

Brandon couldn't help himself but placed a finger over Nick's lips to shush him. "It's okay, I didn't mind it at all." Brandon leaned in and made to kiss Nick back when the elevator bell chimed and the doors swished on open.


[Flashback and Part 5 Ends] ***************************************** ------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimers: This is merely a work of fiction and should not be taken otherwise. It is a pG-13 situation, so please enjoy the story. -------------------------------------------------------

Hearts Assunder Part 6 Confusion

"Nick wait." Brian pleaded with Nick, catching the slamming door right before it would have hit him.

"We have nothing to talk about Brian. Leave me alone." Nick slammed his roomdoor in Brian's face locking it before Brian could end.

"Nick, let me in please? I can explain."

"Brian." Kevin touched his cousin on the shoulder and gently pulled him aside for room by the door. "Nick? It's Kevin. Open up please." Kevin called out, knocking gently at the door.

click The lock of the door became unlatched.

"Nick, please hear Brian out. I can't have you two fighting like this anymore. You two are best frieds for pete's sake." Kevin dodged a flying pillow in time, unfortunately for Brian, however, he didn't have the same luck. ************************************************** [Flashback]

"Brian!" Nick gasped as the elevator doors opened to Brian standing there at the door.

"What's up dude?" Brandon nonchalantly patted Brian on the back and stepped off the elevator. "So which way to the bathroom?"

"Yeah...right." Brian looked from Brandon to Nick.

"Um, it's straight down the hall to your left. The bathroom will be behind the far wall to your right." Nick avoided Brian's scrutiny and walked hurridly past to the BSB's suite. "C'mon we don't want Mike to get all worked up for us being late."

"Mike's not the problem." Brian stood his ground and folded his arms across his chest. "I went back down with Butch to get you, but John said you took the other elevator with Brandon. What's going on Nick? And what took you so long...Or should I even dare ask that?"

"Brian all Brandon and I wanted to do was talk okay? John wouldn't give us a little room." Nick sighed.

"So you decided to ditch him?" Brian interjected. "What if this Brandon friend of yours wanted to beat you up, what then huh?"

"All he wanted was to talk to me Brian. Get off my back would you. Besides what's it to you if he did want to kick my ass? At least he cares enough to do that to me at least."

"What's that supposed to mean huh? And from what I saw, you two were doing more than just talking. What would've happened if I wasn't standing there instead it was some fan with a camera? What then?"

"Well I guess we're all lucky it was you then huh? Brandon, wait up." Nick turned his back on Brian and chased after Brandon who was just leaving one of the guards' room. ****************************************************** "What took you so long? And where's Brian?" Mike looked up from his papers as Nick and Brandon walked into the room.

"Sorry, we took a separate elevator and we had to have some pit stops on the way up here. And Brian's right behind us somewhere." Nick turned to Brandon and whispered. "Follow me, this shouldn't take long." ************************************************* 25 or so minutes later...

"...and so your itinerary ends tomorrow afternoon at the photo shoot for the local charity fund raiser with Hulk Hogan. That shouldn't take long since it's only a promotional stint for next week's basketball game. Any questions?" Mike finally looked up from his agenda book to face a rather bored group of people. The two bodyguards have stepped out onto the balcony for some fresh air; AJ was sitting too comfortably on the recliner with his shades on; Howie stared at the ceiling counting tiles, Nick was busy whispering and having what appeared to be a very interestingly funny conversation with his new friend; Brian was starring hard enough at the previous two to practically burn holes through their bodies; and Kevin was the only one who was seemingly paying the least bit of attention to what he had to say.

"Nope, that should be it Mike. Thanks" Kevin nudged AJ on the arm non too gently to bring him out of his relaxation.

"Huh? Wha..what? Oh yeah. Thanks Mike. No problem at all. Picture of basketball, charity for Hulk Hogan, got it." Aj got up and hopped on over to the wet bar. "Anyone else want anything?" Aj tossed a can of coke to Nick who caught it instinctively. "How 'bout you new kid?"

"You want anything to drink Brandon?" Nick quietly asked.

"Got some orange juice or lemonade maybe? Please? and the name's Brandon."

"Nice to meet you Brandon. Orange juice on the way. Kev, you want anything?" AJ walked behind the counter for a bottle opener after tossing Brandon a can of orange soda.

"Er...thanks." Brandon looked at Nick helplessly but smiled anyways after catching the can.

"Let's get out of here." Nick whispered and winked at Brandon. "Follow me, come on."

[End of Flashback] ****************************************************

"Nick, I was wrong. I didn't know what I was thinking." Brian pleaded with Nick carefully making his way to the angry blonde.

"You knew how I felt about him Brian. I told you everything because I trusted you!" Nick growled at Brian after running out of things to throw.

"I know, and I'm really sorry for what I did. I was...I was just..." Brian looked at Kevin at a loss of words.

"A mother f*****g b*tch," Nick offered to finish the sentence.

"Yes that too." Brian threw his hands up in resignation after Nick flipped him the bird.

"Just tell him, coz, otherwise we will never hear the end of this. And I for one am really going on the deficit on sleep." Kevin urged Brian on. "Nick, you listen too. I don't want you two hissing and spitting at each other anymore."

"He started it." Nick childishly shot in.

"Nick I was jealous alright?!" Brian finally admitted out loud why he hated having Brandon around.

Taken aback, Nick was stunned in mid speech. " that true? Were you really jealous of us being together, Brian?" Nick's heart began to flutter in his joy for hearing those words. "But why? What for? You had Leigh Ann. I had noone until..until Brandon came along."

"I couldn't handle you not being there with me when I needed you. I missed having you around to talk to and joke around with when Leigh Ann was the least of all people I wanted to talk to. I missed you, Nick. I missed your smile, your laugh, everything. Do you forgive me?" Brian pouted and gave his best puppy dog look.

Nick was starting to feel happy again, but he was still not ready to forgive Brian so he folded his arms stubbornly and answered, "Maybe."

"Ahhhhh! Sometimes I don't miss you at all you're too damned stubborn!" Brian lost all patience and stormed out of the room.

"Oh Nick, I can't believe you! I thought you wanted to hear that from him. I don't want to sit through this again!" It was now Kevin's turn to pout and trudge out of the room.

"I love you too Brian." Nick whispered to himself before curling up with the remaining pillows under the sheets; once again confused and overcomed by a flood of emotion. ********************************************** [Flashback]

"Damn, this is the life man." Brandon walked into the private gym looking at everything appraising celebrity lifestyle perks every which way his eyes went to look.

"What's it like being somebody?" Brandon got under the bar on the weight bench and admired the stainless bars and the 50 lbs plates that flanked both sides.

"Tiresome." Nick moved his bangs out of his eyes. "Boring, hectic, a lot of running...alone." He was now on the treadmill by Brandon's feet.

"How can it be boring man, the money the fame...the attention you must get." Brandon leaned up on his elbows to look at Nick below him.

"Well, I guess I can't complain about the first two...but it's the last one that I can't seem to get used to. Oh I mean I love my fans and everything, but I'm never given the chance to be just Nick Carter. Being with the Backstreet Boys, I can't be me!' Nick groaned after hearing himself utter his fraustrations.

"What is the real you? Who is Nick Carter really?" Brandon seductively and knowingly smiled at Nick. 'What the hell am I doing?!?' Brandon thought to himself. 'I can't freaking believe I'm trying to seduce him! AHHHH! Who the hell am I?!?'

"Weeeelll, Nick Carter likes a lot of things." Nick smiled back just as sexy. "For instance, I like to play ball in the park without being bothered. I like to oh I don't know," Nick looked down at Brandon's legs then slowly raised his face all the while taking in every thing of Brandon from his nike shoes to his smooth shaven face until he was suddenly gazing into Brandon's eyes through the golden silk curtains of his hair. "and most importantly, Nick Carter wants to sit right here and just look at you for the rest of the day." Nick gently straddled Brandon right above the waist then gently forced him back down with his delicate finger tips.

Brandon cocked his eyebrow up and smiled wickedly seductive at Nick. "What else does Nick Carter like to do?" Brandon intentionally talked in a low whisper making the situation all the more sensual. 'What am I doing...?' Brandon panted in his mind, heart palpitating in anxiety.

"Well...there are other things Nick Carter would like to do..." Nick trailed his fingers from Brandon's chest down to where his body started and leaned down in a slow graceful feline motion and seductively intertwined his being with Brandon's with a kiss.

"Yes, and would Nick Carter like to get the fck off that boy and explain what the fck he is doing?!?" Kevin's voice echoed through the suddenly cavernous gym.

"Kevin!" Nick's eyes became madly wide as he frantically scampered off of Brandon. "Ke...Kevin this isn't what it looks like..." Nick's voice trailed off when he finally realised that Kevin wasn't alone.

End of part 6

Next: Chapter 7

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