Bsb Me

By Stupid Nerd

Published on Oct 25, 1998




firs, leme star (start) off by sayin that this story wil not hav correct gramma. howeva, u hopefuly n probably wil b able to figa it out. if from my judgemen, u prob wil not, i'll put it nex to the wor in parentheses. at leas i'll try to remem. also, these r jus sum guidelines. if the verb is a gerund (fo those minors readin this, even tho u ain't supposta, i kno i reed m (them) anyway) (gerund - verb endin in -ing), i wil take off the g at the end. ex: saying => sayin. oki, nex thing. afta usin the comp fo so long, i'v developed my own vocab, "kennism" (as my friends call it). sum u can figa out, othas u mite not b able to. but like i mentioned b4, i'll put it in parentheses. in addition (yrs of advanced eng has me usin transitions), if u say the wor out lou, u mite b able to figa it out. but don't eva use it in everyday life, cus it sounds VERY stupid. i only shorten in orda to type les. gota live up to gen (generation) ME's slogan abut lazines. las gramma check, if a wor ends in -ar, -er, -sumthin/r, then i'l prob change it to jus -a. ex: over => ova. las comment, this story wil prob take me a wile to rite, so commens ova my laba (labor) r welcomed n appreciated. i don't care if they're harsh o nice. u can commen on my crappy writin skills, o my wondaful imagination. jus sen m. but only if u feel like it. email addres u shoul sen to (so my parents won't c), also, if u feel like talkin to me "in person," my AIM sn (if u hav) is maltaurus. but don't star talkin to me abut sumthin gay, cus my sis mite b here. o even wors, my parents (afta all, i'm only 14, so i haven't spoken out abut my gayness yet. i'm too young 2 b shunned by people (my motto abut gayness, but i hav nuttin agains bein gay)). i like to talk to new people so talk to me sumtime if u wana. oki, now on to the story.

ps - in this story i'm 18 even tho i'm only 14. pps - the only reason i'm ritin (writing) this story is cus i read Banging B-Rok, in this archive. ppss - my loox (looks). i gues i'm considered a 5 o 6 on 1 - 10. i'm chinese. black hair, brown eyes, 5'5,120 lbs. (not fat), biceps not bad, 6pk, howeva (n i kno only ugly people say this, but i'm sayin it anyway, tho i'm not ugly), i make up fo it w/ my personality cus my friends say i'm funny, n nice (usualy), n jus a gr8 person to b around. i'v got gr8 friends pppss - 5' hard, uncut, but fo story purposes, 7' (yuhs i hav measured it, i'm not that innocent) n i'm changin my hite (height) to 5'10 pppsss - i'm a virgin, cus i can't tel which guys in my skool r gay (if any1 has suggestions how, feel free to share). also, i'm not suh if all the names n everythin concernin BSB is rite.

BSB me

when i firs heard the song "quit playin games w/ my hart," i thought, not bad. but then, the stations started playin it ova n (and) ova n ova, n i figaed, it's time to star hatin m (them). also, that wus wut normal str8 guys were supposta do n i hadta to, cus i feel i'm too young to b shunned. howeva, my sis luved m, so she got their CD. i thought, o crap, i don't wana listen to their crap. wel, this didn't stop me from bein infatuated of cours. but they looked real bad in their "bsb's back" CD cova (cover) so i wusn't that in luv. howeva, then i saw the video. then wham bam fall in luv. howeva, i didn't fal in luv w/ nick. 2 not my type. i fel in luv w/ brian. anyway, i havta xlain (explain) sumthin else firs too. i live in sum town in nj (the mos boringes place) so there rn't a lota concerts o (or) anythin here. howeva, one of my fave stations (97.5 PST) announced that it had a Bday BSB Bash, n i thought, ooh, wut the hel is that? i listened to the xlaination n it wus very simple. they say a bday, n if it's urs, u call m. the prize: 2 tickets to spen the nite w/ bsb at a "disclosed location." i thought, cmon, there r 366 days to choose from. the chances of m pickin mine r 1/366 (i think). like i'm goin to win. gues wut? i didn't. howeva, my sis did. it wus a great day fo her. here's the convo (conversation):

"Cmon, turn on the radio, kenny," whined my sis. "y the fuck would i do that?" "pleas? i realy realy wana win the BSB bash thingy." " fine fine fine."

"oki, it's time to announce our big bday today. wut do u think it'll b chris?" asked the DJ, mark. "who do u think i am? a mind reader? pick the date alread n then u tel me." chris replied.

kenny's note: chris is short fo christina. go to to check m out if u wan. also, the dj's hav a good relationship, so everythin they say is j/kin

"oki, oki, no need to pms on me. n today's date is . . . wut? no drum roll?" "PICK THE DATE!!!!" my sis n Chris screamed at the same time, tho they were in diff places. "JUNE 20! ladies n gentlemen, the date is JUNE 20!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

my sis practicaly blew my ear drums off. no lie. boom n i wus deaf. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

she let loose anotha howl. she rushed to the fone dialin n screamin. "yellllo, this is mark on pst. n this is?"

i'm changin my sis's name fo her privacy. gamma is the name i wana give my daughta if i eva do sumhow turn str8. heh heh heh. yuh rite.

"gamma! gamma! GAMMA!" "oki, gamma, u can stop shoutin," chris said. "u win the grand prize, 2 tickets to spend the nite w/ BSB at a secret location only a select few wil kno." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "WHOA, u can scream loud girl," chris said. "sory" my sis replied. "it's oki. now, we'll putju (put u) on hold so we can get ur info."

durin all this time, i wus jus sittin there. mouth open as wide as ...sumthin.... i wus asto- nished. i couldn't believe she won. meanwhile, she wus ecstatic. pas ecstatic. ovajoyed. laffin, cryin, u name it, she wus doin it. i then popped the ques. "ur goin to take me, rite?" her reply? "y u? u hate BSB." "yuh, but it's not everyday i get to meet celebrities." "i duno, i'd havta think abut it. afta all, wait till i tel sherry n grace n melissa n all my friends." "oki, but u beta take me."

she laffed n didn't say anythin. she jus grabbed the cordles n ran to her room. she flew. nex thing i kno, i wus online, jus readin the gay stories. specialy Bangin B-Rok in the gay/celebrity archive. i fel in luv w/ brian readin that story. it jus touched my heart. it also reminded me of my fave quote; goes sumthin like, "when i firs saw u i wus scared to like u, then when i liked u, i wus scared to luv u, n now that i luv u, i'm scared to lose u." wut a heart wrenchin story n quote. wel, anyway, i turned off the comp n jus wen thru the res of the day as usual. xept fo the diff that the fone kept ringin. "i'll take u," were the firs wors outa my sis's mouth the nex day. "thank u thank u thank u. i'm very gr8ful. i duno how i'll repay u," wus all i could muster out.

we spen (spent) the nex few days in stardom (practicaly) at our HS. every1 wanted an autograf from the bsb when we met m, but we only said yuhs to our closest friends. afta all, we (specialy me) didn't wan the bsb to think we were asses rite when we met m.

wile gamma planned to do everythin she wanted w/ the people she luved, it wus all nonsexual. i on the otha hand had the wildes imagination. i hoped agains hope that brian would fall in luv w/ me at firs site. but that wus as possible as me bein str8. so i gave it les thought, n instead, thought abut ways i coul preten to touch all of m.

finaly, the day came. we were tol we hadta bring ID, n the location wus sumwhere so unsuspectable. it wus at the hotel they were stayin. afta all, PST had bin spreadin rumors abut it bein at sum bar. so, no1 wus at the hotel ready to mob any of the heartthrobs. i thought it wus prety stupid. of cours, this wus b4 the events unfolded.

we arrived at abut 7 PM, half an hr earlier than supposta (supposed to). but my sis n i had decided we woul jus get familiar w/ the surroundins. i wus wearin my blue, wite, black RL Polo shirt, w/ my black jean shorts that i luved. gamma wus wearin sum lite blu outfit that she looked fabulous in. (a (hey), jus cus i'm gay doesn't mean i duno how to judge how people look). at 7:20, chris n mark came. greetins exchanged, usual chit chat. then, THEY came downstairs. the suits they wore were velvet n identical. only diff wus their shirts. my eyes then drifted towar my stonges desire. brian. his wus yellow, almos golden, but not quite. sorta like buttacup. gamma jus froze, but i tried to get things rollin. afta all, i'm usualy a very people person. very friendly. "hi, i'm kenny, n this is my sis gamma. she won the tickets." "uh...hi," my sis whispered. afta i jabbed her. "hi, i gues u kno this but, i'm nick," n he stuck out his hand to shake. both of us shook his hand n then the action wus repeated fo all the membas (members).

then, chris n mark came into the "convo" sayin to go to the room that had bin set up fo this n tol us all to enjoy. we all walked there, silently, thinkin of things to say. finaly, i came up w/ sumthin. lame, but it worked. "ummm, coulju all sign 8 autografs? i'm sory there r so many, but me n my sis promised our closes friends we'd get the autographs, so if it's not too much trouble. . . ."

they all replied suh (sure), yuhs, no prob. so then we all started talkin. they asked ques's abut wut life wus like in our town, we did the same, the usual crap u ask muse groups. we got the dinner n it wus delicious. nuttin (nothing) eva tasted beta. afta, they said there wus a goin to b a surprise. the lites were turned off n the 5 guys lef. "everybod" started playin. then colored lites all of a sudden turned on n the guys were dancin. it wus fantastic. they did prac (practicaly) everythin from the video minus the costumes n crap, but it wus all stil worthwile. when they finished, we clapped n cheered n were jus absolutely crazy. the reg lites turned back on n the boys sat down again. we all resumed talkin again. gamma n i found out sum prety interestin things n every1 wus jus happy n laffin. thru-out the hole nite, nuttin realy happened that hinted towars sex xept when we asked abut their luv life n they asked abut ours. but then, we turned to otha subj's (subjects) afta that. soon, it wus midnite n the party wus ova. as i wus leavin, i felt sumthin brush near my pocket, but when i checked, nuttin wus there. i jus dismissed it as an AC vent o sumthin n walked to the lobby. my hopes were diminishing by then. howeva, b4 we lef, i went to b-room (bathroom) n when i wus washin my hands, i saw sumthin reflected in the mirror in my pocket. it wus a wite cocktail napkin like the one we had jus bin usin in the room. my hopes raised again n soon i had the napkin opened n i saw sum ritin n there were 2 keys wrapped. the note said: "ROOM 425, 4th floor. the key labeled 1 is fo the elevator, the key labeled 2 is fo my room. B- Rok."

i jus kept readin the line ova n ova. i couldn't believe it. brian litrell had inved (invited) me to his hotel room. my dream. . .my fantasy. . . comin tru. then i wen outside n saw my sis. i tol her that i fel like walkin around, so she could take the car n jus drive home by herself. she said oki, n lef.

then, i walked/skipped/ran to the elevator. it wus a combo of all 3. i put the key into the security lock n pressed 4. wile waitin, i checked myself ova in the metallic door, then kept thinkin paranoid thoughts such as the key won't work, it's a trick, i'm on the wrong floor, i'm not even goin becus he wants me, etc. howeva, soon the door opened n i wus starin down a hallway w/ a lush green carpet. i walked down the hallway, goin n goin til i finaly saw it. 425. tho i had a key, i decided to knock. "who is it?" w/ my heart poundin, i ansaed, "it's kenny."

the door immediately flew open n i wus practicaly sucked inside. the door wus shut quickly n i wus thrown up agains it. my lips were soon covered w/ HIS lips n soon our tongues, as wel as the res of us, had died n gon to heaven. our cox (cocks) were now pressin agains each otha. hard. pun intended. soon, he let go of me n leme (let me) breathe. "damn, ur good," he said. "umm...thanx i gues," wus the only reply i coul think of. but then i continued w/, "u duno how long i'v bin dreamin abut this, so can we take it slo, n not rush it?" "suh, wuteva u want. u kno, i'm so glad u came. i doubted u would. afta all, it's not everyday a stranga (stranger) goes up to u n hands u their room # on a cocktail napkin. or is it?"

i laffed n replied no. we then moved towards his king size bed n he layed me down. he started by kissin my hair, burrowin his face deep into it. i wus glad i had decided to wash my hair b4 i came here. then he moved on to my forehead, followed by my eyes n ears n nose. soon he came back to my mouth. by this time, i had prob soaked my briefs twice w/ jus precum. then, our tongues danced together again n dueled til i finaly relented, lettin him invade deep. the thought racin thru my mind wus, wait til i let him realy invade me deep. finally, his mouth lef mine n i lifted my bod up a lil so that he coul get my shirt off. he licked my neck, leavin hickeys everywhere on my neck. soon he moved down to my ches n he rubbed me all around. my shorts were then the nex to disappear. followed quickly by my briefs. my dick wus so stif by then, u coul cut marble w/ it. he put his face near it n jus breathed on it. not puttin his mouth on it, jus breathin. the feelin wus so sensual, mor precum leaked out, soon, i shouted that i wus goin to com n he moved his mouth ova my dick. the juice wen into him n soon afta many spurts, my cock calmed itself down. "my god, ur so good. u didn't even touch my dick n i came. that wus...xilaratin (exhilarating) to say the leas." "thanx," wus his reply. "now," i said, "my turn."

we switched positions n i attacked him. i skipped kissin n wen rite on to rippin. his clothes were practicaly shreds by the time i wus don w/ m. i rubbed my hands ova the hairles, smooth body. i luved the feel, n i took ahol of his hands.

kenny's note: 1 thing u shoul kno abut me. i luv hands, nex to cox. i coul hol sum1's hands foeva. it's not a fetish, but i jus luv hands.

then, my mouth followed pas his stomach, into his bush. i licked the bush n soon, the cock wus in view. i engulfed the 7'er, takin it all almos. i wus careful not to scrape my teeth, n soon, i realy did swallow it all. i hummed, n the vibration made his bod shudda thruout. then, i wrapped my tongue around as much of the cock as i coul, but i coul make abut halfway. the in - n - out motion started then. my hands were stil holdin his, n soon, i took m off to cup his balls. i ma- saged his balls as wel as i could. soon, my hands were back to xlorin (exploring). his bod froze, tensed, n i choked. but i recovered quicky n the cum wen down down down. i cleaned him wel, n wen back up to kis him. he coul prob stil taste himself in my mouth. i then realized jus how tired i wus n i let go of wut lil inhibitions i had lef n fel asleep on him.

remem, ALL kinds of commens welcomed. questions, comments, joys, or gripes.

BSB me...again

the usual warnings. from comments welcomed.

my eyes blinked open, and i yawned. wut a weird, yet unforgetable nite i thought. the chest of the person i had just fallen in luv w/ (for defintely) rose up and down. up and down. i wus content in jus watching it. my hand moved itself to his face and i sighed, breathing on to him. he shifted and i sighed again. then, i got up and after looking at his tattered clothes, i chuckled. he moaned and i turned around. he wus still asleep and breathing softly. i went to open the curtains which he must've shut. they made a loud rustling and soon, brian was awake. i smiled at him and moved towards the bed. i lied down again, this time, holding his hands in mine. it made my heart swell. he smiled back at me and i leaned down, our mouths enveloping each other, tongues mixing. we let go, both wanting more.

"hey u," he said.

"hey u urself."

"so...wus it good for u too?" he asked jokingly.

"of cours, couldn't have bin better," wus my reply.

"yuhp, same here."

i pulled him up kissing him once again. this time, longer. his arms wrapped around me like tentacles and i did the same to him. we finally broke apart, and i left his warmth.

"r u leaving?" he asked, with a sad, puppy face look i couldn't (and didn't) want to refuse.

"mayb," i said teasingly.

"please don't. i..." his voice trailed off.

"u...wut?" i asked, knowing exactly wut he wanted to say because it wus stuck in my throat as well.

"...luv u. i luv u," he said, enuciating each syllable.

"ditto. i luv u too," i replied, then added, "ten bucks say i luv u more tho."

"yuh rite. u would lose that bet."

"i doubt it, after all, who's been worshipping who here, since who knows when?"

"ooh, good one. no matter. doesn't diminish any of my luv. just makes it bigger."

"good," wus all i could think of to say.

after, he got outa bed and i watched him walk to the bathroom. god he wus sexy. i then heard the toilet flush and the shower start. he had left the door open, so i decided to go in and surprise him and really wake him up in a way i thought would be better than a shower. as i tiptoed to the doorway, i heard him start singing the words to "anywhere for u." i chuckled again and thought, great choice of things to sing.

i peeked in and saw that the bathroom was huge. it had a stall that could fit 3 people. that wus where i spotted my target. his back wus to me, thankfully, and i creeped towards him. the song all of a sudden stopped and i froze. but then, it changed to "i'll never break ur heart" and i resumed my mission. my arms wrapped around his torso and i felt him flinch. but, he just kept right on singing. my hands roamed all over him, finally stopping at his cock. it wus hard of cours. my hands encompassed it and i started pumping him. the song now started to become choppy as brian really got into it. he then turned around and i kneeled. i gulped it immediately, luvin the feeling. he groaned, letting me know he wus enjoying this as well. my tongue flicked at his dick and i took my mouth off. he looked at me questioningly.

that look soon turned back into contentment as i swallowed his balls. "juggling" them around in my mouth, i started pumping his dick again w/ one hand while feeling his ass w/ the other. he said, put it in and i did. first, one finger, then two. it wus pure bliss for me, as well as for him, obvious from the dreamy sorta look he had on his face. then, he shot. the cum wus shot onto the floor behind me and sum of it got onto my face and my hair. i stood up and once again, kisses were doled out like candy on halloween. we separated and he smiled a lil evil smile. the wa0ter wus turned off and brian led me to the huge tub next to the stall. he turned on both faucets, combining the hot and cold. while the tub filled, he sat me on the edge. he caressed my penis and then took it down his throat. i wus in pure ecstasy and the fun wus just beginning.

the tub filled up, and i shut off the water. he stood up and went in, sinking. i fol- lowed.

"fuck me," were the first words out of his mouth.

"now?" wus wut i said. stupid me. wut i've wanted for so long and all i wus asking wus "now?"

my luv nodded and he turned around, pointing the well shaped ass towards me. using the water as lube, i slowly entered him. he pushed himself back, wincing a lil and i wus balls deep in him. i thought to myself, i gues he likes it hard. o well, no complaints here. if i thought i wus in ectasy b4, now i wus just dead and in heaven. we started a rhythm and soon i exploded. he came again, not long after. i turned him around and kissed him. then i left his lips.

"my turn," i said, and he needed no further encouraging.

i felt him penetrating me and i thought back to last nite when i had thought of how he would b invading me. it wus soon in and i flinched from the pain. after all, it wus my first time as wus everything else. our rhythm resumed and the pain metamorphisized into intense plea- sure. beyond dead, beyond heaven. soon our loads were blown, his still as fierce as ever. we got out of the tub and washed each other meticulously in the stall. i hoped to stay in this moment forever. however, soon, while drying each other, we heard the knock on the door.

brian scrambled to put on a towel and soon he wus answering the door.

"cmon already bri," wus the sentence i heard. i tried to tell who it wus. i think it wus aj.

"ummm...oki," wus brian's reply. but then, he added, "i'm bringing sum1 tho. oki?"

i heard the door shut w/o aj having a chance to reply. he walked in smiling.

"well, i guess u heard that. cmon, let's go and meet them."

i nodded, and we both left the bathroom, dressing ouselves. me wearing sum clothes of his he had picked out, and him wearing another outfit. the clothes were an okay fit. we walked out of his room w/ me behind him. the walk was quick and he turned the knob on the door 414. as we walked in, u could feel the tension. if sum1 had dropped a pin, we probably would've heard it fall. once again, i started the ball rolling.

"hey again all."

this brought no reply, but then every1 relaxed. a lil bit. greetings were exchanged a- gain and the ice wus broken. of cours, until sum1 said...

"bri, could i please talk to u?"

the question wus asked by kevin. i immediately thought, o crap. here it comes.


"alone i ment."

"oki, let's go to my room."

they left and i just sat down. it wus then that i noticed the room wus had a buffet table and the room wus a regular room converted into a dining room. sweet wus wut i wus think- ing. then, nick told me to help myself, and i did. i piled my plate hi and sat down at the ta- ble. we all ate in silence. brian then came in, and he requested the other boys to go w/ him. he gave me a "sory" look and they all left. i just finished my breakfast and sat there til they came back.

"sory about that," kevin started, "but we had to have a lil discussion."

"no prob," i said, thinking it wus probably more of an arguement.

"well, after talking to brian about his feelings and y ur here, we want to hear ur side."

"ummm...oki i gues. well, let me start off by saying that i luv brian from the first moment to now. i'm sure that it's not infatuation, not a one time thing, not anything. pure luv."

kevin then remarked, "funny, that's wut brian said as well. it must be true. go on."

"wut else is there to say? i wish, i hope that i can stay here and stay with brian forever."

aj then piped up saying, "of cours u can. we have nothing against...gays, and especially nothing against wutever would make our buddy happy."

"no," wus wut kevin said.

i wus shattered. but then brian came to the rescue.

"wut the hell do u mean no? it's not as if this'll hurt any of us. we'll just keep this rela- tionship in private. and we'll tell jon." he mouthed to me, "that's the manager."

kenny's note: i don't kno the name of their real manager, if they have one, but i like the name jon so i'm using it.

kevin wus obviously thinking then.

"wut about a vote?" i blurted out.

brian's face brightened, saying, "yuh, a vote."

they turned around and huddled, taking a vote. i just sat there again, staring at a painting on the wall. finally, it wus done.

"well, due to the vote of 4:1, majority rules. majority being u get to stay."

i cheered and went to hug brian. kevin gave me a look which i just ignored. i thought that mayb i could talk to him privately later. but then brian surprised me.

"kenny, i think u and kevin should go talk out wutever problems he has. of cours, if there's trouble, then there'll b bigger problems."

oki, mayb i could talk to him privately now.

we went to kevin's room. it looked similar to brian's and the dining room. however, the arrangement of the furniture wus different.

"so," i started, "i guess we should start off by me asking u wut's the problem?"

taking a deep breath, he said, "well, it's just that i'm concerned for my cousin. and i don't want to c him getting hurt."

"getting hurt? that's wut ur worried about? if u only knew. i would never heart him. i'd sooner jump off a bridge than hurt him. after all, i luv him."

kevin wus once again, thinking.

"i understand, but i don't know, i just can't get over this feeling."

"well, how about this then? we'll try this out for...a week. then u'll c just how much, how deep, how great my luv for him is."

another thinking moment.

"fine. we'll try it. but remember, like brian said. if there's trouble, then there'll b bigger problems."

"good. meanwhile, can u smile more? u look better smiling."

he smiled and we left the room, rejoining the others in the dining room. brian glanced at me w/ a worried look, but i gave him a big smile and mouthed, "later." he nodded. the boys then finished their breakfast (which turned into lunch) that had bin interrupted. soon, it wus time to decide wut to do. howie, who hadn't talked at all yet, planned it out.

"well, first thing is that we have a rehearsal at 1 down at the studio that's about 45 min away. i forget the name. and jon's coming by to prep us. we can tell him about the situation that has developed then."

every1 nodded. but then i remembered sumthin.

"damn, i have to tell my family about this too," i blurted out.

"well, while we're rehearsing, u can go tell them. and after, if u still have time, u can go watch us. we stop at 5. it's 11:30 rite now," said nick.

so i left, walking home. it took me about 15 min and soon, i wus telling my parents and sis. first thing i said wus i wus gay. plain and simple. my dad looked down at the floor and my mom cried. my sis didn't say or do anything. i think she wus a lil in shock. of cours, they hadn't heard the good news yet. i told them i wus in luv. w/ brian litrell. now, my sis's mouth dropped open, looking like this big black hole. my dad asked me a bunch of questions that i answered as best as i could and my mom just went up to her room. i told them that i wus going to the studio to watch them, and when they left town, i would follow. now, my dad started yel- ling. mostly about skool, so i just told them that it wus oki. i would just b tutored by nick's travelling teacher and the tests could b mailed to me. this calmed him down a bit. i went up to my room to change and get my keys. then, my sis came in.

" do u kno ur in luv w/ him?"

i said, "don't tell, but we made luv last nite. if mom and dad find out, i think they would have a fit. it's probably already crushed them that their son is gay. hopefuly, they'll get over it.

"don't worry, they will. r u sure he's in luv w/ u?"

"yuhs, i'm definite."

i then walked out of the room and went to the garage. by now, it wus 1:54. during the drive there, i wus listening to the radio and the station that changed my life (97.5 PST) played the song. "i'll never break ur heart." i cried and for the first time in my life, i felt truly hap- py. i brushed away my tears and resumed driving. (it wus a red light.) soon, i reached the studio, and requested to b let in. they checked it out, and i wus soon inside. i wus told that the 4th room on the right would have them. the rooms must have bin soundproof cus i didn't hear anything till i opened the door. they were practicing a new dance to a new song. it wusn't bad. the dancing wus great tho, of cours. soon, i spotted the manager (at least that's who i thought it wus). he walked over and we shook hands.

"hi, i'm jon, BSB's manager as u probably already kno. ur kenny rite?"

"yuhp. i hope i'm not screwing up anything."

"no, no, of cours not. the boys xplained the whole thing to me on the way here. brian wus espe- cially happy. but who could blame him rite? he said he wus in luv, so he must've bin happy. i jus want to make sure tho, is everything all rite w/ ur parents and the such?"

"yuh, i'm sure it's all rite. i'm hoping that they'll get over it."

"great, great. now then, i wus just wondering, r u coming w/ us when we leave town?"

"yuhp. at least i hope so. i'm sure brian will say yuhs, but i don't kno how this will affect the rest of the group. specially kevin. we made a deal, but i'm jus not sure."

"o, oki. wel, i just want u to kno, it's fine w/ me. however, u do kno that we have to keep this under wraps rite?"

"yuhs, i kno. that's going to b hard tho."

"i'm sure it will b. however, we'll all pitch in and help. by the way, how r u going to support urself?"

"well, i wus thinking, during the concerts, i could act as sumthin. i kno that's very lil pay, but i think it'll b enuf rite?"

"hmmmm.... i think that sumthing else can b arranged. r u good w/ #'s?"

"yuhp. i'm, i mean i wus in statistics AP when i wus in HS."

"that's great. u can b our accountant. of cours, u won't need that hi a level of math, but i'm sure it will help. plus, it'll com w/ a lot of benefits along w/ a great pay."

"kool. i'm so glad this thing is working itself out."

"me too, me too."

by this time, the group had already stopped and were taking a break. brian suddenly ma- terialized by my side.

"so, has everything worked out?"

"yuhp yuhp. it's all goin very smoothly. in fact, guess wut? i'm going to b the group's # cruncher."

"great. then u can travel w/ us and still earn a living."

"exactly, wait till i tell my parents."

"uh oh, break's over, we're done in about 3 hrs. however, there's a lunch break at 2. we can go out to eat then oki?"


he walked back, and i watched him. i watched the body move and when they started again, i just kept rite on staring. but then, jon told me we needed to go get sum papers signed, and then sum more papers signed. he said that by the time we were done at 5 (including taking the lunch break), they would probably be done as well. so we left. it wus pretty boring, and i said that i needed to make a copy to let my parents c. he said sure, and soon, after doin about 1/3 of the signings and filling outs, it wus lunch.

brian walked into the office that we had borrowed to do the work.

"u wanna go out w/ the rest of the guys or u wanna just b u and me?"

i said, "let's go out w/ them. i want to get to know them better. last nite wusn't good enuf."

so we left the studio, and i drove them to the nearest mcdonald's in my 4x4.

kenny's note: we don't realy have a 4x4. i just want 1 when i grow up.

they wore sunglasses and clothes that made them seem like every1 else. however, when we went in, one girl screamed. yet another ear-piercing scream by yet another girl.


every1 in the crowded restaurant turned towards where she wus pointing. i already knew where and y she wus pointing. immediately, a bunch of 13 yr old girls swarmed them. i wus se- parated from my luver. i wusn't annoyed tho. in fact, i wus laffing my head off at them beco- ming so nervous. u would think they would b used to it by now. soon, the manager came out and broke it up, apologizing to the boys and offering a free meal. they said it wus no prob and that a free meal would b unnecessary. so we left, and went thru the drive thru instead. soon, we were laffin about the situation in the car, and i thought to myself to remember to either b more discrete next time or at least always use the drive thru. now, the lunch break wus almost over. i drove us back w/ 10 mins to spare. me and bri separated from the rest and went to the office we were in b4. immediately, when we walked in, brian slammed the door and we charged each other.

it started off w/ hugging, but then we kissed. of cours, we had to move rite on to sex. after all, this had to b a quickie. so i unzipped his pants and immeditely engulfed his cock. he stopped me tho, and unzipped me. we got into a 69 position and soon we both lost it. there wus 1 min left. just enuf to clean each other up and give a quick french.

he left to get back to work and jon came and we resumed work as well. soon, it wus 5 and every1 called it a day. i had made the necessary copies and had them in a manila envelope. this time, every1, including jon, piled into the car. the boys were tired, so i brought them to the hotel. we all separated, each going to shower. jon left to go do sumthing. we all agreed to meet at 7 in the dining room. i followed brian into his room.

"o god, it has bin so hard today. i don't know if i can do this everyday," he said.

"i kno wut u mean. i couldn't resist just running into ur arms."

"well, no matter, we're alone now. let's go to the tub."

"oki, and i'll give u good massage and fuck while we're at it."

"sure, y not?"

we embraced while the water filled. soon, we were both inside the tub and while i mas- saged his legs, he sat on my lap, on my cock. we both came, feeling wonderful. after, we kissed sum more and jus made out in the tub, the water sloshing out over onto the tiled floor. we moved on, onto the bed that is. i just held his hands, with his head on my chest. i called the front desk asking for a 6:45 wake up call. soon, brian drifted off and i did too, thinking, i luv my life.

sorry about any mistakes: spelling, grammar, etc.

Next: Chapter 2

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