Bsb Me

By Stupid Nerd

Published on Nov 11, 1998



i sat up wondering wut the hell that sound wus. then i realized it wus the fone. i picked it up.

"hel...lo?" i said groggily.

"hello, Mr. Litrell. u ordered a wake up call for 6:45?" the clerk asked.

"huh? mr. litrell? o wait, o yuhs, now i remember. yuhs i did. thanx."

"ur welcome."

i put the reciever back and yawned. the sleeping thing beside me yawned and got up on his elbows.

"who wus that?"

"front desk. wake up call."

"oh, oki. guess we gotta get up then huh?"

"yuhp yuhp. cmon, let's go catch a shower."

we walked to the bathroom together, and i turned on the water. i tested it till it wus just rite. while waiting, i looked in the mirror. i sighed. he looked so cute and sexy and de- sirable and just about anything a man could wish for. i thought to myself how long have i hoped for this? dreamed of this? wished for this? now, here i am. here we are. at the beginning.

"hey, wut u thinking?"

"o nothing. just how luck i am i guess. how wonderful u r. how wonderful u were b4," i said as i smiled.

"o," he replied, with an evil grin.

"o no, not that grin again. we're probably going to be late already. don't make us any later."

"i won't. after all, we can just not shower."

i sighed again. he knew i wanted it just as bad and as much as he did. so he began.

first, we got under the spray and let ourselves warm up. then, he started rubbing his hands slowly. in circles. around and around. he wus torturing me and he knew it. i luved it. then, his hands cupped my ass and he kneeled down. brian's lips wrapped themselves around my dick and i put my hands on his head. we gained a rhythm and soon, i wus at the point of no return.

"damn, still as good as ever." i grinned my own evil grin. "payback."

he stood up and i kissed him. sum of my cum could still be tasted in his mouth. we kissed and kissed and kissed. then i started to move down. his neck...his chest...his left nipple...his rite nipple...his abdomen...his bush...his left thigh...his rite thigh...his left calf...his right calf...and i stopped. he looked down, surprised. i looked up, with a look of innocence.

"yuhs? sumthing wrong?"

"u know exactly wut."

"yuh, i guess ur rite. but wut r u gonna do about it?"

"o i dunno. maybe sumthin like this...," and he gave me his sad puppy face.

"u know u don't need to do that. i would suck you no matter wut."

"i know."

so i moved to his cock and started sucking. my cheeks touched his cock everytime i sucked. he wus moaning and soon he wus shooting. it felt so good going down my throat.

"ahhhh. that wus invigorating."

"same here," he said.

we rinsed a little and got out to dress. while dressing, we were still groping but we had to keep it to a minimum because it wus already 6:55 and we were meeting the other guys at 7. feeling clean and refreshed. we walked out just when the elevator bell ringed. jon walked out smiling.

"hey, wut u smiling about jon?" i asked.

"o nothing. just that i just had a nice talk with ur parents and they're really happy for u. they've gotten over the initial shock. of course, they felt even better after hearing about ur job."

"that's great. thanx a lot. now, let's all get sumthing to eat. i'm so hungry."

"great idea, but where r the other guys?" brian asked, suddenly joining in the conversation.

"rite here," said aj and howie, both coming out of their rooms at the same time.

so, we stood in the hallway a little while, about 5 minutes, when nick finally came out. then kevin did as well, from his room. we all went on the elevator and went downstairs.

"i feel like chinese tonite," said nick.

kevin said, "hmmm...that sounds fine to me."

we all agreed and went to the front desk to find out where the best chinese restaurant wus. he typed it into his computer and printed out directions. soon, we were outside and wal- king to our destination.

"uh oh. screaming maniacs at 6 o clock," said aj.

"oops. forgot again," i said. "no prob, we can lose them."

however, i wus proved wrong. once again, they were mobbed. jon and i stood out of the way. thankfully, we hadn't walked that far from the hotel and soon, security came out. a limo pulled up and we all climbed in, me making sure i sat next to brian. it wus a tight squeeze on my side, but we accomplished the task. the driver explained the clerk had seen wut had happened and had called a limo. we all agreed to thank and tip the clerk later tonite.

the driver seemed to know where to go, so we all sat back and enjoyed the ride. i laid my head on my luver's shoulder. he put his head on mine. the rest of the people just made small talk about the dance routine that they had gone thru that day. bri and me just stayed out of the conversation, just sitting there and being content in each other's company. i noticed kevin ob- serving us out of the corner of his eye. the ride ended soon (unfortunately) and we all got out.

it wus immediately obvious that the restaurant wus 1)chinese, and 2)used to celebrities. there were pictures of celebrities that had been there and all the pictures were autographed. as we walked in, nobody mobbed the boys and the maitre'd led us to a table, me making sure again to sit next to brian. he explained that the table had been reserved by the front desk clerk. once again, we agreed on a tip. a bigger one this time. the waiter came by and took our order. he made no expression of recongnition but it wus obvious he knew who they were.

"how come noone mobbed us when we came in?" howie asked, adding, "not that i'm not thankful."

"o, because we have a strict policy about no mobbing. if sumone does start to bother u, u can just call over any of the waiters and the customer will be kicked out."

we all nodded and thought wut a great place. the waiter left and we started talking. i wus holding brian's hand under the table, wishing i could do more.

kevin wus sitting on the other side of me and he whispered in my ear, "i don't need a week to make my decision. on the limo, i could tell that wut u have been saying all along is true. u... do luv him. i respect that now and hope there r no hard feelings."

"no, it's oki, i know u were just looking out for him," i whispered back.

it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and i squeezed brian's hand. he looked at me and i said everything's all rite now. he smiled and went back to talking with jon.

our order came then and we all started digging in, all of us being famished, especially the boys with their hard workout and short lunch. soon, all the food food wus gone and we were sitting back, reading our fortune cookies. we left, and i picked up the bill and tip, insisting, because of their hospitality ever since i came.

we waited a while and soon the limo that we had requested the maitre'd to order came. we piled in, me beside my luv of course. the chauffeur asked us where to go and we decided that it being only 9, to go to a club. we asked him if he knew of any good ones and he answered that he had just taken another person to a club, it being the one he thought wus best. we okayed the suggestiong and soon we were off.

it wusn't far away and i soon had to release my hand from brian's hand. we walked into the club, $25 each, and noticed that the club probably had the same policy as the restaurant, meaning, the boys were not surrounded by crazy fans. sum other big name people were there too.

the club, called, "the nite lounge," wus huge and furnished with all kinds of furniture. sofas, couches, easy chairs, stools, benches, coffee tables, round tables, there wus even a stone table. there were many different shaped dance floors, each taking up a lot of space. a square, a circle, and a long rectangle were the shapes. these shapes were surrounded by the furniture and the shapes surrounded the bar, which wus round. the 7 of us took a corner with a luv seat (where me and bri sat), and the others took a easy chairs and a sofa. in the middle of our chairs wus a huge round table. it looked wooden, like oak.

music wus pumping through speakers that were everywhere. they inhabited every corner, every tile in the ceiling, every wall, like i said, everywhere. i recongnized sum of the songs, hating sum, liking sum.

we all picked our own drinks and aj and howie went the bar.

"ladies and gentlemen, i have just been informed that we have, in our presence, the BACKSTREET BOYS. let's give and a round of applause and ask them to dance for us to..."everybody," said the dj.

i told them to go and signalled to aj and howie to forget about the drinks until later. the boys agreed with a little more encouragement and soon they were on the square dance floor. the music started and i watched happily. their dancing wus great of course and when it ended, there wus a lot of clapping and whistling and cheering. they came back and sat down. me and jon got up and went to get the drinks, lettin the boys relax. soon, they had gulped it down like soda and jon and i had to go for more. thankfuly, the bar had a free refill for every drink bought cus the drinks the boys wanted were expensive. we tried to talk and it wus soon obvious to all of us that nothing could be heard. soon, we were just talking to the person next to us.

"so, wut do u think?" brian asked me.

"about wut?"

"everything. i just want to know how u feel."

"well, i'm very happy, beyond it actually. i'm here with the man i luv and people i trust. i've got a great job or at least i'm going to have one. i'm travelling with a wonderful group and did i mention i'm here with the man i luv."

"ditto," wus the only thing he said.

i smiled and we talked a bit more. a little about wut my life befoire wus like and a little bit about him. soon, it wus decided that we should go. i checked the clock above the bar and saw it wus 10:30. i thought, great, just enuf time for a little fun.

we stepped outside and felt a cool breeze which wus relaxing compared to the stuffiness and confinement of the club. it had been decided that we would walk back to the hotel since it wus close.

soon, the hotel doors were in site and we entered. we all walked to the front desk and thanked the clerk for all his help and gave him the tip.

"where do u go jon?"

"o, i have a room further down the hallway. u just never saw me before because i wus busy the first day u were here."

"o, ahhh, oki."

we piled into the elevator and then piled out. everyone separated telling each other goodnite. as soon as me and bri were back in his room, it wus WHAM! now my clothes were torn to pieces and he pulled me to the bed. he kissed me and then moved on to my cock which wus pointing straight up. he engulfed it and soon wus sucking with all his mite. i moaned and said his name over and over. he stopped sucking. i looked at him and realized wut he wanted. he turned a- round, showing me his nice nice ass. i shoved my pole in remebering how he luved it. our rhy- thm went with our pulses, gaining speed until soon i blew into his ass. i noticed he wus about to cum and wus about to jack himself off to cumming, but i pushed his hand away. i moved my mouth on to his dick and he pulled it in and out. in a few seconds, he wus blowing his wad as well. but it wus still hard. i turned and my ass faced him. he went in slowly, and this time i didn't feel as much pain. soon he came again and we both fell backwards and collapsed, me on top of him. i flipped myself and kissed him. it wus a passionate one and our tongues mingled. just like on the first nite.

"i swear, each time gets better and better," i said.

"yuh...," he said.

we got up and went to the tub. the water filled up and i noticed for the first time that it wus really a jacuzzi. i wondered y he never turned it on. i suggested that we turn it on and he agreed. we both went it, and i sat on his lap, with him just holding me. we kissed again, a kiss that lasted forever. i got off his lap and jus held each other. then, i turned off the jets and we climbed out. we got under the covers and held each other again, sharing our body warmth w/ one another. i asked him a few questions and he asked me aa few too. we just stayed in the moment, both hoping it would never end. we planned out the activities for the next day and we then fell asleep.

i woke up at 4 am and went to sit by the window. i just at there, staring outside, thin- king about the last 2 days. then brian woke up.

"i felt alone w/o u. come back."

i walked back to him in the dark, smiling. we hugged each other again and both fell a- sleep again.

the next day, i got up at 10 and heard the shower running. i just stayed in bed and then he came back into the room, naked.

"so, u decided to wake up sleepyhead?" he asked, giving me his beautiful smile.

i nodded as my eyes traced down his body from his hands that were drying his hair. he walked to where i wus and stood at the edge of the bed. i reached up and pulled his cock. it twitched and wus hard again. i licked the head, while holding his hands. i felt a shiver of deja vu. he pushed it in further and soon, i wus swallowing his load. i drank it up hungrily and licked his dick dry. i gazed up and pulled him down, kissing him, letting him taste himself. i went and showered and came out and dressed. we left the room together and went to the dining room. everyone wus already there and almost done eating.

jon said, "we have to start working today, kenny. tomorrow we leave for another town and i want to be able to pay the bills on time."

"o, but i had plans. could i just work until...3?"

"hmmm...i think we can finish by then or even a little bit earlier. wut were ur plans?"

"shopping for stuff. i can get sum clothes and suitcases from home, but the cases are pretty old. i do have an adidas bag tho, that i could use."

"oki, let's get started asap so that u can do this. the rest of u, u have a day off. feel free to go do anything."

the others dispersed and just me and bri were left. i ate quickly and left as well, going to jon's bedroom. we were working for about 10 minutes when sumone knocked.

"can i stay here with kenny and u while u 2 work?"

"sure, but don't do anything unless u 2 don't want to go out for clothes," jon said, with a smile that indicated he knew wut we mite've been doing if he wusn't in the room.

"oki," said brian.

so, we just worked. i found out how much the bill for this hotel wus and checked wut wus left in the budget. then i estimated how much we would have tomorrow, after the concert, and how much the next hotel would be. this took longer than it seems and wus harder considering u never knew wut mite happen. brian stayed quiet this whole time just sitting, looking out the window, watching tv, holding my hand when i wusn't using it, looking over my shoulder, etc. we ordered room service, which i had to add to the already huge bill. soon, at 1:30, the job wus done. my bs boy and me left the room and we walked to the elevator. but then i pulled him back to his room, grinning sadistically. it wus obvious he knew wut i wus thinking from his own little grin.

once inside, i unbuttoned his shirt and took off his pants. slowly, i pulled out his cock from his boxers. he stopped me tho. i looked at him, confused.

"let me do u first," he whispered.

i made no attempt to stop him and soon my clothes were gone. he had my cock in his hand and he wus jacking me off. his hand felt great on my cock. he went back and forth. and he also used both hands, rubbing my cock first with his left then with his rite, alternating. his hands felt so smooth and big. when he felt i wus tense and about to shoot, he bent down and put his mouth over it. every drop swallowed, he stood up and nodded. i took my cue and began to finish wut i had started before. my hands moved on to his chest, rubbing his pecs and 6 pack. then they encircled his cock and i kneeled down. i blew on his cock, gently. i felt him shudder e- very time. then, i only used my tongue to lick him. i never put it into my mouth. at first i took licks like a cat licking it's paw. soon i wus licking it away like a tootsie pop. i soon reached "the center" and it wus delicious.

we got dressed again and left the room, walking to the elevator, holding hands. when we got in, we let go, for fear of a camera. walking into the lobby, we met nick and howie walking into the lobby as well, except from the front doors.

"hey, where did u guys go?" i asked.

"exploring. this town's pretty interesting."

"o, have fun? we're going to the mall now, wanna come?"

"nah, no thanx. we walked a lot and i just want to rest," said nick.

"yuh, same here," said howie.

"oki, suit urselves."

we walked for about 10 minutes and then we got to the mall. brian wus wearing less iden- tyfiable clothes. 4tunately, this time. noone could tell. we walked around the mall and i deci- ded to go to old navy's. it wus my 2nd favorite store. i got a bunch of shirts and jeans. bri didn't buy anything. when i asked him y not, he said he didn't feel like it. i just left it at that. then, we walked back to the hotel. it wus now 4:00.

"so, wut do u wanna do now?" he asked me.

"i dunno, wut do u wanna do?"

"how about sex?"

"sounds like a great idea to me. where do u want it this time?"

"well, we've done the bed, the tub, the stall. let's do sumthing dangerous this time."

"dangerous? how my 4x4 in the parking lot of the mall? the windows r partially tinted, and if u look in, u can c. however, u won't b able to tell from a distance."

"that's perfect!" he exclaimed.

we went to the underground parking lot and soon we were on our way. 2 minutes later, we were in the back and going at it like we hadn't seen each other for months. we had 1 time that we almost got caught. the person who owned the care next to us wus about to go in her own car when she must've us moaning. i looked up to c her face in the window, but thankfully, she wusn't peeking in, she wus just cocking her head to one side and thinking i guess. she must've known full well wut wus going on, but didn't care. after a while we layed in a exhausted pile and just slept there on the floor of my 4x4.

once again, all comments wanted. sorry about any mistakes: spelling, grammar, etc. also, sorry about the ending. i think it's pretty crappy. but, it's 12:20 midnite and i really don't feel like writing anymore. remem,

Next: Chapter 3

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