Bsb Me

By Stupid Nerd

Published on Dec 13, 1998


I've gone against the wishes of some people and have decided to conclude this. I'm just hoping that the author of BSB/NSYC doesn't use the same ending. No offense to him, but he's always used what I've wanted to use, one story before me. But anyways, also sorry about making this a 2-parter, but Notepad won't let me type anymore for some reason, so I just divided this. Now, other stuff. I've changed my address to I think it suits me well w/ this part of the story. Plus, for those of you that have been keeping track, my sn is now soulessazn. And finally, about the story, I'm gonna do this part in a different style by writing it through Brian's eyes. In case you didn't know, it used to be through my own. Enjoy.

My eyes opened but then closed again immediately because of the bright sun. I reopened them, this time keeping them open. It felt like I was being weighed down and I turned to my left. I realized that it was Kenny's arm and leg on me. "Gee, he sure is heavy," I thought as I chuckled to myself.

I succeeded in getting up without waking him up. I observed all the other beds were empty while I threw on some clothes. Then, as I brushed, I sat on my own bed and watched Kenny's still form. "I could stare at him forever," I thought.

I walked back to the bathroom and rinsed. After checking my hair in the mirror, I walked to the other room.

"Mornin'," AJ said.

I greeted him back.

"Have you noticed that you and Kenny are always the last ones to get up?" Nick said.

"Hmmm..., yeah I guess we are. Dunno why though," I replied, continuing with, "What time is it?"

"10. We were just waiting in here for you guys to get up so we could go get some breakfast," Jon said.

"Oh, oops, sorry to keep you guys waiting. I'll go get Kenny."

I walked back into the bedroom and went to my bed. He was still in the same position. I leaned down and gave him a kiss. I felt his lips responding almost like it was a reflex. We held the kiss for a couple more seconds then i pulled my head back. His eyes opened and he smiled.

"Kiss me again," Kenny said.

"I would, but we don't have any time. The others have been waiting for us so that we can go grab a bite."

He smiled again and said, "Well, it's not as if they aren't always waiting for us. I think they could stand it a little longer."

"You're so selfish," I said as I gave him another kiss.

" if you're...any better," he mumbled.

I laid down next to him, still kissing and starting to feel for his cock. Then I felt a presence behind me.

"Thirteen seconds," Howie said with a smile, "the kiss I mean."

"Oops, sorry you guys," I said giving a nervous chuckle.

Kevin said, "We knew you two probably wouldn't be able to keep your hands off each other so we decided to come and get you."

"Oh, ummm...guess you guys were right," Kenny said with a nervous chuckle.

"Cmon, I'm hungry. Let's go already," Nick said.

"I'll be right there," Kenny said, "Just let me get ready."

"I'll stay with him," I said.

"Don't take too long you too," Jon said as he and the others walked off.

"Well, cmon, Jon said not to take too long," Kenny said.

So I started reaching for his briefs again and pulled them down. I turned myself around so he could get to my own cock. I sucked him as he pulled down my pants and boxers. He licked at my cock, slurping like a dog. i grabbed his balls and massaged them, then started fingering his hole. I put my finger in and pulled it out, repeating this action. Soon, I felt him getting ready to come so I braced myself. "This is enough breakfast for me," I thought as I swallowed every last drop. While I had been concentrating on him though, he had been busy sucking away and I felt myself almost ready to explode. I did and he drank it down enthusiastically. I moved again and planted my lips on his. It was a quick kiss and we started getting dressed after it was over.

"Ready?" I asked him.

"Yup. Just let me finish tying this lace."

We walked off the bus into the building.

"Wow, this place doesn't look as bad in the day," he said.

"Yeah, you're right," I said. "Cmon, let's go find the dining room. I don't want the guys to be that annoyed with us."


We walked down the hallway and found the room we had eaten in the night before. Only the seven guys were there.

"Hurry and grab something and get over here," Jon said, "We're going over today's schedule."

I grabbed 2 donuts and a milk. He did the same. We walked over to the others and I plopped down next to AJ on the couch.

"No more room for me," my lover said, frowning.

"I already thought of that," I said as I pointed to my lap.

His frown immediately became a smile and he sat down.

Jon started by saying, "Today, we hafta rehearse and get to the concert. For those of you who forgot, it's at 8, but we leave at 6. Also, the rehearsal's at 1. From now until then, you guys have free time. You've also got free time after the rehearsal, about 2-3 hours, depending on how long Bryan wants to make the rehearsal. Everybody got it?"

We all nodded and everyone started to get up, except Kenny.

"Aren't you going to get up?" I asked him.

"Maybe. Actually, I'm very comfy like this. And I don't think your exactly hating it either from the reaction I'm feeling."

"Yeah, I guess it ain't that bad. But not here, not now. As soon as we're done eating, let's go back to the bus."

"All done," he said as he stuffed his last donut into his mouth.

"WHOA, don't choke or anything okay? Besides, I'm not done yet so you stuffed it for no reason."

He grabbed my donut and stuffed that in as well. He chewed and he swallowed it with a swig of my milk.

"Okay, I guess I am done," I said.

He smiled and got off my lap. He grabbed my hand and led us to the bus. We immediately went for the room and closed and locked the door behind us. He tackled me and started to stick his tongue further and further into my mouth. I let him as I reached to undo the fly of his jeans. I got his pants off and turned around. He reached around me, pulling my own pants off. He pulled my boxers down as well and then I felt him press up to me. His dick was already hard and I felt him starting to go in. He pushed it in hard and I started moving my hips, trying to develop a rhythm. We got it and after a couple seconds, I felt him shoot into my ass. It felt so warm and good inside me, that I felt ready to shoot myself. I did and it sprayed onto the floor and table in the middle of the room.

"Oops," I said.

We laughed and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh well, maybe the other guys won't notice. It's not as if they eat on that table or off the floor right?" Kenny said.

"Right. Besides, we use this room most of time, so it won't really matter. Now cmon, let's stop worrying and get back to the sex."


I took his hand and pulled him towards the couch. I lied down with my head on one side, and he got on top of me with his head on the other side. We started 69-ing again and got into a rhythm that was when he was at the tip of my cock, I had his whole thing down my throat and vice versa. after a while, we were once again at the point of no return. I moved myself so our heads were on the same side.

"I love being here with you and doing this with you," I said.

"I just love you," he said.

"Well, in your words, ditto."

" What do we do now?" he asked.

"I dunno. What you wanna do? We've got a while till we've gotta get lunch."

"Let's go buy stuff. I feel like blowing some money."

"But we don't have a car and we don't even know where the nearest mall or anything is."

"We could ask someone...."

"Hmmm...let's go ask Jon if he knows where Bryan is and we can ask him, OK?"


We walked into the next room and saw that the other guys were there.

"Hey, we figured you guys would wanna be alone so we didn't go in," Nick said. "You guys done using it?"

"Yeah, we're going to go shopping now. Anyone wanna come?" Kenny asked.

"Oh that's cool. I'll go with you two," AJ said.

"Yeah, same here. Nothing to do here anyway," Howie said.

All the other guys decided to go too, so we all grabbed some shades. We got off the bus and went into the building. I walked in front and looked for the room we had rehearsed in the night before. The door was closed so I knocked on it. After a couple seconds, the door opened and Bryan was standing there.

"Hey you guys. What's up?"

"Hey, just the guy we were looking for. Do you know where the nearest mall or whatever is?" I asked.

"Ummm...let me think. That would be...Short Hills Mall. It's about ten minutes from here and it's pretty big. Has a lotta stores. Why? You guys thinking of going shopping?"

"Yeah, nothing to do on the bus. And also, do you know where we could call a car rental agency or something?" Nick asked.

"Oh, no car? Oh yeah, you've got that bus. Well, here, I've got a 4X4. You guys can use it. Just bring it back with gas, Super," he said as he pulled the keys from his pocket.

"Wow, thanks. Don't worry, we won't forget," Kevin said as I took the keys.

"Just pull outta this parking lot and make a left. Then, look for Route 425 and make a right. Keep following it and you'll see the mall on your right. Can't miss it."

We thanked him again and left. Out in the parking lot, it was pretty easy to see which car was his.

Kenny's face brightened as he exclaimed, " Damn, I want this car!"

It was a dark green Mercedes 4X4, with heavily tinted windows. I pressed a button on the keychain and the doors unlocked.

"Can I drive? Please?" Kenny begged.

"Hmmm...I dunno...Bryan did give ME the keys and I don't think you can be trusted," I said with a smile on my face.

"Does that mean your letting me drive?" he asked.

"Well...okay. Here you go," I said giving him the keys.

His brightened face from before was nothing compared to when I gave him the keys. I walked to the passenger side as everyone else got into the back. He started the engine and we were soon on the road.

"Okay, now we look for Route 425 right?"

"Yup. Careful not to miss it," Howie said.

We went along for about five minutes and found the road. There were a lotta cars on this road and a lotta stores too. Kevin spotted the mall first. We turned into the parking lot and Kenny whistled again.

"Whoa, another huge place. We just always seem to go to giant places don't we?" Kenny said.

Luckily, we were able to find a space close to the mall. It was a humongous mall too, just like Bryan had said. The other boys and I put on our shades and we walked in.

It was PACKED! There were mostly teens, but sometimes, admist what we could see, there were families. We walked around and saw a lot of familiar stores. I looked for a directory and finally found it.

"OK, I don't think we should stick together cus...well, just look at this place. It's huge and there's so many people. Everyone should just go to their favorite store or something and we can meet at the food court in say...1 hour? I know that's not enough time, but we need to eat and get back soon," I said.

"Sounds good to me," Kenny said.

"Yeah, anything he says sounds good to you," Howie said, smiling.

All of us laughed, then turned to the directory to check where we wanted to go. Kenny decided on the Nike store and Kevin and I decided to go with him. Nick went to Gap, AJ chose to go to Old Navy, and Howie went to Aeropostale.

We started walking in the direction of the store and Kenny and Kevin started talking animatedly. "Great, two huge Nike fans. This is gonna be fun," I thought.

I walked behind the two and just listened in.

"I wanna get a Nike hat. I can't believe I forgot my other one at home. I LOVE Nike. I hope they have black. Maybe I'll get some shirts too. I don't think I packed enough. And a sweatshirt. I hope this place doesn't have ugly clothes. The Nike outlet I went to near my town had really really ugly looking things. I think they were ripoffs," Kenny said, taking a breath after.

"Whoa, that's some fast talking. I'm sure that whatever you want, they'll have. And if they don't, we can just get it somewhere else right? This trip is going to last for a while, and I'm sure there are other malls," Kevin said.

"Yeah well, I just feel really weird without my hat. I still cannot believe I left it at home. I don't think I've ever gone without wearing it for such a long time."

They went on about some other stuff and once, they glanced back at me and then went back into their conversation. "What was that for," I wondered.

We got to the store. Yet another enormous place. I guess Kenny was used to it since he didn't whistle. There were a lot of people in the store and music was coming through the speakers full blast. It was some dance mix. Salespeople were everywhere, each in matching red Nike shirts, white khakis, and a headset. The place was very active and it seemed as if no one could stand still. Kenny immediately went to look at hats, with me and Kevin following him. The two were still engrossed in their conversation, every now and then, glancing at me.

My lover kept grabbing every hat and trying it on and checking himself out in the mirror. There were some black hats, but from my opinion, very ugly. It seemed as if there was an endless supply of hats until finally, he found one he liked. Then Kevin walked towards the t-shirts section and this time Kenny followed. I was, as usual, always behind them. I glanced around the room while the two were looking at the clothes.

Thoughts like "pretty cute guy" and "whoa, look at that muscle" drifted through my mind. But then I got bored of checking guys out and walked up to Kev and Ken.

Their conversation immediately stopped and then started again, with comments about the shirt Kevin was holding. "What are they hiding?" I thought.

"You guys done yet?"

"Yeah...Kevin just wants to get another shirt and then we can go pay. Could you please go stand on line for us so it won't be as long?"

"Yeah sure," I said, but I thought, "No! I wanna stay here and know what your talking about."

However, I did what I said I would and after letting 3 people go in front of me because Kevin and Kenny weren't there yet, they came.

"Whoa, think you two bought enough stuff? You must've cleaned out the store!"

Both of them grinned sheepishly and just put everything on the counter. I took out my credit card and put it next to the pile of clothes.

"I'll pay for all this. I'd like to think I can spend money on my boyfriend and cousin every now and then."

"Yeah well, you can. Not as if your cd's doing bad and then there is the concert tonite so I don't think you'll be going bankrupt anytime soon," Kenny said.

The cashier rang up the stuff quickly and just scanned in the card without even flinching. Then, for the first time since entering the mall, I realized no one had recongnized us. Though it could be annoying to try to shop with people mobbing, it did feel a little strange and I felt a little sad that nobody knew who we were. I just shrugged it off and was about to sign the receipt when the guy shouted.


"Uh-oh, busted," I thought.

Immediately, people ran over here and I was surrounded. The cashier had pulled out a piece of paper and pen and asked for an autograph. I tried to sign as best as I could but it was a little hard while I was being pushed and shoved. Everyone was shouting and crowding around and I practically went deaf with all the shrill screaming from the girls. There were some guys, for example the cashier, but they didn't scream.

Thankfully, security guards came and the mass of people was finally broken up. I saw a few feet off, Kenny laughing hysterically and Kevin still being mobbed. The guards broke up that horde too and the three of us rejoined.

"Damn, that was scary," I said.

"Scary doesn't cut it. It was the worst. Thank god for those guards," Kevin said.

"What are you two talking about? It was HILARIOUS! The way that guy was stuttering and trying to say Backstreet Boys was so funny. And then the best part was when you suddenly disappeared among a sea of people. At first, noone had seen Kevin until I said, 'Look, THERE'S KEVIN!'" Kenny said, while still laughing.

"YOU were the one that shouted that? I heard someone yell it and I thought, 'Oh crap.'"

"Yup, that was me," Kenny said, his eyes starting to tear.

Kevin fake tackled him and Kenny just fell, unable to fight back because he was laughing too hard. I just watched shaking my head, smiling.

"Cmon you two, break it up," I said. "We've got other places to go and our 1 hour's almost up."

I gave Kenny my hand and pulled him up. The three of us walked out of the store when a guard approached.

He asked, "Would you guys like bodyguards or something? In case that happens again."

I glanced at Kevin and he shook his head, so I said, "No, that's okay, I think we can manage. By the way, thanks for all your help."

"No problem...and could I ask you guys a question?"

"Sure, shoot."

"'s just that I love you guys, your the best group I've ever heard and I was just sorta of...well...wondering if you could gimme your autographs."

I laughed and said, "That's it? Of course we can. After all, you did help us."

Kevin and I signed on a piece of paper the guard had ready. We thanked him again and started walking again. I noticed that Kevin and Kenny weren't talking secretly anymore.

"So, where we going?" Kenny asked.

"I wanted to go to Gap," I said.

"Okay...but does this place even have one? And if it does, where?" he asked.

"Ummm...I'm pretty sure I saw one on the directory. Let's just go look for another one and we can check."

"No, wait."

He walked up to a teen and asked him if there was a Gap. The stranger nodded and pointed in the direction we had been walking in. Kenny smiled at him and thanked him. Then he walked back to us.

"Well, guess you guys saw which way to go. Cmon."

"You're very...people-friendly aren't you?" Kevin asked, asking exactly what I was thinking.

"Yeah, sorta comes with the person. It's non-refundable and non-returnable," flashing his everlasting smile.

"That's a good trait," was all Kevin said.

We leisurely strolled in the direction of the Gap, taking our time and looking at the different stores. No one came up to us again, and once, we saw Nick, but we just waved and kept walking. He was carrying one bag that looked real full. When we got to the store, it was obvious that news about us had spread since people started swarming around. It was also apparent that the guards had also been alerted, something I was grateful for. The crowd was broken up before it got to big and we started walking around, looking.

"Hey, look at this. I want it. It feels so nice," Kenny said.

"You want a lotta stuff don't you?" I asked.

"Yeah...well...I want this. And look it's in blue. The best color next to black and green."

"Fine, fine. We'll get it. Now cmon and help me look for something."

I found a couple of shirts and got a few pairs of khakis. When we went to the register, the cashier didn't react as greatly, but did ask for an autograph. We obliged and left the store, everyone's hands full.

"Uh-oh, we're a little late in meeting the guys. Let's go now and maybe we won't be as slow."

We got to the food court and found the other guys waiting at a table. They had taken two tables and each had bags of stuff from a bunch of different stores.

"Took you long enough. We're starving," AJ said.

"Why didn't you guys just go buy food then? You could've had one or two people stay here and watch while the rest went to buy whatever they wanted," Kevin said.

"Yeah well...we didn't. Anyways, we don't know what we want," Nick said.

"Okay then, let's decide now. What's there to eat here," I said as I scanned the place.

There were a couple of Chinese restaurants, a Taco Bell, a McDonalds, Nathan's, and a few others.

"I want...Nathan's. I'm in the mood for hot dogs," Howie said.

"Okay, I'll go with you. I'm in the same mood as you," Kenny said.

I decided to side with my lover and Howie and started walking with them to the Nathan's. The line was short so we got our orders fast. Only Nick was there when we got back. We told him to go get his lunch and started eating.

"Mmmm, this hot dog is so good," Kenny said.

"How can you tell?" I asked, continuing, "You piled the whole thing with relish. You probably can't even taste the dog."

"Yes I can. And it's very good."

"Fine, whatever, as long as you like it," I said.

"Yup," he said.

"God, you two even bicker like a married couple," Howie remarked.

"Yeah well, you can shut up," Kenny said in a humourous tone.

"Yeah, what he said," I added, in the same tone.

Howie just shook his head smiling to himself.

The other guys started returning around the time we were finished eating. They had all been in long lines so it had taken them a while. After Kenny was done, he went to get ice cream and came back with a 3-scoop cone.

"Damn, how much do you think you've spent today?" Kevin asked.

"Oh I don't know...maybe...$100? $150?" Kenny replied.

"Yeah, probably. You sure know how to spend money," Kevin said.

"It's just like my people-friendliness charateristic. Non-refundable, non-returnable."

"Yeah, except this one ain't exactly great."

"Oh well. Tough crap. There's more where that came from. Money I mean."

"Yeah, from Brian's pocket," AJ said.

"Exactly," Kenny said, smiling his infamous smile yet again.

During lunch, we just talked about our mobbing experiences and after the others finished, we left, which was around 12:45. Kenny drove again and Nick reminded him to get some gas. We filled the tank with the kind Bryan had specified and got back to the studio with 2 minutes to 1.

We put our bags on to the bus and lounged around in the lobby until Jon came to get us.

"Hey. Where were you all morning?" I asked to Jon.

"I was busy in an office they let me use. Last minute preparations for tonite," he answered.

"Oh, okay. Must've been boring."

"Yeah, pretty much. But, it's my job. What'd you six do?"

"We just went shopping. The stuff's on the bus."

"Oh, sounds like you guys had a better morning then me."

We got to the room at that time and everything became business-like.

"Thanks again," Kenny said while giving Bryan back the keys.

He, Kenny, walked into the tech room with Jon and me and the other boys took our positions. The music started and we went through the moves. I felt myself just dancing without thinking since the steps were imprinted in my head, forever remembered. The rehearsal went smoothly with a couple small mistakes. There was a break once for water, but Kenny didn't come out. It had been about 2 and a 1/2 hours by the time we finished.

"Okay, good job everyone. A little shorter than anticipated, but that's good. Really though, it should've been 2 hours. But that's okay. Not everything always goes as planned," Bryan said.

I collapsed on one of the sofas and Kenny came to sit next to me. I put my head on his shoulder, feeling very tired.

"My legs are killing me," Howie said.

"Ugh, same here. All that walking around in the mall and then coming back here to dance," Nick said,

"Well, at least now we've got free time," I said.

"Yeah, so cmon. Let's not waste it," Kenny said.

"But I'm too tired to move," I whined.

"It's okay. Once we get on the bus, you can sit all you want."

"Yeah, just go. You get a free bonus with it anyways, so what've you got to lose?" AJ said.

We all chuckled and I got up. Kenny and I walked out to the bus and went straight to the room just as we had this morning. He led me to the couch and directed me to sit down. I did and he started unzipping my fly. My erection peeked out of my boxers' fly and he touched it with his pointer finger, making it twitch and get a little harder. He did it again and repeated this a couple of times till I didn't feel it could get any harder. Then he wrapped his fingers around it and started jacking me off. I just put my head back and closed my eyes, enjoying the ride (and what a nice ride it was). When he felt I was going to come, he took his hand away and got up. Kenny engulfed my cock and started going up and down. I felt ready to come again and after a couple of seconds, I did. He drank hungrily as if he hadn't drank anything for days. After I stopped, he zipped me up and kissed me. I embraced him as he reached for my hands. I pushed him down so he was lying face up on!

the couch, and started taking off his shirt.

I rubbed my hands all over his chest, feeling every part. Then I first concentrated on his left nipple and then moved on to the right one. He moaned and I leaned down to lick his chest and moved my mouth down to his fly. He had already pulled it down so all I did was reach in and pull out his dick. I sucked on it hard and fast. The tension built and he shot into my mouth. I drank just as quickly and enthusiastically as he had. I zipped him back up and just lay down on him with my head on his bare chest.

" Yet another wonderful moment. We seem to have a lotta those, don't we?" I said.

"Yup. I like them," Kenny said.

"Same here. They're fun, but sometimes, it gets a little boring. Same old, same old."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. But...that's okay. Tonite, after the concert, it'll be different."


"You'll hafta wait and see. Remember, after the concert," was all he said.

"Okay. I'm sure I can wait that long. Hey, by the way, what were you and Kevin talking today about that was so secretive."

"What are you talking about? We weren't doing anything secretive."

"Yeah you were. You'd keep glancing towards my direction and sometimes, you'd stop your conversation and change to something else when I got near."

"You're lying. We never did any of that."

"Well, I can see I ain't gonna get anything outta you, so might as well stop trying. Let's go check what the other guys are doing."

"Okay, just let me get my shirt on."

We walked in and saw AJ and Howie in the room. They were playing cards.

"Oh cool, can I join?" Kenny asked. "I love cards," he continued.

"Yeah sure, as soon as we're done with this game."

"Good, cus I need to go get something. He got off the bus and came back on with his Walkman and Discman and the CD's he had brought.

"What you listening to?" I asked him.'

"Blessid Union of Souls. My favorite CD right now. I know, it's old, but I just got it recently so I'm sorta stuck on it."

"Well, it doesn't matter. I've never heard of them. Are they big?"

"They had some airplay, especially with the song, "Light in Your Eyes," but they didn't make it big. It's a shame too, cus they're pretty good.

"Let me listen."

I listened while Kenny played. It was an okay CD, but it was pretty depressing. After about an hour of cards, everyone got bored. At the same time, Nick, Kevin, and Jon got on the bus.

"Hey, where were you three?" AJ asked.

"Oh, just talking, hanging around. Not much to do. We've got about an hour and a half to kill before we go. Of course, there's still nothing to do during the ride. We should've bought a board game or something while we were shopping," Kevin said.

"Yeah. Oh well. At least I've got my Walkman and Discman. I could listen to music forever," Kenny said.

"Hey, you got the BSB CD?"

"Nope. No offense or anything, but I hate you guys' music. Well actually, I don't hate it, but I don't love it."

"It's okay. Everyone's got their own opinions," Howie said.

That ended the conversation and everyone settled into their own little worlds. I went to lie on the bed and Kenny followed. I lied down and he lied next to me, as he pulled the curtains close. He then put on his Toni Braxton CD and started listening. I cuddled up next to him with my head half on his chest and half on his arm. I fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 7

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