Bsb Me

By Stupid Nerd

Published on Dec 25, 1998


First off, I swear I'm not copying BSB-NSYC. I just finished reading it and surprise surprise, he has the same idea as me, one story earlier. I hope that at least this won't be used. Next, I've also made the S/N Briangel42. Lastly, before the story, I'd like to thank Snow White. You've a been great help in making my story "a little more better". Now, without further interruption, I present the conclusion of BSB ME. (Remember, this is FICTION!)

When I woke up, I saw Kenny was asleep. I also saw the Discman still on so I turned it off for him. I reached over and pulled the curtain open a little. There was nobody to be seen so I assumed they were all in the other room or on their beds. I got out and went to look for them since I wanted to know what time it was. Also, the bus was moving, so I figured that it was at least past 6.

They were where I had guessed they would be and they were playing cards. Howie had a watch and he told me it was 7 and that we'd be arriving at the Nassau Coliseum any minute. Just as he said that, we came to a stop. I went to the window to check if we were at the place. I reported that we were and everyone stood up and went to get off the bus. I waked Kenny up and we walked to the dressing rooms hall together. The other guys were putting on their costumes with help from the staff. The place was crowded and full of people busy at work, hustling and bustling. I got my suit on while Kenny just stood to the side and watched. After, we went to grab some food. There were a variety of dishes and I just grabbed something of everything, knowing I would need the energy. While eating, Jon filled us in that there was some lucky winner of some radio station contest, and the person had backstage passes to see us.

"Another one? What's his/her name?" I asked.

"Ummm...Jeff Thorn," Jon said.

"Hey, a guy. Maybe there's another potential romance," I said.

Kenny shot me a glance that could melt ice.

"Relax, I'm joking. After all, no one could replace you."

"I know.'s weird. I know, but I don't know. Know what I mean?" Kenny said,

I laughed and said, "Ummm...I think so. I feel the same way. It's like I'm sure you love me, but I'm not sure 150%."

"Yeah, I guess you could say it that way."

"It's okay. Just know that I won't fall in love with him. He'll probably be an uglyass anyways, so it's okay."

"I hope so."

After we finished eating, we were sent to makeup. The sound of the crowd was starting to be real loud. The fans started to chant, "Backstreet Boys," over and over. "You would think at least one town would be original and chant something else," I thought.

"Okay, is everyone ready?" Jon shouted.

The five of us nodded and we got up. I looked at Kenny. He had already taken a seat and was watching. He gave me a thumbs up. I smiled.

We ran out and the crowd roared a deafening scream. There was a little intro from Nick and then the music started. Somehow, the audience managed to scream even louder. I just ignored it and kept dancing. Occaisonally, I glanced to where Kenny was and he was always there. Once, he wasn't, but it was only because he moved to the front row. He was talking to some guy, whom I guessed was probably Jeff. "Damn, he's hot as hell. He ain't no uglyass at all," I thought. But I didn't fall in love with him. Finally, it was break time. We had one more song to go, but before we performed it, we took a break.

Nick and Kevin talked with the crowd, while I looked for Kenny. However, he was nowhere in sight.

"JON, do you know where Kenny is?" I shouted.

"No. Have you tried the crowd? I think I saw him go to the front or something."

"Yeah," I said outloud, but I mumbled under my breath, "But he's not there."

I was standing there for about a minute when one of the stagehands handed me a cocktail napkin. It said:

"Room 425, 4th floor, the Sun Palace Hotel. The key labeled 1 is fo the elevator, the key labeled 2 is fo my room. K-Rok. By the way, bring the other guys, I got them rooms too. But one night only."

It was just like the note I had given him except for the hotel part, the K-Rok, and the last part. "What are you planning, Kenny," I wondered to myself. I smiled and I didn't feel forlorn anymore. Then I pocketed the keys.

Nick and Kevin were done firing up the crowd and the rest of us ran onstage again. The crowd was of course, wild. To me, the last song seemed to be perfect and every step to be flawless. The fans were just background noise and they were much easily ignored than before. The song was over quickly and we went offstage. The crowd chanted for more, but knowing there wouldn't be more. We walked to our dressing room and waited for the winner.

The door opened and there he stood. "He looks even better up close," I thought. Still no love though.

"Hey, I'm Jeff Thorn," he said calmly, sticking out his hand.

We all said our names and shook his as well.

"Could you please autograph this for me? And this one for my friend, she's at home right now, planning ways to murder me," he said, getting more and more excited.

"As if we have a choice," I thought. But I said, "Sure, no problem."

It was a poster of us in suits, everyone in a different color shirt, the same one Kenny's sister had. When I signed, I almost wrote, "Love, B-Rok," but I stopped myself in time. Instead, I just put sincerely.

He started asking us questions and telling us about him. He even openly admitted he was gay. I guess he wanted to get one of us into bed. Unfortunately for him, I had decided that as hot as he was, I didn't like him. Mostly cus he was too feminine. As he talked, he used a lotta valley girl accents and phrases. It was annoying the hell outta me, but I kept a fake smile pasted on my face. Eventually, he ran outta questions and thanked us for our time and left. We all breathed a sigh of relief and started talking about him. We left the room and bumped into Jon.

"Hey, Jon, just the man I needed. Kenny got us all rooms at the Sun Palace Hotel. Fourth floor. I dunno where he got the money, but he got it. So, can we go?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, I don't see why not."

Everyone cheered and got on the bus quickly. The Sun Palace Hotel was pretty close and big. We all brought a change of clothes and got into the elevator. I put in my key and pushed four. Soon, we were on the fourth floor and I was searching for room 425. The other guys had labels on their rooms with the keys in the lock.

I walked in and stopped suddenly. The room had an eerie, calm mood because of the candles that had been set up. Kenny was nowhere to be seen.

"Come in," said a voice out of nowhere, "and close the door behind you."

I did as Kenny, at least I thought it was Kenny, had said and then turned around. He had been behind the door.

"Hey sexy," he said.

"Hey yourself," I said as I checked him out.

He was wearing a flannel button halfway from the bottom, and 501's that he filled nicely. The candlelight gave his chest a soft glow. I was hard instantly.

"How was the concert? Have fun talking to Jeff?"

"It was great. He sucked. Too feminine for me," I said, smiling.

"Yeah, same here. Take a seat. You have a reserved chair."

I looked to where he was pointing and saw a black, leather recliner. I sat in it and he started walking over.

He sat on my lap, not facing me, and started rubbing his ass on my rock hard dick. His movements were slow and sensual, the candlelight adding to the ambiance once again. He took my hands and wrapped them around himself. I felt him put something on my ring finger.

I looked at it. It had 2 hands holding a heart with a crown on top. He turned his head and kissed me.

"What is this?" I asked when our mouths separated.

"It's a claddagh ring. Sorry I couldn't get a real one and I hope this'll work...," he said, his voice trailing off.

"Real what? Work for what?" I asked.

"See the heart," he said, ignoring my question, "if it points towards you, that means your taken. And if your taken...," his voice trailed off again.

I guessed what he wanted to say.

"Say it. You know my answer," I said.

"Will you marry me?" he asked.

"Of course. If there was a better word for yes, and I could think of it right now, I would say it...but of course'll hafta do, right?"

He just smiled and put the ring on my finger. After, he kissed me, his tongue going deeper and deeper down into my throat. I almost choked, but didn't. When we broke the kiss, I saw he had tears in his eyes. I reached and touched his face, brushing away the tears.

"Sorry I couldn't get a real ring...but I preferred to be original and creative rather than cliched. When we get married, I'll get you a real nice one," he said.

"It's okay. This ring is a greater symbol than any other ring."

He then took my hands and I felt something under my fingers. It was round and metal. I figured out that he wanted me to unbutton his shirt. I did, slowly. As I got closer and closer to the last button, I got more and more excited. The shirt fell on the floor. I kissed his neck and moved down his bare back. He got up and started pulling off the 501's. His ass shook invitingly as he pulled down the jeans, but I stayed in my seat. Under the 501's was a pair of black silk boxers. Those were pulled down erotically as well. He turned around and smiled, giving me a, "Come hither," look. I did. I got up and he put his hands on my chest, running them over it. I saw he had a matching ring. He then took my hands and pulled me towards the bathroom.

I was wearing a green silk shirt. He took it and ripped it off, the buttons flying everywhere. I got turned on even more. The bathroom was also lighted with candles and he turned towards the tub. It looked just like the one we had been in the first time. He turned on the jacuuzi and the bubbles and water came gushing out. Then he got down on his knees and moved his mouth towards my fly. I had on a pair of khakis, loose and easy to unzip. Using his teeth, he pulled the zipper down and unbuttoned my pants. They fell on the floor. Using his teeth again, he pulled down the boxers I had. Now I stood naked before him again. He used it to his advantage, licking me in places he knew would get to me. Everywhere. His tongue moved up to my dick that was sticking straight out, but he just went past it. Soon, he was at my lips and his tongue went deep into my mouth, invading every corner, touching every part. If it was deep before, now it was just lost inside me. Then, we!

were suddenly at the shower stall.

He turned on the water without looking which meant his mouth was still suction-cupped to mine. Warm water came out and rained on us. It felt so good to be in the warmth of the water and I just let his hands re-charter my body that he had explored so many times. They felt just as good as the first time. During all this, I had not come, but now I did. He felt my body tense and in the blink of an eye, his mouth was on my cock. It shot out hard. He took it all down without even flinching. After this was over, my cock was still hard. He took the soap and soaped me up; his hands caressing me and cleaning me cleaner than ever. My old life without him was washed away and I donned a new life, a life with him...forever. It was like a giant towel enveloping me. Soon, the soap had been washed away and he turned off the water. Then came the most surprising part.

He picked me up and carried me to the tub. He let me down gently onto one of the seats. The tub was at the right amount now and he turned the water off. My cock could be seen in the water and he went got into the tub and put his head under. He started giving me a blowjob underwater. It was a strange yet seductive sight to see. I placed my hands on his head and guided it. "How long can he hold his breath," I wondered. I stopped wondering cus he came up for air and then went right back down. The experience finally got to me and I shot again. Once again, he took it like a man. He lifted up his head and smiled again. Then he stood up in all his glory and turned around, sitting down slowly.

My cock slipped in easily since it was lubricated with water, spit, and cum. He started grinding his hips and I moved with him. I reached my arms around and pinched his nipples and felt them harden. Then I moved my hands to the organ that had been so carelessly neglected by me during all this time. I moved my hands slowly up and down his cock. The ass-fucking and jacking off got to him and for the first time this night, he shot. It went straight up and almost hit the ceiling. When it came down, I catched some of it in my mouth and rolled it around on my tongue. This action cause me to come. Immediately, I could feel his ass filling up with my cum and he moaned. When I was done, he got up and pulled me up as well. He carried me again, this time in the opposite direction.

We were in the shower stall again and he sprayed us with the water to clean us of the cum. He then turned off the water and picked me up. He carried me out of the bathroom and placed me on the bed. I hadn't noticed it before, but these sheets were silk as well. "Lotta silk tonight," I thought.

He got on top of me so that his face was to my face, his chest to my chest, his abs to my abs, his cock to my cock. They were both hard and ready for more. However, he just kissed me and we rolled around on the bed. Eventually, he ended up at the bottom and I sat up. I traced his face, moving down his chest, his torso, stopping at his hands. I pulled him up a little a lifted myself into a squatting position. Then I impaled myself on the dick that had been sticking straight up. I felt a little pain but it subsided and metamorphisizeded into pleasure. We redeveloped the rhythm we had before. He moved his face closer to mine. Then, for the first time in a while, someone spoke. Me.

"See, I remember what you liked. You wanted to be able to kiss me while fucking right?"

"Yup, so shut up and kiss me," he said.

We traded our saliva back and forth and had pushing matches between our tongues. Then I felt him come. It filled me full and I fell forward while he fell backwards. We were once again on top of each other. I moved a little to the side and just kept my hand on the side of his face, sort of cupping it.

"Could you do me a favor please?" Kenny asked,

"Anything for you," I said.

"Sing I'll Never Break Your Heart."

The request took me by surprise, but I sang it. He had a contented smile on his face as I sang. When I was done, Kenny had tears in his eyes again. This time however, I kissed them away.

"Don't cry. It makes me wanna cry to see you cry. And besides, what are you crying about? I don't know about you, but this is the happiest moment of my life," I told him.

"Same with me. I guess these are just tears of joy. Though I never really got why people would cry when they were happy," he replied.

"Neither do I," I said, kissing him again.

When I leaned back, I had a sudden realization and exclaimed, "Is this what you and Kevin were being so secretive about and discussing in the mall today?"

"It wasn't that secretive. Okay, maybe it was, but I did give you a hint that it would be different tonite. Anyways, he was just helping me plan this. We planned what I should do, not specifically of course, but the general idea."

"Wow, didn't know my cous was capable of this. He's always so serious."

"'s a different side of him...."

"It's nice," was all I could think of to say.

After that, we just laid there, content in each other's presence. I decided to repay Kenny for the night and started singing again, lulling him to sleep. His mouth formed into a smile and his eyes closed. I felt him starting to show the signs of sleep and I closed my eyes wearily.

Knock knock! The sound woke me up abruptly and I rubbed my eyes. The laying form next to me also shifted and groaned.

"What is it? People are trying to sleep here!" my husband-to-be shouted.

"Yeah well we hafta leave soon so I was just making sure you two were ready!" Jon shouted back through the door.

"Okay. Thanks. When do we leave?"

"In ten minutes, so get your asses ready fast!"

We immediately jumped out of the bed and started dressing. It was one big rush and mess as we tried to clean up the candles while dressing. I went to the bathroom and checked myself in the mirror. The ring on my hand caught the light and the events from the night before came flooding back. I smiled and went to ask if Kenny was ready. He was, so we did one more quick look around the room and opened the door. The other guys were already standing in the hallway.

"Late as usual. Cmon you two, Jon'll check out while we get on the bus," AJ said.


We got on the elevator and were in the garage and on the bus in no time. We went into the "living room." While we were waiting for Jon, Kenny and I changed. Also, the other guys briefed us on where we were going. In a few minutes, Jon got on and we were on the road.

"Okay, now that everyone's here, I have an announcement to make," I said, standing up.

I paused, waiting for everyone to listen and then continued.

"Kenny proposed to me last night and I said yes."

The room was silent as the news settled into their brains. Kevin was the first to speak.

"That's great news."

"Yeah," said all the other guys, agreeing.

"So, you know you're all going to be invited, as soon as we pick a date. We haven't really discussed all the details yet."

Everyone was quiet again. I went to sit next to Kevin and whispered to him if I could talk to him privately. We went into the bedroom and I sat down on my bed and he sat next to me.

"So, what's on your mind?" he asked me.

"Nothing. I just wanted to thank you for helping Kenny arrange the most perfect night of my life. I didn't know you had such...I'm thinking of using the word creativity, but I'm not sure that's right."

"It's okay. I know what you mean. And your welcome. Anything for my cousin. Really though, I didn't do anything. Kenny came up with most of the ideas."

"Still, you helped. I just want you to know that it was a great memory and it's embedded in my mind forever."

"It was nothing," Kevin said, blushing.

"Are you blushing? Wow, this is twice that I've seen your less serious side. You really should show it more."

"Yeah, that's what Kenny said too..., but...oh well."

Someone knocked on the door and I told them to come in. It was Kenny and he walked over to the bed.

"Whatcha two talking about?" he asked.

"Nothing, I was just thanking him for helping to plan last night."

"Oh, that's cool. That reminds me, I never thanked you. So...thanks."

"No problem. Now, if there's nothing left to be said, I'll leave you two alone," Kevin said, standing up.

He left and closed the door behind him. Kenny approached and sat down where Kevin had been.

"What a great guy. Some girl'll be very lucky to have him someday," Kenny said.

"Yeah.... Now, about the wedding, we need to plan a lotta things, but first let's pick the date."

"How's about...Feburary 20. That's a nice day," he said, smiling.

"It should be. It's my birthday."

"I know. Why else do you think I picked it?"

"It is a little far off though..., but if that's what you want, I'm not going to argue."

"It is what I want. Okay, now, what's next."

"Well, how about telling our families? I'm not sure this'll go over great with my parents much less anyone else."

"Hmmmm...well, the worst they could do is shun you right? Besides, we can afford it ourselves can't we?"

"We could, but that's not the problem. The problem is what you said first. I don't want to be shunned by my family."

"You'll still have me."

"I know, but it's not the same, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I understand. Well, when do you wanna tell them then?"

"I dunno.... Let's think about it some other time."

Throughout the morning, we just talked about how we wanted the wedding to be and where it was going to be and other details. Soon, it was time for lunch and we saw that the bus was pulling into a McDonalds parking lot.

Everyone got off the bus, inhaling the smell. There were a lotta people inside, mostly teens, but no one recongnized us. We ate in silence and everyone started to board the bus again.

"When we gonna get to the hotel, Jon?" I asked.

"In about two more hours. Don't worry, it won't take that long."

Everyone went into the living room again and Jon and Kevin just settled into a sofa. Kenny got the cards and he, AJ, Howie, Nick, and me started to play. The two hours passed quickly and soon we were at our destination.

Everyone got settled into their rooms and we decided to go take a look around the town. It was New York City. We walked down the streets just commenting on all the sights. We decided to split up into three groups and everyone chose a different place to visit. Kenny and I picked Central Park, Jon, AJ, and Howie went to the Statue of Liberty, and Nick and Kevin decided on the Empire State Building. We would meet at the hotel at 6 to go to dinner.

My fiancee and I looked around. The others were still trying to wave down a taxi.

Kenny said, "Hey, I think that that's Central Park."

" seems familiar. Except, I know I've never been to it before," I said.

"'re right. It does seem familiar."

He thought for a while, then just shrugged it off. He walked to the crosswalk and started to cross the street. It was when he got across that I noticed he had left. I was in the middle of the street when Kenny shouted to me.


I looked to my left and saw a car racing down the street towards me. When it hit me, the air was pushed out of my lungs and I flew onto the hood of the car. My legs felt as if they couldn't move and it seemed as if the world was going out like a dying flashlight. Immediately, I saw the faces of strangers surrounding me with just 6 familiar ones.

"BRIAN! What the hell were you doing? Someone call 911! Please HURRY!" Kenny shouted.

I saw that he was starting to cry and I tried reaching my hand to brush the tears away. He saw and moved his hand towards mine. He squeezed mine and I struggled to speak.

"I don't think I'm...going to, Kenny. I can hardly...see anything and I can't legs."

"What? I can't hear you."

He lowered his ear to my mouth. I repeated what I said.

"NO! You will make it! SOMEONE PLEASE CALL 911!" Kenny shouted in between sobs. "I WILL MAKE YOU MAKE IT!"

"I just want you to know...before...I...die, that I love you. God, how cliched," I said, choking, while trying to chuckle all at the same time.

"Stop cracking jokes. I love you too, just as always. This time won't be any different. You WILL NOT die."

" I'm glad I, Kenny. The past few days, weeks, whatever...have been the best. Last night especially. My...only regret is that...we didn't get married...earlier and I didn't...tell my parents about you. How wonder...ful you are, how much, how you are just the per...fect part of Of me."

"Stop it. Stop talking like you're going to die. If you die, I dunno how I'm gonna survive. I want you to fight it. LIVE! I can't help but crumble up inside to hear you. If I'm to go on, you must too. I'd rather die than live without you."

"You know...what you just did? You...said a line...from, "I'll...Never...Break...Your...Heart."

"I did? You're right. I did. That just proves how much I love you and don't want you to die. Don't ask me how it does it. It just does. God, where the hell is that AMBULANCE?!?!"

At that moment, one came to a screeching halt next to the crowd. The paramedics jumped out and put me on a stretcher. I felt myself losing consciousness. The stretcher was locked into place on the ambulance. As the paramedics jumped in, Kenny did as well. The doors were closed and we were on our way to the hospital. As the ambulance speeded through the traffic, I fought the darkness enveloping me. Kenny just held my hand and myself getting wetter. He was crying still. Then, as my few last ounces of strength faded away, I felt myself experience something I had always heard about. The flashing of my life. However, I didn't see my whole life. All I saw flashing were images of the time I had spent with Kenny. The handshake from when we first met...the writing on the cocktail napkin...our first kiss...our first time...telling him I loved him and hearing it said back...the scenes just continued and I savored each one more than the previous. I heard Kenny shouting in t! he background that my heartbeat was slowing down. I struggled harder to be better for him but I began to shut my weary eyes. As they closed, I saw one last episode. My most cherished memory. He was in the middle of putting the ring on my finger and I blanked out.


I stood in front of the coffin feeling dead myself. No tears rolled down because there were none left. The other former BSB members stood to the side as I shared my own private second with my dead was-to-be-fiancee. Sounds of sobbing filled the room and I thought to myself that they weren't crying because they were sad. They were crying because it was obligatory.

Ever since Brian had died in my arms, I had taken on a dark cloak, thinking thoughts beyond spiteful and far from happy. I had come to hate God.

I placed my hand on top of the coffin and memories came rushing back at me like a speeding car. "What an ironic metaphor," I thought, smirking.

I saw pictures of Brian kissing me. They were so vivid, it almost felt as if I was back in that time again. My eyes closed. The scenes morphed to our most intimate moments. To the time he took my our little "fling" in the telling him I loved him saying it back. All of it was just too much and I started to fall. I felt arms around me as tears I thought had abandonned me started rolling down my cheeks. With the help of Kevin, I stood up and walked out. The place had just become too hard to be in. I lied down on my bed in the bus and just cried myself to sleep.

I heard the other guys talking as I tuned back into reality.

"Are you okay, Kenny?" AJ asked me.

"Yeah, thanks all of you for before. I don't know how I'm going to do this," I replied.

"Do what?" Nick asked.



Everyone just became silent and I took comfort in the quiet. It hurt so much inside that it felt the only way to get rid of it was to commit suicide, something I had pondered so much since....

After a while, we were at my house in New Jersey. My parents and sister came to the door and greeted me. I just ignored them and half-walked, half-crawled to my room. I didn't even say goodbye to the others. I stared up at the ceiling and just laid there, slowly falling into the only other comfort besides silence. Sleep.

The next day, I felt a little better and when I got downstairs, I saw the other guys downstairs.

"Mornin'. What you guys doing here?"

"Just telling you what we'll be planning to do and saying our goodbyes," Kevin said.

"Oh, Okay."

So, they told me their plans and we just discussed what had happened. I told them I would deal with the situation and that they didn't need to worry about me. So we started to walk to the door. I broke down again. I gave each of them a hug, practically soaking their shirts with my crying.

I hugged Kevin last, whispering in his ear, "Thanks for everything. I know only you probably understand completely what I'm going through. Take care."

He nodded, and a tear rolled down his cheek. We stepped outside and they got into their bus. As they drove away, I waved to them, then walked inside.

Next: Chapter 8: One Night

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