Bsb Me

By Stupid Nerd

Published on Jan 24, 1999


well, ever since i ended the other story, i've felt so depressed (like i'll say later on). so, i'm gonna fill in the empty void. by the way, thanx to jon for giving me bits and pieces of advices and his great praise for my, what i feel, are pieces of crap. and i'm using my real age (14). i don't care. i'll still have memories though.

as i blinked my eyes open, the anticipation of going to a screening hit me again. it was a great opportunity to meet some stars and maybe even get some. plus, it would probably be fun and i did get a free movie out of it. i just laid in my bed, remembering the day the invitation arrived in the mail. it had said i could bring a guest so i had picked my closest friend, allen chou. i smiled as i got up and picked an outfit to wear. i got out my white polo shirt and striped tommy flannel sorta thing. i put on my black courds and topped it all of with the black nike hat. i unlocked and opened my door, going towards the bathroom.

"GET OUT MEL!!!" i yelled to my sis thru the door, while at the same time knocking on it loudly.

"HOLD ON! i just got in here," she screamed back.

it was our usual arguement since she usually grabbed the bathroom for herself in the morning. finally, after about ten minutes, she was out.

"took u long enuf," i said.

"yeah well, it's not my problem," she replied.

i just walked in and closed the door without saying anything. i took a piss and brushed my teeth. i was out and downstairs in about three minutes.

i got my favorite cereal, corn pops, and grabbed a bowl and spoon on my way to the table. i put it all down and poured the cereal. then i grabbed the milk from my sis's hands as she was heading for the fridge. i poured that too and started eating after i put it away.

"so, today's the big day right?" she asked.

"yup. gonna go out and meet some celebs," i answered.

"that's always fun," she said as she looked up, obviously in thought.

"what are you thinking about?"

"how'd you know i was thinking about anything?"

"well, you have this sorta smile on your face and your looking up at the ceiling fan. and, i'm guessing you're probably not happy because you see the fan, or you're even"

"wow, sometimes your intelligence just amazes me. well anyway, i was just remembering meeting THEM, as you used to say. by the way, i never did ask you, was everything you said about hating them a facade then?"

i instantly shot her a killer look the second she said them. i hadn't exactly been handling the death so well. there were nites that i still cried myself to sleep and wanted to just jump off the nearest bridge. the only thing keeping me back was no bridges where i live. on top of all this, i had had a lot of depression spells recently that had started ever since the death. i never thought one person could mean so much.

"sorry about that," she said meekly.

"it's okay. i should be getting over it, but i'm not. and i just have to face the facts, so i am. but anyways, back to our original conversation," i said, my gaze softening, knowing she hadn't meant to say it purposely. still....

"i hate you. i wanna go too. how come u didn't choose to take me?"

"i'm sorry. i know it probably would've been the perfect chance to make it up to u, but...well, allen's never met any celebrities."

she put on a fake pouting face and just ate her cereal. we finished in silence and as soon as i was done, i ran back upstairs.

"KENNY!!! PHONE!!!" my sis screamed from downstairs.

i went to my parents room and picked up the cordless. my sis hung up when she heard the click.

"hello?" i said.

"hey, it's al. my dad's going over to pick you up at 6 okay?"

"got it. thanks, bye."

we hung up and i walked back to my room. i looked around wondering what to bring. "duh, a pen and lots of paper of course," i thought to myself. then i grabbed my newly acquired discman which i love with the sarah mclachlan cd in it, a light jacket, and a camera. i looked around for some film, but couldn't find any, so i just stuffed everything else into my bookbag and brought it downstairs.

"where's mom?" i asked.

"i dunno. ur guess is as good as mine," my sister replied.

i went to the basement and found her doing the laundry.

"what time r u leaving?" she asked.

"6. do u know where extra film is?"

"'s upstairs in the drawer by the phone."

"okay, thanks."

"wait," she said as i was ready to run back upstairs, "don't u need anything?"

"ummm...i don't think so...," i said thinking of what i could've forgotten.

"money maybe?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"oh yeah," i said, "how much do you think i'll need?"

"well, here's $50. if al needs any money, u two can sure okay? i'm pretty sure u won't use it all, so just bring back the change."

"okay, thanks," i said as i flew up my stairs.

the rest of the day, i just moped around the house, went online to check my mail and talk to a couple people, and just basically rotted until dinner time. as soon as i was done, i heard a car pulling into the driveway. i grabbed my bag, put on my shoes, and was out the door before he even got up the steps to my house.

"hi mr. chou," i said to my friend's dad.

"hi. ready for your big day today?" he asked me as i got into the front seat.

"yup. we're going to your house first right?"

"yeah, we leave at 8."


he pulled out of the driveway and i just stared out the window. before i knew it, we were at his house. i got out and went through the garage door. after saying hi to al's mom, i went upstairs. he and his older brother, bryan (my infatuation i mentioned elsewhere) were in the same place they were always at when they weren't sleeping - the computer room.

"god, don't you guys ever stop playing that stupid game?" i asked, my usual greeting to them.

"no. u should play it too," al said.

"hell's no. i don't wanna become like you two," i said.

al just went back to watching. i stood behind them for a couple minutes and left the room, going downstairs.

"hi, kenny. want something to eat?" al's mom asked me.

"no thanks. i just ate before. i'm just gonna get something to drink."

"okay, help urself. you know where everything is."

i poured myself a cup of milk and just stared out the back deck door as i drank. suddenly, two hands wrapped around my neck and i jumped spilling the milk on myself. i turned around and allen was standing there cracking up. i feigned being mad and started punching him playfully.

"ALLEN! look what you did to kenny's shirt. great. go upstairs now and help him find a new one!" allen's mom shouted.

we laughed as we raced up the stairs, slowing down when we got to the doorway of allen's room. he walked to the closet, stuck his head in and started to just throw out shirts at me. i took off my own and put on my favorite one. then i removed my pants and picked up a pair of jncos he had thrown. when i put them on and looked up, i caught him staring, with his head suddenly turning away. "could it be?" i thought to myself, at the same time knowing full well it was wishful thinking.

"come on, let's go check if bry's still glued to the chair," al said.

we went into the computer room and bryan was in the exact same position we had left him before.

"get off bry," al said.

"no, you guys are leaving soon, what would be the point?" he replied without removing his eyes from the screen.

"yeah, but you can play all night."

"who cares? it's just a stupid game," i said, interrupting their soon-to-be-arguement.

"god bry, you always hog it," al said as he turned to walk out.

we went downstairs again and set up the n64. it was soon time to go.

al's dad had gotten a limo for this, and al started to explore it as soon as we were in. i just sat there, dwelling in my own thoughts and memories. we waited for a couple minutes for al's dad. finally, he came out of the house and got in the limo. soon, we were on the road to the Loews Movie Theater where the premiere was being held.

"wow, look at it. it's so...nice. the best i've ever seen it," al said, staring at the theater as we came to a stop in front of a red carpet.

"yeah, great," i said, still unfazed.

as soon as we got out, we were blinded with bright lights. i looked around and realized i had probably dressed a little lower class than the other people there, but i didn't care.

we were hit with the sound of people talking and laughing when we walked into the theater. there were tons of celebrities there. i checked out many of them, wondering which to ask for an autograph first. al's dad went off to talk to jackie chan who was making a guest appearance there. but then again, everyone there was making a guest appearance. this left al and me alone, so we just started going around the room.

as we walked past a couple people, some waved to me, and i sorta half-waved back. we went in a full circle and i met a couple new people. al sorta just walked around dumbfoundedly with his mouth open and stuttering as he tried to ask for autographs. then, they walked in.

their suits were the same as when i had first them. all the same - black velvet with different colored shirts. only this time, my eyes glided over them and came to rest at an empty space. i almost broke down right then and there, but i managed to recompose myself while walking towards them, leaving al by himself.

"hi, how's u been?" kevin asked me, giving me a hug.

"hey, just fine. okay, so i'm lying. sue you. but i'm still living."

"yeah, that's a good sign," aj said.

"so, how have u guys been holding up?"

"we're good. we've decided to try to go on without him. it won't be as fun or as great, but we'll try," kevin said.

"that's all anyone can ask. besides, can't dissapoint the fans out there right?"

"nope, nick said, continuing, "so, what's all this about?"

"it's for the movie "revenge." very creative title don't u think?"

"oh yeah," howie said, "you bet. what's it about?"

"ummm...i'm not sure, but i think it's about some noname girl in hi skool who hates these buncha kids that make fun of her. she kills them all i think."

"whoa, brutal. i love it," aj said.

"yeah, same here. i love horror movies. gets the blood flowing. the plot seems a little old though."

all of a sudden, allen appeared next to me.

"hey, u ditched me back there...oh, oops sorry, am i interrupting something?"

"naw, sorry about that before. just had to come and talk to these people. the backstreet boys, allen. allen, backstret boys," i said, smiling.

each of them introduced themselves individually and shook hands with allen. of course, he asked for more autographs. they obliged willingly. as soon as they were done, we got notice that the screening was starting, so we went inside the room.

"hey, where you guys sitting?" i asked.

"i go for the front," howie immediately answered.

"yeah, same here," nick said.

"well, i'm all up for the back," kevin said.

"me too," aj agreed.

"okay, i'll go with you two. u coming al?" i asked, turing to him.

"huh? oh yeah sure, i'll go to the back too."

so, we left howie and nick and got the middle seats in the back. i sat on one end, next to kevin, and aj sat at the other. the seat next to me was empty, but was soon taken by an actor that i at first didn't recognize and didn't get to know yet. the lights dimmed and the movie started. by the end of the clips, i was so pumped up to see it. the lights came back on and i got up. the actor i didn't recognize was none other then one of the stars of the movie. casper van dien.

"hey man. that was a great movie. i loved it and u don't know just how much i'm willing to pay to see it," i said to him.

"thanks. i'm hoping it'll make it as big as starship troopers," he answered, flashing me a beautiful smile.

"no problem. don't worry. it'll rake in the money," i said while we walked down the steps leading back to the great hall.

"well, like i said, i hope so. by the way, what's ur name?"

"kenny huang. and i've got a by the way myself. i loved starship troopers. especially the shower scene," i said, starting to get a hardon at the thought.

"that name sounds familiar.... thanks again. that seems to be everyone's favorite scene," he said, dishing out yet another gorgeous smile.

"it should be everyone's fave," i said, trying to get away from the familiarity of my name. "it's a damn shame i didn't get to see that tarzan movie. i sure wouldn't mind sitting through that, if u get my drift."

"ohhh, ummm...thanks i guess," he said blushing, "that movie was a flop though."

"yeah, too bad. it looked pretty good."

"o wait, now i remember where i've heard your name. ur the one with brian litrell right?"

"...yeah. that's me. it's used to be though," i said, almost breaking down again. "can we please not talk about it?"

"huh? sure..." he said, putting on a confused look.

at that moment, the group i had been hanging with before came up to me.

"ditching us. gee, u sure just love to pull that trick on ur friends don't u?" aj asked teasingly.

"yup, that's me. the ditching dork. oh wait, that wasn't right," i said. "doh."

" that's okay. aren't you gonna introduce us to ur new friend here?" nick asked.

"oh yeah sure. he doesn't need one though," i said.

"and neither do u guys," casper said, interrupting me. "i think ur music's great and i'm sure u guys'll live a couple years longer."

allen cleared his throat and i immediately introduced him.

"thanks for the compliment. also, i thought the movie was great. it'll definitely make it to the top," kevin said.

"thanks. god, i seem to be saying that a lot tonight," casper said laughing. "hey, where's ur other member? there are five of u aren't there?"

this time i lost it. i just excused myself and went back into the now empty and semidark theater. i started to kick every chair there and finally just sat down and cried quietly to myself. after about 5 minutes, casper came in.

"i'm so sorry about that," he started, "i didn't know. i hardly keep up with the news anymore."

"it's okay," i said inbetween my silent sobs, "it's not ur fault. well acutally it is, but that doesn't matter. i should learn to deal with it in ways besides crying or kicking things."

"is there anything i can do to make it up to u?" he asked me, half smiling at my words.

"naw. i just need to be alone. don't worry, i'll be out later," i said, starting to stop my crying.

"okay. i'll tell the other guys," he said, turning to leave.

i watched him as he left and just sat there, secure in the silence that enveloped me. finally, i got up and went back to the hall. it was still full of people standing around refreshment tables, deep in conversation. i spotted the other guys and walked towards them, stopping by a table and grabbing a handful of strawberries.

"hey, u better?" kevin asked me, giving me a concerned look.

"yeah, i'm fine. oh look, i'm lying again. oh well."

he smiled and left it at that, knowing i could handle it.

"looks like u've got some strawberries there? mind if i take one?" casper asked.

"naw, feel free. i love how they cut off the top for u," i said, extending out my hand for him to take.

"yeah, that's always nice. fame and fortune does have its perks."

"yeah...," i said taking another stroll down sad memory lane again.

"hello? kenny?" allen asked, waving his hand in front of me.

"huh? what?" i said, snapping out of my trance.

"i said, are you ready to go? my dad's waiting to call the limo."

"what time is it?"

he checked his watch and said, "9:15."

"it's still early," aj said, "let's go somewhere."

"yeah, okay. can any of u guys give me a ride?"

"yeah, i can," casper said immediately.

"i don't really feel like going," al said.

"oh, come on. it'll be fun," i said.

"naw, besides i gotta go to maryland tomorrow for a soccer tournament, so we gotta get up early and drive."

"fine," i said, nodding, "but ur missing out on some great fun."

"yeah, i know. u guys just have more fun for me," he said as he walked towards his dad.

we all said bye to him and i saw him explaining to his dad where i was going. he waved to us and they left.

"he's a nice kid. gay?" nick asked.

"naw...i don't think so. in all my years of being friends with him, i haven't seen him make any advances on guys. he could just be real deep in the closet, but i highly doubt it."

"oh," was all nick said.

"how come u so interested all of a sudden?" i asked him.

"huh? oh, i was just wondering if u two were involved or anything."

"oh, naw, we just friends. as much as i'd like the relationship to expand, it probably won't."

"too bad," howie said.


"so, where we gonna go?" casper asked, bringing us back to the important topic.

"hmmm...let's see, from our experience last time being here, didn't we go to some club called The Lounge or something?" kevin said.

"yeah, but let's go somewhere else," i said, starting to feel uncomfortable.

"okay," kevin said, feeling my vibes about the place.

"so, what do u suggest then?" aj asked.

"i dunno. let me think.... i've got it. we can go to The Green Room. it's about a half hour's drive from here, in new brunswick."

"okay, let's go then. which limo u going on kenny?" casper asked.

"ummm...i'll go with casper. more room."

"great idea," he said.

the room had already started emptying when we got outside. i asked the valet to please call up the limos. the bsb's immediately appeared and the four guys got in and they left. a little while later, casper's came and we got in too. i sat on one side while he sat on the other. he mostly remained silent during the ride, but i wasn't exactly making an effort to have a conversation either. i just settled into the silence. after approximately half an hour, we reached the club. the other guys were waiting outside. music could be heard pumping through the speakers thunderously; the place seemed almost as if it was moving. when we got in, it looked as if everyone that had been at the premiere had had the same idea. i waved to a couple people as well as did the other members of my group. we located a table in a corner that was on a raised floor and i surveyed the room as we sat.

like i mentioned before, there were was a multitude of stars. among these were some photographers and others i didn't recognize. after this scan, i looked back at my group and took a census of who wanted what; then started for the bar. kevin came along.

"so, what have you been lying about tonite?" kevin began as we walked down the steps.

"huh?" i asked, caught off guard.

"cmon, i know not everything you've said is the full truth."

"yeah, but sometimes it's best left at that."

"okay. u ever gonna tell me?"

"of course. ur the closest one i've gotten to known besides him."

"okay. so anyways, what you think of casper? i saw you giving him the look," he said.

" well, so far, he's been a great guy with a hell of a bod, but i dunno.... it hasn't been that long. i'm just so damn horny though ."

"well, who wouldn't be," he said as we reached the bar.

i placed the order and decided not to pick up the conversation. i looked back towards our table. the guys looked like they were enjoying themselves, laughing and talking like old friends. i glanced at kevin and saw he was talking to someone i didn't know. soon, our drinks were ready and i walked back to the table.

"here you go," i said to each person as i placed theirs in front of them.

"hey, where's kev?" aj asked.

"at the bar, talking to someone," i replied.

"oh, i see. so, kenny, we were just talking about mr. star of the night's love life. wouldn't you know it, he's had some experience with men," nick said.

i shot him a cold glance, an action i seemed to be doing a lot of lately. but then i softened. another repeat action.

"that's cool," was all i said.

"yeah, ain't it."

i was about to make a sarcastic remark when the music stopped blaring. everyone on the dance floor stopped and looked towards the dj's direction.

"hey folks, sorry about that, but this is a fantastic chance we just could not pass up. we have here, amongst this huge crowd, our very own dancers, here with an old song that's still a big hit, los Backstreet Boys!!! how's about it guys? one dance for us?"

the crowd was cheering them on, and it wasn't as if they could exactly refuse, so the boys got up and walked towards the dance floor. the music came on and they started the moves. it was still just as good as the past 5 million times i'd seen them perform it. brian's part was filled in by nick. not bad, but that was just my opinion.

when they finished, the people went wild and applauded loudly. they took a bow and walked back to the table, while kevin walked back to who he had been conversing with. i got up and walked towards the dance floor, while pulling casper with me. i dirty danced with him a little, but didn't go very far with all the paparazzi around. i was suddenly hit with a headache and keeled over a little. i recovered enough to walk to the bathroom. it was a pretty big one and i just stood in front of the sink, looking at myself in the mirror. a couple seconds later, the door opened and i saw in the mirror it was casper.

"hey, you okay?" he asked, with a concerned look on his face.

"yeah, just fine. i thought i was gonna hurl, but i'm not. i'm sure it'll pass," i said, turning to face him.

"okay. just checking. don't want you fainting on us or anything."

"don't worry, i won't," i said with a smile.

i traced his body with my eyes again, starting with his feet. i surveyed the bulge he had as my eyes rolled up. they stopped at his sea green eyes. i tried to look away, but couldn't. i was entranced. however, he broke contact and looked away. but then he looked back and this time, started to approach. i walked towards him as well and when we met, our lips pressed together in a kiss that could just be described as solid. his lips were soft and and i decided to try some tongue. he rejected it.

"hold on, not here. let's go back to where i'm staying."

"okay, but i dunno if i'll be able to restrain myself until then."

"yeah, and you think it's gonna be easy for me?" he said with a smile. "cmon, let's go tell the others we're leaving."

when we got back, i saw kev was back as well.

"hey, we're going back to casper's place okay?" i said to the group.

"yeah sure," kevin said, giving me a wink.

i smiled and we started to leave. but then i saw howie and he didn't look very happy. i didn't give it much thought and left the club.

the limo casper and i had come in arrived promptly and we were soon on the road to the hilton. this time, i sat next to him. i put my hand on his thigh and started massaging his leg through his jeans, feeling the muscle. he turned his face towards me and we kissed again. this time, a slower one with a little tongue. my hands moved to take his shirt off, but he stopped me again. i got the message and just wrapped my arms around him. we held the kiss for a while a longer, then parted. i laid my head on his shoulder.

"so, is this ur first time since brian or is that too direct a question?"

"u always know where to hit don't u? it's okay. yeah, it is. seems like it's been so long, but it hasn't."

"sorry. i just like to know people."

"well, like i said, i gotta learn to deal. besides, i like to know people too. which reminds me, how much gay experience have you had?"

"hmmm...well, i didn't do anything in my teens, but i did start in the military. wasn't frequent. i would say...i have enough to please, but not enough to be called experienced."

"okay, that's good cus i'm about the same."

at that moment, the limo came to a stop and we got out. we walked straight to the elevator and reached his suite in no time flat. i began removing his shirt again and this time, he let me.

as i pulled it over, i watched each part being exposed. it was so goddamn sexy. he had a golden sorta tan that i loved and there was hardly any traces of hair on him. the chest was chiseled and the abs weren't six packs, but still lovable. i licked his nipples and sucked on them a little while reaching for the fly on his pants. i pulled them down slowly, revealing the boxers he was wearing underneath. it was a leopard print sort of and i laughed to myself a little since it reminded me of his tarzan role. i slowly pulled those down and exposed a huge cock. the thing must've been 7 inches and it was only semihard. i coaxed it with my hands slowly jacking it off and it became an 8 incher. while licking the piss slit, i grabbed his balls and rolled them in my hand. they had a smooth feeling and just turned me on even more. i sucked his cock further and further into my throat. my goal, his golden brown bush, was just an inch away, but i couldn't get the organ down anymore. determined to reach my goal, i swallowed a little and finally, my nose touched the hair. it was a little scratchy, but fun to inhale and taste. i then pulled back and started licking his cock up and down slowly. i moved my left hand to his ass and started rubbing them over the perfectly shaped cheeks. i fingered his hole a little, then stuck two fingers in. he moaned and i glanced up. i started licking faster and faster, feeling the pressure in his balls build in my right hand. i put my mouth on his shaft and his hips thrusted forward. my face was immediately back in his tickling bush. then, i pushed the fingers in a little deeper and he came. the cum went straight into my stomach without even touching my esophagus. i pulled out a little so i could taste it. it was somewhat bitter like mine, but i swallowed it anyway. then, i got up from where i had been, which was the floor. it was his turn to work his magic on me.

casper van dien started to pull down my pants and then my briefs. he snaked his hands up through my shirt and explored my body, stopping every so often at the nipples to pinch them. he took my cock in his mouth and sucked it, while using it as a tow line to pull me towards the couch. the hands then moved around to my ass and he rubbed the globes. i was so horny from not blowing for a while that i started to cum. but just as i almost did, he pulled back and stopped everything. i opened my eyes and looked down questioningly. he turned around and i got the hint. as i was sliding my dick in slowly into the warm hole, he pushed back so that it was there quicker than i had been doing it. i moved my hands around him to hold the cock of my partner and i jacked him off again. as we developed a rhythm with his ass, i made a different one with his cock. in a couple of minutes, his tight like a vise hole squeezed even tighter and i felt him shudder. i felt the pulse of his shooting through my hands and it set off a chain reaction in which i shot into him. as i shot, i kissed his neck and licked his back, letting my hands roam through all his skin. they rested on his chest, just holding his pecs. i saw down and so did he, with my limp dick still in him, about to come out. i locked my hands together and pulled him towards me, while putting my head on his back. then i toppled over and fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 9: Going On

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