Buffalo Bob

By Gladiatorkid

Published on Sep 21, 2021


This is an erotic fiction story about gay men and boys with emphasis on muscle worship and domination. There is both consensual and nonconsensual sex between characters in this story. If this is not your thing or you are under legal age of consent, please stop now.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not practice safe sex, but keep in mind that this is fiction. In reality, safe sex should always be practiced. This story is entirely fictional and is not meant to depict any characters or places or actual events in real life. Any similarity to reality is entirely coincidental.

This story is for your personal use only. Any other use or transfer to another site is prohibited without the consent of the author. (gladiatorkid@hotmail.com)

Buffalo Bob

Part Seven

I couldn't believe that Jerry was treating his missing a class as almost a laughing matter. A college instructor not showing up for a class was very serious business. And he was only a grad student and had no security in his position at all. I would have to do some searching but he could be replaced.

But before he had a chance to tell me anything except it had something to do with Buffalo Bob, that's when Bob arrived.

My office door banged open, and Beefcake Bob came in, in all his glory. And yes, banged open. He didn't walk in as much as he barged in.

He was wearing a shirt with the sleeves torn off, a different one from the one he ripped in front of me. He must have decided he liked the sexy look those sleeveless shirts have him. His wife beater and his skimpy running shorts were soaking wet. In fact, he was completely soaked. It almost looked like he'd been out in the rain. Whatever he'd been doing, it had turned him on because there was an enormous lump showing in those shorts. As always, he looked incredibly sexy, and I started getting hard just looking at him.

He walked into the room and shouted, actually shouted. "Jesus, I had a workout this morning like you wouldn't believe. Damn, what a workout. What do you think?" As he stood there, he performed a double bicep pose, flexing that titanic body and showing those enormous guns of his. Still shouting he said: "have you ever seen muscles pumped like this before? Damn! Can you even imagine a body looking like this?"

Jerry had leaped to his feet as Bob entered and stood there in awe. But hell, so did I, automatically getting to my feet, and now looking like a deer in the headlights, totally overwhelmed by his masculine perfection.

"Fuckin A" Bob shouted as he shook his head sending sweat flying everywhere from his very wet hair. "Yeah, superman" he yelled as he grabbed the wife beater at the collar and ripped it down the front showing his massive chest. He was shouting and was obviously high on something. He seemed to be in a total frenzy.

"Jesus, there ain't nothing like a terrific workout. It gets me so fucking high, it's like the best god damn poppers in the world. Just looking at this body in the mirrors is so fuckin hot it drives me crazy." He held the double bicep pose and kept crunching, trying to make those huge biceps even huger. "And it makes me so fuckin horny." He was still shouting but now he laughed. "You better believe it makes me horny. I get so hard I want to blow. I gotta have release." He reached down to his crotch and gave that big bulge a good squeeze.

Yes, I could see he is high, higher than a kite, but he is high on himself, totally narcissistic. True self-love. Who else but Buffalo Bob?

He stepped over to Jerry and grabbed him by the hair almost jerking him off his feet as he pulled him into his chest. "Lick, baby. Lick that sweat off daddy's chest. Show me how much you love this hot body." He mashed Jerry's face into the cleavage of his pectoral muscles, and without objection, Jerry started licking.

Bob had been shouting and I now realized that the door was still open, so I rushed around the desk and closed it. As I turned back Bob grabbed me by the hair and pulled me around in front of him and mashed my face into his chest, right next to Jerry.

"Oh, yeah, go to it, baby. Worship this body. Lick it, kiss it, worship your man's chest." Bob was being so forceful, he seemed to be almost out of control with lust, cumulating from his workout.

This was outrageous. This was crazy. But I started licking. What choice did I have since he was holding me there, but, truthfully, I wanted to do it. I wanted to worship this gorgeous creature's body.

He grabbed one of my hands and pushed it down to his crotch, but Jerry's hand was already there. But Bob's cock is big enough for both of us, so I grabbed on to it.

Bob put his hand back in my hair and started moving me around those hot pectoral muscles. He was controlling both of us by the hair as we licked and slobbered on his chest.

"Oh, babies, babies, slave boys, suck on it. Suck on those tits. Suck up daddy's sweat." So, I sucked. And I licked. And I worshiped. This is what Bob does to me. His amazing body and his incredible aggressiveness turned me on so much, that now, already, I was half out of my head in a frenzy of lust. I redoubled my efforts to worship this embodiment of perfect masculinity.

Bob's heart was beating fast, he was totally keyed up, almost out of control as he pushed our faces around his chest. He didn't say anything, but he was moaning softly and panting like crazy. Hell, I was panting and so was Jerry, and my heart was beating a mile a minute too.

Bob just held us there for a few minutes, allowing us to lick up all the sweat and then cover his chest with kisses.

He was controlling the action on his chest, but Jerry was controlling the action on his cock. I gave Bob's cock a couple good squeezes, but then Jerry got both of his hands down there and pushed my hand away taking complete control. Selfish son-of-a-bitch.

With his hands still in our hair, Bob finally pushed us down to our knees and pulled both of us into his crotch.

"Suck on it. Suck on that big monster" he ordered us. And away we went.

Bob has ten inches, always tucked to the left, which was the side Jerry was on. As Bob let go of our hair, leaving it up to us to do the duty, Jerry again tried to control the action, but I was not about to let him take over this time. I got my face in there pushing Jerry out to the tip of the cock while I worked on the root. Bob has a cock to die for, it was glorious.

I wanted to get at the cock, the real thing, but Bob just let us go sucking him through the shorts, the very wet shorts. So basically, we sucked all the sweat out of them.

"Okay, pops, it's your turn" Bob said finally, reaching down, unbuttoning, and unzipping his shorts and pulling his cock out. "Take them down." Jerry and I both grabbed onto the shorts and pulled them down. Bob held his cock with one hand and grabbed my hair with the other, banging it against my face a couple times. "Show me what you can do." He pushed it into my mouth.

Nirvana. Hey, that's me. I love to suck cock, and Bob has the nicest one in the world. I was truly going to enjoy this. He's already praised me for the one time I sucked him off, saying it was the best he'd ever had, so I was determined to make this one even better. This was going to be a blowjob he'd never forget. This was going to be one for the record books.

His cock was impossibly hard, like a steel rod. Obviously looking at himself in the mirror turned him on more than anything. He was now so keyed up that I was afraid he might get violent, so I didn't even consider going slow and easy. I latched on and started sucking like crazy, no sweet licking and kissing, but good hard deep throat fucking.

I hadn't deep-throated Bob the last time and I wasn't sure that I could, I mean, this thing is a real monster, but I made a good attempt, because I was banging it hot and hard, hitting my throat with each thrust. That seemed to satisfy him because he just let me go at it.

"Oh, yeah. Oh, shit yeah. Suck on that muther." He still hadn't touched me, but I expected him to grab my head and take control at any second, so I tried to keep my lungs as full as possible.

But, surprising me, he put his hand on my forehead and pushed me over backwards on my butt. Grabbing Jerry, he lifted him off the floor, stepped to my desk and dropped him on it with his butt hanging over the edge, knocking everything on the desk on the floor. He grabbed Jerry's pants by the waist and tried to jerk them down off his ass, but they were too tight, and the belt wasn't unfastened. So he grabbed Jerry's jeans with both hands and ripped them apart, tearing them open at the seam giving him access to his ass. Grabbing the underwear, he ripped them away, stepped forward and entered, pushing that enormous dick into Jerry's ass.

Bam, bam, bam, just like that. It took him about twenty seconds to get his dick up Jerry's ass.

"Dipshit, you ready?" Bob asked, obviously much too late since he already had his dick well up Jerry's butt. And `dipshit,' he was still calling Jerry dipshit. Evidently his form of endearment.

"Yes, DF" Jerry responded which was a surprise to me. His ass was greased up and ready at eleven o'clock in the morning? My best guess is that Bob has ordered him to always be ready, just in case he took a hankering to fuck him.

Bob was so aroused and so agitated, almost raging, that I knew he couldn't hold out. And I was right since he only banged into Jerry's ass maybe ten or twelve times and then screamed.

"Shi-i-i-i-i-i-i-t" he screamed, and I could only hope the people in the other offices didn't come over to see what was going on. "Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah" he yelled as he fired shot after shot into Jerry's ass.

Then there was thirty seconds of silence except for heavy panting from all three parties.

I was there on the floor, Jerry was draped over my desk, and Bob, as he pulled his greasy dick out, was grinning up a storm and starting to perform the double bicep pose again.

"You gotta get some mirrors in here, ahh...., what was it? Oh, yes, `asswipe'. Evidently, he was going to continue using that as his nickname for me. "Get some mirrors in here asswipe, so I can see myself." He got back into his shorts and somehow got his cock tucked in.

Jerry was still draped over my desk, but Bob now grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up. "Jerry, let's go. I gotta take a shower and get this beautiful body cleaned up" he laughed. "You can help with the scrubbing." Holding Jerry by the collar he opened the door. "By the way teach, you've got some competition. Claire gives one hell of a blowjob. She latched on to my dick like there was no tomorrow." He was still laughing as they walked out with his cum still dripping from Jerry's ass. He left the door open.

I still didn't know why Jerry missed his class, except that they evidently had an orgy with Bob, the two twinks, some wrestler guy and Jerry's roommate. I imagine that's one hell of a story and that's one I'd like to hear.

And Claire? She said Bob molested her, but she didn't say ...., well ...., she didn't admit to me that she sucked him off. What did that mean? She was obviously too embarrassed to tell me. And Bob made it sound like it was voluntary, she wanted it. Was she going to get captivated by Bob as well?

Lots of things to think about and deal with, most of them dealing in some way with Buffalo Bob. Including Tracy who was ensconced in my apartment.

I decided to finally confront him.

He was still being a slob, but not quite as bad as before. Some nights he didn't come in at all, but when he was there, I didn't see him, he came in late and left sometime after I was gone in the morning. He began to have breakfast in the kitchen but surprisingly didn't make a mess. He just left a few dishes in the sink.

But I was still nervous as hell about his age, he was a kid. I was sure he wasn't eighteen. I wanted to tell Bob that he had to get him out, but that was just an item on a list of things I wanted to talk to Bob about.

But if I couldn't talk to Bob, I decided to confront Tracy. At the very least I had to find out something about him, where he's from, why he's here, and how old he is.

I decided to stay up and wait for him. He didn't have a key, but he didn't need one since I always left the door unlocked in the evening and all night.

It was about a quarter to one when he came in. I was sitting on the sofa reading a book.

"Hold on" I said as he started to walk through the room and head to the bedroom. "I want to talk to you." He was surprised to see me, since, while I hadn't seen him for a couple weeks, he hadn't seen me either.

"Oh yeah, what's up professor?" he said as he gave me a big smile. That kind of threw me, not at all what I expected. "By the way, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you letting me stay here. I haven't had a chance to tell you how much I like it here since I haven't seen you." He walked over and sat next to me on the sofa.

I was shocked. Not only does Bob constantly shock me, but now Tracy too. After cleaning up for him every day and calling him a slob, I just assumed he'd be a nasty shit.

He put his hand on my leg. "And thank you professor for cleaning up my room for me. I'm sorry I'm not very good at that. My mother always complained. But I really appreciate it." The hand started moving.

Okay, now what? Go with the flow or what? My cock was starting to recognize Tracy's interest, but I did the right thing and removed his hand. He's only a kid, he's underage.

"I don't know anything about you, Tracy. I don't know where you're from or where your parents are and why you're living with me. You need to tell me what's going on with you."

"No biggie, professor. My mom threw me out when I told her I was gay and now I'm here. What else do you need to know?"

"How old are you, Tracy?" He got a shy, embarrassed look on his face, reminding me of how really cute he is. Bright, sparkling hazel-colored eyes as only a youth could have, with light wavy straw colored hair set on top of perfect features as well as a ravishing smile. He was absolutely stunning.

"Please, professor," his shy look changed to a killer smile. "Please, professor, I'm older than I look and I've ...., well I've been around."

"Are you hustling?" I asked him bluntly.

And he replied just as bluntly: "yes". Again, that killer smile. "And I'm good" he said. He put his hand on my leg again. I had no doubts he was good. But....

But I'm weak. I didn't remove his hand. But at least I tried a different tact, I'd talk him out of it. I put my hand on top of his.

"Tracy, you're cuter than the devil, ain't no denying it, but I'm sorry, you're too young. It's not legal for us to do anything."

"Professor," he said as he laughed. "I promise you won't know it, or at least you'll forget it really quick." He moved his hand up to my crotch and I didn't stop him. In fact, my hand moved with him, and I squeezed it as he squeezed the growing lump in my pants. His lips reached for mine.

I pushed his hand away and stood up, coming to my senses. Tracy grabbed my belt, and with a jerk, pulled me back down. "No way, professor" he laughed. "I ain't letting you get away."

I said Tracy is a kid, but I didn't say he was little. I have a nice build, a flat stomach with muscles showing, but Tracy is as tall as me and he is husky, probably weighing more than my 165. And right now, he took charge.

His left hand went to my crotch and his right hand went into my hair, pulling my head around so he could kiss me. I grabbed his wrist and tried to pull his hand away, but he didn't budge, and I couldn't move him. He pulled my face in hard into a kiss and immediately stuck his tongue into my mouth.

Did I tell you how gorgeous this kid is? Did I mention what a cute ass he has? I tried not to react but that didn't last long. I started returning the kiss. I also stopped pulling on his left hand.

Holding my hair and holding the kiss, Tracy lay down on the sofa pulling me on top of him. He moved his hand from between us in my crotch to my ass. We were lying at an awkward angle with our feet still on the floor but that didn't stop him from aggressively kissing me. And he was good, did he ever know how to kiss. My cock was growing, and I could feel his growing as well. He put his hand inside my pants and started squeezing my ass.

I can't quite say how it happened, but somehow, I seemed to forget that this beautiful boy was underage. That thought seemed to conveniently disappear from my mind. He knew how to kiss and so do I so we really went at it. We somehow got our feet on the sofa, so I was lying completely on top of him, and we went at it, probably for half an hour.

"Let's go to bed" he whispered softly. He stood up, took me by the hand and pulled me up against him. I said he was a big kid, about my size but huskier, well-muscled and probably outweighed me by ten or fifteen pounds. Right now, he showed his strength by lifting me up in his arms like a baby and carrying me into the bedroom. I mean, my God, this young whippersnapper had me in his arms, holding me like it was nothing. You think I wasn't turned on? I claim to be a top but wow, this young kid was taking control and driving that idea right out of my head.

He took me to my bedroom, not his and put me down on the bed. I had been sitting up all evening waiting for him, but I was still dressed, wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Tracy helped me sit up as he pulled my t-shirt up and off and then un-doing my pants, he tugged them off, leaving me in only my underwear.

Standing next to the bed he quickly stripped down to the buff with a good seven-inch cut dick sticking straight out of his middle. Giving me a great big smile, and standing there in the nude, he performed a double bicep pose showing his very impressive physique. I already knew he worked out, so it was no surprise that he had a very impressive build for a kid and was well on his way to becoming quite a bodybuilder.

"You just watch" he said as he pumped his biceps, "someday I'm going to be as big as Bob."

I said he was a beautiful kid, put watching him standing there posing was awesome and my hard cock somehow got even harder. Tracy pushed my legs apart and got on his knees between them. Again, giving me that glorious smile of his, he bent down and pushed his nose against my extremely hard dick.

He rubbed his nose against it for a bit and then looked up at me. "I love chewing on a guy's underwear before getting to the real thing." And that's what he started doing, chewing on my hard-on.

Chewing, sucking, licking, kissing, rubbing his face against it, you name it, that's what he did for the nest fifteen or twenty minutes. I thought he was going to go on forever, but it was so hot watching that youthful face working in my crotch that I was not about to stop him.

"I love your cock professor" he said as he looked up into my eyes. "I could stay here sucking on it all day and all night. Oops, I meant all night and all day." He laughed and went back to chewing on it, saturating my underwear.

I didn't say a word the whole time and only raised my hips when he finally decided to pull my underwear down.

"Next time, professor, wear some sexy underwear without a fly. I love sucking on sexy underwear." Next time? He said next time. He wanted to do this again. In the heat of the moment as he finally took my cock in his mouth, this wasn't anything I could think about. I did not want to remind myself of his age. I'd worry about that later.

As you can imagine, for a kid who has been hustling, and loves working a guy's cock through his underwear, he was nothing less than amazing at sucking. The buildup so far had been extraordinary, and I had been close to the edge several times, but now he was still going to extend it. He started slowly and gently, licking it and kissing it and rubbing his nose against it. That seemed to be a favorite of his, rubbing his face and nose against the dick.

He went for a good five minutes being very gentle, licking and kissing and rubbing against it before finally taking it in his mouth. Then he got going, working his tongue and taking near all of my cock in his mouth as he sucked. Occasionally going all the way, taking it deep into his throat, he gradually began to speed up. I was going insane as I got close to the edge. He'd kept me there, near the edge for the past half hour anyway driving me up-the-wall with pleasure, so there was no way I could hold out any longer.

I shot into his mouth. Without a doubt the best blowjob I'd ever had, forced me to shriek out loud in ecstasy. I don't know how many times I fired but it went on and on, but Tracy was not fazed at all and gobbled up every bit of it. When it was done, I just lay there, wasted, for a couple minutes as Tracy continued gently sucking my wilting cock.

"Oh shit, Tracy, Tracy, Tracy" I mumbled as I reached down and pulled him up on top of me and kissed him.

"Thank you, professor" he murmured in my ear. "That was wonderful."

He rolled over and turned off the light and we went to sleep.

to be continued

Duane (aka: gladiatorkid) `gladiatorkid stories'

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Next: Chapter 8

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